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Induction Program Script

Both: A pleasant evening, everyone! Tonight, we shall witness the

2019 Induction Program of____________, Parents and Teachers
Association, as well as the induction of the officers of the faculty

M: Good evening ____!

W: Good evening too _____!

W: Before we begin, may we take this opportunity to remind

everyone to turn their cell phones to silent mode and be courteous
by refraining from talking aloud. During the other parts of the
program, we encourage you to express your pleasure by
applauding or clapping.

W:(Invocation) So, to formally begin the program, let us all rise for the
singing of the National Anthem to be conducted by ________.

M: (National Anthem) Thank you sir, Please remain standing for the
invocation to be led by ______.

M: Thank you very much. You may now be seated.

M: (Acknowledgement of the Guests) We are very lucky indeed that

with us today to grace and to witness our occasion __________.

W: (Opening Remarks) And now to give us the welcome address,

may I call on our very assiduous and compassionate principal, the
angel in our school, _____________

W: Thank you very much, ma’am.

Intermission Number: (M) To keep the ride more gratifying, here are
the brilliant performer of the Grade 7 HRPTA Officers to entertain us
with their talent.

(Thank you very much grade 7 HRPTA officers)

Intermission Number: (W) Another special number to be given to us

by the talented grade 8 HRPTA officers. A round of applause please.
(Thank you very much, that was very entertaining number)

Induction of HRPTA Officers


A. HRPTA Officers. (W) At this juncture, we are now going to

begin the induction ceremonies. And we shall start with
the HRPTA officers. May we call on stage our homeroom
PTA officers from grade 7 to grade 12. (read the officers
from the program) and may we also call on stage their
inducting officer ________.

B. Thank you very much and congratulations HRPTA officers.

Thank you and Thank you.

I. Intermission Number (M): And now to render another

intermission number, may we call on the talented Grade 9
HRPTA officers, a round of applause please.

(Thank you very much Grade 9 officers)

Induction of Faculty Club Officers

A. W: Following is the induction of the Faculty Club Officers,

may we call on stage Faculty club President
Mam____(read the officers) and their inducting officer our
principal ____.

Intermission Number (M): Congratulations to all of you, to inspire us

more, the grade 10 HRPTA officers is now ready to showcase us their
talents through an intermission number.

Induction of GPTA Officers

W: Thank you grade 10 officers, what a sublime performance. At this

moment, may we call on the GPTA officers with their inducting
officer, (read the officers)

Thank you and congratulations.

M: Another special number to be given to us by the grade 11 HRPTA

officers. A round of applause please.

W: Once again, let us lend our ears as the president of GPTA; Mr. ____
deliver his message.

B. Thank you very much sir. That was undeniably remarkable.

W: To make our eyes glisten once again, here are the grade 12
HRPTA officers to light up the stage with a blazing performance. A
round of applause please.

M: Closing Remarks: Thank you very much officers. Now, we are

almost at the end of our program and to give the closing remarks,
may I call on our GPTA president .

Thank you, Sir.

W: Let us witness another special number to be given to us by the

GPTA officers. Let us give them a round of applause. (thank you very
much officers we had nothing but exceptional comments about
your high energy performance!)

W: We would like to say big thanks to everyone for participating, it

has been a great pleasure to see and witness the talent of our PTA
officers. Now the time has come, may we call on for the
announcement of the winner.

Intermission number RRNHS Faculty

M: To amuse us all for one last time, here are the talented Rapu-
Rapu National High School Faculty. A round of applause please.

W: Thank you RRNHS faculty for a very inspiring number. Indeed,

RRNHS faculty does not only let our students excel in academics, but
rather show skillfulness and proficiency in performing arts.

Let us give ourselves a resounding round of applause. Thank you

very much, everybody! This has been your emcee, , reminding you
that according to
Vincent Thomas Lombardi, “The achievements of an organization
are the results of the combined effort of each individual or
member”. So, we have to work together to achieve our common
mission, which is, “making_______ a learning institution that produces
students who are high performing in both academic and non-
academic skills, morally upright and imbued with a deep
commitment for excellence.”

Both: Again, thank you and enjoy the night, everyone!

Jim Rohn “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude;

be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not
lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have
humor, but without folly.”

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