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Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian
literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text
types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies;
and use of information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect
tenses and logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic

texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech
featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion and emphasis and appropriate prosodic features, stance and behavior.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. EN8VC-IVa-20: Analyze the elements that make up reality and fantasy.
B. EN8VC-IIIi-19: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Reality vs. Fantasy
B. Skill: Judging the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed
C. Reference: Internet, Curriculum Guide pp. 186-188
D. Materials: Cartolina, Pictures, etc.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminaries:
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
Show the class the following pictures.

Ask the following questions:

 Which of these pictures happen or exist in reality?

 Which picture does not?
 How do we call them?

C. Discussion

 What is reality?
 What is fantasy?
 What are the elements of each?

D. Drills:

Identify the following statements as REALITY or FANTASY.

1. _____ The dog laughed as he chased the cat.
2. _____ I drove the car down the road.
3. _____ The toys played with each other when the kids left the room.
4. _____ The cat meowed loudly.
5. _____ When the car got tired, it stopped to take a rest.
6. _____ The water froze and turned to diamonds.
7. _____ The invisible kitten played with a ball of yarn.
8. ____ The sun winked at me as the day ended.
9. ____ The dog laughed as he chased the cat.
10. ____ I drove the car down the road.
11. ____ The toys played with each other when the kids left the room.
12. ____ The cat meowed loudly.
13. ____ When the car got tired, it stopped to take a rest.
14. ____ The water froze and turned to diamonds.
15. ____ The invisible kitten was plying with a ball of yarn.
E. Application

 It is important to know whether things around us happen in reality or it is just a fantasy.

F. Abstraction

 Reality are things that happen in real life.

 Fantasy are things that do not usually, or do not happen at all.
IV. Evaluation
Identify the following statements as REALITY or FANTASY.
Prepared by:

Teacher I

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