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Direction: Select the best answer from the choices given.

1. The family of Ms. Sanchez does not live here

a. No more b. any more c. anymore d. moreover
2. The Governor, with his board members and supporters, one town once a month.
a. Visit b. visits c. is visiting d. usually visits
3. Which o the following utterances show dejection?
a. It’s too bad. c. I did not have the change.
b. I am sorry to hear that. d. I can’t believe it.
4. Dates are irrelevant to her case being heard by Judge Juan Cruz.
a. This b. these c. those d. that
5. I want to deal with has the authority to issue the necessary permits.
a. Whom b. whomever c. whoever d. who
6. Almost two third of the population today poor.
a. Is b. are c. has been d. were
7. Much left unproductive by the flooding.
a. Has been b. is c. is being d. have been
8. The that, or various reasons, girls spent less time working with computers
than boys.
a. Studies revealing c. studies revealed
b. Studies reveal d. studies was revealing
9. “He has been absent for three days because he is measles.”
a. Affected of c. afflicted of
b. Afflicted with d. affected with
10. to our appeal for reconsideration, the board o discipline will not give us any
extension or filling additional evidence.
a. As regard b. in regard c. with regard as d. with regard
11. Everyone in the field of entertainment to watch the FAMAS awards.
a. Was excited c. is certainly excited
b. Were certainly excited d. are certainly excited
12. During the Independence Day celebrations, the directive is .
a. Hang your flags on June 12 c. hanged your flags on June 12
b. Hanged your flags during June 12 d. hung your flags on June 12
13. The Vice-Governor said, “ I won the election without the backing o a
religious sect.
a. Could had b. should have not c. shall have not d. should
14. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he .
a. Chase b. has chosen c. choose d. is choosing
15. After eight unfruitful years, Antonio finally quit his job. He along with his
immediate boss a long time before he finally decided to look or a new job.
a. Didn’t get c. hasn’t been getting
b. Isn’t getting d. hadn’t been getting
16. Many years ago o intensive language study are required for immigrant speakers. Antonio
French for 3 years, but will need more training before he master it.
a. Will have been studying c. has been studying
b. Will be studying d. have been studying
17. An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something that represents it.
a. Comparison c. euphemism
b. Personification d. metonymy
18. A figure o speech which denotes a direct address to an abstract or a person who passed away.
a. Euphemism c. comparison
b. Asyndeton d. apostrophe
19. The independent Power Producers (IIP’s) are seeking a higher price increase for power
generation. no error.
20. They do not care whether or not they passed the qualifying examinations. No error.
21. How would you address a Doctor-husband and a Lawyer-wife?
A. Dr. and Mrs. Mel Morales c. Dr. and Atty. Mel Morales
B. Dr. Morales and Atty. Morales d. Dr. Mel and Atty. Morales
22. Which sentence is in its correct form?
A. his allays are mostly from the Nationalista Party.
B. the delays in the election returns are very suspicious.
C. he has travelling for the last 3 years.
D. only 16.8%o the nursing examiners passed the 2009 Nursing Board Examination.
23. What does it mean when we say “we have achieved a breakthrough here”?
A. that the negotiators or members have begun to agree on certain issues
B. that the members have abandoned the negotiating table.
C. the other party have won the negotiation
D. the conference have been indefinitely postponed.
24. You wouldn’t want to be late for the interview ?
a. won’t you b. will you c. don’t you d. would you
25. Historically, therefore, must be no let up in the pursuit o the solution.
a. there’ll b. they’re c. there their
26. The Union Members cannot the kind o compensation plan they want.
A. agree on B. agree to C. agree with D. get agree with
27. She has no conception the performance of her duties.
a. as to b. as with c. with d. as on
28. The witness testified the defendant’s early life.
A. as to b. as on c. about d. with
29. It is essential that harmony prevail the departments.
a. between b. among c. with d. with all
30. Please the book with you the next time you come to my office.
a. take b. bring c. carry d. bring along
31. The friendliness the Philippine Foreign Minister and the American Secretary of State
promoted harmony.
a. between b. with both c .with d. of both
32. Since Mr. Dela Cruz was elected President of the organization, the members better
a. enjoyed b. are enjoyed c. have enjoyed d. had enjoy
33. I was filing when he returned but the report before that time.
a. was typing b. was still typing c. am typing d. had been typing
34.The Congolese refugees painted a picture of their suffering in the hands of the
Chadian rebels.
a. ubiquitous b. exciting c. poignant d. blatant
35. It’s plain to see, said, ’’there are too many and’s in the sentence “.
a. Its plain to see ,said she,’’ there era too many and’s in that sentence.’’
b. “It’s plain to see,” said she “there are too many and’s in that sentence.”
c. “It’s plain to see,” said she,” there are too many and’s in the sentence.”
d. Its plain to see,” said she, there era many ands in the sentence.
36. Suffrage is a privilege in a democracy. Those who are deprived of their voting rights are
a. penalized b. criminally-liable c. disenfranchised d. imprisoned
37. “Join the street rallies and demonstration!” shouted the rallyists. What was asked o the crowd?
a. Sympathy for a cause b. Apathy for a cause c. Empathy for a cause
d. Avoidance of the action
38. The statement “I am used to the same tales” means,
a. there was redundancy b. there is great news c. there is nothing new
d. this is original
39. The personnel Manager told the Labor Representative: “We have to reduce our workforce.
“What does this mean?
a. Workers have to be more efficient.
b. Workers are required to take their forced leaves.
c. Workers are warned of possible layoffs.
d. Workers have to undergo more training.
40. Some media people are charged of corruption. They are branded as:
a. Commissioners b. Corruptors c. Media Grafters d. “Envelopementalists”
41. She ignored the doctor’s recommendation that she smoking.
a. should stop b. stop c. will stop d. stops
42. When I came home, the children still dinner.
a. didn’t finish b. haven’t finish c. hadn’t finish d.hasn’t finish
43. She claimed she there.
a. has never been b. have never been c. had never been d. had not been
44. Neither of them expert on the subject.
a. are b. is an c. is an d. is
45. It cost twice I thought it would.
a. as much as b. as much c. more than d. most
46. The you become, the less time you have for reading.
a. mare busy b. busier c. busiest d. more busier
47.She was much different I expected.
a. that b. from what c. from d. than what
48. We have described that is more important that being bright.
a. to be diligent b. one to be diligent c. diligence d. being diligent
49. Weightlifter : Strength::
a. marathoner : endurance b. hiker : agility c. goalie : skill d. dancer : speed
50. Lubricant : friction::
a. speed : drag b. motor : electricity c. muffler : noise d. insulator : heat
51. Without hardly a moment’s delay, the computer began to print out the answer to the problem.
No error.
52. Diligence and honesty, as well as being intelligent are qualities which I look for when I interview
applicants. No error.
53. Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much as achievement as to finish a 50 page novel. No error.
54. Elevator: shaft ::
a. electricity: outlet b. water: conduit
c. railroad: train d. skyscraper: foundation
55. Hydrology: science:
a. astronomy: galaxy b. fir: tree c. fashion: style d. theory: practice
56. in his address, the Regional Director exhorted the teachers to discover and
each student’s talents.
a. develop: intrinsic b. justify: gratuitous
c. redirect: specialty d. uplift: unrecognized
57. The enforcers feel that the shown by the judges to first offenders unfortunately
many youngsters to embark on the life of crimes.
58. as long as our political leaders would emulate the virtue of the great leaders of our country. We
have economic and social progress.
a. set free b. embolden c. encourage d. imitate
59. I can safely vouchsafe you a fair return for your investments.
A. borrow b. grant c. punish d. qualify
60. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival from a sale convention.
a. obedience b. absence c. familiar d. suspended
61. The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate’s test paper.
a. coy b. sneaky c. abortive d. underhanded
62. All attempts to denigrate the character of our President, have failed.
a. deceived b. venerate c. malign d. build-up
63. I must remonstrate about the lock of police protection in our area.
a. protest b. resign c. restate d. reject
64. Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand courts.
a. collaborate b. Negate c. interpret d. confirm
65. He preyed upon gullible people, who easily believed his stories.
a. incredulous b. easily deceived c. fickle d. indifferent
66.The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the case on hand.
a. original b. relevant c. connected d. assisting
67. His speeches were aimed at the plebeian minds and emotions.
a. sophisticated b. pragmatic c. persuasive d. common
68. People dislike his sly ways but granted him a certain vulpine intelligence.
a. surprise b. careful c. wily d. cunning
69. Easy access to credit encourages people to become spendthrift.
a. stringy b. sophisticated c. spender d. moneyed
70. I think it is impolitic to raise the issue at this point in time because the public is too emotional
about it.
a. advisable b. explosive c. unwise d. apolitical
71. I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point.
a. better b. dull c. illusionary d. concise
72. His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxury and relaxation.
a. frustrating b. distinct c. stingy d. vulnerable
73. Jose refused to take sleeping pills that might stupefy him.
a. rigid b. dull c. illusionary d. make numb
74. Liza is not a pariah to be shunned and ostracized.
a. citizen b. parishioner c. outcast d. benefactor
75. The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.
a. muscular b. clever c. Shriveled d. wise and smart
76. He has the dubious distinction o being the lowest man in his class.
a. strange b. satisfying c. doubtful d. existing
77. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some high government officials as
a. exacerbate b. accuse c. intimidate d. discriminate
78. Jose does not need a new a car, but traded his old one to keep up with the Joneses.
a. to imitate others in extravagance b. to be envious
c. to be responsible c. to please others
79. The politician is a witty speaker but he beats around the bush too much.
a. speaks emotionally b. away from the public
b. avoids the main topic c. keeps on talking
80. after all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a teapot.
a. temperature dropped b. simmered down
c. heated argument followed d. boiled down to nothing
81. All his life he has tried to be good citizen, but still doesn’t seem to get any place.
a. change location b. take a trip
c. unsuccessful d. miserable
82. the committee members have gone off, leaving everything at sixes and sevens among
a. harmony b. disagreement c. unproductive d. disorganized
83. “Rome was not built in a day!”
a. always on the move
b. accept and bear consequences of your own doings
c. great things require time and effort
d. hatred between forgiven two parties
84. All is well that ends well. The hatchet is buried as the dye is cast.
a. The action is done and every ill feeling is forgiven as it is forgotten
b. the weapon is buried
c. judgment is given
d. in serious trouble
85. Pilar tasted a dose of her medicine.
a. suffered the consequences b. tasted her glory
c. self-medication d. rewarded
86. Don’t trust him completely; he may try to put one over you.
a. overcome b. be subordinated
c. to deceived you d. impulsive
87. Mrs. Gonzales is as good as her last triumph.
a. can’t be good all throughout b. can’t be bad
c. as nice as ever d. in trouble
88. “Never in World History was there a leaderless nation. “ This passage means .
a. nations can survive without leaders b. a leader is always born
c. leaders come and go d. a leader fades away but another come up
89. When a leader is succeeded by another leader, the former is referred to as .
a. replaced b. dethroned c. defeated d.deposed
90. Adopting the values of colonizer would be tragic and meaningless
a. the b. one’s c. it’s d. a
91. Colonialism was itself violent in natural state.
a. the b. its c. it’s d. their
92. The right form to address an invitation for a lawyer husband and his doctor wie.
a. Atty. And Mrs. Jose Novales b. Atty. And Dr. Josef Novales
c. Atty. Novales and Dr. Novales d. Atty. Jose Novales and Dr. Novales
93. What utterance show determination?
a. This time, I have not made my mind b. this time I won’t stop schooling
c. I have good news for you d. what a shame, she came back
94. “You wouldn’t want to be accused of theft, ?”
a. wouldn’t you b. won’t you c. will you d. would you
95. An appropriate philosophy o education Filipinos must consider this Historical
a. of b. by c. for the d. of their
96. The referee may not these regulations no matter how much you complain.
a. explain to you b. exempt you from c. accept you from d. expect you from
97. This iPod is my sister’s. how about this?
a. this is to him b. this is to his c. this is his d. this is of him
98. “ His untimely death has left us blinder than we might have been.” This means?
a. those left behind are left homeless b. those left behind are blind
c. those orphans are left to themselves d. those who are blind are orphans
99. Which of the following quotations is the best example of aphorism?
a. “that is no country for old men”
b. “ out of the frying pan and into the fire”
c. “ fool rush in where angels fear to tread”
d. I fear thee, ancient mariner”
100. adults acquire new words and experience primarily through?
A. formal education b. use of dictionary
c. exposure to their use d. casual explanation from peers
101. the best definition of the meaning of a word.
a. the object to which it refers b. its general dictionary definition
c. its use in a particular situation d. its corresponding idea in the mind
102. people leaving in the mountainous and rugged areas were advised about the occurrence of la
Nina. This means?
a. there will be famine b. there will be drought
c. there will be abundance d. there will be flashfloods
103. professionals going abroad to seek greener pastures as one type of ?
a. brain drain b. employment c. tourism d. migration
104. “The modern heroes are understandable product of one’s literary heritage and the present
world. Heroes of the present are prototypes of the society in which they flourish.” It means?
a. heroes are alike, modern and classical
b. modern society affects the modern literary heroes
c. literature has heroes who represent the people, race and times
d. modern heroes are embodiment of the society’s values
105. the victim’s father refused revenge when he said:
a. “an eye for an eye” b. “justice is always delayed”
b. “ don’t take the law into your hands” c. “ give him the other cheek”
106. identify the Filipino value and its influence on the Filipino youth as stated:
a. lack of initiative……..passionism b. faith…….conflicting attitudes
c. extreme personalism……individualism d. lack of discipline……indifference
107. we should work for a total ban of pesticides that are hazardous to man.
a. on the use b. by the use c. on using d. with the use
108. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.” This means ?
a. the heart is always correct about everything
b. important things are not always for the heart but for the brain
c. heart should always be over and above the brains
d. only the heart can see the beauty o life and love
109. ‘’I will take the road less travelled by and be condemned if necessary” said one politician. His
decision shows ?
a. regrets come before decision
b. decisions are made despite differences from the majority
c. decisions are made on the crossroads
d. regrets come after decisions
110. what word is not properly spelled and used in these sentences?
a. there were commissions on the fare
b. there were confusions on admissions
c. there was confusions on the plane
d. there was confusions of directions
111. you should be more___________ instead of being ___________ in order to avoid committing
A. literate………..erudite
b. intelligent…………smart
c. cautious…………… impetuous
d. practical…………… passive
112. only world-class athletes win medals at the olympic games. Michael Phelps won several gold
medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. Therefore:
a. Michael Phelps is an all time American swimmer
b. Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming
c. Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian
d. Michael Phelps is a swimmer
113. i treasury bills have an interest rate of 6.85% per annum.
ii savings accounts have an interest rate of only 2% per annum.
iii treasury bills used to have 9-10% rates per annum. Therefore, it is better to invest in treasury
bills than just to put your money in regular savings account.
A. Definitely true b. most likely true
c. Most likely false d. definitely false
114. “She was a phantom of delight ………….when first she gleaned upon my sight.” William
a. metaphor b. simile c. apostrophe d. hyperbole
115. which of the following words are misspelled?
1. Transgression 2. Transcent 3. Immunity 4. Percieve
A. 2&3 b. 2,3&4 c.1,3&4 d.1,2&3

1. C 20. C 33. D W 53. C 62. C 82. B 102. D
2. B - 34. C I - 63. A 83. C 103. A
3. C P 35. B T F 64. D 84. A 104. C
4. C A 36. C H I 65. B 85. A 105. C
5. C S 37. A O N 66. B 86. C 106. C
6. A S 38. C U I 67. D 87. A 107. A
7. A E 39. C T 68. D 88. A 108. D
8. C D 40. D 52. B 69. C 89. D 109. B
9. B 21. B 41. B - 70. C 90. B 110. C
10. D 22. C 42. C I 71. D 91. B 111. C
11. C 23. A 43. C N N 72. C 92. A 112. C
12. A 24. D 44. C T G 73. D 93. B 113. B
13. B 25. C 45. A E 54. B 74. C 94. D 114. A
14. B 26. A 46. B L 55. B 75. C 95. C 115. B
15. C 27. A 47. B L 56. A 76. C 96. B
16. C 28. C 48. D I 57. C 77. B 97. C
17. D 29. B 49. A G 58. D 78. A 98. C
18. D 30. B 50. C E 59. B 79. C 99. C
19. D 31. A 51. A N 60. D 80. D 100. C
32. C - T 61. B 81. C 101. A
A. COMMUNICATION ARTS IN ENGLISH: Grammar and correct usage

Direction: The sentences below contain errors in idioms, grammar, word choice, English usage.etc., you
are to detect such errors by writing the letters of the part of the sentence where the mistake is found.

Start here:

1. Take note o the immediate affect this drug has on the behavior of the hamsters in the cage.
No error .
2. Do not be aggravated by his bad manners, he is merely trying to attract attention. No error.
3. This scholarship should be awarded to whoever best meets the requirements. No error.
4. I fail to understand why you are seeking my council after you ignored my advice last week.
No error.
5. Our’s is a critical period; we are confronted with grave problems which must be solved if we are
to avert a tragedy. No error.
6. More than sixty percent of this project still has to be completed. I am afraid that we shall have to
work overtime tonight. No error.
7. Alfredo usually eats a quick lunch, regardless of whether what we eats is healthy or not. No error.
8. If were you, I would never permit them to take part in such an exhausting activity. No error.
9. The reason for my long absence from class was because I sick from almost three weeks. No error.
10. I will always remember you standing by me and offering me pieces of advice and
Encouragements. No error.
11. Although I am playing golf for more than 4 years now, I cannot imagine to break a 90. No error.
12. between twenty and thirty students are willing to volunteer, the rest are not planning to
participate in the activity. No error.
13. He is not the kind of person who accepts such challenge negatively, he is certain to seek

competition. No error.

14. Although Jake is in the country for only two years, he talks like he has lived here for ten years.
No error.

15. Even if you go shopping late, will you please bring this note to the store’s manager. No error.
16. Let me say once and for all that between you and I, there can be no further friendship. No error.
17. He proved to his own satisfaction that he was as good as, if not, more good than she. No error.
18. We insist upon your telling us who else’s signature appeared on this petition besides yours.
No error.
19. The Student Council would appreciate hearing from anyone whose interested in organizing a
drama club. no error.

20.English people of the Renaissance were accustomed to resorting to wizards and astrologers for


help in alleviating diseases, identifying threats and to locate lost property. No error.

21. B- effect 34. B- has been

22. A- irritated 35. C- take
23. C- whoever 36. C- me
24. B- counsel 37. D- better
25. A- our 38. C- whose
26. E 39. C- who is
27. D- healthful 40. D- locating
28. E
29. D- that
30. C- your
31. B- have been playing
32. E
33. A- kind of person

PART B: Start here:

1. Because of the high interest rate on installment schemes, it is advisable to pay things in
cash. No error.

2. The man who is lying in the pavement needs immediate medical attention. No error.
3. Neither Jose or Mark handed in his resignation letter yesterday. No error.

4. More experimental data is required before we can accept the theory. No error.
5. Choosing between you and she is very difficult, both of you are qualified. No error.
6. It is not you who are at fault; rather, it is I who are to blame. No error.
7. Since you do not participate in any of the club’s activities, I must conclude that you are
disinterested. No error

8. She reported to the police that a large quantity of clothing and of jewelry were missing.
No error.

9. Neither the editor nor the Circulation Manager were satisfied with the salary increase
offered by the management. No error.
10. In the rush to get to the executive meeting, one of the directors forgot their documents.
No error.
11. The principal of equality is a pillar of democracy; this is not true of other forms of
government. No error.
12. The Lieutenant report to his officer regularly everyday. No error.
13. He can’t hardly do anything with his right ever since he had his stoke. No error.
14. Mr. espiritu’s decision to retire came as a shock to all who respected his ability. No error.
15. In all of my years as a researcher, I have never encountered an individual such as he; he
definitely is most hardworking. No error.


16. Although I am willing to go along with your idea, I cannot enthuse over its chances of
success. No error.
17. If you plan to become an English major, you should learn grammar, read lots of books, as
well as practicing your writing skills. No error.


18. After his heart attack, he was ordered to lay in bed and rest for two weeks. No error.
19. Was it they who were involved in the recent unruly demonstration? No error.


20. She is the only one of the participants who are fully qualified for the position, No error.


1. E 11. A- principle
12. B- reports
2. B- lying 13. A- can hardly
3. B- nor 14. E
4. B- are 15. E
5. B- her 16. C- enthusiastic
6. D- am 17. D- practice
7. D- uninterested 18. C- lie
8. C- was 19. E
9. B- was 20. C- is
10. D- his/her
DIRECTION: Below you will find groups of sentences. Select which one in each group is preferable with
respect to grammar and correct usage.

1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party.

1. Except for you and I, everyone brought
2. With exception of you and I, everyone brought
3. Except for you and I, everyone had brought
4. Except for and me, everyone brought

2. The reason I came late to office today is because the car broke down.
1. I came late to office today is because
2. Why I came to office today is because
3. I was late to office today because
4. I came late to office today is that

3. When the war is over, no nation will either be isolated I war or peace.
1. either be isolated in war or peace
2. be either isolated in war or peace
3. be isolated in neither war nor peace
4. be isolated either in war or peace

4. The supermarket owner hadn’t hardly any of those kind of can goods.
1. Hadn’t hardly any of those kind
2. Hadn’t hardly any of those kinds
3. Had hardly any of those kind
4. Had hardly any of those kinds

5. Irregardless of the outcome of the competition, our schools will remain staunchly allies.

1. Irregardless of the outcome

2. Regardless of how the outcome
3. With regards to the outcome
4. Regardless to the outcome
6. she was told to give the award to whomever she thought had contributed most for the
welfare of the student organization.
1. To whomever he thought
2. To whoever she thought
3. To the senior she thought
4. To whomsoever

7. Senator Josef is one of the legislators who are going to discuss the budget in the upper
1. One of the legislators who are going
2. One of the legislators who is going
3. One of the legislator who has gone
4. The legislator who is going
8. She not only was competent but also friendly in nature.
1. She not only was competent but also friendly
2. She not was only competent but friendly also
3. She not only was competent but friendly also
4. She was not only competent but also friendly

9. Most students like to read these kind of books during their break time.
1. These kind of books
2. These kind of book
3. This kind of book
4. This kinds of book

10. It is not for you to assume responsibility, it is, rather, me who is the guilty person in this
1. Me who is 2. Me who am 3. I who is 4. I who am

11. The “Aurora Borealis” or Northern Lights, is so named because it is a light display that
takes place in the northern skies.
1. Because it is a light display that takes place
2. As a light display taking place
3. Because of taking place
4. Due to the fact that it is a light display

12. The giving of foreign aid is a tool of national policy, the hoped-for return is often
indirect and long-term
1. Policy, the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
2. Policy, however the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
3. Policy, though the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
4. Policy, albeit the hoped-for return is often indirect and long-term
13. The difference between the candidates is that one is radical, the other, conservative.
1. One is radical; the other, conservative
2. One is radical; the other being conservative
3. While one is radical; the other, conservative
4. One is radical; the other, is conservative

14. Many middle class individuals find that they control obtain good medical attention,
despite they need it badly.
1. Despite they need it badly
2. Despite their bad need of it
3. In spite of they need it badly
4. However, much they need it.

15. If I would have known about the traffic jam at the area, I would have taken an alternate
1. If I would have known about 3. If I would of known about
2. If I would of known about 4. Had I known about

16. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, efficiency and happiness.

1. Using it wisely 3. Having used it wisely
2. If it is used wisely 4. Because it is used wisely

17. Neither the earthquake or the subsequent fire was able to destroy the spirit of the
1. Or the subsequent fire was 3. Or the subsequent fire were
2. Nor the subsequent fire were 4. Nor the subsequent fire was

18. Of the two candidates for this government position, Jose Maria is the most qualified
because of his experience in the field.
1. Most qualified because of 3. More qualified due to
2. Most qualified due to 4. More qualified because of

19. He has not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment.
1. Not only violated the law, but also he has escaped punishment
2. Violated not only the law, but also he has escaped punishment
3. Violated not only the law, but he has escaped punishment also
4. Not only violated the law, but also escaped punishment

20. She seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts.
1. Seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts
2. Seldom ever wants to try and face the facts
3. Seldom wants to try and face the facts
4. Seldom wants to try to face the facts


1. (4) you and me

2. (4) “is that” is preferred to “because”
3. (2) either..or…
4. ( 4) double negative: had hardly; “those kinds”
5. (4) regardless
6. (2) “whoever”…had contributed
7. (1) original sentence is correct
8. (4) “was not only”…but also…
9. (3) “kind” is singular, so use “this”
10. (4) use “I” instead of me; 1st person singular verb am
11. (1) original sentence
12. (3) addition of conjunction “though”
13. (1) original sentence is correct
14. (2) “despite” used as a preposition
15. (4) correct use of subjunctive mood to indicate a condition to contrary to fact
16. (2) change participial phrase to a clause
17. (4) “neither”… nor…”
18. (4) use “more” because only 2 persons are compared
19. (4) “not only” and ”but also” placed near the words violated and escaped
20. (4)

Helpful Tips to Score High

In Reading Comprehension & Paragraph Organization

Below are steps which prove useful in taking test in Reading Comprehension, both in English and in

Step 1: Read the whole selection quickly to get the main thought/idea.

Step 11: Analyze each question asked in the selection, without minding the possible answer or
choices given.

Step 111: Reread and concentrate on the parts of the selection where the possible answers to the
questions are found.

Step IV: Choose the correct answer from the choices given by having in mind the following:

a. The choice should be based on facts, not on a mere opinion. It should be well-
expressed in the selection.;
b. When the question asks for… What is the best title or the main thought of the
selection?, your choice should reflect the main idea of the story or paragraph.
c. Watch out the tricky words and expression like generally, definitely, never, always,
in all circumstances, etc. they usually destroy the accuracy of some apparently
correct answers;

Step V: Remember the two aspects to reading skills, i.e.: speed and understanding what you

1. To read fast, avoid lip movements or whispering while reading silently. Read
units/group of words, not word for word at a time.
2. To read fast with understanding/comprehension, look for the topic or key sentence.
This sentence is usually a the beginning of the paragraph, sometimes at the end or is
buried within the paragraph.
3. Practice using your finger as a pacer to be able to read fast with understanding.

Step VI: The use of consequently, in addition to, hence, as a result of, therefore and alternatively
indicates the reading of the paragraph.

While the following expressions indicate an emphasis to the Topic Sentence:

additionally, moreover, furthermore, arguably and in addition to, they cannot be the
Topic Concluding Statement. It is very important to determine the Main idea or Topic of
the paragraph. This will help in knowing the proper sequence of the statements in the
whole paragraph.


Direction: each paragraph or quotation below by several statements, one of which best
summarizes the paragraph or quotation. Write the letter of your choices on the blank
provided after the last exercise.

1. The failed July 27,2003 munity was believed by many as a plan by the Magdalo Group to take
over the government. It was viewed as s desperate attempt by the mutineers who were
supported by influential and politically motivated men who financed the mutiny, according to
the Feliciano Commission. The action was found to be unconstitutional as it violated both the
Court Martial or Civilian Proceedings or even both.
The best title for the above article is:

a. Failed Mutiny c. Coup d’etat

b. Illegal Soldiers’ Uprising d. Articles of War and Punishment

2. The importance of breakfast for the young and old cannot be underestimated. No hearty meal
or snacks can take the place of this meal. The word “breakfast” is coined to break the fasting of
from 5-8 hours of sleeping at night time. Studies have shown that a well-planned breakfast
which is eaten assures the well-being of everybody for the whole day’s work. Nutritionists
conclude that children who start the day eating the right food at breakfast, perform much
better with school work. This holds true with adults as regards their performance in their work
place. Even to those who watch their diet, a good breakfast can substitute for succeeding
heavy snacks and meals throughout the day. Hence, the adage: Eat breakfast like a king, eat
lunch and dinner like a pauper.
The above selection supports the idea:
a. That breakfast has to be expensive c. That breakfast is the right meal
b. That breakfast should be well-eaten d. that breakfast must be well prepared and eaten
to start the day

3. The Roll On Roll Off (RoRo) is also known as the bridges which connects Luzon thru
Visayas and Mindanao, carrying local tourists with their vehicles loaded in the ship. The RoRo
dramatically reduces time and travel expenses. The prices of commodities from the Visayas and
Mindanao will be reduced and inventories will be better handled.
Should advertisement for RoRo to include contacts regarding schedules and
departure areas to and from Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao, loading cost, etc., these
information will surely encourage tourism and increase production.
Likewise, Tourism Information Center should be made available to tourists to
guide them on how to reach their destination safely, where to go to reasonably priced
inns or hotels and tourists spots in different regions.
The best title for the selection:
a. An alternative way to see the Philippines’ Best
b. The RoRo is here
c. More Advertisement for RoRo to succeed
d. The Highway at Sea

4. With the events taking place nowadays, the Philippines has earned her rightful status in
the world, not only in Southeast Asia. The recent visit of US Pres. George W. Bush, the firm
stand of Pres. Arroyo to be the first Asian leader against terrorism and her initiative, calling on
wealthy nations to support maritime security at the recently concluded APEC Summit plus the
Philippines’ election to the powerful UN Security Council, all contribute to making the
Philippines a true pillar of democracy.
The Philippines peace and socio-economic growth will be realized if the “trapos” among
politicians will work to support, not keep on criticizing or fighting government programs which
aim to alleviate conditions to improve life.
Why is there a need to support government efforts to be identified with APEC, UN
Agenda, etc.?
a. Because it will make the Philippines great among Asians
b. Because its needed to fight terrorism, maintain peace and promote trade and
c. It is the trend
d. It prevents isolation and promotes interdependence

5. In the world of globalization, the trade between two countries need not be balanced for
each trade partner. Differing demands, productive capabilities and efficiency among countries
will cause a specific country to have deficit with some countries and surplus with other
Which of the following conclusions best summarizes the passage above?
a. A country’s trade will always be in balance even though it incurs a deficit with
another country
b. A country’s global trade balance indicates strengths and weaknesses
c. A country’s trade surplus balances trade deficit with other countries
d. Its’ global trade balance is determined by its demands and productivity
6. Wages refer to the total earnings of a person for doing a certain kind of work in a given
period of time. They are paid on an hourly basis or product by piece rate; hence, the pay rate
may be based on time, output, or even a combination o these two.
The paragraph states that
a. Wages vary c. Services are wage-oriented
b. Types of wages d. combination of wages is better

7. “Necessity is the mother of invention” is an old saying which holds water. A new machine,
system or a device is created when there is a felt need for it. People will buy it especially if its
reasonably priced. Hence, there is a potential market or it. Consequently, more developed
countries spend so much to discover solutions to man’s insatiable quest for something.
Ironically, inventions are given impetus when the inventor no longer exist. However , it’s now
gratifying to know that more attention is given to inventions that benefits humanity the most.
The paragraph stresses that________________
a. A market demand for a product creates its invention and production
b. The market is an important commodity
c. People need new products
d. A new device creates new invention

8. An effective communication takes place when basic skills are present. The first is called
the encoding skills which are concerned with speaking and writing. The other skills are listening
and reading and are called the decoding skills. Furthermore, the skill considered the highest
form of mental process is reasoning. The absence of the ability to read and write, listen and
speak, as well as the ability to think, prevents a person from communicating effectively.
The paragraph emphasizes the fact that________
a. In any communication process, speaker-listener relationship must be given
b. Certain communication skills are essential in order to have a better exchange of
c. Without the ability to speak and write, listen and read plus the ability to think
through, one cannot communicate effectively.

9. Credit and collection letters are written with the sensitive feeling of costumers in mind.
When a costumer fails to pay his debt promptly, a simple form of collection letter i8s written as
a reminder that payment is overdue. If no response is received, then a formal letter one is
written, followed by a legal action as the last remedy.
The paragraph tells____________
a. The need for writing credit and collection letter
b. The costumer who fails to remit payments
c. How and when letters of credit and collection are made
d. How not to be used for non-payment of credits

10. Letters written about remittances, inquiries and replies, requests and acknowledgement of
orders, are known as utility letters. Although they are part of the routine in an office, they
should be made very clear, specific and in good taste. Errors made in billing or extra charges
made on orders deserve a gracious apology and tact.
The paragraph acknowledges the fact___________
a. That utility letters are used for some specific purposes


Direction: Here are groups of sentences you are ready to read carefully. Determine the proper
arrangement of the sentences to make out a paragraph which conveys complete thought.
Capital letters before each sentence will guide you in working on the exercises. Answers are
found after the last exercise.

1. A. By trying, man learns to solve his problems thru satisfying acts and eliminate actions which
are annoying.
B. He used a hungry cat in a puzzled box where it tried ways to get out in order to get the food.
C. Eduard C. Thorndike’s connectionism theory of learning establishes the trial and error way
to learn
D. He established the fact that like the cat, man too, learns by trial and error.

2. A. Before, his religion was basically involved with rituals and ceremonies.
B. The religion of the teacher helps him in reducing his fears and uncertainties.
C. His religion responds to his need for a means to allay his fears about the uncertainly of
events contrary to natural law.
D. Religion is important because it provides spiritual nourishment for his total being.
3. A. The type of non-formal education to offer depends on what clientele to serve and locality
where they live.
B. The clientele target of non-formal education are the adults without formal education but
who are still productive, the school-age youth, dropped-outs and those without access to
formal schooling.
C. First, second and third categorizing will be planned
D. Regional strategies for the development of target clientele are a must.
4. A. Many innovations without proven results and follow up evaluation are educational
B. One wonders in the final analysis if these changes have been deeply rooted on basic
problems of the people they serve.
C. Some curriculum changes were mere fads without foreseeable achievements
D. what is needed are innovations that overcome the miseducation of the young
5. A. A responsive educational system should be directed towards regional cooperation
B. Commonality o educational objectives should be replaced better ways of achieving goals
that fit the regional needs.
C. It is necessary to revolutionize the contemporary methodologies in the teaching strategies
and technologies

D.The educational goals should seek for a better way of experimentation in teaching strategies
and technologies
6. A. Education is a vital instrument of change
B. It is hoped that before the end of this century, the language spoken is better understood and
C. This means the strengthening of a nation through a common language spoken by the people
D. The bilingual policy is a necessary force for the unity of the Filipinos
7. A. To a young, it means new, easy And relevant
B. Against all odds, quality of education should mean prioritizing the needs of the system.
C. Consequently, to them, what is old and difficult to learn is not worth striving for
D. Quality education means education that is useful, utilizable and profitable
8. A. Although the Government is willing to put resources to education, alone, it cannot do the
B. Education Act 1980 provides an all encompassing activity with participation at all educational
level and sector
C. The private schools have to be partners
D. The act not strengthens but equips the DepEd with its regulatory and developmental task as
9. A. Academic freedom ensures independence and self-direction among scholars and institutions
B. We need not debate on its importance for the protection and existence of a healthy
C. Education Act of 1908 recognizing this facts
D. The academe needs academic freedom for its healthful existence
10. A. The experience of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) serves as a model for successful
government program
B. The Japanese and the Taiwanese have already established business there
C. The American pull-out of their operations from Subic was a blessing in disguise
D. The government pins its hope on volunteerism of the Subic people

1. 1(ACBD)
2. 2(BACD)
3. 3(BACD)
4. 2(ACBD)
5. 2(ABDC)
6. 3( DBCA)
7. 2(DACB)
8. 1(BACD)
9. 4(DBCA)
10. 1(DCBA)

DIRECTION: This is a test on your ability to recall facts which you learned in English and in Filipino
literatures. Choose the correct answer from the choices given. Correct answers are found at the end of
the last exercise.

1. Ano ang tinutukoy ng bugtong na ito? ” Dalawang bolang sinulid, umaabot hanggang langit.”
a. Bisig b. paa c. mata d. pisngi
2. The sum total of traditionally-derived and orally-transmitted literature, material culture and
custom within predominantly literate and technologically advanced societies is referred to as:
a. Folk literature b. folk tale c. folklore folk song
3. The conclusion or final part of non-dramatic literary work that serves typically to complete the
design of the work.
a. Prologue b. epilogue c. theme d. finale
4. A distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy, and novel.
a. Form b. genre c. literature d. prose
5. “ Quo Vadis” is a historical novel by Henry Sienkieurcz which means?
a. What are you doing? c. how is life?
b. Why are you doing this? d. where are you going?
6. It is the longest epic ever written.
a. Mahabharata b. lam-ang c. Siegfried d. lament
7. The pseudonym of Samuel Clemens
a. The Barrettes b. Mark Twain C. Ulysses d. Abe Lincoln
8. The oldest form of Egyptian Writing
a. Alphabet b. cursive c. hieroglyphics d. stone carving
9. Father of the English essay
a. Alexander Dumas b. William James c. Edgar Allan Poe d. Francis Bacon
10. Greatest American Writer of horror and detective stories
a. Albert Camus b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Justin O’Brien d. James Joyce
11. An allegory:
a. a poem of sadness b. a verse of 3 stanzas c. a short story
d.a narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface
12. An elegy:
a. a meditative poem of grief b. love song c. a debate d. note of love
13. A verse with 14 iambic pentameter lines
a. ballad b. verse c. novel d. epic
14. A long poem which depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals his country’s aspirations.
a. epic b. legend c. novel d. short story
15. A speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts.
a. sonnet b. metaphor c. soliloquy d. simile
16. Figure of speech where two different things are compared thru the use of “as” and “like.”
a. simile b. allegory c. facsimile d. epic
17. The author of “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife.”
a. Manuel Arcilla b. Fernando Maramag c. Paz Benitez d. Jesus Pardo
18. These stories which reflect the people’s beliefs are handed down from generation to generation
by word of mouth.
a. Novels b. folktales c. prose d. epic
19. A type of literature which heroic deeds and supernatural happenings with local color and which
people sing or chant.
a. Epic b. poetry c. verse d. riddles
20. He wrote the famous letter “To The Women of Malolos.”
a. Gregorio del Pilar b. Andres Bonifacio c. Jose Rizal d. Emilio Aguinaldo
21. A kind of literary piece which moralizes and was written in letter from between two sistersw
dwelling in the city and the other in the province.
a. Urbana at Felisa by M. de Castro c. Manang Biday
b. Pasyon- a religious play d. Biag ni Lam-Ang
22. He is the author of “ The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” which revolves around a headless
horseman’s tale.
a. Gorge Orwell b. Robert Frost c. Washing Irving d. Walton Shaw
23. Considered as one of the world’s greatest short stories and it is Edgar Allan Poe’s story of terror
about a hypochondriac living in morbid fear.
a. Annabel Lee b. The Fall of the House of Uber c. Macbeth d. The Raven
24. He is Edmond Rostand”s famous character who is a poet and a soldier noted for his peculiar
a. Roxanne b. Don Quixote c. Don Juan d. Cyrano de Bergerac
25. “If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.” Is taken from the poem?
a. The bells b. Sonnets c. Don Juan d. Rhodora
26. A great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger and wrath of Achilles against
Agamemnon, a Greek leader.
a. Bernardo Carpio b. The Illiad of Homer c. The Odyssey d. Myth
27. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” is taken from the poem?
a. O Captain, My Captain c. The Arrow and the Song
b. Invictus d. the Tragedy of Lords
28. He was the American President who said ”Ask not what America will do for you, but what
together we can do for the freedom of man.”
a. Gerald Ford b. Franklin Roosevelt c. Harry Truman d. John F. Kennedy
29. The speech of Abraham Lincoln which ends, thus; “That the government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the death.” Is in his famous?
a. Farewell Address at Springfield c. Inaugural Address
b. Address at Gettysburg d. Speech before the Union
30. The figure of speech which uses exaggerated statement for aesthetic reason.
a. Alliteration b. onomatopoeia c. hyperbole d. metaphor
31. Isang kuwentong ang mga tauhan ay hayop.
a. Parabula b. kathang –isip c. tula d. sarsuela
32. Ang lumikha ng awit na “Bayan Ko”
a. Jose Rizal b. Constancio de Guzman c. Severino Santos d. Manuel Conde
33. Si Pascual Poblete
a. Makata ng Tagalog c. Ama ng Pahayagang Taga;log
b. Isang manunulat na pari d. maghihimagsik
34. Sagisag na hindi kailanman ginamit ni Marcelo H. del Pilar sa pagsulat
a. Pupdok b. Dolores Manapat c. Piping Dilat d. Basang Sisiw
35. Unang aklat na nalimbag ditto sa Pilipinas.
a. Diaryong Malaya b. Doctrina Christiana c. Ang Balita d. Ang Diyaryo
36. His famous work is Mona Lisa
a. Jose Rizal b. Leonardo da Vinci c. Juan Luna d. Bartolucci
37. Ama ng Dulaang Tagalog
a. Manuel L. Conde b. Armando V. Fernandez c. Severino Reyes d. Malang
38. Ang sagisag na panulat ni Andres Bonifacio
a. Anak-Bayan b. Taga-ilog c. Comedyang Bingi d. Lolo tiko
39. The award- winning, world famous Juan Luna painting
a. La Spolarium b. The Women of Paris c. Riceland d. My Hometown
40. Known for his excellence of characterization, swiftness of narrative and clarity of style.
a. Edgar Allan Poe c. Ralph Waldo Emerson
b. Gorge Bernard Shaw d. Guy De Maupassant
41. A narrative technique in non- dramatic fiction intended to render the flow of visual, auditory,
physical and associative impression of the character in a story.
a. Flashback b. stream-of-consciousness c. dream sequence d. narration
42. When the primary aim of a work literature is to expound some moral, political or other
a. Value-oriented b. didactic c. aphorism d. argumentative
43. A designation that serves as an index of popular literary taste and judgement.
a. Golden glove b. Pulitzer prize c. best seller d. Nobel prize
44. What is the literary term which means harsh and discordant sound introduced for poetic effect.
a. Assonance b. alliteration c. cacophony d. trochaic
45. In English, a verse, a poetic foot having one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed
a. Iambic b. dactylic c. anapestic d. trochaic


1. C 7. B 13. C 19. A 25. A 31. A

2. C 8. C 14. A 20. C 26. B 32. C
3. B 9. D 15. C 21. A 27. B 33. C
4. B 10. B 16. A 22. C 28. D 34. A
5. B 11. D 17. B 23. B 29. C 35. B
6. A 12. A 18. B 24. D 30. C 36. B
37. C 39. A 41. B 43. C 45. D
38. A 40. B 42. A 44. C


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