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GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform

GAPPS3 on the ProfileSense™ Platform

A Sneak peak of GAPPS 4 Available 2011

4 3
GAPPS – The Evolution of GAPPS onto the ProfileSense™ Platform by Hirelabs


Impor tant Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................................1

Evolution of the wor ld’s first dynamic, valid and relaible customized leadership assessment tool ..........................................................2

ProfileSense™ The hear t of our assessment services for you ............................................................................................................2

Administrator and Career Coaching training ........................................................................................................................................8


 The information/materials contained within this document and other submissions are to be used solely
for evaluation of our GAPPS Leadership assessment on the ProfileSense™ Platform from Hirelabs . We
greatly appreciate that you respect our IP and not divulge any information, format, ideas practices or
philosophy to parties that are not privy to this information.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform



Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd is a Singapore based Talent Management Consultancy renowned for its effective,
research-based assessment and development services.

Our GAPPS leadership assessment is used extensively in Singapore and across the world to assess the leadership
potential and development needs for managerial and senior leadership positions in business, public sector and the
not-for-profit sector. GAPPS remains the only comprehensive leadership assessment tool validated and reliability
tested in Singapore.

In 2010, Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd extended its assessment services by partnering with HireLabs Inc. a leading
innovator in pre-employment testing services, utilizing the latest research in the HR industry. Together, our goal is to
streamline and simplify the HR decision-making process to maximize talent alignment while minimizing company

At the core of our products lies the Sense System™ that senses the essential attributes of j ob applicants. Our
comprehensive tests are designed to provide an objective filter to the hiring process; an added data point to what is
unquestionably a difficult decision. Our products were developed to make an HR managers life easier while saving you
time and money in the process.

Our products are built upon nearly two decades of research. HireLabs works in collaboration with data collected from
the US Department of Labor and Stanford University to create the next generation in employment assessments,
Corporate Edge Asia supplements this data with our 16 years applied research in Singapore and South East Asia.
In an effort to consistently provide the most effective HR solutions, HireLabs incorporates a dynamic design in its
products utilizing Six Sigma s tandards.


 ProfileSense™ is an employee assessment tool created to provide HR personnel with powerful data to
make the most accurate hiring decisions faster than ever before. Unlike current assessment products,
ProfileSense™ adapts to your specific needs, allowing you to measure applicants against your “perfect”
 ProfileSense™ is our flagship product that makes it really easy to manage, identify and filter out the best
of the best from a pool of applicants applying for a position in your company.
 ProfileSense™ makes the difficult and time consuming process very simple and at the same time very
effective, providing top notch comparative analysis of applicants in real time, so you can spend more
time doing business than finding people.
 Our ProfileSense™ service makes sure the applicants applying for a job are tested in the best possible
way. Tests are designed by researchers and subject experts from the top institutions of the world to
ensure the highest quality standards of the tests. We believe that it is not just the technical skills of the
applicant that matter, but also the personal skills that enable the candidate to be of value to the
company. Thus ProfileSense™ assessments are created based on a number of tests; these are specific to
the job occupation. The HR manager can easily select a few selected tests, set expertise level and create

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform

an assessment. Theses assessments are unique for each job description and test candidates for a perf ect
match to adapt to the job requirements and the company culture.

Assessments and tests are customized for customers based on what attributes are important to them, each job has
275 unique descriptors to choose from, allowing you to as sess your applicants on a micro level.
After training, your own staff are able to customize tests for specific positions or jobs.


We have micro-analyzed individual attributes that comprise the Occupationa l DNA™ for each unique job type, and
from our research know the key differentiating behaviours that distinguish an effective performer from a less effective
one in specific occupation within specific identified organizational cultures and the impact of team leadership role

A strand of Occupational DNA™ is divided into genes – general regions such as behaviours and job specific knowledge,
skills, and abilities. These genes are divided into specific attributes such as emotional resilience, achievement
orientation, interpersonal sensitivity and many more. The reliable standards are validated on US Dept of Labor data
and our own 16 years primary research in Singapore and South East Asia.

Choose Job Family Choose Tests to include Finalize Customization

Choose Job level Behavioural Tests

• Organizational hierarchy, e.g. Senior • System offers top 3 to 6 Behavioural tests known Add additional qualitative questions
Manager/Manager/Supervisor to be differentiaters for the job, culture, team role

Choose Organizational Culture Choose Job Specific Knowledge Skills and

• By Geography/Style Abilities
Add Job Descriptions
• System recommends KSAs most frequently
required for job

Choose Team Role Required

• Distinct from job role - based on existing team Allow Free text reponse

Unlike every other assessment system, customization is both remarkably easy and artificially intelligent.

1. The administrator chooses a Job Family – specific job

titles suitable for your organization only can be added to
make this as straightforward as possible.
2. They then choose the hierarchical level for the position.
3. When appropriate, they identify an organizational
culture. These are based on our extensive research in
Singapore and the region. Unlike other systems that rely
on data collected in the USA and Europe, ours is based
on these plus extensive primary research in Singapore
and South East Asia.
4. Administrators can also choose to fulfill a particular team
role. This is distinct form the job itself and is dependent

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform

upon the existing team. For example, some teams are

imbalanced lacking an individual who, whilst s pecializing
in a particular job, challenges or innovates, comes up
with new ideas to improve processes for example.

5. These choices affect the recommendations of which

behaviours differentiate one candidate from another.
6. The Sense™ System then recommends the key,
differentiating behavioural tests to include.
Administrators should use these, but they may choose to
exclude any of the recommendations or add other
behaviour tests.
7. The Sense™ System also recommends job specific
Knowledge, Skills and Abiliti es (KSAs) that are typically
used to assess this job. Administrators may choose to
include these or not. Additional tests from more than
275 distinct occupations are available as well.
8. Administrators may add other custom elements to the
assessment, such as a job description, additional
qualitative questions and so on.
The administrator simply submits the customized test to the system and the assessment is instantly created and
available to send links to candidates.


ProfileSense™ Reports are intuitive and provide the user instant understanding of the strong areas and vulnerable
spots of each of the candidate. The reports are
formatted keeping in view the two contrasting needs
most recruiters have: brevity and detail. While a
summary page gives all the most critical information
about the candidates, the individual profiles of each
candidate is also provided for a comprehensive analysis

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform

along with the background on the tests standards and validation. The reports can easily be exported to PDF version.

A summary recruiter report may be found at the end of this document.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform


Interviewer, or more correctly, Career Coaches reports, are a summary report with specific behavioural o r experience
based questions recommended to probe in each identified behaviour. This enables career coaches to rapidly ensure
that the candidate has evidence to support their profile report, and enables the career coach to probe any doubtful


Leadership Style reports are available for candidates who complete the full GAPPS Leadership assessment – all 15
key leadership behaviours. Customized or job specific assessments that do not utilize all 15 behaviours are unable to
provide a valid leadership style report.


Similar to the Interviewer reports, development reports are designed for HR and certifi ed coaches to quickly identify
an individual’s development areas. The system links directly to our powerful onl ine leadership toolbox, with a
complete series of tutorials, case studies, simulations, activities and templates.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform


1Reports Graphical Interface

2Behaviour and KSA Graphs

3Comparitive Analysis

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

GAPPS 4 – The Evoultion of GAPPS 3 on ProfileSense™ Platform


System administration using our platform is very straightforward. The system has been designed to be easy to use and
navigate. The Sense™ system’s artificial intelligence makes creation and customization of assessments very easy. The
systems sends out emails to invited candidates with automatic or manually driven reminder emails.
Report production is simply a matter of choosing the report, which candidate to include, a choice of individual or
summary reports.
 The system uses an intuitive traffic light reporting system to speed up interpretation of results.
 The system identifies, as required, the top scoring candidates, a top percentage of candidates.
 Career Coaching may or may not be the role of the system administrator. Career Coaching training is an
essential ingredient of using our system. Career coaches are often the hiring manager, Human Resources
and or candidate interviewers. We refer to this as career coaching rather than interviewing because it is not
just a case of finding out if the candidate fits the role and organization, forward-thinking recruiters also want
to know how well the organization and role suits the individual.

In a development situation, career coaches are identifying the strengths and individual potential. They need to know
what strengths the individual should leverage to develop weaker areas or to groom them for a specific future role.

Our training is experiential and interactive. Administrators use a demo of their own live system to learn how to use
and navigate.
Career coaches use real examples of candidate profiles and role play simulations to share their interpretation.
Administrators and career coaches have access to our comprehensive online support toolbox. This includes specific
information on each behavioura l construct with examples of impact on the individual and potential, common, issues
associated with the behaviour. We have also identified common links to other behaviours or attributes with each
assessed behaviour.

This knowledge and understanding enabl es the career coach to probe candidates for recruitment or to assist an
individual identify a personal development area.

Our support team are always ready and eager to help our clients. Our technical desk support any system related
issues, whilst our certified career coaches and trainers support any questions or issues with interpretation and, when
required, coaching an individual who’s assessment may have identified a deep issue that requires direct support and

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd | Copyright ©2010 Active Learning International – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and/or Active Learning International and are
protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for any purpose w ithout the express w ritten authorisation of the
copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Talent Score Card - Aaron Yang Private and Confidential

Talent Score Card

Management and Leadership Summary
Trusted Manager who likes to work autonomously with a predominant Autocratic Leadership Style
Your assessment shows that:
You are pulled along towards your goals and others offer resources willingly when given the opportunity.

You are likely at the unconsciously competent stage of your learning. You make adjustments to your behaviour continuously without much effort.

Leadership Behaviours Score Grade Benchmark Training Interviewer Probing Questions
Developing 3 E Critical How do you make sure that your staff have adequate support?
Empowering 4 D Recommended How do you encourage you staff to solve problems?
Give me an example of how you have converted long term goals
BSc. Hons Business Mang 2002 Managing resources 4 D Recommended
Unvi ersity of Be iji ng into action plans.
Give me an example of when you persuaded someone to change
Influencing 5 D Recommended
their decision.
Give me an example of when you went against your intuition and
Intuitiveness 4 C Option
what were the consequences?
Give me an example of how you maintained focus on a course of
Emotional Resilience 4 C Option
action in the face of personal challenge.
How do you decide between issues and their likely impact of
Achieving 4 C Option
Give me an example of when you pursued an ethical solution to a
Conscientiousness 5 B Not needed
difficult business issue or problem.
Engaging Communications 5 B Not needed What do you do to make yourself approachable and accessible?
Give me an example of when you changed your mind to do
Interpersonal Sensitivity 6 A Not needed
something after someone suggested an alternate point of view.
Give me an example of when you continued to pursue your
Motivating 6 A Not needed
objectives in the face of questioning.
What do you do to ensure that you are sensitive to stakeholder's
Strategic Perspective 6 A Not needed
Give me an example of how you discerned the most appropriate
Critical Analysis and Judgment 6 A Not needed
course of action to resolve a problem.
How do you adapt your communication to different audiences
Vision and Imagination 7 A Not needed
about the goals or objectives for the organization/team?
Give me an example of how you deliberately make specific
Self-Awareness 6 A Not needed
attempts to change your own mood.

Report Generated 05 December 2010 By John Kenworthy - CELSIM Powered by ProfileSense

Copyright ©2010 CELSIM and ProfileSense – All Rights Reserved
Copyright ©2010 CELSIM and ProfileSense – All Rights Reserved
Interpreting GAPPS Reference Manual

Emotional Resilience
What is Emotional Resilience?
 Emotional resilience is the capability to perform consistently in a range of situations
under pressure and to adapt behaviour appropriately.
 It is the capability to balance the needs of the situation and task with the needs and
concerns of the individuals involved.
 The capability to retain focus on a course of action or need for results in the face of
personal challenge or criticism.

Commonly, Emotional Resilience is considered to be a person’s ability and desire to get up

again after being knocked down. Can they take the knocks that life will give them.

Useful quote for those who are in a state of ‘self-pity’: M. Scott Peck says “Life is difficult”.
Who told this individual that it was meant to be easy?

Levels of Emotional Resilience

You perform
You are able under
to perform pressure and
You are able consistently adapt your
to perform under behaviour
You are little fairly pressure and
able to appropriately.
consistently adapt your
You are not perform under
able to behaviour
consistently pressure and quite
perform under adapt your
consistently appropriately.
pressure or behaviour
under adapt your somewhat
pressure nor behaviour appropriately.
adapt your appropriately.

Emotional Resilience Questions

 What coping strategies do you have for a particularly challenging or difficult task.
 Give me an example of how you coped in a particularly challenging or difficult task.
 When you were last criticized for something, tell me what you do.
 Give me an example of how you maintained focus on a course of action in the face
of personal challenge.

Copyri ght © Dr. John Kenworthy – all ri ghts reserved

Interpreting GAPPS Reference Manual

Emotional Resilience links to:

Emotional Resilience is closely linked to personal motivation levels and foundational belief
systems. What motivates this individual? What do they believe for themselves and/or about

Low levels of achieving may be connected. Do they have a personal goal? Can they envision
a future when such obstacles have been overcome?

Impact of Emotional Resilience level

Very low Emotional Resilience can lead to a person “giving up” on themselves, their career,
even life. In acute cases it can lead to clinical depression. Usually this is when someone has
genuinely faced very serious obstacles repeatedly and has been getting back up each time,
now they simply feel they have “run out of energy”.

Very high Emotional Resilience. Such individuals often have a desire and personal motivation
far beyond their real capabilities – most often these individuals have overcome a serious
hardship (many are disabled) or gone through a very traumatic experience and come
through. They have a “zest for life” beyond the normal. The potential danger is that this
person does not know when “giving up” (not words they ever use together) is actually the
more sensible option.

An individual with a need for high levels of safety and security is unlikely to have high
Emotional Resilience as well.

Low Emotional Resilience typical issues and considerations

Common low Emotional Resilience issues Counselling considerations/tools and techniques

Little or no self-esteem. Establish root cause, potentially abuse, being

bullied, and stature?

Poor attitude towards work and others Perceptual positions work

Tendency to blame others for all problems Being at cause or effect

Creative and survival cycles of behaviour

Can flare to anger, even violence Uncover root causes

Job or career fit

Considering self-employment? Typically this needs very high levels of Emotional Resilience
or plenty of money saved.

Leadership roles with “hard to manage” staff doing tough jobs (very often such areas are
strongly unionized), requires high levels of Emotional Resilience.

Low levels of Emotional Resilience require jobs that are steady, often repetitive, with few
changes in the organization or industry.

Copyri ght © Dr. John Kenworthy – all ri ghts reserved

Interpreting GAPPS Reference Manual

Development Links
Level Title Format/Method
2+ Developing Resilience – just how do you Six part e-Course
“keep on keeping on”?
4+ Thriving in tough times Case studies
4+ Bouncing Back – the game of resilience Game-based Simulation
1+ Where’s my mojo gone? Seven part e-Course
1+ Why I can’t be bothered – dealing with Seven part e-Course and
depression assessment
5+ Who’s your caddy? Finding new solutions to Perceptual Positions activity
difficult problems
6+ From here to wow Assessment and 12 part e-

Copyri ght © Dr. John Kenworthy – all ri ghts reserved

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