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Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.


Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)


1. Simple present (Hiện tại đơn)…………………………………….…….
2. Present continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)………………………………..
3. Present perfect (Hiện tại hoàn thành)…………………………………..
4. Present perfect continuous (Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)………..…
5. Simple past (Quá khứ đơn)……………………………………………..
6. Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)…………………………...………
7. Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành)
8. Past perfect continuous (Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
9. Simple future (Tương lai đơn)
10. Near future (Tương lai gần)
11. Future continuous (Tương lai tiếp diễn)
12. Future perfect (Tương lai hoàn thành)
13. Future perfect continuous (Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn)


PART III: IRREGULAR VERBS (Bảng động từ bất quy tắc)

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)


a. Với động từ “to be”:
(+) S + are/is/am + O
(-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + O
(?) Are/ is/ am (not) + S + O?

Ex: (+) She is a nurse.

(-) They aren’t at home.
(?) Is he hungry?

b. Với động từ “to do”:

(+) S + V(s/es) + O
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V + O
(?) Do/ Does (not) + S + V + O?
Ex: (+) He watches TV every night.
(-) She doesn’t usually go swimming on Sundays.
(?) Do they speak English very well?

c. Uses (Cách sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn)

- Dùng để giới thiệu bản thân, lịch trình, sở thích.
- Dùng để diễn tả hành động thường xuyên xảy ra, 1 thói quen hàng ngày, 1 sự thật hiển
nhiên, 1 chân lý, 1 câu châm ngôn.
d. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- Always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, ever, never, seldom = rarely, now and
then, not often, hardly ever.
- Every: every day, every week, …
e. Cách chia động từ thêm “S/ES/Y - IES”:
- Hầu hết các động từ đều thêm s.
Eg: ask → asks
hate → hates
- Với các động từ có tận cùng là: -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x, -z ta thêm es vào sau động từ.
Eg: go → goes wash → washes
watch → watches kiss → kisses
- Những động từ tận cùng là y, trước đó là một phụ âm thì đổi y → i rồi thêm es.
Eg: study → studies try → tries
copy → copies carry → carries


a. Form:
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)

(+) S + are/is/am + V-ing + O

(-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + V-ing + O
(-) Are/is/am (not) + S + V-ing + O?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Dùng để chỉ một hành động đang diễn ra trong lúc nói.
Ex: Listen! The bird is singing.
- Một hành động dự kiến trong tương lai gần đã được sắp xếp xong.
Ex: They are playing tennis next week.
- Với chữ always đế diễn tả một hành động thường lặp lại thường xuyên, hay
một lời phàn nàn…
Ex: He is always taking exams. He is always studying.
- Hai hành động xảy ra song song ở hiện tại
Ex: She is cooking dinner while her husband is watching T.V now.
- Hành dộng có tính chất tạm thời
Ex: I often go to work by bus but today I am going by motorbike.

c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)

- Now, right now, at the moment, at present, at the present time, always, still,…
- Hurry up, look, be careful, watch out……….
- Sau câu cảm thán “!”
Ex: Look! The teacher is coming!

d. Những động từ thường không dùng trong các thì Tiếp diễn:

Verbs of thinking believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know,

realize, suppose, understand
Verbs of the senses hear, smell, sound, taste
Verbs of possession belong to, have (meaning possess), own,
Verbs of emotion dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want,
Verbs of appearance appear, seem
Others contain, depend on, include, involve, mean,
measure, weigh, require

e. Cách chia động từ V-ing:

- Hầu hết các động từ thêm trực tiếp đuôi “ing” vào sau nó.
Ex: - She is doing her job.
- Nếu tận cùng động từ là nguyên âm “e” thì bỏ e đi rồi thêm đuôi “ing”.
Ex: - He is coming to the office at the moment.
- You are saving my life.
- Nếu động từ có công thức “1-1-1”, (1 phụ âm + 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm) thì gấp đôi phụ
âm cuối rồi thêm đuôi ing.
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
Ex: - They are cutting down the trees in the forest.
- The weather is getting hotter and hotter.


a. Form:
(+) S + have/ has + Vp2/ed+ O
(-) S + have/ has+ not + Vp2/ed+ O
(?) Have/ has (not) + S+ Vp2/ed+ O?
b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
- Diễn tả 1 sự việc vừa mới xảy ra.
Ex: I have just finished the financial report. (Tôi vừa hoàn thành xong bản báo cáo tài chính)
- Diễn tả 1 sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng còn liên quan đến hiện tại.
Ex: My husband has worked for this company for 2 years. (Chồng tôi đã làm cho công ty này
được 2 năm - Nghĩa là: cách đây 2 năm đã bắt đầu làm, hiện tại vẫn có thể đang làm cho công ty này
hoặc không)
- Diễn tả 1 sự việc đã xảy ra ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ.
Ex: She has been in China for a long time. (Đã có một thời gian dài cô ấy ở Trung Quốc)
- Nhấn mạnh đến trải nghiệm bản thân (the first/second/third/last... time), nhấn mạnh kết
Ex: + I have seen that film three times. (Tôi đã từng xem bộ phim này 3 lần)
+ This is the first time that he has been in the USA. (Đây là lần đầu tiên anh ấy đến Mỹ)
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
just, recently, lately : gần đây, vừa mới before : trước đây
already : rồi ever : từng
never : không bao giờ, chưa bao giờ yet : chưa
since : kể từ khi for : khoảng
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho đến bây giờ
d. Một số lưu ý đối với thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
- Phân biệt “Since” và “For”:
since + mốc thời gian
for + khoảng thời gian
Ex: - I’ve known Anna since October.
- I’ve known Anna for two months.
- Phân biệt “yet” và “already”:
yet : dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn
already: dùng câu khẳng định
Ex: - He hasn’t come yet.
- I’ve already posted the letters.
- Thường dùng “ever”, “never” với Hiện tại hoàn thành:
Ex: - He has never been there.
- Have you ever eaten snake meat?
- Phân biệt “Have/ has been” khác với “have/ has gone”:
Ex: (a) Mr. Smith is not here at the moment. He has gone to a meeting in London
(b) Amada has been to the travel agent. She has your tickets for Hong Kong
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
Trong 2 ví dụ trên, ví dụ (a) có thể hiểu là Mr. Smith vẫn đang ở buổi họp trong khi đó ở ví
dụ (b) Amada đã đi đến đó và trở về rồi.
- Một số lưu ý khác:
➢ Trong các mệnh đề diễn tả sự so sánh hơn nhất, số thứ tự, sự duy nhất hay số lần thực
hiện hành động → Động tự chia ở Hiện tại hoàn thành.
Ex: - This is the most interesting story I have heard.
- This is only foreigner I have ever known.
(1) It’s the first / second / … time
(2) This is the first / second … time
Ex: - It’s the first time I have driven a car.
- This is the first time she has lived in New York.
➢ It’s + khoảng thời gian + since + sb last did sth: Đó là khoảng thời gian kể từ khi ai đó
làm gì.
Ex: I have seen her for 3 days. → It’s 3 days since I last saw her.


a. Form:
(+) S + have/has + been + Ving
(-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?) Have/Has (not) + S + been + Ving?
b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
- Diễn tả sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục xảy ra trong
tương lai. (Nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động)
Ex: I have been teaching English since I was a second-year student. (Tôi đã dạy tiếng Anh
kể từ khi tôi là sinh viên năm thứ 2, đã bắt đầu dạy trong quá khứ, hiện tại vẫn đang tiếp tục dạy và
có thể trong tương lai vẫn dạy)

c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)

- For + time + now, và giống các trạng ngữ của thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Thường sẽ có 1 vế giải thích
ở hiện tại tiếp diễn)


a. Với động từ “to be”:
(+) S + was/ were + O
(-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + O
(?) Was/ were (not) + S + O?
b. Với động từ “to do”:
(+) S + Ved + O
(-) S + didn’t + V + O
(?) Did (not) + S + V + O?
c. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
- Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và chấm dứt hoán toàn trong quá khứ.
Ex: - I saw a movie yesterday.
- Last year, I traveled to Japan.
- Diễn tả một chuỗi các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ.
Ex: - I finished worked, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim.
- Did you add flour, pour the milk and then add the eggs?
d. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- Yesterday, ago, upon a time, in 1945 (in a specific year in the past….), last…
e. Một số lưu ý đối với thì quá khứ đơn:
* Quy tắc thêm “ed” với động từ thường:
- Hầu hết động từ được thêm “ed” để biến thành động từ dạng quá khứ
Ex: work – worked, visit – visited
- Một vài động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm “y” thì biến “y” thành “i” rồi thêm ‘ed” để biến
thành dạng động từ quá khứ
Ex: study – studied, carry – carried
- Một vài động từ có dạng 1:1 :1 (1 phụ âm + 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm) thì ta gấp đôi phụ
âm cuối rồi thêm “ed”
Ex: plan – planned, fit – fitted
* Cách phát âm đối với động từ có đuôi “ed”:
1. Đúng nhất: Theo phiên âm quốc tế, khi –ED đứng sau các âm sau sẽ được phát âm
như sau:

Phát âm của – Các âm trước –ED

/id/ /t/ /d/
/t/ / k / / f / / p / / ∫ / / t∫ / / s / / t / / θ /
/d/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại

2. Mẹo vặt (Không đúng 100%): Theo hình vị tự:

Phát âm của –ED Các âm trước –ED

/id/ t d
/t/ P x ce f ch sh *
gh s *
th ph k
/d/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại

• Đọc chơi cho dễ nhớ: Pà xã, có fải chú sháu ghé sang Thuận Phước không?
• Bạn có thể đặt thành câu khác cho riêng mình để dễ nhớ.
/id/ Wanted, needed, demanded, suggested, mended, hated, visited, …
walked , liked, stopped, raped, washed, watched, laughed, sentenced,
rated, breathed, stated, looked, cooked, sniffed, missed, mixed,…
/d/ Played, studied, changed, matched, decreed, …. .

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
- Khi *th phát âm là / θ / thì –ed mới phát âm là / t / như breathed, …
- Khi *th phát âm là / ð / thì –ed phát âm là / d / như bathed, …
- Khi *gh phát âm là / f / thì –ed phát âm là / t / như laughed, coughed, ….
- Khi *gh là âm câm thì –ed phát âm là / d / như ploughed, …
- Nguyên âm + S + ED thì –ed thường được phát âm là / d / như praised, chased,

Ngoại lệ: Một số tính từ sau có cách phát âm của –ed là / id /: naked /’neikid/, packed
/‘pækid/, learned /’l ə:nid/, aged /’eidzid/, beloved /bi’lʌvid/, blessed /’blesid/, crooked
/kru:kid/, cursed /’kə:sid/, ragged /’rægid/, sacred /‘seikrid/, wretched /’ret∫id/, legged
- Có một chữ có –ed tận cùng dược phát âm là /id/. Chữ đó là hundred /’hʌndred/


a. Form:
(+) S + was/ were + V-ing + O
(-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + V-ing + O
(?) Was/ were (not) + S + V-ing + O?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ
Ex: - I was sleeping at 12 o’clock last night
- Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào: hành động đang
xảy ra dùng QKTD; hành động xen vào dùng QKĐ.
Ex: - I was studying when he came in.
- Diễn tả nhiều hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ (đi với while)
Ex: Yesterday evening, my mother was cooking while my father was reading books

c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)

At …. (specific time)
From ... to... last night, yesterday, one year ago .…
At this/ that time
At the moment

Past simple While/ When Past continuous

Past continuous

d. Một số lưu ý đối với thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:

* Phân biệt While & When:

Nếu xét theo định nghĩa thì while và when có chức năng tương đương nhau và có ý
nghĩa gần giống nhau, tuy nhiên khi muốn đề cập đến một hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ, thì
các động từ sau “when” thường được chia ở quá khứ đơn, trong khi đó theo sau “while”
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
động từ thường được chia ở quá khứ tiếp diễn và “while” thường nhấn mạnh đến khái
niệm “trong suốt khoảng thời gian”.
✓ I was studying when she called.
✓ While I was studying, she called.
 Xét 2 ví dụ trên, while và when được sử dụng với ý nghĩa giống nhau tuy nhiên lại
nhấn mạnh vào phần khác nhau của câu.
* Những động từ không chia ở các thì tiếp diễn:
Một số động từ chỉ cảm xúc (like, love…) hay (know, believe, want) ko được chia ở các thì
tiếp diễn (kể cả hiện tại tiếp diễn hay quá khứ tiếp diễn).

Verbs of thinking believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize,

suppose, understand.
Verbs of the senses hear, smell, sound, taste
Verbs of possession belong to, have (meaning possess), own,
Verbs of emotion dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want,
Verbs of appearance appear, seem.
Others contain, depend on, include, involve, mean,
measure, weigh, require.

✓ Jane was being at my house when you arrived.
✓ Jane was at my house when you arrived.


a. Form:
(+) S + had + Vp2/ed + O
(-) S + hadn’t + Vp2/ed + O
(?) Had (not) + S+ Vp2/ed + O?
b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong QK (hành động xảy ra trước
dùng QKHT; hành động xảy ra sau dùng QKĐ)
Ex: I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
- Hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
Ex: I had worked as a librarian before 2010. (Trước năm 2010, tôi là một quản thư)
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- When, before, after


Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)




a. Form:
(+) S + had + been + Ving
(-) S + had + not + been + Ving
(?) Had (not) + S + been + Ving?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Chỉ hành động đã đang diễn ra và hoàn tất trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ (nhấn
mạnh đến tính liên tục của hành động)
Ex: She had been cooking before I came home.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- When, before, after


a. Form:
(+) S + will/ shall + V + O
(-) S + will/ shall + not + V + O
(?) Will/ shall (not) + S + V + O?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Sắp xảy ra trong tương lai không có dự định trước.
Ex: Mr.Vinh will be the next president
- Câu yêu cầu; đề nghị; lời hứa; dự đoán cho tương lai.
Ex: - I’ll call you when I arrive.
- I promise I won’t tell him about the surprise party.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- Someday, tomorrow, tonight, soon
- Next time/ week/ year…
- In + N (Danh từ chỉ thời gian cụ thể)


a. Form:
(+) S + are/ is/ am + going to + V + O
(-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + going to + V + O
(?) Are/ is/ am + (not) + S + going to + V + O?
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
- Sắp xảy ra trong tương lai có dự định trước.
Ex: I’m going to do my homework this evening.
- Chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai theo 1 tình huống cho trước.
Ex: I’m doing my homework this evening.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- Someday, tomorrow, today, tonight, soon
- Next time/ week/ year…
- In + N (Danh từ chỉ thời gian cụ thể)


a. Form:
(+) S + will/ shall + be + V-ing + O
(-) S + will/ shall + not + be + V-ing + O
(?) Will/ shall (not) + S + be + V-ing + O?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Đang xảy ra tại thời điểm xác định trong tương lai.
Ex: She will be driving to work at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
- Nhiều hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong tương lai.
Ex: Tonight they will be eating dinner, discussing their plan and having a good time.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- At + N (Time cụ thể trong tương lai)


a. Form:
(+) S + will/ shall + have + Vp2 + O
(-) S + will/ shall + not + have + Vp2 + O
(?) Will/ shall (not) + S + have + Vp2 + O?

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)

- Một hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong tương lai.
Ex: She will have finished her English course by the end of this month.
- Một hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác định trong tương lai.
Ex: They shalln’t have returned the book before they go home.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- When, Before, By the (this) N + Next …….

a. Form:
(+) S + will/ shall + have + been V-ing + O
(-) S + will/ shall + not + have + been + V-ing + O
(?) Will/ shall (not) + S + have + been + V-ing + O?
b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
- Kết hợp với mệnh đề thời gian (by the time + thì hiện tại đơn)
- Diễn tả hành động đã và đang xảy ra và có thể hoàn tất trước 1 hành động khác trong
tương lai.
c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)
- By the time + mệnh đề thời gian ở thì hiện tại; by + ngày/ giờ.

Exercise 1: Put the verb in the present simple tense.
1. She (wash) _____________her clothes every Sunday.
2. She (study) _____________English every day.
3. He (want) _____________to become a teacher.
4. She usually (walk) _____________to school.
5. What time _____________Mary usually (get) _____________up every morning?
6. She (not wash) _____________her clothes every weekend.
7. _____________they (be) teachers?
8. It (not be) _____________often cold in summer.
9. Tom usually (walk) _____________to school.
10. He (be) _____________a student.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present simple tense.

1. I (be) _____________sixteen years old.
2. They (be) _____________very friendly.
3. Every week she (go) _____________to visit her parents.
4. What time _____________your father usually (get) _____________up?
5. We (not go) _____________to school on Sundays.
6. We (not be) _____________very lazy.
7. The Earth (go) _____________ around the Sun.
8. I (visit) _____________my parents very often.
9. _____________he (go) _____________to school every day?
10. _____________she (come) _____________from Japanese?

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. They often_____________ (go) to school on foot.
2. She_____________ (go) to the park everyday.
3. Bad students never _____________ (work) hard.
4. It often _____________ (rain) in the summer.
5. He usually _____________ (water) the trees in the morning.
6. She always _____________ (cook) in the morning.
7. I always _____________ (meet) him on the corner of this street.
8. He _____________ (not do) morning exercises regularly.
9. Water _____________ (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
10. _____________You ____________ (be) a good student?

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.
1. They _____________usually _____________ (not go) to school by motorbike.
2. They _____________ (not be) doctors.
3. He often _____________ (get) up late.
4. _____________you often _____________ (watch) TV?
5. I usually _____________ (go) shopping on weekend.
6. Hai often _____________ (wash) his face at 6.15.
7. Thanh and Mai always _____________ (see) a movie on Saturday.
8. _____________he often _____________ (take) a bus to school?
9. We _____________ (be) student in class 8A.
10. She _____________often _____________ (not do) homework in the evening.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. He usually _____________ (take) a taxi to the airport.
2. They _____________usually _____________ (not go) to school by bike.
3. _____________They ____________ (be) beautiful?
4. They often _____________ (visit) their parents on Saturday.
5. My and I always _____________ (go) to the countryside.
6. He _____________ (not be) at home now.
7. Our teacher usually _____________ (give) us many exercises.
8. He (go) _____________to the cinema every weekend.
9. She (come) _____________from Germany.
10. Daisy usually (go) _____________to work by car.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. The weather ______ very nice today.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
2. Rome _____________ in Spain. It is in Italy.
A. am not B. are not C. is not D. not
3. Where _____________ my key?
A. be B. is C. are D. am
4. Dunford is a very modern town. ____________ many old buildings there.
A. There isn’t B. There be not C. There aren’t D. There are
5. Look! There ______ a photograph of George in the Newspaper!
A. be B. is C. are D. be not
6. Ann is at home but her children _______ at school.
A. are B. are not C. is D. is not
7. How many rooms ____ in your house?
A. is there B. are there C. there are D. there is
8. Cats ____ big animals.
A. be not B. is not C. are not D. are no
9. Who _____ your favorite actor?
A. are B. be C. is D. be not
10. ______ books expensive in your country?
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
A. Is B. Is there C. Are there D. Are
11. He often _____________ the car at weekends.
A. washes B. wash C. don’t wash D. washs
12. What time ___________you often _____________ up every morning?
A. Does/ get B. do/get C. do/gets D. don’t/gets
13. _____________she_____________ English?
A. Do/likes B. Do/like C. Does/likes D. Does/like
14. He often _____________ (catch) a train to work.
A. catches B. catch C. catchs D. does catch
15. The cat _____________ (chase) mouse.
A. chases B. is chase C. chasing D. don’t chase
16. My old friend, Manh _____________ (write) to me twice a month.
A. Don’t write B. doesn’t writes C. writes D. writing
17. We (watch) _____________TV every night.
A. watching B. watches C. don’t watches D. watch
18. He (walk) _____________to work every day.
A. walks B. walkes C. walking D. walked
19. He (be) _____________in Ca Mau.
A. are B. is C. am D. being
20. They (be) _____________students.
A. doesn’t be B. are C. am D. don’t be

Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. How often is he go to the movie?
2. Minh go to school every morning
3. She is often gets up at 5:30.
4. Don’t your school have two floors?
5. The students play sometimes soccer in the afternoon.
6. My brother isn’t have breakfast at 6:00.
7. The children has lunch at 11:00 everyday.
8. We alway go swimming on Saturdays.
9. Does she plays sports every day?
10. My mother doesn’t goes shopping on Sundays.

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. We seldom eats before 6.30.
2. The sun is sets in the West.
3. It doesn’t often hot in summer.
4. My mother sometimes buyes vegetable at this market.
5. It rain much in summer.
6. The earth circle the sun once every 365 days.
7. The farmers are work in the field every days
8. Rivers flow usually to the sea.
9. Mrs. Green always doesn’t go to work by bus.
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
10. That house is belong to Mr. Green.


Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question.
Example: She (read) ____is reading _____at the moment.
She isn’t reading at the moment
Is she reading at the moment?
1. He (watch) ____________________________________TV right now.
2. At present they (sit) ___________________________ in the class.
3. This year we (learn) _________________________ English.
4. Look! Peter (play) ______________________ football in the schoolyard.
5. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) _______________________________.
6. Look! The man (smoke) ____________________________ there.
7. She (write) _______________________ to her parents now.
8. My father (work) ___________________________in the garden at the moment.
9. John (listen) _____________________________ to the radio now.
10. He (play) _______________________chess at the moment.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

1. The workers (work) ______________________ in the firm at the moment.
2. Please be quite! You (make) ____________________so much noise so I can’t
3. Tony (have) __________________a bath at the moment.
4. Listen! He (read) ____________________a story by Shakespeare.
5. At present Richard (study) _______________in London.
6. This term I (study) _______________philosophy and economics.
7. Janet (have) _______________a shower at the moment.
8. They (not/study) _______________at present.
9. Yukiko (have) _______________a bath now.
10. We (make) _______________a cake at the moment.

Exercise 3: Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

1. Jane (watch) _______________television at the moment.
2. Look! The boy (cry) ____________________.
3. Alice and Mary (put) ___________ the dishes away right now.
4. The farmer (work) _________________ in the field now.
5. Look! It (snow) _______________.
6. Phong (sleep) _______________ right now.
7. Mother (cook) ________________ some food in the kitchen at present.
8. Just a minute! I (look up) ______________ that word in the dictionary.
9. _______________you (write) ______________ a letter now?
10. They (not read) ____________________ books in the sitting room right now.

Exercise 4: Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
1. Look! They (play) _________________ football.
2. She (sweep) _______________ the floor now.
3. What________ she (do) ____________ now?
4. She (wash) ______________ the clothes at the moment.
5. Listen! Peter and Daisy (sing) ________________ now.
6. My brother (not watch) ___________TV now.
7. He (study) _____________ English this month.
8. ________you (work) __________ in the garden now?
9. Peter (talk) ________________ to Susan now.
10. She (listen) _______________to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.

Exercise 5: Choose the best answer.

1. I ________ Christine. Do you know where she is?
A. is looking B. are looking C. am looking D. look
2. It ________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?
A. is got B. are geting C. is getting D. are getting
3. They don’t have anywhere to live at the moment. They ________with friends until they
find somewhere.
A. is staying B. are staying C. am staying D. stay
4. Things aren’t so good at work. The company ________ money.
A. is loosen B. are losing C. are loseing D. is losing
5. Have you got an umbrella? It ________to rain.
A. is starting B. are starting C. am starting D. start
6. You ________ a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I ________ to concentrate.
A. is making/am trying B. are makeing/ am trying
C. are making/ am trying D. is making/ am trying
7. Why are all these people here? What ________?
A. am happening B. are happening C. is happening D. happening
8. Please don’t make so much noise. I ________ to work.
A. is trying B. are trying C. trying D. am trying
9. Let’s go out now. It ________ any more.
A. am raining B. isn’t raining C. are raining D. raining
10. You can turn off the radio. I ________ to it.
A. are not listening B. isn’t listening C. am not listening D. don’t listening
11. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She ________ a great time and
doesn’t want to come back.
A. is haven B. are having C. am haveing D. is having
12. I want to lose weight, so this week I ________ lunch.
A. am not eating B. isn’t eating C. aren’t eating D. is not eating
13. Andrew has just started evening classes. He ________ German.
A. are learning B. is learning C. am learning D. learning
14. Paul and Sally have an argument. They ________ to each other.
A. are speaking B. is speaking C. am speaking D. speaking
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
15. I ________ tired. I need a rest.
A. is getting B. are getting C. is geting D. am getting
16. Tim ________ this week. He is on holiday.
A. is not working B. are working C. am working D. works
17. Listen! Sam ________ the piano.
A. are playing B. am playing C. plays D. is playing
18. They ________ a new hotel in the city center.
A. are building B. am building C. is building D. build
19. Look! Somebody ________ in the river.
A. is swiming B. are swimming C. am swimming D. is swimming
20. The phone ________.
A. aren’t ringing B. isn’t ringing C. don’t ringing D. doesn’t ring

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. (it start) ________ to rain?
A. Am it starting B. Are it starting C. Does it starting D. Is it starting
2. Sue ________ to become a doctor?
A. are playing B. am playing C. plays D. is playing
3. You (take) ________.your daughter with you?
A. Are you taking B. is you taking C. am you taking D. are you taking
4. The dog (play) ________ with the kids?
A. Are the dog playing B. Am the dog playing
C. Does the dog playing D. Is the dog playing
5. They (come) ________ tonight?
A. am they coming B. is they coming C. Are they coming D. is they coming
6. Be quiet! The baby ________.
A. is sleeping B. sleep C. sleeps D. are sleeping
7. Look! A man ________ after the train. He wants to catch it.
A. is runing B. runs C. run D. is running
8. I ________an exercise on the present tenses at this moment.
A. is doing B. are doing C. am doing D. do
9. My father ________ in the garden and it ________ now.
A. is working/ is raining B. works/ rains
C. working/ raining D. are working/ are raining
10. Mai ________ some food at present. She always ________ in the morning.
A. is cooking/ cooks B. cooks/ is cooking C. cooks/ cooks D. is cooking/ is cooking
11. The students ________ the test right now?
A. B. Are......... doing C. Is ......... doing D. Do............. do
12. Now She ________ for her husband in the rain
A. are waiting B. is waiting C. waits D. wait
13. His brother ________ a novel at the moment?
A. Are....... writing B. are writing C. is writing D. Is............writing
14. The children ________ in the kitchen at present.
A. isn’t playing B. am not playing C. aren’t playing D. play
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
15. Lan ________ to the English teacher now.
A. isn’t speaking B. aren’t speaking C. doesn’t speak D. don’t speak
16. They ________ the Christmas dinner at present.
A. are preparing B. is preparing C. prepare D. prepares
17. John ________ that car now.
A. am driving B. is driving C. are driving D. is driveing
18. The workers ________a new house right now.
A. are building B. am building C. is building D. build
19. Tom ________ two poems at the moment?
A. Are..... writing B. are writing C. is writing D. Is............writing
20. The chief engineer ________ all the workers of the plant now.
A. is instructing B. are instructing C. instructs D. instruct

Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. He paints his pictures at the moment.
2. We plant the herbs in the garden at present.
3. They makes the artificial flowers of silk now.
4. Your father are repairing your motorbike at the moment.
5. Look! The man takes the children to the cinema.
6. Listen! The teacher are explaining a new lesson to us.
7. Be careful! You brings ten glass bottles.
8. Ba studies Math very hard now.
9. We is have dinner in a restaurant right now
10. I watching TV with my parents in the living room now.

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Some people drink coffee now.
2. At present, he are composing a piece of music .
3. My father listens to the radio now.
4. Where is your mother? - She have dinner in the kitchen.
5. Mr. Nam don’t work at the moment.
6. The children plays in the park at the moment.
7. John not reading a book now.
8. What do you do tonight?
9. Silvia doesn’t listen to music at the moment.
10. Maria sits next to Paul right now.


Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question.
Example: She (be) has been here for several days.
She has not been here for several days.
Has she been here for several days?
1. Tom (see) ______________this film before.
2. I (finish) ______________ my exercise already.
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
3. They (live) ______________ here since 1990.
4. My father (just wash) ______________ his car.
5. The students (discuss) ______________ the question recently.
6. Mary (never be) ______________ to Ha Noi.
7. We (know) ______________ each other for 5 years.
8. So far we (learn) ______________ five lessons.
9. We (be) ______________ pen pals for a long time.
10. They (stay) ______________ here since last week.

Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. Bob (see) ______________ this movie before.
2. Sandra (lend) ____________ her brother $ 200 so far.
3. Rashid (just pass) ____________ his driving test.
4. Karen (study) ____________________ Italian for three years now and is still studying.
5. The teacher (already tell) ____________ to be quite.
6. Tim (not take) ____________ many photos yet.
7. Jorge (read) ____________ the newspaper already.
8. We (not begin) _____________ to study for the test yet.
9. John and I (be) ______________ pen pals for nearly 3 years.
10. He (wear) ___________ the same coat since he moved here.

Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. I (not see) _____________ your brother recently.
2. They (not contact) _______________ to each other for a long time.
3. How long _______________you (study) ______________ English?
4. How many times _________ you (see) ____________him since he went to Edinburgh?
5. Who is that woman? I (never/ see) _______________ her before.
6. We (be) ____________ from French. We (be) ______________ there for 20 years.
7. I (see) __________ that film several times because I like it.
8. Mary (lose) _________________ her hat for 2 days.
9. He (not finish) _______________ doing it yet.
10. He (not see) ____________ him since Christmas.

Exercise 4: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. I (live) _______________ in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.
2. He (just see) ______________ her.
3. They (already show) _______________ the film.
4. I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.
5. The Bakers (be) ______________ in New York for 3 months.
6. My brother (use) ______________ this computer for 2 years.
7. They (live) ________________ in this street for a long time.
8. Mr. Green (teach) ______________ French since he left London in 1997.
9. She (not speak) _________________ to me since last week.
10. Up to now, Hoa (work) _______________ very hard.
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)

Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense.
1. We (never watch) _________that TV programme.
2. We (watch) _________ a good programme on TV last night.
3. He (read) _________ that novel many times before.
4. He (read) _________that novel again during my last vacation.
5. I (have) _________ a little trouble with my car last week.
6. However, I (have) _________no trouble with my car since then.
7. I (not see) _________ John for a long time. I (see) _________ him 3 weeks ago.
8. The school bell (ring) _________. We must go now.
9. I (meet) _________Mary last night. She (become) _________ a very big girl.
10. He is very thirsty. He (not drink) _________ since this morning.

Exercise 6: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense.
1. It is very hot. Summer (come) _________.
2. They (study) _________at this school for 7 years now.
3. They (begin) _________ to study at this school 7 years ago.
4. Since (you know) _________when her ?
5. How long ago (he start) _________to learn French ?
6. She (lose) _________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning.
7. My mother (be) _________ in hospital for a long time and she cannot go home yet.
8. His dog (just run) _________ out of the garden.
9. Mr Brown (travel) _________ by air several times in the past.
10. He (travel) _________to Mexico by air last summer.

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer.

1. This is the most interesting novel _______________
A. I’ve read C. I’ve never read
B. I had read D. I’ve ever read
2. I haven’t seen you _______________
A. since a long time C. ages
B. for ages D. for long existence
3. It _______________ every day so far this week.
A. rained C. rains
B. has rained D. is raining
4. I _______________any letter from him yet.
A. haven’t received C. don’t receive
B. will receive D. didn’t receive
5. We _______________to Dalat several times. It’s a foggy city.
A. were C. were being
B. have been D. had been
6. I haven’t met him since he _______________school.
A. left C. had left
B. was leaving D. was left
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)
7. My uncle _______________on this farm since he was 20.
A. has worked C. worked
B. have worked D. was working
8. He _______________London 2 years ago and I _____________him since then.
A. left/ hadn’t seen C. was living/ haven’t seen
B. left/ haven’t seen D. left/ didn’t seen
9. By the time Tom got back, Peter _______________
A. have gone C. will go
B. went D. had gone
10. She _______________in Hue for twenty years.
A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. will live
11. It is the most exciting film I _______________
A. never saw B. ever saw C. had ever seen D. have ever seen
12. They have been in love with each other _______________ they were young
A. while B. until C. for D. since
13. I _______________the money from him yet.
A. haven’t received B. don’t receive
C. will receive D. am receiving
14. I _____________ (not see) my brother for 5 years.
A. hasn’t seen B. don’t see C. aren’t see D. haven’t seen
15. How many times _______________ there so far? A few times.
A. have you been B. would you be C. were you D. had you been

Exercise 8: Choose the best answer.

1. It’s at least a month since _______________Tom.
A. I last seen B. I last see C. I have last seen D. I last saw
2. We _______________ almost every lesson in this book so far.
A. Study B. studies C. has studied D. have studied
3. We _______________that television program.
A. never watch B. not never watch
C. have never watched D. has never watched
4. Up to then, I _______________such a big fire.
A. have never seen B. had never seen C. never seen D. never see
5. I _______________her since I _______________a student.
A. know/ am B. knew/ was C. have known/ am D. have known/ was
6. _______________ get tired of answering the same questions every day?
A. Have you ever C. Had you ever
B. Do you ever D. Are you ever
7. She _______________working on that manuscript for 2 year now.
A. will be C. has been
B. had been D. is
8. I _______________there once a long time ago and _______________back since.
A. went/have not been C. go/am not
B. have gone/was D. was going/had not been
Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119)

9. In the last hundred years, traveling ___________much easier and more comfortable.
A. becomes B. has become C. became D. will become
10. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it ____ for two hours.
A. rains B. is raining C. has rained D. rained
11. Mike is playing chess. How long ___________ he ____________?
A. did/play C. is/playing
B. has/play D. has/been playing
12. Today is Thursday and she ______ late twice this week. She ______ late yesterday and on
A. is/was C. has been/was
B. has been/is D. has been/had been
13. He _______________ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived C. lived
B. is living D. had lived
14. We _______________ him since he ______________ married.
A. didn’t see/got C. haven’t seen/got
B. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got
15. It _______________for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis.
A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining

Exercise 9: Find and correct the mistakes.

1 .The flight to Vientiane have departed.
2. She hasn’t finish the letter.
3. I forget that girl’s name already.
4. Fred’s brother just graduates from university.
5. I am trying to learn English for years.
6. I have been waiting for two hours, but she not come yet.
7. She reads all the works of Dickens. How many have you read?
8. I wait here nearly half an hour for my gir-friend Joana; do you think she forgets to come?
9. Mary rests in the garden all day because she is ill.
10. Although john has been studying at the university for five years he have not got his degree yet.

Exercise 10: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Jack is going to Switzerland for a holiday; I never am there.
2. We have lived for the last five months, and just decide to move.
3. You already drink 3 cups of tea since I sat here.
4. That book has lied on the table for weeks. Do you read it yet?
5. Are you asleep all the morning? I ring the bell for the last 5 minutes.
6. She works so hard this week that she has not had time to go out.
7. He has been writing a novel for the last two months. But she doesn’t finish yet.
8. My watch has gone for three days and it does not run down yet.
9. He lost his book. He has been looking for it all the morning, but it does not turn up yet.
10. He has not been here since Christmas. I wonder where he lives sine then.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense.
1. I (try) __________ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) __________ yet.
2. She (read) _________ all the works of Dickens. How many (you read) _________ ?
3. I (wait) __________ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think she (forget)
__________ to come?
4. Mary (rest) __________ in the garden all day because she (be) __________ ill.
5. Although John (study) __________ at the University for 5 years, he (not get) __________
his degree yet.
6. Jack (go) __________ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be) __________ there.
7. We (live) __________ here for the last six months, and (just, decide) __________ to move.
8. That book ( lie) __________on the table for weeks. You (not read) _________ it yet ?
9. He (not be) _______ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) ________ since then.
10. He (lose) ___________ his books. He (look) ____________ for them all afternoon, but they
(not turn up) ___________ yet.
11. She (work) ____________ so hard this week that she (not have) ____________ time to go
to the cinema.
12. Your hair is wet. (You swim) __________ for a long time ?
13. Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive)__________ cars for six years.
14. You look very tired. (You work) __________very hard ?
15. The phone (ring) __________ for 2 minutes, but I (not answer) __________ it yet.

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer.

1. We ____ him since he ____ married.
A. didn’t see/got B. haven’t seen/got C. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got
2. I ____ the money yet.
A. A. not recieved B. didn’t recieve C. haven’t recieved D. hadn’t recieved
3. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on Monday.
A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been
4. We ____ what to do with the money yet.
A. not decide B. didn’t decide C. haven’t decided D. hadn’t decided
5. My father ____ as a teacher for almost thirty years.
A. works B. is working C. worked D. has been working
6. He ____ to New York at least three times this year.
A. had been going B. was going C. has been going D. is going
7. They ____ to know each other for more than ten years.
A. get B. got C. have got D. had got
8. She dishes already.
A. was washing B. washed C. has washed D. has been washing
9. I you for ages.
A. haven’t been meeting B. didn’t meet
C. Wasn’t meeting D. haven’t met
10. Tom is still watching television. He television all day
A. Has been watching B. Was watching C. Has watched D. watched
11. I'm very hungry. I_________ all day.
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
A. didn't eat B. haven’t ate C. haven’t eaten D. have been eating
12. Their new kitchen looks fantastic. They _____ completely _____ it.
A. have /been redecorating B. have/redecorated
C. already /redecorated D. didn’t/redecorated
13. Our kitchen’s a mess. We____________ any cleaning for weeks.
A. didn't do B. haven’t been doing
C. have done D. haven’t done
14. I think they are dating. They____________ a lot of each other recently.
A. had seen B. haven’t been seeing
C. have been seeing D. have seen
15. We've discovered in this great café and we_____________ there a lot.
A. have been going B. have gone C. are going D. have went
16. How's your Mum? I _____________ her for ages.
A. had seen B. haven’t seen C. haven't been seeing D. didn’t see
17. You're covered in paint! What __________ you __________?
A. have /done B. were/doing C. did/do D. have/been doing
18. She’s gone to the doctor's. She ______________ too well lately.
A. hasn't felt B. hasn’t been feeling C. has felt D. doesn’t feel
19. I____________ for ages now.
A. have waited B. waited C. was waiting D. have been waiting
20. I have to write an essay. I__________ about half of it so far.
A. have written B. have been writing C. Wrote D. have to write

Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. How long has you been living here?
2. I has been living here for 2 years.
3. Have they working in this company since 1990?
4. She has been cried all day long.
5. I have waiting for my turn for 20 minutes.
6. She have been cleaning her house for 4 hours.
7. I'm tired because I worked very hard.
8. He has write his letter all the morning.
9. Jane is getting fatter because she has eating too much.
10. My mother has peeling potatoes all the morning.

Exercise 4: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. How long have you been use the computer?
2. Charles have been living with Mike for years.
3. She has earning a lot of money for the last 2 years
4. Where are my glasses? I am looking for it for hours.
5. It rains for 6 hours.
6. Cathy attends a course of cooking since March.
7. Why are your hands so dirty? – I have been repaired my bike.
8. Sandy cooks dinner four times this week.
9. Who has eating my chocolate bar?
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
10. Oh, the kitchen is a mess. Who has been cooked?


Exercise 1: Put the verb in the past simple tense.
1. He (be) only 34 years old when he died.
2. The police (stop) me on my way last night.
3. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music.
4. My mother (not pick) up me the last afternoon.
5. I (go) to the cinema three times last week.
6. I was angry because they (be) late.
7. __ you (attend) the extra class last night?
8. Last year I (live) in London.
9. My best friend (go) to abroad five days ago.
10. The weather (be) good when we were on holiday.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense.

1. __ you (go) out yesterday evening?
2. The film wasn’t good, I (not enjoy) it very much.
3. I (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago.
4. I (buy) that novel on Monday.
5. Liza (get) a good mark in the final exam.
6. Most students (take) no interest in the matter.
7. Newton (come) back to his study after eating his lunch.
8. The second war (finish) 40 years ago.
9. When I was young, I (want) to be a pilot.
10. I was frightened and I (start) to run.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs

1. He (be) in prison for twenty-seven years last year.
2. Yesterday, I (go) ______ to the restaurant with my ex-husband.
3. We (drive) ______ around the town for 50 minutes to find my dog.
4. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.
5. The policeman (tell) ______ us to come back in two hours yesterday.
6. My aunt and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the house last night.
7. We (see) ______ a small grocery store three week ago.
8. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some bread last month.
9. I (not go) ______ to office last Monday.
10. she (get) ______ married a few months ago?

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs

1. What you (do) last night?
2. I (love) him but no more now.
3. Yesterday, I (get) up at 6 and (have) breakfast at 6.30.
4. They (not agree) to the deal of that project.
5. They (be) in London from Monday to Thursday of last week.
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
6. I (be) _ a student Doan Thi Diem School in 1998.
7. I (study) French when I was a child.
8. He (like) grain before.
9. All the students (read) the text carefully last week.
10. His grandfather (receive) a letter from his family this morning.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs

1. How curious! I (be) there too.
2. they (be) busy taking care of their children?
3. Professor Smiths (teach) another class last year.
4. The rain (stop) in the middle of the noon.
5. My sister (spend) her two-week holiday in Nha Trang.
6. My father (set) up that company in 1990.
7. He (borrow) a lot of money to buy a new car a few days ago.
8. Yesterday, I (have) presentation about my company’s new product in Royal city.
9. He (sit) down in a chair before I did.
10. Someone (break) into my house last night.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. I born on the first of May.
A. were B. was C. are D. is
2. The enemy by night.
A. attack B. attacks C. attacked D. did attack
3. Mind about what I just now.
A. said B. say C. did say D. didn’t say
4. Did you ever of such a thing?
A. hear B. hears C. heard D. heart
5. He some eggs to make the cakes
A. buys B. buy C. buied D. bought
6. There any eggs in the packet when I the kitchen.
A. wasn’t/come B. weren’t/ come C. wasn’t/ came D. weren’t/ came
7. I an English course to improve all the skills.
A. not joined B. joined C. did joined D. join
8. We to our friend last night.
A. spoke B. speak C. speaked D. spoken
9. We and lunch at the cafeteria with them.
A. talked/ have B. talked/ had C. talk/ had D. talked/ have
10. you attend yoga class when I at home?
A. Did/ stayed B. Didn’t/ didn’t stayed
C: Did/ didn’t stayed D. Did/ stay
11. I his car to work while he was sleeping.
A. drive B. drove C. driving D. driven
12. The man the door and pieces of paper.
A. open/ thrown B. opened/ threw C. opened/ thrown D. open/ throw
13. He them into a room.
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
A. led B. lead C. leaded D. leads
14. He off his hat and into the room.
A. take/ went B. take/ go C. taken/ go D. took/ went
15. The meeting 5 minutes ago.
A. finished B. finish C. did not finish D. did finish
16. When she the report?
A. do/ finish B. did/ finished C. did/finish D. didn’t/ finished
17. I my close friend a cushion for her chair yesterday.
A. gave B. give C. gived D. given
18. Hoa’s neighbor her and then they friends.
A. helped/ becomes B. helped/ become
C. help/ became D. helped/ became
19. I what teacher in the last lesson.
A. didn’t understand/ said C. understand/ say
B. didn’t understood/ said D. understood/ say
20. Yesterday, I to a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium.
A. go B. gone C. went D. goes

Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. My mother don’t went shopping last Sunday.
2. My mother buyed lots of vegetable at this market.
3. The storm did go into my town a few hours ago.
4. I were not brave enough to face the problem.
5. The orchestra begun playing at the concert.
6. I got a good mark at the final exam in the next week.
7. It rain heavily during the day off.
8. They didn’t considere who is more talented.
9. Do you go out last night?
10. I crossed a few minutes the road to catch my cat.

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. A student taken some document into room yesterday.
2. Where you did go?
3. He did not called me before the meeting.
4. My mother not allow me to go out after 9p.m
5. He last year graduated.
6. The children are frightened because it got dark.
7. Last month, I is lost my shoes.
8. I was not late because I stayed up late last night.
9. This Novel were once very popular but nobody reads it now.
10. Did how you get to school this morning?


Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question.
Example: At this time yesterday they (play) __were playing___ football.
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
At this time yesterday they were not playing football.
At this time yesterday were they playing football?
1. At this time yesterday we (play) __________________ tennis in the schoolyard.
2. At 7:00 pm yesterday I (watch) __________________TV.
3. Yesterday while my father (watch) __________________TV, my mother (read)
_____________ the newspaper, my sister (do) ______________her homework and I
(play) _____________ chess with my friend.
4. What were you doing when I phoned you? I (have) _________________a bath.
5. She (do) __________________ her homework at the time yesterday.
6. Marry (water) __________________the flowers at 3:00 p.m yesterday.
7. They (visit) __________________ the zoo at ten o’clock yesterday.
8. Peter and I (do) __________________ the exercise at this time last night.
9. Last night my father (feed) __________________ the pigeons at 7:00.
10. At this time last year we (learn) __________________ English in London.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense or the past continuous.
1. When I (arrive) ________________ at this house, he still (sleep) ________________.
2. The light (go) __________________ out while we (have) __________________ dinner.
3. Bill (have) __________________breakfast when I (stop) __________________at this
house this morning.
4. She (wash) _________________ up when Vinh (arrive) _________________at this house.
5. As we (cross) _________________the Street, we (see) __________________an accident.
6. Tom (see) ______________a serious accident while he (stand) ________________ at the
bus stop.
7. The children (play) ______________football when their mother (come) _____________
back home.
8. The bell (ring) __________________while Tom (take) _________________a bath.
9. He (sit) __________________in a car when I (see) __________________him.
10. We (clean) ________________the house when she (come) ______________yesterday.

Exercise 3: Put the verb in the past continuous tense.

1. I (go) __________________down the street when it began to rain.
2. At this time last year, I (attend) __________________an English course.
3. Jim (stand) __________________under the tree when he heard an explosion.
4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he (ride) __________________a bicycle.
5. When we met them last year, they (live) __________________ in Santiago.
6. The tourist lost his camera while he (walk) __________________ around the city.
7. The lorry (go) __________________very fast when it hit our car.
8. While I (study) _________________in my room, my roommate (have) __________ a
party in the other room.
9. Mary and I (leave) __________________ the house when the telephone rang.
10. We (sit) __________________ in the café when they saw us.

Exercise 4. Choose the best answer.

1. The boys broke a window when they ________ football.
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662
A. played B. were playing C. half played D. are playing
2. I ________ about him when suddenly he came in.
A. talk B. talked C. am talking D. was talking
3. Last night at this time, they ________ the same thing. She ________ and he ________
the newspaper.
A. are doing/is cooking/is reading C. was doing/has cooked/is reading
B. were doing/was cooking/was reading D. had done/was cooking/read
4. When Carol ________ last night, I ________ my favorite show on television.
A. was calling/watched C. called/was watching
B. called/have watched D. had called/watched
5. When I ________ home last night, I ________ that Jane ________ a beautiful candle
light dinner.
A. had arrived/discovered/preparing
B. was arriving/has discovered/was preparing
C. have arrived/was discovering/had prepared
D. arrived/discovered/was preparing
6. While I ________ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
7. When it began to rain, they ________ in the yard.
A. played B. had played C. were playing D. have played
8. When I woke up this morning, it ____
A. rained B. was raining C. has rained D. is raining
9. While Tom ____ tennis, Ann ____ a shower.
A. played/took B. playing/taking
C. was playing/was taking D. was play/was take
10. When they ____ in the garden, the phone ____.
A. worked/was ringing B. were working/rang
C. worked/rang D. work/rings
11. They ____ tea when the doorbell ____.
A. have/is ringing B. were having/rang
C. had had/ rang D. having/ringing
12. Father ____ his pipe while mother ____ a magazine.
A. smoked/read C. had smoked/read
B. was smoking/was reading D. smoking/reading
13. When I ____ into the office, my boss ____ for me.
A. came/was waiting B. was coming/waited
C. had come/waited D. came/waiting
14. When I ____John, he ____ across the road.
A. see/ walks B. see/was walking
C. saw/was walking D. saw/is walking
15. When he ____, we ____ dinner.
A. arrived/having B. arrived/were having
C. was arriving/had D. had arrived/had
16. While they ____ chess, we ____ the shopping.
A. playing/doing B. were playing/doing
Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662

C. played/did D. were playing/were doing

17. They ____ football when the lights in the stadium ____ out.
A. were playing/went B. played/was going
C. were playing/ was going D. playing/went
18. While George and John ____ their room, she ____ the ironing.
A. cleaning/doing B. were cleaning/was doing
C. were cleaning/doing D. cleaning/was doing
19. While I ____ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
20. While George and John ____ their room, she ____ the ironing.
A. cleaning/doing B. were cleaning/was doing
C. were cleaning/doing D. cleaning/was doing

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662

Exercise 5. Choose the best answer.

1. When I phoned my friends, they _________to music and _________.
A. was listening/ dance C. were listening/ dancing
B. were listening/ dance D. were listen/ dance
2. Yesterday at six I ___________dinner for my family and friends.
A. was preparing C. were preparing
B. were prepare D. was prepare
3. The kids _______in the garden when it suddenly rained heavily.
A. were play C. are playing
B. was playing D. were playing
4. I ________a song when my mother came home.
A. am singing C. were singing
B. was singing D. is singing
5. What ________ at 9 P.M yesterday?
A. you were doing C. were you doing
B. was you doing D. you were doing
6. At this time yesterday, we _________in the park.
A. were sitting B. sits C. were sit D. was sitting
7. The storm started while Linda workplace.
A. was driving B. drove C. were drove D. were driving
8. My father nine symphonies; he another symphony when he died.
A. wrote/ writing C. wrote/ was writting
B. wrote/ was writing D. was writing/ wrote
9. Alice hurt herself while she .
A. were skating B. was skates C. was skating D. skated
10. I met my neighbor while I home from work.
A. was walking B. was walk C. walking D. walked
11. Kien stepped on Maria's feet while they together.
A. was dancing B. dancing C. were dancing D. danced
12. Sally dinner last night when somebody clocked the door.
A. were having B. had C. having D. was having
13. Jane when the telephone rang.
A. sleeping B. was sleeping C. were sleeping D. slept
14. As I to the lab, I met my friend.
A. were walking B. was walking C. walking D. walked
15. When I ____ Brian, he ____ a taxi.
A. see/drives B. see/was driving C. saw/was driving D. saw/is driving

Exercise 6: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Nick went to several concerts while she were staying in New York.
2. The soldiers prepared to leave when the bomb exploding.
3. I saw an accident while she was waitting for the taxi.
4. Last month, a bank robber escaped while the police were puting.
5. I watching TV when she called to make a invitation.

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662

6. When the phone rang, she was writting a letter for her boyfriend.
7. While we had the picnic, it started to rain.
8. What are you doing when the earthquake started?
9. I were listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
10. You were not listen to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. While John was sleeping tonight, someone stole his car.
2. Sammy waited for us when we got off the plane.
3. While I was write the email, the computer suddenly went off.
4. What you were doing when you broke your leg?
5. Last night at 6 PM, I had dinner.
6. At midnight, we were still drive through the desert.
7. Yesterday at this time, I was siting at my desk at work.
8. He constantly talked. He annoyed everyone.
9. I didn't like them because they was always complaining.
10. I made a presentation in front of 500 people when the microphone stopped working.


Exercise 1: Put the verb in the past perfect tense.
1. After she (finish) ________________ breakfast she left the house.
2. Before he came to Warsaw he (live) ____________ in Prague.
3. She already (eat) _________ by the time he left.
4. He told me he (never be) _______________ to Australia before.
5. He told me he (never see) ____ anything like that.
6. Jane (study) ________ for 4 hours when he came home.
7. I couldn't get in because I (lose) _______________ my keys.
8. I felt really stupid because I (make) ________________ a lot of mistakes.
9. I paid for the window because my son (break) _______________.
10. I told him I didn't know who (steal) _______________ his pen.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past perfect tense.

1. I was feeling very thirsty because I (drink) _________too much alcohol the night before.
2. I (finish) _________ my homework before 10 o’clock last night.
3. When I saw her I knew we (never meet) ____ before.
4. Before he came to Ha Noi, he (live) _________ in Da Nang
5. He (spend) __________three years in Taiwan when he was a child.
6. He (not/ be) ________ to Cape Town before 2000.
7. We (sleep) ________ for 2 hours when he woke us up.
8. They (wait) _________ at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.
9. When she went out, she (already/ do) ____________ her homework.
10. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) ___________.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. By 2 o’clock we (have) _____________ lunch.

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662

2. We (just have) __________ lunch when she arrived.

3. When we came to the station, the train (leave) _____.
4. Tim left very tired, he (work) _________all day long.
5. I met them after they (divorce) _______ each other.
6. Lan said she (chose) _________ as a beauty queen two years before.
7. An idea occurred to him that she herself (help) _____ him very much in the everyday
8. She wondered why you (refer) __________ to her unhappy childhood.
9. When I entered the dining room, she (just finish) _________ washing the dishes.
10. They (go) ______home after they (finish) ________-their work.

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. She said that she (already, see) _________ Dr. Rice.
2. He told me he (not/eat) __________such kind of food before.
3. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/begin)__________.
4. Before she (watch) ________TV, she (do) ___________homework.
5. Yesterday, John (go) ________to the store before he (go) _________home.
6. Alan (have)______hardly (prepare)____for dinner when her husband (go) ______ home.
7. No sooner (have) __________I (watch) ___________TV than the phone (ring)______
8. Before I (watch) _____________this film, I (do) ___________ my homework.
9. “I broke my glasses yesterday”, said Lan.
- Lan said that she (break) _____________ her glasses the day before.
10. I couldn’t attend the evening classes because I worked at night.
If I (not work) __________ at night, I would have attended the evening classes.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. I didn’t have a laptop so I wish I (have) _______________ a laptop.
2. She didn’t notice that she (never see) ___________that film before.
3. I suddenly rememberd that I ____________ (forget) my keys.
4. (Have/you/put) ___________ off the fire before you (go) _________ out?
5. I was very pleased to see Mary again. I (not see) ___________for a long time.
6. I thanked her for everything she (do) ____________ for me.
7. When I got home, someone (take) ___________ my camera.
8. We didn’t need to queue because I (buy) ___________ the tickets.
9. When I returned with my camera, the bird (fly) _________ away.
10. She (be) ___________a good dancer when she met a car accident.

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. After they ___________ their breakfast, they ___________shopping yesterday.
A. have/go B. had had/go C. had/had gone D. had had/went
2. They ___________ tea when the doorbell ___________.
A. have/is ringing B. were having/rang C. have had/ rang D. having/ringing
3. Father ___________ his pipe while mother ___________ a magazine.
A. smoked/read B. had smoked/read
C. was smoking/was reading D. smoking/reading
4. When I ___________into the office, my boss ___________for me.
A. came/was waiting B. was coming/waited
C. had come/waited D. came/waiting
5. When I ___________ Brian, he ___________a taxi.
A. see/drives B. see/was driving
C. saw/ had driven D. saw/is driving
6. When he ___________, we ___________dinner.
A. arrived/having B. arrived/were having
C. was arriving/had D. had arrived/had
7. While they ___________ chess, we ___________the shopping.
A. playing/doing B. were playing/doing
C. played/did D. were playing/were doing
8. They ___________ football when the lights in the stadium ___________ out.
A. were playing/went B. played/was going
C. were playing/ was going D. playing/went
9. While George and John ___________their room, she ___________the ironing.
A. cleaning/doing B. were cleaning/was doing
C. were cleaning/doing D. cleaning/was doing
10. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on
A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been
11. What ___________ he ___________ before you came?
A. does/do B. had/do C. had/done D. has/done
12. She lost her balance when she ___________to reach out for the balloon.
A. had tried B. was trying C. tried D. had been trying
13. When I met John, he ___________from his university already.
A. graduated B. was graduating
C. had been graduating D. had graduated
14. When I was younger, I ___________to smoke or drink.
A. wasn't used B. didn't used C. never used D. not used
15. The statue (break) _________ while it (move) __________ to another room in the museum.
A. broke/was being moved B. was broken/was moved
C. had been broken/was being moved D. was broken/was being moved

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer.

1. Just a minute too late, he ___________on the train when the girl came.
A. leaves B. had left C. would be leaving D. left

Bùi Văn Vinh
2. Ms Abbott _____________home from work when she ___________the child fall off
the bridge.
A. has been walking-saw B. had been walking-saw
C. was walking-saw D. was walking-had seen
3. After ___________for help, she ___________off her shoes and ___________ to save
A. have been shouting-took-jumped B. having shouted-took-jumped
C. shouting-had taken-jumped D. shouting-took-jumped
4. The performance ___________at 7 o'clock and ___________for three hours. We all
___________ it.
A. began-lasted-have enjoyed B. began-lasted-enjoyed
C. would be begin-lasted-enjoyed D. had began-lasted-enjoyed
5. He __________for London 2 years ago and I __________him since.
A. had left - haven't seen B. left - haven't seen
C. left - didn't see D. had left- didn't see
6. "You ___________ the key which you ___________ yesterday?" "Yes, I ___________it
in the pocket of my other coat."
A. Had …. found – lost - found B. Have …. found – lost - found
C. found – lost - found D. found – lost - have found
7. I ___________him in the library when I ___________there.
A. have seen-were B. saw-was sitting C. had seen-were D. saw-were
8. She ___________anything last night.
A. didn't B. don't C. didn't do D. don't do
9. I Ann at her father’s house twenty years ago and her ever since.
A. met/ have known B. was meeting/ knew
C. met / knew D. have met/ was working
10. He ___________ a cigarette and ___________ to the window.
A. was lighting-walked B. lighted-had walked
C. lighted-walked D. would light-walked
11. He greeted her. She really ___________better than when he ___________her last. Yes,
she ___________
A. had looked - saw - had changed B. looked - saw - had changed
C. has looked - saw - has changed D. looked - had seen - had changed
12. After the guests ___________she ___________ back into the living-room and
___________off the light.
A. left - went – switched B. had left - had gone - switched
C. had left - went - switched D. left - went - had switched
13. I sat down at the desk and ___________why my father's letter __________yet. I
_________to ask him to send me some money before.
A. wondered - hadn't arrived - had written
B. had wondered - arrived - wrote
C. wondered - arrived – wrote
D. wondered - had arrived - wrote

Bùi Văn Vinh
14. On arrival at home I ___________that she just ___________just a few minutes before.
A. had found – left B. have found - have just left
C. found - had just left D. found - left
15. As Hung and I _________down the steps we nearly _______into my father.
A. came – ran B. were coming - ran
C. have come - has run D. came - were running

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. When Sarah arrived at the party. Paul wasn’t there. He gone home.
2. When we got home last night. We found that somebody had broke into the flat.
3. Karen didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because she had already see
the film.
4. At first I thought I’d done the right, but soon I realized that I made a serious
5. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He haven’t flown
6. I didn’t know who she was. I never seen her before.
7. We weren’t hungry. We’ve just had lunch.
8. The house was dirty. They didn’t clean it for weeks.
9. “Was Tom at the party when you arrived?” “No, he have already gone home.”
10. Ann had just got home when I phoned. She have been in London.

Exercise 9: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Almost everybody left by the time we arrived.
2. She already posted. The letter when she realized she had sent it to the wrong
3. The weather was far worse than we expected.
4. They got married for five years when they finally had a child.
5. She told she never met him.
6. He did his homework before he went out.
7. I didn’t talk to him because when I arrived he already left.
8. They just closed the shop when I got there.
9. I have never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.
10. I did not have any money because I lost my wallet before.

Exercise 1: Put the verb in the past perfect continuous tense.
1. I was very tired when I arrived home. I (work) ___________hard all day.
2. We (sleep) ___________for 12 hours when he woke us up.
3. We (wait) ______________at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.
4. We (look for) ____________her ring for two hours before we found it in the bathroom.
5. I (not walk) ______________for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
6. How long (learn/she) ___________English before she went to London?

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7. He (drive) ___________less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
8. They were very tired in the evening because they (help) __________on the farm all day.
9. I (not work) _____________all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.
10. They (circle) _____________all day so their legs were sore in the evening.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past perfect continuous tense.

1. They (chat) _________________for over 2 hours.
2. I (wait) __________ there for ages.
3. She (sit) ________ there for 20 minutes before the doctor (call) _______her name.
4. They (jog) _________ for a while before they (get) _________ tired.
5. I (wait) __________ for the bus for 10 minutes when it (arrive) _____________.
6. She (want) _________ to rest a bit because she (clean) ___________the whole day.
7. They (decide) ____________to break up because they (fight) __________for a long time.
8. Alex (play) _________ golf for many years before he (retire) ______________.
9. Susan (be) ___________ hungry because she (work) ___________ the whole day.
10. Peter (drink) _________ too much, so he (have) ___________to run to the bathroom a lot.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Anna (fail) ______________the exam because she (skip) ____________ classes.
2. I (work) ______________ on my book for a year when I (publish)________________ it.
3. You (pass) _________________ the test because you (study)____________ very well.
4. We (buy) ___________________the house after we (save) ____________for many years.
5. I (work) _____________ too much, so I (take) __________________a vacation.
6. They (play) ______________ basketball before they (switch)_____________ to baseball.
7. She (sell) _____________ soaps before she (open) _______________ her own company.
8. We (expect) _________ her when she (arrive) ______________.
9. Laura (be) ___________very sad because she (fight) _____________with her boyfriend.
10. George (be) ________very excited because he (wait) _____to invite Sheila to the movies.

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Tina (feel) ______________ sick because she (eat) ___________several burgers.
2. You (buy) _____________ the food before you (cook) __________it.
3. I (run) _____________ for 2 hours by the time I (get) _______________really tired.
4. I (notice)______________ that somebody (smoke) _______________ there.
5. They (say) ___________ that they (work) _________________ very hard.
6. Marek (date) __________ a lot before he (meet) __________________ his wife.
7. I (visit) __________ many places before I (arrive) ____________________.
8. I lost the key that he (give)_________________ to me.
9. He told me that he (see)____________ the film.
10. He was really angry because he (wait) ______ for more than half an hour when I arrived.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Laura needed a break because she (study) ____________ all morning.
2. When Lorraine moved to England, she (learn) _______________ for 12 years.
3. I did not go out last night because I (work) ___________________ all day.
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4. Orla felt fit for the marathon because she (exercise) ________________ a lot.
5. You got sick because you (eat) __________ all the time.
6. We (go) _______________out together for two years before I met his family.
7. The passengers (wait) ______________for four hours before the ground staff could finally
give them information on the delay of their flight.
8. When I noticed my mistake, I (drive) _____________for an hour in the wrong direction.
9. He was sad because it (rain) ________________ all day.
10. We didn't know where to go because we (not listen) _________________ to them.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1 It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it____ for almost two hours.
A. rains B. is raining C. had been raining D. rained
2 ____ you ____ out last night?
A. Did/go B. Do/go C. Have/gone D. Were /going
3 While Tom ____ tennis, Ann ____ a shower.
A. played/took C. was playing/was taking
B. playing/taking D. was play/was take
4 When they ____ in the garden, the phone ____.
A. worked/was ringing C. worked/rang
B. were working/rang D. work/rings
5 After they ____ their breakfast, they ____ shopping yesterday.
A. have/go B. had had/go C. had/had gone D. had had/went
6 They ____ tea when the doorbell ____.
A. have/is ringing B. were having/rang C. had had/ rang D. having/ringing
7 Father ____ his pipe while mother ____ a magazine.
A. smoked/read C.was smoking/ was reading
B. had smoked/read D. smoking/reading
8 When I ____ into the office, my boss ____ for me.
A. came/was waiting C. had come/waited
B. was coming /waited D. came/waiting
9 When I ____ Brian, he ____ a taxi.
A. see/drives B. see/was driving C. saw/was driving D. saw/is driving
10 . While they ____ chess, we ____ the shopping.
A. playing/doing C. played/did
B. were playing/doing D. were playing/were doing
11 . They ____ football when the lights in the stadium ____ out.
A. were playing/went C. were playing/ was going
B. played/was going D. playing/went
12 . While George and John ____ their room, she ____ the ironing.
A. cleaning/doing C. were cleaning/doing
B. were cleaning/was doing D. cleaning/was doing
13 . Today is Thursday and Linda ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on Monday.
A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been
14 . Vinh ______ out of breath. He ______ for five hours.

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A. Is/ has ran B. was/ has been running
C. was/ had been running D. was/ has ran
15 . We ____ him since he ____ married.
A. didn’t see/got B. haven’t seen/got C. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got
16 . It ____ for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis.
A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining
17. When I ____ home last night, I _____ that Jane ____ a beautiful candle light dinner.
A. had arrived/discovered/preparing
B. was arriving/has discovered/was preparing
C. have arrived/was discovering/had prepared
D. arrived/discovered/ had been preparing
18. At last the bus came. I _______ for minutes.
A. Am waiting B. had been waited C. had been waiting D. waited
19. It ____ every day so far this week.
A. rained B. has been raining C. rains D. is raining
20. When the boys ____ the house, their clothes ____ dirty, their hair ____ untidy and one
of them ____ black eye. They ____
A. come into/ are/was/have/ has been fighting
B. come into/ were/ was/have/ has been fighting
C. came into/ were/ was/ have/ had been fighting
D. came into/ were/ was/ had/ had been fighting

Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Jason was tired because he had jogging.
2. Sam gained weight because he had overeating.
3. Betty failed the final test because she had not attending class.
4. The motorcycle belonged to George for years before Tina bought it.
5. You have been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived.
6. They had talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.
7. She worked at that company for three years when it went out of business.
8. How long had you waiting to get on the bus?
9. Mike wanted to sit down because he has standing all day at work.
10. James taught at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia.

Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. You had working there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
2. She did various sports for a long time so she was very fit.
3. She didn’t sit at home for long before she went out.
4. Marry hasn’t waited long when he turned up.
5. We traveled all day before we got to Madrit.
6. Tinna trained guide dogs for a long time before she changed her job.
7. When the student revolution came, I worked there for 6 months.
8. When the doctor told him his liver was seriously bad, he ate hamburgers for a month.
9. Prior to the explosion, the fat man has eaten seven large chocolate cakes.

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10. When I asked Carlos if he wanted to go out, he said he couldn't because he
finished an assignment.


Exercise 1: Put the verb in the future simple tense.
1. A: “There's someone at the door.”
B: “I _____________ (get) it.”
2. Joan thinks the Conservatives _____________ (win) the next election.
3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.”
B: “I _____________ (come) and help you.”
4. If she passes the exam, she _____________ (be) very happy.
5. I _____________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise.
6. A: “I’m cold.”
B: “I _____________ (turn) on the fire.”
7. A: “She's late.”
B: “Don't worry she _____________ (come).”
8. The meeting _____________ (take) place at 6 p.m.
9. If you eat all of that cake, you _____________ (feel) sick.
10. They _____________ (be) at home at 10 o'clock.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the future simple tense.

1. I'm afraid I _____________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _____________ (not / take) place at 9 o'clock.
3. A: “Go and tidy your room.”
B: “I _____________ (not / do) it!”
4. If it rains, we _____________ (not / go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she _____________ (not / pass) the exam.
6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Okay, I _____________ (not / take) the bus, I'll come with you.”
7. He _____________ (not / buy) the car, if he can't afford it.
8. I've tried everything, but he _____________ (not / eat).
9. According to the weather forecast, it _____________ (not / snow) tomorrow.
10. A: “I'm really hungry.”
B: “In that case we _____________ (not / wait) for John.”

Exercise 3: Put the verb in the future simple tense.

1. _____________ (they / come) tomorrow?
2. When _____________ (you / get) back?
3. If you lose your job, what _____________ (you / do)?
4. In your opinion, _____________ (she / be) a good teacher?
5. What time _____________ (the sun / set) today?
6. _____________ (she / get) the job, do you think?
7. _____________ (David / be) at home this evening?
8. What _____________ (the weather / be) like tomorrow?
9. There’s someone at the door, _____________ (you / get) it?
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10. How _____________ (he / get) here?

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. I (send) ______________ you the information when I get it.
2. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) _____________ Paris,
Nice and Grenoble.
3. Sarah (come) ___________ to the party. Oliver (be) __________ there as well.
4. I think he (be) ______________ the next President of the United States.
5. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) _______ down to the beach and go
6. A: Excuse me; I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply
too small for four people.
B: That mans at the service counter (help) __________ you.
7. Tomorrow after school, I (go) ____________ to the beach.
8. When you (get) _____________ off the plane, I (wait) __________ for you.
9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) ________________ up
tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) _____________
10. If you (need) ___________ to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) __________ at
the Sheraton in San Francisco.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. When you (arrive) ___________ in Stockholm, call my friend Gustav. He (show)
___________ you around the city and help you get situated.
2. After I (receive) ____________my Master's from Georgetown University, I (go)
_________ to graduate school at UCSD in San Diego. I (plan) ______________ to
complete a Ph.D. in cognitive science.
3. If it (snow) __________ this weekend, we (go) _________ skiing near Lake Tahoe.
4. Your father (plan) _______________ to pick you up after school today at 3:00 o'clock.
He (meet) _____________ you across the street near the ice cream shop. If something
happens and he cannot be there, I (pick) ____________ you up instead.
5. If the people of the world (stop, not) ______________ cutting down huge stretches of
rain forest, we (experience) _______________ huge changes in the environment during
the twenty-first century.
6. If Vera (keep) _____________ drinking, she (lose, eventually) ___________ her job.
7. I promise you that I (not tell) ______________ you’re secret to anybody.
8. Tom (call) ________________ when he (arrive) _____________ in Madrid.
9. We (have) ________________ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.
10. It (snow) ______________ in the mountains tomorrow evening.

Exercise 6: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. They (fly) __________ to London on Friday evening.
2. Wait! I (drive) ______ you to the station.
3. The English lesson ( start) _______________ at 6.45 am
4. I (see) _______________ my sister in April.
5. Peggy (come) ____________to the party on Saturday to the party on Saturday.
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6. They (come) __________to see their grandparents before they leave for New York.
7. They (not go) ___________ home until it (stop) ___________ raining.
8. Where you (be) __________ at this time tomorrow? - I (be) __________ at the meeting.
9. Nobody (know) ________ what he (do) _______to earn his living after he finishes school.
10. When we (meet) _______again? - We (meet) ________again when I return from Australia.

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer.

1. In case the weather good, they fishing.
A. is/ go B. will be go
C. will be/ will go D. is/ will go
2. Before you I all the work.
A. come/ do B. will come / will do
C. will come / do D. come/ will do
3. I think he the letter by this time.
A. will answer B. will have answered
C. will be answering D. has answered
4. He here till he everything.
A. stay/ will do C. will stay/ does
B. stay/ will not do D. will stay/ doesn’t do
5. No matter what happens next I _________ help you.
A. am B. have C. will D. would
6. Do you want to come and see a film? We ________ outside school at 7.
A. are meeting B. will meet C. met D. have met
7. If you're not there, I _________ you a bell on your mobile.
A. am going to give B. give C. will give D. gave
8. I might meet you at the cinema, what time _____________?
A. does the film start C. will the film start
B. are the film starting D. did the film start
9. Sorry, __________ my hair.
A. I am washing B. I wash C. I washed D. I will wash
10. If you heats the water at 100 degrees Celsius, it _________.
A. will boil B. boils
C. would boil D. would have boiled

Exercise 8: Choose the best answer.

1. All these things ___________ if you marry me.
A. will happen only B. will only happen
C. happen D. are going to happen
2. You ______________ around the world.
A. travel B. will travel
C. are going to travel D. travelling
3. You ____________ lots of interesting people.
A. will meet B. are going to meet
C. meet D. is meeting
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4. Everybody ___________you.
A. adore B. will adore
C. is going to adore D. are going to adore
5. You _____________ any problems.
A. will not have B. is not going to have
C. to not have D. be having
6. Many people ____________ you.
A. will serve B. are going to serve
C. serve D. are serving
7. They ____________your wishes.
A. will anticipated B. will anticipate
C. are going to anticipate D. anticipated
8. There ___________ anything left to wish for.
A. will not be B. will be not
C. not will be D. is not going to
9. Everything _____________perfect.
A. will be B. be will
C. is going to be D. is
10. You _____________a lot of money.
A. will earn B. shall earn
C. earn D. are going to earn

Exercise 9: Choose the best answer.

1. Where are you going?
A. I am going to see a friend. B. I'll see a friend.
C. I went to a friend D. I am seeing a friend
2. Thanks for the offer, but I'm OK; Shane ____ help me.
A. is going to B. will
C. either could be used here D. shall be
3. That's the phone. I ____ answer it.
A. am going to B. will
C. either could be used here D. am will
4. Stop worrying about the exam. You ___________ it easily.
A. pass B. will pass
C. are passing D. are going to pass
5. I think Brazilian ______________ the football match tomorrow.
A. winning B. is winning
C. is going to win D. will win
6. Have you heard the news? Jane _____________a baby.
A. will have B. have
C. is having D. has
7. I ____________ her to look for it until she finds it
A. helps B. helped
C. will help D. am going to help
8. It ____________when you get back tonight.
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A. probably rains B. is probably raining
C. will probably rain D. probably rain
9. I _______________ here until he answers me.
A. Stay B. will stay
C. am going to stay D. stays
10. If you come at noon, I _______________ lunch with you.
A. will have B. has
C. am having D. have

Exercise 10: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Those bags look heavy. I carry one of them for you.
2. The following week they are enjoying the sun in the West Indies.
3. It’s a lot of work for one day, but his customers promise that next year, they have their
tyres changed earlier.
4. The sky is a bit cloudy. It rains, do you think?
5. If you look at this map you would see where the islands are.
6. I'm hungry - Oh, I make you a sandwich.
7. He calls you tomorrow.
8. They are seeing us in the morning.
9. She helps you with that book.
10. Mary cleans off the table right away

Exercise 11: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. They arrive on time.
2. He is able to meet us later
3. We shall eating in the same restaurant again.
4. The weather is cool tonight.
5. I shall being back in an hour.
6. The plant will dying because of lack of sunshine.
7. She’ll met us in the supermarket.
8. They’ll spent two months in France.
9. The meeting will began at 8 o’clock.
10. Peter visits Italy next summer.


Exercise 1: Put the verb in the future continuous tense.
1. At that time tomorrow, I (work) __________________ in my office.
2. At three o’clock tomorrow, you (lie) _____________ on the beach.
3. At three o’clock tomorrow, he (wait) _____________ for the train.
4. This day next week, she (shop) _________________ in New York.
5. At three o’clock tomorrow, it (rain) ____________________
6. This time next week we (have) ___________ a party.
7. At midnight I (sleep) ________________
8. At 7.00 this evening we (watch) ___________ a talk show.
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9. They (not/do) ________________ their homework at 3.00 this afternoon.
10. This time tomorrow, Maria (sunbathe) _______________ on a beach in Majorca.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the future continuous tense.

1. Look, I can give you a lift to the station – I (drive) ___________ that way anyway.
2. Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We (have) _____________ dinner then.
3. Phone me after 8 o'clock. We (finish) ______________ dinner by then.
4. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock,
we (play) ______________ tennis.
5. Do you think you (still/do) __________________ the same job in ten years time?
6. He (work) ______________ on the report at this time tomorrow.
7. The Fergusons (fish) _______ while they are on vacation.
8. In order to earn a badge, the scouts (learn) _______ to tie knots this Thursday.
9. The forecast says that it (rain) __________ all night at 9 P.m tomorrow.
10. Grandma (not smile) ___________ by the time she answers the door.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Please be quiet! I (work) __________________.
2. She (play) __________________ tennis at this time tomorrow.
3. Please sit down! I (try) _______________ (watch) _______________ this TV program.
4. Be careful! The ladder (fall) __________________ down.
5. At 9.00 on next Sunday, we (have) __________________a dinner at our friend’s house.
6. At 8 o’clock tomorrow morning we (swim) __________________ in the sea
7. He (learn) ___________ at that time next day.
8. It (rain) ____________ at 9 oclock to night.
9. In a few minutes' time when the clock tribes six, I (wait) _____________ for you here.
10. If you call her at six today, she (practice) _______________the piano.

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. If you come at seven, I (work) ____________ in my garden.
2. If you come at noon, I (have) ______________ lunch.
3. When you go in to the office, Mr. John (sit) ____________ at the front desk.
4. He (work) ______________on the report at this time tomorrow.
5. I (drive) _____________ over and see you at that moment, but there’s something wrong
with the car.
6. We (move) _______________ into our new house at noon. I'm so excited.
7. (you / use) ____________________the car at the weekend?
8. This time tomorrow, we ____________ (celebrate) because we have finished our exam.
9. We (not / work) _____________ next week. We'll be on holiday.
10. I (wait) _____________ for you at six o'clock.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. He (eat) ____________ by the time you arrive.
2. He (wait) ___________ for quite some time.
3. The day after tomorrow he (move) _______________ his apartment.
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4. You (work) __________________very hard to get that deal at this time next month.
5. This evening at 8 o'clock, she (watch) ________________ a movie with her friends.
6. When the bus stands, we ( arrive) _____________
7. I (wait) ___________ by the time she (come) ________________
8. The water (boil) ______________ when we come back.
9. My mother (not reach) __________ to Spain this time tomorrow as she is still flying.
10. John (climb) ______________ the mountains tomorrow at this time.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. I ______________ Thailand at this time next month.
A. will be visiting B. will visit C. am going to visit D. am visiting
2. My mother ___________ to stay with us at this time next week
A. is going to come B. will be coming C. will come D. comes
3. I ______________TV when she ______________tonight.
A. will be watching/ will arrive C. will watch / is going to arrive
B. will watch / arrives D. will be watching/ arrives
4. While Marry __________ to music, her mother __________ the meal.
A. is listening/ will cook C. listens/ cooks
B. listens/ will be cooking D. is listening/ will be cooking
5. They ________ their plan, ______the Christmas dinner and ______ a good time tonight.
A. are discussing/ cooking/ having C. will be discussing/ cooking/ having
B. will discuss/cooking/ having D. will be discussing/ cook/have
6. In order to earn a badge, the scout __________________to tie knots this Thursday.
A. will learn B. will be learning C. is going to learn D. learn
7. You are busy. Tina and I __________the yard
A. gladly rake B. gladly will rake
C. are going to gladly rake D. will gladly rake
8. The forecast says that it _____________ at 7 o’clock tonight.
A. will be raining B. is going to rain C. will have rained D. rains
9. The baseball team _______ to Florida for the playoffs?
A. Will….. travel? B. Will….. be traveling
C. Is….. going to travel D. Will….. have traveled
10. Our staff _________ the Convention this year.
A. is going to attend C. will be attending
B. will attend D. Both A, B& C

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer.

1. At midnight we ______________________.
A. will be sleeping B. will sleeping be C. sleep D. are sleeping
2. This time next week we ____________ at the beach.
A. sitting B. are sitting C. will be sitting D. will sitting
3. At nine tonight I ___________the news.
A. will watch B. will be watching C. watch D. watches
4. Tonight we _____________for our English test at 6 o’clock.
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A. cram up B. will craming up
C. will be cramming up D. will cramming up
5. They _________________ at this time all nights.
A. will be dancing B. dance C. dances D. are dancing
6. He _______________all afternoon.
A. will not be playing B. will be not playing
C. is playing D. playing
7. I __________ at that time.
A. will work not B. will be not working
C. am not working D. will not working
8. _____________ at six?
A. Will you be eating B. Will be you eating
C. Did you D. Will you eating
9. __________________to London?
A. Will she be driving B. Will be she driving
C. Will driving she D. Is she driving
10. _____________________ again at 8 PM?
A. Will they fight B. Will they be fighting
C. Will they fighting D. Are they fighting

Exercise 8: Choose the best answer.

1. At 8 o’clock they _________________ dinner.
A. will have B. will be having C. will have had D. is having
2. At this time next week, I ________ all my hair.
A. will have lost B. will be losing C. will lose D. Lose
3. This time tomorrow I ________ in the ocean.
A. will swim B. swimming C. is swimming D. will be swimming
4. They _______________TV at 8 o’clock this evening.
A. will be watching B. watch C. will watch D. will watching
5. Don’t ring at 8 o’clock. I _______________ who Wants to be a Millionaire.
A. will watch B. will be watching C. will watching D. be watching
6. This time tomorrow we ___________ on the beach. I can’t wait!
A. will be sitting B. will sitting C. will be sit D. are sitting
7. When he arrives, she _____________ lunch.
A. is cooking B. will cooking C. will be cooking D. be cooking
8. We ________________ back from school at 5 o’clock.
A. have come B. have been coming C. will be coming D. will coming
9. He ____________ the black door 8 o’clock tomorrow.
A. will painting B. will be painting
C. will have been painting D. be painting
10. Bob ______________ in the library at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
A. will be studying B. will studying C. be study D. will study

Exercise 9: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. Don’t phone Richard now, he’ll be have dinner.
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2. When you arrive, I am be driving home.
3. By the time I get home, you’ll probably having a bath.
4. This time next week, I’ll be drive to my parents’ house.
5. At 8 o'clock I be travelling to Dorset.
6. The shop will be closed. Will you working?
7. They be leaving on Friday. You can join them.
8. Everybody will be worked on a computer sooner or later.
9. You will be wait for her when her plane arrives tonight.
10. After Easter, we look for new staff, so contact me again at the beginning of April.

Exercise 10: Find and correct the mistakes.

1. He will be study at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.
2. At midnight tonight, we will still driving through the desert.
3. His father will be worked the whole day tomorrow.
4. At this time next week, I be playing poker.
5. Will they be come at 6 p.m. tomorrow?
6. You will be worked with Miss Cool again when you turn up for work tomorrow.
7. The first train will departing at 5.30 a.m.
8. Will you be passed the post office on your way home?
9. The choir will be sing when the bride and bridegroom enter the church.
10. They will be go on vacation at that time this summer.


Exercise 1: Put the verb in the future perfect tense.

1. I (do) _____________ the washing by 8 o'clock.
2. I (finish) _____________this by 6 o'clock.
3. By the time you get here, I (watch) _______________ the movie.
4. By the time he graduates, Tom (take) ________________all the necessary classes.
5. By this time next year, Nancy (move) ______________to a new apartment.
6. By this time tomorrow, we (put) ____________all the furniture in the basement.
7. I (leave) _____________by six tomorrow.
8. She (finish) _____________ her exams by then, so we can go out for dinner.
9. He (not/finish) _____________work by seven.
10. Tom (arrive) ___________ by dinner time.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the future perfect tense.

1. We (not/eat) _____________ before we come, so we'll be hungry.
2. ________ (we/arrive) _____________ by the time it gets dark?
3. He (not/complete) ________________the project by July.
4. I (not/finish) _____________the essay by the weekend.
5. Why (she/finish) __________ the cleaning by six?
6. They (not/go) ______________ by 9 tomorrow.
7. By this time next year we (marry) ____________ for 30 years.
8. If all goes well, by June 2012, I (finish) _____________my university degree.
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9. __________she (get) _________her passport by then?
10. By the time I start my shift, Dr. Frazier (wait) _________ for 18 hours straight.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. I’ll wait until he (finish) his novel.
2. When you (come) back, he already (buy) a new house.
3. Don’t come until I (finish) lunch.
4. I (hope) it (stop) raining by 5 o’clock this afternoon.
5. The river (not begin) to swell until some rain ____________ (fall).
6. By next month I (leave) for India.
7. The film (end) by the time we (get) there.
8. They (build) a house by June next year.
9. I (give) her your letter when I (see) her tomorrow.
10. Tamara (complete) ___________ her Bachelor’s Degree by June.

Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Sheila (get) ___________ the scholarship by the time she starts school in September.
2. By this time next month, I hope they (finish) _________building the community center.
3. Professor Adams (teach) _______ at this university for 25 years by the time he retires in June.
4. ______he (receive) _______ the message by the time your flight takes off?
5. Dana (not finish) ___________ the night shift by the time you get up in the morning.
6. The team (work) __________ at the exhibition for five hours by the time I arrive there.
7. By the time we get on the plane, they (load) ____already _____ the luggage.
8. By 2025, I hope researchers (find) ______ a cure for cancer.
9. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) ____________ more than four
hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.
10. When Sarah goes on vacation by next month, she (study) ____________ German for
over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) __________ the Grand Canyon and San
Francisco by the time I leave the United States.
2. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) ___________ all
twelve tenses including their passive forms.
3. Drive faster! If you don't hurry up, she (have) ____________ the baby by the time we
get to the hospital.
4. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago.
By the time I return to Australia, I (study) ___________ for nine months and I (be)
___________ in England for exactly one year.
5. Come over to my house around 9 o'clock. By then, I (complete) ____________ my
history essay and we can go see a movie.
6. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) ____________ married for fifty years.
7. By 9 o'clock we (cook) _____________ dinner.
8. In one week he (cross) _____________ the Atlantic by boat.
9. The sun (not / rise) _____________ by 4 o'clock.
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10. (do / you) _____________the washing up by six o'clock?

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. By the end of this week he the translation.
A. will finish B. will have finished C. will be finishing D. is finishing
2. By the time we to the forest, the rain .
A. will get/ will stop C. will get/ will have stopped
B. get/ will stop D. get/ will have stopped
3. By next month, I ____________my first novel.
A. will finish C. am going to finish
B. finish D. will have finished
4. By this time next summer, you ________________your studies.
A. completes B. will complete
C. are completing D. will have completed
5. She __________ by this month next year.
A. Will have graduated C. will be graduated
B. Will graduate D. graduate
6. By the time you ______, she _____________.
A. arrived/ left C. arrive/ will have left
B. arrives/ will leave D. arrives/ leaves
7. By this time tomorrow, I (finish) _________________ my project.
A. will have been finished. C. have been finished
B. will finish D. will be finishing
8. By 8 o'clock, the kids (feel) ______________asleep.
A. are feeling C. will have felt
B. will be feeling D. be feeling
9. When I turn 30, I (have) _______________ 6 children.
A. have C. will have had
B. are having D. has
10. By next year, she (receive) _____________ the promotion.
A. will have received C. has received
B. is receiving D. will receive
11. My mother (clean) _____________ the entire house by lunch.
A. cleans C. will clean
B. will have cleaned D. is cleaning
12. By this time tomorrow morning, they (begin) ______________ working.
A. begin C. will begin
B. are beginning D. will have begun
13. By 2013, I (live) ____________ in Madrid for 5 years.
A. will have lived C. will live
B. am living D. are living
14. In 2020, they (work) _______________here for 20 years.
A. are working C. work
B. will have worked D. will word
15. By the end of June he (read) ____________ all the books on the reading list.
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A. will have read C. is reading

B. are reading D. will be read

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Exercise 1: Put the verb in the near future tense.
1. Why are you turning on the TV? - I (watch) ____________________ the news.
2. Oh, I’ve just realized – I haven’t got any money. - Don’t worry – that no problem. I
(lend) ____________________ you some.
3. These clouds are very black, aren’t they? I think it ( rain ) ____________________
4. Why are you feeling this bucket with water? I (wash) _________________ the car.
5. I’ve decided to repaint this room. – Oh, have you? What color__________________
(you/ paint) it?
6. Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire! - Good heavens! I (call)
____________________ the fire brigade immediately.
7. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? - No, it looks as if it (fall)
____________________ down.
8. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? - Oh, yes. Everything is
planned. He (have) _______________ a holiday for a few weeks and then he (start)
__________________ a computer programming course.
9. Emma (do) ____________her English exam next week.
10. It is very hot today. I (swim) _____________ in the lake.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the near future tense.

1. We (visit) ________our grandparents this weekend. We haven't seen them for a long
2. It's Paul's birthday next week. We (give) ___________ him a present.
3. Philipp (be) _______________15 next Wednesday.
4. She (arrive) _____________at the cinema about 4 in the afternoon.
5. Just a moment. I (help) _____________ you with the bags.
6. In 2020 people (buy) ____________ more hybrid cars.
7. Tina has just bought a lot of food and drink. She (hold) _______________ a party next
8. We take the tickets. We (fly) ______________ to Venice in June.
9. Look at the clouds! It (rain) _______________ soon.
10. Luis’s sister (have) ____________a baby.

Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. I feel really tired. I think I (go) _________________ to bed.
2. Mr. Potts (sell) _____________ this house.
3. Our neighbors (spend) ____________________ their next holidays in the Caribbean.
4. My husband (build) _________________ a tree house for the kids.
5. I (tell/not) ____________ the secret.
6. We (invite/not) ______________ him to our party.
7. Her parents (lend/not) _______________ her any money.
8. I've already decided. I (buy) ________________ a new car.
9. Helen (change) ___________ her hairstyle.
10. His father (not help) ___________ him with the cooking.

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Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.
1. My best friends (not go) ___________ to the cinema tomorrow.
2. Matthew’s parents (buy) ________________ a new car.
3. They (not come) __________________back home before midnight.
4. I (watch) ___________________ TV tonight.
5. Next summer, I (travel) __________to England.
6. My sister Maria (live) ______________________in Madrid.
7. They (play) ___________________ tennis this afternoon.
8. My father (buy) _________________a new car.
9. Susan and David (see) _________________ the film tonight.
10. I (visit) ____________________the dentist tomorrow.

Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs.

1. Vinh (write) _____________ a letter at the weekend.
2. They (walk) _________________ the dog later.
3. They (be) _____________ at the party on Saturday night.
4. I (have) ________________ a holiday this year.
5. Susan (go) __________________to class tomorrow.
6. We (visit) _________________ George in hospital.
7. They (thank) ________________ everyone individually.
8. The hotel (charge) _____________ everything to the room.
9. The storm (affect) ___________________ people living near the ocean.
10. She (perform) _________________ a very difficult solo.

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer.

1. She _____________ her relatives soon.
A. will visit B. visits C. is going to visit D. visited
2. I ___________ my homework this evening
A. am doing B. do C. is going to do D. Both A&C
3. He ___________ to Brazil.
A. is going to go B. is going C. is going to D. both B&C
4. He ___________ Spanish and _________
A. isn't going to learn/ neither is she C. isn’t learning/either she isn't
B. isn't going to learn/she isn't too D. Both A&B
5. Despite a lot of hardship, the Green City Project _____________
A. will go before B. will go forward C. will go advance D. will go ahead
6. If the weather _________ fine, we _________ on an excursion tomorrow.
A. is/ go B. was/ would go C. is/ will go D. was/ went
7. Jane ___________ around the world this week
A. is planning to travel C. planned to travel
B. iplans to travel D. will plan to travel
8. Did you post that letter for me? – Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I _______it
A. am going to do B. are doing C. will do D. would do

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9. What shall we have for dinner? – I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind. We ____
some fish or chicken.
A. are going to B. will have C. are having D. have
10. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe. It looks as if it ____ down.
A. would fall B. falls C. is going to fall D. is falling
11. I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, I ______________do it now.
A. will B. am going to C. is going to D. going to
12. Tonight, I_____________ stay home. I've rented a video
A. am going to B. will C. are going to D. None
13. I feel dreadful. I ____________ sick
A. am going to be B. will be C. none D. A & B
14. If you have any problem, don't worry. I ____________ help you
A. will B. am going to C. A & B D. none
15. Where are you going?
A. I am going to see a friend B. I'll see a friend
C. I went to a friend D. None
16. That's the phone. I ____________ answer it
A. will B. am going to C. am to D. A & B
17. Look at those clouds. It ____________ rain now
A. will be B. is going to C. rains D. A & B
18. Tea or coffee
A. I am going to have tea, please B. I'll have tea, please
C. I want to drink C. none above
19. Thanks for your offer. But I am OK. Shane ____________ help me
A. is going to B. will be C. A & B D. none above
20. The weather forecast says it ____________ rain tomorrow
A. is going B. will C. none D. A & B

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Give the right forms of the verbs in the brackets
Exercise 1:
1. We ______________ (have) a lot of fun at your birthday party yesterday.
2. He usually ______________ (get) up early in the morning.
3. I ______________ (not see) him since I ______________ (meet) him 2 months ago.
4. They ______________ (build) a new bridge in this province next year.
5. Marta ______________ (do) the washing up when the phone ______________ (ring)
last night.
6. My brother and I ______________ (finish) our homework a few minutes ago.
7. How many times you ______________ (see) him since he went to Edinburgh?
8. The students ______________ (do) their homework when one of their friends
______________ (call) on.
9. You ______________ (see / not) her every day.
10. I ______________ (meet) my best friend George in 2005.
11. George ______________ (fall) off the ladder while he ______________ (paint) the
12. I ______________ (see) that film several times because I like it.
13. He often ______________ (wear) a black cap.
14. Last night I ______________ (read) in bed when suddenly I ______________ (hear) a
15. She ______________ (visit) her grandma very often?
16. Sandra ______________ (lend) her brother $ 200 so far.
17. My parents ______________ (go) to the theatre yesterday evening.
18. He ______________ (send) the letter when he goes to the post office.
19. We ______________ (go / not) to school on Sundays.
20. Mary ______________ (lose) her hat for 2 days.

Exercise 2:
1. He ______________ (watch) a very scary horror film last night.
2. When I ______________ (finish) writing the reports, I will go out with my friends.
3. She ______________ (not speak) to me since last week.
4. When you come back, he ______________ (already buy) the house.
5. He ______________ (not / spend) his holidays in Spain each year.
6. Murat ______________ (visit) all his relatives before he joins the army.
7. Emma ______________ (not go) to school when she was ill.
8. We ______________ (study) English at this school for 4 years.
9. The earth ______________ (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
10. Peter ______________ (read) a very interesting book yesterday.
11. We______________ (study) every lesson in the book so far.

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12. The farmers ______________ (work) in the field now.

13. He ______________ (not listen) to music after school yesterday.
14. My brother ______________ (play) football at the moment.
15. They went home after they ______________ (finish) their work.
16. My father ______________ (buy) a new car after he saves enough money.
17. They ______________ (visit) their grandparents last summer?
18. She said that she ______________ (already, see) Dr. Rice.
19. Phong ______________ (sleep) right now.
20. Sarah ______________ (not enjoy) her piano lessons when she was seven.

Exercise 3:
1. When we came to the stadium, the match ______________ (already, begin).
2. Don’t worry mom. I will phone you as soon as I ______________ (arrive) Paris.
3. Mother ______________ (cook) some food in the kitchen at present.
4. Martha ______________ (watch) TV at seven o’clock last night.
5. Where your father ______________ (work) in 1985?
6. Adrian ______________ (learn) the violin now.
7. Before she watched TV, she ______________ (do) her homework.
8. He ______________ (just see) her.
9. They ______________ (see) lots of animals in the zoo yesterday.
10. I ______________ (know) Jack when we ______________ (be) students but
I ______________ (not meet) him since we ______________ (leave) school in 1998.
11. We ______________ (make) a cake at the moment.
12. We ______________ (not have) a holiday last year.
13. Jane ______________ (watch) television at the moment.
14. By the time we got there, the play ______________ (start) already.
15. They ______________ (not start) the match until the rain stops.
16. You ______________ (see) Ann last week?
17. Pay attention! The teacher ______________ (explain).
18. I ______________ (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.
19. After they ______________ (go), I sat down and rested.
20. The film ______________ (end) by the time we get there.

Exercise 4:
1. By this time next year they ______________ (write) a new essay.
2. We will go out when the rain ______________ (stop).
3. They ______________ (watch) TV at the moment?
4. What time you ______________ (go) to bed last night?
5. Peter and Jane ______________ (swim) at the moment.
6. When you come back, he already ______________ ( buy ) a new house

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7. Miss Helen ______________ (help) you as soon as she finishes that letter.
8. At this time tomorrow I ______________ (work) in this room.
9. I usually ______________ (brush) my teeth before I ______________ (flirt) girls.
10. When I was a child, I ______________ (not like) sport.
11. My grandmother died 30 years ago. I ______________ (never/meet) her.
12. She went to the department after her ______________ (clean) the floor.
13. Don’t make noise! The baby ______________ (sleep) in the room.
14. Last year we ______________ (go) to Finland for a holiday. We ______________ (stay) there
for three weeks.
15. Ann ______________ (wait) for me when I ______________ (arrive).
16. I ______________ (wait) here until you ______________ (come) back tomorrow.
17. When we were on holiday, the weather ______________ (be) awful.
18. Jill ______________ (buy) a new car two years ago.
19. Jose ______________ (write) a letter to his family when his pencil ______________
20. Last night I ______________ (arrive) home at 12.30, I ______________ (have) a bath
and then I ______________ (go) to bed.

Exercise 5:
1. You ______________ (visit) many museums when you were in Paris?
2. He ______________ (read) newspaper while his wife______________ (prepare) the dinner
in the kitchen.
3. By the time you get there, they______________ (go) home.
4. I ______________ (smoke) a lot yesterday.
5. John ______________ (write) his report last night.
6. He______________ (eat) dinner at 7 P.M Last night.
7. Guillermo ______________ (call) his employer yesterday.
8. At nine tomorrow we ______________ (plant) trees in our school.
9. Peter and I ______________ (do) the exercise at this time last night.
10. Last night before he ______________ (watch) TV, he ______________ (do) the exercise.
11. The light ______________ (go) out while we ______________ (have) dinner.
12. I ______________ (not drive) very fast when the accident ______________ (happen).
13. By next month I ______________ (leave) for India.
14. We ______________ (not live) in England for 2 years now.
15. This time next month I ______________ (sit) on a beach.
16. I’m busy at the moment. I ______________ (redecorate) the sitting room.
17. Up to now, the teacher ______________ (give) our class 5 tests.
18. At 4 p.m. yesterday? Well, I ______________ (work) in my office at that time.
19. He ______________ (do) his homework before he went to the cinema.

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20. We ______________ (not receive) any letters from him since he ______________ (leave) four
months ago.

Exercise 6:
1. When I ______________ (arrive) at this house, he still ______________ (sleep).
2. The lights ______________ (go) out when we ______________ (have) dinner.
3. As we ______________ (cross) the street, we ______________ (see) an accident.
4. While my father ______________ (read) a newspaper, I ______________ (learn) my
lesson and my sister ______________ (do) her homework.
5. The children ______________ (play) football when their mother ______________ (come)
back home.
6. When I ______________ (come) home, I ______________ (be) very tired because I
______________ (work) all day yesterday.
7. He ______________ (sit) in a café when I ______________ (see) him.
8. They ______________ (go) home after they ______________ (finish) their work.
9. She said that she ______________ (already, see) Dr. Brown
10. When we ______________ (come) to the stadium, the matches ______________ (already,
11. They told me they ______________ (not /eat) such kind of food before.
12. He ______________ (ask) why we ______________ (come) so early.
13. After they ______________ (go), I ______________ (sit) down and ______________
14. Before she ______________ (watch) TV, she ______________ (do) her homework.
15. It was the first time I ______________ (ever, see) such a beautiful girl.
16. Yesterday John ______________ (go) to the store before he ______________ (go) home.
17. Our teacher ______________ (tell) us yesterday that he ______________ (visit) English
in 1970.
18. When John and I got to the theatre, the movie ______________ (start) already.
19. Before Alice ______________ (go) to sleep, she ______________ (call) her family.
20. When the phone ______________ (ring), I ______________ (have) dinner.

Exercise 7:

1. Daisy ______________ (agree) with other members in the last meeting.

2. What you ______________ (do) at 6 p.m yesterday?
3. The little girl asked what ______________ (happen) to her ice-cream.
4. He ______________ (teach) in this school before he ______________ (leave) for English.
5. She ______________ (win) the gold medal in 1986.
6. Mr. John ______________ (be) principal of our school since last year.
7. Mr. Smith ______________ (teach) at this school since he graduated in 1980.

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8. My father ______________ (not watch) TV every night. He ______________ (read) books

9. I ______________ (meet) Arthur three weeks ago.
10. Yesterday the police ______________ (report) that they ______________ (catch) the
11. My friend ______________ (thank) me for what I ______________ (do) for him last
12. Someone ______________ (steal) my handbag on the bus.
13. The Browns ______________ (live) in Paris for 7 years when the Second World War
______________ (break) out.
14. Last month I ______________ (be) in the hospital for ten days.
15. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually ______________ (be) away in the afternoon.
16. Mr. Clark ______________ (be) in New York 2 months ago. Mr. Rossi ______________ (be)
in New York until two month ago.
17. John ______________ (drive) that car ever since I ______________ (know) him.
18. People ______________ (speak) English in most of Canada.
19. The dog ______________ (wag) his tail whenever it ______________ (see) me.
20. What you ______________ (do) when I ______________ (ring) you last night.

Exercise 8:

1. I ______________ (not see) him since last Monday.

2. They ______________ (sell) all the books when we ______________ (get) there.
3. She ______________ (play) the piano when our guests ______________ (arrive) last
4. I ______________ (come) as soon as I have finished my work.
5. I think he ______________ (leave) as soon as he ______________ (know) the news.
6. My mother ______________ (come) to stay with us next weekend.
7. Where you ______________ (spend) your holidays next summer?
8. Violets ______________ (bloom) in spring.
9. We ______________ (not live) in England for two years now.
10. I ______________ (never forget) what you just tell me.
11. They ______________ (prepare) the Christmas dinner at the moment.
12. When I last ______________ (stay) in Cairo, I ______________ (ride) to the pyramids
on a camel that I ______________ (borrow) the day before.
13. Our teacher ______________ (tell) us yesterday that he ______________ (visit) England
in 1970.
14. George ______________ (work) at the university so far.
15. When he lived in Manchester, he ______________ (work) in a bank.

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16. Birds ______________ (build) their nests in summer and ______________ (fly) to the
south in winter.
17. I ______________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?
18. My teacher wasn’t at home when I ______________ (arrive). He just ______________
(go) out.
19. How long Bob and Marry ______________ (be) married?
20. You ______________ (receive) any letter from yours parents yet?

Exercise 9:

1. My brother ______________ (join) the army when he ______________ (be) young.

2. Tom ______________ (study) chemistry for 3 days and then he gave it up.
3. Miss Lee often ______________ (write) when she was on holiday.
4. He ______________ (leave) home two weeks ago and we ______________ (not hear) from
him since then.
5. I ______________ (not see) her for a long time.
6. I ______________ (not can) remember when I last ______________ (see) her.
7. When the teacher came in, the pupils ______________ (play) games.
8. Columbus ______________ (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
9. Mary ______________ (come) from London.
10. Up to now, the teacher ______________ (give) our class five tests.
11. The last train ______________ (leave) the station at 5 p.m.
12. Long ago, my younger brother often ______________ (cry).
13. David ______________ (be) born after his father die.
14. When I ______________ (be) a child, I ______________ (want) to be a doctor.
15. Please be quiet! I ______________ (work).
16. She ______________ (play) tennis when she ______________ (break) her arm.
17. I didn’t like exercising at first. But now, I ______________ (used to / go) jogging every
18. After dinner, Ken ______________ (suggest) ______________ (go) for a walk.
19. Please sit down! I ______________ (try) ______________ (watch) this TV program.
20. It ______________ (rain) every time he ______________ (go) out.

Exercise 10:

1. Nancy ______________ (submit) her résumé before she ______________ (know) the
position was filled.
2. My father ______________ (not smoke) any cigarette since 2002.
3. Be careful! The ladder ______________ (fall) down.

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4. When I got home, he wasn’t there. He ______________ (go) out.

5. When they ______________ (go) out of the house they ______________ (take) their
umbrella because it ______________ (rain)
6. At 9.00 on next Sunday, we ______________ (have) a dinner at our friend’s house.
7. Fred and George are actors. They ______________ (act) three times a day. At the
moment they ______________ (not act). They ______________ (watch) their films.
8. You’d better ______________ (listen) to other people instead of ______________ (talk)
about yourself all the time.
9. Jimmy ______________ (throw) the ball high in the air and Betty ______________ (catch) it
when it ______________ (come) down.
10. Only five years ago, there ______________ (be) a shortage of computer specialists.
11. When Sue looked into the fridge, all the food ______________ (go).
12. I can’t find my umbrella. – Don’t worry. I ______________ (lend) you mine.
13. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning we ______________ (swim) in the sea
14. John and Sarah first ______________ (meet) in 1998.
15. They ______________ (be married) for three years now.
16. Some people ______________ (believe) there is life on the other planets.
17. While I ______________ (sit) in the café, I ______________ (see) a friend and she
___________ (join) me.
18. How many people ______________ (die) in the Second World War?
19. “Where’s the cat?” “It ______________ (lie) on the sofa.”

20. When my cat heard a noise in the bushes, she ______________ (stop) ______________
(move) and ______________ (listen) carefully.

Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence
Exercise 1

1. He ____ for London one year ago.

A. left B. has left C. leaves D. had left
2. She ____ in Hue for twenty years.
A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. will live
3. I ____ to the market with my mother yesterday.
A. go B. went C. have gone D. was going
4. What ____ you ____, Nam? – I’m thinking of my mother.
A. do/think B. are/thinking C. have/thought D. were/thinking
5. How long ____ you ____ her? – For five months.
A. do/know B. are/knowing C. have/known D. had/known

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6) I usually ____ to school by bus.

A. went B. am going C. go D. have gone
7. Yesterday morning I ____ up at 6.30.
A. got B. get C. was getting D. had got
8. Please don’t make so much noise. I ____.
A. studying B. study C. am studying D. studied
9. Water ____ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boils B. boiled C. is boiling D. will boil
10. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it ____ for two hours.
A. rains B. is raining C. has rained D. rained
11. ____ you ____ out last night?
A. Did/go B. Do/go C. Have/gone D. Were/going
12. This house ____ 35,000 pounds in 1980.
A. costs B. cost C. had cost D. was cost
13. While Tom ____ tennis, Ann ____ a shower.
A. played/took B. playing/taking
C. was playing/was taking D. was play/was take
14. Mike is playing chess. How long ____ he ____?
A. did/play B. is/playing
C. has/play D. has/been playing
15. When they ____ in the garden, the phone ____.
A. worked/was ringing B. were working/rang
C. worked/rang D. work/rings
16. After they ____ their breakfast, they ____ shopping yesterday.
A. have/go B. had had/go C. had/had gone D. had had/went
17. They ____ tea when the doorbell ____.
A. have/is ringing B. were having/rang C. had had/ rang D. having/ringing
18. Father ____ his pipe while mother ____ a magazine.
A. smoked/read B. had smoked/read
C. was smoking/was reading D. smoking/reading
19. When I ____ into the office, my boss ____ for me.
A. came/was waiting B. was coming/waited C. had come/waited D. came/waiting
20. When I ____ Brian, he ____ a taxi.
A. see/drives B. see/was driving C. saw/was driving D. saw/is driving

Exercise 2

1. When he ____, we ____ dinner.

A. arrived/having B. arrived/were having
C. was arriving/had D. had arrived/had

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2. While they ____ chess, we ____ the shopping.

A. playing/doing B. were playing/doing
C. played/did D. were playing/were doing
3. They ____ football when the lights in the stadium ____ out.
A. were playing/went B. played/was going
C. were playing/ was going D. playing/went
4. While George and John ____ their room, she ____ the ironing.
A. cleaning/doing B. were cleaning/was doing
C. were cleaning/doing D. cleaning/was doing
5. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on Monday.
A. is/was B. has been/is
C. has been/was D. has been/had been
6. He ____ in the same house since 1975.
A. has lived B. is living C. lived D. had lived
7. We ____ him since he ____ married.
A. didn’t see/got B. haven’t seen/got
C. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got
8. It ____ for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis.
A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining
9. He ____ to HCMC last year and I ____ him since then.
A. moved/didn’t see B. moves/haven’t seen
C. moved/haven’t seen D. moved/hadn’t seen
10. We ____ what to do with the money yet.
A. not decide B. didn’t decide
C. haven’t decided D. hadn’t decided
11. My father ____ as a teacher for thirty years.
A. works B. is working C. worked D. has worked
12. He ____ to New York three times this year.
A. had been B. was C. has been D. is
13. I ____ how to dance when I ____ six years old.
A. don’t know / was B. didn’t know / am
C. didn’t know / was D. haven’t known/was
14. Last month my brother ____ me his photos. He ____ me his photos every year.
A. sends/sent B. sent/sends C. sent/sent D. sends/sends
15. Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he ____ carelessly.
A. drove B. had driven C. drives D. was driving
16. Do you like swimming, Ba? – I ____ when I was a child but not now.
A. do B. did C. have done D. had done
17. I ____ her at the school gate yesterday.
A. met B. meet C. had met D. am meeting

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18. She ____ English when she was six years old.
A. learned B. has learned C. is learning D. had learned
19. I don’t remember where and when I ____ her.
A. meet B. had met C. met D. have met
20. They ____ to know each other for more than ten years.
A. get B. got C. have got D. had got

Exercise 3

1. I _______this film twice.

A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen
2. Peter, please help me do the washing up. – Sorry, Mum. I ______ TV.
A. watch B. am watching C. had watched D. watched
3. The farmers _____ in the field now.
A. were working B. have worked C. worked D. are working
4. The war _____ out three years ago.
A. broke B. had broken C. has broken D. was breaking
5. He ______ a cup of coffee every morning.
A. drinks B. drank C. is drinking D. has drunk
6. She ______ a lot of new books.
A. had just bought B. has just bought C. buys D. bought
7. Up to the present, Nam_____ good work in his class.
A. does B. has done C. had done D. did
8. At present, that author ______ a historical novel.
A. is writing B. was writing C. has written D. had written
9. By next month, I _____ my first novel.
A. will finish B. am going to finish
C. finish D. will have finished
10. By next month, I _____ my first novel.
A. will finish B. am going to finish
C. finish D. will have finished
11. Phong ______ at the university so far.
A. had worked B. was working C. worked D. has worked
12. How long _____ able to drive? – Since 1990.
A. could you B. have you been C. were you D. are you
13. They ______ since eight o’clock.
A. are talking B. have been talking C. talked D. talk
14. My brother _______ in the army from 1990 to 1995.
A. served B. has served C. had served D. is serving
15. At this moment, I _____ that we have a good chance of victory.

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A. was feeling B. am feeling

C. feel D. had been feeling
16. I _____ the money from him yet.
A. haven’t received B. don’t receive C. will receive D. am receiving
17. This is the most interesting book _____ .
A. I’ve read B. I had read C. I’ve ever read D. I’ve ever
18. I ____ him ten days ago.
A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see
19. It ______ a long time since I last saw him.
A. is B. was C. will be D. had been
20. She _____ so hard this week that she doesn’t have time to go to the hairdresser’s.
A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had worked

Exercise 4

1. Mr. John_______ to Los Angeles in 1992.

A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. was going
2. What ______ to you yesterday?
A. happened B. did happen C. had happened D. has happened
3. I never go to Australia. I _____ to Australia yet.
A. will go B. went C. haven’t been D. have been
4. What _____ do at 7:00 tomorrow morning.
A. will you B. do you C. were you D. did you
5. Why ______ you come yesterday?
A. couldn’t B. can’t C. didn’t D. A and C
6. My mother ______ in this factory since 1990
A. works B. worked C. has worked D. had worked
7. I _____ my hair before breakfast this morning.
A. washed B. had washed C. was washing D. have washed
8. I _____ about him when he suddenly came in.
A. talk B. talked C. am talking D. was talking
9. He will finish this work before you _______ here tomorrow.
A. leave B. will leave
C. would leave D. are going to leave
10. Don’t make noise. My mother ______ with her friends.
A. is talking B. was talking C. talks D. talked
11. He _____ in this office for ten years by next Monday.
A. will have been working B. would be working
C. will work D. will be working

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12. No sooner _____ the office than the telephone rang.

A. was he leaving B. he was leaving C. he had left D. had he left
13. George______ this movie three times.
A. sees B. has seen C. saw D. had seen
14. Food, air and clothes _______ necessary for life.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
15. He ______ a visit to Ha Long Bay in 1995.
A. had paid B. paid C. has paid D. pays
16. This morning while I ______ for the bus, the rain stopped.
A. waited B. have waited C. had waited D. was waiting
17. What _____ during the last few weeks?
A. did you do B. had you been doing
C. have you been doing D. were you doing
18. Up to now, the teacher _______ our class five tests.
A. gives B. is giving C. has given D. had given
19. The students _____ English now.
A. study B. are studying C. will study D. have studied
20. I don’t feel good. I _____ work tomorrow.
A. won’t be going B. won’t go to C. don’t go D. went

Exercise 5

1. He is tired because he ____ all day.

A. had worked B. has worked C. worked D. works
2. _____ at home tonight?
A. are you staying B. do you stay C. were you staying D. did you stay
3. We _____ in this house for ten years.
A. are living B. were living C. had lived D. have lived
4. She ____ in the departure lounge for a long time.
A. Is waiting B. was waiting C. waits D. has waited
5. I ______ my driving test last week.
A. have passed B. had passed C. passed D. was passing
6. I ______ a vegetarian since 1998.
A. am B. was C. have been D. had been
7. When _____ she was sorry?
A. did Jane say B. had Jane said
C. has Jane said D. was Jane saying
8. The motorway ____ in 1986.
A. finished B. was finished C. has finished D. finishes
9. I hope you _____ more carefully in the future.

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A. write B. will write C. would write D. wrote

10. She _____ English before she came to England.
A. studied B. had studied C. would study D. studies
11. We usually go ______ after work.
A. to fishing B. fished C. fishing D. fish
12. She’ll be a millionaire by the time she _____ forty.
A. was B. is C. will be D. is going to be
13. I’ve been waiting for my friends. I wonder if they_____ their way.
A. will lose B. lose C. had lost D. have lost
14. He said everything _____ all right.
A. is B. will be C. can be D. would be
15. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ______ for two hours.
A. has rained B. had rained
C. is raining D. has been raining
16. He ______ his job last month and since then he ________ out of work.
A. has lost/ is B. had lost/ was C. lost / has been D. lost/ had been
17. At this time tomorrow, my father ____ in London.
A. is arriving B. has arrived C. will be arriving D. would arrive
18. In a few hours, we ______ the test, and we’ll go home and rest.
A. have finished B. are finishing C. will be finishing D. will have finished
19. People ____ English and French in Canada.
A. speak B. have spoken C. had spoken D. are speaking
20. The car isn’t here today because Dick ______ it.
A. uses B. used C. is using D. has used

Exercise 6
1. He said that he ____ a lot of money on advertising to expand his business.
A. spends B. has spent C. spending D. had spent
2. The train _____ when we got to the station.
A. just left B. just leaves C. had just left D. will leave
3. Tom told me he _____ call me at the airport when I ______.
A. would/ arrived B. will/ arrive
C. will have/ arriving D. would be/ arriving
4. At this time tomorrow, we ____ our final exam.
A. will have taking B. will be taking C. will be taken D. would take
5. -____ before? – Yes, I ____ my holidays here last year.
A. have you ever been / spent B. have you ever been / spend
C. Did you ever be / spending D. were you ever / spend
6. ______ I was working in the garden, John was repairing the washing machine.
A. as soon as B. because of C. while D. until

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7. Peter said he _____ a test the following day.

A. had had B. will have C. has had D. would have
8. After she _____ at the hospital for 2 years, she_____ to give up the job yesterday.
A. had been working/ decides B. had been working/ decided
C. working / had decided D. is working/ will decide
9. Tom _____ before we arrive there.
A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves
10. In 1970, the Canadian scientist George Kelly ______ that warm water _____ more
quickly than cold water.
A. prove/freeze B. proves / breezed
C. proving / freezing D. proved/freezes
11. After we _____ our work, we ____ for lunch.
A. having finish/ went B. have finished/ went
C. had finished/went D. having finish/ going
12. After _____ Tom was apprenticed to learn a trade.
A. leave B. leaves C. left D. leaving
13. They were in a hurry because they thought that the class _____.
A. had already begun B. have already begun
C. was begun D. will begin
14. – Why have they demolished that old building? – They ____ a new supermarket there.
A. had built B. were building
C. are going to build D. would be built
15. When I’m learning English, sometimes I ____ the accent.
A. will be confused about B. was confused about
C. had be confused about D. am confused about
16. After he _____ his English course, he went to England to continue his study.
A. will finish B. has finished C. had finished D. will have finished
17. They ____ a lot of preparation before the match started.
A. has made B. had made C. will be made D. are making
18. I____ in the US for one year, but I still find it difficult to communicate with the American.
A. am B. was C. have been D. had been
19. American women may ____ conversations with men or even ___ them to dance.
A. to start/ to ask B. start/ ask C. starting / asking D. started/ asked
20. After ______ the doctor found that he ____ his arm.
A. to examine/ breaks B. to examine/ broke
C. examining/ broken D. examining/had broken

Exercise 7

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1. As soon as she arrived in London, she found that the English people spoke English
differently from what she _____.
A. will learn B. is learning
C. has been learning D. had learnt
2. How____ since we ____ school?
A. are you/ left B. will you be / left
C. have you been/ had left D. have you been/ left
3. Before cars_______, people ____ horses and bicycles.
A. were discovered/ had used B. discovering/ use
C. is discovered/ using D. have been discovered / have been using
4. Don’t go anywhere until I _____ back.
A. come B. will come C. have come D. came
5. I _____ the book by the time you come tonight.
A. will be finishing B. finished C. have finishing D. will have finished
6. Who ______ when I came?
A. were you talking to B. are you talking to
C. you were talking to D. you are talking to
7. Please send us a postcard as soon as you _______in London.
A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived
8. I will give you this book ______ I meet you tomorrow.
A. when B. until C. since D. for
9. Jane _____ her house all the morning before the guest arrived.
A. is cleaning B. was cleaning
C. has been cleaning D. had been cleaning
10. We ______ for going home when it began to rain.
A. are preparing B. were preparing C. will be preparing D. have prepared
11. Tom said everything ______ ready when the match ______.
A. will be/ starts B. would be/ started C. is / started D. will be/ started
12. I _____ in the waiting room when I heard someone_____ me.
A. am sitting/ to call B. was sitting/ call
C. am sitting/ called D. have sat / called
13. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, we_____ our final test.
A. will take B. will be taking
C. has been taking D. would be taking
14. Our grandfather____ as an engineer for 30 years before he retired in 1980.
A. worked B. was working C. has been working D. had been working
15. Up to now, we _____ the pollution problems yet.
A. haven’t solved B. are not solving
C. hadn’t solved D. will not have solved
16. Miss Hoa always takes her umbrella when she _____ to school.

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A. has gone B. goes C. is going D. will go

17. Never talk to the driver while he ______.
A. will be driving B. will drive C. drives D. is driving
18. I’ll tell you it is good or not after I ____it.
A. try B. am trying C. have tried D. will try
19. I’ll marry her as soon as she _____ all her problems.
A. solves B. has solved C. had solved D. solve
20. I’ll wait until you ____crying.
A. have stopped B. will stop C. stop D. stopped

Exercise 8

1. I bought Romano whenever I ____ Maximart.

A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. would go
2. My son was sleeping when I ______ home.
A. went B. has gone C. had gone D. would go
3. I was compiling this book while my son ____.
A. slept B. would sleep C. had slept D. was sleeping
4. Lan has learnt English since she ____ a small girl.
A. has been B. had been C. was D. would be
5. She won’t get married until she _____ 25 years old.
A. is B. will be C. had been D. was
6. After ______, he went to bed.
A. had done his homework B. have done his homework
C. being done his homework D. doing his homework
7. Yesterday when I _____ at the station, the train _______ for 15 minutes.
A. arrived/ had left B. arrives/ has left
C. arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left
8. When we _____ there, people ______ calmly.
A. got/ are waiting B. got/ were waiting C. got/ waited D. get/ wait
9. While I ____ in the street, I saw my old friend.
A. was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked
10. What do you think the children _____ when we get home?
A. would do B. do C. were doing D. are doing
11. I’ll read the book when I _____ time.
A. have B. had C. will have D. would have
12. The house was quiet when I _____ home. Everyone _____ to bed.
A. got/ went B. got/ had gone
C. had got / went D. was getting/ was going
13. I ______ her since I _____ a student.

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A. know/ am B. knew/ was C. have known/ am D. have known/ was

14. While I was going to school yesterday, I ____ him.
A. meet B. met C. will meet D. am meeting
15. Alice _____ for Washington as soon as she had finished her exam.
A. will leave B. would leave C. leaves D. left
16. He died after he ______ ill for a long time.
A. was B. had been C. has been D. is
17. I _______ home until I finish my lesson.
A. haven’t come B. don’t come C. didn’t come D. won’t come
18. The manager ______ the store before I arrived.
A. closed B. had closed C. has closed D. was closing
19. When the alarm rang, Hai ______ out of bed quickly.
A. was jumping B. has jumped C. had jumped D. jumped
20. When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I ____ him of that.
A. will remind B. remind C. have reminded D. reminded


Exercise 1

1. (A)Last year, my son (B)was lost (C)among the crowd when we (D)have gone shopping.
2. The problem (A)has turned out (B)to be more serious (C)than we (D)will have thought.
3. (A)Almost 300 million people (B)had visited (C)America’s national parks (D)every year.
4. They (A)have studied English(A) before they went (C)to London.
5. They (A)has got married (B)for 30 years (C)by the end of (D)this month.
6. They (A)will help you (B)whenever you (C)will ask (D)them.
7. (A)When Sam (B)will arrive, he will (C)open (D)the gift.
8. My father (A)has ever told (B)me honesty (C)was (D)the best policy.
9. Did you say (A)that you (B)will have a lot of things (C)to do the (D)following week?
10. (A)When we arrived (B)at (C)the station, the train (D)has already left.

Exercise 2
1. (A)Did your doctor (B)recommend you that you (C)will stop (D)smoking?
2. (A) Up to now, there (B)had been (C)no woman (D)being chosen the US president.
3. The neighbors (A)are having a party. They (B)are making so much noise (C)since 6
o’clock. I (D)can’t sleep.
4. (A)Don’t (B)leave the house (C)until I (D)will get back.
5. I (A)was walking along the pavement(B) when I (C)realized that there (D)has been a
man following me.
6. Human (A)had struggled (B)against weeds (C)since the beginning (D)of agriculture.
7. Mary (A)said (B)that she (C)do jogging (D)every morning.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662

8. (A)At this time (B)next week, Peter (C)was working (D)in London.
9. Never (A) I have seen (B)such a (C)good film (D)before.
10. (A)Before the 1920s, (B)no women (C)will vote (D)in the US.

Exercise 3

1. Some students have always (A)complain that they (B)do not have (C)enough money (D)to spend.
2. The teacher (A)got (B)angry with him (C)because he sometimes (D)come to class late.
3. (A)Up to now, there (B)had been (C)no woman (D)being chosen the US president.
4. The mother (A)had always took (B)good care (C)of her (D)little son.
5. An American woman (A)not always (B)shake hands (C)when she is introduced (D)to a man.
6. Peter (A)has been written the composition (B)for 3 hours and he (C)has not finished (D)yet.
7. We (A)were a few minute late (B)so the film (C)was already started when we
(D)got to the cinema.
8. (A)By the time (B)the police (C)come, the robber (D)had run away.
9. Why (A)didn’t Peter (B)go to school? What (C)did happened (D)to him?
10. I (A)was listening (B)to the radio (C)when the door bell (D)will ring.

Exercise 4
1. Why (A)are you so late? I (B)am waiting here (C)for you for more (D)than one hour .
2. Phuc never (A)go to bed (B)before he (C)has finished his (D)homework.
3. I (A)have learnt English (B)for I (C)was ten (D)years old.
4. Yesterday evening (A)while I (B)was watching TV, Mai (C)pays me (D)a visit.
5. We (A)went out (B)for a walk (C)after we (D)had our dinner.
6. (A)As soon as (B)the next lecture (C)will end, (D)let’s leave.
7. Mr. Ba (A)had a daughter who (B)were born in 1950, but (C)who died a few years (D)later.
8. (A)After they (B)were playing cards, (C)someone broke (D)into the house.
9. A (A)city university professor reported that he (B)discovers a vaccine (C)which could
(D) prevent bird flu.
10. Factories discard waste that (A)had (B)polluted air and water, but factories (C)give
us (D)employment.

Exercise 5

1. When I (A) walk past the park, I (B) saw some (C) children (D) play football.
2. After John (A) eaten dinner, (B) he wrote several (C) letters and (D) went to bed.
3. What (A) did you do at 9 o'clock (B) last night? I (C) phoned you but (D) nobody
4. (A) When I (B) arrived (C) at the station, the train (D) has already left.
5. Ann and Susan (A) have known (B) each other (C) during they (D) were at school.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

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6. She (A) has disappeared three days ago, (B) and they (C) are still looking (D) for her
7. After Mrs. Wang had (A) returned (B) to her house (C) from work, she (D) was cooking
8. (A) It’s the first (B) time I (C) saw () this film
9. (A) After he (B) graduates (C) from university, he joined (D) the army.
10. (A) Up to now, there (B) had been (C) no woman (D) being chosen the US president.
11. I think (A) I won’t come to the party (B) because I (C) will have an interview (D) for a job with a
publishing firm.
12. When you (A) will come (B) to Da Lat next summer, I (C) will take you (D) round the city.
13. She said (A) that she (B) will be (C) in Paris on Monday.
14. He wrote (A) his diary in code (B) so that his wife (C) won’t be able (D) to read it.
15. I (A) haven’t (B) finished the report (C) before she (D) visited me.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662


TEST 1 (Present tenses)
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. He ________ playing with his dog.
A. is loving B. loves C. was loving D. love
2. Oil ________ if you pour it on water.
A. floated B. floats C. will be floated D. float
3. Water ________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boils B. boiling C. is boiling D. boil
4. The launch of the first liquid-fuelled rocket in 1926 ________ by flight historians
________ as significant as the Wright Brothers’ flight.
A. has considered – having been B. was considered – being
C. is considered – to be D. has been considered – has been
5. I’m afraid John will get drunk at the party no matter what his wife ________ to
prevent it.
A. would do B. were doing C. does D. will do
6. “Any news from Vicky?” “Yes. She ________ tomorrow on the 9:15 train.”
A. has B. is to have C. is having D. will have
7. “Do you know it’s Barb’s birthday today?” “Yes, she ________ a party tonight.”
A. has B. is to have C. is having D. will have
8. Tom ________ things round the house, which is annoying.
A. always leaves B. has always left C. is leaving D. is always leaving
9. Teenagers ________ photos of pop stars on their bedroom walls.
A. are often sticking B. often stick C. will often stick D. have often stuck
10. At least half of the world’s population ________ more than one language.
A. speak B. speaks C. have spoken D. is speaking
11. “Did you have a good time at the Browns? “Not really. I ________ I’ll ever visit them
A. won’t be thinking B. am not thinking
C. don’t think D. think not
12. Today, universities ________ of conducting “cruel and unnecessary” tests on
animals, ________ banned drugs such as amphetamines.
A. are accused – using B. have accused – to use
C. have been accused – used D. are being accused – being used
13. “George is in hospital.” “Yes, I’ve heard he ________ good progress.”
A. makes B. will make C. is making D. would make

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662

14. My neighbor really gets on my nerves. She ________ the washing machine on late at
A. has always put B. had always put
C. has always been putting D. is always putting
15. The word “Olympic” ________ from Olympian in Greece.
A. has come B. came C. comes D. is coming
16. Three swimmers, Paul, Ed, and Jim, ________ now in the competition for medals.
A. is B. has been C. had been D. are
17. “Could I have a word with you, please?” “Sorry, I’m in a big hurry. My train
________ in 15 minutes.”
A. is leaving B. left C. has left D. will leave
18. I ________ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?
A. had expected B. have been expected C. expected D. am expecting
19. The existence of many stars in the sky ________ us to suspect that there may be life
on another planet.
A. lead B. leading C. have led D. leads
20. ________, insist on a full refund.
A. Whatever he will say B. Whatever he said
C. Whatever he says D. Whatever he would say
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
21. A star A. that has used up B. its energy and has lost its C. heat D. became a black
22. Mr. Suzuki wants A. to know where the supplies B. are kept, in case he C. need
more D. of them while we’re away.
23. In some areas, it A. has against B. the law C. to ride a motorcycle D. without a
24. The novel and the short story are the literary A. forms most commonly B. called
“fiction”, but contemporary C. narrative poetry and drama D. were also forms of
25. When the minerals A. needed for corn B. to grow C. are lack, the husks may D. be

TEST 2 (Present Perfect)

1. You ________ much recently.
A. weren’t studying B. don’t study
C. haven’t been studying D. didn’t study
2. “Where’s Tony?” “He ________ to the travel agent’s and he hasn’t come back.”
A. has been B. has been going C. has gone D. had gone
3. I’m sorry, but the director ________ the office.

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662

A. already left B. has left C. had left D. is leaving

4. For several years his ambition ________ to become a pilot.
A. is B. has been C. was D. had been
5. She said she met you once at the Hilton last year. ________ since then?
A. Have you met her B. Did you meet her
C. Were you met her D. Had you met her
6. We think they ________ all that is necessary.
A. have done B. doing C. had done D. would do
7. I ________ here since last September.
A. am studying B. have been studying
C. had been studying D. was studying
8. I think I ________ my door key. I can’t find it anywhere.
A. lost B. am losing C. have lost D. will lose
9. Mr. Edwards ________ history for 35 years, and is retiring soon.
A. teaches B. is teaching C. taught D. has been teaching
10. I’d like to see that football match because I ________ one this year.
A. don’t see B. can’t see C. hardly see D. haven’t seen
11. One an animal ________ form the wild, it generally be returned to its place of origin
for fear of disease.
A. was taken B. will be taken C. would be taken D. has been taken
12. I’m tired. I ________ the house since 9 this morning.
A. am cleaning B. was cleaning
C. had been cleaning D. has been cleaning
13. I ________ to your excuses carefully, but I ________.
A. listen – do not convince B. am listening – was not convinced
C. had listened - have not been convinced D. have listened – am not convinced
14. I can’t believe that you ________ all the three exercises. You just started five minutes
A. have finished B. have been finishing
C. finished D. am finishing
15. Up to now, the discount ________ to children under ten years old.
A. has only applied B. only applies
C. was only applied D only applied
16. Tom often watches TV after his parents ________ to bed.
A. had gone B. have gone C. go D. went
17. This is the third time James ________ the volunteer program to the village.
A. joins B. joined C. has joined D. has been joining
18. “How’s Peter doing?” “I don’t know. I ________ from him for months.”
A. have to hear B. haven’t heard C. didn’t hear D. don’t hear
19. “Susan is still looking for a decent flat.” “How long ________ for?”

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662

A. was she looking B. is she looking

C. had she looked D. has she been looking
20. “Has Tim come to terms with his exam results?” “Yes. He ________ the fact he’ll
have to resit.”
A. had accepted B. has been accepting
C. accepted D. has accepted
21. “How do you like your sushi?” “Well, it’s really different It’s the first time I
________ Japanese food.”
A. eat B. am eating C. have eaten D. have been eating
22. Their children ________ lots of new friends since they ________ to that town.
A. have made – moved B. were making – have moved
C. made – are moving D. made – have been moving
23. It has been a good year. I ________ two books and several short stories, all of which
are now in print.
A. have written B. have been writing
C. will have written D. had written
24. You should know that everyone in this office ________ busily planning the dance for
a week.
A. is B. has been C. have been D. are
25. Jane is a wonderful singer. Her mother tells me that she ________ professionally
since she was four.
A. has been sung B. was singing C. is singing D. has been singing
26. That the committee members could not agree with each other about solving that
problem ________ caused a serious problem.
A. is B. was C. has D. have
27. Prices ________ considerably since this time last year.
A. have raised B. rose C. raised D. have risen
28. The number of working women is China ________ form 49% in 1980 to nearly 65%
A. has been increasing B. has increased
C. is increasing D. have increased
29. She ________ two miles and a half, and now she feels exhausted.
A. runs B. was running C. has run D. has been running
30. Something tells me that you ________ to a single word I ________ in the past ten
A. haven’t been listening – have said B. haven’t listened – had said
C. hadn’t listened – said D. didn’t listen – was saying
31. How many of those chocolates ________ today?
A. did you eat B. do you eat C. had you eaten D. have you eaten
32. This is the latest news from Timbuktu. Two-thirds of the city ________ in a fire.

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A. has been destroyed B. were destroyed

C. was destroyed D. have been destroyed
33. Our industrial output ________ from $2 million in 2011 to $4 million this year.
A. rises B. rose C. was rising D. has risen
34. The replacement of shops such as the groceries’ and chemist’s by cafes ________ the
housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping.
A. leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left.
35. He ________ off alone a month ago, and ________ of since.
A. set – hasn’t been heard B. setted – hasn’t heard
C. set – hasn’t heard D. setted – hadn’t been heard.
36. You looked tired. ________ hard all day?
A Have you been working B. Did you work
C. Do you work D. Are you working
37. Thousands of antibiotics ________, but only about thirty are in common use today.
A. have developed B. are developing
C. have been developed D. have been developing
38. None of the students ________ to class yet.
A. are coming B. hadn’t come C. haven’t come D. have come
39. We ________ for three hours and are very tired.
A. are walking B. have been walking
C. were walking D. had been walking
40. I ________ badminton before. This is the first time I ________ to play it.
A. have never played – tried B. have ever played – have tried
C. have played – have tried D. have never played – have tried
41. “Are you learning your lesson?” “No, I ________ it.”
A. finished B. finish C. have finished D. have been finished
42. He is tired now. He ________ for a long time.
A. has been learning B. learns
C. has been learned D. learned
43. Listen Donna, I don’t care if you ________ the bus this morning. You ________ late
for work too many times. You are fired.
A. have missed – have been B. missed – have been
C. missed – were D. were missing – were
44. “Joseph’s English ________, isn’t it?” – “Yes. He ________ American television
programs everyday since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.”
A. is really improving – has been watching B. has really improved – has watched
C. really improved – watches D. is really improving – watches
45. For the last ten years, engineers ________ noise levels in Britain’s cities.
A. have been measured B. have been measuring
C. has measured D. have been measurement

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

46. Since A. ancient times, some people B. wore amulets. objects that C. are supposed to
give the wearer D. magical powers.
47. I will A. come to B. your office as soon as I C. prepare D. this report.
48. A. Our lifestyle B. changed since C. running water came D. to our village.
49. As A. soon as he B. will graduate, he is C. going to return D. to his hometown.
50. We A. haven’t seen B. each other C. from we left D. school.

TEST 3 (Past Tenses)

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. They went home after they ________ their work.
A. have finished B. had finished C. finished D. would have finished
2. There was a knock on the door while we ________ the game show on TV.
A. were enjoying B. enjoyed C. had enjoyed D. had been enjoying
3. I wondered why he ________ his job.
A. has changed B. changes C. used to change D. had changed
4. After I ________ lunch, I looked for my bag.
A. had B. had had C. have had D. has had
5. He ________ on his English study all yesterday evening.
A. used to work B. had worked C. was working D. working
6. It is years since I ________ Tina.
A. have seen B. see C. had seen D. saw
7. I asked my father why he ________ to this city, but he couldn’t answer.
A. moving B. had moved C. will move D. has moved
8. The phone ________ suddenly while Joanna was doing the housework.
A. rang B. was ringing C. had rung D. is ringing
9. It ________ as we drove slowly along the road.
A. has snowed B. had snowed C. was snowing D is snowing
10. Peter left half an hour ago. He ________ for you for a long time then.
A. was waiting B. has ben waiting
C. will be waiting D. had been waiting
11. The inspector noticed that not everyone ________ their safety helmet.
A. was being worn B. will have worn C. was wearing D. wearing
12. John went to the post office to ask about his package but they kept saying that it
________ yet.
A. doesn’t arrive B. hadn’t arrived C. is arriving D. was on the way
13. When the original star of the play ________ ill, Mary ________ an unexpected chance
to play the leading role.
A. fell – got B. has fallen – would get

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

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C. was falling – has got D. falls – has been getting

14. We ________ up the hill for half an hour when we realized we ________ in the
direction of the castle.
A. were walking – haven’t been going B. had been walking – weren’t going
C. have been walking – didn’t go D. had walked – wouldn’t be going
15. Dan made a lot of friends while he ________ around America.
A was travelling B. has travelled C. will be travelling D. had travelled
16. David was fed up. He ________ for the bus for an hour.
A. had been waiting B. waited C. has been waiting D. was waiting
17. Scientists examining bodies of ancient people ________ evidence of malaria in
people who ________ at least three thousand years ago.
A. found – have lived B. find – had lived
C. have found – lived D. had found – would be living
18. My grandfather retired from work last month. He ________ for the same company
for 40 years.
A. was working B. has been working
C. had been worked D. had been working
19. Some research ________ to show that dogs ________ from wolves as recently as
15,000 years ago.
A. has appeared – domesticated B. appears – were domesticated
C. had appeared – would be domesticated D. will appear – have been domesticated
20. The students were excited when they ________ that their favorite pop singer
________ them at the school.
A. had heard – has visited B. heard – was going to visit
C. would hear – visited D. hear – will be visiting
21. A fire-fighter ________ severely while he ________ to put out a fire.
A. was being injured – would help B. has been injured – helped
C. had been injured – has helped D. was injured – was helping
22. Before you asked, the letter ________.
A. was written B. had been written
C. had written D. has been written
23. They ________ running their own company in 1990.
A. started B. have started C. are starting D. start
24. “I phoned but you didn’t answer it. You must have gone out.” “________”
A. I did B. I was C. I must D. I agree
25. By the time I came here all the better jobs ________ taken.
A. have been B. were C. are D. had been
26. I’m not sure who should be punished for the incident. Certainly not Nancy, since
she ________ of possible dangers.
A. hasn’t warned B. wasn’t warned

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C. hadn’t warned D. wouldn’t be warned

27. Since the contest ________ before the end of the school year, I was against extending
the deadline.
A. must have been judged B. would have been judged
C. has been judged D. had to be judged
28. Two players ________ off the field during last Sunday’s match.
A. were sending B. had been sent C. were sent D. were being sent
29. The price of petrol went up only a few days after the official denial that ________ an
increase in the price of petrol.
A. there would be B. there is C. there would have D. had
30. Jack ________ so lonely before he moved to Sydney.
A. has never been B. was never C. wouldn’t be D. had never been
31. The couple ________ in the castle for several months before they noticed anything
A. have been living B. have lived C. had been living D. were living
32. By the time I saved enough money, the prove of the camera ________ by ten percent.
A. had risen B. has risen C. was rising D. rose
33. Pete ________ to the operating theater when the police arrived and arrested him.
A. was taking B. was being taken C. was taken D. had taken
34. While Peter ________ the rose bush in the back yard, the phone rang.
A. had been watering B. watering
C. watered D. was watering
35. By the time Sam got home from school, his brother ________ all the cake.
A. had eaten B. was eating C. has been eating D. has eaten
36. “Why didn’t Mary show up at the party last night?” “When I called her at 11:00, she
A. had still been studying B. was still studying
C. would still study D. still studied
37. “You’re looking miserable.” “I ________ on my assignment when my computer
suddenly crashed.”
A. used to work B. was working
C. would work D. have been working
38. I was upset to learn that my first opponent would be Sam Muller, who ________ part
in tournaments for no less than ten years.
A. was taking B. has been taking C. had been taking D. took
39. “Wasn’t sacking Mary rather harsh on his part?” “Not really; he ________ her
several times in the past/”
A. will warn B. was warning C. warns D. had warned
40. “It’s a pity she had to pull out of the competition.” “Yes, especially since she
________ such excellent progress.”

Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662)

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A. is making B. made C. has been making D. had been making

41. “Did you stay up late yesterday?” “Not really. I went to bed after Monica ________.”
A. had left B. was leaving C. leaving D. has left
42. I got up late because my alarm clock ________.
A. hadn’t gone off B. didn’t go out C. didn’t go off D. hadn’t gone out
43. My husband and I went to Montreal last May and Greedily ________ many lobsters
because they were very cheap.
A. eat B. ate C. have eaten D. had eaten
44. I ________ eagerly to go to Yellowstone, but my wife got sick three days before the
A. have been planning B. had been planning
C. have planned D. was planned
45. A basket of apples, oranges, and bananas ________ sent to my husband by his
grandparents last Christmas.
A. has been B. have been C. was D. were
46. I declined the offer as I ________ it was time for me to go for a swim in the sea.
A. have decided B. decided C. had decided D. would decide
47. When they ________ home form the concert, they found that somebody ________
into it.
A. came – had broken B. come – breaks
C. came – broke D. came – breaking
48. Jack ________ chess before, so I showed him what to do.
A. didn’t play B. wasn’t playing C. hadn’t been played D. hadn’t played
49. “You went to Chile, didn’t you?” “No, but I ________ to Peru, which is right next
A. was going B. had gone C. was gone D. did go
50. When they let us go in, we ________ outside the exam room for over half an hour.
A. had been standing B. have been standing
C. have stood D. are standing
51. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but ________.
A. I’m not invited B. I will not be invited
C. I have not been invited D. I was not invited
52. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________.
A. finish what I did B. would finish what I did
C. finished what I did D. finished what I was doing
53. An eyewitness described how ten people ________ in the fire.
A. were killed B. had been killed C. had killed D. had been being killed
54. ________ when Kevin and Isabel arrived.
A. We’ve just finished dinner B. We would be finishing dinner
C. We were about to finish dinner D. Dinner has nearly been finished

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55. When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories ________ back.
A. were brought B. had been brought C. had brought D. brought
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
56. At the A. start of the American Revolution, lanterns B. were C. hung un the Old
North Church as a signal that the British were D. came.
57. Before he died, Linus Pauling A. had B. wins C. two Nobel Prizes; the 1954 Nobel
Prize D. in Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.
58. In A. several of his paintings, Edward Hicks depicted the Quaker farm in
Pennsylvania B. where he C. spends D. his youth.
59. A twenty-one-year-old man A. became the second casualty yesterday B. when he C.
loses D. control of his truck.
60. Most people A. had B. written with quill C. pens until pens with metal points D.
become popular in the middle of the 19th century.
61. Before the newspaper became A. widespread, a town B. crier C. has walked
throughout a village or town D. singing out the news.
62. A. The Viking spacecraft B. has landed C. on Mars D. in July of 1976.
63. The A. management team worked hard on the proposal and B. are disappointed C.
to discover that their proposal D. wasn’t chosen.
64. In the A. whole book B. there was C. only one chapter which D. interesting me.
65. There is a report A. in today’s newspaper B. that the bank C. announces bankruptcy
D. late last week.
66. The Office of Economic Indicators reported A. that retail sales B. were declining
before the C. national sales tax D. was reduced.
67. We decided A. to stay in London B. until all our friends C. return D. from Liverpool.
68. It is the A. first time I B. am visiting this town, so I C. am looking forward D. to
seeing a lot of new things.
69. When I got A. to B. the cinema, Jack C. had been waiting D. for me.
70. I stopped A. smoking because the doctor B. had told me that I should C. give it up if
I D. want to be healthy.
71. The first doctor A. had said that my mother suffered B. from asthma, C. but the
second one said that she D. had been healthy.
72. You A. should not have B. offended my aunt the C. way you D. have done.
73. A. Not until B. the office phoned me C. had I found out D. about the meeting.
74. I tried to convinced him several times but I A. failed because he was unwilling B. to
consider C. what I D. have said.
75. During our conversation he couldn’t help A. asking me B. if my sister C. has already
given D. birth to the baby.
76. A. What a relief it was B. for me when I found C. out that the police D. found my
seven-year-old son.

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77. A. Although it was the first time I B. was there, I seemed C. to know that place D.
78. Jack had to skip A. breakfast; overwise, he B. will be late C. for D. class.
79. A. The very first night I was B. in the USA, I C. couldn’t have slept until D. early in
the morning.
80. The spokesman denied his factory A. have dumped chemical B. wasters C. into D.
the local river.

TEST 4 (Future Tenses)

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. The population of the earth is increasing at a tremendous rate and ________ out of
A. they have become B. are soon going to be
C. soon will be D. why it will be
2. My mother ________ to stay with us next weekend.
A. is coming B. would come C. comes D. will have come
3. I ________ will my ant when I go to Hanoi next summer.
A. stay B. staying C. will be staying D. will have been staying
4. I ________ until 8 o’clock, so call me after that.
A. am sleeping B. sleep C. will be sleeping D. have slept
5. “When is your math exam?” “Well, this time tomorrow I ________ for it.”
A. will be sitting B. will sit C. will have been sitting D. sit
6. Watch out, or you ________ off the boat!
A. are going to fall B. are falling C. fell D. won’t fall
7. “Who volunteered to pick up the pizza for tonight’s party?” “________”
A. I did. I’m going to get it. B. I was picking it up.
C. I did. I’ll get it. D. I was going to pick it up.
8. There’s someone at the door. ________ it.
A. I’m answering B. I answer C. I’ll answer D. I answered
9. By the end of next year, George ________ English for 7 years.
A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn
10. By the time you get to the theater, the play ________.
A. will have finished B. will finish C. finishes D. will have been finished
11. By the time I return to my country, I ________ away from home for more than three
A. will be B. will have been C. has been D. was
12. By December Tim ________ enough money to buy a mountain bike.
A. saves B. will save C. has saved D. will have saved
13. I ________ the homework by the time you come back.

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A. will finish B. have finished C. finish D. will have finished

14. By December next year, we ________ in this house for twenty years.
A. will have lived B. have lived C. will live D. had lived
15. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a few technologies
________ significantly.
A. will decrease B. will have decreased
C. has decreased D. will have been decreased
16. I expect your Chinese ________ a great deal by the time you ________ back from
A. has been improving – have got B. will have improved – get
C. had improved – would get D. improves – will be getting
17. We all hope that the dispute ________ by the end of the month.
A. was going to settle B. will have been settled
C. had been settled D. is supposed to settle
18. If we ________ working at the rate, we ________ all the invitations into the envelopes
by 5 o’clock.
A. are keeping – will put B. have kept – will be putting
C. kept – were to put D. keep – will have put
19. “I suppose your report isn’t ready yet.” “Don’t worry. I ________ it by tomorrow.”
A. will have been finishing B. will be finishing
C. am finishing D. will have finished
20. “Well, I first came here last June.” “So by the end of May you ________ with us for
almost a year.”
A. will have working B. are going to have worked
C. will have been working D. will work
21. By the end of this month, I ________ for this company for two years.
A. have been working B. will have been working
C. will be working D. will work
22. By the time I come back, you ________ your assignments.
A. will finish B. will be finishing C. have finished D. will have finished
23. “Will you ________ with the equipment by 12:30 p.m.?” “Possibly, but I’ll let you
know beforehand.”
A. finish B. have finished C. be finishing D. finished
24. “I’m getting my work permit next week.” “It’s about time. You ________ here for
two months by then.”
A. are B. will be C. will have been D. have been
25. “How long have you been with the company?” “By next month I ________ there for
a year.”
A. will be working B. will have been working
C. am going to work D. have worked

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26. By the time my younger son turns 26, I ________.

A. am retiring B. have retired C. will have retired D. have been retiring
27. By the year 2050, many people currently employed ________ their jobs.
A. will be losing B. will have lost C. have lost D. are losing
28. I visit a new country every year. By the time I ________ fifty, I ________ almost all
the countries in the world.
A. will be – will visit B. was – had visit
C. am – will have visited D. am – visit
29. In a few hours, we ________ the test, and we’ll go home and rest.
A. are finishing B. have finished
C. will have finished D. will be finishing
30. In one year’s time, she ________ in this company for 15 years.
A. will be working B. will have been working
C. will work D. has worked
31. Hurry up or the train ________ before you can catch it.
A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. has left
32. By the time we reach New York on Friday, we ________ over 60 hours traveling.
A. will have spent B. will be spending C. have spent D. will spend
33. By the end of this week, my illness ________ me $100.
A. costs B. has cost C. will have cost D. will cost
34. I am reading the novel. By the time you come back from work, I ________.
A. finish B. have finished C. will have finished D. am going to finish
35. “You’ll recognize Jenny when you see her. She ________ a red hat.”
A. will wear B. will be wearing C. wears D. is wearing
36. Mary ________ the country by the time this letter reaches her.
A. is going to leave B. will leave C. is leaving D. will have left
37. By the time you come here tomorrow, the work ________.
A. will have been finishing B. will be finishing
C. will have been finished D. will be finished
38. The zoo ________ by the time we reach there.
A. closes B. will close C. will have closed D. is closing
39. He ________ in space for ten days by tomorrow.
A. will travel B. will e travelling C. will have been travellingMD. has travelled
40. Our government ________ a system of private schools in the new future.
A. was developing B. is going to develop
C. has developed D. would develop

TEST 5 (Time Clauses)

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

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1. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ________ dinner.
A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. will have finished
2. I shall be glad when he ________.
A. had gone B. did go C. went D. has gone
3. After the test papers ________ to the students in class tomorrow, the students
________ their next assignment.
A. will return – will be given B. will be returned – are given
C. are returning – are giving D. are returned – will be given
4. As soon as I ________, I’m going to return to my hometown.
A. have graduated B. will graduate C. will have graduated D am going to
5. Your father will be furious ________.
A. when he will see what you do B. when he sees what you have done
C. when he sees what you had done D. when he will see what you will do
6. ________, his assistant signs the letters.
A. When the manager will be out B. Whenever the manager is out
C. Whenever the manager had been out D. When the manager would be out
7. I ________ all the preparations before you ________ home tonight.
A. have made – will have come B. am making – will come
C. will have made – com D. have made – will come
8. After you ________ your exam, I ________ you out to eat. Is it OK?
A. are finishing – will take B. were finishing – would take
C. have finished – will take D. finished – had taken
9. According to estimates, there ________ no energy shortage after these large dams
A will be – have been constructed B. is – will be constructed
C. should be – had been constructed D. was – would be constructed
10. “Can we use the court now?” “Not yet. But as everything is ready, we can start as
soon as they ________.”
A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. will have finished
11. I’m sure he ________ you the moment he ________ any news about the case.
A. has call – got B. called – is getting C. is calling – will get D. will call – gets
12. We ________ for a cottage to rent while we ________ our relatives in the USA next
A. have looked – were visiting B. have been looking – visited
C. were looking – had visited D. will kook – are visiting
13. During the winter months, many people make plans about what they ________ once
winter ________.
A. are doing – will arrive B. do – will have arrived
C. will do – has arrived D. have done – arrives

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14. While our car ________ tomorrow, I ________ to the shopping centre for a few items
for the holiday.
A. will be repaired – go B. has been repaired – am going
C. was repaired – have been going D. is being repaired – will go
15. Don’t try to stop him. The sooner he ________ the better. I certainly won’t miss him.
A. had resigned B. will resign C. will have resigned D. resigns
16. I’ll call you as soon as I ________ in Paris.
A. will arrive B. am arriving C. arrive D. will have arrived
17. They’ll move to France when their baby ________.
A. will be born B. is being born C. is born D. would be born
18. ________, the nation’s capital remained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
A. While designing Washington, D.C. B. Washington, D.C. was designed
C. While Washington, D.C. was being designed D. Washington, D.C. designed
19. Washington, D.C. get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.
A. Children B. Children, when they C. As children D. For children to
20. Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the
atmosphere when ________, while it is only in the atmosphere that chlorofluorocarbons
find their home.
A. by releasing emissions from cars B. cars that release emissions
C. released from car emissions D. emissions are released from car
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
21. Mr. Jackson is worried that he A. won’t be able B. to find a parking space when he C.
will come to D. the office this afternoon.
22. Mr. Watson will return A. from his vacation before B. his assistant C. had to leave
for his D. business trip.
23. A. As soon as the B. next lecture C. will end, D. let’s leave.
24. As soon as he A. will come B. back from his office, C. tell him D. to see me
25. The contract looks A. fine to me, B. but my lawyer C. would like to review it before
it D. will be signed.
26. By the time you A. will finish B. getting ready, we C. will have missed D. the train.
27. As A. soon as he B. will graduate, he is C. going to return D. to his hometown.
28. Next week when there A. will be a B. full moon, C. the ocean tides D. will be higher.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
29. Tine will finish typing the letter, and she will go home.
A. Going home, Tina will finish typing the letter.
B. Tina won’t go home until she has finished typing the letter.
C. Tina will go home before finishing typing the letter.
D. Tina will go home thought she hasn’t finished typing the letter.
30. Soon after they sold their house, they were offered a better price for it.

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A. No sooner they sold their house were they offered a better price for it.
B. They were offered a better price for their house, and they sold it.
C. They had no sooner sold their house than they were offered a better price for it.
D. No sooner had they sold their house and they were offered a better price for it.

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Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - 0977.267.662


abide abode/abided abode / abided lưu trú, lưu lại
arise arose arisen phát sinh
awake awoke awoken đánh thức, thức
be was/were been thì, là, bị. ở
bear bore borne mang, chịu dựng
become became become trở nên
befall befell befallen xảy đến
begin began begun bắt đầu
behold beheld beheld ngắm nhìn
bend bent bent bẻ cong
beset beset beset bao quanh
bespeak bespoke bespoken chứng tỏ
bid bid bid trả giá
bind bound bound buộc, trói
bleed bled bled chảy máu
blow blew blown thổi
break broke broken đập vỡ
breed bred bred nuôi, dạy dỗ
bring brought brought mang đến
broadcast broadcast broadcast phát thanh
build built built xây dựng
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned đốt, cháy
buy bought bought mua
cast cast cast ném, tung
catch caught caught bắt, chụp

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chid/ chidden/
chide chid/ chided mắng chửi
choose chose chosen chọn, lựa
clove/ cleft/ cloven/ cleft/
cleave chẻ, tách hai
cleaved cleaved
cleave clave cleaved dính chặt
come came come đến, đi đến
cost cost cost có giá là
crow crew/crewed crowed gáy (gà)
cut cut cut cắt, chặt
deal dealt dealt giao thiệp
dig dug dug đào
dive dove/ dived dived lặn; lao xuống
drew drew drawn vẽ; kéo
dream dreamt/ dreamed mơ thấy
drink drank drunk uống
drive drove driven lái xe
dwell dwelt dwelt trú ngụ, ở
eat ate eaten ăn
fall fell fallen ngã; rơi
feed fed fed cho ăn; ăn; nuôi;
feel felt felt cảm thấy
fight fought fought chiến đấu
find found found tìm thấy; thấy
flee fled fled chạy trốn
fling flung flung tung; quang
fly flew flown bay
forbear forbore forborne nhịn
forbid forbade/ forbad forbidden cấm đoán; cấm

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forecast/ forecast/
forecast tiên đoán
forecasted forecasted
foresee foresaw forseen thấy trước
foretell foretold foretold đoán trước
forget forgot forgotten quên
forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
forsake forsook forsaken ruồng bỏ
freeze froze frozen (làm) đông lại
get got got/ gotten có được
gild gilt/ gilded gilt/ gilded mạ vàng
gird girt/ girded girt/ girded đeo vào
give gave given cho
go went gone đi
grind ground ground nghiền; xay
grow grew grown mọc; trồng
hang hung hung móc lên; treo lên
hear heard heard nghe
heave hove/ heaved hove/ heaved trục lên
hide hid hidden giấu; trốn; nấp
hit hit hit đụng
hurt hurt hurt làm đau
inlay inlaid inlaid cẩn; khảm
đưa vào (máy điện
input input input
inset inset inset dát; ghép
keep kept kept giữ
kneel knelt/ kneeled knelt/ kneeled quỳ
knit knit/ knitted knit/ knitted đan
know knew known biết; quen biết
lay laid laid đặt; để

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lead led led dẫn dắt; lãnh đạo

leap leapt leapt nhảy; nhảy qua
learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned học; được biết
leave left left ra đi; để lại
lend lent lent cho mượn (vay)
let let let cho phép; để cho
lie lay lain nằm
light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thắp sáng
lose lost lost làm mất; mất
make made made chế tạo; sản xuất
mean meant meant có nghĩa là
meet met met gặp mặt
mislay mislaid mislaid để lạc mất
misread misread misread đọc sai
misspell misspelt misspelt viết sai chính tả
mistake mistook mistaken phạm lỗi, lầm lẫn
misunderstood misunderstood hiểu lầm
mow mowed mown/ mowed cắt cỏ
outbid outbid outbid trả hơn giá
outdo outdid outdone làm giỏi hơn
outgrow outgrew outgrown lớn nhanh hơn
output output output cho ra (dữ kiện)
chạy nhanh hơn;
outrun outran outrun
vượt quá
outsell outsold outsold bán nhanh hơn
overcome overcame overcome khắc phục
overeat overate overeaten ăn quá nhiều
overfly overflew overflown bay qua

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nhô lên trên, treo lơ

overhang overhung overhung
overhear overheard overheard nghe trộm
overlay overlaid overlaid phủ lên
overpay overpaid overpaid trả quá tiền
overrun overran overrun tràn ngập
oversee oversaw overseen trông nom
overshoot overshot overshot đi quá đích
oversleep overslept overslept ngủ quên
overtake overtook overtaken đuổi bắt kịp
overthrow overthrew overthrown lật đổ
pay paid paid trả (tiền)
prove proved proven/proved chứng minh(tỏ)
put put put đặt; để
read read read đọc
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xây dựng lại
redo redid redone làm lại
remake remade remade làm lại; chế tạo lại
rend rent rent toạc ra; xé
repay repaid repaid hoàn tiền lại
resell retold retold bán lại
retake retook retaken chiếm lại; tái chiếm
rewrite rewrote rewritten viết lại
rid rid rid giải thoát
ride rode ridden cưỡi
ring rang rung rung chuông
rise rose risen đứng dậy; mọc
run ran run chạy
saw sawed sawn cưa
say said said nói

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see saw seen nhìn thấy

seek sought sought tìm kiếm
sell sold sold bán
send sent sent gửi
sew sewed sewn/sewed may
shake shook shaken lay; lắc
shear sheared shorn xén lông cừu
shed shed shed rơi; rụng
shine shone shone chiếu sáng
shoot shot shot bắn
show showed shown/ showed cho xem
shrink shrank shrunk co rút
shut shut shut đóng lại
sing sang sung ca hát
sink sank sunk chìm; lặn
sit sat sat ngồi
slay slew slain sát hại; giết hại
sleep slept slept ngủ
slide slid slid trượt; lướt
sling slung slung ném mạnh
slink slunk slunk lẻn đi
smell smelt smelt ngửi
smite smote smitten đập mạnh
sow sowed sown/ sewed gieo; rải
speak spoke spoken nói
speed sped/ speeded sped/ speeded chạy vụt
spell spelt/ spelled spelt/ spelled đánh vần
spend spent spent tiêu sài
spill spilt/ spilled spilt/ spilled tràn đổ ra
spin spun/ span spun quay sợi

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spit spat spat khạc nhổ

spoil spoilt/ spoiled spoilt/ spoiled làm hỏng
spread spread spread lan truyền
spring sprang sprung nhảy
stand stood stood đứng
stave stove/ staved stove/ staved đâm thủng
steal stole stolen đánh cắp
stick stuck stuck ghim vào; đính
sting stung stung châm ; chích; đốt
stink stunk/ stank stunk bốc muìi hôi
strew strewed strewn/ strewed rắc , rải
stride strode stridden bước sải
strike struck struck đánh đập
string strung strung gắn dây vào
strive strove striven cố sức
swear swore sworn thề
sweep swept swept quét
swell swelled swollen/ swelled phồng ; sưng
swim swam swum bơi; lội
swing swung swung đong đưa
take took taken cầm ; lấy
teach taught taught dạy ; giảng dạy
tear tore torn xé; rách
tell told told kể ; bảo
think thought thought suy nghĩ
throw threw thrown ném ; liệng
thrust thrust thrust thọc ;nhấn
tread trod trodden/ trod giẫm ; đạp
unbend unbent unbent làm thẳng lại
undercut undercut undercut ra giá rẻ hơn

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undergo underwent undergone kinh qua

underlie underlay underlain nằm dưới
underpay undercut undercut trả lương thấp
undersell undersold undersold bán rẻ hơn
understand understood understood hiểu
undertake undertook undertaken đảm nhận
underwrite underwrote underwritten bảo hiểm
undo undid undone tháo ra
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen làm tan đông
unwind unwound unwound tháo ra
uphold upheld upheld ủng hộ
upset upset upset đánh đổ; lật đổ
wake woke/ waked woken/ waked thức giấc
waylay waylaid waylaid mai phục
wear wore worn mặc
weave wove/ weaved woven/ weaved dệt
wed wed/ wedded wed/ wedded kết hôn
weep wept wept khóc
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted làm ướt
win won won thắng ; chiến thắng
wind wound wound quấn
withdraw withdrew withdrawn rút lui
withhold withheld withheld khước từ
withstand withstood withstood cầm cự
wrought / wrought /
work rèn (sắt)
worked worked
wring wrung wrung vặn ; siết chặt
write wrote written viết

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