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Kelas : VIII G


Burung bulbul diberi nama bulbul karena burung bulbul sering mendengar nyanyian di malam
hari dan siang hari. Diperkirakan bahwa itu adalah singa betina tunggal (tidak berpasangan)
bernyanyi di malam hari untuk mencoba dan menarik pasangan.

Burung bulbul adalah burung kecil dengan burung bulbul dewasa rata-rata tingginya sekitar 15
cm. Burung bulbul memiliki bulu coklat polos yang menutupi tubuhnya dan tahu memiliki ekor
sisi merah. Burung bulbul adalah burung omnivora dan memakan campuran buah, biji serangga
dan kacang-kacangan. Burung bulbul memiliki banyak predator dilingkungan alami mereka
terutama karena ukurannya yang kecil. predator burung bulbul termasuk mamalia seperti tikus,
rubah, kucing dan reptil seperti kadal dan ular besar. Burung bulbul juga diburu oleh burung
pemangsa besar. Burung bulbul menghuni hutan lebat dan hutan di eropa dan asia, tidak
termasuk yang diujung utara. Meskipun banyak burung bulbul hadir di habitat alami mereka,
burung bulbul seringkali dapat didengar dengan mudah karena nyanyian nyaring mereka,namun
sering ditemukan bersembunyi di dedaunan tidak terlihat.

Class : VIII G


The nightingale is named the nightingale because the nightingale often hears songs at night and
during the day. It is thought that it is a lioness (unpaired) lion singing at night to try and attract a

The nightingale is a small bird with an adult nightingale with an average height of about 15 cm.
The nightingale has plain brown feathers covering its body and tofu has a red sided tail. The
nightingale is an omnivorous bird and eats a mixture of fruit, insect seeds and nuts. The
nightingale has many predators in their natural environment mainly because of their small size.
Nightingale predators include mammals such as rats, foxes, cats and reptiles such as lizards and
large snakes. The nightingale is also hunted by large birds of prey. The nightingale inhabits
dense forests and forests in Europe and Asia, not including those in the far north. Although many
nightingales are present in their natural habitat, nightingales can often be heard easily because of
their loud singing, but are often found hiding in leaves unseen.

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