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Lesson plan Model

Date: September 21st, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 45 minutes


Expected Outcomes:


Time Comments

Introduction Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Teacher calls the role.
Students recall what they have studied the previous class

Core of the class

Pre-stage Students answer the question What is an adjective? They
negotiate the meaning and compare it with nouns and
verbs in order to know how they work in a sentence; also
they mention the adjectives that they know.

While-stage Teacher writes on the board a list with adjective

classifying them for height, build, age, face, eyes, hair and
complexion for describing physical appearance.
Some examples are given.
Students practice pronunciation of the adjectives.

Post-stage Students write some sentences in their copybooks using the

adjectives, they write some of them on the board and the
teacher checks the student’s answers in order to clarify the
correct ones.

Teacher recap how the adjectives work in a sentence and

tell the students the next content which are some adjectives
Closing to describe psychological features of people
Students say good bye to the teacher.

Skill: Listening, writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to form comparatives and superlatives adjectives
with one syllable

Time Comments


Core of the class





Lesson plan Model

Date: September 21st 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 45 minutes

Skill: Writing and Listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to form one syllable comparative and superlative
Resources: Markers and board

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Teacher call the role

Core of the class 8 Students answer the question What is an adjective? They
Pre-stage negotiate the meaning and talk about their function in a

Teacher writes on the board an adjective list that is

obtained from the students
While-stage 20 Some examples are given.
Students practice pronunciation of the adjectives
Students write comparative and superlative forms with one

Post-stage 5 Teacher recap how the adjectives work in a sentence and

tell the students the next content which is one syllable
adjective with final e and with single vowel before it..

Closing Teacher says goodbye to students
Lesson plan Model

Date: September 21st 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 90 Minutes

Skill: Listening and Writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to form one and two comparatives and superlatives
Resources: Markers and board.

Time Comments

Introduction 15 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Students recall what they have studied the previous

Core of the class

Pre-stage 15 Students give some examples of the previous session.

Teacher writes on the board adjectives with one syllable

While-stage 30 which end with e and a single consonant with a single
vowel before it.
Teacher write two syllables comparatives and superlatives
on the board and provides examples

Teacher asks students to give some examples and provide

Post-stage 20 feedback regarding their answers and pronunciation.

Closing 10 Students comment about the content

Students say goodbye to the teacher

Lesson plan Model

Date: September 28th, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 45 Minutes

Skill: Listening, speaking, writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to form adjectives with three or more syllables and
irregular ones.
Resources: Marker and board.

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Teacher calls the role
Students recap the last class content.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 Students gives some example orally with adjectives with
one and two syllables

While-stage Teacher writes on the board irregular adjectives and gives

examples of them.
15 Teacher write on the board some sentences and students
have to determinate if they are one, two, three or irregular
and if they are comparative or superlatives

Post-stage 8 Teacher provide feedback regarding their answers

Closing 2 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: September 28th, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 90 Minutes

Skill: Writing, listening, speaking.

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to determinate how to form comparatives and
Resources: Worksheet, board and markers.

Time Comments

Introduction 15 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Students recall what they have studied the previous class

Core of the class

Pre-stage 30 Teacher reviews the rules that the students need to know
forming comparatives and superlatives. Students give
some examples.

30 Teacher gives the instruction for developing the tasks.

While-stage Students develop the worksheet.

Post-stage 10 Students talk about the worksheet given and negotiate their
answers. Teacher introduces next class.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 5th, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 45 minutes

Skill: Listening and writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify comparatives and superlatives adjectives.

Resources: Markers and board.

Time Comments

Introduction Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
15 objective of the class.
Teacher calls the role.
Students recall the last class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 5 Teacher introduce the class making comments about the

Teacher without gives the answer the worksheet is

While-stage 15 reviewing on the board.
Students give their answers.
Teacher gives the correct answer and gives the worksheet
back to each student; they realize about their errors and
correct them.

Post-stage 5 Students talks about their own errors.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students.

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 05th 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 90 Minutes

Skill: Pronunciation, speaking and listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to produce and reproduce comparison sentences and
superlatives sentences
Resources: Computer, markers and board

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.
Students recall the last class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 Teacher says to students that they will see a power point
presentation recapping the comparatives and superlatives
adjectives also some pictures which help them to make
some comparatives and superlatives sentences.

While-stage 25 Teacher presents the power point analyzing every slide and
getting some examples from the students.

30 Teacher presents some pictures in order to get the

comparison and superlatives examples from the students.

Post-stage 10 Students comment the activity and check the sentences.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students.

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 12th 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 45 Minutes

Skill: Writing and speaking

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify and form comparative and superlatives
Resources: markers and board

Time Comments

Introduction Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
10 objective of the class.
Teacher calls the role.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 5 Students make a review of the comparative and
superlatives content.

While-stage 15 Teacher writes on the board an adjective list and the

students have to form comparative and superlative forms.
Teacher writes on the board some sentences and students
have to determinate the correct adjective form.

Post-stage 10 Students checks their answers

Closing Teacher says goodbye to students.

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 12th, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 90 minutes

Skill: Writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify and form comparative and superlatives
Resources: Test and Travelers book.

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.

Core of the class 15 Teacher gives the test to students and explains the
Pre-stage instructions.

While-stage 40 Students develop the test.

Post-stage 20 Introduce unit three Travelers book.

Students talk about some pictures that appear on it.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students.

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 19th Level: 8 B Time: 45 minutes

Skill: Grammar, reading, speaking and listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify their errors and correct them. Students
will be able to reproduce a song
Resources: Board, markers and computer

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 7 Teacher talks about the last week test, how the average
grades were.

While-stage 15 Teacher asks students correct their incorrect answers using

their copybooks and some errors are corrected on the
board, students participate in this activities giving the
correct answers and writing them on the board.

Post-stage 15 Teacher gives the conclusion of the unit and introduce the
next activity which is a listening showing a video clip.

Closing Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 19th, 2010 Level: 8 B Time: 90 Minutes

Skill: Listening, pronunciation

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to reproduce a song; Students will be able to
identify and write some adjectives that the song has.
Resources: Computer, markers, board, worksheet.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the

Core of the class

Pre-stage 15 Teacher shows the video clip of the song and explains
some words to them also talked about the words that they
will not find in a dictionary because they are not correctly
15 Students give comments about what the song is related to.

While-stage 10 Teacher shows the lyrics and students sing the song three

20 Teacher gives the activity to students and explains that to

Teacher read the song once
15 Students listening the song four times and fill the gaps

Post-stage 5 Students sing the song again and teacher make conclusion
and get the students impression about the activity.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: October 26th, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 45 Minutes

Skill: Writing, grammar comprehension, reading

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to use pronouns properly

Students will be able to use verb have properly.
Resources: Board and markers.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the

Core of the class Teacher talked about the last activity.

Pre-stage 15 Teacher reviews the pronouns
Teacher explains verb have giving some examples

While-stage 15 Teacher writes on the board some exercises using verb

have, including new vocabulary.

Teacher checks the students´ answers giving feedback to

Post-stage 5 them.

Closing 5 Teacher asks students if they have any doubt and says
goodbye to them
Lesson plan Model

Date: October 26th, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 90 minutes

Skill: Grammar comprehension, writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to write presents perfect structures.

Resources: Board, markers and cards

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the

Core of the class 20

Pre-stage Teachers recap the previous class and introduce the new
Teacher explains present perfect tense, giving some

While-stage 20 Teacher writes some exercise on the board.

Students check the new vocabulary and write it on the
15 Teacher gives some cards and students have to form some
sentences in present perfect tense showing that in front of
the class.
Teacher checks the sentences that each group formed.
10 Teacher writes more exercises on the board. The students
give the answers.

Post-stage 10 Students ask some doubt and teacher give feedback.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students.

Lesson plan Model

Date: November 2nd, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 45 minutes

Skill: Writing, reading speaking, listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to write present perfect structures

Resources: Board, markers, book.

Time Comments

5 Students greet the teacher
Students look the date and the objectives of the class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 Teacher recaps the previous class and introduces the new

Teacher asks students open their books in page 218 and see
While-stage 15 the verbs that appear in there.
Teacher explains about regular and irregular verbs.

Post-stage Teacher introduces present perfect

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: November 2nd, 2010 Level: 8 básico 90 minutes

Skill: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to produce sentences in present perfect tense.

Resources: Markers, board, book worksheet and cards

Time Comments

Introduction 10 Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the

Core of the class Teacher recaps the previous topic and continuous
Pre-stage 10 explaining it.

While-stage Teacher explains present perfect tense giving some

15 examples
Teacher gives a worksheet to practice what they have
15 learned.
10 Students negotiate their answers and teacher gives the
correct answers.

15 Teacher says to students to form some groups and give to

Post-stage each group some cards in order to students organize a
sentence and then present that to the class.
10 Teacher introduces next class. Negative and question

5 Teacher says goodbye to students


Lesson plan Model

Date: November 9th, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 90 minutes

Skill: Writing

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to use have/has verb properly. Students will be able
to use past participle in a sentence. Students will be able to organize sentences which are in
present perfect.
Resources: markers, board, worksheet, book.

Time Comments

Introduction Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the
15 class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 20 Teacher recaps the previous topic and continuous
explaining the topic, giving some examples.

While-stage 25 Teacher gives a worksheet to practice what they have


10 Students negotiate their answers and teacher gives the

correct answers.

20 Students learn Negative and question forms present


Post-stage 5 Teacher gives some examples.

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: November 16th, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 45 minutes

Skill: Reading

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to comprehend a text. Students will be able to
recognize present perfect structures in a text.
Resources: Reading worksheet.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the objective of the

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 Teacher recaps the previous topic and continuous
explaining the topic, giving some examples.
Pre reading activities, teacher gives the title of the reading
and ask students what they think the reading is talking

While-stage Teacher gives the reading worksheet to practice what they

20 have learned recognizing present perfect sentences in the
Teacher read the text loudly and after that some students
read it loudly too.
10 Teacher writes on the board new vocabulary.
Teacher asks students read the text again and answers the

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: November 16th, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 90 minutes

Skill: Listening, writing, reading

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to comprehend text. Students will be able to
recognize present perfect in a text. Students will be able to make question in presents perfect.
Students will be able to make negative sentences in present perfect tense.
Resources: Markers, board power point.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the date and objective
of the class.

Core of the class Teacher recaps the previous. Reading the text again
Pre-stage 15 Teacher gives students a worksheet with some questions.
Students work individually.

While-stage 15 Teacher recaps negative and question in present perfect

20 Teacher present some examples in a power point
presentation in which students guest some answers and
participate actively.
15 Teacher gives a worksheet in order to students practice
what they have learned.

15 Students negotiate their answers and teacher gives them

Closing 5 Teacher says goodbye to students

Lesson plan Model

Date: November 23rd, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 45 Minutes

Skill: Reading, speaking, listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to produce present perfect sentences. Students will
be able to write present perfect sentences
Resources: Board, markers.

Time Comments

Introduction Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
5 objective of the class.

Core of the class 15 Teacher recaps the previous topic and continuous
Pre-stage explaining the topic, giving some examples. Teacher
review the whole

While-stage 10 Teacher asks students to write their own sentences in their


Post-stage 10 Teacher check some sentences on the board students read

the sentences loudly and teacher gives feedback to them.

5 Teacher says goodbye to students


Lesson plan Model

Date: November 23rd, 2010 Level: 8 básico Time: 90 minutes

Skill: writing.

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to use properly have and has verb. Students will be
able to write present perfect sentences. Students will be able to recognize past participle verbs.
Resources: worksheet test

Time Comments

Introduction 5 Students greet the teacher and look the date and the
objective of the class.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 Teacher says to students do not be nervous because of the
test. The test was done with the same exercises that
students did in class.

While-stage 10 Teacher gives the test to students

Teacher explains the test and asks if there is any doubt.
45 Students answer the test

Post-stage 15 Teacher asks if there is any comment related to the test.

Teacher introduces the next topic possessives

Closing Teacher says goodbye to students

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