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D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | T AB L E O F C O N T E N T S

Homebrew Compendium 1
Wizard ........................................................................ 23
Table of Contents Alienist ................................................................... 23
Table of Contents ..............................................................2 Pseudonatural Template.......................................... 23
Races .................................................................................4 Generalist ................................................................ 23
Synand ..........................................................................4 Metamagus ............................................................. 23
Synand Traits ............................................................4 Technomancer ........................................................ 24
Brain in a Jar .................................................................4 Polymorpher ........................................................... 24
Brain in a Jar Traits...................................................4 Fighting Styles ................................................................ 26
Necropolitan .................................................................4 New Fighting Styles ................................................... 26
Necropolitan Traits ...................................................4 Battle Vigor ............................................................ 26
Warforged .....................................................................5 Empty Handed ........................................................ 26
Warforged Traits .......................................................5 Improvised .............................................................. 26
Subclasses .........................................................................6 Leader ..................................................................... 26
Subclass Descriptions ...................................................6 Longarm ................................................................. 26
Barbarian ......................................................................7 Low Blows.............................................................. 26
Rage Mage ................................................................7 Practiced Archery ................................................... 26
Genath Rager ............................................................7 Run and Gun ........................................................... 26
Bard ..............................................................................9 Throw Anything ..................................................... 26
College of Fortune ....................................................9 Throwery ................................................................ 26
College of Music.......................................................9 Utilitarian Companion ............................................ 26
Cleric .......................................................................... 10 Watchful ................................................................. 26
Heroism .................................................................. 10 Weapon Master ....................................................... 26
Fighter ......................................................................... 11 Metamagic ...................................................................... 27
Battle Avatar ........................................................... 11 New Metamagic Options ............................................ 27
Dancer ..................................................................... 11 Backgrounds ................................................................... 28
Exoskeleton............................................................. 12 Engineer .................................................................. 28
Gunslinger............................................................... 13 Equipment....................................................................... 30
Standard Bearer ...................................................... 13 Steampunk Weapons .................................................. 30
Rogue .......................................................................... 15 Weapon Properties .................................................. 31
Medical Professional............................................... 15 Weapon Augmentations.......................................... 31
Sadist ...................................................................... 15 Feats................................................................................ 32
Self-Modification .................................................... 16 Homebrew Feats ......................................................... 32
Sorcerer ....................................................................... 18 Alphamorpher ......................................................... 32
Blood Bound ........................................................... 18 Axeman................................................................... 32
Cryomancer............................................................. 18 Blunt Weapon Master ............................................. 32
Electromancer ......................................................... 19 Brawler ................................................................... 32
Pyromancer ............................................................. 19 Brutal Killer ............................................................ 32
Warlock ...................................................................... 21 Brutal Rogue ........................................................... 32
Shadow Pact............................................................ 21 Bullet Proof ............................................................ 32
Spirit Bound ............................................................ 21 Caller ...................................................................... 32

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | T AB L E O F C O N T E N T S
Charismatic ............................................................. 33 Stalwart ................................................................... 37
Deadly Illusionist .................................................... 33 Standard Bearer ...................................................... 38
Dervish.................................................................... 33 Studied Warrior ...................................................... 38
Dexterous Grappler ................................................. 33 Tactically Armored ................................................. 38
Diehard ................................................................... 33 Telekinetic .............................................................. 38
Double Tapper ........................................................ 33 Thesis Spell ............................................................ 38
Duelist ..................................................................... 33 Thrown Weapon Master ......................................... 38
Einhander ................................................................ 33 Whip Master ........................................................... 38
Elocater ................................................................... 33 Spellbook ........................................................................ 39
Enchanting Illusionist ............................................. 34 Spells by Level ........................................................... 39
Escape Artist ........................................................... 34 Spells by Name ........................................................... 40
Expert Grappler ...................................................... 34
Last Modified: 12/9/2015
Field Medic ............................................................. 34
Gadgeteer ................................................................ 34
Hemophobic ............................................................ 34
Light Armor Master ................................................ 34
Light Weapon Master ............................................. 34
Master Swordsman ................................................. 35
Marksman ............................................................... 35
Metamagician ......................................................... 35
Metamagic Reservoir .............................................. 35
Mind Breaker .......................................................... 35
Mustachioed ............................................................ 35
Mystic Reservoir ..................................................... 35
Necromantic ............................................................ 35
One Step Ahead ...................................................... 36
Hooked Weapon Master ......................................... 36
Point Blank Shooter ................................................ 36
Quick Witted ........................................................... 36
Savant ..................................................................... 36
School Specialist ..................................................... 36
Scribe ...................................................................... 36
Shadow Caster ........................................................ 36
Shadow Rogue ........................................................ 37
Shadow Warrior ...................................................... 37
Shield Bearer .......................................................... 37
Skirmisher ............................................................... 37
Sniper ...................................................................... 37
Spearman ................................................................ 37
Spell Breaker .......................................................... 37

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | T AB L E O F C O N T E N T S
you automatically fail all Strength checks. You also have
Races no appendages to manipulate the world.
Alternate Means. You gain the mage hand cantrip so
you aren’t completely useless and do not need to perform
The following is a compilation of homebrew races.
somatic components or provide material components
costing less than 1 gold piece.
Synand Insulated. You are immune to disease and poison and
Synands are rare beings of two minds. Their dualities do not need to breathe while above half health.
often compete for control and create many awkward Pimp my Jar. It is possible to integrate small things like
scenarios. a spell focus, into your jar.
Trance. Rather than sleep, brains in jars enter a
meditative state known as trance. You need to spend 4
Synand Traits hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races
As a synand, you have the following racial traits and gain from taking a long rest.
should be played by two people at the table. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
Size. Medium. and Undercommon.
Speed. 30 feet.
Multimind. The mind of a synand is crowded with two Necropolitan
consciousnesses and each has its own abilities.
Necropolitans, unlike typical undead, are sentient.
Ability Scores. When rolling ability scores, roll nine
Created by the Ritual of Crucimmigration performed on a
times rather than six. Each mind shares physical ability
dead humanoid body, Necropolitans lurk throughout the
scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution). Both minds
world as shadows of their former selves.
have their own mental ability scores (Intelligence,
Wisdom, Charisma).
Classes. The two minds also have their own classes and Necropolitan Traits
levels and are treated as two completely separate
As a necropolitan, you have the following racial traits.
characters except where noted. The classes level up
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Hit Dice. When rolling hit dice, use the larger of the
Size. Necropolitans resemble the humanoid they were
two dice.
in life but are always medium in size.
Switching Minds. The two minds and their abilities are
Speed. 30 feet.
not available at the same time and an opposed Wisdom
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
check can be made as a bonus action to switch minds.
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
Dual Mind Defense. Both minds can save against any
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
charm effects. If either mind succeeds, both do.
shades of grey.
Fool Me Twice. Both minds can make insight checks to
Undead. Necropolitans are immune to disease, poison,
determine falsehoods. If either mind succeeds, both do.
and being put to sleep. You do not need to eat sleep or
Better Than One. Both minds can make knowledge
breath but you can ingest food and drink if you still have
checks. If either mind succeeds, both do.
those body parts. You save with advantage against fear
and charm effects. You are immune to necrotic damage
Brain in a Jar and vulnerable to radiant damage.
Subraces. Necropolitans are of many varieties but are
most commonly spelltouched or fortified.
Brain in a Jar Traits Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
As a brain in a jar, you have the following racial traits. and a language you knew in life (any).
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Spelltouched
Size. Tiny. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Speed. 0 feet, fly (hover) 30 feet. increases by 1.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of Necromantic Affinity. You know and can cast 1
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were necromancy spell of 1st level. You must choose what
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only spell you know when creating your character.
shades of grey. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
Just a Brain. Even though you are just a brain floating rest before you can use it again.
in fluid you are still, in a way, alive. Having no muscles,

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | R AC E S
Fortified Frontliner
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score
by 1. increases by 1.
Choice Parts. You have resistance to all damage as Foot Soldier. You gain proficiency in Strength
long as you are at maximum hit points. (Athletics).
Battle Ready. You are proficient with four weapons of
your choice.
Warforged Traits Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
As a warforged, you have the following racial traits. Runner. Your base land speed increases to 35 feet.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution
score increase by 1. Tactician
Size. Medium.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Intelligence score
Speed. 30 feet.
increases by 1.
Composite Plating. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor
Leader. You gain the Guidance cantrip.
Living Construct. Even though you were constructed,
you are a humanoid. You are immune to disease. You do
not need to eat or breath, but you can ingest food and Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score
drink if you wish. You are also resistant to poison. increases by 1.
Instead of sleeping, you enter a sleep-like state. You Redundant Components. You reduce damage taken
need to remain in it for only 4 hours each day. You do not from critical hits by 5.
dream; instead, you are fully aware of your surroundings
and notice approaching enemies and other events as Artillery
normal. Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score
Subraces. Warforged come in five models all centering increases by 1.
around military functions including Frontliner, Scout, Targeting Optics. The range of all ranged weapons and
Tactician, Armor, and Artillery. spells you use increases by 20 feet.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common Archer. You gain proficiency with a ranged weapon of
and one language of your creator. your choice.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | R AC E S
Sadist. Sadist Rogues inflict massive pain on others and
Subclasses themselves and can score sneak attacks on wounded
Self-Modification. Self-Modification Rogues improve
A massive compilation of all homebrew subclasses can be
their own bodies with their choice of many piecemeal
found within this section, sorted by class.
components. They are also accompanied by a robotic
companion that they often use for testing purposes.
Subclass Descriptions
Each subclass is thematically or mechanically diverse and Sorcerer
their short descriptions may help you narrow down Blood Bound. Blood Bound Sorcerer’s grow strong and
interests. more resilient as they grow weaker.
Cryomancer. Sorcerer’s of cold, Cryomancers, create
Barbarian walls of ice to protect themselves and can freeze enemies
Rage Mage. This Barbarian gains Warlock style spell in place with their extra frigid cold spells.
progression within two schools of magic and possess Electromancer. Electromancers gain unmatched
limited spell casting ability while raging. Rages Mages control over electricity and lightning and use it to move
sometimes release Wild Magic surges. quickly, conduct it to suit their needs, or drive away
Genath Rager. Rage comes naturally and slowly to attacks with metallic weapons.
Genath Ragers. They reach dangerous peaks and Pyromancer. Unmatched masters of flame
unparalleled Strength. Pyromancers can cauterize their own wounds and unleash
true fire, bypassing resistance, and even immunity, to fire
College of Fortune. A member of the College of
Fortune distributes their Bardic Inspiration at the start of
the day instead of spontaneously. Their features allow for Shadow Pact. Warlock’s bound to mysterious entities
slight manipulation of odds. of the Shadowfell can manipulate its energy into a
College of Music. Who knew a bard could be better multitude of forms.
within even more music? Students of this college are Spirit Bound. Spirit Bound Warlocks fight alongside
typically more inspiring than others and can manipulate their patron, giving them ghost like resistances and
emotion with music alone. allowing them to take multiple reactions and attack an
additional time.
Heroism. Followers of the Heroism domain can
interpose themselves to save allies and have a strong Alienists. Strange creatures whisper dark secrets into
resistance to death. these wizard’s ears until the wizard is similarly corrupted.
Generalist. No other wizard can match the versatility of
the generalist’s expanded spell preparation abilities.
Fighter Metamagus. Like a sorcerer, Metamagi can apply
Battle Avatar. The Battler Avatar holds the knowledge metamagic effects to their spells and prepare spells faster
of great heroes before them and gain Warlock spell than any other wizard.
progression alongside a swappable feat and fighting style. Technomancer. These wizards have an unrivaled
Dancer. Dancers move gracefully and treat all weapons understanding of “science” and its untapped power.
as finesse weapons. They deal bonus damage and can Technomancers can even impart some of their knowledge
execute deadly combination attacks when attacks hit in on other creatures.
series. Polymorpher. More comfortable in something else’s
Exoskeleton. A pilot of an exoskeleton with good skin Polymorphers can manipulate and repair their own
Intelligence can be a mobile scout or imposing bulwark form and shift their own organs. All self-respecting
on the battle field. Polymorphers know Evolve.
Gunslinger. The gunslinger acts quickly or first in
every combat and is a master of ranged weapons.

Medical Professional. Medical Professionals use their
knowledge of anatomy to cut open living people open.
Masters of their own body chemistry they can brew
potions for personal use.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Wild Rage
Barbarian Beginning at 6th level, when you enter a rage and all of
your spell slots are expended, roll once on the Sorcerer
Rage Mage Wild Magic table (PLAYER’S H ANDBOOK, pg. 104).

When you go enter a rage you release a torrent of arcane Angry Spell
energy to destroy your foes.
Starting at 10th level, when you cast a spell while raging,
you can add your rage damage bonus to the saving throw
DC or spell attack bonus. When you use this feature roll
Barbarian Level Feature once on the Sorcerer Wild Magic table (PLAYER’S
3rd Rage Casting, Pact Magic HANDBOOK, pg. 104).
6th Wild Rage Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest
10th Angry Spell before you may use it again.
14th Arcane Rush
Arcane Rush
At 14th level, when you enter a rage you can choose to
Rage Casting regain one expended spell slot. When you use this feature
Beginning at 3rd level, you can cast spells while raging. roll once on the Sorcerer Wild Magic table (PLAYER’S
You still cannot concentrate on spells while raging. When HANDBOOK, pg. 104). This feature may result in two
you deal damage with a spell while raging you can add rolls on the Wild Magic table when used simultaneously
your rage damage bonus to the damage result. with Wild Rage.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
Pact Magic rest before you can use it again.
At 3rd level, you gain Pact Magic as the Warlock (see
PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, pg. 107). Genath Rager
Your spells known, rather than being drawn from the
Warlock spell list, are drawn from the Sorcerer spell list Goliaths of the northern lands are often Genath Ragers. A
and are confined to evocation and a spell school of your Genath Rager has an uncanny control of their rage
choice. You must choose the additional school of magic allowing them to slowly unlock their full potential.
you learn spells from when you gain this feature.
RAGE MAGE SPELLCASTING Barbarian Level Feature
Barbarian Cantrips Spells Slot 3rd Simmering Rage
Spell Slots
Level Known Known Level 6th Therapeutic Rage
3rd 2 2 1 1st 10th Relentless Athleticism
4th 2 2 1 1st 14th Critical Point
5th 2 3 1 1st
6th 2 3 1 1st Simmering Rage
7th 2 4 1 2nd Beginning at 3rd level, your rages grow stronger as it
persists. At the start of your turn, if you ended your
8th 2 4 2 2nd
previous turn raging, you gain a +1 bonus to melee
9th 2 4 2 2nd weapon damage rolls. This bonus continues to increase up
10th 3 5 2 2nd to your rage damage bonus. This bonus is lost when you
11th 3 5 2 2nd finish a rage.
12th 3 5 2 2nd
Therapeutic Rage
13th 3 6 2 3rd
Raging is almost relaxing. At 6th level, when your rage
14th 3 6 2 3rd ends and you have at least 1 hit point, you can roll and
15th 3 6 2 3rd expend up to two hit dice as if taking a short rest. If your
16th 3 7 2 3rd rage lasted for at least 1 minute, you can reroll any of the
hit dice rolled as part of this feature and take the new
17th 3 7 2 3rd
result. Each die can only be rerolled once.
18th 3 7 2 3rd Once you use this feature, you must complete a rest
19th 3 8 2 4th before you may use it again.
20th 3 8 2 4th

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Relentless Athleticism
Beginning at 10th level, when you make an unopposed
Strength ability check, you gain advantage the next time
you attempt the same ability check under the same
circumstances within 1 hour of the initial check.

Critical Point
At 14th level, you can choose to gain one of the following
features at the start of your turn if you were raging on
your two previous turns. The bonus lasts until your
current rage ends.
Massive. Your size increases to large and your reach
increases by 5 feet. Your Constitution score increases by
2, this feature can raise the score above 20.
Fast. You can use your bonus action to take the dash
action. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, this feature
can raise the score above 20.
Powerful. When you make a Strength (Athletics) check
and the d20 result is less than 10, you can treat the result
as a 10. Your Strength score increases by 2, this feature
can raise the score above 20.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Bard Level Features
3rd Encore, Bonus Proficiencies
College of Fortune
6th Tear Jerker
The college of fortune dabbles in the infinite fates of the 14th Epic Music
universe. Using ancient techniques of palm reading, tarot
cards, and possibly more occult methods, students of
fortune discern the secrets of the future to their advantage.
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever a creature within 30 feet
COLLEGE OF FORTUNE expends a use of bardic inspiration you granted it, you can
expend your reaction to allow the creature to reroll the
Bard Level Features
bardic inspiration die after it knows the result of the roll,
3rd Foretelling but before the DM announces if the roll succeeds or fails.
6th Fate Spin The affected creature must be able to see you to benefit
14th Rigged Deck from this feature.

Foretelling Bonus Proficiencies

Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you regain your bardic When you join the College of Music at 3rd level, you gain
inspiration you can reveal subtle details about the future. proficiency with three musical instruments and with
You can roll and expend any number of your bardic instruments used as improvised weapons.
inspiration ahead of time. Instead of rolling a bardic Additionally, the damage die of any instrument used as
inspiration die normally you can use one of your prerolled an improvised weapon is at least a d6. At 6th level the
results. A creature can retain a prerolled bardic inspiration damage die increases to a d8.
until the next time you regain your bardic inspiration dice,
rather than 10 minutes. Tear Jerker
Additionally, you can use the Bardic Inspiration feature Starting at 6th level, you can invoke powerful emotion
on yourself. with verse or an instrument. As an action you can perform
and all creatures (excluding yourself) within 30 feet must
Fate Spin succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
Starting at 6th level, you can treat a die result of 1 as 20. save DC or begin audibly crying. A creature does not
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long need to hear or understand you to be affected, your art
rest before you can use it again. If you treat a die result of speaks to its very soul. The clearly audible sobbing or
20 as a 1 you regain your use of this ability without taking other expression of sadness reveals the location of hidden
a long rest. creatures who failed their saving throw. Additionally,
bodies wracked with sorrow, the speed of affected
creatures is reduced by 20 feet until the start of your next
Rigged Deck turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Beginning at 14th level, whenever you roll a 1 or 2 on a
your Charisma modifier (minimum of once).
bardic inspiration die you can reroll it and take the new
You regain all expended uses of this feature when you
complete a long rest.

College of Music Epic Music

You double majored in music and music. It was really Beginning at 14th level, whenever you complete a long
tough paying for art school after your dad stopped rest you formulate a new epic tune or verse. The epic
supporting you and your band broke up but you made it music is imbued with the power of heroism and its magic
through. is expended once played. You can use your bonus action
to play an epic verse and all allied creatures (including
yourself) within 30 feet gain advantage on the next attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw made before the start
of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
reach 14th level the additional damage increases to 2d4
Cleric and the range increases to 10 feet.

Heroism Not Dead Yet

Starting at 17th level, you can still use Channel Divinity:
You worship a deity of valor, comradery and co-operative Substitute while unconscious at 0 hit points. If the damage
ass kicking. you take would have killed the original target, a use of
channel divinity is not expended. You do not receive any
HEROISM death saving throw failures when you take damage in this
Cleric Level Feature manner.
1st Rush to Aid
2nd Channel Divinity: Substitute
6th Never Your Time
8th Combat Leadership
17th Not Dead Yet


Cleric Level Spells
1st Bless, Cure Wounds
Lesser Restoration, Healing
5th Revivify, Beacon of Hope
Death Ward, Guardian of
Mass Cure Wounds, Raise

Rush to Aid
Starting at 1st level, you can use your bonus action to
dash so long as all of the additional movement brings you
closer to an ally you can see or whose position you know.

Channel Divinity: Substitute

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to potentially save the life of an adjacent creature.
As a reaction you expend a use of channel divinity to
become the new target of an attack or spell in place of
another creature within 30 feet just before the damage
result is announced. A visage of your form appears to
intercept the attack or spell. You have damage resistance
against all damage taken by substituting. If you are
reduced to 0 hit points by this damage, a channel divinity
use is not expended.

Never Your Time

At 6th level you have advantage on death saving throws.

Combat Leadership
At 8th level the attacks of allies strike true through your
guidance. You can designate a number of creatures up to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) as an action. When a
designated creature within 5 feet hits with a melee attack,
an additional 1d4 radiant damage is inflicted. Your allies
can only use this ability once on their turns. When you

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
duration when a weapon damage die result is less than
Fighter your Intelligence modifier the result changes to match
your Intelligence modifier.
Battle Avatar Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again.
In your dabbling with the arcane you have found yourself
linked to the heroes of legend. The lives of grand BATTLE AVATAR SPELLCASTING
swordsmen and potent spell casters are replayed in your Fighter Cantrips Spells
dreams and in battle you can call upon their vast Spell Slots Slot Level
Level Known Known
knowledge to augment your own.
3rd 2 2 1 1st
BATTLE AVATAR 4th 2 2 1 1st
Fighter Level Feature 5th 2 3 1 1st
3rd Pact Magic, Martial Font 6th 2 3 1 1st
7th Pool of Knowledge 7th 2 4 1 2nd
10th Arcane Infusion 8th 2 4 2 2nd
15th Siege Spells 9th 2 4 2 2nd
18th Emulation 10th 3 5 2 2nd
11th 3 5 2 2nd
Pact Magic 12th 3 5 2 2nd
Your connection to ancient heroes grants you a portion of
their spell casting power. At 3rd level, you gain Pact 13th 3 6 2 3rd
Magic as the Warlock (see PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, pg. 14th 3 6 2 3rd
107). Your spells known, rather than being drawn from 15th 3 6 2 3rd
the Warlock spell list, are drawn from the Wizard spell 16th 3 7 2 3rd
list and are confined to the evocation school and one other
school of your choice. You must choose the additional 17th 3 7 2 3rd
school of magic you can learn spells from when you gain 18th 3 7 2 3rd
this feature. 19th 3 8 2 4th
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability modifier, rather 20th 3 8 2 4th
than Charisma.

Martial Font Siege Spells

Your spells weaken any defenses they cannot break.
In your dreams you’ve studied those before you and when
Beginning at 15th level, if a creature succeeds on the
in need, can exchange your experience for theirs.
initial saving throw against a spell you cast as an action or
Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action to learn a
you miss a creature with the initial attack roll of a spell
new fighting style and lose the one you currently know
you cast as an action, you gain advantage on the next
from the fighter class. The new fighting style must be
weapon attack against the targeted creature made before
chosen from the fighter’s options of fighting styles. The
the end of your next turn.
new fighting style cannot be one you already know.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier. Once you complete a long rest Emulation
you regain all expended uses of this feature. Starting at 18th level, you can tap into the knowledge of
the warriors before you. When you complete a long rest
you can choose to lose one Ability Score Improvement
Pool of Knowledge
you gained due to Fighter levels and gain a different
You can relinquish control of your own body and allow
Ability Score Improvement. This Ability Score Increase
those before you to guide it. At 7th level, you can expend
may instead be a feat if you are using the option feat
a spell slot to add your proficiency bonus to any Strength,
Dexterity, or Intelligence ability check if you do not
Arcane Infusion Every swing of your sword feeds into the next to establish
Starting at 10th level, once per day you can infuse a deadly rhythm. Dancers rely on continuous streaks of
yourself with the combat prowess of ancient heroes as a hits to deal increased damage to their foes. Their
bonus action. The infusion lasts for 1 minute and for the

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
harmonious fighting style allows them to pull off sly Chain Attacks
maneuvers that can turn the tide of battle. At 15th level, you learn one of the following chain
attacks. To execute a chain attack, you must hit with three
DANCER melee attacks in a row on your turn.
Fighter Level Feature Sweep. You can use your bonus action to cause all
targets hit as part of the chain attack take 1d6 damage.
3rd Momentum, Finessed The damage type is the same as your weapon.
7th Combination Attacks Opening. You can use your bonus action to make a
10th Precision Attacks single melee attack against one of the targets of the chain
15th Chain Attacks attack.
Shield. You can use your bonus action to cause the next
18th Unrelenting Steel attack against you to be at disadvantage.

Momentum Unrelenting Steel

Starting at 3rd level, when you hit a hostile creature with Starting at 18th level, after initiative is rolled all your
a melee attack, you gain 2 momentum points after the melee attacks gain advantage until you miss a melee
damage is dealt. Whenever you miss a hostile creature attack or do not take the attack action on your turn.
with an attack you lose a momentum point. When you roll
damage add your current momentum to the total. You
cannot have less than 0 momentum points or more than Exoskeleton
one third of your Fighter level (rounded up). You lose all Adventuring was tough as a fighter who favored his
momentum points on any turn you do not use the attack brains over his brawn. Now your plans are complete and
action. you can show your muscly enemies the power of the
mind. You pilot a custom exoskeleton with an array of
Finessed weaponry and utility features. You don’t need to be strong
At 3rd level, all weapons you are proficient with gain the if the design is right.
finesse property.
Combination Attacks Fighter Level Feature
At 7th level, you learn two of the following combination 3rd Exoskeleton, Engineer
attacks. To execute a combo, you must hit with two melee
7th Utilitarian
attacks in a row on your turn.
Sidestep. You can use your bonus action to move half 10th Integrated Weapons
your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. 15th High Tolerance
Flourish. You can use your bonus action to gain a 18th Overclock
momentum point.
Dance. You can use your bonus action to switch places
with one of the creatures you attacked. You cannot switch
places with a creature that would be forced to squeeze Beginning at 3rd level, your combat prowess relies on an
into its new position. This movement does not provoke exoskeleton. You can enter and leave your exoskeleton
attacks of opportunity. with an action. You can only benefit from the features of
Advance. You can use your bonus action to move the Exoskeleton subclass while wearing your exoskeleton.
yourself and the target of one of your attacks up to10 feet Choose which frame you know how to build and
forwards or backwards. You must follow the target of this operate.
combination attack. Middleweight. Your speed increases by 10 feet while
wearing your exoskeleton. When you end your turn 20
feet away from where you started it you gain temporary
Precision Reflexes hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier. These
Beginning at 10th level, you can add 10 to the result of a temporary hit points fade at the start of your next turn.
Dexterity ability check or saving throw. You must choose Heavyweight. You occupy the same space of a large
to do this before the result of the roll is announced. creature while wearing your exoskeleton and are
Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest considered large for the purpose of grappling. You can
before you may use it again. reduce incoming damage by half your intelligence
modifier (rounded up).

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Engineer 3rd Quick on the Draw
Starting at 3rd level, you are proficient with Tinkerer’s 7th Situational Awareness
Tools. You use these tools to maintenance and upgrade
10th Bull’s-eye
your exoskeleton.
15th Supporting Fire
Utilitarian 18th Trigger Finger
At 7th level, you can choose two of the following
upgrades. The upgrade cannot be changed. You can only Quick on the Draw
benefit from it while you are in your exoskeleton. If you Starting at 3rd level, when combat starts and initiative is
choose to add twice your proficiency bonus from rolled, you can draw a weapon and take the attack action.
expertise you cannot add your Intelligence modifier. If another creature has this feature, the creature with the
Pneumatics. You can add your Intelligence modifier to highest initiative count acts first.
Strength (Athletics) checks. Once you use this feature you must complete a rest
Gyros. You can add your Intelligence modifier to before you may use it again.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
Distributors. You can add your Intelligence modifier Situational Awareness
to Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You’re always checking out the competition, and not in a
weird way. At 7th level, you are never at disadvantage
Integrated Weapons when making perception checks or rolling for initiative.
Starting at 10th level, you can integrate two weapons into You add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls.
your exoskeleton. Integrating a weapon takes 1 hour of
work and can be done over the course of a short or long Bull’s-Eye
rest. An Integrated weapon cannot be dropped but you can Starting at 10th level, when you score a critical hit with a
unintegrate a weapon with 1 minute of work. You cannot ranged weapon, you deal maximum additional critical
be disarmed of an integrated weapon and you can draw damage.
the weapon as part of making an attack with it.
Additionally, when the result of a damage die of an Supporting Fire
integrated weapon is less than your intelligence modifier,
Beginning at 15th level, you can expend your action and a
treat the result as equal to your intelligence modifier.
piece of ammunition from a ranged weapon you are
wielding to suppress one creature and hinder their next
High Tolerance attack. You cannot suppress a creature outside of your
At 15th level, if one of your attack rolls or saving throws weapon’s range. A suppressed creature makes its next
is at disadvantage, you can choose to gain advantage on attack before your next turn with disadvantage.
the roll and disregard the effects of disadvantage.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long Trigger Finger
rest before you can use it again.
At 18th level, when you take the attack action and attack
with a weapon, you can expend your bonus action to
Overclock make a single attack with a weapon used in the attack
Beginning at 18th level, you can overclock your action.
exoskeleton as a bonus action for 1 minute. While
overclocking your speed increases by 10 feet and you can
add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of any Standard Bearer
weapon you wield. Once you apply your intelligence Standard Bearers are honorable warriors who may inspire
modifier to damage, you cannot do so again until the start those around them. Standard Bearers have pledged their
of your next turn. You can choose to add the additional allegiance to a lord of the realm and carry their symbol to
damage of this feature after you know if the attack hits. the grave.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again. STANDARD BEARER
Fighter Level Feature
Gunslinger 3rd Standard Bearer
Gunslingers shoot first and often don’t ask questions; 7th Oath, Stalwart Defender
because the person they just shot at is dead. 10th Coordinated Assault
15th Inspired Standard
18th Bastion
Fighter Level Feature

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Starting at 3rd level, you bear the standard of your
faction. The standard has an AC of 10 + half your fighter
level and hit points equal to 10 + half your fighter level.
You can carry the standard in your hand or plant it upright
in the ground as a bonus action.
Allies (you are considered your own ally) within 20 feet
of your upright standard, reduce incoming damage by 1.

At 7th level your honor is frequently recognized. You
gain advantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) checks
made to convince a creature of objective truth. Beyond
this, your word is highly regarded, should it remain
undisgraced. A standard bearer who dishonors himself
loses all standard bearer features.

Stalwart Defender
Beginning at 7th level, if you are not incapacitated and
within 5 feet of your standard, it cannot be damaged or
knocked over.

Coordinated Assault
Starting at 10th level, you can rally your allies into a
concentrated assault. After initiative is rolled, you can
designate an ally that can hear and see you. The
designated ally treats their initiative result as equal to
your own.
Your ability to coordinate increases and at 18th level
and you may designate up to two allies.

Inspired Standard
At 15th level, the standard you bear carries a more
powerful reputation. You and allies within 20 feet of your
upright standard gain a +1 bonus to damage and can
reduce incoming damage by 2, rather than 1.

Beginning at 18th level, if you are not incapacitated, the
armor class of any adjacent ally is considered 17, if it is
not higher.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
improvise any of the following tools and more at the
Rogue DM’s discretion.
Blanket, Caltrops (10), Candle, Climber’s Kit,
Medical Professional Hammer, Healer’s Kit, Ink, Mess Kit, Piton, Rations (1
day), Rope (20 feet), Sack, Soap, Waterskin.
Your favorite class was probably anatomy and your It’s highly unlikely any merchant will want to buy your
favorite organ to stab is the stomach. blanket made out of human skin.

MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL Questionable Practice

Rogue Level Feature When you reach 17th level you can perform quick and
Field Medic, Professional dirty surgery. If a creature is below half hit points you can
Opinion use your bonus action to allow it to roll and expend a
9th Home Brew single hit die, as if taking a short rest. You can use this
13th Recycling ability on yourself. You do not need a healer’s kit for this
ability; don’t ask why.
17th Questionable Practice

Field Medic
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your bonus action Pain is pleasure and you are person of pleasure. You can
granted by Cunning Action to stabilize a dying creature. exploit other’s sense of pain and use your own to your
You are always considered to have a healer’s kit whether advantage.
or not you actually do.
Professional Opinion Rogue Level Feature
Starting at 3rd level, you can identify the cause of death 3rd Sadistic Sneak Attacks
of any creature whose body you can see. You can discern
9th Interrogator, Shield of Pain
the type of damage the victim sustained before death and
the type of creature that inflicted it. 13th Flagellation
17th Vengeful Attacks
Home Brew
Starting at 9th level, you can’t legally write Sadistic Sneak Attacks
prescriptions but you understand your own body Starting at 3rd level, you can deal your sneak attack
chemistry enough to make some powerful drugs. Choose damage to any creature at or below half hit points.
one of the following effects when you gain this feature.
Stamina. Gain 4d8+4 temporary hit points; these Shield of Pain
temporary hit points are lost after 1 minute. Starting at 9th level, you gain a +1 to armor class
Cure. Gain 2d8+2 hit points. whenever you are at or below half hit points. This bonus
Speed. You gain the extra attack feature for 1 minute. increases to +2 armor class whenever you are at or below
Quick. Gain +4 Dexterity for 1 minute, this can one quarter hit points. You can only benefit from this
increase your score above 20. feature while you wearing light armor or no armor.
Strong. Gain +4 Strength for 1 minute, this can
increase your score above 20. Interrogator
Thick. Reduce incoming damage by 4 for 1 minute. Starting at 9th level, you gain proficiency with torturer’s
Aware. Gain blindsight out to 20 feet for 1 minute. tools. You are at advantage when torturing a creature as
Only you can benefit from taking the drug. You can use long as it is not as full hit points.
your bonus action to imbibe a dose or trigger the reaction
once. You brew up additional doses or the reaction
readies itself whenever you complete a long rest.
By 13th level you can use your bonus action to wound
yourself and block out other pain. Roll any number of
Recycling your sneak attack dice and take that much damage. You
By 13th level you have an incredible knowledge of all gain twice the damage dealt as temporary hit points.
parts of living creatures. You can spend one minute These temporary hit points fade after 1 minute.
harvesting parts from the corpse of a living creature and
make equipment. You can improvise a single tool from
Vengeful Attack
each medium or small corpse, each additional size
When you reach 17th level you are so in tune with your
category doubles the amount of tools available. You can
own pain you can expertly recreate it in another. When a

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creature hits you with an attack and deals damage you understands complex commands in a language you know.
may, as a reaction, make an opportunity attack. If this It must power off for 6 hours every 24 hours. Beta has no
attack hits you deal the same amount of damage you just attacks by default. Beta has the following features, one
received in addition to your rolled sneak attack damage. frame and one extra feature by default.
The vengeful attack occurs before being reduced to 0 hit
points but does not negate being reduced to 0 hit points. Beta Features
If you deal damage with this ability, you must complete Proficiency in a skill of your choice, the bonus equals
a long rest before you use it again. your proficiency bonus, or the knowledge to speak one
Self-Modification  Bonus to attack rolls equal to your proficiency bonus.
 Bonus on saving throws equal to your proficiency
You are version one point 'O. You can modify your body bonus.
to perfectly fit your needs. You experiment on yourself
and constructed companions to aid you on your quest. Beta Frames
You use hidden weapons to strike your enemies quickly
Below is a list of frames. Choose one.
and powerfully. You change. You adapt. You destroy.
Lightweight. Beta has 2 hit points for each rogue level
SELF-MODIFICATION you possess, either a fly or land speed of 60 feet, and an
armor class of 12. Tiny creature.
Rogue Level Feature Welterweight. It has 4 hit points for each rogue level
Integrated Weapons, Beta you possess, a land speed of 40, and an armor class of 12.
Point One Small creature.
9th Two Point ‘O
Three Point ‘O, Beta Point Beta Extra Features
Two Below is a list of extra features. Choose one.
17th Battery Mobile. When beta makes a melee attack against a
target, it doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from that
Integrated Weapons creature for the remainder of its turn.
Armed. Beta gains an attack. The attack is with any
At each level you gain a Rogue Style feature, you also
light weapon if the frame is small or any non-heavy
gain an integrated weapon. Integrated weapons are hidden
weapon if the frame is medium. Should the weapon be
in your body and are drawn as a free action. If you
ranged beta can carry five pieces of ammunition. After
attacked with a weapon that was stowed at the beginning
that you must reload it as an action.
of your turn, you can apply your sneak attack damage.
Fast. Beta’s speed increases by 20 feet.
Each stowed weapon can gain the sneak attack damage
Accurate. Beta gains your Intelligence modifier to
once per creature. After use, an integrated weapon is no
attack rolls.
longer considered stowed, until you expend an action to
Armored. Beta gains your Intelligence modifier to
stow it again. You can still only use sneak attack once per
armor class.
round. You can only integrate light weapons.
Stealthy. Beta adds your Intelligence to stealth checks.
INTEGRATED WEAPONS Violent. Beta adds your Intelligence modifier to
Rogue Level Integrated Weapons Perceptive. Beta adds your Intelligence to perception
3rd 1 checks.
9th 2 Bandolier. Beta has double ammo capacity.
13th 3
17th 3
Two Point 'O
You now have the knowledge to modify your body,
allowing you to add a utility modification. You can
Beta Point One activate the feature with your bonus action. Select one of
You have the knowledge to assemble simple creatures. the following.
You may study a creature for an entire day, noting its All Terrain. You ignore first tier difficult terrain until
anatomy and physiology in your research journal. Once the start of your next turn.
you have studied a creature, you may create it at any time Climber. You gain a climb speed equal to your land
in the future should you have access to appropriate speed until the start of your next turn.
materials. You may have one companion, beta, at a time. Insulated. You gain a resistance until the start of your
While studying the creature you also create it. Recreating next turn. You must choose fire, cold, lightning, or acid
a previously studied creature takes only 1 hour. It resistance when you take this modification.

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Sensor Array. Your Wisdom (Perception) checks are
never at disadvantage.
Agile. You can move through enemy occupied squares
until the start of your next turn.

Three Point 'O

Your understanding of construction has become
destructive. You apply your new knowledge to the
deconstruction of your enemies. Select one combat
modifier from below.
Dangerous. The damage die of integrated weapons
increases by one size.
Optimized. When making the revealing attack of an
integrated weapon, you add your Intelligence bonus to the
attack roll.
Sturdy. You gain proficiency with one saving throw.
You must choose which saving throw this feature applies
to when you take this feature.

Beta Point Two

Your expanding knowledge of creatures besides yourself
enables you to enhance your test subject. You can choose
an additional extra feature for Beta.

By 16th level, all your components work in deadly
harmony. As an action, you can reveal, and attack with all
of your integrated weapons. Any previously stowed
weapon can deal sneak attack damage. This applies sneak
attack damage multiple times in one round. You cannot
apply sneak attack damage to an attack from a single
weapon more than once.

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Blood Flow
Sorcerer When you have little blood it is easy to move around what
remains. Starting at 18th level, if you are at or below one
Blood Bound quarter of your maximum hit points you can expend 1
sorcery point as a bonus action and gain resistance to all
Your sorcerous blood is derived from more blood. You damage types besides psychic until the start of your next
have an unearthly connection the essence within and at turn.
times you can tap its power.

BLOOD BOUND Cryomancer

Sorcerer Level Feature An aura of chill follows you wherever you go. Is your
1st Blood Magic, Red Conduit heart carved of ice or do you just have a body temperature
6th Shield of Blood problem? Notable cryomancers include Elsa of Arendelle,
The Lich King, and my ex-wife.
14th Essence Conversion
18th Blood Flow CRYOMANCER
Sorcerer Level Feature
Blood Magic 1st Ice Armor
All spells you cast can be imbued with the power of your
6th Inescapable Cold
blood. Beginning at 1st level, when you cast a spell of 1st
level or higher, you can choose to make a blood sacrifice 14th Solid Frost, Cold Blooded
and take necrotic damage equal to the spell’s level + 2. 18th Crystalize
You cannot reduce the damage taken due to this feature.
When you make a blood sacrifice, the spell is casted as if Ice Armor
it were one level higher, even if you could not normally Beginning at 1st level, you reactively condense shields of
cast spells of the newer, higher level. ice to block incoming attacks. You have a pool of damage
You recover hit points lost due to this feature when you reduction equal to your sorcerer level plus your Charisma
complete a long rest. modifier. You can use your reaction to reduce the
bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, or fire damage of an
Red Conduit attack by expending points from your pool. Damage is
Beginning at 1st level, when you cast a spell that does not reduced equal to the number of points expended. The pool
require a saving throw or attack roll, you can affect a refreshes whenever you complete a long or short rest.
creature by targeting a vial of its blood, rather than the
creature itself. Inescapable Cold
Starting at 6th level, your ice approaches absolute zero
Shield of Blood and even momentary contact can be deadly. Whenever
Your blood is subconsciously animated and it tries its best targets succeed on a saving throw and take half damage
to protect you. Starting at 6th level, while at or below half from a spell that deals cold damage, they take additional
hit points, you can use your reaction when you are damage equal to your half your sorcerer level, to a
targeted by a melee or ranged attack to impose maximum of dealing full damage with the spell.
disadvantage on the attack roll. You need not be aware of
the attacker to use this feature. Solid Frost
Beginning at 14th level, the ice of your spells lingers to
Essence Conversion root your foes in place. When a creature fails a saving
You better understand the power of your own blood and throw and takes cold damage from a spell you cast, it
can convert it into a useable medium. However, this must break out of a layer of ice. The creature must spend
procedure is not painless. Beginning at 14th level, you 15 feet of movement to break free or their speed is
can use your bonus action to draw your own blood. You reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn. Flying
take 2d6 points of necrotic damage, that cannot be creatures fall if they do not break free. The frost may melt
reduced, and you regain 1 sorcery point. You can use this naturally; otherwise the creature is affected by this feature
feature a number of times equal to your Constitution until it uses its movement to break free.
modifier (minimum of one).
You regain all expended uses of this feature and hit Cold Blooded
points lost due to this feature when you complete a long Your body temperature is below freezing. Starting at 14th
rest. level, you are immune to cold damage and long term cold

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Crystalize Low Resistance
You could freeze solid if you lost control of your power Beginning at 18th level, when a creature reduces any
but maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. Starting at 18th lightning damage dealt by you as part of immunity or
level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, your body resistance, it loses its immunity or resistance to lightning
turns to solid ice. While unconscious at 0 hit points taking damage for the next minute.
damage that is not fire or thunder type does not cause a Whenever you cast a lightning spell that affects a
death saving throw failure. You also gain advantage on designated area (such as a line or cone), you can add a 10-
your death saving throws. foot cube or 25-foot line to the affected area. This
additional area must be adjacent to the original area.
A field of static is constantly ruining your date’s hair but
she still loves you because you are a master of arcane The fire burns in your heart and very soul. Will you
electricity. Notable electromancers include Static Shock, master its destructive power or will it master you?
The Phantom Virus, and the Storm. Notable pyromancers include Dark Souls Speed Runners,
Heat Miser, and Tim.
Sorcerer Level Feature PYROMANCER
1st Overcharged Sorcerer Level Feature
6th Magnetic Repulsion 1st Cauterize
14th High Voltage, Conduit 6th Lingering Flames
18th Low Resistance Flame’s Embrace, Burning
Overcharged 18th True Fire
Starting at 1st level, you can add your Charisma modifier
to the damage of any attack or spell that deals lightning Cauterize
damage. At 1st level, you find comfort in the flames and the flames
You can also supply power to a single small electronic find comfort in you. Your magical fire licks backwards to
device until the start of you next turn, such as a flashlight, burn shut your wounds. When you cast a spell that deals
as your bonus action. fire damage, you heal hit points equal to the spell’s level.
Cauterize cannot increase your current hit points above
Magnetic Repulsion half of your maximum hit points.
Beginning at 6th level, when you cast a spell of 1st level
or higher that deals lightning damage, you can expend 1 Lingering Flames
sorcery point and impose disadvantage on the next melee Starting at 6th level, your flames hunger and will linger in
or ranged attack made against you before the start of your the material plane to feast. When a creature fails a saving
next turn. throw and takes fire damage from a spell you cast, the
creature takes an additional 1d4 fire damage at the end of
High Voltage its next turn for every 10 fire damage taken.
At 14th level, your lightning disrupts the movement of
those it damages. When you deal lightning damage to a Flame’s Embrace
creature, it cannot take reactions until the start of its next Beginning at 14th level, some like it hot and you like it
turn. really hot. You gain immunity to fire damage and long
term heat effects.
Starting at 14th level, you gain immunity to lightning Burning Heart
damage. Additionally, whenever you succeed on a saving Starting at 14th level, your mortal soul is the only thing
throw to resist taking lightning damage, you can expend holding back a storm of flame. When you are reduced to
your reaction conduct the effect. You can subject a 0 hit points and fall unconscious, you can immediately
different creature within 30 feet to the same saving throw. cast fireball without expending a spell slot.
If the creature fails, it suffers the effects of the failed Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
saving throw as if it were the original target. rest before you can use it again.
Once you use this feature to conduct an effect, you
must complete a long rest before you may use it again to
conduct an effect.

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True Fire
Beginning 18th level, you deal an additional point of fire
damage whenever a fire damage die shows maximum
result. When you deal fire damage with a spell, you can
convert half of it into radiant damage. The radiant damage
is considered fire damage for all Pyromancer features.

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Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
Warlock rest before you can use it again.

Shadow Pact Spirit Bound

Shadow pact warlocks are bound to a powerful entity of Spirit bound warlocks have found themselves in a sticky
the Shadowfell. These entities range in both potency and situation. Their mortal souls are bound to an incorporeal
mystery but typically thirst for power from the material spirit. This spirit typically has something strongly in
plane. common with the warlock, such as meeting similar
demise or sharing a common enemy. Sometimes this
SHADOW PACT spirit is benevolent and sometimes it is malicious but it
Warlock Level Feature often takes a more active role in the warlock’s life than
1st Shadow Step the patrons of alternate pacts.
6th Shadow Craft SPIRIT BOUND
10th Ebon Embrace Warlock Level Feature
14th Shadow Cast 1st Reaction Surge
SHADOW PACT SPELLS 6th Ethereal Step
Spell Level Spells 10th Wraith’s Resistance
Dissonant Whispers, Find 14th Duality
Blindness/Deafness, Locate SPIRIT BOUND SPELLS
2 Spell Level Spells
3 Phantom Steed, Clairvoyance 1 False Life, Shield
Evard’s Black Tentacles, 2 Blur, Magic Weapon
Phantasmal Killer 3 Bestow Curse, Animate Dead
5 Creation, Seeming Dominate Beast, Locate
Shadow Step Animate Objects, Dominate
Your form can meld into shadow and slip between the Person
folds of the material plane. Starting at 1st level, when you
expend a warlock spell slot to cast a spell on your turn, Reaction Surge
you can teleport to an unoccupied location you can see You can channel the physical form of your bound spirit to
within 30 feet. You can choose to teleport before or after lash out quickly. Starting at 1st level, you can take an
the action used to cast the spell. additional reaction in addition to your regular reaction
during a round.
Shadow Craft Once you use this feature, you must complete a short or
Through your link to the Shadowfell you can craft effigies long rest before you can use it again.
of useful items. At 6th level, you can use your action to
materialize objects on the equipment table. You can Ethereal Step
materialize any nonmagical equipment with a value less Corporeal flesh fades away into an ethereal visage of your
than 2 gold pieces. Only one object can be materialized at bound spirit and you can move unhindered. At 6th level,
a time and when a new one is created, the old one you can move through the space of any other creature and
disappears. Materialized objects fade away after 24 hours. movement through occupied space is not treated as
difficult terrain.
Ebon Embrace
Beginning at 10th level, when you are at or below your Wraith’s Resistance
warlock level in hit points, you are shrouded in magical Beginning at 10th level, you can expend your reaction
darkness. Attacks made against you are at disadvantage immediately before you take damage to fade into the
while you are shrouded. ethereal plane until the start of your next turn. While
faded you gain immunity to all damage that is not force or
Shadow Cast psychic damage and appear as a ghostly visage of your
Starting at 14th level, you can expend a warlock spell slot bound spirit.
and cast any spell of 5th level or lower.

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Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again.

Starting at 14th level, your spirit form can manifest to aid
you in combat. On your turn, when you take the attack
action or cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action, you
can cause your spiritual companion to lash out, making
one attack as a bonus action with a weapon you are
wielding. This attack is considered a melee spell attack if
the wielded weapon is a melee weapon or a ranged spell
attack if the wielded weapon is a ranged weapon. If the
attack hits it deals force damage equal to the damage of
the wielded weapon.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Terrifying Visage. Pseudonatural creatures gain
Wizard advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks made
against creatures that are not aberrations.
Study of the far realm has twisted your mind beyond
recognition. Strange insights and premonitions plague Generalists are the jack of all trades amongst wizards.
your sleep as you immerse yourself further into the study None of their tools are particularly sharp but they always
of the beyond. have the right one.

Wizard Level Feature Wizard Level Feature
2nd Weird Insight 2nd Outstanding Retention
6th Pseudonatural Summoning 6th Impromptu Spell
10th Unnatural Ascent 10th Endless Experience
14th Manic Lash 14th Infinite Knowledge

Weird Insight Outstanding Retention

Starting at 2nd level, you can choose to gain advantage on You always push the limits on your spell retention
a saving throw. When you use this feature, your Wisdom abilities. Starting at 2nd level you can prepare an
score temporarily decreases by 2. additional wizard spell for every three wizard spells you
When you complete a long rest, your Wisdom score can prepare normally.
increases by 2, up to its original value.
Impromptu Spell
Pseudonatural Summoning Beginning at 6th level, you can cast any wizard spell of
At 6th level, you add conjure animals to your spellbook. 6th level or lower that you are high level enough to cast.
Creatures summoned by this spell gain the pseudonatural You must expend a spell slot of the chosen spell’s level.
template and are considered aberrations, rather than fey. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you may use it again.
Unnatural Ascent
Starting at 10th level, you gain the pseudonatural Endless Experience
template. Additionally, you cease aging. At the end of Starting at 10th level, you can recognize the casting of
your natural life span, unknown beings abduct you, and any spell you can see being cast. If you would not know
you are never seen again. of the spell, you can still determine its effects.

Manic Lash Infinite Knowledge

At 14th level, when you take damage from another At 14th level, you no longer need a spellbook to prepare
creature, you can deal psychic damage equal to your spells. You can prepare any wizard spell you are high
Wisdom penalty (minimum 1) to the attacker. One you enough level to cast. If you do not know a spell exists,
use this feature; you cannot use it again until the start of you cannot prepare it as part of this feature.
your next turn.
Pseudonatural Template
You see no reason a scholarly spellcaster such as yourself
Any animal or humanoid can inherit the pseudonatural must be barred from the power of metamagic. Spells you
template. Pseudo natural creatures appear twisted and cast are retooled in a more improvised manner and this
strange in appearance, sporting additional limp works well for you, most of the time.
appendages, constantly shifting growths, and irregular
skin coloration. When a creature becomes pseudonatural, METAMAGUS
it retains all of its statistics except where noted below. Wizard Level Feature
Resistances. Pseudonatural creatures and their alien
2nd Metamagic
minds gain resistance to psychic damage.
Unnatural Insight. The creature gains and can cast the 6th Rapid Preparation
true strike cantrip targeting only itself. The creature can 10th Expert Application
cast this spell as a bonus action once between long rests. 14th Residual Magic

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
Metamagic “Science” Spells
At 2nd level, you learn one sorcerer metamagic and can Beginning at 6th level, creatures cannot gain advantage
apply it to any wizard spell you cast as if you had the on saving throws to resist a spell you cast. Your spells are
sorcerer Metamagic feature (use your Intelligence unaffected by antimagic fields. Attempts made to dispel
modifier in place of Charisma modifier). Additionally, or counterspell a spell you cast treat the spell as one level
you gain metamagic points, which you can expend in higher thanks to the resilience of “science”.
place of sorcery points, to apply metamagic effects. You
have a number of sorcery points equal to half of your Brain Blast
wizard level (rounded up) plus half of your Intelligence Starting at 10th level, creatures have difficulty
modifier (rounded up). comprehending your “science”. Once per round when you
When you reach 6th, 10th, and 14th level, you learn an deal damage with a spell, you can maximize the result of
additional sorcerer metamagic. a single damage die, after knowing the die’s result.
You regain any expended metamagic points when you You may use this feature a number of times equal to
complete a long rest. your Intelligence modifier before you must complete a
long rest to regain all uses.
Rapid Preparation
Beginning at 6th level, when you could prepare an “Science” Guy
additional spell, you can expend your bonus action to At 14th level, you can impart on another creature an
page through your spellbook and prepare any spell within. understanding of “science”. After tutoring a creature for 1
You can use this feature a number of times equal to minute you expend a 1st level spell slot and choose one
your Intelligence modifier. Once you complete a long 1st level spell you know. The tutored creature gains one
rest, you regain all expended uses of this feature. 1st level spell slot and can expend it to cast the chosen
spell. The creature uses its own ability scores to determine
Expert Application the effects of the spell but may benefit from your fantastic
At 10th level, the cost of applying metamagic to 1st level contraption. A creature can only retain a single spell slot
spells is reduced by one. This can reduce the cost to zero. from this feature and loses its old spell slot when it gains
a new one.
Residual Magic
Starting at 14th level, immediately after you cast a spell Polymorpher
of 5th level or higher that you applied a metamagic to,
you regain an expended metamagic point. You have begun to master your own form and the form of
others. Your own skin is just a cocoon waiting to burst
with a stronger, faster creature. Polymorph is the name of
Technomancer the game and through the study of its mechanics and
Magic? Your skills are derived from the power of concepts you become an ever changing tool and weapon.
“science”. Your spells never fail and weave their way
around traditional defenses thanks to their nonabstract POLYMORPHER
nature. Technomancers often feature reflavored spells that Wizard Level Feature
mimic normal spells. 2nd Regeneration
Reactive Augmentation,
Specialty Spell
Wizard Level Feature
10th Remorph
2nd Fantastic Contraption
14th Natural Form
6th “Science” Spells
10th Brain Blast Regeneration
14th “Science” Guy Through experimentation or natural ability your body can
quickly mend its own wounds. Starting at 2nd level, you
Fantastic Contraption can expend two hit dice as an action and regain hit points
By 2nd level, you have constructed a device capable of equal to a single hit die roll, as if taking a short rest. Hit
unleashing powerful “science”. Choose one spell you can dice expended through this feature function exactly as
cast of at least 1st level and either Distant, Extended, those lost due to short rests.
Subtle from the sorcerer metamagic options. As long as
your fantastic contraption is on your person, “science” Reactive Augmentation
allows you to apply the chosen metamagic to your chosen Beginning at 6th level, you can thicken your skin harden
spell at no cost. your bones and even shift your own internal organs in

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
response to an attack. As a reaction you can reduce Natural Form
incoming damage by your Intelligence modifier. This At 14th level, choose one feature from the evolve spell.
reduction occurs before applying damage resistances. You gain this feature in your natural form and when you
cast the evolve spell you are considered to have already
Specialty Spell chosen the feature once without expending a point to
Beginning at 6th level, you always have the spell evolve choose it.
prepared. Evolve does not consume a spell preparation

Starting at 10th level, during the duration of an evolve or
polymorph spell you can use your bonus action to choose
and change into a new form once during the duration of
the casted spell.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S U B C L A S S E S
actually is. If, due to an Ability Score Increase, your
Fighting Styles Dexterity becomes 16 or greater, you can choose a new
fighting style.
Below is a compiled list of homebrew fighting styles.
They are all subject to change at the will of the DM. Run and Gun
Fighter, Ranger
New Fighting Styles When you use the attack action to make only ranged
attacks you can use your bonus action to take the dash
action. When dashing in this manner your speed only
Battle Vigor increases by one half of your normal speed.
Fighter, Paladin
At the start of combat when initiative is rolled you gain Throw Anything
temporary hit points equal to twice your fighter level.
These temporary hit points fade at the start of your turn. Fighter, Ranger
All melee weapons without the two-handed property gain
the thrown (20/60) property. You can throw weapons with
Empty Handed the versatile property but not while wielding them in two
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger hands.
If you wield a weapon in one hand and nothing in the
other and take the attack action (attacking with your Throwery
wielded weapon) you can use your bonus action to make a
single attack with your unarmed strike. Fighter, Ranger
You gain a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls with weapons
that have the thrown property.
Fighter, Ranger Utilitarian Companion
You gain proficiency with improvised weapons and their
damage die is always at least 1d6. Fighter, Ranger
You can venture into the wild or a pet store for 24 hours
and through food based bribery or cash transaction return
Leader with a utilitarian companion. Your utilitarian companion
can be any beast of 0 challenge rating. Certain
Fighter, Paladin
environment restrictions may apply. Your companion can
After initiative is rolled, you can designate an ally that
understand basic commands, like attack target, guard,
can see and hear you. The designated ally treats their
come, and fetch. You can make a handle animal check to
initiative result as equal to your own.
attempt to issue a complex command. Should you go
unconscious your companion will complete its last
Longarm command and then attempt to warn a known ally. You
can only keep one utilitarian companion.
Fighter, Paladin
If a weapon has both the two-handed and reach properties,
you can reduce the damage die size by one and ignore the Watchful
two handed property. For example, the damage die of a
Fighter, Ranger
glaive would change from a d10 to a d8.
You gain a +1 to attack rolls when attacking creatures
with armor class 16 or higher.
Low Blows
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Weapon Master
When you hit a creature with a melee or ranged attack its Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
speed is reduced by 5 until the end of its next turn. Choose a single melee weapon. When you roll damage
with the chosen weapon, roll 1d4. You can replace the
Practiced Archery result of the weapon’s damage die (replace all dice if
multiple) with the result of the d4.
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
When calculating your ranged attack bonus your
Dexterity score is considered to be 16, whether or not it

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | F IG H T IN G S T Y L E S
Non-Lethal Spell
Metamagic When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a spell,
The following is a compiled list of homebrew metamagic. you can expend 1 sorcery point to cause the creature to be
All of the following is subject to change at the slightest unconscious and stable instead of dying or dead. Non-
whim of the Dungeon Master. Lethal Spell cannot stop a creature from being killed
outright unless the cause of outright death is damage (ex.
New Metamagic Options Disintegration, Power Word: Kill, etc.).

Persisting Spell
Admixture Spell When you cast a spell that requires concentration you can
When you cast a spell that deals fire, lightning, cold, or expend 1 sorcery point. You gain a +5 bonus on checks
acid damage you can expend 1 sorcery point to convert made to remain concentrating on the spell.
half of the damage to fire, lightning, cold, or acid damage.
Piercing Spell
Artillery Spell When you cast a spell that deals damage you can expend
When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, sorcery points equal to the spell level (1 for cantrips) to
you can expend 2 sorcery points to increase the range to ignore targeted creatures’ damage resistances or
1000 feet. The spell takes effect at the beginning of your immunities.
next turn.
Zombifying Spell
Formless Spell When you kill at least one creature with a spell, you can
When you cast a spell with duration of instantaneous and expend 4 sorcery points to cause one creature slain by the
an area of cone, cylinder, sphere, or cube, you can expend spell to rise as zombies under your control (as animate
1 sorcery point to choose a new shape. The new shape can dead) for the next minute. You can expend additional
be a cone, cylinder, sphere, or cube of the original sorcery points to animate additional slain creatures.
dimension. For cylinders, the height equals the radius.
When converting from a cone, use half the original

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | F IG H T IN G S T Y L E S
In addition to this informal network, your colleagues
Backgrounds meet infrequently to collaborate and share recent
discoveries at conferences. In addition to fellow scientists
and engineers, other prominent members of society
Engineer frequent these events. This makes them a perfect place to
gather new allies or colleagues.
By Chris
The pursuit of science is your only mistress. You ply your Suggested Characteristics
trade to invent and build useful creations. Many an Engineers tend to be logical and methodical when it
engineer gets his start and training from military service, comes to problem solving. The nature of their work often
as any military worth its salt will invest in technology as a leads to competition and many are very secretive about
means to gain an advantage. You may have learned your their inventions. Engineers who don’t have any qualms
trade from a mentor, or even taught yourself. about questionable activities will try to steal their
When you choose this background, work with your colleague’s work.
Dungeon Master to determine the specifics of your
engineering background, origin and prior inventions. Use D8 Personality Trait
of this background may be setting specific. The presented My projects are never finished until every part
incarnation is geared towards a steampunk setting. 1
is absolutely perfect.
Skill Proficiencies: Engineering, Investigation 2 I like to talk at length about my profession.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of vehicle (land, air or sea), I take apart mostly anything that isn’t bolted
one type of artisan’s tools 3 down, and then hide the pieces that I can’t
Equipment: Calipers, compass, a notebook filled with put back in place.
your notes, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch with I am easily excited, whether because of a
10 gp. 4
discovery or simply good news.
I protect my work with my life and will give it
D12 Specialty 5
up only as a last resort.
1 Vehicles (Air)
I’ve spent so much time hidden in books and
2 Vehicles (Land) 6 my lab that I am horribly awkward in social
3 Vehicles (Sea) situations.
4 Vehicles (Space) I often build up the difficulty of a problem so I
5 Manufacturing will get more praise when I solve it.
I’m well known for my work, and I want to
6 Electrical
make sure everyone appreciates it. I’m always
7 Steam 8
taken aback when people haven’t heard of
8 Structural (Air) me.
9 Structural (Sea)
10 Structural (Subterranean) D6 Ideal
11 Weaponry (Light) Cooperation. Knowledge should be shared for
12 Weaponry (Heavy) the betterment of all. (Good)
Determination. Nothing should impede the
2 growth of knowledge, least of all mortal laws.
Feature: Networking
As a professional engineer, you have built a network of
colleagues who cooperate (at least somewhat) on projects. Entitlement. I should take credit for other’s
When you need assistance, you may utilize this network. 3 ideas. After all, I would have thought of them
Your colleagues aren’t likely to drop everything to come eventually. (Evil)
to your aid as they have projects of their own, so don’t Logical. Emotions must not cloud our sense of
expect an immediate response. It’s also important to 4 what is right and true, or our logical thinking.
remember rule one of networking: your colleagues aren’t (Lawful)
only a means to an end. A working relationship is a two- Obligation. It is my duty to ensure that my
way street and a favor goes a long way to getting 5 inventions are never used for evil porpoises.
someone to help you. Depending on the favor you ask for, (Good)
your colleague may want a specialized piece of Aspiration. I seek to win the approval of my
information that only you possess. 6 mentor and compare my accomplishments to
theirs. (Any)

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | B AC K G R O U N D S
D6 Flaw
D6 Bond I often forget that some people don’t have
My laboratory is the only place I truly feel safe my intellect and schooling, so I sometimes
1 1
and I would do anything to preserve it. speak in terms too complicated for them to
My life’s work is a series of papers written understand.
about a specific topic. I am all but obsessed with my work and let it
I discovered something dangerous that should 2 get in the way of even my closest
never fall into the wrong hands. relationships.
I owe my career to a wealthy patron who I overlook obvious solutions in favor of more
4 3
funded my work. complicated ones.
I will do anything to prove myself superior to I’m only concerned with making more
5 4
my hated rival. money. I’d sell my sister if I could.
My greatest accomplishment was stolen from I am wary of anyone whose intelligence rivals
me and I will get revenge. 5 my own. Everywhere I go, I’m surrounded by
I am easily distracted by the promise of

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | B AC K G R O U N D S
Steampunk Weapons
All steampunk weapon needs can be satisfied in this section. Not all weapons may exist in your current campaign as they do
not all originate from the same steampunk era.

Name Cost Damage Properties
Simple Weapons
Ammunition (range 100/400), loading, precise, two-handed,
Breech Rifle 125 gp 1d12 piercing
Breech Carbine 100 gp 1d10 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, precise, two-handed
Breech Pistol 150 gp 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 40/160), loading precise, light
3d6 bludgeoning and
Hand Grenade 100 gp Thrown (range 30), splash 15, shrapnel
Dynamite 200 gp 6d6 bludgeoning Thrown (range 30), fuse (1+), splash 20
Martial Weapons
Arc Carbine 150 gp 1d8 lightning Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed, arc
Rail Rifle 200 gp 1d12 piercing Ammunition (range 120/480), two-handed, loading, precise
Repeating Rifle 150 gp 1d10 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed, heavy
Repeating Carbine 125 gp 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 60/240), two-handed
Repeating Pistol 175 gp 1d6 piercing Ammunition (range 30/120), light
Repeating Crossbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Steamsword 200 gp 1d8 fire –
Stationary, ammunition (range 60/240), fully automatic, overheat
Gatling Gun 750 gp 2d8 piercing
Ammunition (range 30/120), two-handed, precise, action reload
Volley Rifle 500 gp 2d12 piercing
Machine Repeater 500 gp 1d8 piercing Ammunition (range 40/160), fully automatic
Bullets (20) 10 gp
Special (20) 10 gp

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | E Q U IP M E N T
AUGMENTATIONS and saving throws against this weapon are at advantage
due to its unwieldy nature.
Name Extra Cost
Cutlass 15 gp
Weapon Augmentations
Integrated 100%
Suppressed 1000 gp Weapon augmentations are additional properties a
weapon can have if the conditions are met.
Scoped 500 gp Augmentations are nonmagical in nature.
Folding 100% Cutlass. A cutlass weapon is a ranged firearm and can
High Tolerance 50% also be used as a dagger if it has the light property or
short sword if it does not have the light property. The
weapon added as part of cutlass inherits the two-handed
Weapon Properties property if the firearm it is attached to has the two-handed
Steampunk weapons have special properties related to property.
their use. Integrated. Integrated weapons are more accurately two
Action Reload. You must use the indicated number of weapons. The cost of an integrated weapon is twice the
actions in order to ready the weapon to be fired. cost of the sum of both weapons used. Only one weapon
Arc. Rather than targeting a single creature with an arc of an integrated weapon is available at a time. A wielder
weapon, you can target two adjacent creatures. Use a can use their interaction to change which weapon is
single attack roll targeting each creature’s armor class. available. A light and a heavy weapon cannot be
Roll damage once and deal half damage to each creature. integrated together.
Fully Automatic. Use an attack to target a 5-foot square Suppressed. Any firearm can be suppressed.
within range. Affected creatures must make a Dexterity Suppressed firearms are difficult to hear but not silent.
saving throw. The DC is 8 + your attack bonus with the They make noise comparable to the sound of a heavy
weapon. If a creature fails, it takes damage from the crossbow.
weapon and if it succeeds it takes half. Extra attacks made Scoped. A firearm that is scoped does not impose
with a fully automatic weapon must target an adjacent 5- disadvantage on attack rolls when firing at long range, so
foot square. Firing in this manner expends 5 bullets for long as you’ve used your action on your previous turn to
every attack made. line up your shot.
Fuse. This weapon detonates at the start of your next Folding. Folding weapons can be reduced in size by
turn if the fuse value is 1. An additional turn must pass for half. It is useless in its reduced size but may be easier to
every fuse point. A user can cut a fuse short and ignore conceal. The weapon’s state can be altered with an
the property but there is a 30% chance the weapon interaction and can be unfolded as part of your drawing
detonates as it is being thrown. interaction.
Overheat. Heat becomes a problem with this weapon’s High Tolerance. A firearm or crossbow with this
use. The overheat value indicates how many continuous augmentation is designed to function in even the poorest
attacks can be made before the weapon must cool for 1 of conditions. The weapon always functions underwater
minute and not be operated. Using the weapon while it is and easily endures other extreme circumstances.
overheated has a 50% chance of destroying the weapon.
Precise. Roll damage dice an additional time for every
extra attack forgone as part of the weapon’s loading
property when you use your action to attack with the
weapon. These extra dice are considered part of the
damage dice for critical damage.
Shrapnel. Part of this weapon’s damage is from high
speed metal fragments. Creatures that succeed on their
saving throw and have at least half cover have resistance
to the weapon’s damage and only take bludgeoning
Splash. These weapons affect all creatures within the
indicated splash range. Each creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your attack bonus or
take the damage of the weapon. Creatures who succeed
take half damage. Creatures benefit from cover between
themselves and the detonation point.
Stationary. This weapon is not intended to move. When
not properly mounted, attacks are made with disadvantage

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | E Q U IP M E N T
Feats Brawler
You have fists of iron and your enemies won’t be
forgetting any time soon.
This section contains a compiled list of homebrew feats.
 Your unarmed strike deals 1d6 + your Strength
Keep in mind that the following content is entirely
modifier damage, rather than 1 + your Strength
experimental and subject to change at the DMs slightest
 After initiative is rolled, you gain advantage when
attacking with your unarmed strikes. You lose this
Homebrew Feats benefit after you hit a creature with your unarmed
strike or 1 minute has passed.
Alphamorpher Brutal Killer
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You’re piss ugly and that’s scary.
You transform into deadlier a version of the typical  You gain proficiency in Charisma (Intimidation)
creature.  A negative Charisma modifier functions as a positive
 When you cast the spell Evolve, you can choose an Charisma modifier on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
additional feature at no cost.  When an attack you make reduces a creature to hit
 When, you cast Evolve you gain temporary hit points points less than or equal to twice your proficiency
equal to twice the spell’s level. These temporary hit bonus, it is instead reduced to 0 hit points.
points fade when the spell’s duration ends.
Brutal Rogue
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack
You’re a master of the axe and your heavy blows cleave
through your foes. The following benefits apply only to You land powerful blows in the right places.
the handaxe, battleaxe, and greataxe.  You can apply sneak attack damage to all melee
 When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or score a weapons. You cannot benefit from this feature and the
critical hit with an axe, you can use your bonus action Great Weapon Fighting Fighting Style simultaneously.
to make a single attack with an axe.  You can treat sneak attack damage die rolls of 1 as 2.
 When the weapon damage die result of an attack made
with an axe does not show a maximum result, you deal Bullet Proof
an additional 1 point of damage with the attack.
You eat lead for breakfast, with no milk.
 When you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to take
Blunt Weapon Master half damage from a fully automatic attack, you take no
You’re a master of blunt weaponry and know exactly damage.
where to land heavy blows. The following benefits apply  As your reaction, you can reduce the damage of a
only to the club, greatclub, mace, flail, maul, and firearm attack by 3.
 When you damage a creature with any of the listed Caller
weapons, their speed is reduced by 5 feet until they
regain hit points. The effect of this feature is not Prerequisite: The ability to cast 3rd-level spells
cumulative with itself. You’re well-studied in the varieties of conjuration magic.
 When you roll damage for any of the listed weapons,  You add the spell Conjure Animals to the list of spells
you deal an additional 1 damage if a damage die you know or can prepare.
shows maximum result.  You can expend your bonus action to teleport an
 If a damage die of any of the listed weapons shows a unattended object you can see within 30 feet, weighing
result of 1, you can instead treat the result as the 5 pounds or less, to your hand.
maximum of the die. You can use this feature 3 times  Creatures summoned by you gain a +1 bonus to attack
and you regain all expended uses when you complete a rolls.
long rest. You must choose to use this feature before
the DM announces the result of the damage.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | FE A T S
Charismatic Double Tapper
Rooms never go unalerted to your presence. Spells and You can pull the trigger in half the time, to the dismay of
other effects infrequently override your force of will. your enemies.
 Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of  When you miss a ranged attack on a creature, the next
20. time you hit the same creature with a ranged attack
 When you would make a Wisdom saving throw, you made before the end of your next turn, you deal an
can instead make a Charisma saving throw. You can additional 2 points of damage. The additional damage
use this feature a number of times equal to you of this feature is only applied once for each attack.
Charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses of
this feature when you complete a long rest. Duelist
Deadly Illusionist One on one is the name of the game and when you excel.
 You gain a +2 to melee damage rolls when only one
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell creature (excluding yourself) is within 5 feet of you.
 Your dueling prowess is apparent or known and many
Your illusions invade the deepest crevice of your
are willing to settle their disputes with you by duel.
enemies’ minds and leave them scarred.
 Once between rests, when a creature misses you with a
 You add one Illusion spell of a level you can cast,
melee attack they provoke an attack of opportunity
from your class spell list to the list of spells you can
from you.
prepare or cast.
 Creatures who fail their initial saving throw or ability
check against an Illusion spells of 1st level or higher Einhander
you cast take psychic damage equal to the spell’s level
The hot blood of a duelist flows through your veins. Even
+ your spell casting ability modifier, if the spell does
your misses are placed with intention and you slowly but
not already deal damage.
surely lure your opponent into the perfect position for the
perfect strike.
Dervish  You become more mobile and can present a narrower
profile with one hand empty. When wielding a
Standing still is boring! You’re always on the move.
longsword or rapier in one hand, and nothing in the
 Your speed increases by 5 feet.
other, you gain a +2 bonus to armor class.
 When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can
 You deal 1 additional point of damage when you hit
move 5 feet at no movement cost as part of the attack.
for every attack you miss before hitting a single
 When you hit a creature with a melee attack that you creature, while wielding a longsword or rapier in one
have not already attacked on your current turn, you hand and nothing in the other. If you attack a different
deal 2 additional points of damage. target, damage your target or spend your turn not
attacking the target, you lose any accumulated bonus
Dexterous Grappler damage. The extra damage cannot exceed your
proficiency bonus.
You don’t waste any time when apprehending criminals,
monster or a combination of the two.
 When you attempt to grapple a creature on your turn, Elocater
you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the Space is constantly shifting around you as you contort
target. through its folds.
 Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are  Your speed increases by 5 feet.
grappling another creature.  If you have not expended movement on your turn, you
 You can use Dexterity (Acrobatics) to grapple, not just can reduce your speed to 0 and expend your bonus
to resist or escape a grapple. action to teleport up to 30 feet in a line to an
unoccupied location you can see. Using this feature
Diehard creates a bright light, tracing your path. Additionally,
roll on the Elocater Mishaps table. If you would land
It’s never quite your time. You refuse to die. in an occupied location, you move backwards along
 You gain a +1 bonus to death saving throws. your path to the nearest unoccupied location.
 When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can
immediately move half your speed. Movement due to
this feature does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | FE A T S
ELOCATER MISHAPS  Allies within 50 feet of you must fail an additional
death saving throw to die.
1d6 Mishap
 You can use your bonus action to move half your
1-2 Arrive 5 feet short of destination speed towards an unstable creature. This movement
3-4 Arrive at destination does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
5-6 Arrive 5 feet past destination  You automatically succeed on the Wisdom check to
stabilize a dying creature, even if you do not have a
healer’s kit.
Enchanting Illusionist
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Gadgeteer
You’ve unlocked the true potential of mixing Illusion and You have managed to scrap together a useful gadget.
Enchantment magic.  You gain pneumatics, gyros, or distributors from the
 You can add 1 Illusion spell and 1 Enchantment spell Exoskeleton subclass.
from your class spell list, of a spell level you can cast,  You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Engineering).
to the list of spells you know or can prepare.
 When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
(Intimidation) ability check, you can replace your
Charisma modifier with your spellcasting ability Prerequisite: Not immune to fear effects
 A creature charmed or frightened by a spell you cast You have a large number of phobias and fears but your
gains disadvantage on the next saving throw or ability greatest is seeing your own blood.
check made to resist an Illusion spell of equal or  When you take damage, you can use your reaction to
higher level you cast. move 5 feet away from the source. This movement
does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
 Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are at or
Escape Artist below half hit points.
Your pursuers swear you bath in grease; no one can keep  You deal an additional 1 point of damage with melee
their hands on you. attacks while at or below half hit points.
 If you add your proficiency bonus to an ability check
made to end the grappled or restrained condition on Light Armor Master
yourself, you can instead add twice your proficiency
bonus. Prerequisite: Proficiency with light armor
 When you escape a creature’s grapple on your turn, You know how best to use the thin armor that protects
you can immediately use your bonus action to attack you.
the creature you escaped.  Your speed increases by 5 feet while wearing light or
no armor.
Expert Grappler  While wearing light armor, you gain a +1 bonus to
armor class whenever you are at least 20 feet from
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Strength (Athletics) where you started your turn. This bonus lasts until the
Every part of your body is a weapon and you wield it start of your next turn.
 When you add your proficiency bonus to an ability Light Weapon Master
check made to grapple, you can instead add twice your
proficiency bonus. Light weapons are weightless in your hands, allowing
 You benefit from half cover while you grapple a them be exactly where you need them.
creature.  When you make a weapon attack, you can
 You can expend your bonus action to deal your immediately draw a light weapon and make the attack
Strength modifier in damage to any creature you with it, without expending your interaction to draw the
currently grapple. weapon.
 When the result of a light weapon damage die is 1, you
can roll a d6 and add it to the damage result.
Field Medic
You’re an expert of saving people in the direst of

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | FE A T S
Master Swordsman level + your spellcasting ability modifier. You can
choose not to inflict the damage.
Your expertise with the blade is unmatched and few rival  When all creatures affected by an Enchantment spell
your skill. you cast, succeed on a saving throw to resist the spell
 While wielding a sword, when you take the dodge and the spell has no effect, you do not expend the spell
action, you can use your bonus action to make a single slot used to cast the spell. Once you use this feature,
melee attack at disadvantage. you must complete a long rest before you can use it
 While wielding a sword and attacking at disadvantage, again.
you can choose to ignore the disadvantage and instead
attack with advantage. Once you use this feature you Mustachioed
must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
 When attacking with a sword, you can choose to deal You have a beautiful mustache that may be accompanied
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, rather than by an equally beautiful beard. Those incapable of growing
the normal damage type. You must choose the damage a facial hair may supplant their long and flowing head
type of the attack before making the attack roll. hair. In this case, all strokes are replaced with hair
Marksman  Your facial hair is immune to all damage and cannot
be removed from your face.
You only need one bullet when others would need 5.  You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
 Attacking at long range does not impose disadvantage made relevant to the best interests of other
on your attack rolls. mustachioed creatures’ facial hair.
 When you deal damage with a weapon with the  You can stroke your facial hair introspectively and
precise property, add your Dexterity modifier to each gain a greater insight of the world around you.
extra die roll gained due to the precise property.  When you do something badass, you can stroke your
facial hair using your next bonus action and gain 5 hit
Metamagician points. Sick burns, epic leaps, and clutch saves all
qualify as badass.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You gain a deeper understanding of the functioning of Mystic Reservoir
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
 You gain 1 sorcery point. You can only use this
sorcery point on metamagic unless you have another You have tucked away a bit of extra magic in the back of
feature that allows you to use sorcery points. your mind, ready to be used in dire straits.
 You gain one sorcerer metamagic option.  You gain an additional spell slot of the second highest
level you can cast, to a maximum of 4th level. This
Metamagic Reservoir bonus spell slot changes as the highest level spell you
can cast changes. The spell slot given by this feature
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell can only be used to cast a single spell, designated
when you regain spell slots after a long rest.
Your metamagic pool increases in size or you gain a
metamagic pool if you did not have one.
 You gain 2 sorcery points. Necromantic
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
Mind Breaker You’ve recently got in touch with your dead side. Aside
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell from slowly rotting, things are pretty great.
 You add 1 Necromancy spell from your class spell list,
Your enchantments scar their victim’s minds. The wound
of a spell level you can cast, to the list of spells you
left behind is easily recognizable by those who know
know or can prepare.
where to look.
 When below one quarter of your maximum hit points,
 You are aware of all creatures within 10 feet that have
you can reduce incoming damage by half the spell
been affected by a 1st level or higher Enchantment
level of the highest level Necromancy spell you know
spell you cast.
or have prepared.
 When the effects of a 1st level or higher Enchantment
 As an action, you can detach or reattach one of your
spell, with duration 1 minute or greater, end on a
hands. While detached, your hand functions as a
creature, it takes psychic damage equal to the spell’s

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | FE A T S
Crawling Claw (Monster Manual, pg. 44) that obeys  Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal
your commands. to your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you
gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum
One Step Ahead increases by an additional 1 hit point.
 When another creature within 5 feet hits you with a
You are fast and smart; not only can you predict your melee attack, you can use your reaction to subtract
enemies’ movements but you can act on your predictions your proficiency bonus from your AC, potentially
too. causing the attack to hit you. If the attack hits and
 You can shift your initiative up enough to act before deals damage, you can make a melee attack with a
the creature that acts before you in the initiative count. weapon you wield against the creature who attacked
Once you use this feature you must complete a long you, after the attack is resolved.
rest to use this feature again.
 You gain a +5 bonus to initiative rolls. Savant
Hooked Weapon Master You’ve discovered a natural gift in a single skill
 You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
While unconventional weapons, you have found picks and  You gain a +1 bonus to any ability check to which you
sickles suit your fighting style well apply your chosen skill’s proficiency.
 You do not need a free hand to grapple while you are  The ability score most relevant to the skill increases by
wielding a war pick or sickle. 1, to a maximum of 20.
 When you hit a creature with a war pick or sickle on
your turn, you can use your bonus action to attempt to School Specialist
grapple the targeted creature.
 If you successfully grapple the creature while wielding Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
a sickle or a war pick, the creature takes damage equal
You’ve spent most of your time researching a specific
to your Strength modifier. The damage is slashing if
school of magic.
you use a sickle and bludgeoning if you use a war
pick.  When you cast a spell of a chosen school of magic at a
higher level, the saving throws and attack rolls gain a
+1 bonus.
Point Blank Shooter  You add 1 spell from your class spell list, of a level
You’ve been in tighter situations and a lack of range you can cast, of the school of magic chosen, to the list
never prevents you from striking true. of spells you know or can prepare.
 You are not at disadvantage when making a ranged  You can cast a spell from your chosen school as one
attack while an enemy is within 5 feet. level higher at no additional cost. You must be able to
 When a damage die of a ranged weapon you wield cast spells of the new, higher, level. Once you use this
show a result of 1 or 2, the result is instead treated as a feature, you must complete a long rest before you can
3 if the target is within 5 feet of you. use it again.

Quick Witted Scribe

Great ideas come to you naturally, often when they would You may not possess any spellcasting ability but you
save your life. know much of arcane scripture.
 Your Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum  You learn two spells of 1st level or below. This does
of 20. not grant you the ability to cast spells.
 When you would make a Dexterity saving throw, you  You can inscribe a scroll of a spell you know by
can instead make an Intelligence saving throw. You spending hours equal to the spell level of the scroll
can use this feature a number of times equal to you being inscribed. If the combined level of your scrolls
Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses of exceeds one quarter of your level (round up), or the
this feature when you complete a long rest. number of scrolls you have exceeds your Intelligence
modifier, the oldest scroll you have turns to dust until
the limit is reached.
You fight with reckless abandon, but not to your Shadow Caster
disadvantage. Countless wounds have desensitized you to
pain. Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell

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You draw your magic from the shadow weave and may Skirmisher
have pledged yourself to one of its dark patrons. Your
physical appearance shifts to mimic the plane of shadow. Your uncanny dexterity pervades throughout your combat
 When you cast a spell while in dim light or darker, style.
you can gain a +2 bonus to a single attack roll made as  Your speed increases by 5 feet.
part of the spell. Once you use this feature, you must  When a creature misses you with a melee attack, they
complete a long rest before you can use it again. expend 5 feet of movement. A creature does not
 The bodies of creatures slain by your spells are expend movement if it has none to expend.
transported to the shadow plane in tribute to your  If you are 20 feet from where you started your turn,
dread lord. You can optionally send their equipment. any melee weapons held by you gain the finesse
 You can cause a spell you cast to require a Wisdom property until the start of your next turn. You cannot
saving throw, rather than its normal type. Once you benefit from this feature and the Great Weapon
use this feature, you must complete a long rest before Fighting Fighting Style simultaneously.
you can use it again.
 You can see normally in magical darkness out to 5 Sniper
Given the time to line up your shot, you inflict grievous
Shadow Rogue  Attacking at long range with a ranged weapon does
You signed a pact with a Shadow Lord and at the charge not impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
of ferrying him your victims you gain the powers of  At the start of your turn, you can reduce your speed to
darkness. zero and deal an additional 2 damage with your next
 You can see normally in magical darkness out to 5 ranged weapon attack made before the start of your
feet. next turn.
 The bodies of creatures slain by you are transported to
the shadow plane in tribute to your dread lord. You Spearman
can optionally send their equipment.
 You can attempt to hide even in dim light. You can make quick and accurate jabs with spears that
 You can use your action to extinguish a lantern or any often catch your foes off guard.
similarly or less bright light source that you can see  When you make an attack of opportunity with a spear,
within 50 feet. pike, or trident, you gain advantage on the attack roll.
 When you attack a creature who expended movement
on its last or current turn, you deal an additional 2
Shadow Warrior damage. You must attack with a spear, pike, or trident
You signed a pact with a Shadow Lord and at the charge to benefit from this feature.
of ferrying him your victims you gain the powers of
darkness. Spell Breaker
 The bodies of creatures slain by you are transported to
the shadow plane in tribute to your dread lord. You Your tolerance to magic is notable and spells can’t keep a
can optionally send their equipment. grip on you for long.
 You gain 5 temporary hit points when you start your  You can add half your proficiency bonus to a saving
turn in dim light or darker. These temporary hit points throw made against a spell, if you do not already add
fade as soon as you enter bright light. your proficiency bonus.
 You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Shield Bearer When you hold position, your defenses become near
Sometimes others can benefit from your skill with a impenetrable.
shield more than you could.  At the start of your turn, you can reduce your speed to
 Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 1, to zero and impose disadvantage on the next melee attack
a maximum of 20. made against you before the start of your next turn.
 You can choose to impose disadvantage on any attack  When an effect causes you to move without expending
of opportunity made against a creature within 5 feet of your movement, you can choose to move half of the
you. distance instead. Round down to the nearest 5-foot

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Standard Bearer necrotic damage (this damage cannot be reduced),
immediately before you cast the spell.
Prerequisite: Past or current affiliation with a notable
militant faction Thesis Spell
You hold the honor of carrying the flag of your unit,
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
regiment, or army. The flag inspires those who fight
around it with the tales of its loyal warriors. The standard You’ve spent a good portion of your time researching and
has an AC of 10, 10 hit points and can be carried upright perfecting a single spell. Designate a single spell of 3rd
in one hand. A creature can topple the standard or upright level or lower that you can cast as your thesis spell.
it as an action.  You can reroll an attack roll or cause a creature to
 While you or any of your allies are within 20 feet of reroll a saving throw against your thesis spell after you
the upright standard, they can reduce incoming have seen the result. Once you use this feature, you
damage by 1. must complete a long rest to use it again.
 If you are within 5 feet of the upright standard, you  You can cast your thesis spell at its lowest level once
can reduce incoming damage by 2, rather than 1. after completing a long rest without expending a spell
 You can plant your standard in the ground as a bonus slot if you have casted your thesis spell twice after the
action and it remains upright until removed as an same rest.
action or destroyed.  You always recognize a casting of your thesis spell
 Creatures cannot damage or topple your standard should you have the sensory abilities to do so.
while you are within 5 feet of it and not incapacitated.
Thrown Weapon Master
Studied Warrior You have an uncanny knack for throwing things to deadly
Your devotion to fighting transcends simple practice. You effect.
have studied the masters and learned their techniques.  Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not
 You learn one fighting style that you do not already impose disadvantage on your ranged attacks made
know. with thrown weapons.
 When you miss a creature within 20 feet with a thrown
Tactically Armored weapon, you can cause the weapon to immediately
bounce back into or return to your hand.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with medium armor  When you take the attack action and attack with a
For some reason you decided medium armor is awesome. thrown weapon, you can draw the weapon as part of
Why? I have no idea. the attack made with it, without expending your
 You can sleep in medium armor as well as you could
no armor.
 You gain a +1 bonus to armor class when wearing Whip Master
medium armor.
A whip in your hands becomes a deadly weapon.
 Your stealth is not at disadvantage due to wearing
 When you hit a large or smaller creature with a whip,
medium armor.
the creature’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start
 You can convince anyone that medium armor is the of your next turn.
superior armor category.
 Whips you wield gain the light property.
 The damage die of whips you wield increases from
Telekinetic 1d4 to 1d6.
The natural world bends slightly to your will. You can  You gain a +5 bonus to BDSM.
apply minor forces with your mind.
 Your natural reach is considered 15 feet for the
purpose of using your interaction. Should an
interaction require an action to perform, you do not
benefit from this feature.
 You can cast shield as a 1st level spell. You can cast
shield twice as part of this feature before you must
complete a long rest to regain all uses. When you
expend the second use of this feature, you take 10

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | FE A T S
Casting Curse
Spellbook Cat’s Grace
Chains That Bind
Crisis of Breath
Spells by Level Death Urge
If you are viewing virtually, clicking on a spell name will Evolve
take you to its location in the document. Flash of Intelligence
Fox’s Cunning
Cantrips Miser’s Envy
Chromatic Bolt Named Shot
Claw Growth Owl’s Wisdom
Concussive Chord Shield, Greater
Festering Sore Sexy Ass Bitch’s Charisma
Ice Jet Shredding Wind
Mind Thrust Surge of Dexterity
Push Telekinetic Burst
Summon Staff of Striking Torrent of Wisdom
Wind Wall
1st Level
Conjure Cadaver 4th Level
Dark Veil Conjure Volatile Undead
Disguise Undead Holy Weapon
Draw Blank Illusory Terrain
Sculpt Ice Imbue with Spell Ability
Skill Assumption In Another’s Shoes
Snowshoes Lightning Fireball
Wind Cage Meriele’s Lightning Strike
Mind Blast
2nd Level Retributive Defense
Arc-tech Recharge Static Strike
Decay into Undead Summon Block of Ice
Freeze Flesh Vampiric Leech
Ice Web 5th Level
Interposing Shield Evolve Undead
Polymorph Vortex
Telekinetic Toss
Tracer 6th Level
Tongue Tie
Whirling Shield
Wither Limbs 7th Level

3rd Level
Arc-tech Overcharge 8th Level
Baleful Teleportation
Bear’s Endurance
Bull’s Strength 9th Level
Burning Blade Power Word: Orphan
Burst of Strength Sharknado

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Bear’s Endurance
3rd-level transmutation
Spells by Name
Casting Time: 1 action
Arc-Tech Overcharge Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd-level transmutation
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
Range: 5 feet
The target of this spell has its Constitution score increased
Duration: 24 hours
to 20 for the duration of the spell. A target may gain hit
Components: V, S
points with this spell but loses the same amount when the
Spell List: Wizard
spell ends.
You cast this spell on an arc-tech magic item that mimics
a spell of level one. The magic item gains an additional Bull’s Strength
charge. The extra charge can exceed the maximum 3rd-level transmutation
charges on the weapon. A single weapon can only hold a
single over charge at a time. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels: For every level spell slot used above Range: Touch
3rd an additional spell level can be restored to the target Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
magic item. Components: V, S
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
Arc-Tech Recharge The target of this spell has its Strength score increased to
2nd-level transmutation 20 for the duration of the spell.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 5 feet Burning Blade
Duration: Permanent 3rd-level evocation
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Spell List: Wizard Range: Self
You cast this spell on an arc-tech magic item that mimics Duration: 3 rounds
a spell of level one. The magic item gains an additional Components: V, S
charge. The extra charge cannot exceed the maximum Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
charges on the weapon. A gout of flame leaps from the top of your closed fist.
At Higher Levels: For every level spell slot used above The fire coalesces into a burning blade of growing
2nd an additional spell level can be restored to the target intensity. You can use your action to make a melee spell
magic item. attack against a target within 5 feet for the duration of this
spell. On the first round the blade deals 3d6 fire damage
Baleful Teleportation and increases by 2d6 each additional round it burns.
3rd-level conjuration At Higher Levels: The duration of this spell increases
by one round for every spell levels above 3rd.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Burst of Strength
Components: V, S 3rd-level transmutation
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard Casting Time: 1 bonus action
You designate a creature within 5 feet and teleport it 30 Range: 5 feet
feet into an unoccupied space in which it can safely stand. Duration: 1 round
The location need not be safe to occupy in the future. Components: V, S
Teleporting the creature off a cliff would not be possible Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
but teleporting the creature onto unstable floor boards is A single willing target of this spell receives a massive
within the bounds of the spell. rush of muscular power on the turn this spell is casted.
Their Strength score becomes 24.
At Higher Levels: You can affect an additional target
for every two spell levels above 3rd.

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Casting Curse Chromatic Bolt
3rd-level enchantment Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Spell List: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
Designate a single target within range. The target must Make a ranged spell attack against a single creature
succeed a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the within range. On a hit the target takes damage indicated
casting curse. A creature affected by the casting curse by rolling on the table.
casts a randomly chosen spell from their prepared spells
1d6 Damage
when they attempt to cast a spell. The new spell casted
must have the same casting time as the original. 1 1d10 Fire
2 1d10 Acid
Cat’s Grace 3 1d10 Lightning
3rd-level transmutation 4 1d10 Poison
Casting Time: 1 action 5 1d10 Psychic
Range: Touch 6 1d10 Cold
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S At Higher Levels: You may roll on the table an
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger additional time and use both results when you reach 5th
level (2 rolls), 11th (3 rolls), and 17th (4 rolls).
The target of this spell has its Dexterity score increased to
20 for the duration of the spell.
Claw Growth
Chains That Bind Transmutation Cantrip
3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 round
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Spell List: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Components: V, S, M (a foot of sturdy chain)
Spell List: Cleric, Wizard Claws quickly grow from your arms or hands. Make a
melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet. On a
Pull the chain tight and a spectral version chain forms
hit the target takes 1d8 slashing damage. The claws
between two creatures within range that are no more than
remain until the start of your next turn and you can use
30 feet apart should they both fail Dexterity saving
them to make opportunity attacks.
throws. If one or both targets succeed the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: You can make an additional attack
While the creatures are bound by the chain they cannot
with the claws when you reach 5th level (2 attacks), 11th
move further apart than they were when the spell is cast.
(3 attacks), and 17th (4 attacks).
One creature can drag the other along with it, expending
its own movement to move the other creature. For every 5
feet a target is pulled 2d6 force damage is dealt to the Concussive Chord
pulled creature. A creature can use its action to make a Evocation Cantrip
Strength saving throw to break free and end the spell. Casting Time: 1 action
Other creatures can pass through the chain. The chain Range: 60 feet
cannot be damaged but once the chain deals 50 damage Duration: Instantaneous
the spell ends Components: V or S
At Higher Levels: The chain deals an additional 1d6 Spell List: Bard
damage when pulled and it can deal an additional 25
damage for every spell level expended above 3rd level. You release a blast of sound with your voice (verbal
component) or your instrument (somatic component).
Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within
range. On a hit the creature takes 1d8 thunder damage.
Creatures with keen senses can be targeted a range of 120

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At Higher Levels: The damage of the chord increases Exhale softly and choose a medium or smaller creature
when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th (3d8), and 17th that must breathe within range. The air within the
(4d8). creature’s lungs is violently expelled if they fail a
Wisdom saving throw.
Conjure Cadaver On the creature’s turn it must gasp for air with its action
1st-level necromancy or make a Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn.
If the save fails, the target falls unconscious and
Casting Time: 1 minute automatically fails its death saving throws for the duration
Range: 5 feet of the spell.
Duration: Instantaneous If a creature used its action to breathe on its previous
Components: V, S, F (A forged medical license) turn it makes its Constitution saving throw with
Spell List: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard advantage.
Spitting on the work of a good gravedigger, a laid to At Higher Levels: The size category of creature that
rest corpse appears at your feet. The corpse is of any may be affected by this spell increases by one for every
common humanoid race or gender you specify. The spell level above 3rd.
conjured corpse is otherwise random and nonrefundable.
At Higher Levels: You may summon an additional Dark Veil
cadaver for every spell level above 1st.
1st-level illusion
Conjure Volatile Undead Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level necromancy Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (A translucent piece of fabric)
Range: 5 feet Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S An inky black veil forms around a creatures face. If the
Spell List: Wizard, Cleric creature fails a Wisdom saving throw everything greater
than 10 feet away is shrouded in magical darkness, but
Speaking the words of necromantic magic laced with only for the affected creature. Space within 10 feet is
evocation you conjure before yourself 3 volatile zombies. dimly lit. Creatures that can see in magical darkness or do
They act on the same turn you cast this spell on your not rely on vision to see are unaffected.
initiative count and can follow simple mental commands, An affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw
given as part of your action. at the end of its turn to end the spell early.
When a volatile zombie is killed it releases a burst of At Higher Levels: You may target an additional creature
necromantic energy, dealing 4d6 necrotic damage to all for every spell level above 1st.
creatures within reach of the zombie. A creature may
attempt a Constitution saving throw for half damage. Death Urge
The statistics of the volatile zombie are identical to that
4th-level enchantment
of a normal zombie except the volatile undead have 1 hit
point, do not defend themselves, and have no Zombie Casting Time: 1 action
Fortitude. A volatile zombie may detonate itself as an Range: 60 feet
action and always detonates when reduced to zero hit Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
points. Components: V, S
The spell ends when all zombies are destroyed or when Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
the duration expires. If you cease concentration early or
You speak dark and disturbing words under your breathe
the duration expires the remaining zombies immediately
to a single target. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
detonate on their turns.
saving throw or, on its turn, attempt to end its life in the
At Higher Levels: You may summon an additional
quickest way possible. Leaping into pits of fire, hurdling
volatile zombie for every two spell levels above 4th.
off cliff faces and simple stabbing oneself to death all
Crisis of Breath Should the target choose to attack itself it uses its action
3rd-level enchantment and deals maximum weapon damage. If the target is
Casting Time: 1 action unarmed, it moves adjacent to the nearest enemy and
Range: 60 feet provokes and attack of opportunity. Should an immediate
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute hazard not be nearby the target simply berates itself.
Components: V, S At Higher Levels: The duration of this spell increases
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard by one round for every spell level above 4th.

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Decay into Undead this spell by one or increases the number of creatures the
2nd-level necromancy affected creatures forget about by one.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
3rd-level transmutation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (The bone or flesh of an undead Casting Time: 1 bonus action
creature) Range: Self
Spell List: Cleric, Wizard Duration: 1 minute
Component: V, S, M
You can transform into a skeleton or zombie. You gain
Spell List: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
the capabilities and limitations of the new form and lose
the capabilities and limitations of your previous form. As you cast this spell your form begins to mutate and
You retain your mental ability scores and hit points. You change rapidly, gaining new capabilities. Choose three
continue to wear any equipment wearable by the new features from below. Some features can be chosen
form. Otherwise it melds into your new form and is multiple times in place of a different feature. The effect of
nonfunctional until the spell ends. choosing a feature multiple times is listed in its
If you are reduced to zero hit points you die description.
immediately, as if you were an undead creature. Claws: You gain a melee claw attack that deals 1d6
slashing damage. Choosing this feature again increases
Disguise Undead the damage by 1d6. The claw attack is considered finesse.
1st-level illusion Quills: You gain a ranged quill attack that deals 1d6
piercing damage. The quills have a range of 30/90.
Casting Time: 1 action Choosing this feature again increases the damage by 1d6.
Range: Touch Muscle: Your Strength score becomes equal to your
Duration: 1 hour spellcasting ability score minus 2. Choosing this feature
Components: V, S, M (a patch of skin from a living twice makes your Strength score equal to your
creature) spellcasting ability score.
Spell List: Wizard Form: Your Dexterity score becomes equal to your
You mask a willing undead creature in a veil of illusory spellcasting ability score minus 2. Choosing this feature
flesh. They appear as the creature they were in life. The twice makes your Dexterity score equal to your
illusion does not hold up to physical inspection and spellcasting ability score.
anyone who touches the creature or interacts with it for Jaws: You gain a melee bite attack that deals 1d8
more than a minute may make a Wisdom saving throw piercing damage. Choosing this feature again increases
and see through the illusion. the damage by 1d8.
Another creature that sees through the illusion may use Tendrils: You gain a melee tentacle attack that deals
an action to allow one creature to attempt to resist the 1d4 bludgeoning damage and grapples a hit target.
illusion. Choosing this feature again increases the damage by 1d4.
Hide: Your armor class equals 13 + Dexterity modifier.
Draw Blank Choosing this feature twice sets your armor class equal to
1st-level enchantment 14 + Dexterity.
Large: Your size increases to large and your natural
Casting Time: 1 action reach becomes 10 feet.
Range: 30 feet Small: Your size changes to small and you may move
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute through the squares of hostile creatures as if they were
Components: V, S, M (a blank piece of parchment) difficult terrain.
Spell List: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Chitin: Your armor class equals 17. Choosing this
A single creature within range must succeed on a Wisdom feature twice sets your armor class equal to 18.
saving throw or be affected by this spell for the duration. Wings: You gain a fly (hover) speed of 30 feet.
A creature under the effect of this spell no longer Choosing this feature again gives you a fly speed of 30
acknowledges the existence of one other creature within feet.
range. The affected creature rationalizes any events that Hooves: You gain a land speed of 40 feet.
occur due to the creature it no longer acknowledges. The Eyes: You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet. Choosing
spell ends early if an affected creature takes any damage. this feature twice gives you Darkvision out to 120 feet.
At Higher Levels: Each spell level used above 1st At Higher Levels: You may choose an additional
increases the number of creatures that can be affected by feature for every spell level above 3rd.

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Evolve Undead A single willing target of this spell receives an influx of
5th-level necromancy knowledge on the turn this spell is casted. Their
Intelligence score becomes 24.
Casting Time: 1 minute At Higher Levels: You may affect an additional target
Range: Touch for every two spell levels above 3rd.
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M (see spell description)
Fox’s Cunning
Spell List: Cleric, Wizard
3rd-level transmutation
Choose an undead creature created by your casting of
Casting Time: 1 action
animate dead and not already under the effect of this
Range: Touch
spell. The creature created gains one of the following
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
special abilities.
Components: V, S
Self-Healing. The creature heals hit points equal to
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
your spellcasting modifier at the start of its turn.
Killer. The creature deals additional damage equal to The target of this spell has its Intelligence score increased
your spellcasting modifier on melee attacks. to 20 for the duration of the spell.
Hardened. The creature’s armor class equals 10 + your
spellcasting ability modifier + Dexterity modifier. Freeze Flesh
Toughened. The creature gains hit points equal to three 2nd-level transmutation
times your spellcasting ability modifier.
Battle-Ready: The creature can make 2 attacks with Casting Time: 1 action
the attack action. Range: 120 feet
Warrior. The creature gains proficiency with martial Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour; see text
weapons and adds your spellcasting ability modifier to Components: V, S
attack rolls. Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
At Higher Levels: This spell bestows an additional You clench your fist and shoot an icy stare at a single
ability to for every two spell level expended above 5th. creature. The target slowly begins to freeze solid. The
target immediately makes a Constitution saving throw. If
Festering Sore it fails, the save its speed is halved and attacks with
Necromancy Cantrip disadvantage. At the end of its turn it makes another
Constitution save, if this save fails the target is frozen
Casting Time: 1 action
solid and incapacitated. On a success the spell ends. If the
Range: 60 feet
target fails, the saving throw twice more while frozen
Duration: 1 minute
solid they may no longer make saving throws and are
Components: V, S
Spell List: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard frozen solid for an hour and you no longer need to
A festering sore breaks out on a creature within range. It If the target takes fire damage anytime while under the
may make a Constitution saving throw to resist gaining effect of this spell, they may make another saving throw.
the sore. A creature who gains the sore immediately takes
1d6 necrotic damage. If the afflicted creature takes Harrowing
damage within the duration of the spell it takes an 2nd-level divination
additional 1d6 damage and the spell ends.
A creature automatically succeeds on its Constitution Casting Time: 1 minute
saving throw if it already has a sore. Range: 5 feet
At Higher Levels: The spell’s initial and secondary Duration: 8 hours
damage increase by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), Components: V, S, M (a deck of harrowing cards)
11th (3d6), and 17th (4d6). Spell List: Bard, Wizard
During the casting of this spell you pull three cards from
Flash of Intelligence the harrowing deck indicating the fortune of a creature
3rd-level transmutation within range, to determine what cards are drawn roll on
Casting Time: 1 bonus action the below table three times. A weal indicates that for the
Range: 5 feet duration of the spell the affected creature may choose to
gain advantage on a d20 roll to which the ability score
Duration: 1 round
applies. Using a weal expends it. A woe indicates for the
Components: V, S
duration of the spell the creature takes a -1 penalty on all
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
d20 rolls to which the ability score applies.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K
this spell on your previous turn, the ice wind intensifies
and the size of all damage dice increases to 1d10. If you
1d12 Fortune casted this spell on your two previous turns, the small
1 Strength Woe gale peaks and the size of all damage dice increases to
2 Dexterity Woe 1d12.
3 Constitution Woe At Higher Levels: The spell’s damage increases by 1d8
when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th (3d8), and 17th
4 Intelligence Woe (4d8).
5 Wisdom Woe
6 Charisma Woe Ice Web
7 Strength Weal 2nd-level conjuration
8 Dexterity Weal Casting Time: 1 action
9 Constitution Weal Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
10 Intelligence Weal
Components: V, S, M (spider webbing)
11 Wisdom Weal Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
12 Charisma Weal
A jet of ice cold water erupts from your hands in a 30-foot
At Higher Levels: Roll an additional time on the table cone. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity
for every two spell levels above 2nd and discard your saving throw. A creature is restrained by solidifying ice
choice of rolls until only 3 remain. on a failed save. Creatures that succeed are unaffected.
A creature who failed their save is restrained and may
Holy Weapon attempt to break free from the web with a Strength saving
4th-level conjuration throw made as an action.
Each web has 10 hit points. Any physical damage the
Casting Time: 1 bonus action creature takes is also dealt to the web. When the web is
Range: Self reduced to 0 hit points the creature is no longer restrained.
Duration: 10 minutes The web has AC 12 should another creature choose to
Components: V, S target only the webbing.
Spell List: Cleric
Shout a prayer of aid and vengeance and call to your hand Illusory Terrain
a weapon of divine energy. This weapon often manifests 4th-level illusion
itself in the form of your deity’s weapon. You wield the Casting Time: 1 action
weapon in one hand, are proficient with it, and may use Range: 120 feet
either your Strength, Dexterity, or spell casting ability Duration: 1 minute
modifier on attack and damage rolls. It deals 2d6 radiant Components: V, S
damage and has a +1 bonus on attack rolls. Spell List: Wizard
If you are disarmed of this weapon, or it otherwise
leaves your hands, the spell ends. Your incantations craft illusory terrain within the range of
At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot this spell. You may place 100 square feet (20 5 foot
of 6th level or higher, the bonus increases to +2 and the squares) of illusory difficult terrain. Creatures believe it to
weapon deals 3d6 damage. If you use a spell slot of 8th exist and upon entering one of the tiles may make a
level or higher, the bonus increases to +3 and the weapon Wisdom saving throw to disbelieve the effect. A creature
deals 4d6 damage. may only make one of these saving throws per round.
Should the creature fail this saving throw, they believe it
Ice Jet to exist and may save again on the next turn they interact
Evocation Cantrip with it.
You may place your tiles on top of each other, creating
Casting Time: 1 action higher tier difficult terrain. Two tiles count as double
Range: 30 feet difficult terrain, three tiles count as triple, etc.
Duration: Instantaneous At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot
Components: V, S of 5th level or higher, you may place 5 more squares of
Spell List: Druid, Wizard terrain for each spell level above 4th.
A blast of icy wind shoots from your outstretched hand.
Make a ranged spell attack against a single creature. If
you hit the target takes 1d8 cold damage. If you casted

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K
Imbue with Spell Ability A barrier of magical force, like a physical shield, appears
4th-level abjuration to protect a creature within 5 feet. Until the start of your
next turn, the creature has a +5 bonus to AC, including
Casting Time: 10 minutes against the triggering attack, and takes no damage from
Range: Touch magic missile.
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M (a symbol of your deity carried by
Lightning Fireball
target of this spell, costing at least 25 gold pieces)
4th-level evocation
Spell List: Cleric
Casting Time: 1 action
You transfer one of your know spells and the ability to
Range: 150 feet
cast it to a single target. You can transfer any divine spell
Duration: Instantaneous
you can cast of third level or lower. The spell is casted as
Components: V, S, M (a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur
if you casted it, using your save DC, despite the target’s
bound in copper wire)
ability score or proficiency. The target must have an
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
Intelligence of at least 5 and a Wisdom score of at least 9.
Depending on your deity you may be responsible for An electric blue and fiery orange streak flashes from your
any wrong doings done with the bestowed spell. pointing finger to a point you choose within range and
You cannot regain this spell slot through preparation then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame
until the bestowed spell is cast. When the bestowed spell and lightning. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
is cast you do not regain the spell slot. You may revoke centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving
the bestowed spell as an action but do not regain the spell throw and a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 5d6
slot. fire damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw (half on a
You cannot imbue someone with the ability to cast this successful save) and/or 5d6 lightning damage on a failed
spell. Constitution saving throw (half on a successful save).
At Higher Levels: You may imbue a spell of one level At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
higher for every level higher you cast this spell. slot of 5th level or higher, the damage electricity and fire
damage both increase by 1d6 for each level above 4th.
In Another’s Shoes
4th-level conjuration Meriele’s Lightning Strike
4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you can take when you
are hit by an attack. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (2 pairs of shoes firmly planted on Components: V, S
the ground, one pair worn by the target and one by you, Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid
which are not consumed when you cast the spell.)
You rub your hands together and move to clap; a moment
Spell List: Wizard
before they connect a streak of blue lightning descends
You and a creature within range swap shoes. The shoes upon a single creature within range. Make a ranged spell
remain in place and you and the target switch places. The attack against a target within range. On a hit the target
creature becomes the new target of the attack. The shoes takes 8d8 lightning damage.
magically scale to fit your feet and the other creature’s If the target is wearing metal armor like scale mail or
feet. The creature is entitled to a Wisdom saving throw to full plate, or is otherwise highly conductive, your attack
resist the effect. roll has advantage.
At Higher Levels: This spell creates another bolt with a
Interposing Shield different target for every spell level above 4th.
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you can take when a
creature within range is hit by an attack or targeted by the
magic missile spell
Range: 5 feet
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S
Spell List: Wizard

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Mind Blast The target may save against this effect at the end of its
4th-level enchantment turn.
At Higher Levels: You cause an additional creature to
Casting Time: 1 action desire the object for every two spell levels above 3rd.
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Named Shot
Components: V, S
3rd-level divination
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 minute
Choose a point within range. A ringing picks up in the
Range: Touch
ears of those nearby. Each creature in a 20-foot radius
Duration: 1 hour, concentration
cloud centered on that point must make a Wisdom saving
Components: V, S
throw. A creature takes 7d10 psychic damage on a failed
Spell List: Ranger
save, and half as much damage on a successful one.
Any creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell has You cast this spell on a single piece of ammunition. You
their head explode. whisper the name of an individual or a creature type
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell (beholder, human, zombie, etc.). When you use this piece
slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 of ammunition on the named target, the target receives no
for each level above 4th. bonus to armor class due to cover. If the attack with the
piece of ammunition hits, it is a critical hit.
Mind Thrust
Enchantment Cantrip Owl’s Wisdom
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard Components: V, S
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
You instantly deliver a massive assault on the thought
pathways of any one creature, dealing 1d10 points of The target of this spell has its Wisdom score increased to
psychic damage to it should it fail a Wisdom saving 20 for the duration of the spell.
Any creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell has Polymorph
their head explode. 2nd-level transmutation
At Higher Levels: The spell’s damage increases by
1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th (3d10), and Casting Time: 1 action
17th (4d10). Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Miser’s Envy Components: V, S
3rd-level enchantment Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid

Casting Time: 1 action You can transform into any beast with a challenge rating
of 2 or less. You gain the capabilities and limitations of
Range: 60 feet
the new form and lose the capabilities and limitations of
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
your previous form. Retain your mental ability scores and
Components: V, S
hit points. You continue to wear any equipment wearable
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
by the new form. Otherwise it melds into your new form
When you cast this spell, you designate a creature and a and is nonfunctional until the spell ends.
target object, both of which must be within the spell’s You are proficient with all attacks your new form has
range. If the creature fails a Wisdom saving throw it and should calculate your attack bonus accordingly.
becomes consumed by a powerful desire for the object. You are limited in the actions you can perform in your
For the duration of the spell, the creature seeks to new form by the nature of your new form and cannot
obtain the object (going so far as to attack anyone holding speak, cast spells or take other action that require hands or
it). Once the creature gains possession of the object, it speech.
protects the item greedily, attacking anyone who At Higher Levels: The maximum challenge rating of a
approaches within 30 feet or otherwise appears to be creature you can polymorph into increases by two for
trying to take the object away. This spell has no effect on each spell level above 2nd.
undead or constructs.

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Power Word: Orphan Sculpt Ice
9th-level enchantment 1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet Range: 5 feet
Duration: 10 days Duration: instantaneous
Components: V, M (a live bat) Components: V, S
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
You condemn a single creature to live the remainder of Carve a small object out of existing ice. The object cannot
their life as the protagonist in a Disney movie. The be intricate or complex. Moving parts are not possible and
biological parents of the target are both affected by the anything particularly beautiful may require an Intelligence
spell Power Word Kill. Should this spell finish off the check.
remainder of the creature’s parents the creature is The item crafted is not magical and behaves like normal
overwhelmed with grief. All d20 rolls by the creature are ice.
at disadvantage and attacks against the creature are at At Higher Levels: You may craft an object one size
advantage. This spell can only affect a creature and their category larger for every two additional spell levels above
parents once a year. WARNING: May create the batman. 1st.

Push Greater Shield

Transmutation Cantrip 3rd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you can take when you
Range: 30 feet are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Self
Components: V, S Duration: 1 round
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock Components: V, S
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
Your outstretched hand releases a blast of force targeting
a single creature. If the creature fails a Strength saving A powerful barrier of magical force, like a physical
throw it takes 1d6 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet shield, appears to protect you. Until the start of your next
away from you. turn, you have a +10 bonus to AC, including against the
At Higher Levels: The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic
when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th missile.
Sexy Ass Bitch’s Charisma
Retributive Defense 3rd-level transmutation
4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: 1 minute Components: V, S
Components: V, S Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger
Spell List: Cleric, Paladin
The target of this spell has its Charisma score increased to
Your deity looks down to protect a target by punishing its 21 for the duration of the spell.
enemies. A spectral guardian looms over its shoulder,
striking down offenders. Whenever the target is attacked Sharknado
by a creature within 5 feet, the creature must make a 9th-level conjuration
Dexterity saving throw or take 20 radiant damage (half
damage on a successful save). This effect interrupts the Casting Time: 1 action
creatures attack and may kill it before the attack is Range: 60 feet
completed. The spell ends after it has dealt 60 damage. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S
Spell List: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Powerful winds and hungry sharks fill a 15-foot radius
cylinder within range. The cylinder is 50 feet tall and
must be placed upright. Any creature that starts its turn in
the area or enters the area for the first time on its turn

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K
must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. not required to make a Dexterity check to walk on ice and
The creature then rolls a 1d4. The result represents how snow without slipping and falling.
many sharks attack the creature. Each shark makes a
melee attack with a bonus equal to your spell attack bonus Static Strike
and may be at advantage due to the creature being prone. 4th-level evocation
On a hit a shark deals 5d6 piercing damage. Any creatures
reduced to 0 hit points by this spell are torn to ribbons by Casting Time: 1 action
the swirling sharks. Range: 60 feet
You may use your action to launch a shark from the Duration: Instantaneous
tornado. Make a ranged spell attack on a creature within Components: V, S
60 feet from the cylinder’s center. On a hit, this target Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid
takes 5d6 piercing damage. You rub your hands together and move to clap; a moment
before they connect a streak of blue lightning descends
Shredding Wind upon a single creature within range. The target must
3rd-level evocation succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 lightning
damage and succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
Casting Time: 1 action
stunned until the start of your next turn. The target takes
Range: 60 feet
half damage on a successful Dexterity save and is not
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S
If the target is wearing metal armor like scale mail or
Spell List: Wizard
full plate, it saves with disadvantage.
You powerfully exhale or flap your arms once and a 50- Higher Levels: The spell creates an extra bolt with a
foot line, 10 feet wide, of wind howls from your position. different target for every spell level above 4th.
Each creature inside the gust must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or fall prone and take 5d6 thunder damage. Summon Block of Ice
Those who succeed on their saving throw are not knocked 2nd-level conjuration
prone and suffer half damage.
The gust travels at 40 miles per hour and disperses Casting Time: 1 action
gases or vapors, extinguishes even protected flames. Range: 5 feet
At Higher Levels: The spell deals an extra 1d6 damage Duration: Permanent
for every spell level above 3rd. Components: V, S
Spell List: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Skill Assumption Condensation rolls of your tongue as you summon forth a
1st-level divination cube of ice from the deepest regions of Siberia. A 5-foot
cube of ice appears on an unoccupied surface within
Casting Time: 1 action
range. There is nothing magical about this ice and it melts
Range: Self
like another mass of solid water.
Duration: 1 minute
At Higher Levels: The dimension of the cube increases
Components: V, S
by 5 feet for every two additional levels above 2nd.
Spell List: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
You imbue yourself with knowledge of a single skill. For Summon Staff of Striking
one minute you may add your proficiency bonus to any Conjuration Cantrip
checks in which the skill would apply. Choosing a skill
you are already proficient in causes the spell to have no Casting Time: 1 bonus action
effect. Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
Snowshoes Components: V, S
Spell List: Arliden
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action You throw double middle fingers into the sky and curse
Range: Touch your bastard dungeon master. A staff of striking with full
Duration: 24 hours charges falls out of your ass. The staff exists forever. You
Components: V, S cannot be disarmed of it and it cannot be destroyed. In
Spell List: Druid, Ranger fact, if anyone tries to destroy it they take 20d20 untyped
The affected creature can walk lightly over ice and snow
You may restore 62 charges to the staff as part of your
without having its speed reduced. The affected creature is

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K
If you are a dwarf cleric you automatically know how make a ranged spell attack at another target within range
to cast this spell and can even do so in an antimagic field. to whack it with the item (target may benefit from cover).
At Higher Levels: The spell summons 8 additional If the attack hits the target takes 5d6 piercing, slashing or
staffs at caster level of 5th (9), 10th (17), 15th (25), and bludgeoning damage, depending on the item thrown.
20th (∾) At Higher Levels: You may affect and hurl an
additional item for every two spell levels above 2nd,
Surge of Dexterity creatures save to resist once per item taken.
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
2nd-level divination
Range: 5 feet
Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S Range: Touch
Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S
A single willing target of this spell perceives time slightly
Spell List: Bard, Ranger
slower on the turn this spell is casted. Their Dexterity
score becomes 24. You hold any mundane item in your hands and
At Higher Levels: You may affect an additional target concentrate on it for one minute. Once you have casted
for every two spell levels above 3rd. this spell you may use your action to discern its cardinal
direction from you (north, south, east, west) or ordinal
Telekinetic Burst direction (north-west, etc.) and vertical direction (up,
3rd-level transmutation down, level).
This spell does not reveal the distance the object is
Casting Time: 1 action away from you. Should the object be destroyed or on
Range: Self (10-foot line) another plane you are unable to track it and receive no
Duration: Instantaneous feedback.
Components: V, S At Higher Levels: The spell may track the item for an
Spell List: Wizard additional 24 hours for each additional level above 2nd.
Telekinetic force erupts from your palms and creatures in
a 10-foot line starting at you must make a Strength saving Tongue Tie
throw. On a failed saving throw targets take 8d6 force 2nd-level enchantment
damage and are launched back 15 feet then knocked
Casting Time: 1 action
prone. If a creature in the front of another fails, it’s saving
Range: 60 feet
throw all the creatures behind it save with disadvantage.
Duration: 1 minute
Any creatures in the flight path of affected creatures must
Components: V, S
pass a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. On a
Spell List: Bard
successful saving throw targeted creatures take half
damage and suffer no other effects. You perfectly utter a difficult tongue twister and tie the
At Higher Levels: The range of this spell increases by 5 tongue of single creature within range. The creature
feet for each spell level used above 3rd. cannot speak intelligibly as it stutters and trips over its
own words. The creature is also unable to cast spells with
Telekinetic Toss verbal components.
2nd-level transmutation The creature may make a Wisdom saving throw as part
of its action to resist the effect for the current round. If the
Casting Time: 1 action creature succeeds on this saving throw the spell ends
Range: 60 feet early.
Duration: Instantaneous Any other creature that tries to speak with the tongue
Components: V, S tied creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard affected by the spell.
You tear an item from the hands of an unwitting enemy’s
hand and hurl it at his best friend and/or mother. Choose Torrent of Wisdom
an item larger than your fist weighing less than 20 3rd-level transmutation
pounds. If this item is attended the creature attending it
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
may make a Strength saving throw to resist parting with
Range: 5 feet
it, ending the spell’s effect on the item. If the creature
Duration: 1 round
fails, the saving throw or the item is unattended you may
Components: V, S

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Spell List: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Ranger Whirling Shield
A single willing target of this spell gain clarity of mind 2nd-level abjuration
and fluidity of thought on the turn this spell is casted. Casting Time: 1 reaction
Their Strength score becomes 24. Range: Self
At Higher Levels: You may affect an additional target Duration: 1 round
for every two spell levels above 3rd. Components: V, S
Spell List: Wizard
Vampiric Leech
A violently swirling wall of wind appears between you
4th-level necromancy
and an attacker. Until the start of your next turn, you have
Casting Time: 1 action a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack.
Range: 5 feet Any attacker who is adjacent to you must also take 2d6
Duration: Concentration, up to1 minute bludgeoning damage. The attacker may make a Dexterity
Components: V, S, M (a drop of dried orphan blood) saving throw for half damage.
Spell List: Wizard At Higher Levels: The spell deals an extra 1d6 damage
for every spell level above 2nd.
Blood red light surrounds your victim and slowly teases
out the last scrap of life. The target must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 necrotic damage. If
Wind Cage
the creature succeeds the spell ends. 1st-level evocation
For the duration of the spell, at the start of your turn the Casting Time: 1 action
creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take Range: 60 feet
3d6 necrotic damage again. If a creature succeeds on its Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving the spell ends early. Components: V, S
You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard
dealt. The temporary hit points fade after 1 hour.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell You swirl your hand in small circles and a powerful dust
slot of 5th level or higher the damage increases by 1d6 for devil picks up around a single medium or smaller creature
every level above 4th. within range. The target must pass a Strength saving
throw or have his speed reduced to 0. Both the target’s
attacks and attacks against the target are at disadvantage.
The target may attempt to break free of the prison with a
5th-level evocation
Strength saving throw made as an action.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self; see text Wind Wall
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 3rd-level evocation
Components: V, S
Spell List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
You spin in a circle and a dangerous wind picks up and Duration: 1 minute
swirls around you. Creatures within 30 feet of you are Components: V, S
buffeted by fast winds and an ethereal force, however; Spell List: Wizard, Cleric, Druid
those within 5 feet of you exist in the eye of the storm and
are unaffected. Creatures who enter the area for the first A 40 foot long, 15 foot tall curtain of wind appears. Small
time on their turn or start their turn in the wind take 4d8 and smaller creatures must pass a Strength saving throw
thunder damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw. to pass through the wall. Gaseous creatures are
Small projectiles like arrows and crossbow bolts are completely incapable of basing through.
automatically deflected if they travel though the vortex. Small projectiles like arrows and crossbow bolts are
Firearm projectiles attack with disadvantage and large automatically deflected. Firearm projectiles attack with
projectiles like ballista bolts and massive boulders are disadvantage and large projectiles like ballista bolts and
unaffected. massive boulders are unaffected.
The vortex extends 90 feet upwards and is clearly The wall created by this spell need not be in a straight
visible as the storm picks up dirt and other small objects. line but must be continuous and attached to a surface.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell At Higher Levels: The spell creates 20 additional feet of
slot of 6th level or higher the damage increases by 1d8 for wall for every spell level above 3rd.
every level above 5th.
Wither Limbs
2nd-level necromancy

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S
Spell List: Wizard, Cleric
You limply extend an arm and point in the direction of a
single creature. The target must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or have either their arms or legs withered to
the bone, caster’s choice.
If the caster targets the legs, the creature falls prone and
may only crawl for the duration of the spell.
If the caster targets the arms, the creature drops all
carried weapons and loses the use of her arms for the
duration of the spell. It is impossible for the target to use
objects or cast spells with somatic components.
Creatures with multiple arms or legs have all of the
chosen appendage type affected.
The target may save again against the spell at the end of
its turn. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

D & D H O M E B R E W C O M P E N D IU M | S P E L L B O O K

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