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FHBM 1024
January 2019 Trimester

Name Student ID No. Email Address

Choo Siao Ying 18UHF06721
Tan Wei Nee 18UHF06249
Hew Shi Yen 18UHF06895
Liew Yi 18UHF06818
Felicia Yap Yuen Cheen 18UHF06266
Morgan Lee Luo Kuan 18UHF02386
Jack Wong Wei Cheng 18UHF03726
Quan Zhi Ying 18UHF06954

Lecturer’s Name:
Ms. Ngo Siau Woon

Tutor’s Name and Tutorial Group:

Ms. Ngo Siau Woon, T8

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1 1.1 Introduction of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) 3

1.2 Services provided by Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor 3-4

1.3 Types of Barriers to Entry the Market of Water Supply (SYABAS) 4-5

1.4 Profit Possibility Graph of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor 5-6

1.5 Price Discrimination for Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor 6-7

2 1.1 Introduction of Maggi Company 8

1.2 Introduction of Maggi Products 8-9

1.3 Characteristics of Maggi shows that it falls under Monopolistic 9


1.4 Three Benefits Generated by Maggi if Maggi Switch into an Oligopoly 10

2.1 Comparison of Prices of Different Instant Noodle 10

2.2 Reasons of Maggi can sell Different Prices compared to its Competitors 11

3.1 Three Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying the Product of Maggi 11-13

References and Appendices 14

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1.1 Introduction of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS)

Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd also known as SYABAS, was incorporated on 8th July 1996 under
the Malaysian Companies Act, 1965 to undertake the privatization of water supply services in the State of
Selangor and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

SYABAS delivers water supply to its consumer in the highest level of quality, professionalism and prompt
services. They prioritize on taking all avenues and possibilities that are considered as the most viable for
consumers. With the privatization, SYABAS is responsible for providing water services to over 10 million people
through consumer accounts of over 2 million which includes domestic consumers, factories, commercial and
industrial buildings in the State of Selangor and Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, of which
85% are from domestic consumers and 15% are commercial consumers.

SYABAS operates and maintains:

A stretch of 27,420km water pipes that are made of mild steel, ductile iron, asbestos
cement, HDPE, uPVC and cast iron ranging from diameter of 100mm to 2200mm

1565 service reservoirs, tower reservoirs, and suction tanked

638 booster pump stations

138,759 valves ranging from 100mm to 2200mm

1.2 Services provided by Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor

SYABAS is responsible for supplying uninterrupted quality clean water to consumers. Other than that,
SYABAS is also responsible of performing periodical and regular maintenance and water-related assets, replacing
pipes and water meters that are aging, offering excellent customer service, providing convenient payment methods
to consumers and promoting consumer awareness on water-related issues to make sure the standard quality of life
is sustained. A number of tasks had to be carried out by SYABAS when it took over the management of water
supply of the state via privatization process, which includes:

Assisting the State Government by taking over PUAS debts to the water treatment
operators amounting to RM 2.4 billion;

Reducing high rate of Non-Revenue Water which in January 2005 stood at 42.78%;

Replacing at least 6,000 km of old pipes that needed replacement;

Cleaning 1,100 reservoirs;

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Investigating and assisting the authorities to prosecute water theft activities which was
amounted to 6,000 cases recorded;

Improving the existing poor customer service which had resulted in the loss of
confidence to lodge reports to PUAS Berhad;

Collecting and digitising of main trunks, pipes and reservoirs which were non-existence
when SYABAS first took over. Which is why during PUAS time the replacements of
old and faulty assets were like groping in the dark;

In terms of supply, due to the poor pipeline interconnection to demanded areas, there is
only about 8% of water reserve left for consumers’ usage which are not all fully

Collecting uncollected bills amounting to million.

1.3 Types of Barriers to Entry the Market of Water Supply (SYABAS)

SYABAS is a monopoly firms in water supply. This is due to the types of barriers to entry the market
water supply. Barriers to entry are legalistic, technological or market forces that prevent potential competitors
from entering a market. The first type of the barriers is the huge start-up cost and strong financial position.
Company that are interested to join the market of water supply need to have a huge start-up cost in order to build
water dams and the water treatments plants. The company have to invest an astronomical amount of money first
before being able to make profit in this field. That means the company must make sure they have sufficient profit
from other business and investment from local or oversea investor. Moreover, the firm may face losses in the
beginning of this business, so a strong financial position is needed to help them to maintain their business during
the economic losses phase. This means if they face losses in this market that could affect the function of the
company and the company might need to take some emergency solution to reduce cost in order to pay for the

Additionally, the second type of barriers to entry the water supply market is the patents or licenses to entry
the water supply market is own by SYABAS. In this case, this firm has gotten the license from the federal
government to operate their business it is almost impossible for other company to get operating license same as
SYABAS. The benefit of having only one company to take charge of the water supply is to ensure a healthy
market. For an example, if there are two firms are going to supply the water, the consumers will definitely choose
the best company to supply their household water. As the competition between two companies goes on, the
number of water treatment plants and water dams will increase double in our country, which will lead to excess
water storage facilities and also pumping stations. The more crisis problem is if each of the household in one
particular neighbourhood having different firms to supply the water which the ways of both firms going to direct

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the piping system is much more complicated than only one firms doing the piping system. Besides, by limiting
only one firm, SYABAS, involved in water supply business will be more efficient in the goods and services
provide. Any problem related to water supply, the user can direct their problem to the headquarter of SYABAS
using he channel provided to get a solution. Furthermore, if only SYBAS engaged in this business, it will be more
easily for government to monitor their performance from different aspects such as water quality, piping system,
tower reservoirs, suction tank and service reservoirs. It is very important to monitor the water supply because it
could lead to many severe problems if the whole process is not under supervise.

The third barriers to entry the water supply market is the advancement in technology of water treatments
plants and water piping systems. This is due to that SYABS owns 29 water treatment plants in all over the country
until the end of year 2017. It also has 3 water quality labs and 1, 214 water sampling stations to monitor, control
and enhance the water quality towards every household. Besides, SYABAS have made outstanding a move to
replace 178.55 km of aged pipes to ensure the continues of supply water to every household in the year of 2017.
Hence, these three barriers have become the reasons to block other competitors to join this business.

1.4 Profit Possibility Graph of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor

From 1st January 2018 to 30th September 2018, the third quarter financial report results of SYABAS shows
that the company have generated revenue of RM 158,697,000 and other income of RM 42,005,000 but the
company have a higher costs of production which include operating cost of RM 231,925,000, depreciation and
amortisation expenses of RM 16,058,000, finance costs of RM 23,222,000 and the taxation expenses of RM
4,240,000. Therefore, the company have experienced a loss in the first three quarter of the year 2018.

Based on the diagram above, the firm is producing at Marginal Revenue (MR) equals to Marginal Cost
(MC) determines ‘quantity d’, the profit-maximizing level of output. The demand curve shows the price that can

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charge for ‘price b’. Moreover, the Average Total Cost (ATC) is higher than the price. The total costs of SYABAS
is shown by the area of “abcdef” while the total revenue is shown by the area of “bcde”. The loss of the company
is the area of total costs minus the area of total revenue which is shown by the shaded area of “abef”.

One of the reasons of high operating cost of SYABAS is the high finance and lease cost which consists of
more than 25% of the operating costs. Other factors such as replacement, repair and maintenance of aged, leaks
and bursts pipes also need a high cost. The costs which taken the largest part of the operating expenditure is
purchase of water, which consists of more than 35%. SYABAS is putting some efforts to decrease their cost and
increase their revenue, this can be seen by their investment over RM 193.6 million in various programmes to
reduce the amount of treated water that is lost along the distribution system before reaches their customers. In
2017, they have managed to reduce their non-revenue water from 32.2% in 2016 to 30.1% in 2017.

1.5 Price Discrimination for Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor

Domestic Usage 10
0-20 m³ 0.57 6.00
21-35 m³ 1.03
35 m³ and above
Commercial (Inclusive of Public 11
Swimming Pool)
35 m³ 2.07 36.00
35 m³ and above
Government Department 12 1.61 17.00
Religious Places 13 0.46 6.00
Ship 14 4.23
Charitable Organizations 15 0.58 6.00
* Condominium/Apartments 17 1.38 173.00
* Low Cost Flats/Apartments 18 0.80 35.00
* Army Camps/Estates/Govt. Quarters 21 1.00 12.00

* Applicable to bulk meter only.

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Market Segregation

The monopolized company targets and segments group into, for example, high class or low class and
known as charitable organization. In this case, SYABAS charge different price according to different class to
maximize its total revenue. It will charge RM0.80 per cubic metre for low cost flat or apartment which is low
class segment and RM1.38 per cubic metre for condominium which is high class segment. This is also a pricing
strategy from SYABAS because there is no close water substitute for the consumers in Klang valley. Most of the
condominium provided a public swimming pool which is 35𝑚3 (RM 2.07) and above (RM 2.28) per cumulative
so it will make the cost of condominium more expensive due to several facilities. On the other hand, army camps
or government quarter costs RM 1.00 for the government servants such as firefighters, police and soldier. In
conclusion, price discrimination requires the ability to separate customers according to their willingness to pay
due to different demand curves for markets.

Monopoly Power

SYABAS is the only one water supply company in Malaysia. It is run by non-profit organization and local
government that can afford to keep prices low enough to provide services to the majority of public. SYABAS can
set pricing controls called price caps in order to prevent the company from setting unreasonable prices. Setting
rate-of-return price regulations can help reduce artificially high utility prices. For instance, SYABAS will charge
the people who want a higher price instead of cheaper price. This is because some of the citizen live in the high
cost living house at the urban area. In addition, the government can also opt to nationalize monopoly power to
ensure that utility prices are in the best interest of the public. In conclude, price discrimination is possible only
with monopoly or where members of a small group of firms follow identical pricing policies.

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1.1 Introduction of Maggi Company

Julius Maggi, is the founder of the "Maggi" brand, has a very valuable dedication, and today the brand
still bears his last name. Julius Maggi is the son of a miller whose company is located in Kemptthal, a Switzerland
village near Zurich, which produces wheat flour.

In 1882, Julius Maggi met a doctor, called Fridolin Schuler, the member of Swiss Public Welfare Society
asked Julius to produce a new type of flour made from beans for solving the problem of women having less time
to prepare meals as more and more worked outside. In 1885, he produced the world's first instant soup. In 1886,
he officially launched the concentrated sauce mixed with broth, soup and sauce, which pioneered the food and
improved the flavor of the food.

Subsequently, the first battle of the product was successful, and the reputation of the “Maggi” brand was
also well-known overseas. In 1888, Julius opened a number of branches in Germany, France, Italy, the United
Kingdom and the United States.

In 1900, Julius registered his name and its variants in several countries. In Switzerland, he registered no
less than 18 variants of his name, from Magi to Magique, in case it was imitated by any cottage brand.

The iconic product of Julius Maggi is a concentrated soup. He cuts the ready-to-eat food into a cube shape
and wraps it in the brand's exclusive color, named Bouillon. This brilliant flash of light has led competitors to
follow suit. After a few years of launch, concentrated soup has become the logo of that era, even in the paintings
of the cubist painter Pablo Picasso.

The original company of Maggi came into existence in 1872 in Switzerland when Julius Maggi took over
his father’s mill. However, Maggi had merged with Nestle group of company in 1947, which is undoubtedly a
natural fit and Nestle launched Maggi for the first time in India in year 1982. Two Swiss companies began to
share innovative ways of making food. Maggi is an over 100 years old brand that under Nestle company and
produced different product. For example, instant soup, stocks, bouillons, ketchups, sauces, seasonings and instant

1.2 Introduction of Maggi Products

The most popular products for young people or adults are instant noodles, not only convenient, fast and
simple, but also delicious.

Maggi is the leading instant noodle brand in Malaysia and Maggi 2-minutes Noodles was first introduced
in India by Nestle India Limited in1982. Maggi instant noodles is not only known for its spicy and delicious

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seasonings, but also for its smooth and delicious noodles. Maggi material is strictly selected, and the flour used
to make noodles is high quality wheat imported from Australia. Maggi noodles are made from Australia durum
wheat and white soft wheat, which are blended to ensure that the taste and the degree of the teeth are the same.

It is sold in a cup or a pack of five with the bright red and yellow color of the packaging. Each pack
contains 50.4 grams of carbohydrate per serving that provides the energy that we need. The method of eating is
also very simple, just need some hot water and then put the Maggi spicy seasoning powder inside, and wait
another 2 to 3 minutes. Therefore, Maggi is very popular with some students or workers, as long as they are busy
with work or homework, they will buy it when they have no time to go out. It is fast, convenient and cheap, and
it is also sold in convenience stores everywhere.

It is important that no wax is used throughout the noodle making process and Maggi strictly adheres to
international and local food safety regulations to ensure that the products meet high quality, safe eating guidelines.

1.3 Characteristics of Maggi shows that it falls under Monopolistic Competition

The characteristics that proved Maggi are fallen under the monopolistic competition market structure is
its easy entry and exits. When entering this market, Maggi will not encounter many problems in government
franchise and licenses, as well as patents and copyrights, because the company does not involve any illegal
activities and will not be restricted by any legal government regulation. Since, Monopolistic competition market
structure easy entry and exits, many companies may try to enter this market, and thus Maggi must confront many
competitors. For example, the competitors of Maggi are Ibumie, Indomie, MyKuali, Nissin and so on. The
consumer may buy similar products from another brand. If they think it is worth to buy it from other brands rather
than from Maggi.

Maggi also has some products differentiation due to the relationship of many competitors. Maggi instant
noodle's packaging uses bright red and yellow to let guests pay attention to it, more than its competitors. In
addition to packaging, the spicy seasoning powder in the Maggi brand's instant noodle is not only unique in taste
but also different from other competitors in brand recognition.

Maggi also is a price maker that can be authorized to set prices for its products to maximize their income.
For example, Maggi can increase the selling price when they want to improve the quality of products or expand
new products. When the input price increase they also can increase their selling price so that they still can earn a
constant income but not facing loss.

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1.4 Three Benefits Generated by Maggi if Maggi Switch into an Oligopoly

In the event that Maggi convert into an oligopoly, this allow them to acquire higher profit as the number
of competitors is low in the market. As a result, the company’s products as highly needed and wanted by most of
the population. In addition, companies will be more likely to get competitive prices because it is more efficient
to compare prices with other competitors involved in the market. So, the most important thing here is the consumer
because the price will eventually become lower as the competitive pricing between companies are happening.
Moreover, consumers have a choice and select what they want based on personal need and favorites by comparing
the products when the low competition in the market. Besides that, Maggi can influence their customers by
advertise their new products to compete with their competitors in the market, which may open up opportunities
of a higher profit that the average.

2.1 Comparison of Prices of Different Instant Noodle

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2.2 Reasons of Maggi can sell Different Prices compared to its Competitors

Based on the table above, Big Value (Aeon Big Brand) is the lowest price instant noodles and SAMYANG
is the highest price instant noodles among the others. Besides, Maggi instant noodles that we choose as our
monopolistic product is selling at an affordable price.

Aeon Big is a world recognition brand but implemented the concept of cost-leadership which provides
low price products for the wide market. Big Value instant noodles is one of its self-manufacturing products. The
company sold the instant noodles at the lowest price compared to other brands in order to attract more consumers
to purchase. Other than that, Big Value instant noodles only offers common and limited flavor just same as other
brands provided. For example, chicken flavor, curry flavor, mushroom flavor and tomyam flavor. So, this is the
reason why Big Value instant noodles is cheaper than Maggi instant noodles.

SAMYANG instant noodles are imported from Korea. So, its price will higher than the other brands
especially domestic instant noodles brands. Besides, SAMYANG offers variety of special flavor that not available
for other brands. For example, hot chicken flavor, honey and cheese flavor, carbo hot chicken spicy flavor, hot
chicken curry flavor, Jjajang Buldak Bokkeummyun flavor and Sutah flavor. The packaging of SAMYANG
instant noodles also more unique than other brands.

According to the report of the World Instant Noodles Association (WINA), the demand instant noodles
for Malaysia showed an increase of 0.2 billion from 2015 to 2016. In this way, the demand of instant noodles for
Malaysians was amounted 3.6 million packets per day and the 1.4 million packets are dominated by Maggi instant
noodles which manufactured by Nestle company. Thus, Malaysians are more prefer Maggi instant noodles
compared to the other brands. Instant noodles are categorized as belonging to monopolistic market and the sellers
are price makers. So, they can decide the price based on the demand of the particular brands of instant noodles.
Moreover, Maggi instant noodles is domestically produced so the prices charged will cheaper than the imported
brands. Therefore, the price of Maggi instant noodles is reasonable compared to the other brands shown by the
table above. Nestle, the company of Maggi instant noodles has in place strict food safety and quality controls at
all their manufacturing facilities including through quality checks at each stage of their raw material sourcing and
manufacturing process. Thus, Maggi instant noodles is manufactured under stringent manufacturing conditions
that meet both local and international standards as well as are safe for consumption. So, the prices of Maggi
instant noodles will charge higher than some ordinary instant noodles brands.

3.1 Three Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying the Product of Maggi

From a viewpoint of consumer, there are some advantages and disadvantages when we buying a product
under monopolistic competition market. The details are following below:

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Advantages of monopolistic competition:

i) Customers have multiple options of product to choose

This is because in the market of monopolistic competition, each of the sellers will provide differentiated
features of their product which not the case with perfect competition where sellers sell homogeneous products or
in monopoly where sellers do not bother to add new features to product as there is no competition. Therefore,
customer have a plenty of options, analyse them and they can choose the product follow their wants. For example,
if a person wants to buy a bread, he/she will have some brand options such as Gardenia, Massimo, Fresh to Go,
Prime Bread, 7 Days, and so on.

ii) Customer can enjoy new or good quality of product

To survive in this high competitive of monopolistic competition market, sellers have to focus on
innovation and reinforcement to their product by adding different features with others to it. They will invest in
research and development so that they can produce high quality of product and accordingly the customers have
the benefit of enjoying the high quality of product.

iii) Customer can have a small pleasure of differentiated product

In reality world, most of the people love product differentiation, all of the people prefer live in an economy
with different kind of clothes, foods, and car styles; not in a world of perfect competition where everyone will
always wear blue jeans and white shirts, eat only spaghetti with plain red sauce, and drive an identical model of
car. Therefore, in the monopolistic competition market, most of the people can have a small range of pleasure of
differentiated product because the sellers are providing differentiated product to attract the customer to buy it.

Disadvantages of monopolistic competition

i) Customer may pay more than fair price

Customer may pay more than fair price because some company have spent a lot of their budget on
advertisement and development, to recover their profit, they have to set the higher price to the customer for the
extra features of product but the features sometime is not worth that you paid.

ii) Customer sometimes will not get the product what you expected

In the market of monopolistic competition, to differentiate their product with other competitors, they have
to concentrate on the advertisement. Therefore, sometimes the company will overlook the quality of their
product while they are promoting how superior value of extra features of their product and that giving a high
of expectation value to customer to the product. Consequently, the consumer surplus did not increase because
the actual value they perceive are not equal or greater than their value expectation.
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iii) Customer have to pay higher price to get differentiated product

In reality world, most of the people love to become different with others but most of the times, the super
differentiated product will in the form of limited product and the cost will be set at very high price than the normal
product. Therefore, the customers have to pay higher price to get them to have a pleasure of “different”. For
examples in clothes, the normal brand of a clothes is around RM 40 like that, but you pursue a very special,
differentiated clothes, you may choose the brand like “Chanel”, “Burberry”, “Supreme”, and so on which cost
above RM 1000.

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References (Question 1)







References (Question 2)












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Components Deserved Marks
Cover Page 1
Content Page 1
Question 1
1.1) Introduction of the company 5
1.2) Introduction of the product / service 5
1.3) Explain types of barriers to entry that prevents a business
from entering a market and competing with other businesses.
1.4) With the relevant diagram explain the existing profit
possibilities for the chosen monopoly firm above.
1.5) Examine the use of price discrimination in the chosen
monopoly firm above.
Question 2
1.1) Introduction of the company
1.2) Introduction of the product / service
1.3) Explain by applying the characteristics to prove that the
particular firm falls under the monopolistic competition market
1.4) If the firm becomes an oligopoly, identify 3 benefits
generated by the oligopoly that would be difficult to gain from a
monopolistic competition market structure.
2.1) Compare the price and other relevant information of the
product / service with its close substitutions within the same
place. Present your findings in a table form. 10
2.2) State 3 reasons why the firm can sell at a higher price /
same price / lower price compared to its competitors.
3.1) From the viewpoint of the customer, discuss THREE (3)
advantages and THREE (3) disadvantages of buying the product 10
/ service under the monopolistic competition market structure.
References, Appendices, Marking Scheme 4
Assignment Format
Font name: Times New Roman, Font size: 12
Spacing: 1.5, Alignment: Justified
Page number
Language and editing
Total Marks 100






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