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1. Take note of all I say

Observed only by day
Looked at by all bar teach
With chalk to me you reach
Treasure hunt clue answer: BLACKBOARD
2. Put a V on room
The thing you seek does zoom
Seek not anything higher
I hides behind tyre

Treasure hunt clue answer: CAR

3. To solve the hunt you must get

Into the room wired to the net
Crammed with tech and full of code
The clue is hidden in this abode

Treasure hunt clue answer: INTERNET LAB

4. A pile of words
Jackets of hordes
Take a quick look
In the place of the book

Treasure hunt clue answer: LIBRARY

5. There is a place we go for a walk

The children play and we can talk
Find this place if you want a lark
The answer you seek is in the …

Treasure hunt clue answer: PARK

6. I’m full of pins and interesting stuff

People stare and can’t get enough
Paper and invites hang around
Up on the wall I can be found

Treasure hunt clue answer: NOTICE BOARD

7. A site of work and getting things done

Of piles of paper and not much fun
In the clash of desk and of chair
You will find the secret there
Treasure hunt clue answer: OFFICE

8. Caution is needed going this way

A tarmac place of bay bay bay
Now is the time to leave the car
If you leave from here you’ll go far
Treasure hunt clue answer: PARKING AREA

Akec - _______________
Tah - _______________
Ncdelas - _______________
Lblaon0s - _______________
Smuic - _______________
Samge - _______________
Onclw - _______________
Tapry - _______________
Owgn - _______________
Smak - _______________
Wsetes - _______________
Ndcya - _______________
Rpntese - _______________
Anda dikehendaki memasukkan bola ke dalam bakol
sehingga habis.
Sekiranya tidak masuk, cuba lagi sehingga berjaya.

Anda dikehendaki minum susu kocak bercampur
telur sehingga habis.
Sekiranya tidak habis, kumpulan anda tidak boleh
meneruskan aktiviti selanjutnya.

Anda dikehendaki memecahkan ke semua belon yang
dilekatkan di papan kenyataan. Setiap seorang perlu
mengambil bahagian. Sekiranya tidak berjaya, boleh
diulang semula oleh peserta pertama dan

Anda dikehendaki menyenaraikan nama guru dan
tarikh lahirnya dengan lengkap.
Nama : T. Lahir
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4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Namakan nama- nama negeri di Malaysia dan ibu


















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