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This is WASP country

By Alexander Saint-Cyr

Each nation can be said to have a character; a collective ethos or set of ideas that
sculpt its unique heritage and qualities. For America, our genesis from the Angloid-
Anglican founding stock that crossed from the old world into the new is abundantly
clear, but what can be said to be these national ideas? And what do they mean

Firstly, let us take the idea of natural order and immutable law. The character of the
early American settler was greatly scarred by two events, the signing of the Magna
Carta and the upheaval of the English civil war. These tragedies imprinted very
firmly the need for a man to know his place in society, and the anarchic
ramifications if he did not. The American character is flavored today by a preference
for order, of the polite structure of everyday life, and the distaste of uncertainty.

Another staple of the national American ideal we have inherited is the system of
English common law. While natural order may inform the traditions of our greater
systems, a comprehensive code of practice is also needed for the minutia of the
everyday navigations. English common law of course is today mostly seen as a
byword for “due process” but let us not forget that it was the WASP stock that
handed this down to us. The American character is one that abides by the rule of
law, for we know that we are meant to be processed through it impartially and

Finally we have a national idea that differs from our progenitors. Like two sides of a
coin or perhaps as the black sister in our Angloid union, America is predisposed to
isolationism where as our English cousins can’t help but to meddle. It can even be
said that to perfidious Albion meddling in international affairs is strictly in their
interest. While this was often true, the American character is colored not by a
narrow channel that must be jealously clutched, but by twin oceans that deter all
but the most tenacious adversary. It is on the back of isolationism that America has
simultaneous built up its industry as well as lagged behind the continent in other
matters, but for better or worse it is simply the American way.

Our national ideas, as are all the ideas of the myriad nations of the world, are
derived chiefly from the people that inhabit them. In the trying times that we find
ourselves in, take solace in the tradition and collective character that has been
handed down to us. When the liars in the press kindly deign to inform you that
“White culture doesn’t exist” you can just as genially engage in the English tradition
of voting with your wallet, and deliver the greatest insult to any arrogant peddler; to
be ignored.
In short, America has received waves of European immigration that has influenced
it’s development, but at the core remains a steely disposition of WASP concerns and

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