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Intro to Highlighting, Underlining, and Note Taking S1

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

I. Read the story and underline the words you don’t understand. Search the meaning of the
underlined words in the dictionary.
Aesop Fables
In a day of dry weather, when the birds could find very little to
drink, a thirsty Crow found a pitcher with a little water in it.
But the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck, and no
matter how he tried, the Crow could not reach the water.
The poor thing felt as if he must die of thirst. Then an idea
came to him.
Picking up some small pebbles, he dropped them into the pitcher one by
With each pebble the water rose a little higher until at last it was near
enough so he could drink.
Moral Lesson of the Story: Be smart, find solutions to solve problems.

What is the title of the story?

II. Cut out the images below and paste it on the correct place to answer the question.

Who is the story about? Where did the crow wanted to drink from?

How would you describe the crow

after the story?
What is the moral lesson of

Sad Bad
the story?
Be Smart

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

I. Read the short passage. Answer the questions that follow. Highlight or underline the words
you don’t know, then search the meaning in your dictionary.


Maggie likes to ride her scooter. She rides it in

the driveway at her house. Maggie’s scooter is
red. Maggie got her scooter at the mall for her
birthday. She loves her scooter very much.

WHO likes to ride her scooter? ______________________

WHAT color is the scooter? ________________________

WHERE did Maggie get her scooter? ___________________



Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________


Rob likes to fish using grasshopper as bait. He likes

to use the green grasshopper. He looks for them in
the grass.

WHO uses grasshoppers as bait? ______________________________________

WHAT color grasshopper does he use? _________________________________

WHERE does Rob find them? ________________________________________

Kay saw a fly in the kitchen. It landed on

the pie on the table. Next, it landed on
Kay’s fork!

WHO saw the fly in the kitchen? _______________________________________

WHAT did it land on first? ___________________________________________

WHERE did it land next? ____________________________________________

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Mastery of Highlighting and Underlining S2
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

I. Read the story and answer the questions. Highlight the words you don’t understand, search
it in your dictionary.
Aesop Fables
One day, the mice had a general meeting to think of a way how
to outsmart their common enemy, the Cat.

Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse
got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought
would solve their problem.
“Our problem comes from the sly manner that the cat
approaches us. Now, if we could somehow get a warning signal
when he is coming, we could easily escape before he even
comes close. I suggest we get a small bell, and tie it around the
Cat’s neck. This way, whenever the cat is near, we would always
know, and we could easily hide."

Everyone clapped their hands at the idea, except one.

An old mouse got up and said:

"That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the Cat?"

The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. Then the old mouse
said, "Most impossible solutions are easier said than done.”

II. Cut out the words with tracing lines and use them to answer the questions below.

1. What is the Title of the story? Tie a bell around the cat

Yes, it was
2. Who was the mice’s enemy?

Belling the Cat

3. What were the mice planning to do to the cat?
Be friends with the cat

4. Was there plan successful?

No, it was impossible

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________


Paula the Pirate had a treasure to hide.

She and her mates dug a hole and buried

the treasure.

Paula did not want the other pirates to

find her treasure.

Then she set sail for home!

WHO had a treasure to hide? __________________________________________

WHAT did they do with the treasure? ____________________________________

WHERE did Paula set sail to? ____________________________________

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the passage below and answer the following questions.


There are many kinds of bears. Some bears live in warm places, like sun
bears. Some bears live in cold places, like polar bears. Bears are different
colors, too. They can be white, brown, or black. Some bears eat plants.
Some bears eat animals.

Bears have long snouts, or noses. They have

claws and fur, too. Baby bears are called

When it gets cold, bears sleep in dens for the

winter. Dens can be in trees or caves. When
they are sleeping all winter, it is called
hibernating. Bears do not eat when they are

1. Do all bears live in warm places? Write Yes or No

2. How are sun bears and polar bears different? Highlight your answer

a. Polar Bears are small, Sun Bears are big

b. Polar Bears live in cold places, Sun Bears live in warm places

3. What is a baby bear called? Write your answer below.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Mastery of Note Taking S3
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions. Highlight the words you don’t understand, search it
on your dictionary, then note it down in your notebook.


Aesop Fables
A Dog used to run up quietly to the heels of those he met, and to bite them
without notice.

His master sometimes tied a bell around his neck, so people would know that
he is coming, and sometimes he fastened a chain around his neck that attaches
to a heavy clog, so that he could not be so quick at biting people's heels.

The Dog grew proud of his bell and clog, and went with them all over the

An old hound said to him: "Why do you proudly show off your chain and clog? That bell and clog
that you carry were not given to you as a medal or trophy, but as marks of disgrace, a public notice
to all men to avoid you as an ill-mannered dog."

Moral: being famous and infamous are two very different things

What is the title of the story? Search the word below in

your dictionary.
What’s that word?

Who was the story about?

Highlight it or write it down in your
Highlight the correct answer for each question. notebook
Was the mischievous Dog a good dog?

Yes No

Was the mischievous Dog a bad dog?

Yes No
Was the old hound wise?

Yes No

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________


Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Phrasing S4
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.

One day, in a farm just outside of town, lived a little red Hen, a lazy Dog, a sleepy cat,
and a noisy duck. The Hen wanted to plant some seeds.
“Oh who will help me plant these seeds?”
“Not I” barked the Dog
“Not I” purred the Cat
“Not I” quacked the Duck
So the little red Hen planted the seeds on her own, and seeds grew into wheat. Now, it’s
time to reap the wheat “Oh who will help me reap the wheat?” asked the Hen.
“Not I” barked the Dog
“Not I” purred Cat
“Not I” quacked a Duck.
So the little red Hen reaped the wheat on her own. Now, the wheat is turned into dough
and is ready to be baked into bread.
“Oh, who will help me now with this task?”
“Not I” barked the Dog
“Not I” purred the Cat
“Not I” quacked the Duck
So the little red Hen baked the bread on her own.
Now the bread is finished and it’s time to eat. “Oh, who will help me eat this bread?”
“I will!” barked the Dog, “I will!” purred the Cat, “I will” quacked the Duck. But the Hen
said “No! You did not help me bake this bread, so only I and my little chicks will eat this
And so the Hen and her little chicks ate the bread happily, while the Dog, the Cat, and
the Duck were given nothing.
Moral of the story: You reap what you sow.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

S4 a1
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

What is the title of the story? Highlight the correct answer

The Chicken with Bread The Little Red Hen The Cake is a Lie

How many times did the Hen ask for help? Highlight the correct answer
Only once 3 times 5 times

Who helped the Hen in all the chores? Highlight the correct answer
The Cat The Duck Herself

What did the Dog, Cat, and Duck say when the Hen was asking for help? Highlight the
correct answer
We will help you! Not I Thank You

What did the Hen say to the Dog, Cat, and Duck when it was time to eat the bread?
Highlight the correct answer
“No! You did not help me bake this bread, so only I and my little chicks will eat this

“Yes, because you helped me bake this bread, you may help me eat it as well.”

“No, No one else may help me eat this cake but me! I made it on my own, so I will eat it
on my own.”

What is the Moral of the story? Write your answer in the box

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

S4 a2
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the passage and answer the following questions.


Do you like apples? Apples can be red, yellow, or green.

Each color tastes different. They are fruit. You can make
apples into treats.
Apples grow on trees. They finish growing in the fall. Then
you can pick them to eat. When you pick an apple, you
twist it and then pull it off the tree.
There are 5 parts of an apple. The outside is the skin. The inside is the flesh.
There are seeds inside of the apple. The stem is on top. Some apples have
leaves by the stem. What else do you know about apples?

1. When do apples finish growing?

2. What is this passage about?

3. How many parts does an apple have?

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Getting the Main Idea S5
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


Felix, like all other cats like to be taken good care of. He likes getting fed twice a day.

He has a lot of energy. Sometimes he would chew almost anything he could find.

He likes to be watched closely. He also like having his own bed, and his own playground.

And when he needs a bath, he likes being massaged gently.

What kind of cat is Felix? Highlight the correct answer.

Felix is a cat that likes to be taken cared of

Felix is a cat that doesn’t like to be taken cared of

Felix is a cat that likes getting fed once a day

Read the story and answer the questions.


Spot the Dog likes to eat. He likes to eat a lot of food. He likes to wag his tail while
smelling the food. Then he jumps up and down happily.

After that, he chases his tail around and around. And when he finally gets tired, he goes
back to his food bowl and finishes eating.

What kind of dog is Spot? Highlight the correct answer.

He is a dog that finishes his meal quickly.

He is a dog that is seldom hungry.

He is a dog that takes a long time to eat.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Differentiating the Main Idea and Related Ideas S6
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


One day, somewhere in a forest. A Hare was
making fun of the Tortoise one day for being
so slow.
"Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with
a mocking laugh.
"Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you
think. I'll run you a race and prove it."
The Hare was much amused at the idea of running
a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of it he
So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge,
marked the distance and started the runners off.
The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make
the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was
for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down
beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch
The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and,
after a time, passed the place where the
Hare was sleeping.
But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and
when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise
was near the goal.
The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the
Tortoise in time.
The Moral Is: The winner is not always the fastest.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

What is the title of the story?

Who are the Characters? Cut out the pictures below and paste your answer in the box.

Good guy Bad Guy

Where is the story taking place?


Search these words in your dictionary:

Who is your favorite character?

Amused Consented

Highlight it or write it down in your notebook.

What kind of ending did it have? Highlight your answer below.

Happy Sad Funny

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Introduction to Story Outlining S7
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.

The three little pigs wanted to build their own houses.
The first one was too lazy, and did not care if the house was weak, so he built a house made
of straw.
The second pig wanted a sturdier house, but was too lazy to put in more work. So he built a house
made of sticks.
The third pig wanted to a stronger house, and was not lazy at all. So he built a house made
of bricks.
Then, came along a big bad wolf. The big bad wolf wanted to eat the three little
pigs. He went to the first pig with that house made of straw and said “Little pig, little
pig! Let me in.”
The little pig said “not by the hair of my chinny-chin chin!” The wolf got angry and
said “then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” And the wolf did so
in one powerful blow!
The house of straw was gone! And the little pig ran and hid in his brother’s house made of sticks. The
wolf followed him then demanded to the pigs, “Little pigs, little pigs! Let me in.”
The little pigs said “not by the hairs of our chinny-chin chin!” The wolf got angry and
said “then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” And the wolf did so
again, in one big blow!
The house of sticks was gone! And the little pigs ran and hid in their brother’s house made of bricks.
The wolf followed them and demanded the pigs again, “Little pigs, little pigs! Let me in!”
The little pigs said “not by the hair of our chinny-chin chins!” The wolf got angrier
and said “then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” And the wolf did
blow, but this time, the house did not break.
That house made of bricks was too strong, the wolf could not get the pigs. But the
wolf won’t give up. He climbed to the chimney and decided he would get in this
The three little pigs, however had an idea to light the fireplace and boil
some water. As the wolf fell down the chimney, he got burned in the
boiling water and ran away. The Big bad wolf is now gone, and the three
little pigs are finally safe. The end.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

What is the title of the story?

Who are the Characters? Cut out the pictures below and paste your answer in the box.

Good guy Bad Guy

What kind of houses did the pigs build?


Search these words in your dictionary:

Who is your favorite character?

chin sturdy

Why? chimney

Highlight it or write it down in your notebook.

What kind of ending did it have? Highlight your answer below.

Happy Sad Funny

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Recognizing the Plot S8
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.

Marty was a hardworking robot. He loves to eat cake. One time, Garry wanted to eat a cake of
his own, but he could only get cake if he finishes all his chores. And so, he told Marty that he
would give him cake if he would help out. After hearing this, Marty excitedly agreed.

Garry needed to chop some wood for fire. He was too lazy, so he got Marty to do it for him.
“Chop these wood for me, and I will give you cake later.” With that, Marty picked up the axe and
started chopping wood.

When he finally finished, he asked “where is the cake?”

But Garry said, oh I’m sorry but the cake is not yet ready. You finished too early. Help me with
my other chore and I will give you cake later.” And so Marty agreed. Garry needed to oil the
hinges on the door, but he was too lazy. So he got Marty to do it. “will I get cake after?” asked
Marty. Garry said “yes, of course but only after you finish.”

And so Marty excitedly oiled all the hinges of every door in the house. Then he asked “can I
have cake now?” But Garry said “Oh, the cake still is not yet ready. You finished too early. Help
me clean the gutter then maybe the cake will be done by then.”

And so, Marty cleaned the gutter as clean as he could. Then he thought maybe he finished too
soon again, and so he decided to clean himself up first before asking Garry for the cake.

When he got to Garry, he saw him already finished eating a slice of cake. He looked around for
more, but there was none. “Where is the cake?” Marty asked. “Oh, I ate it already. You took too
long to finish, so I ate it without you.”

“You promised there would be cake” said Marty. “The cake is a lie.” And that made Marty very

Then, Mr. Baker saw Marty and asked “why are you sad?” He answered “because Garry
promised me cake if I helped him with his chores, but he lied. He ate all the cake by himself.”

“You mean you did all those chores and not Garry?” asked Mr. Baker. “Yes, sir.” said Marty.

“I see. Very well then, I will make you a bigger cake for all the work you have done.”

“Really?” asked Marty. “Yes, and Garry can’t have any.” And so, Mr. Baker made a whole cake
just for Marty, and Garry was punished for lying. Marty finally had cake and he was very happy.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Who are the characters in the story?

What happened in the beginning of the story? Highlight your answer below.

1. Garry wanted cake, but he was too lazy. So he had Marty do it for him.

2. Marty wanted cake, but he was too lazy. So he had Garry do it for him.

3. Garry and Marty wanted cake, but both were too lazy. So they had no cake.

What happened in the middle of the story?

1. Garry helped Marty with the chores, and they both worked hard.

2. Marty helped Garry with the chores, only Garry worked hard.

3. Marty helped Garry with the chores, only Marty worked hard.

How did the story end?

1. Marty lied to Garry about sharing his cake, Garry told Mr. Baker and got
a bigger cake.

2. Mr. Baker lied to Garry and Marty about the cake, they both had nothing as a

3. Garry lied to Marty about the cake, Marty told Mr. Baker and got a bigger cake.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Recognizing the Climax of a Story S9
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


Once upon a time, there was a little girl known as little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood lived in small town in a nearby forest. She was on
her way to her grandmother, who lives deeper into the forest, to give her
cookies and other sweets. But, little did she know, that somewhere, hiding
behind the trees is a Big Bad Wolf.

The Big Bad Wolf wanted to eat little Red Riding Hood, but he couldn’t
because they were still too close to the town. The Big Bad Wolf needed to
surprise Little Red Riding Hood, in order to get near her. But how? Thought
the wolf. Thinking hard, he came up with an idea. He would go to the
Grandmother’s house and wait for Little Red Riding Hood there. And so the
Big Bad Wolf ran deeper into the woods, straight for Grandma’s house. The
Big Bad Wolf forced his way into the house then ate the poor grandmother

“Ah…now to wait for the little girl to arrive.” Said the wolf.

Just as Little Red Riding Hood is nearing grandma’s house, the Big Bad Wolf
was already in disguise as the grandmother, waiting in bed for her. When
Little Red Riding Hood finally made it to the house, she greeted he grandma

“Hello, grandma! I brought you sweets from home!”

“Oh, how lovely! Come over here, dear and let me look at you.” Said the
wolf in disguise.

As little Red Riding Hood came closer, she notice something different about
her grandma.

“Oh my Grandma, what big EYES you have!”

“Oh, the better to see you with, my dear” said the wolf.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

“Grandma, what big EARS you have!” exclaimed Red Riding Hood.

“Oh, the better to hear you with, dear.” said the wolf.

“and Grandma, what big TEETH you have!” said the Little Red Riding Hood.

“Why…the better to EAT YOU WITH!!!” exclaimed the wolf. And the Big Bad
Wolf attacked the poor little girl.

Little Red Riding Hood ran and screamed for help! “Help! Help! Someone
please HELP!!”

Then, a woodsman hear Little Red Riding Hood’s cry for help and rushed to
the cabin with his axe.

When he got there he saw the Big Bad Wolf about to eat the little girl, and
with a powerful swing killed the wolf with his axe. Then the woodsman saw
that the grandma was still alive in the wolf’s belly, and opened it up so the
old lady could get out.

Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma was very thankful to the
woodsman, and they celebrated with the sweets she bought from home.
The end.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

What is the title of the story?

Where was Little Red Riding Hood going? Highlight the correct answer

To the town To Grandma’s house To the Big Bad Wolf

When did the Big Bad Wolf arrive at Grandma’s house? Highlight the correct answer

Before Red Riding Hood After Red Riding Hood

When did Little Red Riding Hood realize that her grandma is really the Big Bad Wolf
in disguised? Highlight the correct answer

When she said “what big EYES you have”

When she said “what big EARS you have”

When she said “what big TEETH you have”

Who saved Little Red Riding Hood from the Big Bad Wolf? Highlight the correct

The Woodsman The Postman The Huntsman

How was the Big Bad Wolf beaten? Highlight the correct answer

He got hit with an axe he got hit with a club he got hit with a hammer

What’s that word?

Search these words in your dictionary

Climax Exclaim Disguise

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Conflict and the Solution S10
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


Once upon a time, there were three billy goats. The three billy goats were brothers, and
they lived on a green hill by the stream. But one day, they saw that the grass on the
other side of the stream was greener. So, the brothers decided to move to that side and
use the bridge to get across. As the first goat was crossing the bridge, the troll that was
living under it heard it’s footsteps “trip trap trip trap”.

“Who is that crossing my bridge? I will eat you up!” said the troll.

The goat then thought of a way to trick the troll into letting him pass.

“oh, but you don’t want to eat me, Mr. Troll. I am to small and skinny. My brother,
however is bigger and fatter. He will be crossing this bridge after me.” Said the goat.

“Ah I see! Very well, I’ll let you go” said the troll.

Then the second goat came crossing the bridge. “trip trap trip trap”

“who is that crossing my bridge? I will eat you up!” said the troll

The second goat said “oh, but I am only a little bigger than my younger brother. My
other brother, however will be crossing this bridge after this and he is twice as big as I

“oh! I see! Very well, I’ll let you go.” Said the troll.

Finally, the third goat came crossing the bridge. “trip trap trip trap”

“who is that crossing my bridge? I will eat you up!” said the troll.

Then the trolled charged at the goat, but the goat was too big and strong. The big goat
rammed the troll of the bridge with his big horns and ran to the other side of where his
brothers were.

The three goats then ate the green grass together happily. The end.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

What is the title of the story?

Who were the characters?

Highlight the correct answer.

Why did the goats wanted to cross the bridge?

a. To fight the troll
b. To eat the green grass Search the meaning of the words
c. To swim in the stream below in your dictionary.

Who was waiting for them under the bridge? Stream Rammed Conflict
a. The stream
b. The goats Charge Solution
c. The troll
Highlight it or write it down in your
What did the troll wanted to do to the goats? notebook
a. To eat them
b. To help them
c. To befriend them

What did the goats do to not get eaten by the troll?

a. They tricked him
b. They ran past him
c. They fed him food

Why could the troll not eat the third goat?

a. Because he was already full
b. Because the goat was too big and strong
c. Because the goat was too small and skinny

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Recognizing the Setting of the Story S11
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


The King of Kamera in Africa was a proud and stern man, feared by all his subjects.

One day while sitting in his mud palace, surrounded by fawning courtiers and watched by a multitude of
people who had come to see him, he was suddenly overcome by a sense of grandeur and loudly declared
that he was master of the world and that all men were his servants.

“You are mistaken," said a frail voice. “All men are servants of one another."

A deathly silence followed the remark. The blood froze in the veins of the people assembled there. Then
the king exploded in anger.

“Who said that!" he demanded, rising from the royal stool. “Who dares suggest that I am a servant!!"

“I do," said a voice in the crowd, and the people parted to reveal a white-haired old man, leaning heavily
on a stout stick.

“Who are you?" asked the king.

“I am Boubakar," said the man. “We have no water in our village. I have come to ask for a well to be dug

“So you are a beggar!" roared the king, striding down to where the man stood. “Yet you have the temerity
to call me a servant!"

“We all serve one another," said Boubakar, showing no fear, “and I will prove it to you before nightfall."

“Do that," said the monarch. “Force me to wait on you. If you can do that I will have not one but three
wells dug in your village. But if you fail, you’ll lose your head!"

“In our village," said the old man, “when we accept a challenge, we touch the person’s feet. Let me touch
your feet. Hold my stick."

The king took the stick and the old man bent down and touched the monarch’s feet.

“Now you may give it back to me," he said, straightening up. The king gave him back his stick.

“Do you want any more proof?" asked Boubakar.

“Proof?" asked the king, bewildered.

“You held my stick when I asked you to and gave it back to me when I asked you for it," said the old man.
“As I said, all good men are servants of one another."

The king was so pleased with the Royal Servant Boubakar’s wit and daring that he not only had wells dug
in his village but also retained him as an adviser.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Where did the story take place?

Where does the King live?

Where does the Old man want the King to dig a well?

What do you think Africa looks like? Cut out the images on the right, and place
them in the box on the left to describe Africa.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Characterization S12
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.

Three elderly brothers, all very short-sighted, lived in a large house on the
outskirts of a city, in China. One day the youngest brother suggested that he
should take charge of the finances. “Elder brother’s sight is so bad, he cannot see
how much money he’s receiving or giving," he said, “and people take advantage
of his disability."

“As if you can see better," sneered the second-youngest brother. “If you’re saying
our finances should be handled by the one who has the best sight, then it is I who
should be given charge. I can see better than either of you."

“I have my doubts about that," said the eldest brother. “Let’s settle this once and
for all. I’ve heard the monastery is putting up a tablet inscribed with a saying,
above the main doorway, tonight. Let’s go there tomorrow and test our vision.
Whoever can read the inscription with the least strain will get charge of our
money. Agreed?"

“Agreed," said his brothers in unison.

“Good! Now go away and let me get a few winks."

As soon as they had gone, the eldest brother sneaked out of the house and went
to the monastery where he met a monk.

“I’ve heard you’re putting up an inscription over the doorway," he said. “Can you
tell me what the inscription reads?"

“Certainly. It’s a quotation from Confucius. It reads: Be Honest At All Times."

The brother went away chuckling at his cleverness. A little later the second
brother arrived there.

“Can you tell me what the inscription you are going to put up over the doorway
reads?" he said to the monk.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

“Everybody seems to want to know," said the man. "It reads: Be Honest At All

“Is there any decoration around it?"

“The tablet has a flowery border. "The second brother went away very pleased
with himself. Hardly had he gone when the third brother arrived there. He too
enquired about the inscription and on being told what it was, asked if there was
any other writing on it."

“Only the donor’s name, Wang Lee, at the bottom," said the monk.
The next morning the three short-sighted brothers made their way to the

“There’s the inscription," said the oldest when they drew near the entrance. “I
can clearly make out the writing. It reads: Be Honest At All Times."

“Your sight is better than I thought," said the second brother. “But definitely not
better than mine. Can you see the decoration around the inscription?"
“Decoration? What decoration?"

“There’s a floral decoration all around the tablet," said the brother, triumphantly.

“Very good, very good," applauded the youngest brother. “But can either of you
see any other writing on the tablet besides the inscription?"

“Other writing?" intoned the second brother, his face falling. “What other writing
is there?"

“The name of the donor, Wang Lee," said the youngest brother, pointing. “Can’t
you see it? It’s at that corner."

The monk they had talked to the previous evening came out of the monastery
just then and walked towards the short-sighted brothers.

“Oh, you’ve come to see the inscription," he said. “So sorry. We couldn’t put it up
yesterday evening. We are going to put it up today."

The short-sighted brothers realized their follies.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

How would you describe the three brothers in the story? Highlight your answers from
the words inside the box below. There are 5 answers

Smart Dishonest young Short-sighted proud

Elderly Far-sighted Honest Silly careless

Who is the wisest among the brothers? Highlight your answer below.

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Who asked the monk about the inscription first?

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Who asked about a decoration on the inscription?

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Who asked about any additional writing on the tablet?

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Who won the challenge among the three brothers?

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Who was smarter among the three brothers?

The eldest The second eldest the youngest

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Making Predictions from the Story S13
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to
its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was
taking to the nest.

"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling
in that way?"

"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the

"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "we have got plenty of food at
But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. And the Grasshopper sang and played
music all summer long until summer ended and fall came.
Then, the Grasshopper saw the Ants again, toiling away and still collecting food.

“Still working? Don’t you ants ever get tired? Come and sing with me, while I play my

The Ant said “winter is now closer than ever. We need to save up as much food as we
can so we don’t starve.”

“Why work when you can play?” said the Grasshopper. But the Ants paid him no
attention and carried on with their work. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no
food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn
and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer and fall. He went to the Ants
and begged for food.

“What? Why do you not have any food? Didn’t you save up for the winter? What have
you been doing all summer long?” Asked the Ant.

But the Grasshopper was so hungry, he could not even speak.

“You’ve be playing all this time, haven’t you? Let that be a lesson to you, it is best to
prepare for the days of necessity.”

The Grasshopper understood and now sees that the Ants were right.

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Answer the following in complete sentence.

What do you think would have happened if the Grasshopper followed the Ants’ advice?

What do you think the Ants did when they saw the Grasshopper starving in the winter?

What would happen to the Ants if they joined the Grasshopper instead of gathering

Highlight your answer.

Do you think the Grasshopper has learned his lesson?

Yes, he has. No, He hasn’t.

Continue the story. What do you think happened next?

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the following paragraphs carefully. Try to guess correctly what would happen next.

Little Jimmy, loved to play outside. He loved to run, and jump, and climb trees. His
mother was always worried about him being too rough in the playground. “Be careful!”
his mother, said, but little Jimmy did not listen. He did not care. He knew he will be fine,
he said to himself. Then, one day, he decided to try out a very big slide. But the slide
was too high, and slippery. Jimmy did not care. He still wanted to try out the slide. So,
he rushed to the slide, and hurriedly climbed on.

What do you think happened next? Highlight your answer below.

a. Jimmy slid down slowly and safely. He knew he was going to be okay.

b. Jimmy slipped on the slide and got hurt. He should have listened to his mother.

Scotty the dog, had a fight with a small creature. It had black fur with white stripes,
small claws and a fluffy tail that looked like a feather duster. When Scotty approached
the small creature, it turned its back on Scotty and sprayed him with a very foul
smelling liquid. The odor was so strong, Scotty could barely breath.

What do you think happened next? Highlight your answer below.

a. Scotty fainted and got knocked-out.

b. Scotty won the fight, the odor did not really bother him.

What kind of animal do you think Scotty was fighting? Highlight your answer below.

a. It was a Squirrel c. It was a Skunk

b. It was a Tiger d. It was a Cat

Note: If you do not know what the animals above look like, search them in either a
dictionary or encyclopedia.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Making Conclusions S14
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the following stories and answer the questions.

Who is telling the story? Highlight your answer below.

A Dog A Cat A Mouse A Person

What time is it in the story? Highlight your answer below.

It is after tomorrow It is before dinner It is after bedtime

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Mary went out for a walk one day, then she heard her tummy rumbling. She went home,
to the fridge to find something to eat. She found slice of cake. She ate it and was very

Why did Mary look for food? Highlight your answer below

Mary was feeling sleepy

Mary was feeling hungry

Mary was feeling nervous

Every day, Arnold looks in the mirror to see how big he is. He does push-ups in the
morning. He does sit-ups before breakfast. Then he does squats before lunch. And
finally, he jogs around the neighborhood before eating dinner. He then looks in the
mirror again to see if there are any changes before going to bed.

What does Arnold want to happen? Highlight your answer below

Arnold wants to get skinny

Arnold wants to get fat

Arnold wants to get muscles

What is that word?

Search these words in your dictionary.

Fridge rumble squat

Highlight it or write it down in your notebook.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Proper Summarization of a Story S15
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the following worksheet.


Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! The race cars were all

practicing for the big race tomorrow. Around and
around and around the track they went. They
practiced weaving in and out of cones, going
around the curves, and starting right when the
green light went on. Blue Race car and Red Race
car were best friends, so they practiced together
all day.

That night, they were in the garage resting up for the big race tomorrow.
Red Race car couldn’t sleep, though.

“Blue Race car? Are you asleep?” Red Race car asked.

“No. I’m feeling nervous for the race tomorrow. How are you feeling?” Blue Race
car answered.

“I’m feeling nervous, too. What can we do? We need to feel rested for the race
tomorrow!” said Red Race car.

“Hmmm… we could try taking deep breaths. Ready? We’ll breathe in and count
to three. Then we’ll keep the breath in for three seconds. Last, we’ll slowly let
all of our breath out. We might have to do that a lot of times before we feel
better. Let’s try!” Blue Race car said.

They took some slow, deep breaths together. After a few minutes, both race
cars started to feel calm, and drifted off to sleep. They both dreamed about all
the fun they’d have at the race.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Mark the paragraphs below. Arrange them in order from Beginning, Middle, to End.

That night, they were in the garage resting up for the big race
Red Race car couldn’t sleep, though.

“Blue Race car? Are you asleep?” Red Race car asked.

“No. I’m feeling nervous for the race tomorrow. How are you feeling?”
Blue Race car answered.

“I’m feeling nervous, too. What can we do? We need to feel rested
for the race tomorrow!” said Red Race car.

This part is the _____________________

“Hmmm… we could try taking deep breaths. Ready? We’ll breathe in

and count to three. Then we’ll keep the breath in for three seconds.
Last, we’ll slowly let all of our breath out. We might have to do that
a lot of times before we feel better. Let’s try!” Blue Race car said.

They took some slow, deep breaths together. After a few minutes,
both race cars started to feel calm, and drifted off to sleep. They
both dreamed about all the fun they’d have at the race.

This part is the _____________________

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! The race cars were all practicing for the big race
tomorrow. Around and around and around the track they went. They
practiced weaving in and out of cones, going around the curves, and
starting right when the green light went on. Blue Race car and Red
Race car were best friends, so they practiced together all day

This part is the _____________________

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________




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Skimming S16
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


Lily and her brother Ryan went camping with their mom and dad. Ryan and Dad
set up the tent while Lily and Mom collected sticks to start a bon fire.
Once the tent was set up, they started a fire in the bon fire pit. Lily and Ryan
looked for long pointy sticks to use for cooking hot dogs over the fire while
the fire was heating up. They found four perfect sticks, one for each of them.

Lily and Ryan, and their mom and dad, each

placed two hot dogs on their sticks. They
held the hot dogs over the fire and turned
the sticks slowly so every side of each hot
dog was cooked. Then they put the hot dogs
into buns and added ketchup and mustard.
The hot dogs were delicious.
After they all enjoyed their hot dogs, Lily got out the marshmallows for dessert.
They all roasted marshmallows over the fire until the marshmallows turned a
nice shade of brown. Then they popped the yummy treats into their mouths.

Sitting around the bon fire and eating marshmallows is Lily and Ryan’s favorite
part of camping.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

1. What did Lily and Mom do while Ryan and Dad set up the tent?

2. What did they all cook over the bon fire to eat for dinner?

3. What did Lily get out for dessert?

4. What is Lily and Ryan’s favorite part of camping?

What’s that Word?

Search these words in your dictionary.

Tent Roasted Skim

Highlight it or write it down in your notebook.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Scanning S17
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the story and answer the questions.


You may have read how Thomas Smith first raised rice in Carolina. After his
death, there lived in South Carolina a wise young woman. She showed the
people how to raise another plant. Her name was Eliza Lucas.

The father of Miss Lucas did not live in Carolina. He was governor of one of the
islands of the West Indies. Miss Lucas was fond of trying new things. She often
got seeds from her father which she planted in South Carolina.

Her father sent her some seeds of the indigo plant. She planted some of these in
March, but a frost came. The indigo plant cannot tolerate frost, and her plants all
died. But Miss Lucas did not give up. She planted some more seeds in April.
These grew very well until a cut-worm found them. The worm wished to try new
things too. So he ate the indigo plants.

But Miss Lucas was one of the people who try, try again. She had lost her indigo
plants twice. Once more she planted some of the seeds. This time the plants
grew very well.

Miss Lucas wrote to her father about it. He sent her a man who knew how to
get the indigo out of the plant. The man tried not to show Miss Lucas how to
make the indigo. He did not want the people in South Carolina to learn how to
make it. He was afraid his own people would not get so much money for their
indigo if other people made it as well.

So he would not explain how it was done. He spoiled the indigo on purpose.

But Miss Lucas watched him closely. She figured out how the indigo could be
made. Some of her father's land in South Carolina was now planted with the
indigo plants.

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Then Miss Lucas was married. She became Mrs. Pinckney. Her father gave her
all the indigo growing on his land in South Carolina. It was all saved for seed.
Some of the seed Mrs. Pinckney gave to her friends. Some of it her husband
sowed. It all grew and was made into that blue dye that we call indigo. When it
is used in washing clothes, it is called bluing.

In a few years, more than a million pounds of indigo were made in South
Carolina every year. Many people got rich from it, and it was all because Miss
Lucas did not give up.

1. Why did the indigo plants die the first time?

2. How did Miss Lucas help the people of South Carolina?

3. How would you describe Miss Lucas?

4. Why do you think Miss Lucas was successful?

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Skipping S18
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Read the following questions below: Find the answers in the story on the next page.

What is the title of the Story?

What did the fox want for breakfast?

How many did the eagle throw to the fox?

What did the fox use to scare the eagle?

What did the fox ask himself after being left on the island?

How did the fox manage to get back home?

How would you describe the ending? Highlight your answer.

a. Happy b. Sad c. Funny

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

Skip over parts of the story to find the answers to the questions on the previous page.


One morning the fox said to his children, "I will find some eggs for breakfast."
Then he went to the woods. The fox saw an eagle's nest in the top branch of a
tree. "How can I reach those eggs?" he thought. "Ha, ha! Now I have a plan."

He put some grass stalks into his ears and knocked on the tree with them.

"Throw an egg to me," cried the fox. "If you do not throw an egg to me, I will
knock this great tree over with these grass stalks." The eagle was terribly
frightened, and she threw an egg down to the fox.

"Throw another egg down to me at once," demanded the fox when he saw
that he had frightened the eagle.

"One egg is enough," said the eagle. "I shall not throw down any more eggs."

"Throw another egg to me, or I shall knock the tree over with these grass
stalks and take all of your eggs," said the fox. The eagle was still more
frightened, and she threw down another egg.

Then the fox laughed and said, "How could I knock down a great tree with
these small grass stalks?" The eagle became very angry. She flew down from
her nest and grasped the fox with her talons. Then she lifted the fox up and
flew with him far out to sea. She dropped him upon a lonely island.

The fox was left on the lonely island. One day he asked himself, "Am I going to
die on this island?" Then the fox began to sing softly. Seals, walruses,
porpoises, and whales swam near the island.

"What are you singing about?" asked the sea people.

"This is what I am singing about," said the fox. "Are there more large animals in
the waters of the sea or on dry land?"

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mentor: __________________________________ Result: _____________________

"Certainly there are more animals in the waters of the sea than on dry land,"
replied the sea people.

"Well then, prove it to me," said the fox. "Come up to the surface of the water
and form a raft that will reach from this island to the mainland. Then I can walk
over all of you, and I shall be able to count you."

So the large sea people--seals, walruses, tortoises, and whales--came up to the

surface of the water. The sea people formed a great raft that reached from the
island across to the mainland. This was what the fox wanted. He ran over the
great raft, pretending to count the animals.

When at last the fox reached the mainland, he jumped ashore and hastened

The End

Reading with Comprehension © 2017 PriMa Center for Creative Excellence

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