Is Money AMotivator Article

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Is Money a Motivator?

By Erin Rind

how as a manager you can address

There are countless articles circulating them in the work place: The first is
today instructing managers on how to Maslow’s need hierarchy which led to
motivate their employees. Some McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y and
theories state that all workers are the last theory is Herzberg’s Motivation
motivated primarily by the need for – Hygiene Theory.
money; so if you want to get the
most out of your workforce, you pay Motivation is the Maslow’s
them more. So, is money a encouragement to do Hierarchy of
motivator? Needs consists
something of five levels of
Motivation is the encouragement to needs to be
do something.(1) There are short term satisfied. This model suggests that as
motivators and there are long term people satisfy needs on one level, they
motivators. There are also different progress to the next level of needs as
levels and sides to motivation. In this motivation for their behavior. It is only
article I would like to focus on three the unsatisfied needs which can
theories in particular which discuss influence behavior, not the satisfied
needs. (1)

Under Maslow’s Hierarchy

money would be recognized
within the safety category (or a
base need for behavior). When
you have money you feel
secure, because you have a
resource you need to survive.
According to Maslow once that
need is fulfilled you move to the
next level for motivation. (1) In
this case money itself is no
longer a motivator because that
motivational needs for an individual and need has been satisfied.

As a manager, you can use this
knowledge to continue to motivate your Theory X states that management’s role
employees. If they are already satisfied is to coerce and control employees:
with money, in that it is no longer a • People have inherent dislike for
primary need, you should move up the work and will avoid it whenever
pyramid. Work to build the employee’s possible.
confidence, respect them, and give the • People must be controlled,
individual projects that drive him/her to directed or threatened in order to
satisfy the higher level needs. achieve.
• People prefer to be directed, do
Douglas McGregor took the work not want responsibility and have
Maslow did with the hierarchy of needs little ambition.
and grouped it into two theories on how • People seek security above all
people view human behavior at work else. (2)
and organizational life. McGregor called
this Theory X and Theory Y; Theory X Theory Y states that management’s role
is focused on the “lower order” needs is to develop the potential in employees
and Theory Y focuses on the “higher and help them to release that potential
order” needs identified by Maslow. (4) towards common goals.
McGregor suggests that management • Work is natural, like play and rest
could use either theory to motivate • People will exercise self direction
employees but that the better results if they are committed
would stem from meeting the Theory Y • People learn to accept and seek
needs. Let us take a closer look at two responsibility
theories and how money fits into the
• People have potential(2)

top 6 motivation factors or factors
In Maslow’s hierarchy we identified that leading to satisfaction in the work place.
money falls under safety, or the need for Look at how the possibility for
security. McGregor’s theories show advancement can challenge you to
security under the X Theory, that above grow. Before you were a manager you
all security is what people seek. If as a had an opportunity to advance in your
manager you run your organization career, to become a manager. This
under Theory X, you would agree that information motivated you to work hard
money is a motivator for your and continually grow as an employee; it
employees. You would agree, that in brought satisfaction to your job. As a
order to get the most out of your manager you want to bring these factors
workforce you should pay them more. If into your workplace in order to bring the
you manage under Theory Y, money most out of your employees.
may be a part of your
business but is not what
drives your employees to

The last theory I would like

to look at is Herzberg’s
Theory. This theory
focuses on the factors
causing job satisfaction
and the factors causing job
dissatisfaction, and that
they are different.
Herzberg called the
satisfiers motivators and
dissatisfiers hygiene
factors. Hygiene factors are in a sense Hygiene factors can lead to job
maintenance factors that are necessary dissatisfaction. When hygiene factors
to avoid dissatisfaction but do not are either not present or not sufficient
themselves provide satisfaction. (3) you feel dissatisfied. (3) However, they in
turn do not lead to satisfaction when
These factors should not be treated as they are present. For instance an
opposites of each other. The opposite employees work conditions. If you have
of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but favorable work conditions it does not
rather, no satisfaction. Similarly, the motivate you to work harder, it does not
opposite of dissatisfaction is no bring satisfaction into your job but you
dissatisfaction. (4) are comfortable so there is no
dissatisfaction with your position. Look
Motivation factors lead to positive at how money works, if you get a raise
mental health and challenge people to for the job you are doing it does not
grow, but at the same time do not lead motivate you to work harder. At the
to dissatisfaction. Above is a list of the same time if you did not get the raise

you wanted or needed you become As a long term motivator money loses
dissatisfied with your position or its power over time and can not be
management. considered one. Because once the
basic needs of an individual are met
Money or an employee’s salary is a they move to other factors to motivate
hygiene factor. It is a biological need themselves: respect, relationships,
because you need money for food, advancement, satisfaction.
water and shelter. Money becomes a
drive for all people because of this truth. I agree with all three of our theorists that
It will give a short run of motivation money is a necessity and if it is not
because we need it to survive, but only present people may become dissatisfied
the intrinsic or motivation factors can with their jobs, but at the same time it
determine job satisfaction or no will not motivate the individual to take
satisfaction. the next steps in their current career.
You can not just pay them more in order
If this theory holds true as a manager to get the most out of them. You need
you need to provide the hygiene factors to bring other factors to the workplace in
to avoid employee dissatisfaction, but order to motivate your employees to
also must provide the intrinsic factors to give you their all.
the job itself in order to satisfy your
employees. Overall, this theory About the Author:
recognizes that true motivation comes I am a under graduate from Ferris State
from within a person and not from University, with my degree in Biology
external factors. The external factors Education. I am attending Elmhurst
will just dissatisfy and discourage your College in pursuit of my Masters in order
employees if they unfavorable. take my education to the next level,
expand my knowledge of business
Is money a motivator? All three fundamentals, practices and innovations
theories studied show that money is a and to build lasting relationships with my
biological need; it is something every peers and professors. I currently work
person needs to sustain modern life. It for Menlo Worldwide, a Global Third
is at the base of Maslow’s pyramid, it is Party Logistics Provider. I one day hope
in McGregor’s Theory X which focuses to be a respected leader within the
around Maslow’s base of the pyramid organization I work for.
and it is a hygiene factor in Herzberg’s Information to support this article was
theory. All of these theories show that collected from the following sources:
money is a short term motivator. If you (1)
Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikimedia
do not have money, which causes you Foundation, Inc. October 16, 2006.
to go hungry, you will be motivated to (2)
Clark, Donald 1999. “Theory X and
take any job to fill that basic need. Theory Y.”
Once that need is met it no longer (3) 2002-2006. “Herzberg’s
motivates you to grow in your career, it Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor
doesn’t drive you to go above and Theory). (4)Herzberg,
beyond the bar set for your current Frederick. 1968. “One more time: How
position. Do You Motivate Employees”. Harvard
Business Review, 2003

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