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Salvador National High School

Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte

NAME: Grade 11 - HUMSS

Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. No erasures. No superimposition
______1. Joan prefers Earl Grey Tea to English Breakfast Tea but prefers English Breakfast Tea to Green Tea,
which means she prefers Earl Grey Tea over Green Tea. What principle of rational choice theory does
this demonstrate?
A. Rationality C. Utility maximization
B. Transitivity of preferences D. Exchange

______2. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of rational choice theory?

A. Individuals act rationally.
B. Individuals act in their collective interest.
C. Individuals have sufficient information to make rational choices.
D. Preferences are transitive.

______3. In a college class of 100 students, the professor asks the students if they would prefer a candy bar or
ball-point pen as part of an experiment. 50 students indicate a preference for candy bars. The other
50 students prefer a ball-point pen. He gives out 50 ball-point pens and 50 candy bars randomly to the
students. Because the process is random some students receive their preferred item while others do not.
According to the theory of rational choice, if students were given the option of trading what would we
expect to see in terms of student trading candy bars and ball-point pens?
A. No trading would occur.
B. Because there is enough of the candy bars and ball-point pens to meet the exact preferences of every
student, we would expect those students who didn't receive their preferred item to trade with each
other. In the end everyone would receive their preferred item.
C. We would expect students who did receive their preferred item to give it away to others who didn't
receive their preferred item.
D. Because people make random choices, there isn't a way to make prediction about what would

______4. Which of the following BEST describes the importance behind the rational choice theory?
A. Understanding why people decide to make choices on how to spend their resources is an important
building block for more complex economic theory.
B. Rational choice theory is not very widely accepted in economic theory.
C. Understanding whether someone is making the right choice on how to spend their resources is
important to economists.
D. People are random in their economic choices so rational choice theory is not an important economic

______5. According to rational choice theory, what do we call when we make a decision when considering
the benefit or use we get from something as part of our decision-making process?
A. utility B. Motivation C. Rationality D. Reward
______6. Which of the following is a major assumption underlying rational choice theory?
A. Rational choice theory assumes that people are irrational and generally make decisions that
minimize reward while maximizing cost
B. Rational choice theory assumes that people are ultimately self-interested and any choices we make
will harm the greater good
C. Rational choice theory assumes that people will make decisions based on maximizing the common
good even if it means acting irrationally
D. Rational choice theory assumes that individuals are rational actors who always make choices based
on maximizing self-interest
_____ 7. Why do some people like the rational choice theory?
A. It offers an explanation for a wide range of different crimes.
B. It lets you hone in on specific types of crime.
C. It applies to all age groups equally.
D. It makes sense of crimes of passion.
______8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of Institutionalism?
A. Stability B. Structure C. Shared values D. Illegitimacy

9. Which of the following is NOT a definition of Institutionalism Theory?

A. the bearer of a set of practices and configuration of rules
B. devised by individuals (micro-level) but in turn constrain their action
C. formal institutions are rarely established and constituted by binding laws
D. these embedded in traditional social practices and culture which can be equally binding

______10. Which of the following characteristics of Institutions states that if they agree to meet routinely after
specific period of time at the same place, that would begin to take on the shape of an institution?
A. Stability B. Structure C. Shared values D. Legitimacy

______ 11. What type of feminists seek to expand the rights of women through legislation?
A. Radical B. Liberal C. Socialist D. Capitalist

______ 12. Which of the following feminist principles recognizes the importance of working
against oppression on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age,
and disability?
A. the person is political. C. the counseling relationship is egalitarian.
B. Women's experiences are honored. D. an integrated analysis of oppression.

______ 13. All of the following are goals of feminist therapy EXCEPT?
A. striving for gender equality.
B. confronting forms of institutional oppression.
C. resolving intrapsychic conflicts from early childhood.
C. freeing clients of gender role socialization.

______14. Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the field of
A. a focus on dealing with family dynamics
B. a focus on exploring the unconscious factors contributing to current problems
C. paving the way for gender-sensitive practice
D. placing the therapeutic relationship at the core of the therapy process

For numbers 15 to 20, identify which of the following Filipina feminist being described in each statement.
15. She observed how the movement was fractured and politicized. Eventually, she began doing non-
government organization activities for Harnessing Self-Reliant Initiatives and Knowledge (HASIK) that
focused on urban poor, women and children.
A. Patricia Licuanan B. Karina David C. Sr. Mary Mananzan D. Sylvia Claudio

16. The highest cause of death among women, according to this feminist, is violence from intimate
A. Patricia Licuanan B. Karina David C. Sr. Mary Mananzan D. Sylvia Claudio

17. She believes that in teaching religion, feminist theologians must deconstruct what is oppressive and
construct and enhance what is liberating.
A. Patricia Licuanan B. Karina David C. Sr. Mary Mananzan D. Sylvia Claudio

18. She helped mother women’s organizations such as FILIPINA, Women’s Action Network for
Development (WAND) and Legislative Advocates for Women (LAW) working on the first laws
protecting women.
A. Patricia Licuanan B. Teresita Deles C. Sr. Mary Mananzan D. Sylvia Claudio

19. While she was studying development programs, as a social psychologist, she saw how women were
not benefitting from the programs.
A. Patricia Licuanan B. Teresita Deles C. Sr. Mary Mananzan D. Sylvia Claudio
______ 20. Which of the following is NOT a social philosophy of Apolinario Mabini?
A. True liberty is only for what is good and never for what is evil.
B. Society is an organization instituted for mutual help, so that each could enjoy the highest possible
C. National salvation lies first in asserting the nationalistic ideals of our heroes in their fight for
D. Economic condition of a nation is determined by those who control the country’s purse.
______ 21. Which among the following is an important social philosophy of Rizal?
A. Filipinos made significant advancements in agriculture and industry during the precolonial times
B. Rizal examined the cruelties perpetrated by the American colonizers.
C. Rizal criticized the hypocrisies of the Spanish colonial government and the Catholic Church
D. Rizal exposed the irrationalities of the Church’s discourse on colonial topics.

______ 22. Which is an important social ideas of Claro M. Recto?

A. Nationalism C. Filipinization of Industries
B. Link of industrialization and Nationalism D. Westernization of Filipino Industries

______ 23. Mabini believes that the executive branch government should serve as the of society.
A. Soul B. Intellect C. Will D. Love

______ 24. Which Filipino social thinker who wrote the articles to the propaganda publication, the La
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
B. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

______ 25. Who is this social thinker calls himself as a “living legend in his lifetime” because of his
brilliance and patriotism?
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
B. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

______ 26. He was known in Philippine history for organizing the first labor in the Philippines.
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
B. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

______ 27. Which social thinker whose major works included “El Verdadero Decalogo”?
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
B. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

______ 28. Who served as the first prime minister and Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the First Philippine
C. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
A. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

______ 29. Who among the following is an advocate of human rights, particularly on women’s rights in
Philippine colonial society?
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Isabelo de los Reyes
B. B. Claro M. Recto D. Jose Rizal

30. Which of the following situations is a go-between used in the Philippines?

A. Embarrassing request
B. Complaint
C. Decision often communicated through a middle-man to prevent shame or hiya
D. Violation of socially approved norms of conduct

31. Which of the following is NOT a level of interrelatedness in Filipino language?

A. Pakikipag-usap B. Pakikibagay C. Pakikilahok D. Pakikiisa

32. Which of the following is NOT a topic related to Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

A. Identity and national consciousness; social awareness and involvement as dictated by an objective
analysis of social issues and problems
B. Indigenization of conception and definition of the psyche as a focus of social psychological research
C. National and ethnic cultures and languages, including the study of traditional psychology
D. Westernization of psychological thoughts
For numbers 33 – 37, identify the professions in the social sciences being asked.
A. Political Scientist C. Psychologist E. Geographer
B. Historian D. Sociologist F. Anthropologist

______ 33. Which scientist is responsible for studying past events in order to understand the meaning?

______ 34. Who study government, power and politics?

______ 35. Which scientist focuses on how the human mind works?

______ 36. Who is responsible for studying people’s behavior in groups?

______ 37. Who study the interaction between people and their environments?

______ 38. Cartographer, researchers and academic career are examples of possible careers of what
A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Geography D. History

______39. What discipline in line with this following careers, labor specialist and foreign service officer?
A. Economics B. Psychology C. Sociology D. Political Science

______ 40. Which possible career is suit to psychology discipline?

A. Criminologist B. life coach C. financial analyst D. law
Salvador National High School
Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte
NAME: Grade 12 -

Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.

1. Research shows that healthy relationships can help an individual EXCEPT:
A. Being healthy B. Lowering immunity C. Live longer D. Stress-free

2. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?

A. Trust one another C. Respect one another
B. One person makes all the decisions D. Open and honest communication

3. Which of the following is NOT a sign that you may be in an abusive relationship?
A. Avoiding friends C. Lack of support
B. Bruises and other signs of injuries D. Apologizing for your partner’s behavior

4. The following that you can get from being involved in community activities EXCEPT one:
A. Skills B. Role model C. Being famous D. Being connected

For item numbers 5 to 13, identify which of the following social influences being described.
A. Compliance D. Identification G. Internalization
B. Conformity E. Conversion H. Minority
C. Reactance F. Obedience I. Persuasion
5. When person seems to agree and follows what is requested or required of him/her but not necessarily
have to really believe or agree to it.
6. When a person is influenced by someone he/she likes or look up to.
7. When a person is able to own a certain belief or act and is willing to make it known publicly and
8. Involves a change in behavior, belief or thinking to be like others to obtain their friendship and
9. Occurs when an individual whole heartedly changes his/her original thinking and beliefs and accept
those of the other members of a group
10. Happens when a bigger number of people are influenced by a much smaller number of people
11. Reverse reaction to some social influence that is being imposed by a person or a group
12. Involves someone in a position or authority
13. Used by one person or group to influence others to change their beliefs, actions, or attitudes

14. Which of the following has historically been considered the traditional family structure?
A. A single-parent family C. A step family
B. A nuclear family D. An extended family

15. What type of family structure has both a biological mother and biological father raising their
A. A step-family structure C. A nuclear family structure
B. An extended family structure D. A same-sex couple family structure

16. A family where one parent is not biologically related to every child is called:
A. nuclear B. step C. extended D. one parent

17. If your grandmother moved in with you, you would become what type of family?
A. nuclear B. extended C. step D. one parent

18. If your grandmother moved in with you, you would become what type of family?
A. nuclear B. extended C. step D. one parent

19. For a nuclear family to become one parent, what has to happen?
A. marriage B. birth of a child C. divorce D. adoption
20. The Lopez family consists of Maria, her husband Frank, and their two children Lucas and
Alannah. They would best be described as a _____ family.
A. nuclear B. matrifocal C. extended D. blended

21. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of extended family?

A. Potentially increased emotional support
B. Learning from the combined experiences of more family members
C. Improved intellectual development resulting from exposure to more knowledge
D. More opportunities for travel as a result of having more family to visit

22. A family that has been re-formed by people who have been in previous relationships is called a
A. Extended family C. Adoptive family
B. Reconstituted family D. Nuclear family

23. Which type of family consists of two parents and their children who live in a household
A. Nuclear family B. Joint family C. Extended family D. Multi-generational family

24. What is an extended family?

A. A family structure where multiple generations of adults live in one household
B. A family structure where two parents raise their children in one household
C. A family structure where one parent raises a child in the same household and the other raises the
child from a different location
D. None of the answers are correct

25. A genogram is a pictorial display of a person's ________ and medical history.

A. Genealogy B. Kinship C. Consanguinity D. Cousin

For numbers 26-28, identify what family structures being shown in the image.
A. Bi-racial family B. Adoptive family C. Nuclear family D. Gay family

26. 27. 28.

For item numbers 29 to 37, identify which factors that influences your career.
A. Skills and abilities D. Interest and Personality type G. Life roles
B. Previous experience E. Culture H. Gender
C. Social and Economic Condition F. Childhood fantasies

29. You can identify activities you enjoy and those in which you have a level of competency through a
formal assessment
30. Holland’s Career typology is a widely used to established classification
31. You may remember this question,” What do you want to be when you grow-up?”
32. Both men and women have experienced career-related stereotypes
33. How we think about ourselves, their requirements, and the external that affect them
34. It addresses factors related to positive experience with others and role models
35. Changes in economy and resulting job market may also affect how our careers develop
36. Racial and ethnic background may impact career choices
37. How we view ourselves as individuals may influence both the opportunities and barriers we

38. Which of the following influences your career of choice at this stage early ideas careers are
formed and takes place up to age 11?
A. Gender B. Skills and Abilities C. Childhood fantasies D. Gender
39. Racial and ethnic background may impact career decisions because of
A. Social and economic conditions C. Gender
B. Life roles D. Culture
40. Who created career development theory?
A. Lawrence Kohlberg C. Donald Super
B. John Holland D. Sigmund Freud

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