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Skeletal System

Prof. Dr. Malak Akram Taha

Department of Anatomy/Embryology Section
Learning objectives
At the end of this lecture, the medical student will be able to:
 State the embryonic origin of skeletal system
 Define Mesenchyme ( embryonic connective tissue)
 Distinguish between the two types of ossification
 Describe the embryonic development of the skull( neurocranium and
 State the embryonic origin of sutures
 State the characteristic of new born skull
 Describe the embryonic development of the vertebrae
 State the significance of re segmentation in development of vertebral column
 State the embryonic development of ribs and sternum
 State the embryonic development of limbs
 Define apical ectodermal ridge and progress zone
 Distinguish between the embryonic development of the forelimbs and hindlimbs
 State the significance of appearance of ossification centers in determination of
bone age
 State some clinical correlates
The skeletal system
 develops from
 paraxial mesoderm
 lateral plate (parietal layer)
 neural crest.
 Somites differentiate into
 Sclerotome
 dermomyotome.
 Mesenchymal cells may
 fibroblasts
 chondroblasts,
 osteoblasts
parietal layer of the
lateral plate mesoderm
of the body wall forms
bones of the
 pelvic and shoulder
 limbs
 sternum
Neural crest cells in the
head region form bones
of the face and skull.
Occipital somites and
somitomeres contribute
to formation of the
cranial vault and base of
the skull.
Bone formation
 Intramembranous ossification
• Mesenchyme in the dermis
differentiates directly into
bone such as the flat bones of
the skull

 Endochondral ossification
• Mesenchymal cells first give
rise to hyaline cartilage
models, which in turn become
ossified . Most bones formed
by this way
The skull can be divided into two parts:

Viscerocranium forms
the skeleton of the face
(first two pharyngeal
arches) .

Neurocranium forms
a protective case
around the brain
1. Membranous Neurocranium
• Mesenchyme from neural
crest cells and paraxial
mesoderm invests the
brain and undergoes
Membranous ossification.
2. Cartilaginous Neurocranium or
 Prechordal chondrocranium
in front of the rostral limit of
the notochord / derived from
neural crest cells.

 Chordal chondrocranium
posterior to rostral limit of the
notochord / arise from
occipital sclerotomes formed
by paraxial mesoderm .
Newborn Skull
Sutures are derived from
two sources:
1. neural crest cells (sagittal
2. paraxial mesoderm
(coronal suture).
Several sutures and
fontanelles remain
membranous for a
considerable time after
After birth, palpation of
the anterior fontanelle
may give valuable
information about
1. ossification of the skull
2. intracranial pressure
At first, the face is small in comparison
with the neurocranium because of the

(a) absence of the paranasal air

(b) the small size of the bones,
particularly the jaws

A. Scaphocephaly : early closure of the sagittal suture.

Note the frontal and occipital bossing
B. Brachycephaly : early closure of both coronal
C. Plagiocephaly : premature closure of the coronal
suture on one side of the skull
Vertebral Column
 Vertebrae form from the
sclerotome portions of the
 A definitive vertebra is formed by
condensation of the caudal half of
one sclerotome and fusion with
the cranial half of the subjacent
sclerotome (re-segmentation)
 Mesenchymal cells between
cephalic and caudal parts of the
original sclerotome fill the space
between two precartilaginous
vertebral bodies
 Notochord regresses in the region
of the vertebral bodies but it
persists and enlarges in the region
of the intervertebral disc(Nucleus
Re segmentation of sclerotomes into
definitive vertebrae causes:

 Myotomes bridge the intervertebral discs

 Intersegmental arteries pass midway over the
vertebral bodies.
 Spinal nerves come to lie near the intervertebral
discs and leave the vertebral column through the
intervertebral foramina
Two primary curves Scoliosis
 thoracic curvature
 sacral curvature
Two secondary curves
cervical curvature, as
the child learns to hold
up his or her head • (lateral curving of the
spine): two successive
lumbar curvature, vertebrae fuse
which forms when the asymmetrically or have
half a vertebra missing
child learns to walk
• The curvature is seen
between the shoulder
blades (thoracic spine)
Spina bifida
non union of the vertebral arches

(a) spina bifida occulta

 involve the bony vertebral arches
 Intact spinal cord
(b) spina bifida cystica
 the neural tube fails to close
 vertebral arches fail to form
 neural tissue is exposed
Ribs & Sternum
Bony portion of each rib
is derived from
sclerotome cells that
remain in the paraxial
Costal cartilages are
formed by sclerotome
cells that migrate across
the lateral somitic
frontier into the adjacent
lateral plate mesoderm
 Sternum develops in the
parietal layer of lateral
plate mesoderm
Limb Growth and Development

 The forelimb appears first followed by the hindlimb 1 to 2 days later.

 limb buds (4th week)
 hand- and footplates (6th week) is separated from the proximal segment
by a circular constriction .
 A second constriction divides the proximal portion into two segments
 Morphogenesis of the lower limb is approximately 1 to 2 days behind
that of the upper limb.
 During the 7th week of gestation, the limbs rotate in opposite
Apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
AER: Ectoderm at the
distal border of the limb
Progress zone
Development of the
limb proceeds
Cell death in the
interdigital spaces
produces separation of
the digits
Bone Age

• Radiologists use the appearance of various

ossification centers to determine whether a
child has reached his or her proper maturation
• Useful information about bone age is
obtained from ossification studies in the
hands and wrists of children.
• Prenatal analysis of fetal bones by
ultrasonography provides information about
fetal growth and gestational age.
A. Brachydactyly
Partial (meromelia) or B. Syndactyly
complete absence (amelia) of C. Polydactyly
one or more of the extremities D. Cleft hand and foot (lobster claw
Amniotic bands

• may cause ring constrictions and

amputations of the limbs or digits .
Congenital hip dislocation
underdevelopment of the acetabulum and
head of the femur
common in female newborns
 Although dislocation usually occurs after
birth, the abnormality of the bones develops
many babies with congenital hip dislocation
are breech deliveries
frequently associated with laxity of the joint
• Skeletal system derives from paraxial mesoderm, parietal
layer of lateral plate mesoderm and neural crest cells
• Bone ossification is of two types: intramembraneous
ossification and endochondral ossification
• Skull is divided into 2 parts: neurocranium and
viscerocranium which have different embryonic origin
• Vertebrae is derived from sclerotomes which undergo re
• Apical Ectodermal ridge play an important role in
development of limbs
• Useful information about bone age is obtained from
ossification studies in the hands and wrists of children

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