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  Notre Dame University  


The Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblate Fathers) first came to the Philippines on
September 25, 1939 upon the invitation of Bishop Luis del Rosario, S.J. of Zamboanga. Taking over from
the Jesuits, the Oblate Fathers continued with the evangelization of the empire province of Cotabato and
the Sulu-Tawi-Tawi group of islands. As the new vanguards of Christianity, they sought to win friends and
allies among the Christian and Muslim populace in the heart of Morolandia.

The Pacific War in 1941 interrupted the Oblate Mission in Mindanao. Some Oblate Fathers were taken as
prisoners and incarcerated at the University of Santo Tomas by the Japanese.

After the war, the Oblate Fathers returned to their mission stations in Cotabato and Sulu. Although faced
with the gargantuan task of reconstruction and rehabilitation, they were undaunted. They forged ahead
pursuing their Vision-Mission with greater zeal, vigor and vitality in the spirit of their founder, St. Eugene
de Mazenod.

The Oblate Fathers established the Notre Dame College (now University) in 1948. It was the first college
founded in Cotabato City and the entire Province of Cotabato. Although primarily established as a
teacher training institution, it offered courses in Liberal Arts, Commerce and Elementary Education.

Fr. Robert E. Sullivan, OMI was its first Dean. Mr. Juan Sinco was the Registrar and Mr. Samuel Cabiles
was the Librarian. The pioneering faculty of eight members included Fr. Robert Sullivan, OMI; Bro.
Maurus James Doherty, FMS; Bro. Damian Teston, FMS; Mother Ma. Isabel Purificacion, RVM; Mrs. Nilda
Quintana; RTC Judge Vicente Cusi Jr.; Atty. Matias Basco; and Mr. Alfredo Gimenez.

The Early Beginnings

In the 40's...Building on the Ravages of War

The College started operating without a building of its own. The first 128 students attended classes at
the Notre Dame of Cotabato Girls Department Building, which was a property of the RVM sisters.

The second semester enrollment dropped with only 98 students. There were only eight students in the
summer of the first School Year 1948-1949. However, this did not cause any discouragement to the
Oblate Fathers. On the contrary, they ushered new ventures and broke new grounds in the work of

In 1949, the Notre Dame College acquired its own building adjacent to the Cathedral and the Notre
Dame Press along Quezon Avenue. The school was located practically in the heart of Cotabato City.

In the 50's...

Breaking New Grounds in the Work of Evangelization through Education.

The School Year 1950-1951 ushered brighter hopes for the young College. As enrollment increased, the
administration felt the need to expand its course offerings. A new course in Education was introduced to
students wanting to teach in the secondary level. In addition, the ROTC Unit was organized with the
offering of military science and tactics for the male population of the college.

In 1952, Fr. John P. Murphy, OMI succeeded Fr. Sullivan as Dean of the College. In 1953, the College
received full Government Recognition for its course offerings in Liberal Arts, Commerce and Education. In
the same year, the College of Law started offering first year law subjects. Complete elementary
education was offered later with the establishment of the Notre Dame Training Department, envisioned
to be a Teaching Laboratory for Education students majoring in Elementary Education.

In 1954, Fr. James W. Burke, OMI became the Dean of the College. For three years, 1954 to 1957, the
College further expanded its course offerings to meet the growing needs of the community. During Fr.
Burke's term, the Normal College was opened with complete courses in Elementary Education leading to
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.

In 1956, the two-year pre-nursing course was offered.

In 1957, Fr. John P. Murphy, OMI assumed as Dean for the second time, replacing Fr. Burke who was
elected Superior of the OMI Philippine Province. Under his leadership, the Notre Dame College
embarked on new ventures not only in its course offerings but also in its physical plant and facilities.

Owing to the yearly increase in enrollment, the administration saw the need to find a new school site
that could accommodate its growing population. The new school site was chosen and approved in the
late 1950's. No less than the Very Rev. Leo Deschatelets, OMI, the Superior General of the Oblate
Congregation, came all the way from Rome to Cotabato City to lay the cornerstone and bless the college
grounds. This momentous event took place on February 27, 1959.
The construction of the new building and acquisition of facilities went in full swing despite financial
problems. At one time, the construction had to be stopped due to lack of funds; yet the Oblates' faith in
God's providence never waned.

In the 60's...


In June 1960, classes were transferred to the newly constructed Burke Building, named after Fr. James
Burke, OMI, the Oblate Provincial Superior from 1957 to 1963. Classes were disrupted in October due to
floods that caused the Rio Grande River to overflow. On February 19, 1961, the new college building was
inaugurated and blessed by His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Siino, Papal Nuncio to the Philippines. It
was a grand affair, marking one of the significant events in the history of Notre Dame College.

By the Academic Year 1962-1963, other buildings were constructed -- the Faculty House, the Elementary
Training Department, and the Technical Building.

The decade of the 1960s brought further innovations in the curricular offerings. The College of
Engineering was opened. Subjects common to Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering were offered
in the first and second years. In 1965, a complete course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering was given Government Recognition. The Graduate School offered courses leading to the
degree of Master of Arts in Education.

The Technical School also got the Government Permit and Recognition in 1965 and 1967 respectively.
The Technical School offered a complete secondary high school and vocational education.

These developments were made possible under the leadership of Fr. Philip F. Smith, OMI who assumed
as Rector of the College in 1964.

In 1968, a new Administration-Science-Auditorium Building was constructed. It was inaugurated in

March 1969 and was dedicated to Dan and Ana O'Keefe who gave substantial donations for its

1969 was a historic year in the life of the College. In an order signed by the Secretary of Education, Dr.
Onofre Corpuz, and the Director of Private Schools, Dr. Narciso Albarracin, Notre Dame College was
elevated to University status on March 11, 1969.

The elevation of Notre Dame College into a full-fledged University came to be the capstone and the
crowning glory of the educational leadership of the Oblate Fathers in Southern Philippines. It exemplified
the untiring zeal of the Oblate Fathers in providing relevant and dynamic education through the
apostolate of teaching. For the Oblates, it signified a beginning of a new era of renewed commitment to
the education ministry.
Notre Dame University was formally inaugurated on September 9, 1969 at the same time it marked its
21st year as a higher education institution. It was highlighted by the investiture of the Very Rev. Joseph
Milford, OMI as the first University President and the installation of the Very Rev. Philip F. Smith, OMI as
the first University Rector. In his inaugural address, Fr. Milford said, "We are a Catholic University. This is
not a distinction of limitation but a directional beam for truth which is the constant quest of all

In the 70's...

Surviving the Conflicts and Disasters

The decade of the 70's brought about significant changes in the life of the University. From a struggling
small College in 1948, it metamorphosed into a University in twenty-one years of its existence. One
significant change was the assumption of the first Filipino President, the Rev. Fr. Orlando Quevedo, OMI.
The formal installation of the new President took place on January 30, 1971.

In his inaugural address, Fr. Quevedo stressed the nature and role of the university. He said, "The aim of
the University is human resource development within the community." He added that the role of NDU is
"to grapple with the problems of a developing region through its teaching, and its research and that
failure to do so could be tragic betrayal of academic thrust."

Another significant change was the appointment of Mrs. Cecilia S. de Leon as the first lay and non-Oblate
Finance Officer/Treasurer of the University in 1970.

At the height of the MNLF wars in the early 70's, NDU was not spared from the conflict. The skirmishes
affected not only the peace and order situation but also the economy. NDU was swarmed by soldiers
belonging to the 21st and 25th Army Battalions who were on looked out for rebel snipers within the
vicinity of the University. The student population at the University suddenly dropped to less than 2,000
by 1973. One student was killed and two others were wounded on different occasions by stray bullets.

But the period also saw qualitative developments at NDU. In July 1970, the University offered Journalism
for the first time. The courses were programmed eventually to become a minor field of study in Liberal
Arts. On October 28, 1971, six administrative assistants were named and appointed Department Heads
by the President. Their primary function was to assist the Deans of the different colleges in the
preparation of curricular offerings, scheduling of class programs, and supervision of instruction. The
appointees were: Mr. Eugenio Echavez, Accounting; Mrs. Fe Angeles Lopez, English; Mrs. Editha Tugbo,
Language; Mr. Ceferino Costales, Mathematics; Mrs. Luz Tolentino, Natural Science and Mrs. Angelina
Reyes, Social Sciences.

In 1972, the Planning and Development Office was created with Mr. Guillermo Hagad as Planning and
Development Officer. In the same year, the Socio-Economic Research Center (SERC) was established with
Ms. Eva Kimpo-Tan as Director. This center was envisioned to be the research arm of the University that
would provide direction in planning, research, education and training and technical assistance in
research and socio-economic development concerns to the people of the region.
In 1974, NDU opened its Nursing College as approved by the Bureau of Private Schools. In June 1975, the
College of Commerce offered two new courses: Management and Financial Management. In November
1975, three new graduate courses were offered: Master of Arts in Education major in Elementary School
Management/ Secondary School Management; and Master of Arts in Guidance.

At a time when the University was heading towards development, the unexpected came. At about 12:13
midnight on August 17, 1976, a strong earthquake of tectonic origin rocked Cotabato City causing
damage to buildings, roads, schools, houses and other structures. Then came the tsunamis wiping out
thousands of houses in the coastal areas. Thousands of people died and tens of thousands more were
left homeless.

The destructive force of the earthquake did not spare NDU. The Administration-Science-Auditorium
Building collapsed. The Burke and Technical Buildings suffered severe cracks. The damage was estimated
to have reached over P8 million.

For two weeks, classes were suspended to give way to reconstruction and rehabilitation. Classes
resumed on September 1, 1976. Semestral classes ended on October 23 instead of the second week.

The earthquake had left NDU in ruins, but it survived. Survival proved to be a great task for the new
University President.

Toward the end of 1976, Fr. Quevedo requested for a leave from the University to take up his spiritual
renewal course at St. Louis University in Missouri. His request was granted by Fr. Jose Ante, OMI who was
the Oblate Provincial at that time.

In 1976, Fr. Jose Roberto Arong, OMI inherited the task of reconstruction and rehabilitation. He was the
third President of the University and the second Filipino to occupy such position.

In 1977, the Quinn and McGrath Buildings were built to house the Engineering College.

In due time, Fr. Arong was able to finish rehabilitation of damaged buildings and even added to his
accomplishment a new building, the Archbishop Gerard Mongeau Chapel, which became the heart of
the University. The Chapel was consecrated in September 1981.

Parallel with the physical improvement was an upgrading of the University's academic offerings. In 1976,
the Graduate School offered M.A. in Public Administration, followed by the offering of M.A. in Business
Administration in 1980.

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