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iT) Amen aC ae ass If Sculpt lean muscle Mer Reo /{ \mprove posture W/mstt Rene eu 1.0 Mt Pilates Intense Interval Training 1.0 by Cassey Ho Cover Photographer: Rod Foster Fitness Photographer: Sam Livits Graphic Designer: Leslie McMullin DISCLAIMER Copyright © 2016 Gorgeous Ine No pat of this publieation or the information int may be shared or reproduced in any form by means suchas sereenshotling photographing, printing scanning, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission ofthe copyright holder. Doing sos tn inringement of our copyright ad you willbe monetarily fined based on the scale ofthe violation. Violators willbe prosecuted to the fullest extent ofthe law This is your copy for personal use onl Gorgeous Ie wil not be held lable for your decision to utlize this Finess program. You should not rely on the information in this exorcise guide as an akernative to professional medical achice from your dactor or healthcare provider Yeu should consul your physician or other heath care professional before staring this or anyother ness program to determine iFitis right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history af high blood pressure or heart disease, or i yaa aipesck Cat phen a have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol are obese, or have a bone or joint problem thal could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Da not start this ness program if your physician arhealth care provider advises gaint it. you experience faintness cizines, pain or shortness of breath at anytime while exercising you should slop immediately. The use of any information provided inthis program is solely at your own isk IF you are in the United States and think you are having a medical or health emergency. call your health care professional. or immediately TABLE OF CONTENTS IRF. specu Whats PIIT. ps Why PIIT Works 6 Form & Technique « The PIIT 28 Challenge How to Take a Before & After Pic How to Take Body Measurements PIITSTAGRAM How it Works. Timer PIIT 28 1.0 CALENDAR. PIIT 1.1: Abdomination PIIT 1.2 Perfect Legs « PIIT 13 Ultimate Upper Body- PIIT 1.4 Lean Bodyssssee PIIT 15 Cardio Camp PIIT Stop for Thank: PIIT 1.6 Booty Lift . PIIT 1.7 Core Crusher PIIT 1.8 Dancer's Legs PIIT 1.9 Sleek & Sexy Back PIIT 1.10 Fat Burn Fest « DIIT Stop for Praise! PIIT 1.1 Bubble Butt. What's Next? ivccssccsssssessccosen ps 42 Wouldn't it be amazing if you could actually burn a ton of calories during your workout, then afterwards, ing? What if | told you that you could continue burning even more calories for hours and hours as youre resti achieve this effect by cutting your workout time in half? Well get ready because Iam gong to walk you through EXACTLY how to turn your bod) int a fat burning machine. What miahos this program diferent than ary other’ that Tn going to train you rmuch deaper then your muscles. Why? Because youre different. know youre here not just for looks. You're here because youre ready for a fully dimensional changing transformation. You're here because you know that there's a more powerful you inside, waiting to be found, waiting to be unleashed. Inthis-28 day pregranny your wil dig deep bs Brel what iain your fire bur. | wank you ta wales up evry morning WAITING to throw on your workout clothes and gat moving, Because youre going to crave how this: is going to make you FEEL..not just how it makes you look. Once you understand the real reason why you're doing this, you won't stop when it hurts..or when it's too hard...or when you feel like you have to quit. NOPE. People gre up becauen their goals areetimportant enough io them. But my less | guarantve that if you want it this BAD ENOUGH, you will figure out a way to KEEP GOING. Thisis why | created PIIT28. It's a 28 day body and life changing transformation program. re you ready for tha? Lets do it. Pilates. Intense. Interval. Training. The concept is simple — ifs Plates and HIIT combined. You dort need any dumbbell, benches. barbell steps. or even jump ropes, You dori need the gym. All you need is your bodyweight yoga mat, pai of sneakers. and the commitment io make a mental and physical change. Balore, we get any deeper, et me define these two terms for you Pilates is focused on your mind-body connection as you build the muscles of the care, which are the deep, internal muscles cf the abdomen and back fs about moving with purpose and understanding that all your strength truly emanates from your core. As you develop this srength you wil create stably throughout your entire torso. which willimprove posture and relieve back pain HIIT, orbigh intensity interval training is raining tle in which you give all ou, maim effort through quick. intense bursts of ‘exercise followed by shor recovery periods. You are meant to go sohard that you shouldnt be able to gp longer than a mite! This type of training gets your heart rate up and heeps it there with the seal of burning more latin les time Each PIIT round has 7 unique moves tha alternate between Pilates and cardio exercises. Every move ia performed ALL OUT for 45 seconds with short rest perio of 15 seconds You willbe doing 4 rounds to complete full PIT workout IIT 28 ia going to-do the following Inerease lean muscle -Burn fat Build ridieulous core strength Bul muscular & carciovascuar endurance = Increase resting metabolic rate Improve poste -Gain conidenee Sobasicaly.. PILATES: HIIT= Min You'll burn calories way after you're done working out. When you exercise tan intensity He this your body demand fr cnygen exceeds your ali to inale enough oxygen lo deliver to your muscles. This creates EPOC (excess post-esercise oxygen) or “oxygen debt’ whichis the ammount of coygen required to retum your body beck to balance. lis been proven that oxygen debt i way higher afer a short HIT workout versus a long continuous aerobic workout, Ihe stead) jogging, As with any debt. you will need to repay your body if youwant to ge back inte homeostasis, ght? ‘Sotto repey your ‘onygen debi.” youve got to breathe more throughout the day which in tun increases your metabolism. Yes! Exercise that consumes more angen burs more calories! Your body burns 5 calories when you consume ter ‘of oxygen! Because you'e breathing hard during your workout and breathing more hours after your workout this wll inerease your net calories burned! You'll lose fat, not muscle. Steady state cardi he jogging or laboring away onthe eiptical encourages overall weight loss however. it may come from fat loss as well as muscle loss. That is a big no no, The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will be burning overall. Because PIT incorporates burt of high intensity cardio exercises along muscle strengthering Pilates cexercies, thee is no chance for muscle atrophy. You'llook younger. HILT stimulates production of yourhuman growth hormone (HGH) by anywhere between 400-700% during the fis 2 hours alter you finish your workout. During HIIT, you are using your fst bitch muscle fibers and when triggered. they release HGH. The highar your levels of HGH, the lower your stress lavals, the higher your lean muscle mass, the GH is known as the co! HGH is what dives the aging process and is what makes you look and fel older. tor the age of 50. level of HGH bigher your energy levels andthe lower your body ging hormone because the decline bagin to drop of dramatically It’s short and you'll see success quickly. ptodays last paced society, no one seems tohave ime anymore, and theft thing people throw outs their exercise time commitment as low as possible while achieving maximal routine! So to batle this, we are going to make your bene Because each PIT routine is only 28 minutes and 40 seconds long and youre switching between diferent ‘exercises every minut, you wl not got bored. n fat. you wll have fun while sesing esults! Those two things wll encourage you to stick othe program from start to frish HOW TO PERFECT YOUR POSTURE Ikis imperative that you ae in proper form as you execute the exercises - mesning tht you are in nd effective body alignment as yeu move, By doing so, youl prevent injury and you will eel your muscles inthe ‘right places.” Additional this wl help you retra ng ina chair at work or school Read through these cues and practice your muscles tobe in good posture even when youre simply how it feels to be in proper form it males a HUGE dillerence in how effective your workout wall be When Standing... Place your feet about hip width apart and slightly bend your knees. Never lock them! Shoulders should be rolled beck, shoulder bled Slghly push your pels forwerd to avoid overarching your lower back gly pinched in oder to open up your chest. Stand tall keep your nec lng ard your shoulders away fram your ears. Wateh out forming Lunges % Wrong: When most peor injury to your hip flexors 0s well os your lowe back. Do not have your knee move beyond your toes! This vl place way too mud lungs they have a tendency te hunch their back and lean all te way forward. This will cause unnecessary pressure onthe front leg,muscles and joins as you lunge Y How toi ite ish your weight doen though the heel of your oa sy shoulders back No mater you are standing or langing your back should remain strsght and up at al imes: Never hunch and never leonard Open up your chest and rll you an forward, Make sur that your kraes create as lose ta a 90 degree right ang on both logs as possible when you hinge. The dkive with both eg tot your weigh olf the oor and switch sides lacing soy eyes Ceteeeneeenneeee doles beck » back chest tall bie doossit go chose to 90° When Planking... Inhigh plank, your palms should chvays be under your she Ider. fingers spread in ther “power poston’ so th youcan grip the mat confidently. You can alzo do alaw plank wth your elbows aligned underneath your shoulders. Forearms need to remain shoulder width apart —do not grip your hands together Keop a neutral spine by aligning the tip of your head to tipof your tailbone in one long straight line. The heels should ln from the badly es you suk your bellybutton nto your sine and tuck your ‘aban i, When making this minor adjustment, many people begin shaking lie crazy! ‘Watch out for: Plank Jacks % Wrong: When done incorrectly, the plank can truly hurt your lower back Many people either dip their hips too law or push their butt too high in the air as they ar pl ng aka jumping your lags out and in while ina plank. Watch out for drooping you head into the shoulders Allo this usually happens because the body becomes ‘lazy’. However. there is no easy way or shortcut when i cme to ering elective. Yow to fe but wil help too, Keep your gaze down onthe mat - dont lack upin al your shoulders beck, squeeze your shoulder blades and scoop your abs in. Sometimes. squeezing your F you and do net look at your feat. Keep your back in alignment with your head es your ae jumping in and out. A sight bend n the knees is ok to help with impact. push! bee belly button into spine When Lying on Your Back (Supin sually per Whee yng on your b ring abdominal exercises, and you wil ned toe mindful of hw your back s esting ‘on the mat It isthe diflerence between actually werking your abs or exhausting your hip flexors. You will hear me say Pilates Stance’ a lot throughout PIIT28, This means that you will have your head, neck. and shoulders Med off then ro works being done in your neck. Orly your abs. id ld be engaged and yout head should be restirg In this sono eyes looking at 45 degree diagonal. upwards. Your abs shou ionally by getting into Plates Stance, you wil naturally press your lower into the mat. There should absoltely be ne hollow underoath your lower back Watch out fors Double De 3% Wrong: Tao many people hurt their neck: their lower back, and their hip flexors when doing the Double Ds incorrectly If yout foal your lowor backing olf tho mat. your neck straining as your eyes ate looking atthe caling and you dont feel your abs at all. stop eHow ie Bell Pliny kavilc eden necd Mbercltlclhrpouuarclln it you bos and shoulders off the mat. Proceed tolift your legs ofl the mat. straight nt the sr Lower them as low as you can go belare your lower back lifts of the mat. Then engage your lewer abs circle wide outwards, ard lit them back up. If you feel too much pressure in your hip flexors. then extend your fingors and make a triangle between your thumb and index fingers and place them underneath you talbone. This ull create a tiny elevation so that your lower back ean reat safely against the mat. In this modified pesiton, rest your head. squeeze quads head rack & flat lied When Lying on Your Back (Sup When lying on your usually perlorirg abdoninl exercises ad you willed to be mind ah ckis esting at Lis the dillerence between actully working your abs or exhausting your ip lexrs shoulderslifted off this stance, You wi hear me sy Pista Stare alot thoughout PTB, Thiam you will have your head. nec the mal eyes looking at 2 45 degree diagonal, upwar ol your head should 10 work is being done in your neck Only your ab 2s Stance. you wil na into the mat. Th lly press your lower back re should absolutely ben hollow underneath your lower back. Watch out for: Dou! 3% Weongs Too many people hurt their neck ther lower back, and their hip flexors when doing the Double Dsincorrecly If you 1 lower back tn ima, your neck straining as your eyes are looking at the cling and you do fee your abs tall stop. Howto fe and shoulders off lace your hands the nape of your neck elbon bs Ht your head, neck mat, Proceed tot you legs ofl th lifts off the mat. Then en them a low as you can go before your lowe and lft them back up. If you feel too much pressure i yer hip lleors then ex underneath you our fingers and make a triangle between your thumb and index fingers ar talbone. This wil create atny le 0 that your lower back can vest sally against the mat. In this modified poston, rest your heed low beck head ls ———— eck & ‘When Lying on Your Stomach (Prone)... When lying on your stomach, you need to make sure that your back sin ine wth your head. The movements that you willbe performing in his position wl usualy work the muscles of your posterior, ike your but, backer hametings. ois important to create 2 fi and sturdy to protect yoursell fom injury and to get the most out ofthe movements Watch out for: Grasshoppers 3% Wrong: In Grasshopper. many people it their head off the floor and begin to look around. This takes your back out of alignment and will decrease the floxbilty you need tot your quads off the mat to work your glutes! Additional, watch out for iting your ches as you lft your quads! Thats nono! Y How toil [Notice hw yourneck srt scrunched and also‘ hyperextended. is simply resting so that the bulk of the work can be focused on Place your hands underneath your forchead and keep your head there as you lit your queds off the mat the lower body. Let your chest be heavy and your log ight 2s you bit them. Engage your but and your lower back - this will hlp you set height inthe movers spine squesre shies NO rest -_ / onhards quads ible personal evolution, 1. You will take » before photo \\ and save it for your own | records. AL Check out the next page to D220 how to take a proper \,_belore and after photo 5. On day 28, you will ake an ator photo and ereate a final collage to post to Instagram! The belore goes on the left and the after geet onthe right. Tellus how youve tranalcred. I youve completed all 28 f PIITSTAGRAM. then youve red yoursell the PIIT28 Completion To get verified forthe tank jut go ino the Forum and fill out the application linked there and | need you to do exactly as 4 you understand what PIT sand how it works, ets tlk about your next 28 days ts going to be an 2. You will commit to the 28 day PIITstagram Challeng: Post one photo each day on Instagram to document your personal journey This step is fropersthaces | nact eu mcapert porative. as | need you to become a pa af the PIT commurity, Having social suppor a key factor to your personal success inthis program. Not ony do | want you to apan up and a A nity, I want you lo cheer others on as wall by commenting king, and following! You wi his program wil ast way longer than th The affcialhashtogs are #PIIT2B and *D II Tprincess ind that the friendships you create during 8 days for fun, 5. You will commit to doing PIIT 6 days a week forthe next 4 weeks. Make sure to do your Warm Up as well as your selected Flexibility Training exch day fram the Get Flory Guide There car for you to follow ye. Donat skip a day The progzamis ‘only 28 days end is designed to tun your body into highly efficient at burning machine, Follow 4. You wll commit to The 28 Day Reset. for the naxt 28 days you wll be This mes doing a omission challenge. You wil be cuting the flowing out of your at all dairy, luten supa and processed gains. The ny we are doing, thins to cacover any food senstvtes you may in cerder to find your op! are unsure what recipes to make, plese r real guide, The 28 Day Rese. or energize you and lean you fom the Are you ready? Let’s do this! Your before and after photo is EXTREMELY important! This helps motivate you and keep you accountable. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to soe your progress during your journey. To se your results of your body transformation, take pictures in tight-fiting short workout-wear or sim wear, something you feel comfortable showing your body in But dont weer lingerie! You want tobe able to share tis picture. If possible, take fullbody pictures in a white background and at diferent angles (Front, side, and back). You may pose with your hands onthe hips or flexing the arms, and fet side by side, but romain consistent for the after pictures. This wil gve you a good view of muscle and toning definition in your body and make you proud of your progress, Pictures dort ie! When you post before and after pictures make sure thatthe before picture son the lft, and the ator picture son the vght. Here are some free apps that you can download to make greet before and alter collage-e: + Instocolloge + Insta Pclrames + Pic Stitch + FrameUrLife BEFORE AFTER than fat. you may end up weighing more bu looing lesner Do not wey about the number you see on the scale, Sure you can record it for your own records, but dont lett dictate how you fea any progress points in between! Make sure to breathe Heres how to measure your body propery for your Before” your “Ae wmber! Just snug isright, Measure atthe same crmally, dort suckin entra and don pul the tape entra ight to get asm 9, ensure thatthe tape is parallel to the fleor in all measurements doy if youwant accurate readings to compare. / 1. Bicep: Measure at the mid-point between the shoulder and elbow with your arm al your side. 2. Bust Pl around the largo prt of our chest the measuring aps across your rips and nessun 3. Chest Place the messuing tape measure around the torso, cdr your pecs (or breasts) and 4, Waist: Measure at th belly button point of your wast. right above the 5. Hips: Measure across the widest part of your but and goal the wey aroun your bp heres yet pelcrege 6. Thigh: Measure atthe maximal gh of your thigh MY MEASUREMENTS: BEFORE AFTER 1. Bicep: 1. Bicep: 2.Bust 2 Busts 3.Chesk__________ 3. Chest: 4. Waist 4. Waist 5. Hips: 5. Hips: 6. Thighs 6. Thighs #PIIT28 // #PIITPrincess og Oo a Oo Take a before : iture for yourself, 4 Cadevtgeata 4 9 Post your 8 Post.a pic aff Instead, post 2 favorite workout tell me what Seale ” ig that your ultimate yourelltethe — Pateqcictate —Potsnabrgthatndae 2078 8 Bo ain cma Community. SS fi pumps you up! Petsssivste Su yaa dream is Oo Oge-4 qa q i Ray ¢ nae Pest something youre ‘your before pic a end Posto picture onthelleft anda a, rasta BE wrod pe on Aatepcmenigyor Seccenged wrdbuesvihech Oat etnepidlon Fate pteeyodang OLYOU TOVOPS tei Toll evorte ae toyor other!) otra yourlorortecsense book how you feel. oO oO O G mm [a ffenes: et succes J Posta selfie Pal apicturealll ce from today (We shelley. (oll ' ke a most atheme Tellus Pata quctotolowpjou Payur bration ROW YOU TOOK ee whales yeuleel Pat epcafuhal ye aly lero navacllewhowea ty gorgeous) fonvinnyunacid tht poe NOloul G Gm | ~ = RBM Pest Bipicturay) Pastanothét » tellds something of you without siyeaty sélfic | yu love abel make-up | re helene (SHOW Off your yoUE (non (caturel Tel Stmccabie hard work!) physical) Patyerloertether Patyerkreh am dey beauty!) how you feel. Then you will proceed to do your daily PIIT workout which is only 28 minutes and 40 sac lang! These workouts were created to be fast and ellectve, so thet you co the shortest sist of 7 carey p ngthe specific muscle group ofthe day. You conds. and your rest period wll P you ko listed on the PIIT28 Calendar on page 7 Step 1: Warm-Up Step 2: Your PIT (Repeat Ax) Prepare Workout Rest between rounds < foe the App Store or the Google Play Store Inside xiton tha says Took he bottom lft hand corner. Click that and s¢ the Timer lor a one time fae of $1.99 o 4. PREPARE: You wil at or 10 seconds iets tured ups tha yoscan her me count youdown, Ala you can ley mai concent inthe backyound ko ines S you secofrestin en what to dl Thisis your PIIT28 10 Calendar! Youre working out 6 days a week and each PIIT i only 28 minutes and 40 seconds lng! Thats nothing! | also want you to do your Warmup before your PIIT and your appropriate Flexibility raining (Flexy) afterwards Cwarmup PUT 1A: ce LOFLexy: Tal Body (warmup (pur 17: Core Crusher COFLEXy: Tol Body (warmup PIT 1A: fe (FLexy: Total Body (warmup (puri: Core Crasher CFLexy: TaalBody (warmup IT 1.2: Proc Lags CIFLexy: Lower Body (warmup (nT 1.8: Dancers Lege COFLExy: Llnwer Body (warmup PHT 1.2: ain Lage (Ftexy: Lower Body Liwarmup (pur: Dancer's Legs CIFLexy: Lower Body (warmup (pur 1s: Uist Upper (warmup Dopuris: La a CFLexy: Upper Body (warmup (pur 1.3: Uinate Upper Body Upper Body (warmup PUT 19: el Bed Upper Body (warmup PUT 1.6: o Booty Lit COFLexy: Lower Body os 5 Clwarmup Opin: Bubble Butt a er D = (warmup (puri: Bubble Butt (FLEX: (aap You've got this, Stick wth t and your body wil transfor in 4 short woe! Printout this page and check lf each workout a you complete. bot ot 16 wn de de InAA 11:2 0 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Works: abs, utes hip Nexo hastings AA) Beginin afl lack B) Exhale, pull your right knee in towards your hands, Inhale, extend the legback to plank Repeat alternating sides and cmbing as fst you con **"To Mody Plank onthe knees ‘option 1: Bring knees into chest at a slower pace.option 2: Drop toplank on the hess and bring inees into chee slowly ane at QO caiss.cross Works: ats ebliques ‘A) Lie on your back with your legs in tabletop and your hands behind the nape of your neck, elbows wide B) Exhale tthe ight shoulder of the mat and bringit towards the lfthnee, Inhale, totum to start and altemate othe other side **"To Mody: Keep head neck and shoulders onthe mat, and only perform exercise withthe legs. Owe HIGH KNEES ‘Works: quads, cabs, gles. nner thighs A) Standing tall fet wider than hip datance par, jump from one foot vile bringing your opposite knee up as high as possible. B) Jump wit the other foo. and repeat. **°To Modify: Omit the jump. and simply bring one knee up as high as possible while kerating lege ine Orr CRUNCH @buanx JACKS Oscateo WINDMILLS Works: upper abs Works: bs, obliques, hip abductors & Works: abs, abliques, A) Lis on your back with your fst on the mat knees bent. Place the hands behind the nape of the neck wih the elkows out wide B) Brace your abdominals as you lit the shoulders of the mat for3 court. Every time you cunch uplift litle higher each tine, for total of 3 crunches before returningto start Osie LUNGE HOPS Works: tes. quads. iano highs A) Standing tll fat hip cstance apart. step cone foot aut to the side bending that knee to a 9 -degree angle wile Leeping the other eg straight feeling stetch in your inne thigh. B) Jump up and land with opposite leg bent 90 degrees and othe lag extended long in side lunge. ***To Mody: Omit the jump. and step ito slternating side lunges. adductor glies 1A) Stortin a ll plank B) Jump your fest autin wide V and quickly raturn boc ta plank, be» jumping jack. Keop your Abs tight. Beginners you may step out one lg at atime. ***To Modify: Ont the ump, and instead step one foot to the outside of your mat at atime |A) From seated poston, aon back onto your elbows, keeping head, neck and shoulders ted, chest proud. Lift lags straight up ver your hips Inhale as you lower legs to the right using your obliques. B) Exhale as your Wl leg back upto starting ‘position and repeat on other side. *°°To Modify: Li allthe wey denn, extend arms out the side in aT” position keeping shoulders on the mat. Keep a bend in the knees, Elevated Hot Fast Squats Single-Log Hops Plié Hops Frogay Hope PA ee er ery ae ag ees Cas eet SLs 1.21 Orasr SQUATS Works: ghtes,queds hamstirgs AA) Standing tll feet hip distance apart and hands behind head, elbows wide. Using your lower body st back into a squat while keeping your chest forward B) Quickly press your heels into the floor to Hk back up ino starting postion **"To Mody: Slow the squats down if youneeded. @ LONG LUNGE PULSES Werks: quads, ghtes 1A) Stop right foot aut in ont bana at the ne, making sure it dossnt go past your ankle Back legis extended lang behind you, heel up, pressing back B) Bend and straighten your back keg to feel a nice quad stretch while keeping your font leg strong. 8 SINGLE-LEG HOPS ‘Works: lute. quads cales hamstrings |A) Stand on your left leg witha sight bend con the knee and right fot ited behind you B) Begin hopping continuously in place. You ‘may use your ars to help youhop higher. **"Te Modify: Place one fat onthe foor forbalonce Ocievaten HOT 8 PLIE HOPS 0 ELEVATED CLAMS POTATO Works:hip adlctors, quads gltes Works: lates Works: quads, elites, core A) Start in alow wide plié. knees facing in the A) Start ina side plank on the left knee. [A) Startin a side lark on the sight knas. You should be inone straight line fem your head to yourkness and with the hips facing forward, B) Extend the ll lag and Mt up and lower making tangle, Imagine your fot touching something hat. Tap top fron, ft up, then “top tap back, pet **"To Mody: Perform exercise onthe elbow, bottom lag longon the mat Orroccy HOPS Works: ghtes, hamstrings, quads shoulders abs AA) Beginin afl plank B) Hop your fet next tothe ouside of your hands and quiclly hop back to start **"To Mody: stead of jumping legs to- wards yourhards, step one foot a aime, nd then step back into plank direction your feet are facing, and chest open. 1B) Press pint ain jump and land sflly back into your pis ***To Mody: Ont the ur, and perform regular pié squats instead with your right eg stacked over the left leg Beginners you may lis down on your sda on themet B) Lik the right nee up tke youre opening cam (the fet remain touching) than lower thelnes back down. Desi let your hip go back as you open up ***To Mou: Perform the exercise on yor aon 1.3 ULTIMATE UPPER A BODY 0 HIGH KNEES Works: queds, cles utes A) Stang tll feet hip cistance apart jump fram right fot while singing your lft knee uphigh B) Alternate knees wile jumping from the bal of your ect ***To Mody: hatead of jumping bing one knee upto ches ata te, Ovrve DOWN-DOWN Works: pecs. triceps decd traps core AA) Start in a plank onthe elbow, and have the forearms facing towards the fron B) Press up with your right hand as your left hand follows nto ful plank. placing your hands where your elbows were, beneath the shoulders. Then come down to start onthe same side you pressed up with, onthe right. Repeat, and svitch tothe other se halfay **"To Modify: Perform exercise from bee plank Oreo HOPS Works: quads. abs shoulders A) Startin full plank. B) Hop your fet halfney, senckng your hips upinto an inverted V position. Keep a alight bend onthe knees tohop back to str. “To Modify: Wall your fet forward hall wey and then beck to plank @ HALF-COBRA 6 SQUAT CLAPS PUSH-UPS Works: triceps, desde traps ‘A) Lyingon your slomach, bring your hands ext toyour armpits. Keep the elbows next to your bs and facing back, BB) Exhale, open up the fingers, and press halfway upto cobra iting your upper body, shoulders bock. Inhale: lone with conto lheeping your elbows tucked by your sides. ‘Works: gutes, qed hamstrings ‘A) Lower down into a squat, keeping chest forward, back Mat. Bring one arm down to the floor in front of you whl you rotate the other arm op 'B) Jump up as you clap and come back down into squat with opposite erm i ont end ‘other arm in the air. 0 ZIG-ZAG JUMPS ‘Works: cabs, quads, hamatings, gles |A) Stand wth your fet hipwidth apart and your hands by your sides. B) Jump you fet together quickly tothe left side then diagonal and beck to the left side agsin making 2 Z. Feet sty hio-with spar. ***To Modify: Stop your zag ata faster pace instead of jumping 0 PUSH-UP WITH SIDE PLANK Werks: triceps pecs. elcid, coe A) Statin plank with your core engaged B) hale, bend the elbows tothe outside and lower your body towards the mat. Exhale, push up ard twist tho sight iting the right armup, inhale. Then exhale back to start, ‘peat ahernating side planks. ***To Modify: Perform exercise from ee plank 1ALEAN BODY. AA Oxo RUN TO HIGH KNEES Works: calves, quads hastings. bs AA) Beginin a stance wider than your ips, foot facing forward, cove tight. chest ited pals Facing each other with a sight bend on the elbows ready to sprint. B) Stort in a jog asf you are going through mud for 3 counsellematng legs 12. Then ssitch toa sprint with high knes, for another S counts. use arms sings to increase your intensity ***To Mody: Skip the sprint and just alternate high knees while keeping one legin contact with the ground @ HIP TWISTS ‘Works: obliques legs shoulders ‘A) Come toa plank onthe elbows BB) That your torso and lower the side af your bip to touch the mat, come back to plank and twist tothe oer side. Keep your abdominals engaged. **"Te Madly: Perform with yur knees on the mat. roating hip side to side Osvarces ‘Works: gies. quads cakes 'A) Bring one foot oui rot painting your toe forward back fat paral. Arms ne extended out long, shoulders relored. Bend your knees while keeping your chest open and back flat. B) Jump up and a you do rotate so you are focing the apposite direction es you lower into the squat. Ta Modify: Limit your range of mation with the jum, o stop from side to side @bvxeo PUSH-UPS @ sumone LUNGES Orou.urs Works: vices, trap, deltid A) Beginin down-dog position, Have your arms and legs extended and your hips up high B) Focus on pling your bellybutton towards the scine. Start bending the elbows by bring: ing your head towards the mat. and exhale as you pressup. ***To Modify: Perform from the knees, Orso OVERS. Works: quads, ches AA) Stand tall wih fet hip distance apart, arms langbeside you B) As you jump up. pretend you are jumping corer abox othe other side, Repeat back and forth **"Ta Modlfy: Omit the jump, and instead step your feet from side to side Works: glutes, quads hamstrings A) Begin in inge poston wth one leg ut in front, knee bent 90 degrees backlog long behind B) Press through the fet to jump up then land back down in lange position *** To Moxhly: Ont the jump and bt and lower from your knge position Werke: core 'A) Lie down on your back, bring your arms. above the head and your lags lngin front B) Exhale, oop the belly in as you pee! your back of the mat veriebrae by vertebrae Simdlaneousyit the arms up imagining you are being pulled by your hands to sit up. ‘Come int siting tall with your arms by your cars and chest ited. Inhale tuck your chinin nd loner with cortrel to sta. ***To Modify: Bend the knees, or grab onto your hips for assistance aneat Aa Gere il 15 Ornont KICKS Werks: abs, quads, hamstrings, utes AA) Stand with your feet hip-width apet and bring your hands in ron af you in boxing position. B) Engage your core, shift your weight to the left lag and Ifthe right leg to kick forward Bring tack o standing and switch legs Repeat ata fest pace and wit conta @ QUICK FEET Works: calves, quads glues, hamstrings ‘A) Stand with fet hip width opart feet facing forward B) Star shifting your woight onto the ball, cf your feet and step into an imaginary box between your feat. Allama legs stepping inn, ond outout, repeating sequence as fast as youcan, ***To Modify: Start at a slow-to-moderata pect Ocisp UNDERS @ IN N OUTS Work: quods hamsings AA) Standing tll ick one foot up as high as fou cent while you clap your hands tnler your log: Make sure you dont round your back out as you op. BB) Bring that fot dows while ringing arms overhead, then akernate capping under tho oprenite leg O BUTT KICKS Works: quads hamstrings elites AA) Stan tall with your fet hipwidth apart. B) Quickly begin jumping in place alternating lags ringing the fet back bind to touch your butt. Land softly and on the bells of your fet. ‘Works: quads, ghtes hamstrings ‘A) While keeping chest forward, and a fat beck jump fact out wide B) Inmecitely ump back ino a narrow squat Repeat as fs a you con @acteenatine FRONT LUNGES Works: glues hamstrings. quads A) Stand tll fet hip-width apart, nd bring your ams up above the head B) Lunge forward with your ght lag, both Inaes bent at 90-degjeos. Then, press up with the right leg to starting position and repeat on the other lg. ***To Mody: Perform mini lunges with hands ina Tor onthe hips for balance Qywountain CLIMBERS Werks: abs. glutes hip Nexors hamelings |A) Begin full plank B) Exhale, pul your right knee in tewards your hands. Inhale, extend the lg back to plank Repeat allematng sides and climbing as fost as youcan, *°"Ta Modify Plan: on the lnaes option I: Bring nea into ches at slower pace. option 2: Drop to plank onthe knees and bring knaes into chest lowly one at atime. PIT STOP FOR THANKSION PIIT Stops happen once a week with the purpote of lelting your muscles relax and recover! Its important for you to lake a day off forthe Following reasons: 1. Rest wil help preven injury by preventing overuse of your msl an joints. 22. When you ae strength tisiring you ae actualy making cr tears in your muscle hbers Soo truly beni from the work, you reed to give your immune system time to repair and grow the muscle. ‘3. Overtniningcan cause restlessness end therefore, abad nigh’ sleep. When you exercise too much, you may fn that your resting heart rates higher than normal wich makes it hard fr you to relax and fll asleep which results in crankness the next day! 4 Rest prevents burnout! you keep ging and gong and going your performance level will drop because youll be physically and MENTALLY tied! TASK: TELL 3 PEOPLE “THANK YOU.” KATIE! | JUST WANT TO THANK SETS Ta] TY esa ATT Sse STS TTS TT TEMES Ae ian SN Ta aL 3 aaa Soe TST USS aa Todd, | want you to tae 5 minutes out of your day and think about 3 people who you want ta say thankyou to forimpacting your le in costve nay Alt of times. we gt uncomfortable about lating ceople know how we feel but get overt! Ling semaone now thal they've helped you really reises their confidence while improving your relationship with one another. Kind messages that come ‘out ofthe lus are alvaye lovely gis to raceive that can turn abbad dey into their best day f the weele ‘Se would ke youto text, ema call or somehow contac these 3 people youve been thinking ofan tllthem THANK YOU for something, Deit now! The goal of todays atv sto spread the postive energy you are bubbling with. Youre not using your energy to do PIIT workout, 0. some ofthat efor to ge asmileto someone else (Once you've done the above, you have successlly completed your PIT Stop for Thanks! 1.6 Oruck JUMPS Works: quads. hates. abs hamstings AA) Start ina squat, with your fet hip-wdth part B) Pres up toa jump and quickly tuck your knees in iting es high a you con. Land softy beck down into a squat. Repeat tuck jumps at a est pace ***To Mody: Skip the jump and squal to alternating your legs with high knee tucks QO enassuoprer Works: ghtes lower back AA) Lie dowm on your stomach, vith your fore head resting on your hands. Fold your knees and bring them to the ouside of your mal heels and toes touching and pointing up B) Squeeze your butt and tighten your core to If the lags of the mat for pulses O WALL SQUAT Works: ghtes, quads hamstrings cahies ‘A) Stand with your head and back against 2 wall. and fet shoulder width apart, about 18 inches away from the wall, Extend arms out front B) Lower ino a squat postion unt your thighs axe parallel with the flor Hold SQUAT Works: utes, quads |A) Hold hands together and come ino a nar row squat, butt back and kes behind your toss, Keeping your chest open and back tall Hit and point the right lag up whe balancing on theleft B) Straighten the lf ag, and then bend nto a single legged squat. 8 DOUBLE PULSE SPLIT JUMP Works: gutes, quads ‘A) Come into hinge position with right eg in front bent 90-degres. keeping your knee over the ankle. Keep your beck leg long B) Pulse down into the lunge twice, then pes through the feet to jump, end then land bck nt the lange on the ether sda and repeat, “Ta Modkly: Ont the jump, @ SINGLE-LEGGED Oro HOP SQUAT ‘Works: quds, gates hastings cahes ‘A) Stand witha sight bend onthe knees, feet ipswich apert, hands by your sides B) Hop twice to the ight and land intoa squat. Repeat back o the left side and so forth BRIDGE Works: gies hanstings A) Begin ying in ridge fet together and thet your ight leg up B) Keeping your core tight, lower the hips dour, squeeze your but and ft back up. "To Modify: Keep both fat onthe mat and perform regular bridge pulses. 1.7 CORE CRUSHER AA : ha aa den Ut 8 . ~—_ inka i;4 Lean & “4 Be Bm edae yr w Py ee, IP? 1.7 CORE CRUSHER AA 0 HIGH KNEES Works: quads. calves ghites AA) Standing tll fect hip-vith apart, jmp from right foot whl ringing your let knee phigh B) Alternate knees while jumping rom the ball of your feet **To Modify: Instead of jumping, bring one neo up lo your chest at time, @dousie Ds Works: abs, hip lesrs AA) Lie on your back with your legs extended up ard toes pointed. You may place your hands behind your talbone for support B) Inhale, open your legs and draw a half 2 circle tote sides as your legs meet atthe bottom. Exhale for doubleleg ft, drawing double Ds **"To Mody: Keop head, neck and shou- ders down onthe mat and mele smaller Ds oO MOUNTAIN ‘CLIMBERS Werks: abs glues hip lesors, hamsiings A) Begin in a full plank B) Exhale. pl our ight knee in towards your hands, Inhale, extend the keg beck to plank Repeat alternating sides and climbing as fast 2 you con. ***To Mody Plank on the knees pti t: Bring knees into ches ata slower pace. option 2: Drop to plank on the knees and bing knees into chest only ane a atime 8 BURPEES ‘Works: abs ‘A) Lay down on mat lower back pressed into the floor, hands behind head, keeping elbows. wide. Bring lags up saight over the hips Spt legs is shighily lower than the other. tons pointed B) Keeping gaze forward, perform a crunch lifting through the abs. ‘Works: glues, quads ches, rms |A) Begin in squat postion with your hands on the loorin front of you BB) Jump feet back into a plank postion nd perform a pushup C) dan fet back nto hards, ower into squat position and jump stesight up with aris overhead ***To Mody: Omit the pushup by jumping to plank nd then bringing eet backinto the bands, and/or ont the jump and simply stand tallinstead @ SPLIT LEG CRUNCH Osive.unce HOPS ‘Works: glues inner thighs ‘A) Standing tall feet hip distance apart stop ‘one foot out to the side bending that knee to.a 20 degra angle, while loeping the other lg stright felig a srtch in your inne thigh. B) Jump up and land with opposite leg bent 90-deress and the other one extended long in side lange. "To Modify: Onit the ump, and tepinto Ihecnaing side lunges. QBeacie CRUNCHES ‘Works: abe |A) Lie down onthe mat with your righ lag wrapped over and around your lll and your ight arm wrapped over your lf, clasped your hands together ino eagle pose B) Exhale. enrich up 2 you bring your eb bows and knees to mee iting your holders and tal-bone of the mat. Inhale, and turn foster. Pllank Jack Straight Leg Elevated Leg ‘Squat Hops Dancer's Sweep. Plis Hops Deer) een) ant Paes eee ee 3. Do Lower Body Flexi aes Sa A cd oY \ al, Abad iAA 5 7 1.8 DANCER'S LEGS Ooranx JACK DONKEY KICK Works: abs, rms, shoulders, legs ‘A) Beginin plork postion hands under shoulders, leet extended long behind. Jump bath fect out wide. B) As you bring feet back in, bend the knees and jump Feet up to your but then extend bockinto plank ond repeat. ***To Modify: Wale feet out instead of jpmping ond then bring one fot up at tins to yourbut. @roancers SWEEP @ SQUAT HOPS Werks: glutes, obliques, quads A) Sit telloth your right eg bent in font of you. your fat by your inner thigh and your left legerossed over the right knee. Take the arms tothe right na hul-dance position B) Lift thee lego the mat and send back ine crear mation, Your rms flow the sae movement of the le, Bow your ches forward when reaching behind and sweepit back te start ***To Modify: Place the arms down in front of you and move the lg ina pedating motion from the side toback ony Oboue HOPS Works: hip addlactors, quads gltes A) Startin a low wide pli, knees facing i the dlrection your lot are facing and chest open. Beginners you may come up higher in your pli. B) Pross up into a mini ump and land solly back into your plis. **"To Modify: Skip the jmp and come to standing instead @ STRAIGHT LEG HEEL LIFT Works: gites, hamstrings ‘A) Come down tothe elbows, making sure they ae right under your shoulders. Bend the knees onthe mat, then extend one leg out long, toes on floor, heel lifted. B) While beeping your foot lexed, extend bck leg up as high as you can, squeezing your gies Works: gtes, quads, hamstrings ‘A) Lower down into squat, keeping knees over the anles, chest forward and alt back, Briggone hand down tothe fear in rot oF you B) Press through the fet to jump up and then come back down ilo the starting posi tin his opposite hand on the floor. **°To Modify: Omit the jump and come into a regulor squat Orrocev HOPS ‘Works: guts hamstrings, quads shoulders, abs A) Begin ina fll plank B) Hop you Feet nest tothe ouside of your hands and quelly hop back to start **"Te Modify: Ship the hop and akernate cach leginstead. Qeievareo LEG CIRCLES Works: les thighs |A) Bring your hand under your shoulder. bottom knee bent on the mat right under your tip, Keep your ches square withthe wall front of you. Lift top lg up triht B) Loner yourlag down tothe flac in rot of you ard bit back up na creular mation tothe other side ***To Modify: Perform rom the elbow sup- porting your hand with your heed. Bottom leg ‘s extended lng onthe mat. Limit your range «of mation with your cles, 1.9 SLEEK & SEXY BACRA. Ocuro UNDERS Were quads, hamstrings AA) Standing tll ick one foot up as high as fa false ho yr henley: lag, Make sure you dnt round your back out fs you clap, BB) Bring that fot down while ringing arms overhead, then akernate clapping under the opposite leg Oo RIGGER Werks: triceps, core ‘A) Start in tabletop, hands directly below the shoulders, then it and extend the right lag behind you B) Inhale and bard your elbows keeping them close to your sides ard stert lowering your chin towards the mat. Core is engaged andbackie fat. Exhale, pres upto start and repeat. then switch legs hallway “To Mody: Stay on both knees for ticop paahiins, Ouxcz JUMPS Works: calves, quads hastings gles |A) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by your sides B) Jump your fet together qucly to the left side then agonal and back to the lel side agin. makinga Z. Feet slay hip-widthapart “To Mody: Step your gag ala faster pce instead of junging, @ PARACHUTER 6 PLANK JACKS Works: lower & upper back ghites ‘A) Lio on your stomach with your quads Med cff the mat legs hip clstance apart, chest ited and elbows pressed back al a 90 degree oa, you press your elbows into your mid- back it your chest higher, and press your legs up. ***To Modify: Lift your upper body, while leering your legs onthe mat and then ft your legs while leeping your chest down Works: abs, arms shoulders ‘A) Bagi in plank position, hands under your shoulders legs extended lng, heals pressing behind you B) Jump both fet out tothe side, and then back nto plank while keeping your butt down the entire time, "To Modi Step feet outinstoad jumping Obrxeo HOPS Works: quads abs, shoulders ‘A)Siartin aul plank B) Hop your fet halvay. sending your hips pinto an irworted V position Keep a sight bend in the knees te hop back to start. **"To Modify: Quickly walk your feet forward halfway then back to start, Obusuine GRASSHOPPER ‘Works: triceps utes. back |A) Lie facedown wit your hands by your shoulders, elbows tucked in. Bring the knees tothe outside ofthe mat, fold the knees heels and toes touching B) Press your hands onthe al and come up into.ahalé-cobra push-up. Lower your ches then squeeze your butt and lift the knees off the mat and lower yoursell. Repeat aterat- inghal- cobra push-ups and grasshopper lifts 1.10 FAT BURN FESTA 0 HOP OVERS Works: quads, cles A) Stand tll wih fet hie distance apart, arms long beside you B) As you jump up, pretend you are jumping over abax othe other side. Repeot back and orth “To Mody: Omitthe jump, and insteod step your feet from side to side Osive PLANK DIPPERS Werks: obliques, shoulders A) Come nt a sce plank on the eloow making sure your elbow is drectly under your shoulder, extending legs long, fet stacked B) Dip yourhios down to the mat, and it back up using your obliques. ***To Modify Bend the knees into @ modi- fed side plank 7) BURPEES Works: ghtes, quads chest, rs, legs [A) Begin in squat postion with hands on the floor infront of you. B) Jump feet back into plank poston. and perform a pushup, C) Jump feat back inte hands lower into squst position and jump straight up with arms overhead °° To Modify: Omit the pushup by jumping to plank and then bringing fet back into the hands and/or amit the jum anal stand tallinstead Works: triceps. quads A) Begin a seated poston hands under your shoulders with fingers facing forward while keeping shoulders back and down. Bend the legs to your fet are onthe mat knees over your heals, and lft up your but B) Lower your elbows down and hick ene lag straight up as your bull moves towards the mat **"To Mody: Keop a sight bend in your elbow and button the mat, while al straight ering one lag a you lower down. ‘Works: quads, tes calves hamstrings A) Stand ina narrow staggered stance, your fight fotin font BB) Jump and bring your eet gether, jump asin ard take the right foot back, Rept back together again and so orth, scoring your legs as fest as you cen. Ornaicep KICK N DIP 8 MUD RUNS TO HIGH KNEES Works: calves. quads hamstrings abs |A) Begin na stance wider than your hips, fect facing forward, core tight chest ited pals facing each ather with alight bend on the elbows ready to sprint B) Statin aja if you are going through mud for 3 counts: ateratinglegs 12-3. Then witch oo sprint with high knees, for another 3 counts, Use ars sings to increase your intensity *°"Ta Mody: Ship the apcint ond alternate high knees while lasping one lag in contact with the ground O sumone LUNGES Oeire HYDRANT KICKS Works: glues thighs A) Come om all fours, hands under the shoul ders knees bert under the hips. Keeping knee bent, lit leg out tothe side as high 2s you can, B) While the lis ited, extendit out ong, pointing the toe. Bend the knee to bring t back in PIT STOP FOR PRAISEIIMS Here we are agin at another PIIT Stop! love the energy and he enthusiasm thal youve been showings far. Youre getting slron- ger end more ponerlul wih every single workout you complete kis now tne to give your muscles a break sotht they can grow, Toke today to relax and do more ofthe things you love Ready for your PIIT Stop actviy? TASK: GIVE 5 PEOPLE A COMPLIMENT. ee MEE a} PTUs TRAE a) RC mim a CTCL aa ie VOU'RE THE BEST WAITER I'VE EVER HAD! 'VE NEVER MET AIST un eS BECAUSE YOU INSPIRE Day 1373171) Va a aM OES Ct Tah ee Ca aT eg Todd, | want yout tae 5 minutes to think about S people who you want ta ghe a compliment to. They eauld be 2 close frend» family membar a teacher yourlocal coflseshap bart, eocial media frend hom a diferent country or sven a stranger! Now, | want you to go give out those compliments. and give it like you mean it! You can say itn person, through text acall,oreven a comment on Instagram! I does not matter: The point is to giv. and pve sll. The goal of todays activity sto make 5 people fel good cboutthemsehes.| know that you ae brimming with good energy becouse youre pat of aur very vibrant PIIT community that sweets together and supports one another. But alt of people may nat bein such a fortunate place. So, be that positive energy that they ne=d, ‘Once you've done the above, you have successhlycampleted your IIT Stop for Praise 1.11 BUBBLE BUTT aA O,umenc LUNGES @ ELEVATED LEG Werks: quads, lute, hamstrings AA) Statin a forward hinge with you lt leg forward and yu right leg about three feet back B) Jump up and scissor your legs so that yout ight leg comes forward landing scl into ange onthe other eg, Repeat stemating spl jump CIRCLES Works: lites thighs A) Bring your hand under your shoulder. brttom knee bent on the mat right under your bip. Keep your chest square with the valn front of you. Lit your top lu straight. BB) Lower your lagdown ta the floor in ron of you and ft back up ina crcular motion ll the wy behind you ***To Modify: Perfor from your elbow. supporting your hand with yourhead Bttom legis extended longo the mat. Limit your range of motion with your creles 8 FAST SQUATS Works: gles. quads hemstrings 'A) Stand tl feet hip istence apart and hands behind head, elbows wide. Using your lower body sit back nto squat while keeping chest forward. B) Quickly press your heals into the orto it back up inte starting posting **"To Modify: Slower tho squats down you need tol 0 LYING HAMSTRING 8 HOP HOP SQUAT 0 RAINBOW BUTT CURLS Works: tes hrstings A) Lis on yourbell hands under your ein, chest resting onthe mat. Elevate quads off the mot and fx your fet long behind you B) Kick yourhaal to your but, an then extend them back lang whe keeping your quads off the nat. “To Mody: Keep your quads on the mat Owcex JUMPS Wes: legs glites AA) Begin ina standing posing age slightly bent B) Quiclly dip into hall squat, ard immedi ately explode up driving your knees towards yourchast, sttempting to touch them to the pals of your hande ‘Works: quads, tes hamstrings cabes A) Stand with a sight bend in thelnees, fest bip-width apart hands by your sides. B) Hop twice tothe right and land into = squat, Repeat backon thet side and solorth ‘Works: utes shoulders A) Get into dovnnard dog with hands in Irn chest presse towards the mat heels pressed down Ty to aten your back Raise your ight legin theo. Keep hips square B) Top your right ors just outside the ight side ofthe mat, then ft them up nko the si drawing a rainbow wth your lg and then land that ig oe onthe left side ofthe mat **"To Modify: Stor exercise on alfours Pals under your shoulders, knees hip ds tance apart back fat. ‘TIM Once you've done PIITs 1.1 to 1.11, you've finished 2 weeks of PIIT28 successfully! Woohoo! Now go back and give me one more round to finish out your entire 28 day challenge! I A If you're at this page forthe second time, it must mean that you JUST KILLED PIIT28 like nobody's business! CONGRATS! | am so proud of you! How does it feel? | am going to guess that you feel stronger, more confident, and INVINCIBLE. THAT is what exercise does to you It’s not just about the physical changes (though | bet you look ikea sexy bees), is about how it makes you FEEL! You just endured an incredibly tough journey that many may not ever make it through. YOU ARE AMAZING. Because you chose to fight through the pain, because you chose not to quit when you felt like you were going to die, because you chose to pick yourself up after feeling lke a failure... ou will now be rewarded with this self-created POWER that no one can take away from you You have the momentum to do ANYTHING! Yes its such a high — lve it and embrace it! Now go congratulate another #PIITprincess and tll her (or irs) how proud you are! Your words could be the nicest thing they hear all day. So go! Go make someone's day and share your positive energy! Next thing | want you to dois to go take your new “After” measurements and fil out the chert on page 13. Alter you do that, o ahead and take your day 28 photo! Make a Before and After Collage and postit to Instagram tagging #PIIT28 and #PIlTprincess. Once you do that, sign into the PIIT Portal and check the Forum. There you wil find a link to the application for your PIIT28 Completion Tank! The only people who are eligible to raceive this tank are those who have completed the PIIT28 Challenge in is entirety. That means completing all your workouts and the PIITSTAGRAM Challenge. By doing this, you will have experienced an internal and external transformation. You cart buy i. You eam i. You are now part of avery special, amazing group of people. If you love the progress youve seen sofa, feel free to do another round of PIIT28 1.0! But this time go lower in your lunges and go faster in your burpees. Work for speed and performance. You will feel the exercises at an intensity you've never felt before As a special bonus for those of you who want to get EVEN WILDER in Round 2, | developed 2 new videos for you: THE FLAT ABS FIX 10 and STRONGER 10. These are special videos that are not required in PIIT28 1.0 Round 2. BUT highly recommended, The purpose of doing these workouts alongside your current PIITsis to shape your body with muscle. You can find the 10 Round 2 Calendar on the next page! If you want more PIIT, and you want CRAZIER PIIT...just you wait. | always have something propared for you. PIIT28 2.0 anyone? ;) ‘Coup I you've aleady completed Round 1 (days 128) succosshly here is your PIT 28 1.0 Calendar, Round 2 (days 29-56)! This time we'llbe focusing on body shaping! You've sil got your 6 PIIT workouts every week to target fot melking But after each PIIT workout, | want you todo THE FLAT AB FIX 10 to build core strength and sculpt ab definition. Then, to make your muscles invincible, you willdo STRONGER 10 on PIIT STOP days as your strongth training, For those of you who crave weight lifting this will satisfy your needs. Far PIITSTAGRAM Rend 2, want you to share mess sweaty sells, things that inspire you, an progress pic! You can hae fee range ths ime to get cesta! The oly 3 things ak are these: Day 20: See word of advice to new Pl Titers! 2) Day 42: Your Reunel 2 Before and During (Use your Day 1 Before pic and your ay 42 During pe) 3) Day 56: Your Reund 2 Belore and After (Use your Day? Before pe and you Day 56 After pic) (warmup []warmup [] WARMUP (warmup (warmup (pura: = Ppur.2: = [PNT 13: (Pur ..s: ) pure: Abomination Perfect Lees Utinate Upper a oe Booty Li (JBONUs: [-] Bonus: , BONUS: BONUS: Sraitio Elemaveio CIBONUS | ‘d PEnaatid Pea eao Cirtexy: 9 (CJrtexy: = [_] FLEXy: COFLexy: CIFLexy: Tell Body LB ety Upper Body TotaBedy D |. LedeeBody Ciwarmup []warmup []warMup Ciwarmup [ [PIT (warmup PUT 1.7: PUT LS: PIT 19: PUT LS: PUT TT: PM aa piel Soy Bee Cone Oe em [IBONUS:” CJBONUS: 5 Bonet [iBonus: (Bonus: FlatAbFaao | FLtAbFnio LIBONUS: - Flot Ab Fido TPFEtAbRE uo CIFLexy: = [JFLEXY: CIFLEXY: (COFLEXY: (CTFLEXy: Teal Body Lower Bo Uppee Body ToulBedy | | Loft Body = ; Ciwarmup Llwarmup []WaRMUp (warmup = []PiT (warmup puri: = purn2: = []pury.3: (opur1.s: (pur 1.6: Ailiengien’ |p Posie Dncs it Ue Cole Gome Booty fy BONUS: [ ]BONUS: , BONUS: BONUS: Rites Cleaarnig (BONUS: | eae FIP Sat eso Crtexy: (FLexy: = [_JFLEXY: (COFLExy: CIFLEXYs TelilBody Lower Body Upper Body Tot Body D immi~e8-4, LiwarMup [|warmup [|WARMUP (warmup L1warmup PIT 1.8: PIT 19: Peale Logs E Slook & Sony (BONUS: [] BONUS: ae BONUS: FALE HO | FuiAbexic, CIBONUS: (rvexy: [lrtexy: [JFLexy: Totaly Clee Uppae Belly PHT 1.5: PUTIN: es a ph cin BONUS: BONUS: Ceara OE (FLexy: COFLExy: Tord Body | fl | | Logan Body CUP We be Le 3 MUSbhe ple Me (ul MOC EE Ute SU eat

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