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Metal Roll Forming Line


Date of Production: July 2015

Serial Number: YR20150602
Metal Roll Forming Line


Date of Production: July 2015

Serial Number: YR20150602
Metal Roll Forming Line -1-


一 机组 论
.............................................................................................................................. . 3

CHAPTER Ⅰ ESSENTIALS ................................................................................................................. 3

一 述.............................................................................................................................. ....................... 3
1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3
二 机组技术 .............................................................................................................................. ........ 4
2 TECHNICAL PARAMETER.............................................................................................................................. . 4
三 机组设备组成 .............................................................................................................................. ........ 4
3. COMPONENT PARTS IN LINE ....................................................................................................................... 4
工艺 程 .............................................................................................................................. ................ 5
4. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS ......................................................................................................................... 5
五 机组的 .............................................................................................................................. ............ 5
5. INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. .............. 5
机组的生产操作 .............................................................................................................................. .... 7
6. OPERATION .............................................................................................................................. ................. 7
七 机组的维护、保养 全技术 ........................................................................................................... 8
7. SAFEGUARD, MAINTENANCE & SAFE-T ECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................... 8

二 主机使用说明
....................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER III ROLL FORMING MACHINE ...................................................................................... 9

一、 基本 .............................................................................................................................. ......... 9
1. PARAMETER .............................................................................................................................. .................. 9
二、 主机的机体 .............................................................................................................................. ..... 9
2. THE FRAMEWORK STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 9
三、 原材料 料尺寸 ..................................................................................................................... 10
3. RAW MATERIAL.............................................................................................................................. ........... 10
、 、调试 注 事项 ............................................................................................................. 10
4. INSTALLATION, REGULATION & ATTENTION ................................................................................................ 10
五、 换型说明 .............................................................................................................................. ....... 11
5. SIZE CHANGING .............................................................................................................................. .......... 11
、 传动 统 .............................................................................................................................. ....... 11
6. DRIVE SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. ........... 11
七、 覆膜 .............................................................................................................................. ....... 12
7. UN-POWERED FILM-ON DEVICE .................................................................................................................. 12
、 主机的维护、保养和 全技术
................................................................................................. 12
8. SAFEGUARD, MAINTENANCE & SAFE-T ECHNOLOGY..................................................................................... 12

三 压冲LOGO 和 ............................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER IV HYDRAULIC PRESS LOGO & CUTTING DEVICE .............................................. 14

Metal Roll Forming Line -2-

一、 述 .............................................................................................................................. ............... 14
1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 14
二、 压 统 .............................................................................................................................. ....... 14
2. HYDRAULIC UNIT .............................................................................................................................. ... 14
三、 操作、维护、使用注 事项 ..................................................................................................... 15
3. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND ATTENTION ................................................................................ 15
Metal Roll Forming Line -3-

一 机组 论

一 述

1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 本机组系金属薄板辊压机械行业中重要的流水线设备之一,设计合理、技术先进、使用

全可 ,生产 、经济 好。

This forming line is one of the ROLL FO


mechanical industry. It is of rational design and advanced technology. It can be used in

safety and reliance. Owing to the high efficient production, it will bring good economic


机组主要工作过程是: 成 的原 送 辊压设备中,
经若干道辊压后, 需长

The main work process of the forming line is: After uncoiled, the steel sheet will be

sent straightly to the Roll Former. After several stations of roll-pressed, the cutting toll

cuts as per length required.

本机组辊压 的型钢其 形大 、 型美观、 、 便、使用 命长。

As a result of application for years and uninterrupted improvement, the forming line

made by our factory possesses lots of advantages: compact structure, convenient

operation, reliable performance, and so on. It is the nice equipment for forming panel.
Metal Roll Forming Line -4-

二 机组技术

2 Technical Parameter
工作 750mm
原料 开宽 约 586/600/736mm

形尺寸( 长×宽× ) 19000 × 1400×1350mm

工作速 约 15m/min

机组总重量 约 7Ton

Working Height 750mm
Feeding Width Approx. 586/600/736mm
Overall Dimension 19000× 1400×1350mm

Working Speed Approx.15 m/min

Total Weight Approx.7Ton

三 机组设备组成

3. Component Parts in Line

本机组由 列各机 组成(
: 见 “机组工艺流程图”)

The complete line is composed of the machine as follows. Please refer to the Flow


① 料机(用户自备;
)②成型主机(带覆膜 ;
)③ 压冲 logo 和 ;④成

品托架;⑤电脑 制

① Un-coiler (Provided by the client)

② Roll Forming Machine (with film-on device)

③ Hydraulic press-logo and post cutting device

④ Product rack

⑤ PLC control system

Metal Roll Forming Line -5-

工艺 程

4. Technological Process
程 图如 :

The Key Flow Diagram is as follows,

(5 吨 ) 宽 成型主机
成 彩 压 料机

成型 长
成型 产 人工卸料
自动 送 自动

Limiting width
Steel coil Derrick (5T) Un-coiler Roll Forming
Loading Machine

Forming Cutting device & Limiting length

Tripper by hand
Auto leading product rack Auto cutting

五 机组的

5. Installation
1. 机组各机 运 后,应首先 技术 件,仔 细阅读后检 机组各 设备: 据 厂

单 对机组中各机 是否齐全,并记录附件 易损件 备日后 询。

When the machines arrive, please claim the technical documents first. After careful

reading, please inspect the external devices of the complete line: check the

equipment according to the order / packing list for completeness, and record

attachment and quick-wear parts for enquiry in days to come.

2. 机 吊运时,必须用 大于 16mm 的 质钢丝绳吊运。为了吊运时不损坏机 上的油

漆, 议用棉纱团、毛毯、 胶等软质物垫于钢丝绳 机 间。

The steel cable used for lifting the equipment must be more than 16mm in diameter.
Metal Roll Forming Line -6-

Cotton yarn roll, blanket, rubber and other soft material are suggested to be put

between the steel cable and the machine against the paint of the machine going off in

the course of lifting.

3. 机 的地基应 有一 的坚固性和平面 。

The ground to place the machine shall be of solidility and eveness.

4. 机 后,要 用 水 在纵向和横向分别 对 水 平,其 纵 向 误 不得大于


After placing the machines, please regulate the horizon both lengthwise and

widthwise through a gradienter to achieve a lengthwise error within


5. 各机 的 应 的统一性要求:

The installation of every machine must comply with the following uniform


各机 的工作 要求等 ;

The working height of each machine must be of the same;

各机 的中心平面要求在同一水平面 ;

The center of every machine must be on the same horizontal surface;

各机 的间 “机组设备工艺 程图”上 注明的尺寸进行 ;

The installation distance should be in accordance with the Layout drawing;

各机 的工作线速 要求基本一 。

The working speed of every machine should be the same on the whole.
Metal Roll Forming Line -7-

检 各机 是否都符合统一性要求。
进行 载试机,
如果 有 常现

发生,则可进行压 试机,若 正常 水工作并辊压 符合规格的型钢,则 明 成功。

Once intalled, the machine should be first checked to ensure that every machine accords

with the above requirements. If sure, check the test of the machine in no-load condition.

If there is nothing abnormal, the machine is allowed to run the sheet. The successively

running of the machine and the producing of qulified panel indicate the successful


六 机组的生产操作

6. Operation
( 见“ 机组工艺 程图” “ 程 图”)

(Please refer to The Flow Diagram of Forming Line & The Key Flow Diagram)

① 首先用行车 成 的彩 吊 料机上,
人工手牵 料头经手动 和进料 成


First, lift the steel coil and load it to the Un-coiler with derrick; then lead the head of

the sheet through manual shearing & feeding-in device to the Roll Former by hand.

② 主机自动 其辊压成型并 送 成品托架上(经成型 )

Adjust the Width-Limited Plane according to the feeding width, then setup the Roll

Former, and lead it from hydraulic cutting device to Product rack.

③ 当成型钢达 用户 需长 时,主机 止工作,成型 进行 。

When the panel reaches the required cutting length, the Roll Former will stop

working, and then the hydraulic cutting device will start to cut off.

④ 毕后人工 成品从托架上 卸 指 。

When finishing cutting, please carry the Tile Panel from the product rack to the

designated place by hand.

Metal Roll Forming Line -8-

七 机组的维护、保养 全技术

7. Safeguard, Maintenance & Safe-Technology

1. 机组在使用操作前,必须仔细阅读本机组说明书 了 本机组各机 的工作性 使用

,这样 长期保 机 好的状态, 长设备使用 命。

Before operating the equipments, please read this manual to understand the working

performance and usage. Pay attention to maintenance in daily work to increase

service life.

2. 机组在 一次使用前 应先行试机, 检 各机 是否运行正常。 好使用前再 主机

上的成型辊轮用机油抹 一 。

Please put the machines to trial before application at every turn to ensure that them

can work normally. It woulb be much more better to clean all the forming-rollers in

the Roll Former with engine oil before working.

3. 操作时,工作人员 好带上手 手指 划伤。

When operating, the operator should put on gloves so as to protect his/her fingers

from being scratched.

4. 机组两 各划 一 1.5m 宽的工作 域线并禁止其他 工作人员 , 响正常

工作, 发生危险。

Delimit a 1.5m-width boundary line of working area on each side of the Complete Line

and forbid other staff members inside the area in case of any interference of regular

work and even the occurrence of danger..

5. 保 周围的环 卫生,机组不 在 湿 的环 中工作。

Please keep clean in the surroundings of the machines. The machines should not be

placed in high-humidity atmosphere.

Metal Roll Forming Line -9-

二 主机使用说明

一、 基本

1. Parameter

驱动电机 7.5KWx1

大 形尺寸 8886×1400 ×1350 0mm

辊压道次 18 道

工作速 约 15m/min

主机重量 约 6.5Ton


Drive motor with gear box 7.5KWx1

Overall dimension 8886×1400 ×1350 0mm

Rolling step 18 stages
Working speed Approx. 15m/min
Total weight Approx.6.5Ton

二、 主机的机体

2. The Framework Structure

本主机的机体由机 、机架侧 和压形 分组成:

The Roll Former is mainly made up of backseat, wall-plate and forming section.

1. 机 由普通热轧工 钢 A3 钢 焊 而成,
工 钢通过局 热处理,
保证了较 的平面

和 线 。

The backseat is welded with common hot-rolling H-steel; A3 steel wall-plate welded

on the base frame. In order to guarantee good surface level and straight level, the

H-steel has been in partial thermal treatment.

Metal Roll Forming Line -10-

2. 侧 是由 A3 厚钢 焊在机 上,并通过 杆紧固连 , 固、耐用

The A3 steel heavy-plate is welded on the backseat to make up the wainscot plate,

which is firmly connected by Pull-Rods to be strong and durable.

3. 压形 分由轴 辊轮组成,
辊轮 面镀硬铬, 面光洁、
而且加 了辊轮的硬 ,

提 了使用 命。

The forming section is composed of shafts

and rollers. The rollers have been hard

chromium, which can increase the hardness and extend the service life and also can

make the surface smooth and artistic.

三、 原材料 料尺寸

3. Raw Material
本机主要 镀锌 轧 为原材料,其尺寸见 :

The Roll Former is suitable for galvanized steel sheet. The size is as follows,
尺 寸

厚 0.5-0.7 mm
开宽 约 586/600/736mm

有 宽 450/465/600mm

Parameter Size
Thickness 0.5-0.7mm
Feeding width Approx. 586/600/736mm

Effective width 450/465/600mm

、 、调试 注 事项

4. Installation, Regulation & Attention

1. 本机组在 厂前已调试好, 户处一 不需再调试,只需 照“ 工艺 程图” ,

主机调整水平, 上电源试转 5-10 分钟,然后 可 生产。

The machine has been regulated before leaving plant. Generally, it is not required to
Metal Roll Forming Line -11-

regulate the roller when it arrives at your plant. The machine should be placed in

reference to the Lay Out drawing provided. After rectifying the surface level, please

put the machine to trial with no-load for 5〜10 minutes.

2. 正常工作前,要把机 上 有杂物清理干净, 把辊轮用油布 好,检 有连 件是否

动,在 保 全情况 , 可开机运行。

Before running, all the sundries on the machine should be taken away and all the

connect parts should be checked. Clean the forming-rollers with oil-fabric. Only when

safety is guaranteed, the machine can be brought into operation.

3. 成型不同厚 的 时,可 当调整上 辊间 。

When roll-pressing the steel sheet in different thickness, the span between up &

down-rollers should be regulated.

五、 换型说明

5. Size changing
本设备通过调整进料 、 轮 ,轴 换型 ,更换刀 等 ,可 生产三 不同进

料宽 的 型。轴 换型的 体操作 ,请 见附件图纸。

Through adjust feed-in guiding section, adjust the location of idler, spacer changing

and cutting-tooling changing, this machine can produce three different width profiles.

Please refer to the drawing attached for the details of spacer changing.

、 传动 统

6. Drive System
本主机传动过程如 :

The Key Drive Diagram is as follows,

电机 减速 12 道 轴 其他各道 轴
齿轮 链 链
Metal Roll Forming Line -12-

DRIVE GEAR CHAIN No.12 stage of Other step of

MOTOR Down-Shaft Down Shaft

七、 覆膜

7. Un-powered film-on device

当生产中需要覆膜时,手动上膜 托料轴,再牵 膜料头绕过涨紧轴 进料 处的钢

上,用胶布把 膜和钢 粘合, 可进行压型生产。

Then polythene film on is required, load the coil of film to the un-coiling shaft, guide

the film by manual to the steel sheet through a steel shaft with pattern, stick the film

on the surface of the steel sheet and then feed into the rubber shaft to roll forming


、 主机的维护、保养和 全技术

8. Safeguard, Maintenance & Safe-Technology

1. 机组在使用操作前,必须仔细阅读本机组说明书 了 主机的工作性 使用 ,在

日常工作中要注 保养和维护, 长使用 命。

Before operating the equipments, please read this manual to understand the working

performance and usage. Pay attention to maintenance in daily work to increase

service life.

2. 在工作期间,要求 期补给或更换减速 的机油, 期对轴承加注黄油。

The engine oil in the retarder should be supplied or replaced at regular intervals and

the grease should be added into the bearings.

3. 勿辊压超厚 或 有硬疤、夹 焊边等 的 料, 损坏辊环。

DO NOT roll-press super-thick steel sheet or hard-scar on it. Otherwise, the

forming-rollers would be spoilt.

Metal Roll Forming Line -13-

4. 较长时间不使用时 辊环涂上机油并用塑料 膜盖好, 发生锈蚀或其 杂物掉 。

If the machine is not used for a long time, the rollers should be oiled and covered

with plastic film to keep the rollers being rust-eaten and other sundries falling into.

5. 运转时如发生不正常响声,应 车检 , 复后 重 开车使用。

When the running machine makes abnormal sound, stop the machine and check

immediately. Only after trouble is found and solved, the machine can be restarted.

6. 主机在调整时应 电机 止, 发生 ;调整上 辊间 时应用标 的厚 规(

, 忌用刀、钢
尺) 等其 面粗 的东 替用。

When regulating the machine, the drive motor should be stop in case of accidents. A

standard plug-ruler should be applied to regulate the span between up &

down-rollers . Be sure not to instead with other face-rough things (such as knife, steel

sheet, etc.).
Metal Roll Forming Line -14-

三 压冲 logo 和
一、 述

1. General Introduction
本机用于 材成型后的 工 ,PLC 制 统使 照 要求的长 成型 。

一个独 油 ,在 的同时在 面上压 logo。

The machine is used in the metal cutting process following forming-process. The PLC

Control System controls cutting action according to the length required. There is another

separated cylinder to press the logo on the sheet at the same time of cut-off.

本机 压传动 统为动力自动 。 结构精 ,便于 和操作。

The machine adopts hydraulic-driving system to act automatically. It is compact &

convenient for easy installation and operation.

二、 压 统


Technical Parameter

描述 规格

工作压力 10MPa
统 量 15L/min
油箱 量 50L
电机 4KW, 1430rpm, 380V/50HZ/3PH
回油过滤 RFA-40×30L-Y
制阀电压 DC 24V
Metal Roll Forming Line -15-


Working pressure 10MPa

Rating flow 15L/min
Capacity of oil tank 50L
Motor 4KW, 1430rpm, 380V/50HZ/3PH
Oil-suction filter RFA-40×30L-Y
Valve module voltage DC 24V


System Component

见 压 统原理图

Please refer to the hydraulic circuit drawing.

三、 操作、维护、使用注 事项


1. 成型 刀 有的活动销轴连 处要经常加润 油;
Cutting blades (upper/lower) and all of the movable pin connections shall be regularl
y lubricated

2. 冲 logo 用压力继电 制 ,
生产时 据冲 的 logo 手动调节压力继电 的

Pressure relay adopt to control the lower limited of press logo. The depth of logo
letters can be adjusted through the pressure relay.

3. 操作维护使用: 见 压 统原理图;
About the operation, maintenance and use, please refer to the hydraulic circuit
4. 泵的启动 件:油 于泵 油口 ;
The start state of the pump: the oil level should be higher than the oil-drain inlet
level of the pump

5. 统压力设 : 阀:10Mpa
Metal Roll Forming Line -16-

About the system pressure (it is done by the overflow valve): 10MPa.
注 :设备 厂前,压力已调好,请不要随 更 , 损坏设备。
Attention: the pressure has been regulated before the equipment be sent out,
please don’t change the setting number, otherwise, the equipment may be

6. 回油过滤 阻 :压力 指针 于红色 域时,应 时更换滤芯。

Jam of the oil-scavenger filter: when the indicator is located in the red area, please

change the filter core in time.

7. :dd oil into the oil-tank:

滤油小车的过滤精 应不 于 20μm。
或通过 气滤清
Adding oil into the oil-tank with filter car, the filtrate precision of the filter car should be
not less than 20μm, or add the oil by air filter directly.

工作介质为 46 级 压油。不 许加 不同品 的 压油。

The working medium is N46# high-class anti-wear hydraulic oil. It is prohibited to add

different nameplates hydraulic oil.

加油不得超过油箱 许的 。

It is prohibited to add oil higher than the permitted level.

8. 油箱换油时间: 一次使用一年后,
设备大 期间应换油。 后 据 压 统清洁 等


The time of the oil-tank change oil: After the machine has been used for a year, please

change the oil when the machine is maintained wholly. After that, you can change the oil

every two years or even long time according to the hydraulic system cleanliness class.


Date of Production: July 2015

Serial Number: YR20150602

A. ATTENTION .............................................................................................................................. ....... 2

B. SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND COMPONENTS...................................................................... 3
C. MANUAL OPERATION ................................................................................................................ 4
1. MANUAL OPERATION............................................................................................................................................... 4
2. REQUIREMENT OF OPERATOR .............................................................................................................................. .. 5
D. I.O.P OPERATION ....................................................................................................................... 6
1. DISPLAY AND OPERATION.............................................................................................................................. ........ 6
2. RUNNING STATE .............................................................................................................................. ....................... 7
3. AUTO OPERATION START DISPLAY ....................................................................................................................... 8
4. PARAMETER SETTING .............................................................................................................................. ........... 10
5. PRODUCTION ORDER SETTING ......................................................................................................................... 13
6. PLC INDICATION INDICATION .......................................................................................................................... 14

7. PRE-CUT DIS: .............................................................................................................................. .................... 14

8. FINISH DISPLAY .............................................................................................................................. ................... 15



1. Do supply the product with reliable ground connection. PLC connection, the motor connection

and the inverter connection all require to be placed alone.

2. Do check the stability of voltage. The required limit of voltage is three-phase

380V±10%. If the voltage is not within the requiring limit or the electrical wire

netting is not stable, please provide with line form 1KVA UPS regulated power supply.

3. Do not expose the control box right under the sunshine. Do not use this control board in the place

where the air was polluted for the serious powder & dust or causticity gas and so on. Please keep

dry of the board and around environment.

4. Do not permit nonprofessional personnel to readjust the installations.

5. Do separate such controlling lines as coding apparatus, power line to avoid interference. Connect

the lines of electrical machinery electromagnetic valve and main power source from the side of

inverter, while the lines of coding apparatus and photoelectric switch from the other side of the

control power.

6. Ambient temperature variations of PLC: 0-40℃. Ambient temperature variations of IOP: 0-60℃.

7. The rated current of frequency must mate with the motor nameplate. It is not permitted to drive

the motor which power is higher or lower than half of requirement of the inverter.

8. The inverter is not suitable for the machinery with “Emergency”.

9. During the power off or not work, please SHUT OFF the general power switch QF1 & control circuit

power switch QF2, and draw the handle to stop place.

10. In the maintaining process, please refer to the above items to ensure safe. If require moving the

machine, it is necessary that the special person operate the control board and who can’t presume

to leave.

11. When transiting the PLC control box, it should be make a measure to take precautions against

earthquake and avoid damage the component.

12. If the machine is damaged or personnel are injured for ignoring the above items, the expense

should be born by customer himself or herself.

13. If there is any change about the wiring within the control power. Excuse for not to notify later.



1) Adjusting and producing for the buttons and switches in the PLC control system in manual

mode are operated by manual.

2) It can be used IOP on the operation table of control box according to the pieces and length

setting to product automatically in auto mode.

3) Use the Encoder to follow the moving length of the steel plates automatically. When running

in auto mode, it should be ensure the count-wheel and the steel sheet makes proper contact.

4) The whole processes of cutting actions are running automatically. The display shows the

dynamic states of machines, such as the dynamic states of batch number piece number and

length, which require no human interference.

5) In the operation manual, it is able to control separately the running of the hydraulic oil pump,

the action of cutting tool and the main motor in the manual mode.

6) It is able to store the information’s if power fails, It stores the informational of working batch

and the number of already cut steel word if the former starts again, it is able to continue to

work from the former working state.

7) The maximum batch number is 99, and the maximum number of pieces of each batch is 999.

The maximum length of each piece is 200 meters.


1) PLC: It is the core of this control system.

2) Proximity switch: Control the upper/lower limit of the cutting tool.

3) IOP: operation board for AUTO mode.

4) Encoder: Record the length of the steel sheet running.

5) Frequency Inverter:Control the motor to run with different frequency.



1. Manual operation


The lamp lights when the
power is served.
The lamp light when warning of
FAULT INDICATOR inverter or tripping operation of
pump motor
The lamp lights when the
machine is running forward.
The lamp lights when the
machine is running
To control the machine to run Please make sure the blade is
forward on upper limit.
To control the machine to run Please make sure the blade is
backward on upper limit.
To control the machine to
The lamp lights when the
pump starts.
PUMP START To start the pump motor
PUMP STOP To stop the pump motor
The stroke is controlled by
upper/lower limit. If the
UP(CUTTING)DOWN To control the blade up/down
stroke can’t reach the limit,
please adjust the position of

corresponding baffle.
The stroke is controlled by
upper/lower limit. If the
To control the type-die
UP(TYPE)DOWN stroke can’t reach the limit,
please adjust the position of
corresponding baffle.
If the button is on middle
MAN/AUTO position, the whole control
system will stop.
MANUAL REGULAE To change the speed of the Only can be used in MANUAL
SPEED machine in MANUAL mode mode
To stop the whole control
I.O.P Be used in AUTO mode

2. Requirement of Operator

As shown in above drawing, the operation should be done only when all the

condition have been met.

If there is any function doesn’t work in manual model, please refer to above drawing

to check the reason.


D. I.O.P Operation

IOP is used to set the parameter (such as batches, length and pieces, etc.) of the forming line in the

AUTO mode and display alarm, moreover, which is the operation display board of current running


1. Display and Operation

When power is served, the screen will firstly show the above interface, press the “enter”button to

enter the production interface

Enter the production interface, click on the right button to enter each other interface

2. Running State

This display shows the current running state of the machine, such as shows the running batch, the

running pieces, then length of products now.

“LENGTH REV” button is used to reset the current length to 0, mainly used for counting test or the

length reset after already cut by manual mode operation

3. Auto Operation Start Display

This state is to choose press logo or not.


The “RESTART”botton is used to change the operation after reset the order, running from the

setting of the first batch and first piece and product length “0”when meet the below display terms

The “CONTINUE”botton is used to continues the working paused last time, such as adjust the

profile, take a short rest, and continues to running from the first batch the first product length “0”,

after meet below display terms

Below will show the display terms



1 AUTO STATE “manual / auto ”botton is on auto mode

2 ORDER SETTING Set the pieces and length >0 for first batch

3 SLOW DOWN DISTA Set “slow down dista”on parameter display>0

4 E-STOP STATE Do not press down the “E-STOP”botton

5 CUTTER UPPER The cutter is in upper limit position and press the upper

stroke switch

4. Parameter Setting

ATTENTION: Parameter setting is used to set different kinds of parameters, because these

parameters will affect the precision of the production, please be more careful when you want to

change the values. We DON’T suggest you change any of the values if not necessary.

Below are the detailed descriptions for each parameter


1 SLOW DOWN In AUTO mode, the distance in low speed of the machine before

DISTANCE cutting, which effected by the inverter deceleration time and high

speed value, if the value set is too small, the length is not

accurate, if too big, it will affect to reduce the production speed,

the usual set: 100mm

2 LINER COMP. In theory, the perimeter of counting wheel should be 200mm.

But because of the machining precision, there may be some

errors. If the lengths and the errors of each piece are different,

and the difference is in linearity, there should be some linear


For example: When producing the sheet of 1m, the error is

5mm. When producing the sheet of 2m, the error is 10mm.


When producing the sheet of 3m, the error is 3mm.

The linear compensation is counted as follows (unit: mm):

linear compensation = error (unit: mm) / (setting length (unit:

mm) / 1000)

If the measuring length is longer than setting length, the linear

compensation should be reduced.

If the measuring length is shorter than setting length, the linear

compensation should be added.

3 LOCKUP COMP. The lockup error caused by the inertia when the machine stops,

the value is fixed usually, we can see to adjust from the “current

running length” on the display board, when runs to stop, after

the machine stop fully, the cutter will cut, then we can see the

actual length will be more or less compare to the set length, that

is the lockup error, it can be set to the compensation, more can

be set “-”, less can be set “+”

4 CUTTING DIST. Please set this parameter according to the actual situation of the


If there are 2 pieces of blade (no blanking cutting), please set

this parameter with 0.

If there are 3 pieces of blade (slug breaker), please set this

parameter with the actual thickness of the upper blade.

5 NEXT PIC PAUSE In AUTO mode, after the current sheet is cut down, the delay

TIME time before the next piece is start to be produced.

If the value is 0, the photo switch on the blade carriage will

control the delay time. When the sheet leaves the blade carriage,

the machine will run next piece automatically.

6 BACKWARD The “backward dist”parameter is to prevent the sheets will up

DIST. together with the upper cutter. When the cutter is in lower limit ,

the roll former will runback as per the parameter set to length the

first of the sheets to the cutter, the usual value : 2-5mm

7 PRE-CUT DIST. The distance from pre-cutting device to post-cutting device.

If this parameter is set, the machine will stop automatically and

the display will be out of display board when the length which

have not be produced reaches the value. If now you want to cut

the remaining sheet, please do it manually.

8 Counter Wheel To set the perimeter of the counter wheel, can be measure by the

Circum caliper , then the diameter value ×N

9 Encoder P/R The pulse value of the encoder installed on the counting wheels,

can be checked from the encoder manual

Press “ ACCOUNT COMP. ” to enter the interface for auto automatic compensation error, as shown


In this interface, input the accomplish length and setting length respectively, can calculate the liner

deviation and fixed deviation automatically. Then press the “SET ACCOUNT “to calibrate the length

of the next piece automatically.


5. Production Order Setting

“PRODUCTION ORDER SETTING “is used to set the production value, can be set from different batch

to set different length.

Set the total batch firstly (MAX. 90 batches), say named current batch, the set shows current batch

to set the relevant pieces and length

Please touch the corresponding number to input the value.


1 DATA ERASE to delete all the settings of piece and length

2 up↑ When the total batch set>5, press the batch from

3 “↑”and “ ↓”to show the pieces and lengths


6. PLC Indication Indication

The “PLC INDICATIONS”can shows the status of the PLC input and output, when the

lights on, means the input (output) of this port

We can adjust most of the machine malfunction by this indications and drawings

7. Pre-Cut Dis:

If this parameter is set, the machine will stop automatically and the display will be out

of display board when the length which have not be produced reaches the value. If now

you want to cut the remaining sheet, please do it manually.


8. Finish Display

When all the orders are finished, the display will show as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


L1 R1
2 1

-X1 L1 R1/
L2 S1
4 3 /

-X1 L2 S1/
L3 T1
6 5

-X1 L3
-X1 PE
1 1 2.9 / PE A1 11 13 13 13 13
-QF2 -KA1 -KA3 -KA3 -KA4 -KA4
2 2 A2 12 /1.8 14 /1.8 14 /1.8 14 /1.8 14
-SB1 /1.8 /1.8 /1.9 /1.9
S3 R3 102 /2.4 /2.4 /2.4 /2.4
1 2 24V
1 3 5 13 -U1 104 105
-QF3 -T1 PE 11
-F1 14
3 4 0V 101
/3.0 I> I> I> 12
/1.5 -SB10

/1.1 2 4 6
L N 103
F1:R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 PE

x1 13 A1 x1 x1
-H1 -SA1 -KA2 -YV1 -YV2
电源指示 x2 /2.2 14 A2 刀上 x2 刀 x2
power indicator 手动 cutting up cutting down
R2 S2 T2 manual mode

F1:U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 PE


0VDC/ 1.4
1 1 1
/2.1 2 2 2

U1 V1 W1 PE
x1 x1 x1 x1
-H2 -YV3 -YV4 -YV5
-M3 故 指示 x2 打 模上 x2 打 模 x2 电 阀 x2
U1 V1 W1 PE U2 V2 W2 PE fault indicator type-die up type-die down overflow valve
-X1 X1 -G1 1 2
109 106 107 108
radiating fan

11 12 /3.2
A 13 13 13 14 /2.2 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
-F1 -QF3 -KA5 13 -KA5 14 /3.1 -KA6 -KA6 -KA3 -KA4 -KA5 -KA6
U2 V2 W2 PE /1.1 C /1.2 14 /1.7 21 14 /1.6
22 /3.3 14 /1.8 14 /1.7 14 /1.8 14 /1.9 14 /1.6 14 /1.7 14
/1.9 /1.9 /1.9 /1.9 /1.8 /1.9 /1.7 /1.8
/2.2 /2.2 /2.3 /2.3 /2.4 /2.4 /2.2 /2.3

U1 V1 W1 PE U2 V2 W2 PE
M -M2
4KW 3 4KW 3
主电机 油泵电机
1.5 2.0 2.0
main motor pump motor
13 14 /2.0
13 14 /2.3
13 14 /2.3
13 14 /3.1

日期 2015-07-20 主回路 =
对. ZQX +
审 带 IEC 标识结构的项目模 YR150602 页 1
日期 姓名 原 项目 替换 替换人 页 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


0VDC/ 2.3

1 2
-U3 -X4 -X4
-X3 1 2 6芯电缆 6芯电缆 -U1 -U1

-EN1 蓝 13 13 13 13 12
13 13
编码 + - -SB9
-KA1 -SQ3 -KA2 -SQ1 -SQ2
/1.6 14 -SA1 14 14 /1.7 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 11 13
/1.6 -S1 P
A B S22
白 黑 14 14 14 14 -SB5 14 -SB6 12 14
-SB7 -SB2 -SB8 -SB3
-X4 3 -X4 4
6芯电缆 6芯电缆 12
3 4
06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

02 04

-PLC1 1M X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 2M X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 M L+

I0.0 I0.1 I0.2 I0.3 I0.4 I0.5 I0.6 I0.7 I1.0 I1.1 I1.2 I1.3 I1.4
编码 A 编码 B 手动 自动 打 模上 急 刀上 刀 主机正转 主机 转 主机 止 油泵启动 油泵 止 X15
encoder encoder manual mode type-die upper limit cutting upper limit M/C forward M/C backward M/C stop pump start pump stop I1.5
auto mode e-stop cutting lower limit 打 模 (压力继电 )
type-die lower limit
backward indicator
pump start type-die up type-die down cutting up cutting down safety indicator forward indicator
油泵启动 打 模上 打 模 刀上 刀 全指示 正转指示 转指示 120-240VAC
COM 1 Q0.0 Q0.1 Q0.2 Q0.3 COM 2 Q0.4 Q0.5 Q0.6 COM 3 Q0.7 Q1.0 Q1.1
1L Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 2L Y4 Y5 Y6 3L Y7 Y10 Y11 N L

01 01 5
L01 L02 37 39 -X4
01 / 2.5 6芯电缆

01 / 2.3
13 13 -U3
03 05
-KA2 -KA2 07 09 11
/1.7 14 /1.7 14

A1 x1 A1 A1
-KM1 -H3 -KA5 -KA6 A1 A1 x1 x1 x1
A2 油泵指示 x2 A2 A2 -KA3 -KA4 -P1 -H4 -H5
L / 1.4 pump indicator /
+24VDC A2 A2 x2 x2 x2

-X4 6

0VDC 1.5 / PE
N/ 1.4 1 2 /1.2
1 2 /1.2
0VDC/ 2.0
1 2 /1.2

1 3
日期 2015-07-20 制回路1 =
对. ZQX +
审 带 IEC 标识结构的项目模 YR150602 页 2
日期 姓名 原 项目 替换 替换人 页 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



13 13 13 13
/3.3 14 -SA2 14 /3.4 14 -SA3 14
/3.2 /3.3

30 32 34 36

-PLC2 M L+ 1M X20 X21 X22 X23

I2.0 I2.1 I2.2 I2.3
刀上 刀 打 模上 打 模
cutting up cutting down type-die up type-die down

running backward
running forward low speed middle speed
正转输 转输 速 速
COM 4 Q2.0 Q2.1 Q2.2 Q2.3

4L Y20 Y21 Y22 Y23

13 21 25

-KA2 11 21
/1.7 14
17 19
-KA1 -KA1
/1.6 12 /1.6 22

15 23 27

/1.1 5 2 10
29 手动调速 35
-KA1 -R1
/1.6 14
33 x3

x1 x2

日期 2015-07-20 制回路2 =
对. ZQX +
审 带 IEC 标识结构的项目模 YR150602 页 3
日期 姓名 原 项目 替换 替换人 页 3


HMI 操作面 /operation interface SMART 700 IE 1 门子/Siemens

F1-F2 变频 /inverter SF-040-22K/18.5K-G 2 士林/Shihlin

PLC 可编程 制 /PLC 6ES7214-1BD23-0XB8 14DI 10DO 1 门子/Siemens

PLC2 扩 模块/expanded module 6ES7223-1HF22-0XA8 4DI 4DO 1 门子/Siemens

R1 调速电阻/governor potentiometer 0-5/10V 4-20mA 1

QF1 型 路 /miniature circuit breaker NSC160S3125 1 耐 /Schneider

转手柄/direct reverse handle NSC250ROTDS0 1 耐 /Schneider

QF2 型 路 /miniature circuit breaker C32N 2P 6A 1 耐 /Schneider

QF3 热 路 /thermomagnetic circuit breaker GV2-ME16C 5.5KW 9-14A 1 耐 /Schneider

辅助 头/time-assistant connector GVAE1 1 耐 /Schneider

KM1 /AC contactor LC1-D12M7C 220VAC 1 耐 /Schneider

KA1-KA4 小型继电 /small relay DRM570024LT+FS 4C0 4 米勒/Weidmuller

H1 指示灯/pilot light XB2-BVB5LC 24VDC黄色 1 耐 /Schneider

H2 指示灯/pilot light XB2-BVM3LC 220VAC绿色 1 耐 /Schneider

H3-H5 指示灯/pilot light XB2-BVB3LC 24VDC绿色 3 耐 /Schneider

SB1 SB10 急 钮/e-stop XB2-BS542C 2 耐 /Schneider

SB2 SB3 SB5 SB7 SB8 启动 钮/start pushbutton XB7-EA31C 绿色 5 耐 /Schneider

SB4 SB6 SB9 止 钮/stop pushbutton XB7-EA42C 红色 3 耐 /Schneider

SA1 选择开关/select switch XB2-BG33C 3位锁定带钥匙 1 耐 /Schneider

SA2 选择开关/select switch XB2-BD53C 3位(2 回) 1 耐 /Schneider

G1 电源/DC power NES-50-24 50W 220V/24V 1 明纬/MEANWELL

T1 变压 /transformer 200W I/O:380VAC/220VAC 1 正/Tianzheng

X2 插头 1 恩/wain
(配5 米线、软 )

制 /control cabinet
/plug 900*1000*350 1

小 线盒/connection box 300*200*100 1

EN1 编码 /encoder E6B2 CWZ6C1000P/R 1 龙/Omron

SQ1-SQ2 开关/stroke switch D4V-8108Z-N 2 龙/Omron

P1 全 报灯/safety alarm lamp JD50A-L02R024+C6 1 /TAYEE

Metal Roll Forming Line

变频 设 清单

4.1.5 The sketch of parameter se ng mode , DU01 operator

Enter the parameter se ng moudle

Read the old set value from inner memory Adjust new value Input new value to inner memory

参数编 设 范围 认值 设 值
名 单 备注
Adjustment Factory Setting
Description Min. setting Marker
Code Range default value
P.4 1速( 速) 0~650Hz 0.01Hz 60Hz 50
First preset speed
P.5 2速(中速) 0~650Hz 0.01Hz 30Hz 5 速速
Second preset speed Low speed
P.6 3速( 速) 0~650Hz 0.01Hz 10Hz 0 机速
Third preset speed Stop speed
P.7 加速时间 0~3600s 0.01s/0.1 5s 1
Acceleration ramp s
Metal Roll Forming Line
P.8 减速时间 0~3600s 0.01s/0.1 5s 1
Deceleration ramp s
P.13 启动频 0~60Hz 0.01Hz 0.5Hz 0.5
Start frequency
P.24 4速 0~650Hz, 0.01Hz 9999 50 速速
Fourth preset speed 9999 High speed
P.25 5速 0~650Hz, 0.01Hz 9999 9999
Fifth preset speed 9999
P.80 多功 制 子 0~40,43 1 2 2
M0功 选择 ~45
Multi-function control
M0 function selection
P.81 多功 制 子 0~40,43 1 3 3
M1功 选择 ~45
Multi-function control
M1 function selection
P.151 零速控制功能选 0, 1 1 0 0

Zero speed control
function selection

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