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Using EFT and Trading (Emotional Freedom Technique) To Help You Follow Your Trading Plan
And Make Money In The Stock Market

You’ve worked hard over the last 12 months. You’ve discovered a range of different trading and
investment rules that you’re really excited about.

You’ve tested a few of those rules and put them together into a trading and investment plan or
trading system. You’re excited because your rules work very well, in fact if they are anything
like the tests you’ve done you could be earning upward of 30% per annum, every year.

But then something happens. When you go to use these rules in the stock market, you find
yourself second guessing your system. You break a few rules, and the trades don’t go so well.
Then you change your rules a few times. You start losing money in the market. And before you
know it, you’re becoming afraid to trade.

Never Underestimate the Psychological Impact Of Trading And Investing

The scenario we’ve just described is to do with the psychological side of trading. You might
have the best trading system or rules in the entire universe, but it doesn’t mean anything if you
cannot follow your rules.

Once we’ve determined that our trading rules suit our psychology (i.e. the right time frame for
us, and the right amount of risk) then we need to delve a little deeper into our subconscious to
help tune it for success. And that is where EFT comes in.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Trading And Investing In The Stock Market

EFT was originally created in the early 1990s, and combines affirmations with acupressure
techniques to “realign the body’s energy system”. Personally I think that is a bunch of baloney,
but one thing I cannot argue with is the results.

As you will see, I think that focusing on parts of your body while reaffirming over and over the
issue you are having trouble with has the affect of embedding itself into your subconscious.
And as you know, the subconscious is 10,000 times more powerful than that conscious mind at
finding things and giving us what we want.
Now I have to admit, at first I felt very awkward doing this, and I think most men will. As a
general rule women are already a lot more in tune with their emotions. But now lets look at how
to do an EFT session, as it relates to the stock market.

How To Use EFT with Trading And Investing In The Stock Market

Here is the method for EFT. Ideally we will find a quiet or private place (your bedroom is a good
idea, or if you have a very full house sometimes the bathroom is a good place for some peace
and quiet).

Our affirmation is simple: first we find the thing we are having trouble with, in this case let’s say
we are not following our trading plan. Our affirmation would be this:

“Even though I cannot follow my trading plan, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Pretty simple huh? If it seems strange at the moment, stay with me. It seemed strange to me
too. But when combined with the acupressure it just might help you make some money in the
market or save you some money. Now the second key is to very lightly tap on the acupressure
points (shown in the photo below) while you say this affirmation. Once you have said it, move
on to the next tapping point.

Here is a diagram of the tapping points:

The idea is that you start your gentle tapping on the top of your head, the crown. You then
move to the inside of your eyebrow, then the side of your eye. After that, we move to under the
eye, between the nose and your mouth, and then in the groove of your chin. From here you go
to the collar bone, the fleshy part under your arm, then the inside of your wrist and the flesh
between your thumb and forefinger.

Each time you say the affirmation once (or more if you feel comfortable doing this) then move
on to the next tapping point. Also feel free to change your affirmation to suit you. Some people
say “I love myself anyway” or “I truly and completely accept myself”.

EFT May Bring Up Deeper Issues: Work On Them As They Arise For Greater Results

A common result when using EFT is that your subconscious may bring deeper issues to the
surface in the process of doing your EFT session. For example, a trader who is not following his
rules might suddenly realise that he has a large fear of rejection. Perhaps if he doesn’t follow
his rules so no one can tell him that his rules were wrong.

If this arises, simply move on or add to the next affirmation: “Even though I have a deep fear of
rejection, I deeply and completely accept myself”. Do what ever you feel comfortable with.
The Results Of Using EFT When Trading And Investing

There are many testimonies on EFT websites from traders and investors. Many have have
huge success after clearing their emotional issues, going from terrible losses in the market to
large million dollar years.

Over time you may realise that you have less and less things to work through, but remember
like a garden we have to be aware of weeds that are growing all the time, and we must keep
those weeds under control.

Over To You: What Other Trading Psychology Tools Do You Know Of? And What Are Your
Thoughts On EFT?

Leave your comments and experiences in the comments section below.

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November 27, 2011 Tags: eft, emotional freedom technique, follow trading plan, investing,
make money in the stock market, psychology, stock market, trading, trading and investment,
trading plan Posted in: Articles On Building Wealth
3 Responses
Matthew - November 27, 2011

Hi Dave,

I admire your “balls” at putting up a post like this. EFT certainly is widely considered in the
“hocus-pocus” category.

Having said that, I use it regularly prior to meditation, and I feel it does relax me. Working in a
similar way to deep breathing exercises.



Dave McLachlan - November 27, 2011

Hi Matthew,

That is really good to hear! I have used it myself as well, to find a successful trading plan that
suited my temperament. And although I hate to admit it, it actually worked wonders 🙂
Cheers – Dave

EFT - March 20, 2012

Dear Dave,
Interesting Post, I was introduced to Tapping about a year ago and my life has truly made a
360. It is now such a daily necessity next to eating breakfast. As a life coach I am extremely
pleased to have an incredible method in my back pocket to pull out when other suggestion may
not work on clients. It is something that works on everybody and for anything.

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