2ND QUARTERLY Reading and Writing

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NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________/40

GRADE/SECTION: __________________________________________________________________ DATE: _____________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the passage/s and answer correspondently. Write your answer in capital letters in the space before the number.
1-5. Critical Reading Skills
__________1. How do you explain Critical Reading?
A. It recognizes what a text says. D. Its certain goal is to recognize the author’s purpose in writing the
B. The reader absorbs and understands. material, understand the tone and persuasive elements in it,
C. Its central idea is the message being imparted. and to recognize bias in the text.
__________2. How do you define Simple Reading?
A. It gives the basic definition of a text. C. Its central idea is misunderstood
B. The reader don’t understand the text D. The reader actively recognizes and analyzes evidence in the text.
__________3. An analysis that involves a deeper examination of the claims, as well as the supporting points and counterarguments.
A. Critical Reader C. Critical Reading
B. Simple Reader D. Simple Reading
__________4. “A critical reading attempts to assess how these central claims are developed or argued.” What should you have
considered in these statement?
A. Central Claims or Purpose C. Evidence
B. Context D. Evaluation
__________5. TRUE or FALSE: A critical reader needs evidence to validate and evaluate claims and counterclaims in a paragraph.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. None of the above
6-20. Claims and Component of Critical Thinking. Choose the correct answer in box below.
A. Claim of Policy B. Summarizing C. Fact D. Cause and Effect E. Explicit
F. Critical Thinking G. Inferring H. Analyzing Sequence I. Problem and Solution J. Implicit
K. Main Idea L. Drawing Conclusion M. Claim of Value N. Opinion O. Claim of Fact
__________6. The information is any idea that is stated and is already text explained.
__________7. The information is intuitive; expanded knowledge is needed to participate effectively in communication.
__________8. A claim that relates to the statement that can be verified, no matter how difficult.
__________9. A claim that suggest a specific action should be chosen as solution to a particular problem.
__________10. A claim that is based on personal taste or practices and morality.
__________11. A component of critical thinking that includes recalling all relevant information and thinking how to compact them all in a
__________12. It is an unverified idea or statement; it may or may not prove to be true.
__________13. A component of critical thinking that considers the order of arrangement of events present in the text.
__________14. A component of critical thinking that involves identifying the general idea in a text which may be explicitly or implicitly
__________15. A component of critical thinking that involves identifying the event that causes another event.
__________16. A component of critical thinking that is figuring out much more than what an author says directly.
__________17. A component of critical thinking that involves discussing complex issues and identifying the solution.
__________18. It is an idea or statement that is already proven or is obviously true.
__________19. A component of critical thinking that is done by combining the reader’s knowledge and background with details and clues
stated by the author.
__________20. This involves a series of complex thought processes which allows you to make reasoned judgments, assess the way you
think, and solve problems effectively.
21-25. Critical Reading as Reasoning.
__________21. It is an act of giving statements for justification and explanation. It is the ability of someone to defend something by giving
out reasons.
A. Critical Reading as Thinking C. Critical Reading as Identifying
B. Critical Reading as Reasoning D. Critical Reading as Judging
__________22. How does Formulating Evaluative Statement process?
A. It involves identifying the event that causes C. It is a way of giving a better explanation to show the strength
another event. and the weaknesses of something through writing. It presents a
B. After brainstorming, one to speakers will be value judgment based on a set of criteria.
allowed to convince the judges by giving their own D. The reader actively recognizes and analyzes evidence in the text.

In the present scenario, the idea of entrepreneurship is getting wide spread popularity. This does not mean that many people are
getting attracted to start their own business but it is due to the fact that the job market is getting narrow. The number of unemployed
engineering graduates are getting multiplied every year. Now is the time to create a startup and to do something for you. But this
requires a clear visionary and a lot of patience followed by hard work. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are
also aiding fuel to the whole process. If such initiatives will get right direction and acclaim, then soon India can eradicate the black
patch of unemployment from its head.
__________23. What is the BEST CONCLUSION for this passage?
A. Make in India campaign will definitely influence all people to start entrepreneurship.
B. Entrepreneurship can be seen as an ultimate solution of this problem.
C. Clear vision and hard work are necessary to become a successful entrepreneur.
D. The present situation shows the number of people getting jobs is more than that of previous years.
__________24. How can India make their people entrepreneur?
A. Make in India campaign will definitely influence all people to start entrepreneurship.
B. Entrepreneurship can be seen as an ultimate solution of this problem.
C. Clear vision and hard work are necessary to become a successful entrepreneur.
D. The present situation shows the number of people getting jobs is more than that of previous years.
__________25. Which is BEST EXPLANATION in this passage?
A. It is given in the statement that the number of unemployed engineers is getting multiplied.
B. The job market is getting narrow and the number of unemployed people is increasing
C. Prime minister’s Make in India and Made in India campaign are also aiding fuel to the whole process.
D. Hard work and clear vision are necessary to establish yourself as a successful entrepreneur.
26-30. Formulates Evaluative Statements
__________26. A text is formulated after having read the text carefully and critically, grasping the essence of the text and checking for
possible fallacies in the argument.
A. Evaluative Statements C. Hedge
B. Counterclaim D. Appearance
__________27. This is something that attracts the reader’s attention, and it has something to do with the design.
A. Evaluative Statements C. Hedge
B. Counterclaim D. Appearance
__________28. The opposition you make about the claim of a writer.
A. Evaluative Statements C. Hedge
B. Counterclaim D. Appearance
__________29. A word or phrase that minimizes negative impact of a criticism.
A. Evaluative Statements C. Hedge
B. Counterclaim D. Appearance
__________30. “Obesity is probably caused by the bad food choices being offered by the food industry”. What does the statement show?
A. Evaluative Statements C. Hedge
B. Counterclaim D. Appearance

31-40. Fact or Opinion. Write F if the statement is FACT and write O if the statement is OPINION.

__________31. West Philippine Sea is in our territory. __________36. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
__________32. Manny Pacquiao is an extraordinary boxer. __________37. Bitter gourd extract proves to help cure
__________33. Gumamela flower has numerous variety. respiratory ailment.
__________34. Culinary Arts is an expensive course. __________38. Sugar apple like banana helps alleviate LBM.
__________35. The government has not solved the problem in __________39. Cellular phones today show to be a necessity.
insurgency. __________40. Chocolates prove to energize one’s metabolism.


“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.”
– Lena Dunham

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Billiandro P. Villamena Maria Angeles V. Acleta Jennifer E. Ayapana

Subject Teacher Senior High School Coordinator Principal II

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