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Three-Dimensional Static Articulation Accuracy of Virtual

Models – Part I: System Trueness and Precision

Sophia Hui Xin Yee, BDS, MDS,1 Roxanna Jean Esguerra, DDS, MS,2 Amelia Anya Qin’An Chew, BDS,
MDS,3 Keng Mun Wong, BDS, MSD,4 & Keson Beng Choon Tan, BDS, MSD 4

Department of Dental Surgery, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Private Practice, Denver, CO
Department of Restorative Dentistry, National Dental Centre of Singapore, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Republic of Singapore

Keywords Abstract
Coordinate measuring machine; model
scanner systems; precision; static articulation
Purpose: To evaluate the 3D static articulation accuracy of 3 model scanner-CAD
accuracy; trueness. systems (Ceramill Map400 [AG], inEos X5 [SIR], Scanner S600 Arti [ZKN]) using a
coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Trueness and precision for each system will
Correspondence be reported in Part I.
Keson B. Tan, Faculty of Dentistry, National Materials and Methods: The master model simulated a single crown opposing a
University of Singapore, 11 Lower Kent Ridge 3-unit fixed dental prosthesis. Five mounted stone cast sets were prepared, and one set
Road, Singapore 119083, Republic of was randomly selected. Reference values were obtained by measuring interarch and
Singapore. E-mail: interocclusal reference features with the CMM. The stone cast set was scanned 5 times
consecutively and articulated virtually with each system (3 test groups, n = 5). STL
Keson Beng Choon Tan ORCID files of the virtual models were measured with CMM software. dRR , dRC , and dRL , represented interarch global distortions at right, central, and left sides, respectively,
The authors deny any conflicts of interest
while dRM , dXM , dYM , and dZM represented interocclusal global and linear distortions
related to this study.
between preparations.
Results: For trueness values, mean interarch global distortions ranged from 13.1 to
Accepted September 16, 2017 40.3 μm for dRR , –199.0 to –48.1 μm for dRC , and –114.1 to –47.7 μm for dRL .
Mean percentage error of interarch distortion did not exceed 0.6%. Mean interocclusal
doi: 10.1111/jopr.12723 distortions ranged from 16.0 to 117.0 μm for dRM , -33.1 to 101.3 μm for dXM , 32.9
to 49.9 μm for dYM and –32.0 to 133.1 μm for dZM. ANOVA of trueness found
statistically significant differences for dRC , dRL , dRM , dXM , and dZM . For precision
values, absolute mean difference between the 10 superimposition combinations ranged
from 25.3 to 91.0 μm for dRR , 21.5 to 85.5 μm for dRC , 24.8 to 70.0 μm for dRL .
Absolute mean difference ranged from 49.9 to 66.1 μm for dRM , 20.7 to 92.1 μm for
dXM , 86.8 to 96.0 μm for dYM , and 36.5 to 100.0 μm for dZM . ANOVA of precision
of all test groups found statistically significant differences for dRR , dRC , dRL , dXM
and dZM , and the SIR group was the least precise.
Conclusion: The overall interarch global distortion of all three model scanner-CAD
systems was low and did not exceed 0.6%. Variations in scanner technology, virtual
articulation algorithm, and use of physical articulators contributed to the differences
in distortion observed among all three groups.

An accurate transfer of a patient’s maxillomandibular relation- tems with virtual articulators for this purpose.1 However, the
ship is important for fabrication of individualized prostheses. accuracy of the scanning process and algorithm for articulating
This can be achieved through conventional methods or more maxillary and mandibular virtual models have not been previ-
recently with computer-aided design and computer-aided man- ously investigated. Errors incorporated in the virtual articula-
ufacturing (CAD/CAM) methods and fully digital workflows.1 tion process of the CAD/CAM workflow can have a significant
The CAD/CAM workflow includes a part of the conventional impact on the final prosthesis and the time required for chair-
process where stone casts are first mounted on an articula- side adjustment. Tamim et al2 evaluated metal-ceramic pros-
tor, scanned, virtually articulated, and the prosthesis designed theses fabricated from intraoral digital impressions made with
digitally.1 Many companies have developed CAD/CAM sys- the iTero intraoral scanner and found that 80% of the crowns

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 1
Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision Yee et al

required no occlusal adjustment. While Kollmuss et al3 found A

that all-ceramic prostheses produced by the CEREC system and C
laboratory CAD/CAM system required more time for occlusal
adaptation than those fabricated with conventional technique.
Previous studies have used various 3D analysis software to
measure the accuracy of model scanners. Vandeweghe et al4 O
investigated the accuracy of four scanner systems (Imetric, Lava UM
ST, Smart Optics, KaVo Everest) by comparing scans of stone
casts using a 3D metrology software. Lava ST performed the
best, with a mean deviation of 47 μm, while Smart Optics LR LL
performed the worst, with a mean deviation of 207 μm. Flügge LM MP
et al5 compared the precision of the iTero intraoral scanner with
the 3Shape D250 model scanner using 3D analysis software. SA
Repeated scanning of the stone casts with the model scanner
produced the highest precision with a mean deviation of 10 μm, LC

while repeated scanning with the intraoral scanner resulted in B

a mean deviation of 25 μm. Similarly, Su and Sun6 found that
the mean deviation for the extraoral scanner group ranged from Figure 1 Master models (left, A and B) reference spheres and cones. X,
8.7 to 24.3 μm, which was significantly lower than the intraoral Y, and Z orientation of local coordinate axes shown with origin (O) defined
scanner group. The precision of the intraoral scanner decreased at the centroid of the upper reference plane. Orientation of acrylic master
when the scope of scanning increased. models (right, C) mounted on custom-made sliding apparatus (SA) with
The accuracy of a model scanner is determined by two fac- mounting plates (MP) relative to local coordinate system.
tors: trueness and precision.7 Trueness is defined as the close-
ness of agreement of the scanned object with the actual ref- A
erence, while precision refers to the closeness of agreement UC
between repeated scans.7
To date, there is a lack of studies investigating the 3D accu- C
racy of virtual articulation of partially dentate stone casts by Z X
different model scanner-CAD systems. The objective of this O Y
study was to evaluate the 3D static articulation accuracy of UR UM
three model scanner-CAD systems using a coordinate measur-
ing machine (CMM). Part I aims to evaluate the trueness and
precision of the three model scanner-CAD systems. Part II will
compare the 3D static articulation accuracy of these three model LR LM
scanner-CAD systems using two articulation methods.

Materials and methods

Master model B
A fully dentate maxillary master model with a wide neck (WN)
solid abutment analog (6.5 mm diameter, 5.5 mm height, Strau- Figure 2 Stone replicas (left, A, B) with labelled reference spheres and
mann, Basel, Switzerland) at the maxillary right second molar cones. X, Y, and Z orientation of local coordinate axes shown with origin
position and a partially dentate mandibular master model with (O) defined at the centroid of the upper reference plane. Orientation of
a regular neck (RN) solid abutment analog (4.8 mm diameter, stone replicas (right, C) mounted with acrylic resin interocclusal record
(AR) on Artex CR articulator relative to local coordinate system.
4.0 mm height, Straumann) at the mandibular right second pre-
molar position and WN solid abutment analog (Straumann) at model and lower right (LR), central (LC), and left (LL) sites
the mandibular right second molar position simulated a clinical of the mandibular master model to act as reference points for
scenario of a single maxillary right second molar crown and measuring interarch distortion. The solid abutment analogs at
a three-unit fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) with the mandibu- the upper right second molar (UM) and the lower right second
lar right second premolar and second molar as abutments. The molar (LM) were used as reference points for measuring in-
master models were processed with heat-polymerized, tooth- terocclusal distortion (Figs 1A and B). The acronyms for the
colored poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) (Dentalon Plus; master models and test groups are shown in Table 1.
Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany) for the areas with The master models were secured to separate mounting plates
dentition and pink PMMA (Lucitone 199 Denture Base Resin; that were machined to fit a custom-made sliding apparatus
Dentsply, York, PA) for the alveolus and base. Grade 5 sili- (Fig 1C). The apparatus allowed for accurate repositioning of
cone nitride 8.0 mm spheres (Cerbec; CoorsTek, Golden, CO) the master models during the study. Occlusal equilibration en-
with a sphericity of 0.13 μm were embedded at the upper right sured that even simultaneous occlusal contacts were present at
(UR), central (UC), and left (UL) sites of the maxillary master the remaining posterior teeth and canines. Occlusal contacts

2 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Yee et al Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision

Table 1 Acronyms for test groups and reference features quently stored at room temperature for 72 hours to mitigate the
effects of dental stone expansion8 (Figs 2A and B).
Reference features

Arch level Upper right UR Occlusal Upper right UM Conventional mounting

sphere level second molar
Upper central UC Lower right LM
Rigid interocclusal records were made using autopolymerizing
sphere second molar acrylic resin (GC Pattern Resin LS; GC Corp., Tokyo, Japan)
Upper left sphere UL between the FDP abutments with the opposing posterior teeth to
Lower left sphere LL articulate the stone casts for conventional mounting procedures.
Lower central LC The interocclusal record was trimmed to retain only the cusp
sphere tips and flat planes of the implant abutments. The stone casts and
Lower right LR interocclusal records were randomly assigned, articulated, and
sphere mounted on a calibrated arcon articulator (Artex CR; Amann
Model scanner-CAD system
Girrbach, Pforzheim, Germany) with Type 3 dental stone (Elite
Arti Fast; Zhermack, Rovigo, Italy) (Fig 2C). The mounted
Ceramill Map 400 (Amann Girrbach, Koblach, Austria) AG stone casts were stored at room temperature for 96 hours to
inEos X5 (Sirona, Bensheim, Germany) SIR allow for the complete expansion of the mounting stone.9 The
Scanner Arti S600 (Zirkonzahn, Gais, Italy) ZKN occlusal contacts of all the stone casts were verified with 8 μm
shimstock film and remounted if found to deviate. Five sets of
mounted stone casts were prepared for the entire study.
were checked with 8-μm shimstock film (Arti-Fol; Bausch,
Nashua, NH). The intra-arch dimensions of the master models Digital scanning
were monitored for 30 days to ensure that the models were
dimensionally stable before proceeding. The three model scanners-CAD systems used in this study were:
Ceramill Map400 (Amann Girrbach), inEos X5 (Sirona Dental
Systems), and Scanner S600 Arti (Zirkonzahn). The units tested
Conventional impressions
were normal production structured light scanners supplied and
Perforated acrylic resin custom trays (Tray Resin II; Shofu calibrated by the respective agents. All scans were performed
Inc., Kyoto, Japan) extending to the landing area were fabri- by one user according to the manufacturer’s instructions. One
cated. They were then coated with adhesive (Polyether Ad- set of mounted stone casts was randomly selected as the test
hesive; 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN) and allowed to dry for sample for Part I and scanned consecutively 5 times by each
15 minutes. Five sets of impressions were made using polyether model scanner (Fig 3). Precautions were taken to ensure that
impression material (Impregum Penta Soft; 3M ESPE) dis- the reference features and stone surfaces of the selected set of
pensed with an auto-mixing unit (PentaMix; 3M ESPE). The stone casts remained undamaged throughout the study.
impression material was allowed to set for 6 minutes accord- Ceramill Map400 Scanner (AG) is a structured light 3D scan-
ing to manufacturer’s instructions. Type 4 gypsum stone (Silky ner that produces high resolution scan data using stripe light
Rock; Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, KY) was vacuum projection technique. The individual stone casts were secured
mixed according to manufacturer’s instructions and poured into onto magnetic plates and scanned separately to obtain the max-
the impressions. The stone casts were separated 12 hours later illary and mandibular virtual models. The mounted models were
and checked for defects and voids. The stone casts were subse- subsequently mounted onto a calibrated system-specific fixator

Figure 3 Workflow of experimental setup for Parts I and II.

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 3
Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision Yee et al

Figure 5 Twelve probe hits spread across three levels were taken on the
reference solid abutment analog on the master model (left) and virtual
model (right).
Figure 4 Eight probe hits were taken for reference sphere on master
model (left) and virtual model (right).

(Ceramill Fixator; Amann Girrbach), and the vestibular scan

was completed. The virtual models were virtually articulated
by the Ceramill Map400 software (V. and exported
as a single standard triangulation language (STL) file.
The inEos X5 scanner (SIR) is another 3D model scanner
that uses a five-axis robotic arm and digital stripe light pro-
jection with blue light to produce precise scanned data. The
individual stone casts were first secured onto the robotic arm
and scanned individually as the scanner captured and stitched
multiple images together to create the virtual model. A buccal
scan was completed by articulating the stone casts with the
buccal surface of the dentate side perpendicular to the scanner
camera. The inLab SW15.0 software (Sirona Dental Systems) Figure 6 Four probe hits were taken on the topmost flat plane of the
would mesh and automatically articulate the virtual models reference solid abutment analog on master model (left) and virtual model
with the buccal scan. The virtual models were exported from (right).
inLab SW15.0 software and merged into a single STL file using
an advanced 3D mesh processing software system (MeshLab
ogy), which constructed geometric spheres and cones using the
measured datum points. The local coordinate system was set up
Scanner S600 Arti scanner (ZKN) is a fully automated opti-
using UR, UC, and UL stone sphere replicas on the maxillary
cal stripe light scanner with a large measuring field that allows
stone cast (Fig 2). A low force 2.0 mm × 20.0 mm ruby probe
for the complete capture of an entire stone cast in a single scan-
(Renishaw PLC, Wotton-under-Edge, UK) took eight probe hits
ning process. The stone casts were first mounted onto the model
spread across three levels for each sphere to construct a centroid
support and scanned individually to obtain the maxillary and
(Fig 4). Centroids of UR, UC, and UL were used to construct
mandibular virtual models. The stone casts were subsequently
the upper reference plane. A line was constructed with the UR
replaced onto the Artex articulator, secured to a compatible sup-
and UL centroids and the local coordinate system defined using
port system, and mounted onto a magnetic plate in the scanner.
the plane-line-point alignment procedure with the centroid of
The buccal surfaces of the mounted casts were scanned. The
the reference plane as the origin of the local coordinate system
user identified three matching points on the individual virtual
(Fig 2). A 1.0 mm × 20.0 mm ruby probe (Renishaw PLC)
models and the buccal scan to complete the virtual articula-
was used to take three circles of four probe hits each around
tion process. The models were articulated automatically by the
UM and LM to construct a cone (Fig 5). The topmost flat plane
Zirkonzahn.Modellier program and exported as a single STL
of UM and LM was constructed by taking four hits (Fig 6).
The centroid of UM and LM was the pierce point of the cen-
tral axis of the cone with the plane. The corresponding virtual
Coordinate measuring machine
constructed geometric features of reference spheres and cones
All measurements were made using a CMM (Brown and Sharpe were defined with the same virtual probe hit sequences on the
GLOBAL Silver Performance 7.10.7 CMM; Hexagon Metrol- virtual model spheres and abutment analogs.
ogy, Huntersville, NC) with a manufacturer reported accuracy The CMM software tolerance functions were used to verify
of 1.9 μm. These CMM measurements were then computed in the accuracy of each constructed geometric feature. For each
3D inspection software (PC-DMIS CAD++; Hexagon Metrol- measured feature of the stone casts, the respective flatness and

4 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Yee et al Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision

Table 2 Mean interarch level distortions, μm (±SD), of model scanner- 0.400

CAD systems (n = 5)
Groups dRR dRC dRL

Percentage Error (%)

AG 25.3 (22.2) −48.1 (46.2) −47.7 (25.0)
SIR 40.3 (74.2) −117.4 (72.2) −114.1 (57.5)
ZKN 13.1 (20.8) −199.0 (17.3) −101.2 (20.3)


roundness tolerance criterion was set at 6 μm, while the 3D

deviation of the centroids was set at 6 μm. For each measured -0.600

feature of the virtual models, the respective flatness and round-

ness tolerance criteria were set at 15 μm, while the 3D deviation
of the centroids was set at 10 μm. The higher tolerance limit
for virtual models was chosen to compensate for minor surface Figure 7 Mean interarch level percentage error distortion, %, of model
irregularities present in the STL files. Features that exceeded scanner-CAD systems (n = 5). dRR black; dRC grey; dRL white. Error
the set tolerance criteria were rejected, and a new measurement bars indicate standard deviation.
set was made. Each feature in the stone and virtual model was
measured three times and averaged. Table 3 Mean interocclusal level distortions, μm (±SD), of model
scanner-CAD systems (n = 5)
Computation of distortion values
Groups dRM dXM dYM dZM
Distortion values were computed by calculating the difference
AG 16.0 (40.4) 101.3 (24.9) 47.0 (69.2) −32.0 (41.8)
between coordinate values of the virtual models with the ref-
SIR 39.6 (54.5) 5.8 (77.2) 32.9 (76.9) 35.0 (80.9)
erence stone model set. Interarch global distortions between ZKN 117.0 (40.8) −33.1 (16.7) 49.9 (69.3) 133.1 (29.3)
the paired right (dRR ), central (dRC ), and left (dRL ) reference
spheres were calculated. Interocclusal global distortions be-
Table 4 Absolute mean difference, μm (±SD), between superimposi-
tween UM and LM (dRM ) and linear distortions in the X-axis
tion combinations of interarch measurements of model scanner-CAD
(dXM ), Y-axis (dYM ), and Z-axis (dZM ) were calculated. For
systems (n = 10)
each test group, trueness was assessed by the mean interarch
and interocclusal distortion (n = 5), while precision was as- Groups dRR dRC dRL
sessed by superimposing and calculating the absolute mean
differences between virtual model set pairings for each test AG 27.0 (17.0) 55.5 (36.3) 30.7 (18.4)
group (n = 10 superimposition combinations). SIR 91.0 (55.1) 85.5 (58.8) 70.0 (43.8)
ZKN 25.3 (15.6) 21.5 (12.4) 24.8 (15.1)
Statistical analyses
The data were initially submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk test to distortions dXM and dZM (p = 0.002, p = 0.002, respectively).
check for the assumption of normality, and it was not rejected. ZKN had the greatest mean dRC , dRM , and dZM , which were
One-way ANOVA for independent variable SYSTEM with de- significantly different from the other two groups. AG had the
pendent variables: global distortions (dRR , dRC , dRL , dRM ) and least mean dRL and greatest mean dXM , which was significantly
linear distortions (dXM , dYM , dZM ) was performed. Student- different from the other groups.
Newman-Keuls post-hoc analysis was performed at signifi-
cance level of α = 0.05. All analyses were performed using Precision
SPSS v21.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). Absolute mean difference between the 10 superimposition com-
binations ranged from 25.3 to 91.0 μm for dRR , 21.5 to 85.5 μm
Results for dRC , and 24.8 to 70.0 μm for dRL (Table 4, Fig 8). Absolute
mean differences ranged from 49.9 to 66.1 μm for dRM , 20.7
to 92.1 μm for dXM , 86.8 to 96.0 μm for dYM , and 36.5 to
For the three systems studied, the mean dRR ranged from 13.1 100.0 μm for dZM (Table 5, Fig 8). The overall precision of all
to 40.3 μm, mean dRC ranged from –199.0 to –48.1 μm, and three groups can be seen in Figure 8.
mean dRL ranged from –114.1 to –47.7 μm (Table 2). Figure 7 One-way ANOVA for precision between test groups revealed
illustrates these interarch distortions as percentage error of dis- significant differences for global interarch distortions dRR ,
tortion. Mean dRM ranged from 16.0 to 117.0 μm, mean dXM dRC , and dRL (p < 0.0001, p = 0.006, p = 0.003, respec-
ranged from –33.1 to 101.3 μm, mean dYM ranged from 32.9 tively) and linear distortions dXM and dZM (p < 0.0001, p =
to 49.9 μm, and mean dZM ranged from –32.0 to 133.1 μm 0.004, respectively). SIR had the greatest absolute mean dif-
(Table 3). ference for dRR , dRL , dXM , and dZM , which was significantly
One-way ANOVA for trueness between test groups revealed different from the other groups. ZKN had the least absolute
significant differences for global distortions dRC , dRL , and dRM mean difference for dRC , which was significantly different from
(p = 0.002, p = 0.006, p = 0.011, respectively) and linear SIR.

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C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 5
Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision Yee et al


Absolute Mean Difference (µm)









Figure 8 Absolute mean difference, μm, between superimposition

combinations of interarch and interocclusal measurements of model
scanner-CAD systems (n = 10). Error bars indicate standard deviation.

Table 5 Absolute mean difference, μm (±SD), between superimposi-

tion combinations of interocclusal measurements of model scanner-CAD
systems (n = 10)

Groups dRM dXM dYM dZM

AG 50.7 (27.8) 30.6 (18.2) 86.8 (47.6) 52.3 (28.9)

SIR 66.1 (41.7) 92.1 (61.7) 94.5 (56.9) 100.0 (58.7)
ZKN 49.9 (30.4) 20.7 (12.1) 96.0 (54.1) 36.5 (20.7)

The purpose of this study was to assess the 3D static articulation
Figure 9 Representative images of scans by Ceramill R
Map400 scanner
accuracy of three model scanners-CAD systems. This study (A, B), inEos X5 scanner (C, D) and S600 Arti scanner (E, F).
found significant differences between the three systems at both
interarch and interocclusal levels.
Most studies to date have used various 3D analyzing soft-
ware to superimpose the images of the virtual models and maxillary and mandibular virtual models were articulated auto-
calculate the deviations. Wriedt et al,10 investigating the pre- matically by the Ceramill R
Mind software, which meshed the
cision of aligning virtual casts with the vestibular scanning individual arch scans with the entire buccal vestibular scan. For
technique using a photo-optical scanner, Activity 102 (Smart the SIR scanner, the virtual models were articulated automati-
Optics, Bochum, Germany), found that the greatest deviations cally by the inLab SW 15.0 software, which meshed the buccal
between the virtually articulated models averaged 37 ± 28 μm. surfaces of the posterior teeth on one side of the virtual mod-
Solaberrieta et al11 validated the articulation of the mandibular els with images captured during the buccal registration stage.
cast to the maxillary cast on a virtual articulator using three The ZKN scanner was the only system that did not mesh the
reverse engineering software programs (GOM Inspect, Rapid- virtual models automatically but required the user to manu-
form, Geomagic) and found that the virtual articulation process ally select three matching points between the virtual models
resulted in a mean deviation of 69 μm. with the entire buccal scan before the virtual models were ar-
In contrast with these previous studies, the use of a CMM ticulated by the Zirkonzahn.Modellier software. Solaberrieta
allows accurate original coordinate measurements in 3D space et al13 evaluated virtual occlusal record section dimensions and
to define the linear and rotational displacements that can occur their influence on spatial positioning accuracy using an indus-
in the X, Y, and Z axes.12 The use of a partially dentate model trial scanner (ATOS Compact Scan 5M; GOM, Mils, Austria).
simulating a common clinical situation with tooth preparations, They found that the meshing of frontal and bilateral sections re-
compared to previous studies on fully dentate models, could sulted in greater articulation accuracy. This supports the present
explain the greater amount of distortion seen. Nonetheless, the study, which found that the use of a unilateral buccal scan with
interarch global distortion of all three systems remained low the SIR scanner resulted in poorer precision when compared
and did not exceed 0.6%, validating the use of model scan- with the other scanners, which used a full-arch buccal scan.
ners as part of the CAD/CAM workflow for similar clinical In addition, variations in scanner technology and the meshing
scenarios. algorithm of the associated software could have contributed
All three model scanner-CAD systems employed different to the significant differences observed among the three model
methods of articulating virtual models. For the AG scanner, the scanner-CAD systems.

6 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Yee et al Static Articulation Accuracy System Trueness & Precision

Ender and Mehl14 assessed the precision of intraoral scan- Ceramill Fixator allowed for a 1:1 transfer of the mounted casts
ners by superimposing test samples within the same group and to the scanner. This transfer formed part of the link in the Digital
calculating the absolute mean difference between these super- Functional Prosthetics workflow,16 which allowed information
impositions. A group with 5 test samples would yield 10 su- to be transferred in a precise manner. The ZKN scanner had an
perimposition combinations. Apart from SIR, the precision of intermediate level of versatility, as different articulators could
the other two groups were comparable to the mean deviation be mounted in the scanner by using a compatible articulator
of 37 ± 28 μm seen Wriedt et al’s study.10 The poorer level of support.
precision seen in SIR could be attributed to variations in scan-
ning and meshing algorithms. During the buccal registration Conclusions
stage with the inEos X5 scanner, the articulator was stabilized
manually by the operator with the buccal surfaces perpendic- Part 1 of this study investigated the 3D static articulation accu-
ular to the scanner while the scanner captured multiple buccal racy of three model scanner-CAD systems and found significant
scan images that were stitched together by the inLab SW15.0 differences in trueness and precision between all three systems
software. Unsatisfactory scan images as a result of poor po- at the interarch and interocclusal levels. Within the limitations
sitioning or movement of the articulated casts were deleted of this study, the following conclusions were made:
and the process repeated until acceptable buccal scan images
1. The overall interarch global distortion of all three model
were obtained. The use of an articulator plate that allowed the
scanner-CAD systems was low and did not exceed 0.6%.
articulator to remain stationary could have minimized variabil-
2. The SIR group was significantly less precise than the AG
ity during the buccal registration stage. In comparison with
and ZKN groups at the interarch and interocclusal levels.
the other two scanner systems, the SIR scanner was the only
3. Variations in accuracy of scanner, virtual articulation al-
one with an open operating table that could have exposed the
gorithm, and use of physical articulators contributed to
scanner and stone cast to variations in environmental factors
the differences in distortion observed among all three
such as ambient lighting and temperature. The use of MeshLab
software was found to have an insignificant effect on preci-
sion, as an earlier feasibility study determined deviations of
–5 to 8 μm, which was within the set tolerance criterion of Acknowledgments
10 μm. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Straumann,
Beside errors incorporated during the scanning and virtual Amman Girrbach, Sirona, and Zirkonzahn for supporting this
articulation process, the use of physical articulators could have research with their components and technical expertise, and Mr.
contributed to the distortion observed. Tan et al15 investigated Chan Swee Heng, Senior Laboratory Officer, National Univer-
the 3D repositioning accuracy of single articulator mounting sity of Singapore, for his technical assistance.
plates onto the lower member of articulators, and found that
black mounting plates used with the Artex CR articulator had
a repositioning accuracy of 8.4 to 8.9 μm in the anteroposte- References
rior direction, 5.0 to 8.9 μm in the mediolateral direction, and 1. Solaberrieta E, Minguez R, Etxaniz O, et al: Improving the
1.6 to 3.5 μm in the vertical direction. In contrast, a feasibil- digital workflow: direct transfer from patient to virtual
ity study conducted previously found that the repositioning of articulator. Int J Comput Dent 2013;16:285-292
both mounted casts on the articulator and closure of articulator 2. Tamim H, Skjerven H, Ekfeldt A, et al: Clinical evaluation of
resulted in a greater interarch distortion, of 9 to 25 μm, which CAD/CAM metal-ceramic posterior crowns fabricated from
could have affected the 3D articulation accuracy for all three intraoral digital impressions. Int J Prosthodont 2014;27:331-337
scanner-CAD systems. 3. Kollmuss M, Kist S, Goeke JE, et al: Comparison of chairside
This study was limited by the model scanner-CAD systems and laboratory CAD/CAM to conventional produced all-ceramic
crowns regarding morphology, occlusion, and aesthetics. Clin
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