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Getting to know you STARTER > 1 Match the questions and answers. Where were you bon? ‘year ato Wardoyoudo! | Tienes ek InThaland ‘Are you married? Why are you studying English? Because need ifr my job When cid you star ening English? Ima teacher How often do youhave Englshclases?_ | Nom singe 2. Ask and answer the questions witha partes TWO STUDENTS My name's Mauricio Nesta. | (I) come Tenses and questions from Brasil, the capa of Brazil. im a seadent a¢ the Universi of Basia. Read and listen to Mauricio. Then complete the text using) modern languages—Enlish the verbs in the bor. ‘and French. | also know a litde Spanish, [mening going work ve s01@)__four languages. imsudyng come can speak 1) the program a lot, butts really hard work | (6)__ college three years ag0 1 ___athome with my parents and my sister. My brother ” t© ‘work in the United i Scares last year Alter | graduate, 1@) as a translator, | hope £0, anyway. 2 Unit Getting to know you 2 Complete the questions about Carly. 1. _Wharedossshe come frome 2 live? live with? 4 What studying? enjoying the program? |< How many speak? did her program start? after she graduates Listen to Carly, and write the answers t0 stions above. « suo a student, Read her answers then JEeeplete the questions. | “What _oversiydoveuse I don’t goto a university. I study at home” eas ‘Yes, Ido. A part-time job” 5 “What right now?" prim seeding aboot Ta ErercisesYand2 above, 3 °__tothe United states?” 2 Which tenses are the two verb forms in these sentences? years ago.” What the difference between them? : camel He lives with his parents, = She’ ving with 2 Canadian family fora month 3. Match the question words and answers Eni 1 Find examples of present, ast and future tenses in al ies an architect” What Tecate wanted ta. oe Who 2? NS: | Where $800 When? ‘A sandwich Why 7 By bus How many .? In Miami How much .? Jace How .7 The black one. Whose 7 Its mine Which 7 Four D>P> Grammar Reference 1} and 12 p. 189 Unit - Getting toknow you 3 PRAC Talking about yo 1 Askand answer questions with a partner Where ive? + have any brothers or ster? + What. le doing on weekends? + Where. g0 for your last vacstion? Make more questions, Use some of words in the Grammar Spot on page 3. Ask your teacher some of the questions In groups, ask and answer the questions, + Do you like tening to musi? + What kindof muse do you ke? + What ate you wearing? + Whats your teacher wearing? + What did you do ast night? + What ar you doing tonight? Write a paragraph about you, Use the text about Mauricio on page 2to help you. Getting information 4 Work with a partner You each have different information about Jy a mail carrier. Ask and ansver questions. Student A Go to page 114, Student B Go to page 116. Choose the correct verb form. a Maria@mep) i coming from Chile She speaks /s speaking Spanish and Bagh Today Tom wears /is wearing jeans and a T-shirt Are you liking / Do you like black coffee? Last year she went / goes on vacation to Florida Next year she studies is going to study ata university in California 4 Unit + Getting to know you VOCABULARY Using a bilingual dictionary 1 Look at this extract from the Oxford Portuguese Minidictionary Information in parentheses (helps you to find the _ ight trarltion, The pronunciation in mee The trarltion nears rp te wc 10 ea Tt na es ioe mca = The part of speech Other words made with book come atthe en, 2 What parts of speech are these words? Write noun, ver, adjective adver, preposition, ox past tense vert breed noun beautiful on ay a came ‘write ever — uickly went letter 3 “These words have more than one meaning, Write two sentences that show different meanings. Use a dictionary. Sentence 1 Sentence ? 1 book | Vin reading a good book. | booked room ata hotel 2. kind Ben 4. mean 5 ligne | 6 play | 1 tran 8. ing Listen to some sampl 4 What are the everyday objects in the pictures? Look around the room you are in. Find five things you don’t know the words for in English es Unit + Getting to know you

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