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S.Y. 2018-2019


Name: ________________________________________ Date:____________

Year and Section: _____________________________ Score:___________

Epic hero cycle-remember

Directions: Read the statements below carefully. Encircle the best answer for each item.

1. What are the two worlds of the Hero’s Journey?

a. Good vs Evil
b. The Ordinary and the Supernatural
c. Nature vs Society
d. Heaven and Hell
2. Which of the following would be an example of a Call to Adventure:
a. The Hero defeats his arch-enemy
b. The Hero returns to his world with a boon that can be shared by all
c. The Hero is reluctant to embark on a new journey
d. The Hero receives an invitation or challenge that disrupts his ordinary world
3. Which part of the Hero’s Journey marks his passage into the Unknown / Supernatural World?
a. Call to Adventure
b. Resurrection
c. Supernatural Aid
d. Crossing the Threshold
4. The Supreme Ordeal in movies is depicted as what?
a. The Exposition
b. The Death Scene
c. The Big Action Scene
d. The Resolution
5. What is the last part of the Hero’s Journey:
a. Resurrection
b. Supernatural World
c. Return with the Reward/Boon
d. The Innermost Cave
6. The first step is the point in a person's life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change,
whether they know it or not.
a. Supernatural Aid
b. Refusal of the Call
c. The Call to Adventure
d. The Crossing of the First Threshold.
7. Often when the call is given, the future hero refuses to heed it. This may be from a sense of duty or obligation,
fear, insecurity, a sense of inadequacy, or any of a range of reasons that work to hold the person in his or her current
a. The Call to Adventure
b. The Crossing of the First Threshold
c. Supernatural Aid
d. Refusal of the Call
8. Once the hero has committed to the quest, consciously or unconsciously, his or her guide and magical helper
appears, or becomes known.
a. The Belly of the Whale
b. Supernatural Aid
c. The Call to Adventure
d. The Crossing of the First Threshold
9. This is the point where the person actually crosses into the field of adventure, leaving the known limits of his or
her world and venturing into an unknown and dangerous realm where the rules and limits are not known.
a. The Crossing of the First Threshold
b. The Call to Adventure
c. Refusal of the Call
d. Supernatural Aid
10. The first step of the second stage is a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that the person must undergo to begin the
transformation. Often the person fails one or more of these tests, which often occur in threes.
a. The Ultimate Boon
b. The Meeting of the Goddess
c. The Road of Trials
d. Woman as the Temptress

Kinds of heroes- Apply

Directions: Read the statements below carefully. Encircle the best answer for each item.
13. How is a tragic hero different than an epic hero?
a. They don't live happily ever after
b. They have a tragic flaw that leads to their downfall
c. They only appear in tragedies
d. Only men can be tragic heroes
14. Which of the following characters is an example of a romantic hero?
a. Beowulf
b. King Arthur
c. Oedipus
d. Romeo
15. According to the theory of collective unconscious, what is the reason that we need heroes?
a. To make us believe in the best of humanity
b. To sell movies
c. To write good stories
d. To fulfill our wants and needs
16. Which of the following characters is an example of an epic hero?
a. Ramayana
b. King Arthur
c. Oedipus
d. Romeo
17. Which of the following characters is an example of a tragic hero?
a. Beowulf
b. King Arthur
c. Oedipus
d. Darth Vader
18. Which of the following characters is an example of a modern day romantic hero?
a. Kathnis Everdeen
b. Augustus Waters
c. Edward Cullen
d. Percy Jackson
19. Which of the following characters is an example of a modern day epic hero?
a. Kathnis Everdeen
b. Augustus Waters
c. Edward Cullen
d. Percy Jackson
20. Which of the following characters is an example of a modern day tragic hero?
a. Kathnis Everdeen
b. Augustus Waters
c. Edward Cullen
d. Percy Jackson

Greek Pantheon -15

Directions: Complete the table below: 21-55
Gods Description Symbol
Introduction to mythology
Directions: Answer the following questions. Limit your answers to one- three sentence.
Rubrics per item:
• Content –3 pts.
• Organization –1pt.
• Relevance – 1 pt.
• Total – 5 pts.
56-60. Define Mythology. What makes a body of work considered in a sense as a “Myth”?
61-65. Why do we need to study “Mythology”? Cite and explain at least five reasons why “ Mythology” still has a
place in the contemporary world
66-70. What is an epic hero? What is the relevance of analyzing a culture’s epic hero?

71-80. Give your essential understanding about Oedipus Rex. Limit your answer in 1-2 paragraphs

Content –5pts.
Organization –3pt.
Relevance – 2 pt.
Total – 10 pts.

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