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Self-Analysis - It requires people to examine themselves as an object in an experience or event.

Behavior - Is the way in which we conduct ourselves-the way in which we act.

CLASS A – Fire caused by ordinary combustible materials.

GABRIELA- General Assembly Binding women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership & Action

LFS - League of Filipino Students

BAYAN- Bagong Alyansang Makabayan

Self Awareness - is knowing your motivation, preferences and personality and understanding how
these factors influence your judgement, decisions and interactions with other people.

PERCEPTION - Awareness through the senses of the external object

Industry- the habit of working hard and working under pressure

Loyalty - the habit of remaining true to your friends and to your principles (goals) in spite of

Modes of thinking - the way you process the various inputs received by the brain.

Justice - the habit of giving each one his due with constant and perpetual will

Cheerfulness - the habit of being optimistic i.e., always seeing the bright side of things

Generosity - the habit of sharing the good that one has with other people; thinking first of the
people around him and looking for ways he can help abd serve them

KMU- Kilusang Mayo Uno

HALLUCINATION - Perception unaccompanied by reality (hearing voices when no one is present or

to see what does not exist

CLASS B – Fire caused by combustible or flammable liquids or gas.

CLASS C – Fire caused by electrical energized fuels.

Spontaneous Combustion – Heat comes from the fuel itself. This contain hydrocarbon (CH2) which
comes from plants & animals.

KMP -Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas

ACT - Alliance of Concerned Teachers

Leadership- is the art of influencing people to get the necessary support and cooperation in a group
or community affairs to maintain solidarity among people
Leader - is one who influence, helps and facilitate group of people take risk and envision a better
future for themselves

Modes of Interacting - the way in which you communicate and share ideas opinions, and feelings
with others.

KADENA- Kabataan para sa Demokrasya at Nasyonalismo

NDF- Legal Democratic Forces of Revolution

RED AREA- ay rural na pook kung saan ang panginoong may lupa at mga magsasaka ay may
kontradiksyun. Ang lugar na ito ay tipikal na barangay kung saan ang karaniwang hanapbuhay ng
mga mamamayan ay pagsasaka o kaya’y pangingisda, at ang lugar na ito ay napapaloob sa larangang
gerilya. Ito rin ang lugar kung saan nakabase ang organong pampolitiko at armadong sangay na
nagsusulong ng rebolosyun sa ilalim ng stratehiya na kubkubin ang kabayanan mula sa kanayunan.

Drug-free Workplace Program - A program designed to increase the level of awareness of

employees on the evils of drug abuse and its prevention.

MEMORY - Persons capacity to remember, the length of time over which recollection extends

Family Drug Abuse Prevention Program - This is a community-based program to prepare families to
protect their members against the adverse effects of drugs

CLASS D – Fire caused by combustible metals.

Vapor is considered Hydrocarbon – Ignites when mixed with oxygen in air.

Motivation - the drive to pursue one action over another.

Modes of Acting - the course of action you apply in a given situation

Value - it’s derived from Latin word, valere, to be worth, be strong something intrisically valuable
or desirable

Virtues - is defined as conformity to a standard of right, morality.

Prudence - the habit which enables man to direct his actions to human life's goals of knowing the
right thin to do and applying it

Fortitude - the habit of overcoming the difficulties and pressures of life in the pursuit of good

Temperance - the habit of bringing the desires and natural inclinations of man under control of right

Reponsibility- the habit of being accountable for one's actions, duties, obligations; readiness to
answer to the consequences of our actions

Magnanity - the habit of having great ideals and ambitions of doing good
Strengths of the Filipino Character Results

1 Pakikipagkapwa Tao - Camaraderie and feeling of closeness to one another;

foundation for unity as well as sense of social justice

2 Family Oriented - Feeling of belongingness and rooted ness and a basic sense
of security

3 Joy and Humor - Emotional balance; Optimism, a healthy disrecpect for

power and office and the capacity to survive.

4 Flexebility, Adaptability - Productivity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship for some and

survival, equanimity and survival

5 Hardwork and Industry - Productivity and entrepreneurship for some

survival depite poverty for others

6 Faith and Religiosity - Courage, Daring, Optimism, Inner peace, as well as

capacity to genuinely accept tragedy and death

7 Ability to Survive - Bravely live through the hardest economic and social

Weaknesses of the Filipino Character Results

1 Extreme Personalism - Leads to graft and corruption

2 Extreme Family Centeredness - Lack of concern for the common good and acts as the block
to national conciousness

3 Lack of Discipline - Inefficient and wasteful work systems, violation of rules

leading to more serious transgressions and a casual work ethic leading to carelessness and lack of
follow through

4 Passivity and Lack of Initiative - Easily resigns to one's fate and thus easily oppresed and exploited

5 Colonial Mentality - Basic feeling of nationality inferiority that makes it difficult

for them to relate to equals to westerns

6 Kanya-kanya Syndrome - Dampening of cooperative and community spirit

and in the trampling upon of the rights of others.

7 Lack of Self Analysis and Self Reflection - Emphasis on form more than substance
The following companies are targets for CTs extortion:

Bus Companies

Road Way Trucking Companies

Mineral Water Companies



Individual Businessmen

Beach Resorts

Leisure Farms


Construction Companies


Cell Sites (Globe)

Panloob na Banta




Panlabas na Banta



4 effects of drugs in Mental Health

Disturbance in Perception

Disturbance in Orientation

Disturbance in Memory

Disturbance in Judgement
4 effects of drugs un Physical health (Systematic)

Cardiac (HEART) Pathology

Pulmonary (LUNG) Illness

Hepatic (LIVER) Problems

Renal (KIDNEY) Disease

5 Pillars of Action

Drug Supply Reduction

Drug Demand Reduction

Alternative Development

Civic Awareness & Response

Regional/International Cooperation

5 Earthquake Secondary Hazards

Ground Shaking

Ground Rupturing




4 Classes of Fire

Class A

Class B

Class C

Class D

Four selves that represents you

The open Self

The Blind Self

The Hidden Self

The Unknown Self

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