Task 1

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Institution Affiliation


Edifice of Google

Being a large organization in the world of technology, Google’s first routine collection is tied

with several other web routines like adverts and Google mail. Google’s first routine is that of

providing an unpaid search engine. Its product is measured in standings of billion dollars net

worth, with its brand being the largest. Google is so far the best organization to at in America

with its success and status being contributed to by its standards and skills.

This giant’s edifice promotes invention and free-thinking among its workers leading to consistent

development over the years. It only takes the most knowledgeable and competent graduates from

the best universities globally and provides them with room to enhance their work by being

creative (Vise, 2007). This sets an inspiring surrounding for its staff with administrative support

to aid them in inventing and coming up with new concepts.

Employment integrities

Google’s technique of enrolling only the top-notch class personnel is effective as of their

outstanding success worldwide. Other organizations would choose average class personnel to cut

down enrollment expenses; however, in the long run, they will not attain many victories since

their productivity might be low. For Google, its workers are a necessary facility that is

capitalized in, and this has tremendously rewarded the corporation as its personnel discovers

some boundless commodities that have refaced Google for the best over the years. Google’s

workers are not bound to work on their particular routines throughout the day when they get to

work (Vise, 2007). The corporation has allocated 30% of its workers' time to extra creativities

that subsidize the inventive concepts of the organization. Besides, the company recompences the

inventions creativities of its employees. Although some workers might see the recompences as

incentives, for Google, it is an investment for the future. This recompences motivate the staff and

make them persist being creative as well as advancing their concepts in the corporate and not

separate. The concepts remain in the company and subsidize its development contrary to when

they are instigated outside the organization and turn out to be a rivalry to the corporation. Most

of Google’s new commodities are projected to be created in the period assigned for discovering

new concepts which can aid the corporate rise.


Lary Page and Sargey Bin started Google, presently this enormous corporate is run by Sundar

Pichai, whose upbringing is trace back to India. Later, the company recruited a more proficient

manager to run the corporate as well as the technology sector. The company allows its

employees to be more inventive and does not restrain which product they come up with, which

makes its management and leadership exceptional (Rothaermel, 2015). The best concept from

the employees gets value; thus, employees are permitted to contest against themselves with the

concept. This work culture chains fair contest as well as prohibit discrimination rewarding only

the best concept; thus, imparting morals in the organization. When workers work and get rewards

for themselves and not just offered unearned credibility, they become disciplined and develop the

appropriate attitude at work (Appelbaum & Matousek, 2007). This encourages clarity in

rewarding and level elevations in the company. Furthermore, this culture ascertains that

workplace politics do not get into the business way as well as only quality thrives are recognized.

Employees can relate to this honest process and be assured that their concepts have an impartial

possibility of getting value as it motivates them to knuckle down to discover fresh concepts

throughout (Eisenberger & Stinglhamber, 2011)



Back in years, Google focused on giving the long-term facilities justifiable for humanity. They

did not support user manipulation for gains in lieu; they encouraged disregarded short-term

advantages, which is a very decent means of carrying out business as it depicts the company is

more determined with elevating its customers' lives and not profitability. Many companies

prioritize profitability than sustainability ending up manipulating the customers and hurting

humanity in one or the other.

Work surrounding; what brands a corporate moral.

The working environment at Googles appeals to the workers since the company provides a

conducive setting for work, which is free from strain for the staff to focus on their work entirely.

Google offers all the resources essential to their workers to be proactive, which is a decent way

of treating its staff. Most companies demotivate their employees by not providing a conducive

working environment, which is indecent and hard for workers to be proactive at the workplace.

Workers disapproval of integrities.

Lately, Google came up with a morals panel to supervise the company’s AI expansion; however,

its workers rejected the panel by doubting the public statuses of the majority of its associates.

They disapproved of some of the panel associates for engaging with corporations that backed

opinions against individuals of particular angles such as lesbians and gays (Wakefield, 2019).

Besides, this was not appropriate in the company’s morals panel.


Proceeding the employees' criticisms and grievances, the company accredited that the panel

could not operate as expected and thus dropped it to come up with a more capable panel. This

implies that the administration at Google concedes opinions from its employees and hears their

voices. Google guaranteed its workers to uphold accountability in their duties and come up with

a new administration.

New agendas and morals

Google company is a front runner in safeguarding morals and upholding ethics in its processes.

This is the reason why Google recognizes the significance of morals in their entire new agendas.

The dispersed panel was formed to supervise AI expansion operations that the company got

involved in because it considered AI as an essential segment of its processes. Moral factors

concerning AI had to be evaluated as it gathers data on organizations and individuals hence

needs to monitor it thoroughly for any breach of personal confidentiality.

Moral Corporate

Consequently, I can undoubtedly support Google's company is moral since it holds up morals as

a role in their entire operations as well as handle it as a factor of the process. The company’s

facilities like Google mail alerts consumers of any malicious activity in their accounts and when

there is a login from unidentified devices. This shows that the company defends its user’s

confidentiality as assured in its user binding policy in the process of creating a google user


Google also portrays more concern for its customers as they provide ample storage space than

other companies; furthermore, they have the simplest to use email applications to meet their

user’s demands. They are giving humanity priority and money fewer priority brands, Google, an

ethical company.

Google search engine so far provides the best experience, and Google Ads are an efficient way

of advertising commodities for many companies to diverse onlookers. Google company is moral

in the commercial since it gives quality for its user money and associates compared to corporates

that offer low facilities at high costs.


The panel created by the company to supervise proper operations in the organization got

disapproved for the reason that the employees were not included in the creation of the panel. If it

is possible to make enhancements without prying Google’s moral values, then they should

involve the staff in making verdicts during the formation of such panels to supervise company

operations. Technology corporates like Microsoft and Facebook partake strategies on moral

subjects related to AI in place, Google should also take action and come up with a panel since it

is falling behind.


Wakefield, J (2019). Google’s ethics board shut down. Retrieved on 9th April 2019 from


Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Eisenberger, R., & Stinglhamber, F. (2011). Perceived organizational support: Fostering

enthusiastic and productive employees. American Psychological Association.

Vise, D. (2007). The google story. Strategic Direction, 23(10).

Appelbaum, S. H., Iaconi, G. D., & Matousek, A. (2007). Positive and negative deviant

workplace behaviors: causes, impacts, and solutions. Corporate Governance: The international

journal of business in society, 7(5), 586-598.

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