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February 2011– Divided up furniture, and most of the other property.

April 2011– Renee moved out and went to live a friends of hers (Dorothy and Frank) in Wauwautosa.
Left some of her furniture, room decorations and boxes and other stuff in the utility/laundry room.

May 2011– Listed the house with Jim Emmer Real Estate until the end of November. A total of 6
showing in that time period. We relisted with Emmer in December until the end of May, 2012. In that
time, there were approximately 40 showings, but nothing close to an offer. The only criticism Emmer
offered was that the house looked dated.

October 2011– signed divorce papers. Paid for Renee to enroll at Waukesha County Technical College to
study Cisco System IT technology. That cost me around $2600.00, books and tuition. She never pursued
it after finishing the 2012 spring semester

June of 2012, Dorothy and Frank put their house up for sale and move to South Carolina. Renee moves
to northern Illinois sometime during the summer. In December of 2012 she moved to Washington D.C.
and then in February of 2013, she moved back to Mundelien, Illinois.

March of 2013, a Shorewest realtor wanted to know if we wanted to list the house with him. During the
rest of the year, one month, let’s sell it, the next month, no, let’s not. I didn’t bother to list it.
Foreclosures were averaging 60 a month in Washington County.

February of 2014 Renee moves back in to the house with most (but not all) of her furniture she had in
Mundelien. Lives downstairs at the house for a for a few months, maybe until April or May. Moves back
to northern Illinois. She works at Six Flags for a few weeks or months. She gets a job with Head Start
around September. Works at Head Start until late January 2015. Quits there, moves back to West Bend
and lives downstairs until late February. She get a temporary teaching job in Shreveport, LA. She
moves there and lives with our son Tim. Almost all of her stuff (belongings) remaind in the house.

July 2015 she lands a teaching job in Aiken, South Carolina. Comes back from Shreveport and lives
downstairs until early August, when she rents a truck and has a lot off her stuff packed into the truck.
She took quite a bit of her stuff, some stuff remained. Our son Ted and daughter Maria took more of
her stuff to her this past Thanksgiving. In December, she filled up her car with more of her belongings.
There are a few things of hers left in the closet, but I am not sure if she wants any of it. Probably not.

October 2015, listed the house with Star Properties for I think, 90 days. There were two open houses in
October. During the first showing, two people showed up, one was my neighbor. During the second
open house, I was told about ten couples showed up. After the open house was over, the realtor said
two people told him that they would have made an offer if the garage floor was replaced. The garage
floor was replaced in December of 2015. Why did it take so long to get the floor replaced? Same
response from the masonary companies I contacted, “we’re busy, booked until the end of the year”
Renee called me just before Thanksgiving, 2015 and wanted the house listed right now! I said I wouldn’t
until the garage floor and the crack in the east basement wall was fixed and finished. Back in January
2015, she said if she borrowed money from her dad to fix the garage floor, she wanted to make sure
that her dad would get his money back. I said sure, I agreed with that. Now all I heard is I should pay for
everything with no reimbursement from her.

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