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A dentist passed the test becoming a funtional official and a structural official in a
private hospital. The orientation period is undertaken to determine the needs
that must be prepared according to hospital accredittion, for example about the
organizational structure, important parts of hospital, patient safety priciples and
infection control that apply in the hospital. In the hospital law it is stated that the
process must be carried out by the hospital is that hospital must be accredited,
which includes carrying out quality assurance (Quality Assurance), which is
applied in the hospital. His new task is to make the flow of patients in dental
clinics in accordance with the provisions of KARS (Hospital accreditation
committe), medical service standarts and risk management for dental health

1. Definition of hospital
 Health care institution that providing patient treatment with
specialized medical.(wikipedia)
 Healt service institution that provides hospiatalization ,out patient,
and emergencies (UU No 44 th 2009).
 Hospital is an integral part of social and medical organisation to
function which is to provide for the population complete health care
both curative and preventive, and whose out patient services reach
out to the family in its home environment, hospital is also a center
for training of health workers and for biosocial research (WHO Expert
committee 1956).
 WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE 1963 : Hospital is residencial
establishment which provide shortterm and short term medical care
consisting of observasional , diagnostic, therapeutic, and
rehabilitative service, for person suspecte or suffering to be suffering
of a disease or injury.
2. Function of hospital
 PERMENKES No 44 2009 part 5
 Provide medical treatment and recovery service

 To maintain and improve the health of individiual healt(

 To provide human resource, education, and training to
improve ability to provide health service.
 To conduct research and development of health technology
to improve health service.
 Health supervision and prevention of disease
 Health care research
 Education health care providers such as doctor, nurse, dietitian,
social workers
 Rehabilitiation
3. Parts of hospital and its funtion
 UU no 44 2009 Pasal 10 Ayat 2
 Inpatient :
 Outpatient :
 Emergencies room :
 Operating room
 Medical worker
 Radiology room
 Laboratorium
 Sterilisation room
 Pharmacyst room
 Administrative room
 Education and training room
 Kitchen
 Laundry
 Waiting room
 Praying room
 Corpse room
 WHO based on clinical care
 Emergencies and trauma care
 Mental health
 Obstetric care
 Pediatric care

 Paliative care
 Rehabilitation service
 Surgery and anasthesia care

4. Classification of hospital
a. Based on type of service
i. General Hospital : Provide service to all patient with various
1. Class A
2. Class B
3. Class C
4. Class D
ii. Special Hospital :
b. PERMENKES no 56 2014
i. Based on form
1. Permanent Hospital
2. Mobile Hospital
3. Field Hospital

5. What are the requirements to build a hospital ?

a. UU no 44 2009 pasal 7
i. Hospital should fulfill requirements such as :
1. Location
2. Building
3. Infrastructure
4. Human resource
5. Pharmacyst
6. Medical Equipment

6. How is the organizational structure in hospital?

a. Hospital department
i. Adminstrative services : CEO, Vice President, Executive
Assisant, and department Head
ii. Informational service : Admision , billing and collection,
medical record, computer information system, human
iii. Therapeutic service: Provide treatment to the patient like
physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmcay, dietary.
iv. Diagnostic services : Determine causes or injury like medical
laboratory , medical imaging, emergencies medicine.
v. Support services: Central supply , stock, providing logistic,
housekeeping and maintenance.
b. UU no 44 2009
i. Directore
ii. Medical service element
iii. Nursing element
iv. Medical support element
v. Medical committes
vi. Internal Audit
vii. General and financial adminstration
7. How is the hospital service management ?
a. Inpatient management
b. Outpatient
c. Emergencies
8. What hospital do to fulfill quality assurance?
a. Quality Assurence (kelayakan mutu): a way to preventing mistake
and defects in manufacture products and avoiding problems when
delivering products or services to the customer

9. What are the standart of KARS (Komite Akreditasi Rumah Sakit) to make the
flow of patient in dental clinic ?
10.What are the legal aspect of hospital ?
a. UU no 44 2009 about hospita

b. KEPMENKES no 129 2008 about minumum service standart of

c. PERMNEKES no 34 2017 about hospital accreditation

11.What are the principal of patient safety?

a. Proper identification of patient and matching health care element.
b. Prevention of patient hand over error and safety during trantition.
c. Assesing medical accuancy while giving care to patient.
d. Performance of correct procedure at correct body site
e. Take appropriate precationary measures to avoid infection.

12.How is the infection control in hospital?

a. Infection control is a series or step that health care facility take to
prevent th spread of infection disease. The steps are :
i. Ensure hand hygiene compliance
ii. Track staff contact with asset and patient
iii. Ensure apropriate environmental condition for medication,
vaccine, and bilogical material.
b. Wear gloves in all activities that have been assesed as carry an
infection risk.
c. Infection Nosokomial: Infection that caused by entering a hospital
13.How is Risk management and medical service standart in hospital ?
a. Risk Management process > Assesment the risk > risk
identification(complain, audit result, or an incidence)> Risk Analysis
(the severity and probability)> Risk Evaluation > Risk Contrl> Risk
b. Tools for risk management: root causes analysis, failure mode and
effect analysis, Severity assesment table

14.Assessment for hospital accreditation

a. Focus on patient: HPK ( Hak Pasien dan Keluarga), AP ( Asuransi
Pasien); ARK(Akses Rumah Sakit dan Kontinuitas Pelayanan)

b. Hospital management standart: PMKP( Peningkatan Mutu dan

Keselamatan Pasien); PPI ( Pengendalian Penyakit Infeksius)
c. Patient safety : High alert medication
d. MDg’s

15.How is the result of hospital accreditation for indonesian hospital ?

a. KASR accreditation achievement:
i. Basic achievement
ii. Madya achievement
iii. Utama achievement
iv. Paripurna

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