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Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente

Repositorio Institucional del ITESO

Departamento de Matemáticas y Física DMAF - Artículos y ponencias con arbitraje


An equivalent control based sliding mode

observer using high order uniform robust
sliding operators

Sánchez-Torres, Juan D.; Loukianov, Alexander; Moreno, Jaime; Drakunov,


Sánchez-Torres, J.D.; Loukianov, A.; Moreno, J. and Drakunov, S.(2012). An equivalent control
based sliding mode observer using high order uniform robust sliding operators. American Control
Conference (ACC).

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An Equivalent Control Based Sliding Mode Observer Using High Order
Uniform Robust Sliding Operators
Juan Diego Sánchez-Torres, Alexander G. Loukianov, Jaime A. Moreno and Sergey V. Drakunov

Abstract— In this paper a sliding-mode observer based on the main difficulty and innovations in continuous-time sliding
the equivalent control method for discontinuous functions for a mode research is in the choice of the manifold rather than
class of non-linear systems is proposed. The observer structure in the reaching phase that belongs more to numerical issue.
and its existence conditions are presented. Besides, a class of
high order sliding operators with the properties of uniform Indeed, once the sliding manifold σ(x) = 0 is chosen,
(w.r.t. initial conditions) finite time convergence and with the derivative(s) σ (k) of the function σ along the system
reduction of chattering effect are exposed. The use of these trajectories can be expressed as function of control that has
operators in the observer design allows the calculation of the exactly same dimension as σ. Practically in all cases the
equivalent control and the observer convergence uniformly in sliding control and observers are implemented via digital
finite time. A simulation example is presented to illustrate the
proposed method. computers, so, actually, discrete-time sliding mode is used,
which is a version of a deadbeat control that makes σ to
I. I NTRODUCTION converge to zero in finite time. Let us note, that this algorithm
can be dynamic, i.e. include past values of σ(tk ) and in
Sliding mode approaches have been widely used for
continuous-time will look as integrals of a function of σ.
the problems of dynamic systems control and observation
In this work, our purpose is to discuss an observer design
due to their characteristics of finite time convergence,
based over the equivalent control method for a class of
robustness to uncertainties and insensitivity to external
observable SISO systems with some matching conditions on
bounded disturbances [1], [2]. In observers based on sliding
the input. This method has been treated previously in [3] and
mode the sliding motion is obtained by means of a
[8]. Subsequently, for the calculation of equivalent control,
discontinuous term depending on the output error, into the
we propose the use of uniform exact high order sliding mode
controlling or observing system [3]. Additionally, by using
differentiators [9], [10]; and, the for observer convergence,
the sign of the error to drive the sliding mode observer, the
the use of the Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm [11],
observer trajectories become insensitive to many forms of
[12] is proposed. These high order sliding operators provides
noise. Hence, some sliding mode observers have attractive
the observer with the properties of uniform (w.r.t. initial
properties similar to those of the Kalman filter (i.e. noise
conditions) finite time convergence and with reduction of
resilience) but with simpler implementation [4].
chattering effect.
Several researchers have dealt with the issue of designing
In the following, in section II some mathematical
sliding-mode observers for different applications [5],
preliminaries are given. In section III an observer design
including the classical problem of non-linear state estimation
based over the equivalent control method for a class of
[6]. Note that the sliding modes techniques are based on the
observable SISO systems with some matching conditions on
idea of the sliding manifold, that is an integral manifold with
the input is proposed. An example of the proposed observer
finite reaching time [7]. This manifold can be implemented
for synchronization of a chaotic system is presented in IV.
by different methods including use of discontinuous function
Finally, in section V some conclusions are given.
or continuous with discontinuous derivatives (so called
higher order sliding modes). Let us note, that this issue of II. M ATHEMATICAL P RELIMINARIES : S LIDING M ODE
implementation, as demonstrated clearly by Utkin in [1] and O BSERVERS BASED ON E QUIVALENT C ONTROL M ETHOD
earlier works is computational and depends on the system In this section, we present the mathematical concepts
behavior in the boundary layer of the sliding manifold. Thus, required to formulate an observer design based over
the equivalent control method. Basic topics of sliding
This work was supported by CONACyT under grant 129591.
Juan Diego Sánchez-Torres is with Automatic Control Laboratory, mode observers based on equivalent control method. These
CINVESTAV-IPN Guadalajara, Av. del Bosque 1145 Col. El Bajı́o CP concepts are required for the observer design (and, by
45019, México extension, to maintain its properties) to be proposed in
Alexander G. Loukianov is with CINVESTAV DEL I.P.N., Unidad
Guadalajara; on sabbatical leave at Department of Electrical En- section III.
gineering, DIELEC, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Let us consider the following SISO system
Jaime A. Moreno is with the Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad ẋ = f (x) + g (x) u (1)
Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 04510 México D.F., México. y = h (x)
Sergey V. Drakunov is with the Department of Physical Sciences, Embry-
Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd, Daytona Beach, where x ∈ Rn is the state, u ∈ R is the input, y ∈ R is
FL 32114, USA the output and f , g, h are sufficiently differentiable function
vectors. Under Condition 2, to estimate the state variables of the
For the system (1), let us define the vector of output system (1) using the measurements y, an observer of the
derivatives, H (x), as follows: form
x̂˙ = O−1 (x̂) M (x̂) SL {V (t) − H (x̂)} + g (x̂) u (7)
   
h1 (x) h (x)
 h2 (x)   Lf h (x) 
is used.
H (x) =  = .. , (2)
   
.. It is worth to note that the observer design consists of two
 .   . 
hn (x) Lfn−1 h (x) problems: (i) the selection of the “Sliding Operator” SL{·}
such that V (t) − H (x̂) → 0 in finite time and (ii) the
and the Observability matrix, O (x), as: finite time calculation of the output derivatives vector V (t).
  Drakunov [3] showed that using the structures (5) and (7),
dh (x)
the recursive form
∂H (x)   dL f h (x) 
O (x) = = .. (3) vi+i (t) = {SL {vi (t) − hi (x̂)}}eq


 . 
dLfn−1 h (x) with i = 1, . . . , n − 1, and with {}eq denoting an equivalent
value operator of a discontinuous function in sliding mode
where Lif h (x) represents the i-th Lie derivative of h (x) in [1] for the vector V (t) calculation, a suitable choice of
the f vector field direction. In addition, let us suppose the M (x̂), mi (x̂) as an upper bound of hi+1 (x) with i =
following condition: 1, . . . , n − 1 and mn (x̂) of Lnf h (x), and the first order
Condition 1: The system (1) is globally observable, in the “Sliding Operator” SL defined by the sign function, the
sense that the observability rank condition observers in equations (5) and (7) converge in finite time,
i.e. for t ≥ t1 the error V (t) − H (x̂) = 0 and vi+i (t) =
rank (O (x)) = n. (4)
{SL {vi (t) − hi (x̂)}}eq = hi+1 (x) with i = 1, . . . , n − 1,
is fulfilled for all x ∈ Rn . and where t1 > 0 is some time moment.
Following the observer structure given in [3], for the Let us note, that in [3] the sign function simply was used
case of systems without input, g ≡ 0, to estimate the state as one of the ways enabling reachability of the desired sliding
variables of the system (1) using the measurements y, an manifold σ = V (t) − H (x̂) = 0, but the essence of the
observer of the form suggested observer idea was in the way the sliding manifold
is designed. As was mentioned in the Introduction, the issue
x̂˙ = O−1 (x̂) M (x̂) SL {V (t) − H (x̂)} (5) of eliminating chattering belongs to the boundary layer of
the sliding manifold, i.e. how to implement “nonidealities”
is proposed, where SL{·}, is a causal operator (”Sliding
in the terminology of the fundamental work [1].
Operator”) such that V (t) − H (x̂) → 0 in finite time, i.e.
To eliminate chattering issues and, thus, obtain more
for t ≥ t1 , where t1 > 0 is some time moment.
accurate calculation of the equivalent control may be done
In (5), the operator SL{·} have the form
using other means. In this paper we propose the use of
SL{ξ} = col (SL{ξ1 }, . . . , SL{ξn }), M (x̂) =
high order uniform robust sliding operators with the aim
diag (m1 (x̂) , . . . , mn (x̂)) is a n × n diagonal matrix
to improve the calculation of the equivalent control and, in
with positive entries which are the gains of the observer
addition, to provide the observer with uniform convergence
and the vector V (t) defined as
w.r.t. initial conditions [11], i.e. for t ≥ tu , where tu > 0
V (t) = col (v1 (t) , . . . , vn (t)) (6) is some time moment, V (t) − H (x̂) → 0 regardless of the
initial conditions.
contains the system output and their first n − 1 derivatives To ensure the uniform convergence of the observer
in the form v1 (t) = y (t), v2 (t) = ẏ (t), . . . and vn (t) = w.r.t. initial conditions both, the “Sliding Operator” for the
y (n−1) (t). calculation of the output derivatives vector V (t) and “Sliding
In the case of the sliding mode observer for the system Operator” which ensures V (t) − H (x̂) → 0 in finite
with input, additional matching conditions are needed for time, must be uniform w.r.t. initial conditions. These two
the observation error to be independent of the input. So, conditions are satisfied using the recently proposed “Exact
addressing the relationship between system and inputs, the and Uniformly Convergent Arbitrary Order Differentiator”
following condition is needed. [10] for the calculation of V (t) and the “Generalized Super
Condition 2: For any x ∈ R, the vector Twisting Algorithm” [11], [13] to ensure the convergence
∂H (x) of V (t) − H (x̂) to zero in finite time. The application of
g (x) the two “Sliding Operators” is illustrated in the following
does not depend on x, it means
g (x) = 0
∂x ∂x
This section presents two “Sliding Operators”: an
for all x ∈ R. uniformly convergent arbitrary order differentiator SD and
the generalized super twisting algorithm, GST . Besides, by the practical uniform convergent differentiator [10]
its applications in the calculation of equivalent control for n+1+α

improvement of sliding mode observer introduced in Section ż0 = −k0 |z0 − y| n+1
sign (z0 − y) + z1 ,
II in equations (5) and (7). Also, the stability analysis for the ż1 = −k1 |z0 − y| n+1
sign (z0 − y) + z2 ,
observer is presented. ..
. (10)

A. Implementation of SD for V (t) Calculation Via żn−1 = −kn−1 |z0 − y| n+1

sign (z0 − y) + zn ,
Uniformly Convergent Arbitrary-Order Differentiator żn = −kn |z0 − y| sign (z0 − y)

Real-time differentiation is a well-known problem, and where k0 , . . . , kn are gains to be selected, with α > 0 small
between all the approaches that have been proposed to and the gains selected such as the matrix
obtain time derivatives for a given signal, sliding mode based 
−k0 1 0 . . . 0

methods have demonstrated high accuracy and robustness  −k1 0 1 . . . 0
for the calculation of higher order exact derivatives [9]. A= .

.. .. ..

.. 
For this objective, an arbitrary-order differentiator based in  .. . . . .
a recursive scheme and which provides the best possible −kn 0 ... 0 0
asymptotic accuracy in presence of input noises and discrete is Hurwitz, then error converges uniformly in the initial
sampling is proposed in [14]. Based in this scheme, in condition to a compact set A. Finally, to obtain an uniform
[10] an uniformly convergent arbitrary order differentiator exact finite-time convergent differentiator, the finite time
is introduced; we will use this differentiator as one of the differentiator (9) can be combined with the practical uniform
possibilities for SD for the calculation of the vector V (t). convergent differentiator (10). Due that both differentiators
Let the system output y (t) ∈ C n̄ [0, ∞) be a function to be converge independently, this combination can be done in
differentiated and let n ≤ n̄, then the n-th order differentiator several ways [10]. For this case, the convergence time to
is defined in two parts as follows: A was calculated via simulation. Once a time (10) drives
Part 1: The observer must fulfills two proprieties, the the system to A, it is switched to (9).
first one is finite-time exactness, it means that error converges See [14] and [10] for further details on the estimation of
in finite-time despite the disturbance. This requirement is time of convergence, the error bounds for the signal y (t) and
provided by the arbitrary-order differentiator [14] their derivatives in presence of noise or discrete sampling and
other properties and constraints of the differentiator.
ż0 = ζ0 , B. The Super-Twisting algorithm based “Sliding Operator”
1 n−1
ζ0 = −λn L |z0 − y|
n n
sign (z0 − y) + z1 SL Design
ż1 = ζ1 , Another way to implement a SL, and for this case, in
1 n−2 order to enabling reachability of the desired sliding manifold
ζ1 = −λn−1 L n−1 |z1 − ζ0 | n−1
sign (z1 − ζ0 ) + z2
σ = 0 and, in addition, ensure the uniform convergence of
.. the observer w.r.t. initial conditions, is the use second order
sliding mode algorithm for control and observation is the so-
żn−1 = ζn−1 , (9) called “Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm” GST [11],
1 1
ζn−1 = −λ1 L |zn−1 − ζn−2 | sign (zn−1 − ζn−2 ) + zn
2 2 [13]
żn = −λ0 Lsign (zn − ζn−1 ) ϕ (σ) = ψ1 (σ) + ψ2 (σ) , (11)
where zi is the estimation of the true signal y (i) (t). The
differentiator provides finite time exact estimation under ψ1 (σ) = − M1 φ1 (σ)
ideal condition when neither noise nor sampling are present. ψ̇2 (σ) = − M2 φ2 (σ) (12)
The parameters λ0 = 1.1, λ1 = 1.5, λ2 = 2, λ3 = 3, λ4 = 5,
λ5 = 8 are suggested for the construction of differentiators and
up to the 5-th order. For the gain L case, the following 1 3
φ1 (σ) =µ1 |σ| 2 sign (σ) + µ2 |σ| 2 sign (σ)
condition is provided:
µ2 3
Condition 3: The n + 1-th Lie derivative of h (x) in the φ2 (σ) = 1 sign (σ) + 2µ22 σ + µ1 µ2 |σ|2 sign (σ) (13)
2 2
f vector field direction, Ln+1
f h (x), must be bounded by the
constant L > 0. with µ1 ≥ 0, µ2 ≥ 0 scalars, M1 = diag (m1,1 , . . . , m1,n )
and M2 = diag (m2,1 , . . . , m2,n ) are two n × n diagonal
Part 2: The uniform convergence with respect to initial
matrices with positive entries which are the gains of the
condition, i.e. the convergence time of the differentiator will 1 1

be uniformly bounded by a constant which does not depends observer,

 1 the function (•) 2 is extended to the form ξ 2 =
on the initial observation error. This requirement is provided col ξ12 , . . . , ξn2 for the expression |σ| 2 , a similar definition
for (•) 2 and in the expressions of the form |σ|p sign (σ) the (10), calculate the vector V (t) as in (14) and the vector
product is element to element. W (t) as in (15).
Using the combination of the finite time differentiator (9) 3) Based on the equations (11)-(16), define the “Sliding
with the practical uniform convergent differentiator (10), the Operator”
vector V (t) results follows:
SL{σ} = W (t) + ψ1 (σ) + ψ2 (σ)
V (t) = col (y, z1 , . . . , zn−1 ) (14) 4) Finally, the resultant observer for the system (1)
instead of the recursive form (8) which generally use classic without input, g ≡ 0, is presented in equation (5).
low-pass filters for the definition of the {}eq operator. Also, On the other hand, to estimate the state variables of
the vector W (t) is defined as: the system (1) with the input fulfilling the Condition
2 and using the measurements y, the proposed observer
W (t) = col (z1 , . . . , zn ) (15) have the form provided by equation (7).
Now, based on the equations (11)-(15), the following D. Observer Convergence
“Sliding Operator” is defined For the observer (5) and (7), under the diffeomorphism
SL{σ} = W (t) + ψ1 (σ) + ψ2 (σ) (16) defined by the vector H (x) and the observability matrix
O, the modified observation error, e, can be written in the
Remark 1: For the design of the “Sliding Operator” transformed states e = H (x) − H (x̂), in particular
defined in (16), instead of the discontinuous terms (13)
ė = Ḣ (x) − Ḣ (x̂) (21)
the following expressions could be used, regarding their
respective limitations which in general are the lack leading to
of uniform convergence w.r.t. initial conditions and the  
ḣ1 (x)
chattering phenomena in (17).  ḣ2 (x) 
• .The first order operator defined by the sign function,
 
 .. 
as is shown [3]:

 . 

ė =  ḣi (x)  − [W (t) + ψ1 + ψ2 ] (22)
 
φ1 (σ) =sign (σ) 
 .. 

φ2 (σ) =0 (17)  . 
 
 ḣn−1 (x) 
• The second order operator defined by the Classical ḣn (x)
Super-Twisting Algorithm [15]:
that is
φ1 (σ) =|σ| 2 sign (σ)
 
ḣ1 (x) − z1 − ψ1,1 − ψ2,1
 
φ2 (σ) =sign (σ) (18)  ė2   ḣ2 (x) − z2 − ψ1,2 − ψ2,2 
  

 ..   
• The second order operator defined by the Super-  .

 
  . 

Twisting Algorithm with Linear Terms [16]:  ėi

  ḣi (x) − zi − ψ1,i − ψ2,i

 .   .. 
φ1 (σ) =|σ| 2 sign (σ) + M1−1 M3 σ − M1−1 ψ2 (σ)  .. 
  .

  
 ėn−1 
n−1 (x) − zn−1 − ψ1,n−1 − ψ2,n−1
  ḣ
φ2 (σ) =sign (σ) + M1−1 M4 σ (19) 
ėn ḣn (x) − zn − ψ1,n − ψ2,n
with M3 and M4 defined in the same sense of M1 and (23)
M2 . where ψ1,i = m1,i φ1 (vi (t) − hi (x̂)) and ψ̇2,i =
• The second order operator defined by a first version of m2,i φ2 (vi (t) − hi (x̂)) with i = 1, . . . , n.
the Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm [13]: The convergence of V (t) does not depend on the observer,
1 but in Condition 3. Therefore, under the fulfillment of this
φ1 (σ) =µ1 |σ| 2 sign (σ) + µ2 σ (20)
condition, there is a time td > 0 (which not depends on
µ 3 1
initial error of the differentiator) such as if t > td , then
φ2 (σ) = 1 sign (σ) + 2µ22 σ + µ1 µ2 |σ| 2 sign (σ)
2 2 V (t) ≡ H (x) and W (t) ≡ Ḣ (x).
with µ1 ≥ 0, µ2 ≥ 0 scalars. Then, for t > td , equation (23) becomes
   
ė1 −ψ1,1 − ψ2,1
C. Observer Design  ė2   −ψ1,2 − ψ2,2 
For the system (1) the observer design procedure is defined
   
 ..   .. 
 .   .
in the following steps:

   
 ėi  =  −ψ 1,i − ψ 2,i
 (24)
1) From the system equations (1), calculate the vector of 
 .  
 

 ..   ..

output derivatives, H (x̂).   

2) Using the combination of the finite time differentiator  ėn−1   −ψ1,n−1 − ψ2,n−1 
(9) with the practical uniform convergent differentiator ėn −ψ1,n − ψ2,n
where ψ1,i = m1,i φ1 (hi (x) − hi (x̂)) = m1,i φ1 (ei ) and representation of the Rössler system in the way of (1) is
ψ̇2,i = m2,i φ2 (hi (x) − hi (x̂)) = m2,i φ2 (ei ) with i = 
ax1 + x2
  
1, . . . , n. f (x) =  −x1 − x3 + 0 u (26)
Let us note that the equation (24) is in the trivial form b + x3 (x2 − c) 1
of the Super-Twisting. Therefore, with a suitable choice of
the gain L and the matrices M1 , M2 , the system (24) is
h (x) = x1 . (27)
Globally Uniformly Finite Time Stable, i.e, the convergence
of the observation error system (24) to zero is achieved in a Noting that Condition 2 is fulfilled and using the equations
finite time tobs > td which does not depends on the initial (28) and (29), we have designed and observer with the form
conditions and every selection of the matrices M1 , M2 with shown in (5) and with the “Sliding Operator” defined by
positive elements on the diagonal. the Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm (13) and (16), its
Remark 2: A very similar convergence analysis can be state will be denoted by x̂GST A . The values of the system
done if for the design of the “Sliding Operator” defined constants are a = 0.2, b = 0.2 and c = 5.7.
in (16), instead of the discontinuous terms (13) the terms The parameter values for the differentiator are L = 455,
defined from (17) to (20) are used. Due to the lack of uniform λ1 = 1.1, λ2 = 1.5, and λ4 = 3. For comparison purposes,
convergence w.r.t. initial conditions of this operators only another observer based on the “Sliding Operator” defined
Globally Finite Time Stable can be demonstrated. by the Classic Super-Twisting Algorithm (18) and (16) is
Remark 3: The use of a sliding mode differentiator designed, its state will be denoted by x̂ST A .
provides two important properties: For both observers, from (26) and (27) the Lie derivatives
of the output are:
1) For the calculation of the vector V (t), in contrast
to (8), the expressions does not depends on H (x̂) h = x1
yielding that the stability of the solutions for V (t) Lf h = ax1 + x2 (28)
does not depends on the observer.
L2f h = a (ax1 + x2 ) − x1 − x3 ,
2) The sliding mode differentiator allows the finite time
exact calculation of the vector W (t). When it is the corresponding observability matrix is
included in the “Sliding Operator” defined in (16) 
1 0 0

results on the independence of the matrix gains M1 , O= a 1 0  (29)
M2 of x̂ as is shown in equation (23), providing Global a2 − 1 a −1
Stability to the observer.
and the gain matrices are M1 = diag (10 5 5) and M2 =
Remark 4: Every bounded and observable SISO linear 5
2 M1 .
system fulfills from Condition 1 to Condition 3. Giving For simulation, u = 5 + sin (10t), the initial conditions
a straight application to the proposed observer. for this system were x (0) = [5 5 10]T and x̂GST A (0) =
x̂ST A (0) = [0 0 0] . In addition, for numerical integration
IV. A PPLICATION C ASE : R ÖSSLER C HAOTIC S YSTEM Euler method with a step of 10 × −3 was used. Figures 1,
S YNCHRONIZATION 2 and 3 show the simulation results for the system (26).
The state x̂GST A1 converges to x1 in finite time of 0.6
We highlight in this section the utility and the advantages
seconds, until state x̂ST A1 converges to x1 in finite time of
of the observer design based over the equivalent control
1.1 seconds.
method of the previous recalls in the resolution of the
observation problem. At first, we use a system an observer
for synchronization of a chaotic system previously treated
in the literature [17]. The problem of synchronization of
chaotic systems can be seen as an observer design problem.
The Rössler system [18] is a system conformed by three
non-linear ordinary differential equations. For a given set of
parameters, these differential equations define a continuous-
time dynamical system that exhibits chaotic behavior. The set
of equations (25) shows a state representation of the Rössler
system. Let the forced Rössler system, defined as follows

ẋ1 = ax1 + x2
ẋ2 = −x1 − x3 (25)
ẋ3 = b + x3 (x2 − c) + u

Fig. 1. Real x1 (Solid), observed x̂GST A1 (Dashed) and observed x̂ST A1

Assuming the state y = x1 as the output, the SISO system (Dotted) states for system (25)
Then x̂GST A2 reaches to x2 in finite time of about 1.6 However, as shown in figure 4, the convergence time of
seconds and x̂ST A2 converges to x2 in finite time of 2.8 the observer based on the Classic Super-Twisting Algorithm
seconds. Note that x̂GST A2 and x̂ST A2 reach x2 only after (dotted line) grows unboundedly with the norm of the initial
x̂GST A1 and x̂ST A1 converges to their respective states. condition, while the convergence time of the observer based
on the Generalized Super-Twisting Algorithm (dashed line)
is asymptotically bounded by a constant for growing norm
of the initial condition (solid line). It could be shown that the
terms defined from (17) to (20) have the similar unbounded
behavior of Classic Super-Twisting Algorithm.
We show in this paper the design of a high order sliding
mode observer for nonlinear systems using the equivalent
control method. The generalized super-twisting algorithm
and the uniform exact sliding mode differentiator were
employed in order to ensure uniform finite time convergence
of the observer and the reduction of chattering effect.
Fig. 2. Real x2 (Solid), observed x̂GST A2 (Dashed) and observed x̂ST A2
(Dotted) states for system (25) [1] V. Utkin, Sliding Modes in Control and Optimization. Springer
Verlag, 1992.
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