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DIFFERENTIAL * eaten’ TOPIC / SUBJECT ‘MENTOR / INSTRUCTOR BEE 51 eo ean REVIEWEE / STUDENT = ~ SCHOOL vy MATHEMATICS DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Limit of a Function Derivatives Maxima & Minima Time Rates Take Home Exam SaeNns FORMULAS & PRINCIPLE i Limitot aFanetion:(Some important limits) 41. lim x0 (2) x 2. lim cosx =1 i 3. im 20% my ‘The Seven Indeterminate For “IF -po w= 09-0000! yoo X=] Ad AA B.O Q-1 Evaluate: fim 008 B. indeterminate Q.5 Evaluate: im, oosx A sinx * re 0 BS 2 Find tim (2% 44x42 ; aioe +5 Ao c.27 D. 35 B, 7 sin3x god 3 Calculate : 53 Calculate fim A2 C4 B.3 D4 = 7 : Q-4 Evaluate: fi SOP tan(2(x ? x0 x AS x? B.3 re Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc-com Q Derivatives of Algebraic Functions d 1. S(c)= x) 0 nae 2 al ak dx Flew vt dx 2 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions dé. du 1, 2 sinu = cosy x F d du 2. Zeosu = ~sinuSt ox ox di 3. Sanu = sec?u i x d 2, du ~cotu =-csc2uS dx dx = d du 5. —secu = secutanu— ix dx 2 A escu=-cscucotuSt x ax ~ PERCHE Q-6 Differentiate: y = V3-2x" . — oe qa 32x? ¥a-2x7 B. 2xV3-22 b. -2« 3-2 Q-7 Differentiate: y = sin(x-1). cos (sk -)2d “B. -sinxcosx ©. -cos(vx)-1 ~1)/2x D. cos(Vx 2:8 Differentiate: y =x? cos2x BY -Dx'sin2x+2xc052x Bae’. -2xeos2xtsin2x C. 2x®sin2x-2xcos2x D. 2x’cos2x+2xsin2x Solutions here. <2 eu? Beyond Traditional ECE Review wuw -percdc. com | ee —— RNs Differential Caleulus_3 Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions | Q-9 Differentiate: y = arctan3x. Syc492) ow A. 3i(1:9%) 1d B. 9/(1+3x*) D. a 3x") Yn 40 Differentiate: y = (arcsin4x)’. A. Baresin4x/ V1- 4x 2 feos tu el B, Barcsin4gx Vi- 16x" * uP & ©. 2aresinax/V1—16x7 D. 4aresin4x/ i167 3. Stan “dx Q-11 Find the first derivative of y = aresinh(x/2). 1 “1 du AANane C. 124? 4 ak B. 24-8 Dw 2eae 42 © Findy'ify=e™™ . —. A. e*cos3x C3e"" ta lu? B. -3e™*sin3x D.3e"™ cos Y 6, Sesety=— te ox ue ay & QA3 Find dy/dx if y=5%(2x+1). (5%(2x+1))]n25 . (5M2x+1))IN5 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions C. (GM2x+1))In(2x#1) a D. (SN2x#1))In10 Solutions bere Q Derivatives of Exponential Functions d toate vine ax ees, J ug 2 ‘ | be rE Setar er-reeerrarerempmermem-rmmr-eeee ee PERCEC ~~Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc.com i areucarons orn SUNN | axz4civen the function y = x°-5x™-Bx43, | Determine the following: O maximum point, €@ minimum point : @ point of inflection QO Critical Points Maximum Point 0.67,5.81),(4,-45),(1.67,-19.65) Kosrsat ),(-4,45),(-1.67,19-657— C.(-0.78,6.74), (4,45),(1.67, 19:657- D. (5.81,0.67), (45,-4),(1.67,-19.65) Point of inflection Ba + @15 Find the point of inflection of the ‘curve x°-3x"-x#7. Minimum Point A238 c.15 B2 Det4 @ At maximum point: FY F(x)=0. Q-16 Find the positive number x that f"(x) = ~ (concave downward) exceeds its square by the largest i a amount. . @ At minimum point: ae C1 F'(x)=0 B.2 B12 "(x)= + (concave upward) a @ Atthe point of inflection: Solutions here. Ie. yet % vethve Note: The point of inflection is the point on the curve wherein the curve changes its sense of concavity, that is, from concave downward to Pat concave upward or vice versa. to Solve Worded Problem: in Maxima and Minima 1. Drawa diagram if necessary. \ 2. Write an equation representing the quantity J to be maximized or minimized. This quantity will typically be represented in terms of two or more variables. 3. Use any relationships between the variables to express the equation obtained in step 2 into a function of single variable. 4, Differentiate and equate the function to zero. Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc.cos MATHEMATICS @ General Application 47 A painting of height 3 feet hangs ‘on the wall of a museum, with the bottom of the painting 6 feet above RNS — Differential Caleulus_5 1) Shortest : i ta 7 er: the floor. If the eyes of an observer aa 2 are 5 feet above the floor, how far from the base of the wall should the observer stand to maximize his angle ion? @ Shortest line tangent of a 3 to an ellipse: B5 ea ~z=aib P72 Q48 — Two posts, one 8 ft. high and the ce PS other 12 ft. high, stand 15 ft. apar. ae] They are to be stayed by wires attached to a single stake at ground level, the wires running to the tops of 9 j @ Longest Rod: the posts. How far from the shorter +b post should the stake be placed to use the least amount of wire? ; i A. Gt C.9ft ; 6 Sf D.8ft. : Solutions here.. ® Minimum Length of Wire ~~ an “arb D © Minimum Perimeter for Given Area o x=2y P=4y ® Ground distance x forbest viewing angle0 : PERCoC Beyond Traditional ECE Review www.percdc-com ifferential Calcul = Maximum Area of Rectangle . if Perimeter is Given: 7 0 Pay square — = Maximum Area of Triangle for a Given Perimeter: “— ; a a=b=c= * Largest Rectangle Inscribed in an Ellipse : = Largest Rectangle Inscribed in a Triangle : Xs wys RIS NIC = Maximum Capacity of known width. 9 =30° ext = Largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a semi-circle of radius r. eAsP PERCHC - ‘Aman wishes to use 100 feet of 19 fencing to enclose @ rectangular garden. Determine the maximum possible area of his garden. A625 fC C. 345 B. 524 ft” D. 725 20 Find the maximum area of a rectangle inscribed in a semi-circle of radius 5 inches if its base lies along the diameter of the semicircle. A. 15 in? C. 50 in’ B, 25 in’ D. 10 in’ 3 @-21 The three sides of a trapezoid are 40 m long. How:long must the fourth side be to make the area maximum? A158 B20 4 Solutions here. (4, D.18 Mx) ly) rary. = Are prayye trode. (3) ae Ach A a (er) MY ( lot borax ) A _ [ext dre Z Taille: xz pot2x= LO Beyond Traditional ECE Review www.percdc-con Se MATHEMATICS | RNS — Differential Calculus = Minimum Volume of a cone circumscribing a ‘sphere of radius r. ont sing=2 he : h=4r = Maximum volume of a cylinder inscribed in a cone of radius r and height h. oad pr la en ove Sh lor «8 = = Maximum volume of a cylinder that can be cut from a sphere of radius R. = Maximum volume of a right circular cone if lateral area is given or minimum lateral area if volume is given: . ~~ h=V2(r) * Maximum volume or Maximum area of a right circular cone inscribed in a sphere of radius R. Q-22Find the radius of the largest right’ circular cylinder inscribed in a sphere of radius 5. .08 units: B. 1.25 units C. 5.14 units D. 8:12 units @-23 Find the volume of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed in a right circular cone of radius 3 inches and whose height is 10 inches. 41.888 in’ 24.878in C. 48.178 in? D. 43.228 in? eee Beyond Traditional ECE Review www.percdc-com + Maximum volume of a rectangular box (open at the top) with square base for a known area A, or minimum surface area for a known volume. <= open x =2y + Maximum volume of a rectangular box (closed) for a given surface area: = X=y=Z—a cube * Strongest rectangular beam that can be cut from a log of circular cross section: yan) oDexay? + Strongest rectangular beam that can be cut from a log of eliptical cross section: © Breadth: x= ant | ; 2 Depth: y= zal pth: y =2a)5 : LT Xex? ye st ey ro dy 24, =f Beyond Traditional Q24 A rectangular box open at the top is to be formed from a rectangular piece of cardboard 3 inches by 9 inches. What size square should be cut from each corner to form the box with maximum volume? A. 3in. Cc. 8,213 in D. 0.25 The sfifness of a rectangular beam is proportional to the breadth and the cube of the depth. Find the breadth of the stiffest beam that can be cut from a log of radius 10 inches. AAT CAo B.15 12 A §2% * Op chk ECE Review www-percdc-co" ‘Steps in Solving Problems Involving Time-rates 1. Draw a diagram if necessary. Label constants with their numerical value. | 2. Determine which rates are given and which | rate you need to find, 3. Find an equation relating the variables defined in step 1. Differentiate the equation in step 3 Substitute all the given information into the result of step 4 and find the unknown rate. cy tn calc “SE (2 OKA BARR os 2b ett 17 © “Su 2 =(2(5Xtwdas 60) = $6 J A axes (Mana #/ ees.. O26 O27 2.28 9.29 ifferential Calculus RN ‘A man whose height is 1.8m is walking directly away from a street fight at a constant rate of 1.2 mis. If the street light is 12 meters above the ground, find how fast. his shadow lengthens. A.0.51 mis C-021ms B. 0.31 mis 6.0.71 mis Two sides of a triangle are 5 and 40 inches respectively. The angle between them is increasing at the rate of 5° per minute. How'fast is the third side of the triangle growing when the angle is 60°? B-044 inimin, —_- ©. 0.75 inimin. B14 inimin. .0.67 in/min ‘A boat is being pulled into a dock by a rope that passes through a ring on the bow of the boat. The dock is 8 feet higher than the bow ring. How . fast is the boat approaching the dock when the length of the rope between the dock and the boat is 10 feet, if the rope is being pulled at the rate of 3 feet per second? A.3ttls C.7 fs B.5 fs D. 9 fi/s The equation of motion’ of a particle moving in a plane are x=t’, y=3t-1 when t is the time and x and y are rectangular coordinates. Find the speed of motion at the instant when 2. / A4 C5 B.6 D.7 Solutions here. dr 3 r 76. x 2% ee Beyond Traditional ECE Review www.percdc-com 1 _ he Xd —— ¢ TAKE OIE Eavana Hn = xy x= 240 1. A rectangle field of area 2,400 m? is to Y be fenced off along a straight road, The front fencing costs P 80 per meter, that of the sides and back costs P 40 per meter. Determine minimum total cost required. A-P 9,800 P9600 B. P 9,200. ~ . P 9,400 C= 60Cy)4 00x +Y) 2. A spherical toy balloon is being field with gas at the rate of 500 mm/*/sec. When the diameter is 0.5m find the rate (mm*/sec) at which the surface area is increasing. A4 cs B.3 D2 3. If y=x"inx,find y”. A. x(142Inx) C.3+2Inx B. 2inx D. 2ix 4, At noon, one ship (A) was 100 km directly north of another ship (B). Ship A was sailing south at 30 kph and B was sailing east at 15 kph. After how many hours will the two ships be nearest each other? A. 2.40 B.2.74 5. Evaluate: Limit A.O B. 1/2 6. Find the number of equal parts into which a given number 50 must be divided so that their continued product will be a maximum. AAS £19 D.24 if 2. Sand is pouring from a hole at the rate 10) RNS DiGevential Calculus —————————— i Se A closed cylindrical container has a’ capacity of 128ncu.m. Determine the minimum surface area. A. 961 C. 100 B.92n D. 98x A telephone company agrees to put a new exchange for 100 subscribers or less at a uniform charge of P 40 each. To encourage more subscribers, the company agrees to deduct 20 centavos from this uniform rate for each subscriber in excess of 100. If the cost to serve each subscriber is P14, what number of subscribers will give the telephone company the maximum net income? A125 c. 120 B.115 D. 100 Differentiate: y =e” Ae” C.e* a7 “ B. xe" Det 2 Evaluate: Limit! AO C. Bt D-10 4 june . Given the function F= x%x — 2. Determine the coordinates of - the maximum point. A. (0.0) C..(2,0) B. (1,0) D. (1,2) of 25 cu fils and is forming a conical pile ‘on the ground. If the conical formation has an altitude always 1/4 of the diameter of the base, how fast is the altitude increasing when the conical pile is 5 feet high? xo 08 fps C. 0.06 fps 025 fps D. 0.033 fps == Beyond Traditional ECE Review www.percdc-com 43. Find the second’ derivative of the function F(X) =(6-1) (02-3x42) 2 bx A6x-1 rer Box+4 1 2X4 14. The population of a certain city at a certain time tig given by the equation P = 100,000 €°°"; where t in years after 1930. How fast (peoplelyear) is the population growing in 1980? A. 1720 C. 1630 Be 1649 D. 1705 15. A helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at constant speed of 4.5 mis. When it is 75 m off the ground, a jeep passed beneath the helicopter traveling in a straight line at a constant speed of 80 kph. Determine how fast (m/sec) the ~ distance between them changing after 1 second? A. 12.43 2C. 10.04 10.324 N= D. 11.34 ZO pe gd 16. A 128-m? rectangular field is to be fenced of-afong‘a straight river. If no fencing is needed along the riverbank, determine the most economical length of fence? A.32m? C. 40 m? B. 36m? D. 38 m? 17. Determine the equation of the tangent 3x4-2x-1 line to y =-———5— atx=1 y= A.2x+3y-7=0 BAl0x — 3y-10-0 €.3x-9y + 10=0 D. 5x + 6y-12=0 18. Aman on a wharf, 4.2 m above thé level of the water surface is pulling a rope tied to a boat approaching the wharf when there 7 m of rope out? A-03 B.-0.42 -PERCae C. -0.375 D. None of these 19. 20. 2 22. 23. 24. § — Differential Calculus A piece of wire, 360 mm long, is cut in two, one part being bent in the shape of an equilateral triangle and the other in the form of a circle. Find the length of the piece of wire used to form the triangle if the sum of their areas is to be a minimum. A. 224.36 mm B. 245.34 mm C. 238.23 mm D. 255.53 mm A bed is in the form of a circular sector of radius and central angle 0. Find its radius if the area of the sector is 100 cm’ and it’s the perimeter is a minimum. A. 10.5 om C.10.cm B.12.5cm D. None of these Given the function y = x° — 3x7+ 4x+5. Determine the coordinates of the point of inflection. A. (-1,-3) B. (2,9) C. (0,5) D.(4,7) A lot has a form of a right triangle with perpendicular sides 90 m and 120 m long. Find the length (in) and width (m) of the largest rectangular ‘building that can be erected facing the perpendicular sides. ‘A. 36x75 B. 32x70 C.30 x 82 D. 34x76 A certain body thrown vertically upward to a height of S (feet) after t (second) is expressed by S = 80t - 161°, Find the maximum height reached by the body A. 100 B. 120 D 460 The surface area of sphere initially zero increases uniformly at 4 in‘/sec. Find the rate (in/sec) of which the radius is increasing at the end of 2 seconds. A03 c.04 B.04 D.0.2 Bevond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc-com 7 42 _ RN rrential Calculus — 25. Two vertical poles are 30m apart. The poles are 10m and 15m _ high, respectively. They are to be stayed by a guy wires fastened to a single stake on the ground and attached to the top of the poles. At what distance from the tower pole should the ground stake be mounted in order to use the least amount of wire. ae C.14 8 D.A5 26. A point at which the curve changes from concave upward to concave downward and vice versa is known as A. point of concavity B. point of deflection Syeoint of inflection . yield point 27. If first derivative of a_ function is constant, then the function is A. sinusoid Gulinear B. logarithmic D. exponential 28. In how many equal parts can a wire, 50 cm long be cut so that the product of its parts is a maximum? A.15 C.23 xe B19 B10 (Se 29. What is the limit of cos 1k as x approaches infinity? AO B.-A D. infinity 30. Evaluate the limit of yi2siny as y approaches 0. A2 * G42 BO D. «0 31. Evaluate the limit In(sinx)in(tanx) as x approaches 0. Bt c.2 B.-2 D.0 PERCHC 32. An elliptical plot of garden has a semi- major axis of 6m and a semi-minor axis of 4.8m. If these are increased by 0.15 m each, find the increase in area of the garden. A. 0.6517 GA62n B. 2.320 D. 3.327 33, If y = x4(3/2) what is the approximate change in y when x changes from’9 to 9.01? 45 «C0085 35 D. 0.025 If y = 3x*2-x+1, find the point x at which dyldx assume its mean value in the interval x2 and x=4, A2 c.3 B.4 D8 "35. Find the derivative of y=2"(4x). A. 3%(4x+2)In2, B. 3%(2x+2)in3 28(4x42)In2 2N(3x4+2)Ing 36. Find y’ if y=aresinx. ‘A, square root of (1-x*2) 4/sqrt of (1-x"2) . (Lexisqrt (1-x"2) D. tisqrt of (14x42) 37. Ifyi=2x+4 and yo=x"4C, find the value of C such that yz is tangent to ys. A6 C7 B.4 D5 38. A printed page must contain 60 sq.cm. of printed material. There are to be margins of 5 cm..on ‘either side and margins of 3 cm. on top and bottom. How long should the printed lines be in order to minimize the amount of paper used? “10 C.18 B.12 D.15 6 SM -Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc-com 39. 40. 8 4. 42. 43. “PERC A rectangular box with a square base and open top is to be made. Find the volume of the largest box that can be made from 432 sq. m. of material, A. 448 m: C. 864 m? eo4s mm D. 684 m° If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is known, what is the ratio of the base and the allitude of the right triangle when its area is maximum? A122. Bt C.1:3 D. 1:4 A trapezoidal gutter is to be made from a strip of metal 22 m wide by bending up the sides. If the base is 14 m, what width across the top gives the greatest carrying capacity? A.16 C.22 B12 D.27 Divide-the number 60 into two parts so that the product P of one part and the square of the other is maximum. Find 2 the smallest part. Go-¥ A15 0 PG 1 B. 30 D.22 ‘A manufacturer estimates that the cost of production of “x” units of a certain item is C=40x-0.02x"2-600. How many units should be produced for minimum cost? A500 B. 1200 C. 800 D. 1000 A rectangular lot is to have an area of 1600 sq. m. Find the least amount of . fence that could be used to enclose the area. A. 260 B.210 c/160 . 180 45. 46. 47. 48. 4s 50. 6 A wall 2.245 m high is 2m away from a building. Find the shortest-ladder that can reach the building with one end resting on the ground outside the wall. AS C.7 . 6 vs D, u & Pep ys The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 20 cm. What is the maximum possible area of the triangle in sq. cm.? A. 100 . 170 Find the minimum distance from the curve y=2(sqrt2x) to the point (6,0). A.3.46 C.5.66 B. 6.67 0.4.86 An airplane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1km, passes directly over an observer. If the constant speed of the plane is 240 kph, how fast is its distance from the observer increasing 30 seconds later? ; A. 150.67 kph C. 186.62 kph B. 214.66 kph D. 235.45 kph An object moves along a straight path at a speed v(t)}=4+3t+2 in mis, where tetime in seconds. Find the distance travelled after 4 séconds. A. 112.56 m CA17.33 m B. 135.68 m D. 125.75 m A point moves on the parabola y*=8 in such a way that the rate of change of / the ordinate is always 5 units per second. How fast is the abscissa changing when the ordinate is 4? A. 3 unitsis C.6 units/s B.7 units/s D. 5 units/s End... 0 c Y | h B. 120 D. 160 a ie Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc-com Ba dt, pulls Aw rab ep TH caret mapa? ah ( sD 4-04 2 an _ By TF > C1 if2 Yox 2) he Cf) | We d*y ¥ } ada 68 If i | i aye} / wud= 9 (rox) “a pd nn Va \ yr 0x +3) Si oye xl p xe oot 104 et ye 9 aK " a e g-r a. y (OT — 1 giro | Beyond Traditional ECE Review www-percdc-com f Peet ree svvemeenen resi | Beyond Traditional ] ECE Review www-percdc.com

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