Movie Analysis

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It is still mesmerizing to watch iconic cartoon movies made by our fellow Filipinos.
Making us to feel proud because of this produced unique movies that applies the same culture of
our real life with the terms of our own beliefs and values. Pertaining to this filipino movie entitled
“Dayo: Sa mundo ng Elementalia” directed by Robert Quilao, is one of the Philippine animated
adventure-fantasy comedy film that consist of 1hour and 30 minutes. Now, how can this filipino
animation movie different from the others? First, the settings of the story was very traditional.

Somehow, the concept of the story was related to the beliefs of the Filipino to the
mythical creatures here in the Philippines. Those mythical creatures like the ”manananggal”,
“tikbalang”, “kapre”, “sirena” and many more. They were one of the important characters in the
story, that fulfill the meaning of the other world in the movie which is the “Elementalia”. This movie
was give us the realization to be aware at the different forms of mythical creatures and to bound
to accept that they need to live and survive just like us.

For the whole concept of the story, the movie was all about a boy named “Bubuy” who
got witness the abduction of his grandparents by a strange creature and all of a sudden, he’s got
a new friend which is a “manananggal” to help him to find his lost grandparents. That’s why
“Anna”; his mananaggal friend introduced to him the other side of the world, to be exact the world
of the other creatures, namely “Elementalia”. Anna got concluded that Bubuy’s grandparents was
abducted and now placed in Elementalia. Were in, they seek help to Lolo Nano to figure out what
happened to his grandparents. While exploring Elementalia, they discover different mythical
creatures and unfortunately the father of anna doesn’t approved of helping Bubuy but luckily
Anna’s father changed his decision and decided to help Bubuy, that in the end, Bubuy found his
grandparents safe and got awoken when they get back to their real world.

For my perspective, the movie was good and excellent all through out, sharing my
thoughts because it is y first time to watch this movie. The plot of the story was somehow
unexpectable and unique unlike from the other filipino animation movie that was release.It is
adventurous to the fact that they literally go to other places and got discover other types of
mythical creatures and their home or the place where they live in. On how they communicate and
also what are the barriers that interrupt their communication. For example, the sirena and shokoy
got paused or got sleep suddenly when they hear Anna’s angelic singing voice. Also when a tree
giant or popularly known as “kapre” got talked to Bubuy in a different dialect. At first, Bubuy didn’t
undertstand much what the kapre is talking about, but when the kapre adjusted her
communication process, both of them understand what they’re talking about.

For more deeper explanation of the summary, the movie “Dayo: Sa Mundo ng
Elementalia” was all about a boy named “Bubuy” that’s been bullied by some abusive circle of
friends. To make things short, those circle of friends were forcing Bubuy to do some things that
gaves them benefit. Just like, when Bubuy got lose at the race competition in their school, those
abusive kids forced Bubuy to treat them at a sari-sari store. And not just that, they dealed with
Bubuy and they went to the forest at night. Bubuy forced to make a little fire that can be sight far
enough at the desigated place they talked about. At this time, I notice the communication process
of the abusive kids to Bubuy, the feedback of Bubuy was somehow little or sometimes not at all.
He doesn’t gave his true feedback that much to those absive kids.

Back to the time at the forest, Bubuy’s forced action is the reason that’s why the trees
move and go further up into Bubuy’s house that abducted his grandparents and suddeny
disappear. Because of that, Anna decided to help Bubuy to rescue his grandparents, and they
went to Elementalia. They went to different places in Elementalia after they seek help to Lolo
Nano, and there, Buboy discover different types of mythical creature. They meet different
creatures like Narsi, which is a “tikbalang”. that fortunately became their friend. Narsi, makes their
travelling easier. Many challenges come up to their adventure that sums up the bravery of Bubuy
and Anna. In relate again of how’s the communication process, different creatures or characters
in the movie has their own way of communication process. Almost at the climax, the father of
Anna which is a police in Elementalia, found out his daughter Anna and doesn’t approved the
plan of Anna which is helping Bubuy to rescue his grandparents. But when Bubuy and Narsi finally
completed the ingredient, they went back to Lolo Nano and in there, Lolo Nano sums up all the
ingredient they get. Right after Lolo Nano gave the final ingredient to Bubuy, Narsi together with
Bubuy, went to the specific place where his parents are placed out. But before you can go to the
creepy mother of trees, Anna, together with his father and other forces suddenly shows up and
help Bubuy to go through the middle place of his grandparents. And after they get his
grandparents, all of them including Bubuy, Anna and grandparents quickly went to the secret gate
to the real world. Bubuy’s grandparents get awoke and wondered what happen.

About the voice over of the characters, it was awesome because they’re showing and
interpret the words and sentences regards to the designated feelings that needs to be shown.
The techniques of the camera was good all through out and they didi a reat job.

Evaluating this movie was really hard, I admit because I am a type of person that easily
get awesome and laugh by some simple plot or lines in the movie. But for the first thing that I
notice, the voice actors done an excellent job in connect with the true voices or habit of voice of
some mythical creatures, Like at Narsi that was voiced out by Michael V, his doing specific sounds
that suited to the noise that a typical horse or “tikbalang” was doing When it comes to vibe and
comedy style of the movie, it was hilarious becausd, the jokes presented or showed was somehow
funny and never been awkward or “korni”. The director of this movie achieved his want result of
the vibes of the movie. For me, the strength of the movie is the awesome and popular voice
actors, because of that, more people will definitely watch the movie because of it’s popular voice
actors. The weakness is the the background music, why? In my perspective, background music
doesn’t really stand out that much, because you can’t point out easily if thatisthe climax of the
movie with the reason that it didn’t help that much to joined out.

All in all, my comment about this filipino animated movie was very general and
interesting. With the terms of satisfaction, the movie was really worth the time to watch and that’s
fantastic. Well, absolutely, I will recommend this movie to others, specially kids, because of
introducing the mythical creatures properly and what are their cultures. This movie can be the
basic start of exploring different mythical creatures. Summing up all of my evaluation, I will give it
a grade A, because even though some settings of the movie was not that fantastic, it came up to
my mind that I don’t need to compare the graphics or settings to other animated movie that was
also released in that time, to the movie “Dayo” because it is exceeded me the proudness of
producing this type of movie and I think that is enough.

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