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ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 143A:3243 – 3251 (2007)

The Morphogenesis of Wormian Bones: A Study of

Craniosynostosis and Purposeful Cranial Deformation
Pedro A. Sanchez-Lara,1 John M. Graham Jr,1* Anne V. Hing,2 John Lee,1 and Michael Cunningham2
Medical Genetics Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California
Division of Craniofacial Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Received 14 June 2007; Accepted 20 August 2007

Wormian bones are accessory bones that occur within tabulated the frequency and location of large wormian bones
cranial suture and fontanelles, most commonly within the (greater than 1 cm) in 3-dimentional computerized tomog-
posterior sutures. They occur more frequently in disorders raphy (3D-CT) scans from 207 cases of craniosynostosis and
that have reduced cranial ossification, hypotonia or decreas- compared these data with published data on 485 normal dry
ed movement, thereby resulting in deformational brachyce- skulls from a manuscript on wormian bones by Parker in
phaly. The frequency and location of wormian bones varies 1905. Among cases of craniosynostosis, large wormian bones
with the type and severity of cranial deformation practiced were significantly more frequent (117 out of 207 3D-CT
by ancient cultures. We considered the hypothesis that the scans) than in dry skulls (131 out of 485). There was a
pathogenesis of wormian bones may be due to environ- 3.5 greater odds of developing a wormian bone with
mental variations in dural strain within open sutures and premature suture closure (P < 0.001). Midline synostosis,
fontanelles. In order to explore this further, we measured specifically metopic or sagittal synostosis, has more wormian
the cephalic index (CI) in 20 purposefully deformed pre- bones in the midline, whereas unilateral lambdoidal or
Columbian skulls: 10 from Chichen Itza, Mexico, and 10 from coronal synostosis more often had wormian bones on the
Ancon, Peru, as well as 20 anatomically normal skulls used contralateral side. Taken together, these data suggest that
for medical school anatomy classes. We tested for a direct wormian bones may arise as a consequence of mechanical
correlation between the CI and the number of wormian factors that spread sutures apart and affect dural strain within
bones in skulls with varying degrees of brachycephalic sutures and fontanelles. ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
cranial deformation and found no significant correlation.
When the CI was grouped into three categories (normal
(CI < 81), brachycephalic (CI 81-93), and severely brachy- Key words: wormian bones; deformation, plagiocephaly;
cephalic (CI > 93)) there was a trend toward increasing craniosynostosis; calvarial morphogenesis; cultural cranial
number of wormian bones as the skull became more deformation; Ancon skulls; Chichen Itza skulls; sagittal
brachycephalic (P ¼ 0.039). A second part or our study synostosis; metopic synostosis

How to cite this article: Sanchez-Lara PA, Graham JM Jr, Hing AV, Lee J, Cunningham M. 2007.
The morphogenesis of wormian bones: A study of craniosynostosis and purposeful
cranial deformation. Am J Med Genet Part A 143A:3243–3251.

Wormian bones are accessory skull bones com-
pletely surrounded by a suture line. They were first
characterized by the Danish anatomist Olaus Worm Grant sponsor: HARE’s Childhood Disability Center; Grant sponsor:
in a letter to Thomas Bartholin (April 6, 1643). Their Steven Spielberg Pediatric Research Center; Grant sponsor: Cedars-Sinai
developmental pathogenesis has been discussed Burns and Allen Research Institute; Grant sponsor: Skeletal Dysplasias
since their discovery, with hypotheses involving NIH/NICHD Program Project; Grant number: (HD22657-11); Grant
sponsor: Medical Genetics NIH/NIGMS Training Program; Grant
both environmental and genetic influences. In 1897, number: (GM08243); Grant sponsor: National Institute of Craniofacial
Dorsey proposed that the frequency of wormian and Dental Research (MLC); Grant number: R01- DE 13813; Grant
bones was influenced by pressure on the cranium sponsor: Laurel Foundation Center for Craniofacial Research (MLC);
from cultural cranial deformation. Several studies Grant sponsor: Jean Renny Cranofacial Endowment (MLC).
*Correspondence to: John M. Graham, Jr, Director of Clinical Genetics
have since proposed various hypotheses, from solely and Dysmorphology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd,
environmental stressors affecting the incidence of Suite 1150W, Los Angeles, CA 90048. E-mail:
wormian bones to primary genetic factors with little DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a.32073
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


or no environmental influence. Anthropological We considered the pathogenesis of wormian

research has demonstrated that circumferentially bones and its relationship to variations in sutural
deformed crania have fewer wormian bones than width and dural strain from cranial deformation. If
undeformed crania, and anteroposteriorly deformed brachycephalic deformation results in increased
crania have the most wormian bones [White, 1996; wormian bone formation, then one might expect
O’Loughlin, 2004]. the number of wormian bones to directly correlate
There are also genetic factors that impact wormian with more severe occipital flattening. The increased
bone development, be it directly or indirectly. In a prevalence of wormian bones in ancient cultures
number of genetic syndromes, wormian bones are so practicing fronto-occipital head binding suggests
common that they are often considered primary that these bones may form in relation to the degree of
characteristics or are included in their diagnostic brachycephaly, resulting in widening of posterior
criteria (Table I) [Stevenson and Hall, 2006; Lachman sutures along with increased dural strain. Craniosy-
and Taybi, 2007; McKusick, 2007]. Some disorders nostosis also increases sutural and fontanelle width
result in intracranial forces that spread open sutures in relation to the location of the initiation site of
(e.g., hydrocephaly). Other syndromes have asso- the craniosynostosis. In this study, we noted the
ciated metabolic bone disease that reduces skull frequency and location of wormian bones in either
ossification, resulting in wider sutures and fonta- non-syndromic craniosynostosis or purposefully
nelles with brachycephalic cranial deformation deformed skulls, and we compared our findings
(e.g., osteogenesis imperfecta and cleidocranial with anatomically normal skulls. Given that non-
dysplasia). Still others have associated hypotonia syndromic craniosynostosis occurs prenatally, while
and neurocognitive delay (e.g., Down syndrome) or cultural cranial deformation occurs postnatally, this
decreased movement (e.g., SC Phocomelia). Such study allowed us to compare the effects of different
infants become brachycephalic as a consequence of types of mechanical forces occurring in either late
occipital pressure from postnatal supine positioning gestation or early infancy on the frequency and
on soft cranial bones, as do infants with generalized location of wormian bones.
hypotonia or limited movement. Chinese crania also
manifest more wormian bones than in crania from
western cultures, and this finding may relate to their
longer tradition of supine infant sleep positioning
resulting in deformational brachycephaly [Graham To investigate our hypothesis that wormian bones
et al., 2005]. Given these observations, it is possible formed in relation to mechanical factors, we com-
that wormian bones arise in sutures as a conse- pared 20 normal skulls from the UCLA Anatomy
quence of variations in dural strain across widened and Anthropology Departmental collection with 20
posterior sutures from external cranial deforma- purposefully deformed skulls from the Peabody
tion. It is difficult to separate the influence of Museum of Anthropology. Of the Peabody collec-
deformational brachycephaly from that of reduced tion, 10 skulls were from Chichen Itza Mexico, and
calvarial mineralization, since such skulls are more 10 skulls were from Ancon Peru. These cultures
malleable for a longer period of time than skulls with typically used molding devices that applied pressure
normal mineralization. against the occiput [O’Loughlin 2004], also referred to
Recent observations suggest that there is also an as anteroposterior deformation [Anton et al., 1992].
increased frequency of wormian bones in craniosy- Such fronto-occipital reshaping compresses the
nostosis. O’Loughlin [2004] had noted that wormian cranial vault along the anteroposterior axis, resulting
bones occurred more frequently in the lambdoid in expansion of the lambdoid sutures and widening
sutures with sagittal synostosis, but very few skulls of the mediolateral axis [Cheverud et al., 1992], with
were available for study. One recent study of intra- the most extreme cranial deformation resulting in
operative skulls found that a wormian bone replaced more severe brachycephaly (Fig. 1). The degree of
the anterior fontanelle in 4 out of 100 sagittal brachycephaly was determined by using calipers
synostosis cases [Agrawal et al., 2006]. Such anterior to measure the biparietal diameter to the nearest
fontanelle wormian bones are extremely rare. In millimeter, dividing it by the anteroposterior diam-
rabbits with experimental coronal synostosis, wor- eter, and multiplying by 100% (termed the cephalic
mian bones appear in the coronal and sagittal sutures index (CI)).
after the onset of cranial growth alterations induced The measure of the CI was assessed for correlation
by premature coronal synostosis. These findings with the number of wormian bones in skulls with
suggest that wormian bones may form in relation to varying degrees of brachycephalic cranial deforma-
increased sutural width and dural strain due to tion. The CI was also grouped into three categories:
external mechanical factors [Burrows et al., 1997]. normal (CI < 81), brachycephaly (CI 81–93), and
The location of the excess in wormian bones in severe brachycephaly (CI > 93). These categories
relation to the site of craniosynostosis may shed light were compared with the total number of wormian
on this process. bones found in each skull.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


TABLE I. Differential Diagnoses of Wormian Bones*

Diagnosis Prominent features Locus/gene Causation omim#

Acrogeria Delayed fontanel closure, short stature, alopecia, Unknown AR (201200)

premature aging, deficient adipose tissue,
prominent vessels, acroosteolysis
Aminopterin, prenatal Microcephaly, cranial dysplasia, cleft palate, None Prenatal drug exposure
mesomelia, hypodactyly
Camptodactyly syndrome, Intrauterine growth retardation, camptodactyly Unknown AR (211910)
Guadalajara Type I thoracic, and spine abnormalities
Cerebellotrigeminal dermal Rare neurocutaneous syndrome of Unknown Isolated/sporadic (2601853)
dysplasia craniosynostosis, ataxia, trigeminal
anesthesia, scalp alopecia, cerebellar
anomaly, midface hypoplasia, corneal
opacities, mental retardation, and short
Chondrodysplasia punctata Skin and hair defects, cataracts, and skeletal Xp11.23 (EBP) XLR (302960)
(Conradi–Hunermann) abnormalities including short stature,
rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, epiphyseal
Cleidocranial dysostosis Brachycephaly, late fontanel closure, wide 6p21 (CBFA1) AD (119600)
sutures, flat midface, hypoplastic clavicles,
short ribs
Down syndrome Hypotonia, mental retardation, characteristic Trisomy 21 AD (190685)
facies with specific major congenital
malformations of the heart and GI tract
Multiple epiphysieal dysplasia, Infancy-onset diabetes mellitus and multiple 2p12 (EIF2AK3) AR (226980)
with early-onset diabetes epiphyseal dysplasia. Wolcott–Rallison
mellitus Syndrome
Geroderma osteodysplastica Skin changes with precocious aging and osseous Unknown AR (231070)
changes including osteoporosis and multiple
lines like growth rings of trees
Grant syndrome Brachycephaly, delayed fontanel closure, Unknown AD (138930))
micrognathia, blue sclerae, joint laxity
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome Platybasia, delayed fontanel closure, wide Unknown AD (102500))
sutures, short stature, oligodontia, vertebral
Hallermann Streiff (Progeroid Microphthalmia, small pinched nose, Unknown AR (264090)
syndrome) hypotrichosis
Hydrocephalus (isolated) Hydrocephalus Variable Variable
Hypophosphatasia Poorly mineralized cranium, short ribs, 1p36.1-34 (ALPL) AR (241500)
hypoplastic fragile bones
Hypothyroidism Coarse facies, slow growth, umbilical hernia, Variable Variable
slow development, enlarged posterior
Infantile multisystem Chronic meningitis, migratory skin rash, joint 1q44 (CIAS1) AD (607115)
inflammatory disease (cinca) inflammation, progressive visual defect,
perceptive deafness
Lateral meningocele syndrome Short stature, generalized osteosclerosis, Unknown AD (130720)
distinctive craniofacial features, multiple
thoracic and lateral meningoceles, and
enlarged sella turcica
Mandibuloacral dysplasia Large fontanelle, wide cranial sutures, beaked 1q21.2 (LMNA) AR (248370)
nose, micrognathia, dental anomalies, skin
Menkes disease Brain atrophy, brittle and kinky hair, dry skin, Xq12-q13 (Cu2þ XLR (309400)
seizures, mental retardation transporting) AtPase,
or polypeptide
Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Severe postnatal short stature, brachycephaly, 3p22 (PTHR) AD (156400)
Jansen type metaphyseal disorganization with bowing
long bones, short distal phylanges
Mohr syndrome Orofaciodigital syndrome II; poly-, syn-, and Unknown AR (252100)
brachydactyly, lobate tongue with papilliform
protuberances, supernumerary skull sutures,
hearing loss, and frequent tachypnea
Osteogenesis imperfectas Blue sclerae, numerous fractures, hearing loss 17q21.31-q22 (COL1A1) AD (166200-40) (259400-20)
or 7q22.1 (COL1A2)
Oto-palato-digital syndrome, Sclerosis of skull, wide sutures, hypertelorism, Xq28 (FLNA) XLR (304120)
Type II micrognathia, skeletal anomalies, syndactyly,
(Continued )
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


TABLE I. (Continued )

Diagnosis Prominent features Locus/gene Causation omim#

Prader–Willi syndrome Muscular hypotonia, obesity, mental retardation, 15q12 (loss of paternal AD (176270)
short stature, hypogonadotropic imprinting)
hypogonadism, small hands, and feet
Progeria Alopecia, atrophy of subcutaneous fat, skeletal 1q21.2 (LMNA) AD (176670)
hypoplasia and dysplasia, premature aging
Pycnodysostosis Large fontanel, wide sutures, beaked nose, 1q21 (cathepsinK) AR (265800)
micrognathia, hepatosplenomegaly, multiple
Ritscher–Schinzel syndrome Dandy–Walker-like malformation with Unknown AR (220210)
atrioventricular septal defect, growth, and
mental retardation
Roberts-SC phocomelia Hypomelia, midfacial defect, severe growth Unknown AR (269000)
Schnizel–Giedion Sclerosis of skull, wide sutures, limb anomalies, Unknown AR (269150)
hypertrichosis-midface mental retardation
Sclerosteosis Overgrowth with cortical hyperostosis and 17q12 (SOST) AR (269500)
Spondyloepimetaphyseal Short stature, abnormal face, brachydactyly, Unknown XLR (300232)
dysplasia, X-linked, with epimetaphyseal changes with spine
mental deterioration involvement and progressive mental
Stratton–Parker syndrome Growth hormone deficiency, dextrocardia, Unknown Unknown (185120)
Zellweger syndrome High forehead, macrocephaly, wide fontanelle, Several loci peroxisomal AR (214100)
hypotonia, mental retardation, liver disease, defect
and stippled epiphyses
*Adapted and expanded Table from Table 7–9 from ‘‘Human Malformations and Related Anomalies’’ second edition. Diagnoses were identified in the OMIM and Taybi
and Lachman Gamuts search engines using the search term ‘‘wormian.’’

FIG. 1. Examples of control skulls (A–C) beside purposefully deformed skulls from Ancon, Peru (D,E) and Chichen Itza, Mexico (G–I). Ordered from left to right as
side, top and back. Purposefully deformed skulls D, E and F are Peabody Number 73-6-30/7174.0 and G, H, and I are Peabody Number 07-7-20/N255.0.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


Our second aim was to assess the impact of istical Software: Release 9. College Station, TX:
craniosynostosis on wormian bones (Fig. 2). The StataCorp LP.
3-dimentional computerized tomography (3D-CT)
scans of non-syndromic, single-suture craniosynos-
tosis cases were obtained from five large craniofacial
centers throughout the USA. Because of possible Skull Deformation
inter-rater reliability and variability in the resolution
of 3D-CT scans, we limited our analysis to only large In the dry skull deformational study, we assessed
wormian bones (1 cm) occurring within cranial whether we could combine the data from the two
sutures and fontanelles. We used the same classi- pre-Columbian tribes, by testing for a difference in
fication of wormian bone locations that was the CI using a Wilcoxon two sample test. Results
described by O’Loughlin [2004]. The frequency and showed that the cephalic indices were not different
location of wormian bones found in 3D-CT scans by tribe (Chi-squared ¼ 1.556 with 1 d.f. P ¼ 0.2123).
were tabulated from 119 cases of sagittal synostosis, Regarding the absolute number of wormian bones,
41 cases of metopic synostosis, 37 cases of unilateral there was a difference detected between the two
coronal synostosis, and 10 cases of unilateral lamb- tribes (Chi-squared ¼ 4.166 with 1 d.f. P ¼ 0.0412).
doid synostosis. These data were compared with When testing for differences between the combined
wormian bone counts in anatomically normal skulls cases (pre-Columbian skulls) and controls (adult dry
from a 1905 manuscript by Parker. Parker counted, skulls), these two groups were significantly different,
measured, and grouped the wormian bones found in for both the CI (Chi-squared ¼ 26.554 with 1 d.f.
these 485 normal adult human skulls of both sexes P ¼ 0.0001) and total wormian bones (chi-squared ¼
and from several races (‘‘Auvergnats, Parisians, Neo- 11.160 with 1 d.f. P ¼ 0.0008). When testing for a
Caledonians, Negros, and Incas’’). He categorized correlation between the absolute number of wor-
the size of each wormian bone using five categorical mian bones and the raw CI we found no statistically
designations by size, with the upper two categories significant trend. When the CI was grouped into
accounting for all wormian bones measuring equal three categories: (normal CI < 81, mild-moderate
to or greater than 1 cm. Category 4 comprised all brachycephaly 81 < CI < 93, and severe brachyce-
those bones which measured from 1 to 2 cm, in their phaly CI > 94) there was a trend toward an increased
smallest diameter, and category 5 was any bone number of wormian as the severity of brachycephaly
measuring over 2 cm. Aside from the posterior increased (P ¼ 0.039) (Fig. 3).
fontanelle (which appears to be included as part
of the posterior sagittal suture), the location of Craniosynostosis
the wormian bones in the Parker article correlated
well with those used in our 3D-CT scan assessment. In assessing the role of craniosynostosis on the
The data analysis for this paper was generated formation of wormian bones, we compared the
using STATA software, StataCorp. 2005. Stata Stat- location of large wormian bones (1 cm) seen on

FIG. 2. Images from 3D-CT Scans. (A) Control lateral view, (B) Control top view, (C) Sagittal synostosis with a wormian bone (WB) in the anterior fontanel (AF) (top
view facing top of page). (D) Sagittal synostosis with a posterior fontanelle (PF) WB, (E) Left lambdoid synostosis with contralateral Lambdoid WB, (F) Metopic
synostosis with both an AF and PF WB, (G/H) (Two views of one case)—left coronal synostosis with multiple PF WBs, (I/J) (Two views of one case)—metopic
craniosynostosis with a PF WB.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


FIG. 3. Total number of wormian bones by cephalic index range.

3D-CT scans with data from anatomically normal cally metopic or sagittal synostosis had more
skulls. Out of the 207 scans with craniosynostosis, wormian bones in the midline, whereas unilateral
43% (90/207) had at least one large wormian bone. lambdoidal or coronal synostosis more often had
There was one scan with five large wormian bones, wormian bones on the contralateral side (Fig. 4).
three scans with four large wormian bones, 33 with
two, and 42 scans with one. Our analysis compared
the number of scans with one or more large wormian
bones with the number of large wormian bones
from the Parker article. We also grouped the location Wormian bones are accessory cranial bones that
of wormian bones into skull regions and compared form from independent ossification centers within
our results with that of Parker [1905]. The skull sutures and fontanelles. Their growth is similar to that
regions were as follows: Central: Anterior Fonta- of other cranial bones and initiates in the center of the
nelle, Metopic Suture, Posterior Fontanelle, Sagittal bone with radiation toward the periphery. They are
Suture; Back lateral: Lambdoid Suture; Middle side: found in roughly 8–15% of the general population
Squamosal Suture, Sphenoparietal Suture; Far Back- and are more common in individuals of Chinese
Lateral: Asterion; and Front Lateral: Pterion. Here we descent. Males are more often affected than females,
found a statistically significant difference in all areas and wormian bones are more often located on the
except in the front and back lateral sides (Pterion and right side [Jeanty et al., 2000]. They appear most
Lambdoid sutures) (Table II). Finally we tabulated frequently in lambdoid sutures, followed by coronal,
the wormian bones by region and stratified this data sagittal, and metopic sutures with 93% of all wormian
by the region of craniosynostosis. Here, we found bones occurring in sutures bordering the parietal
that the type of craniosynostosis was associated bones. Their frequency within fontanelles is in the
with an increased number of wormian bones in following order of occurrence: asterion, posterior,
certain skull locations. Midline synostosis, specifi- anterior, and orbital fontanelle.

TABLE II. Wormian Bones Found in Each Cranial Region: A Comparison of Craniosynostosis 3DCT Scans* With WB Totals in Non-Deformed

3DCTs 3DCTs Parker skulls Parker skulls Odds ratio

with WBs without WB with WB without Wb (95% confidence Interval) P-value

Central (AF, MS, PF, SS) 55 152 6 479 OR 28.9 (12.07–83.29) <0.0001
Back lateral (LS) 25 182 80 405 OR 0.695 (0.41–1.14) 0.1380
Middle-Side (SqS Sph-Par) 16 191 5 480 OR 8.0 (2.76–28.37) <0.0001
Back Far-Lateral (Ast) 17 189 20 465 OR 2.1 (1.00–4.30) 0.0274
Front Lateral (Pter) 3 204 20 465 OR 0.34 (0.06–1.17) 0.1025
TOTAL WB 117 90 131 354 OR 3.51 (2.46–5.01) <0.0001
AF, anterior fontanelle; Ast, asterion; LS, lambdoid suture; MS, metopic suture; PF, posterior fontanelle; Pter, pterion; SS, sagittal suture; Sph-Par, sphenoparietal suture;
SqS, squamosal suture; WB, Wormian bones.
*With at least 1 Wormian bone (>1 cm).
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


FIG. 4. Craniosynostosis patients with one or more wormian bones (WB). Count is separated by skull region and general area of craniosynostosis.

We were interested in determining what factors wormian bones, while anteroposterior deformation
influenced the frequency and location of wormian increased tension across the sutures, thereby increas-
bones. Through review of the early literature, Parker ing the number of wormian bones. In circumferential
[1905] tabulated a number of factors from anthro- deformation, growth is directed toward the vertex
pological studies that influenced the number of and parallel to the sagittal suture, and the skull shape
wormian bones. These included: cranial volume mimics that of extreme vertex birth molding [Graham
[Chambellan, 1883], cranial deformation [Dorsey and and Kumar, 2006].
Holmes, 1897], and craniosynostosis [Parker, 1905]. In our study, we examined brachycephalic skulls
In general, higher cranial volumes were associated from the Mayan and Ancon cultures. In Chichen Itza
with increased numbers of wormian bones, with Mexico, a classic Mayan culture that lived from A.D.
more wormian bones noted in hydrocephalic skulls 1200–1500, anteroposterior deformation was prac-
(11.9 per skull with average cranial volume of 3,727 ticed. The cranial vault modification practiced by
cc), versus normal skulls (5.9 per skull with average pre-Columbian Ancon populations located along the
cranial volume 1511 cc), versus microcephalic skulls northern Peruvian coast during the Middle Horizon
(3.7 per skull with average cranial volume 1100 cc), (Huari Empire lasting from A.D. 600–1450) was
versus anthropoid apes (1.0 per skull with average accomplished by wearing bandages around the
cranial volume 433 cc). The size of wormian bones head to secure a headdress [Allison et al., 1981;
ranged from 0.1 cm to greater than 2 cm, with smaller Cheverud et al., 1992]. It resulted in a cascade of
wormian bones (<1 cm) being several fold more developmental effects on the growing cranial base
frequent. In one large study of 1620 skulls from and face, resulting in a wider cranial base and a
Central and Southern Italy, there was no apparent foreshortened, wider face [Cheverud et al., 1992].
correlation between the size of lambdoid wormian O’Loughlin [2004] noted that both annular and
bones the CI or cranial capacity [Rubini, 1998]. parallelo-frontal occipital deformation placed com-
In anthropologic studies on purposeful cranial pression across the occipito-mastoid sutures, result-
deformation, circumferentially deformed crania had ing in fewer asterionic wormian bones. In contrast,
fewer wormian bones than undeformed skulls, and occipital deformation does not directly compress the
skulls with anteroposterior deformation had the lambdoid sutures and may actually spread them
most wormian bones [Anton et al., 1992]. In annular apart, resulting in more lambdoid wormian bones.
deformation, the skull was tightly bound with cloth, In comparison to undeformed crania, both cultural
producing a conical shape, and this practice was anterior–posterior cranial deformation and sagittal
common in highland Peru [Dingwall, 1931]. Ante- craniosynostosis increased lambdoid wormian
roposterior deformation between two boards (such bones, while fronto-vertico-occipital deformation
as was practiced by Northwest Pacific Coast Native and sagittal craniosynostosis decreased anteriorly
Americans) flattened areas in contact with the boards placed wormian bones [O’Loughlin, 2004]. It was
and produced spreading and tension across the also demonstrated that the frequency and location of
adjacent sutures. Anton et al., [1992] hypothesized wormian bones varies depending on the type and
that such circumferential deformation placed com- degree of cranial deformation. A positive correlation
pressional forces on the sutures resulting in fewer between the frequency of lambdoid wormian bones
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a


and degree of deformation helped to confirm that analysis by age or gender. It is possible that wormian
wormian bones form in relation to pressure across bones in adult skulls may have coalesced with
the lambdoid sutures [O’Loughlin, 2004]. neighboring calvaria, and thus possibly underesti-
The varied locations of synostosis initiation sites mating the number of wormian bones. Despite this
can influence cranial remodeling and growth forces. limitation, on a case only analysis of craniosynos-
In sagittal synostosis, posteriorly directed growth tosis, we demonstrated a correlation of specific
results in greater forces across the apical (posterior) suture synostosis with the location of wormian
fontanelle and lambdoid sutures. Similarly, with bones. Specifically, we noted that the intracranial
unilateral lambdoid synostosis, the pressures differ pressure from the rapidly growing brain opens the
between the two asterionic fontanelles. When contralateral side. Sutural widening and dural strain
sagittal synostosis is initiated in its usual location may be enough to trigger the formation of wormian
between the parietal eminences in the posterior half bones in these contralateral sutures with unilateral
of the sagittal suture, more pressure is directed lambdoid or coronal craniosynostosis. With sagittal
posteriorly than when sagittal synostosis is initiated or metopic synostosis, these forces may be directed
in a more anterior location, possibly explaining why anteriorly or posteriorly along the midline, increas-
wormian bones occur much more frequently in the ing wormian bone formation in midline fontanelles.
apical fontanelle than the anterior fontanel. These factors suggest that mechanical forces play a
In our study, we noted increased numbers of major role in the formation and localization of
wormian bones in craniosynostosis, purposeful wormian bones.
cranial deformation, and in various disorders
which result in deformational brachycephaly due to
decreased mineralization or decreased movement. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Yet it is not clear exactly why wormian bones form
in these situations. It seems counter-intuitive to We thank Dr. Dan Lieberman and Michele Morgan
develop wormian bones in situations with decreased of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and
calvarial mineralization, as well as when there is Ethnology at Harvard University for the opportunity
regionally increased bone formation in craniosynos- to examine their collection of purposefully deformed
tosis, yet in reviewing the spectrum of syndromes skulls as well as Prof. G.E. Kennedy, Curator of the
with associated wormian bones (Table I), a unifying Osteological Collection, Dept. of Anthropology,
feature for many of these conditions is early skull UCLA, for her assistance in providing control skulls
deformation and often positional brachycephaly. for our review. We appreciate contribution sup-
The underlying signals that trigger new ossification ported by the NIH/NICHD Grant for Neurocognitive
centers and wormian bone formation in open sutures Outcomes in Craniosynostosis (R01- DE 13813), and
are not clear because increased sutural width is we appreciate radiographic contributions from
correlated with increased dural strain. colleagues at the Children’s Memorial Hospital
Unossified dura alone is not likely to be the signal, affiliated with Northwestern University, Children’s
since the anterior fontanelle is a rare site for wormian at Scottish Rite-Atlanta, St. Louis Children’s Hospital,
bone formation in most syndromes, yet anterior Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and the Children’s
fontanelle wormian bones were seen in some cases Hospital of Philadelphia. This study was also
of sagittal synostosis. An interesting example of supported by NIH Skeletal Dysplasia Program
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