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PERKARA Kursus Penataran Kurikulum Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4 TARIKH 21-24

(CEFR) Peringkat Daerah Sibu Tahun 2019 Oktober

RUJ. FAIL JPS(W)/PPDDS(upa)153/06/08/17/02/Jld.2(64) MASA 0800-1700
Pegawai yang hadir
1. 35 guru dari SJK Daerah Sibu
2. 12 Jurulatih Utama Daerah – Yew Li Ing (SJK Thian Hua), Ngieng Leh Ting (SJK Chung
Sing), Albert Tham Kuo Shin (SJK Sacred Heart Chinese), Lau Yuk Mei (SJK Ek Thei),
Chieng King Huo (SJK Uk Daik), Geraldine Bt William Bili (SK St Rita), Lee Young Cing (SJK
Sang Ming), Amy Tan Geok Choo (SJK Sung Sang), Chin Shi Ching (SJK Yong Shing), Ngo
Lea Kin (SJK Methodist), Nordalina Nailie (SJK Thian Chin), Kong Sze Yunn (SK Sibu
Bandaran No 2).
3. 3 Secretariat - Lau Hieng Poh (UPA), Pamela Lim (SISC+), Toh Lee Lee (SISC+)
1 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin)
MASA: 8.00-9.30 pagi
Session 1 : New Curriculum Purpose, Format and
Content oleh Yew Li Ing, SJKC Thian Hua
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to
✔ Explain reform objectives and understand their
responsibilities as English-language educators
✔ Develop basic understanding of, and describe, the
CEFR scales and levels
✔ Recognise the link between the new curriculum and
the CEFR
● Write down our names on the popsicle stick
● Ice breaker activity: talk about our favourite food in
the group and present in 3 minutes.
● Why is the English language curriculum changing?
✔ Watch this video at the link
● What is the CEFR?
✔ CEFR is an International standard for describing
language ability.
✔ There are six main levels in the CEFR Global Scales.
✔ Year 1=pre-A1, Year 2= A1 Low, Year 3= A1 Mid,
Year 4= A1 High
✔ There are four core skills (Reading, Speaking,
Listening, Writing) plus language arts and language
● Why can’t we use the exact wording of the CEFR
descriptors in the curriculum?
✔ The culture might be different. We need to
connect to our Malaysia’s culture.
✔ The pupils’ different abilities.
✔ The content might be different.
✔ CEFR is not specific for young learners.
✔ Descriptors are not wide enough for young
✔ Too technical on the language use.
✔ We need to adapt CEFR to the classroom use.

2 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin) Makluman

MASA: 9:30-11.00 pagi
Session 2 : Teaching and learning English as promoted
in the new curriculum by Yew Li Ing, SJKC Thian Hua
- The purpose of various new curriculum
⮚ DSPK (stanrdard– Based Curriculum and
Assessment Document)
⮚ Curriculum Framework
⮚ Syllabus
⮚ Schemes of Work (SoW)
⮚ Textbook
- The benefits of a pupil-centred teaching approach:
⮚ Pupils learn to manage their own learning.
⮚ Pupils build their self-esteem.
⮚ Pupils enjoy lesson and experience the
learning as fun.
⮚ Pupils’ social skills are developed.
⮚ Pupils learn communicative skills through
group work.
⮚ Pupils are encouraged to ask questions.
⮚ Pupils are able to learn from each other.
⮚ Pupils are supported to learn about how they
⮚ Pupils are more willing to participate in the
Examples: role play, games, project, group
making, PAK21
- Formative assessment strategies
⮚ Pre-lesson and post-lesson activities
⮚ Quick scans
⮚ Feedback
⮚ Deliberate practice
⮚ Sharing learning objectives
⮚ Questioning
⮚ Discussions
⮚ Exemplars
⮚ Self-assessment and peer assessment

3 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin)

MASA: 11.00-12.30 petang
Session 3 : Classroom Management in Language Lesson
by Ngieng Leh Ting (SJK Chung Sing)
More classroom management tips:
● Not all production needs teacher feedback—
Encourage pupils to share and correct each other’s
work using success criteria. Peer assessment
encourages pupils to take ownership of and
understand their own learning.
● Decide where pupils sit---- Decide on a seating plan
before the lesson and tell pupils where they will sit.
● Set up small group seating (café style) and make the
most of group work--- Use café-style seating to help
maximise pupils’ small group and/or pair interaction.
For small group work, give roles to each group
member. Vary pair interactions by asking pupils to
change their talk partners. Move around the groups
and make yourself available for pupils sitting at the
back of the class.
● Vary the classroom dynamics-- Move around the
class regularly and think of ways to conduct whole
class activities from different locations in the
● Plan your questions--- Increase pupil engagement by
planning your questions, as well as thinking about how
you ask your questions.
● Encourage pupils to use the target language (L2)—
- Remind pupils to use the target language.
- Always use the target language yourself.
- Ensure that you prepare pupils for an activity
in terms of
- Don’t correct all mistakes: encourage fluency
and exploration of ideas.
- Use delayed feedback. Correct mistakes at the
end of an activity .
- Write mistakes made by individuals on cards and
give the cards to them.
- Give pupils thinking and/or planning time
- Give pupils Speaking homework.

4 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin)

MASA: 1.45-3.15 petang
Session 4: Approaches to learning Listening
By the end of this session participants will be able to
• Identify approaches to Listening suitable for level and
age and
apply them in teaching
• Identify and apply some techniques that help pupils
purpose and meaning conveyed in Listening text
• Identify potential obstacles to developing Listening skills
and find
support methods
Approaches to Listening
● Run –around
- The trainer will read out a question and trainees sit
to indicate ‘No’ answer and stand to indicate ‘Yes’
● General dos and don’ts
Do Don’t
Keep recordings short: Play excessively long
usually less than 1 minute. recordings.
Play recording a sufficient Play recording more
number of times. than three times.
Show Listening Play recording then ask
questions/task before comprehension
playing recording. questions.
Use questions with a Use questions that
purpose. focus on testing memory
recall or repetition only.
Provide opportunity for Expect instant answers.
pupils to discuss answers
with partners.
Provide support for pupils Make Listening tasks
(e.g. visuals and written threatening and
words or phrases). stressful.

Discuss pupils’ answers. Immediately confirm

Find out what they think. correct answers with
words or facial
Check for understanding Be led by one strong
across pupil.
the whole class.

Follow up Listening with Forget to introduce or

another activity. review vocabulary pupils
need to understand
before they listen.
Task-based approaches to Listening
- Make notes (Listen and make notes. The text will be
read twice; after the first reading compare your notes
with a partner.)
- Shouting dictation (Work in pairs, Each have four
sentences. Take it in turns to dictate (read aloud)
sentences to each other.)
- Argue against the proposition
- Run- around
Stages for task-based approaches to Listening
1. Lead in 5. Feedback on task
2. Pre- task work 6. Could they do the task?
3. Set task 7. Conclude
4. Pupils do the task
Task Sequence
Big / general More details Language focus
Listening Strategies
1. Extensive listening (top-down strategies)
- Using prior knowledge of the topic
- Knowing the features of a particular text type
- Getting an overview of the structure of the whole
- Getting the gist (the general meaning)
- Predicting the likely meaning
2. Listening for detail (bottom-up strategies)
- Correctly hearing particular sounds
- Working out the meaning of specific words
- Understanding precise details of information
Supporting pupils in Listening
Obstacle Potential support method
Bad acoustics (sound) Rearrange table layout (to
avoid too many pupils at the
back of the class).
Play recording in the middle
of the classroom (or stand
in the middle for reading
out a text).
Acoustics are okay but Make sure you speak slowly.
pupils still struggle to hear
Pupils struggle to predict Listen to exemplars.
from Create activities to explore
the text type text type structure and
Pupils struggle to gist Encourage pupils to not
listen for worry about small items or
overview individual words.
Pupils struggle to take Use graphic organisers to
notes (if help with note taking. Don’t
the task requires this) insist on accurate spelling.

Pupils struggle to Focus on listening for

understand specific words detail. Replay or repeat
specific words or phrases.
Pupils struggle to Teacher reads the
understand native speaker transcript and then plays
accent in recordings the recording.

5 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin)

MASA: 3.15-4.45 petang
Session 5: Listening Skills in the New Curriculum by Mr
Albert Tham Kuo Shin (SJK Sacred Heart Chinese)
- Approaches to Teaching & Learning Listening
- Listening Learning Standards in the Curriculum
- Examples of feedback
- Features of effective feedback
- ‘Medals and missions’ feedback
- What is differentiation?
- Differentiation strategies: Type & amount of
- Adapting lessons according to individual needs
- Differentiation strategies: Time
- Plenary: Listening skills

6 HARI PERTAMA, 21 Oktober 2019 (Isnin)

MASA: 4.45-5.00 petang
Session: PBD (Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah) by Mr Albert
Tham Kuo Shin (SJK Sacred Heart Chinese)
4 Melalui PBD, guru dapat:
- Mengenal pasti kekuatan dan kelemahan murid.
- Mengesan perkembangan murid secara menyeluruh.
- Merancang dan mengubahsuai kaedah pengajaran.
- Mengetahui keberkesanan pengajaran.
- Mengambil tindakan susulan yang sesuai dengan serta-
4 PBD dilaksanakan dalam semua mata pelajaran.
4 Pelaksanaan PdP dan PBD:
- Merancang PdP & Pentaksiran.
- Melaksanakan PdP & Pentaksiran.
- Merekod dan menganalisis.
- Melapor tahap penguasaan.
4 Guru membuat pertimbangan profesional berdasarkan
pengetahuan, input murid, tanggungjawab profesional
dan pengalaman.
4 Perkara lain yang perlu diambil kira dalam melaksanakan
pertimbangan rasional: hasrat kurikulum, tujuan
pentaksiran, pelbagai kaedah pentaksiran, peluang,
amanah, moderasi & suasana pentaksiran.
4 Pelaporan PBD:
- Melaporkan dalam bentuk tahap penguasaan (TP).
- Merujuk standard prestasi (DSKP).
- Merujuk hasil kerja dan penguasaan murid.
- Menggunakan pertimbangan profesional guru.
- Menggunakan templat Excel (luar talian).
- Membuat pelaporan 2 kali setahun.
Sebab-sebab peperiksaan pertengahan dan akhir tahun
tahap 1 dimansuhkan:
- Konsep pembelajaran berorientasikan perkembangan
4 - Menyemai nilai-nilai murni berbentuk rutin harian.
- Pembangunan dan pembentukan karektor.
- Pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dan bermakna.
4 Pelaksanaan PBD melalui aktiviti pembelajaran: projek
mudah, bercerita, kuiz, permainan, main peranan dan
4 Peranan guru:
- Menentukan objektif pembelajaran.
- Mentaksir murid secara holistik.
- Memastikan terdapat perkembangan dalam
pembelajaran murid.
- Hasil kerja murid.
- Memberi ulasan perkembangan murid dalam templat
- Menyediakan Pelaporan Tahap Penguasaan Murid.
- Menyediakan bahan PdP yang bersesuaian dengan
- Sentiasa berbincang dengan guru lain tentang
perkembangan murid serta melaksanakan tindakan
Program LINUS 2.0 diberhenti mulai 2019. Pihak sekolah
diberi autonomi untuk melaksanakan pemulihan mengikut
7 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)
MASA: 8:00 – 9.30 pagi
Session 6: Create a lesson plan for a listening lesson by
Lau Yuk Mei (SJK Ek Thei)
Sentence scramble: Teachers work in pair and introduce
the core view of language learning in the CEFR.

8 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)

MASA: 9.30-11.00 pagi
Session 7: Micro-teaching and feedback
Review the micro-teaching of listening and each group do
their own listening lesson planning.

9 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)

MASA: 11.00-12.30 petang
Session 8 : Approaches to learning speaking
A) What do speakers do when they speak?
i) To convey the message
ii) To pursue somebody
iii) To share the experience / the point of view
iv) To give information
v) Voice must be loud and clear
vi) eye contact, gesture, facial expression

● Stage 1 & 2: Conceptualise & Formulate

⮚ Providing examples of texts
⮚ Speaking frames provided.
⮚ Teaching collocations and language
● Stage 3: Articulate
⮚ Practise talking about familiar topics
⮚ Memorise and rehearse dialogues.
⮚ Encourage to speak fluently and meaningfully rather
than accurately.
● During all stages: Self-monitor
⮚ Providing on the spot verbal feedback.
⮚ Use repair strategies.
⮚ Model and show paralinguistic tools (such as
gestures and body language) for conversation management.

(Refer handout D2.S4.H2)

B) Functional language (Refer handout D2.S4.H3)

● Language needed, for specific purposes.
● Chunk:- Words that always go together or that commonly
go together like certain grammatical structures.
● Function:
i) Justifying
✔ I agree/ I disagree
✔ In my opinion,….
✔ I like…because…
✔ As a matter of fact…
✔ In theory,….
● Giving instructions and/ or directions
✔ Please help me to take….
✔ First, then, next, finally
● Predicting
✔ I guess….
✔ I think……
✔ Probably, perhaps, assuming,
✔ likely to, bound to, show to,
✔ it might be…, Maybe, Are there….,
✔ Are you……
● Showing & checking understanding
✔ -Can you repeat……?
✔ - Is he / she…….?
✔ - What’s the matter…..?
● Narrating
✔ - One day,
✔ -Once upon a time,
✔ - Once,
✔ - Long-long time ago,

C) What are the potential obstacles to developing pupils’

speaking skills and what are the solutions?

i) Potential obstacles:
⮚ Mother tongue language
⮚ Passive speakers, too shy to speak
⮚ Lack of vocabulary
⮚ No environment to use the language, lack of practise.

Teacher can support pupils’ speaking by:

⮚ Provide speaking frames
⮚ Using a model
⮚ Getting pupils to write down a text or notes before
⮚ Getting pupils to practise speaking by reading aloud
from a text
⮚ Reformulating pupil utterances
Getting pupils to memorise and rehearse dialogues.
10 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)
MASA: 1.45-3.15 petang
Session 9: Speaking Skills in the New Curriculum
By the end of this session participants will be able to
• Explain the Speaking Learning Standards in the
• Consider suitable strategies for implementing support
with Year 4 teaching materials.
• Discuss differentiation strategies
Speaking Skills in the New Curriculum
● Speaking Learning Standards

2.1.1 Basic opinions are expressed in

Explain and give simple language, for example I
reasons for basic like/don’t like /adore… (e.g. It
opinions was amazing.)
2.1.3 Basic directions are short, are
Give a longer often two or three words long
sequence of basic and use imperative verb forms,
instructions or for example “Turn left”.
2.2.1 A short exchange will usually
Keep interaction include two turns but could
going in short include up to three or four
exchanges turns if they are very short
(e.g. one word/phrase). The
turns may be just one word or
phrase, a fixed expression, or
may be short simple sentences.
2.2.2 Classroom tasks are carried
Check steps needed out by the pupils. They are
to complete short learning activities which take
classroom tasks place during the lesson,
therefore teachers should plan
them before the lesson. (e.g.
completing worksheets, peer
2.3.1 Where pupils are asked to tell
Narrate short basic stories themselves, they are
stories narrating the story. The
stories should be around a
paragraph long and be simple in
nature. The stories may be
pupil-made or be based on
other input.

Suitable Strategies for Implementing Support Activities

a. Pyramid discussions (or Th

ink, Pair, Share)

b. Communication Regulator
Differentiation Strategies
For each target (for most pupils), below is the example of
top and supported versions for the more proficient and
less proficient pupils.

11 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)

MASA: 3.15-4.45 petang
Session 10: Create a lesson plan for a Speaking Lesson
a) Discussion and planning
b) Preparation of Speaking Lesson Plans

- Lesson plan is planned based on the 4 documents:

English Language Scheme of Work (SOW), English
Language Syllabus, Curriculum Framework and
Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran
- The learning objective should be SMART
- Apply relevant formative assessment and
differentiation strategies outcomes (or target)

12 HARI KEDUA, 22 Oktober 2019 (Selasa)

MASA: 4.45-5.00 petang
a) As informed, Civic education needs to be
integrated in
English at school.
b) The allocation for Civic lessons will be 1 hour per
c) Concept - literacy and practical
d) The core value of civics:
- love
-mutual respect

13 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

MASA: 8.00-9.30 pagi
Session 11: Micro-teaching and feedback
a) Example of a Speaking Lesson Plan prepared by one
of the groups.

b) Feedback
- Learning objectives should be based on the main and
complementary learning standards. Example, 3
learning standards should be followed by 3 learning
- The Learning Objectives should be more specific and
detail (SMART). May use the words such as ‘at least’,
‘say out’, ‘ask’, ‘practise’, ‘answer’ etc.
- The activities to achieve Learning Objectives should
be written at the lesson development stage.
- Not to teach new things at the Post-lesson stage. It
is just a summary the lesson taught.
- Sentences written should reflect on what pupils do
(Learner- centred approach)
- Teachers use different pedagogical strategies in
their lessons. (Hot Seat, role play …)

Observers used Medals and Missions during feedback

session. (Great!, Good job! …..)

14 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

MASA: 9.30-11.00 pagi
Session 12: Classroom management in language lessons
Part 2 by Amy Tan Geok Choo
∙Objectives of the session
-Analyse strategies to respond to varying learning
abilities and
levels in large classes
- Share ideas for managing providing feedback in large
- Explore ways to involve pupils in their own feedback and
-Review own learning from the training

∙Starter: The necessary mine of formative assessment

-Work with a partner to match each strategy to its

∙Types of differentiation
-type & amount of support
-learning preferences and needs
-outcome (or target)
-types of questions
∙Using differentiation strategies
-discuss :Which differentiation strategy/strategies do
you want to
try out the most and why?

∙Strategies for providing feedback in large classes

-Provide model answers
♦Prepare a feedback sheet with a list of the most
problems along with an explanation/model answer.
- Use key questions and quick scans
♦Key questions that teachers ask within the flow of a
lesson to
check pupils’ understanding before moving on.
- Focus on selected pupils
♦Plan in each lesson to focus on a few selected pupils;
over the course of a sequence of lessons ensure all
pupils have
received individual feedback
-Use self- and peer assessment
♦Involve pupils in the process of feedback by using self
and peer
-Use silent pointing and gesturing
♦Draw a correction table on the board. While pupils are
point to the type of mistake, giving pupils a chance to

∙Involving pupils in their feedback and progress

-Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are a way to record
setting and ensure pupils are involved in their
feedback and progress. ILPs often have three sections:
learning target (which needs to be SMART); the planned
action(s) to achieve the target; and an opportunity for
the pupil
to review or evaluate their progress. They need to be
written in
pupil-friendly language, or could be in L1 if necessary.

SMART Target
Action(s) to achieve target
Review/evaluation of

∙Consolidation of learning from the training

-Board game

∙Learning journal
15 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)
MASA: 11.00-12.30 petang
Session 13: Approches to learning Reading
● Approches to Reading – dos and don’ts

DOs ☺ DON’Ts ☹

A. DO decide DON’T prepare your

beforehand what is lesson only in terms
Planning important for pupils of a page number or
to do with the exercise: “We’re
reading, and set going to do Exercise
SMART learning 3 on page 97.”
objectives: “By the
DON’T forget to
end of this lesson,
make pupils aware of
you will be able to...“
the learning
DO share the objective(s) for the
learning objective(s) lesson.
for the lesson with
pupils and ensure
the objective(s) link
to the Learning
Standard being
addressed or the
Reading skills and
strategies being

DO use pupil-
friendly language
when sharing these.

Pre-lesson DO carry out a short DON’T launch into a

activity warm-up task linked new topic ‘cold’ or
to the topic of the without any
text, to focus pupils introduction. Pupils
on the input. For need to re-focus,
example, you could settle and tune in to
use a visual (photo, the English lesson.
video clip, cartoon or
diagram) to
introduce the topic,
or invite pupils to
think about what
they already know
about the topic.

DO carry out a short DON’T launch into a

warm-up task linked new topic ‘cold’ or
to the topic of the without any
text, to focus pupils introduction. Pupils
on the input. For need to re-focus,
example, you could settle and tune in to
use a visual (photo, the English lesson.
video clip, cartoon or
diagram) to
introduce the topic,
or invite pupils to
think about what
they already know
about the topic.

B. DO provide a task or DON’T get pupils to

one or two general read new material
questions for pupils aloud one by one. This
to answer when they will not help either
ideas: the
read for the very their Speaking or
first time. In this their Reading
way, you guide them development. Reading
with the
to understand the familiar texts aloud
main idea or meaning can occasionally be
of the text and give useful for
a reason for pronunciation
processing the input. practice but – if done
Discuss their with unknown texts –
answers before you actually slows down
continue. the reading speed,
If you want pupils to
understanding and
read aloud to
often demotivates.
Reading silently with
pronunciation, DO
a supporting task is
this at a later stage.
more effective for
Only ask pupils to
taking in new
read already familiar
material aloud. Ask
them to read aloud
simultaneously in DON’T supply a list
pairs and tell them of ‘difficult’ words
you are practising with a translation in
pronunciation. Help the pupils’ first
pupils individually language. This
with pronunciation encourages pupils to
or as a class if you stop every time they
notice common meet a word that is
problems. unfamiliar. This is a
poor reading strategy
DO encourage pupils
and gets in the way
to ignore words they
of global
do not know the
first time they read
a text, so that they Similarly, DON’T
can try to over-teach
understand the main vocabulary before
points without reading.
getting stuck on
DON’T give out the
individual words.
texts in advance of
the tasks – you may
then struggle to get
attention back.

C. DO provide a DON’T forget to set

specific task for a task before pupils
pupils to answer read: ‘Read and tell
details: while they read for me what it is about’ is
further a second time. not a task.
contact Discuss their
DON’T encourage
with input answers to this task.
pupils to stop at
If they haven’t
every unknown word
understood the
and don’t do that
input, ask if it is
yourself, either.
necessary to read
again. Provide fresh DON’T distract pupils
tasks each time they by moving around the
read. room or speaking
during the Reading
DO encourage pupils
to create their own
questions around the DON’T give answers
text, either by to hypotheses
hypothesising yourself, before
before they are pupils have had time
exposed to the text
(e.g. predicting), or
to check to think about their
understanding. own explanations.

DO encourage pupils
to guess the meaning
of words from
context, so that
they learn that they
can succeed in
comprehending input
understanding or
stopping at every

D. DO use the topic or DON’T go

the language in the immediately to whole
Applying text as a stimulus class checks – leave
information for further time for peer
and activities. Help feedback (in groups
concluding pupils at this stage or with talk partner).
(post- to produce their own
DON’T expect pupils
spoken or written
lesson to be able to
language. Draw
activity) reproduce vocabulary
attention to specific
as soon as they meet
aspects of language
it; they need to come
or the
across vocabulary in
characteristics of
several different
contexts before they
DO work to help can use it.
pupils understand
DON’T give a list of
and recycle
English words with
vocabulary. Ensure
their first language
that pupils know
translations, either
both the meanings
at the start of the
of words and their
lesson or at the end,
usage. Create new,
since this won’t help
active tasks to help
vocabulary learning
pupils recall and
very much.
process ideas and

● When we read, there is interaction between

information in the text and five areas of our
• Knowledge about the combination of letters

• Knowledge about sentence structure

• Knowledge about word combinations

• Knowledge about text structure and genre

• Knowledge about the world or topic

● Support for less proficient pupils – examples

• If there are gap-fill exercises, give pupils the

answers to choose from in a box or in a jumbled
order, with a few extra words, or give a first-
letter clue.

• Draw attention to the title, pictures etc. in the

text and set the scene beforehand so their mind is
on track for the topic.

• Break texts into small parts and give the option of

only reading some of the text.

• Encourage pupils to ignore words they do not know

the first time they read a text; focus their
understanding on the main points. In subsequent
readings, encourage pupils to guess meaning from
context when possible.

16 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

MASA: 1.45-3.15 petang
Session 14: Reading skills in the new curriculum
● Learning standards for Reading

● General Reading skills indicated in the learning


● Specific Reading strategies that need to be taught.

● Recommended text types

● Learning demand on pupils

● Types of questions in Reading

● Practice making Reading questions for Y4 material

● Higher-order thinking skills in Reading lessons

17 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

MASA: 3.15-4.45 petang
Session 15: Approaches to learning writing OVERVIEW
● This slot contents are stages of producing written
text , the purposes and its importance in writig,
to evaluate the strategies that could help
develop spelling skills.

● Starter – Sense poem.

Write a word and another word associate with it on

the left, right, above and bottom.
Then, write out the feelings that can be associated
to the word.
A pen is blue
It tastes nothing.
It smells like flowers.
It makes me feel like relaxing.

Three stages of producing writing :

Composing-Planning and drafting writing,thinking
about the purpose and audience for a text.
Crafting- Getting the grammar right,using
appropriate vocabulary and sententhece
structures,using the features of a text type
correctly, linking ideas,developing the text.
Improving – Reviewing and revising a piece of
,editing writing to remove errors.

Supporting pupils with problematic punctuation

1. Punctuation practice
2. Teach pupils to understand punctuation rules.
3. Relate punctuation to editing and proofreading

Support pupils with problematic spelling

1.Error correction 2. Spelling race 3. Spelling
4. Write it on my back 5. Error correction 6.
Spelling bee
7. Textbook activity 8. Practice makes perfect

18 HARI KETIGA, 23 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

MASA: 4.45-5.00 petang
Session: Contemporary Children’s Literature
● The CCL module provides opportunities for pupils to
immerse in a variety of literary works and engage
them in planning, organising, producing and
performing creative works. This will further
stimulate pupils’ imagination, interest and

● There is no learning standard for the CCL module.

But the teacher should refer to the Learning
standard 5.2 and 5.3 from the Language Arts

● The contemporary children’s literature for Level 2

introduce in primary school. The literature needs to
do the reference according to the SOW that is
given. The literature books are refer to below :

- Poems (Compilation)

- The Short Story (The King of Kites)

- The Graphic Novel (The Jungle Book)

● The sample for lesson plan and the teacher module

introduced to let teacher do the reference .

● The main skill of the lesson plan need to refer the

Learning Standard 5.2 and 5.3 from the Language
Arts section and the complementary skill need to
be created by teacher themselves for the suitable

19 HARI KEEMPAT, 24 Oktober 2019 (Khamis)

MASA: 8.00-9.30 pagi
Session 16: Writing skills in the new curriculum

Skills for writing and learning standards

Skills for writing Learning Standards
Putting sentences 4.2.3, 4.2.5
together to form a
Organising ideas logically 4.1.2,4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4,
Drafting the writing 4.2.3, 4.3.3
Writing legibly 4.1.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.5, 4.3.1,
4.3.2, 4.3.3
Managing coherant 4.1.2, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
effectively (linking
sentences and parts of
Accurate use of grammar 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
and vocabulary
Editing and redrafting 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.3.3
Selecting and planning 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3,
appropriate content 4.3.3
Proofreading and 4.2.3, 4.3.1
correcting the work
Accurate use of spelling 4.1.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.3.1,
and punctuation 4.3.2

Formative assessment strategies for writing activities

Pre-writing Post-writing
-Use mind map to - Think-pair-share
brainstorm ideas - Medal and mission
- Ask ‘WH’ questions - Exit cards
- Talk partners - Peer quizzes
- Quick scan - Gallery walk
- Hinge questions - Peer editing
Self assessment tasks Peer assessment tasks
- Exemplar (sample - Exchange worksheet
answer) - Check cross
- Checklist (format of - Two stars one wish
the email, grammar, - Feedback through
spelling, punctuation, questioning
paragraph) - Exit cards
- Learning log (at the end - 1 stay 4 stray
of the lesson or sequence - C3B4Me
of lesson)
- Journal
- Book log
- revise the text

Technology in Differentiation

Less proficient pupils More proficient pupils

● Complete email using ● CoCreate own template
template ● Sound and text

● Get more visual aids ● Post a status on social

● Give comments in social media

media ● Initiate the chat room

● Participate in the chat ● Type a resume

group ● Send email to their

● Fill up their profile friends
(name, age, address...) ● Do project-based
● Send email to teacher learning
● Scan QR code ● Create own video
20 HARI KEEMPAT, 24 Oktober 2019 (Khamis)
MASA: 9.30-11.00 pagi
Session 17: Create a lesson plan for a Reading / Writing
Commented [1]:

a) Discussion and planning

b) Preparation of Reading and Writing Lesson Plans

- Lesson plan is planned based on the 4 documents:

English Language Scheme of Work (SOW), English
Language Syllabus, Curriculum Framework and
Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran
- The learning objective should be SMART
- Apply relevant formative assessment and
differentiation strategies outcomes (or target)

21 HARI KEEMPAT, 24 Oktober 2019 (Khamis)

MASA: 11.00-12.30 petang
Session 18: Micro-teaching and Feedback

⮚ Reading Lesson
- For questioning, questions should be shown for
pupils’ reading.
- ‘Read aloud’ the text is not encourage i.e it
focuses on pupils’ pronunciation (listening and
speaking skills).
- Silent reading can be taken place and follows
with ‘Wh’ questions to check pupils
- Activity for guessing unfamiliar words, eg.
matching unfamiliar words to its meaning /
- Activity of saying out the meaning for
unfamiliar words is not match with the reading
Learning Objective(i.e it focus on Listening
and speaking skills ).

⮚ Writing Lesson
- For every lesson plan, LO1 should come before
LO2. i.e. must achieve the main skill before
the complementary skill.

22 HARI KEEMPAT, 24 Oktober 2019 (Khamis)

MASA: 1.45-3.15 petang
Session 19: Create a lesson plan for a LArts/ LiA/ LAw
lesson (s)

a) Discussion and planning

b) Preparation of Language Arts Lesson Plans
- There are only two Learning Standards: 5.2.1 and
- Still use the same Literature books for year 4 next
- Language Arts has to be taught at the end of every
- The activities for Language Arts LP may not only for
talking or speaking.
- Create a new look by responding imaginably. For
example, cut and paste, games, act out , role play,
draw, colour, and etc.

c) Preparation of Language Awareness Lesson Plans

- Language Awareness has to be taught at the end of
every three cycles. It is a lesson which focuses on
teaching the Grammar from the previous three
- Reteach the grammar part which the pupils’ haven’t
mastered and make sure to choose the skills that
had taught before.
- Any skills can be used for Language Awareness. Make
sure pupils can achieve A1 high.

23 HARI KEEMPAT, 24 Oktober 2019 (Khamis)

MASA: 3.15-4.45 petang
Session 20: Micro-teaching and feedback
- Four groups focus on Language Arts and another
three groups focus on Language Awareness (May
choose any Learning Standards).
a) Example of a Language Arts Lesson Plan prepared by
one of the groups.
b) Feedback
- Storyline has to be suitable for low proficient pupils.
- Not only speak but also can draw for respond
- Learning Objectives (LO) should not be written at
Post –lesson stage. It is a review and related to the
skills of the lesson.
- Not to carry out any activity at Post-lesson stage to
achieve LO. Should only write LO at the Development
- Teacher can teach Language Arts by using APP such
as and

c) Example of a Language Awareness Lesson Plan

prepared by one of the groups.
d) Feedback
- Don’t teach new things in pre and post lesson.
- Make sure pupils already taught the skills before in
the 3rd cycle.
- Suggested activities for the post lesson – PAK 21
games, fun learning activities, mapping and etc.
- The worksheet or activities must be same with the
lesson delivery.

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Guru Besar, SJKC Tiong Hin, Sibu.

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