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The first shiffat: the yaqin towards kalimah La ilaha Illallah.

It means there is none worth of worship except Allah

Its maqsod:

We remove or take out the greatness of makhluq/ ghoirullah from our heart and put the strong yaqin towards Allah

SWT in our heart.

The fadaeles:

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

-Whenever a slave of Allah said La ilaha illallah and died believing in it, he surely entered jannah.

-he who bears witness to La ilaha illallah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah, with his heart verifying his

tongue shall enter paradise from any fo its doors he wishes.

-in hadits Qudsi Allah ta’ala says: Indeed I am Allah, there is none worthy worship except Me, he who acknowledges

my Oneness enters my fortress, and he who enters my fortress is safe from my punishment.

Muhammadur rasulullah:

It means : hadrat Muhammad PBUH is the messenger of Allah

Its maqsod: there is no other way to achieve true happiness and success except following the sunnah of rasulullah


The fadaeles:

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

-anyone who bears witness that there si none worthy of worship except Allah and that I am his messenger can never

neter hell or be burnt by its fire.

-he who holds fast to my sunnah during the time of corruption in my ummah, for him is the reward of martyr.

-he who revives my sunnah has indeed loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in paradise.

The 2nd shiffat: sholat khusyu wal khudzu.

It means perfoming sholat with full concentration and the feeling of humbleness before Allah.

Its maqsod:

Carrying out or bring the shiffat of obedience inside sholat into our daily life.

The fadaeles:

The quranic verse:

Verily shalat restrains (oneself) from immorality (fahsya’) and all that forbidden (munkar) (QS 29:45).

And seek Allah’s help by having the shifat of shabar (patience perseverance) and shalat (prayer).

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

The comfort and delight of my eyes had been placed in shalat.
The 3rd quality: ilm with dzikir:

Ilm means the knowledge from Allah given to rasulullah SAW.

Dzikir means remembering Allah SWT

Its maqsod:

To obey or practice all of the commandments of Allah in anytime and conditions by remembering Allah in any

circumstances by following the sunnah of rasulullah PBUH.

The fadaele of ilm;

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

The one who Allah intends goodness, he guides him towards the understanding of deen. Indeed I am only a

distributor and Allah is the one who grants.

-Abu dzar r.a narrates that rasulullah SAW told me: O Abu Dzar ! if you go in the morning and learn a verse from the

book of Allah (kitabullah), it is better for you than performing one hundred rokaat shalat , and if you go in the

morning and learn a chapter of knowledge which may or may not be applicable at that time, it is better for you than

performing a thousand rokaat of nafilah sholat.

-whoever walk or take a walk for seeking Islamic knowledge (ilm), therefore Allah SWT will make easy his way to


The fadaele of dzikir:

Quranic verse:

-without doubt in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find satisfaction (arro’ad 28)

-Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you (albaqarah 152).

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

The example of one who remembering his rabb and the one who doesn’t remember his rabb is like the example of the

living and the dead.

The 4th shiffat: ikramul muslimin

It means making ikram to muslim brother

Its maqsod:

Fulfilling the rights of muslim brother without hoping for the return. It is done only for the sake of Allah SWT.

The fadaeles

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

If anyone removes one of the hardships or difficulties of a muslim brother in this world, Allah will remove one of his

hardships or difficulties in hereafter, if anyone conceals a fault of muslim brother, Allah will conceal his fault in

hereafter, Allah keeps helping a man as long as/as far as he keeps helping his muslim brothers.

The 5th shiffat: taskhihu nniyat:

It means rectifying our intention

It s maqsod:
Rectifying our intentions in every deed or amal only for pleasing Allah or for the sake of Allah SWT.

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

-indeed Allah does not look at your faces and possessions but he looks at your hearts and your deeds.

-verily Allah does not accept any deed except that done sincerely for Him and to obtain his pleasure.

-undobtedly Allah helps this ukmmah ( not because of their abilities an talents but) because of its weakness, by their

do’a,shalat and sincerity.

The 6th shiffat: dakwah wa tabligh

Dakwah It means invite tabligh means convey

Its maksod:

To rectify our iman and amal by sacrificing ourselves, time and wealth by inviting people towards Allah SWT.

The fadaeles:

Quranic verse:

And who is better in speech than him who invites (mankind) towards Allah, and does what is right and says, “indeed,

I’m a moslem”( those who have surrendered to Allah) fushilat 33).

Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:

-whoever guides others to do good, his reward is like the one who does it.

-a day spent in the path of Allah is better than a thousand of other days not in the path of Allah.

-a morning and an evening spent in the path of Allah, is better than t


TABLIGHIs ka maqsed yeh he keh ham din ko siktehoe, us per amal karte hoe dusro per us
kimehnat kareMaksudnya adalah bahwa agama yang telahkita pelajari ini, harus kita amalkan
dan kitausahakan agar orang lain jugamengamalkannyaHuzur Nabi karim shallallahu alaihi
wasallam ki khatmu nubuwwat ke tufailpuri ummat ko da’wat wala kam mila heBaginda Nabi
shallallahu alaihi wa sallamsebagai penutup para Nabi telahmenjadikan kerja da’wah ini sebagai
kerjaseluruh ummat 51

Is kelie nabiyo wali tarz per ham apnijan, mal or waqt ke sat Allah ke rasta menikle, or logo ko
Allah or us ke Rasul sawki taraf bolae, takeh pura din puri duniyame phile or zindah hoOleh
karena itu untuk menapak tilas jejakpara Nabi maka kita luangkan diri,hartadan waktu kita untuk
keluar dijalan Allahsubhanahu wa ta’ala dan mengajak manusiakepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya
sehinggaagama yang sempurna hidup dan tersebar diseluruh penjuru dunia.Allah rabbul ‘izzat ne
irsyad farmaya:Firman Allah swt: 1) “Or logo ko samjate raho kiyunke samjana iman walo ko
nafa’ deta he” (adz-Dzariyat: 55) “Dan berilah peringatan karena sesungguhnya peringatan itu 52

bermanfaat bagi orang yang beriman” (Adz-Dzariyat: 55)2) ‘E… Muhammad! Kehdijie ye he
mera rastah, bolatahu Allah ki taraf, hikmat basirot ke sat me bhi or jis ne meri ittiba’ki” (Yusuf:
108) “Katakanlah wahai Muhammad! Inilah jalanku (yakni) aku mengajak kepada Allah diatas
jalan basiroh, aku dan orang-orang yang mengikuti” (Yusuf: 108)3) “Tum behterin ummat ho,
keh logo ke (nafa’ rasani) kelie nikale ge e ho, tum log nek kamo ka hukm karte ho, or bure
kamo ka hukm karte ho, or bure kamo se mana’ karte ho, or Allah ta’ala per iman rekte ho” (Ali
Imran: 110) “Kalian adalah sebaik-baik ummat yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, memenyuruh
mereka kepada 53

kebaikan dan mencegah mereka dari kemungkaran serta beriman kepada Allah” (Ali Imran:
110)Da’wat tabligh ke fazail:Keutamaan da’wah dan tabligh: 1) Rasul maqbul shallallahu alaihi
wa sallam ne farmaya, ”Allah pak ke rasta me ek sobah ya ek syam guzarna, duniya wa ma fiha
se behter he” (H.R. Bukhari) Baginda Nabi shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ”Sepagi atau
sepetang dijalan Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala lebih baik dari pada dunia beserta isinya” (H.R.
Bukhari) 2) Nabi karim shallallahu alaihi wa sallam ka irsyad he, ”Jo syakhs kisi na jais amr kote
hue deka, agar us per qudrat ho, keh us ko hat se band kar de, agar itni 54

qudrat nah ho, to zuban se is per inkar kar de, agar itni qudrat nah ho, to dil me us ko bura
samjhe. Or ye iman ka bohot hi kam darjah he” (H.R. Muslim) Baginda Nabi shallallahu alaihi
wa sallam bersabda, ”Barang siapa diantara kalian melihat satu kemungkaran maka cegahlah ia
dengan tangannya, jika ia tidak mampu maka cegahlah dengan lisannya, jika tidak mampu maka
hendaknya ia merasa benci didalam hatinya dan itulah derajat iman yang paling lemah” (H.R.
Muslim)3) Huzur aqdas shallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne ek martabah hazrat Ali karromallahu
wajhah se farmaya, ”Agar teri waja se ek syakhs ko Allah pak hidayat kar de, to ye tere lie surkh
unt se behter he” (H.R. Bukhari-Muslim) 55

Suatu kali baginda Nabi shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda kepada sahabat Ali karramallahu
wajhah (semoga Allah memuliakan wajahnya), ”Apabila asbab kamu Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala
memberikan hidayah kepada seseorang maka hal itu lebih baik bagimu dari pada unta merah”
(H.R. Bukhari-Muslim)Ye sifat hamara zindegi me kese aega?Bagaimana agar sifat ini ada
dalamkehidupuan kita?Menhat karnaUsahaOr dusro ko da’wat denaDan da’wahkan kepada
orang lainOr masyq karna 56

Dan latihanAllah ke raste me nikalnaKeluar dijalan Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaKam az kam

zindegi me tin cileSekurang-kurangnya 4 bulan seumur hidupSal me cilahEmpat puluh hari hari
dalam setahunMahine me tin dinTiga hari setiap bulanHafta me do gasyt,Dua kali jaulah dalam
semingguSyebe jum’ah ki pabandiHadir dalam markasRozana masjid or gar me ta’lim 57
Setiap hari buat ta’lim dimasjid dandirumahRozana dhai gante se ath gante fikr karnaSetiap hari
sediakan waktu dari duasetengah jam sampai delapan jam untukfikir agamaOr rozana is kam ka
musyawarah karnaDan setiap hari buatlah musyawarahmengenai usaha ini (usaha dakwah
dantabligh)Is kam kelie kon kon tayy

Jaulah – Mutakallim dalam bahasa Urdu December 18, 2008

Posted by Liliek in Khuruj.

AlhamduliLLah ….. bay, Allah-he ham sop ko, bohot bara kalimat ata fermaya, wohe “laa
ilaha illaLLah, MuhammadurrasuluLLah”

 Saudara ….. alhamduliLLah Allah telah beri kita kalimat “laa ilaha illaLLah,

Is kalimatko: del me utardo, Allah hamara palne walahe, nafa/nuqson, izzat/zillat,

bimari/tenderus, goribi/amiri… Allah ke hat me he

 Maksud kalimat ini: masukkan ke dalam hati, Allah adalah pemelihara kita, untung/rugi,
mulia/hina, sakit/sehat, miskin/kaya ditangan Allah

Jab ham Allah ke hukmu, Huzur S.A.W ke teriko percelega dunya mebi kami abi, akhirat
mebi hamesa kamiabi milega

 Apabila kita taati hukum-hukum Allah dan jalani cara hidup RosuluLLah S.A.W di
duniapun kita bahagia, di akhirat kita akan dapatkan kebahagiaan abadi…

Islie… mihnat ki dorurothe is minhat ke bare me, Masjid me bat hogi… Aap tasrif die
bohot faeda hoga….

 Untuk itu… diperlukan usaha untuk untuk usaha tersebut, di Masjid ada pembicaraan,
tuan datanglah ambil bagian… banyak manfaatnya…


Mere naam Liliek (Nama saya Liliek)

Aap ka naam kia he? (Siapa namamu?)

Me Indonesia se aie hu (Saya datang dari Indonesia)

Charman Allah ke paste maniqlahu iimaan ko sikne keliye (Empat bulan saya keluar untuk
belajar iman)
Kesa… Allah ke ghoir delse nikel jahe, Allah se hone ka yakin del me ajae (Selain Allah
keluarkan dari hati, bagaimana keyakinan pada Allah masuk ke dalam hati)

Allah se hota, Allah ke ghoir ke alawa / kuch nehi hota (Allah kuasa, selain Allah tidak

Sare ke sare kamiabi serf Allah-he ke hat me he (Semua kebahagiaan hanya ditangan Allah)

Sare ke sare hazanah Allah ke pas he (Semua perbendaharaan hanya ditangan Allah)

Chizo oor halaat ka kholiq / malik Allah-he (Pencipta / pemilik benda-benda dan keadaan
adalah Allah)

Jo cahte aapne kudrat se kerte he (Bila Dia menghendaki, Dia buat dengan kudratnya)

Kisi ke muhtaj nehi he (Tidak bergantung kepada siapapun)

Wo beniyat he (Dia berdiri dengan sendiri-Nya)

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