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Project Proposal On


Submitted By

Mr. Parbat Shubham Navnath

Mr.Mohite Ganesh Mahadev

Mr. Patil Satvik Ranjit


Mr. H.B.Waghmare





Sr. Title Page

No. No.

Rationale 3

2 Abstract 4

3 Introduction 5

4 Literature Survey

5 Problem Statement 7

(6.1) Block Diagram
6 (6.2) Discription
(6.3) Circuit Diagram & Discription
(6.4) working steps

7 Component list

8 Advantages 13

9 Applications

10 Action Plan 13

11 References


Proposed system will be helpful for continuous monitoring of patient as well

as accurate & speedy diagnosis will save life in case of critical conditions. Also it is
helpful to ask for expert opinion if it is needed with the help of digital system.
Though doctor is not available in hospital he can moniter real time diagnosis
& medical conditions of the patients. Also it is cost effective design,so affordable for
any common man.


"Iot based patient monitoring system" is aa model which embeds

sensors to measure temperature and heart beat rate for current working model. As a
future scope we can develop for respisatory system and monitoring also. At the
same time the information will be displayed at doctors computer.
An arduino board based this system as used for the input from patient and
any abnormality health by patient forges the monitoring system to give an alarm.
This system is very useful for future analysis and monitor patient health history
which leads to provide right treatment to patient fast recovery.
For more versatile Medical Application this project can be improved by
incorporating blood pressure monitoring system dental sensors and Annunciation
systems thereby making it useful in hospital as a very efficient and dedicated patient
care system.


Health monitoring is the major problem in today’s world. Due to lack of

proper health monitoring, patient suffer from serious health issues. There are lots of
IoT devices now days to monitor the health of patient over internet. Health experts
are also taking advantage of these smart devices to keep an eye on their patients.
With tons of new healthcare technology start-ups, IoT is rapidly revolutionizing the
healthcare industry.
Here in this project, we will make an IoT based Health Monitoring System
which records the patient heart beat rate and body temperature and also send an
email/SMS alert whenever those readings goes beyond critical values. Pulse rate and
body temperature readings are recorded over ThingSpeak and Google sheets so that
patient health can be monitored from anywhere in the world over internet. A panic
will also be attached so that patient can press it on emergency to send email/sms to
their relatives.

Literature Survey

In ruler area some doctor are not used digital and accurate equipment for
checking the body temperature and the heartbeat. Because of these problem patient
are come in the big cities for testing. In cities Hospital pay more test with it is not
affordable for common people.
Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing plays a vital role in
today’s Tele-monitoring health system. This system keeps track of patient’s
physiological parameters through collection of body sensors’ data using wifi
module. The patient’s health card are developed by the doctors and displayed on a
webpage where doctors and patients can access and communicate each other without
physical presence. Using cloud computing, the data can be stored, updated and
accessed from anywhere in the world. It is very suitable for rural areas where
medical facilities are not available.
The specialized healthcare monitoring system for elderly people is a
growing need in the aging population world. This system performs basic health
checkups by measuring the body parameters regularly and report the data to the
doctors. The result data are then displayed as statements in a web application where
doctors and patients can interact with each other

2014 12th IEEE International conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)

Published : 2014
In this paper on auther D. Shiva Rama Krishnan ; Subhash Chand
Gupta ; Tanupriya Choudhury pubilhed by IOT based paint moniring system on 23
Aug 2018.
A no. of assessments on the theme of Wireless-Sensors methods were done
before as projects reports or, as research papers on IoT based Patient Health
Monitoring System.
These sensors are put on human body which are screens the wellbeing
condition without irritating the day by day timetable of the patient and Wellbeing
observing framework comprises of sensors, microcontroller, Lcd show and GsM
modem to transmit or get wellbeing related information to or from the specialist.
Thus, at doctor's facility same GsM modem is utilized. It takes small amount of time
to tell the patients and their loved ones about the results and delivers the report
directly with no interruption.

Problem Statement

1.Check parameters of patient body.

2.Display/send to Doctor’s Mobile.
3.Generate alarming signal in case of emergency.


A. Internet of Things (IoT) is the emerging technology, which contains huge

amount of smart object and smart devices connected to the internet for
communicating with each other.
B. In this project to analyze and compute the patient health we are using Wifi
module, which is the heart of this project.
C. These smart devices are used to collect temperature & heartbeat, which are
used to evaluate the health condition of the patient.
D. The final results are displayed on the android device.
E. This project may play vital role in saving the patient life at emergency time
since “Time is life”


Block Diagram Of IOT Based Patient Monitoring System:

Power Supply WiFi Module

Arduino UNO

Heart Beat Sensor Temp. Sensor

Fig: Block Diagram OfIOT Based Patient Monitoring System


1. Heartbeat sensor :-

Fig. Heart Beat Sensor

The Pulse Sensor is a plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino. It can be
used by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want
to easily incorporate live heart-rate data into their projects. The essence is an
integrated optical amplifying circuit and noise eliminating circuit sensor. Clip
the Pulse Sensor to your earlobe or fingertip and plug it into your Arduino, you can
ready to read heart rate. Also, it has an Arduino demo code that makes it easy to use.
The pulse sensor has three pins: VCC, GND & Analog Pin.
There is also a LED in the center of this sensor module which helps in
detecting the heartbeat. Below the LED, there is a noise elimination circuitry which
is supposed to keep away the noise from affecting the readings.

2. Temperature sensorLM325:-

Fig. LM 35

The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature devices with an

output voltage linearly-proportional to the Centigrade temperature. The LM35
device has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin, as the
user is not required to subtract a large constant voltage from the output to obtain
convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35 device does not require any external
calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±¼°C at room temperature
and ±¾°C over a full −55°C to 150°C temperature range.

3. Wi-Fi Module:-

Fig.WiFi Module

Most people call ESP8266 as a WIFI module, but it is actually a

microcontroller. ESP8266 is the name of the microcontroller developed by Espressif
Systems which is a company based out of shanghai. This microcontroller has the
ability to perform WIFI related activities hence it is widely used as a WIFI module.

There are two of ways to work with your ESP8266 module. This tutorial will
help you to get started with ESP8266. One way is by using the AT commands. The
other way is by using the Arduino IDE. Here we will use AT commands to send data
from Arduino to ESP.

 Circuit Diagram:

Fig: Circuit Diagram Of IOT Based PatientMonitoring System

Working Steps:

1. Connect Pulse Sensor output pin to A0 of Arduino and other two pins to VCC
2. Connect LM35 Temperature Sensor output pin to A1 of Arduino and other two pins
to VCC & GND.
3. Connect the LED to Digital Pin 7 of Arduino via 220 ohm resistor.
4. Connect Pin 1,3,5,16 of LCD to GND.
5. Connect Pin 2,15 of LCD to VCC.
6. Connect Pin 4,6,11,12,13,14 of LCD to Digital Pin12,11,5,4,3,2 of Arduino.
7.The RX pin of ESP8266 works on 3.3V and it will not communicate with the
Arduino when we will connect it directly to the Arduino. So, we will have to make a
voltage divider for it which will convert the 5V into 3.3V. This can be done by
connecting 2.2K & 1K resistor. Thus the RX pin of the ESP8266 is connected to the
pin 10 of Arduino through the resistors.
8. Connect the TX pin of the ESP8266 to the pin 9 of the Arduino.

Components List:

Table 1 : Components list and cost estimation

Sr. Cost
Components Quantity
No (in Rs.)

1 Heart Beat Sensor 1 350

2 Temperature sensor LM 35 1 150

3 WiFi Module 1 500

4 Buzzer 1 100
5 Arduino UNO 1 450
7 As per 100
Other Components
As per 120
8 Connecting wires requirement (for 20 pcs)

Cost Estimation (Approximate):The approximate cost for this proposed

project is around Rs. 1800 only.

1. Easy to Check
2. Low Cost.


1. Medical Collage
2. Hospital

Action Plan:


Sr. no Month Details of work carried out

1. 1 July-19 Group formation, Guide allocation as per area of work

2. 1 Aug-19 Literature survey

3. 2 Sep-19 Problem formulation, objective, need for study

4. 3 Oct-19 Study of theory i.e. Methodology

5. 4 Nov-19 Synopsis write-up

Procuring components, components testing, and circuit

6. 5 Dec-19
Software & hardware model, PCB making and onboard
7. 6 Jan-20

8. 7 Feb-20 Trouble shoot and cabinet making

Up to 10 Documentation, Giving final touch to report and its

9. 8
March-20 submission.




 IEEE paper/intellingent system



We the undersigned have submitted the Project Proposal for the proposed project

We declare that we have submitted the Project Proposal

afterthrough study & it is not copied from any other source.

Name of student Sign

Mr.Parbat Shubham Navnath

Mr.Mohite Ganesh Mahadev

Mr. Patil Satvik Ranjit

Project Accepted &Approvedby Sign

1. Ms. Wadekar R. M.

2. Ms.M. A. Dongre

3. Ms. S. S. Yadav

(Mr. Waghmare H. B.)

SubjectTeacher H.O.D
(Mr.Wadekar R. M.) (Ms. Wadekar R. M.)


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