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Pre-requisite Concepts and Skills: translating English sentences into mathematical concepts, fundamentals in
adding and subtracting numbers, positive and negative integers, algebra tiles concept

Learning Competencies: Performs fundamental operations on integers (M7N5-Ic-d-1)

About the Lesson: This lesson focuses on addition of integers using different approaches. It is a review of what
the students learned in Grade 6.

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, at least 85% of the students should be able to:

a. Add positive and negative integers together using integer tile;

b. Solve integer addition problems.

Subject Matter: Fundamental Operations on Integers (Adding Integers)

Instructional Procedure

A. Review. Addition Using Number Line

1. Use the number line to find the sum of 6 & 5.

What is the rule in adding positive integers together?

2. Find the sum of (-7) and (-3).

How about the rule in adding negative integers together?

B. Problem. Anna Leah is a student vendor of BNHS Annex Dalwangan. She sells camote delight to
her classmates and schoolmates. Anna Leah gained P15.00 on the first day of school; lost P8.00
on the second day, and gained P19.00 on the third day. How much profit did the Anna Leah gain
in 3 days? Represent your answer using integer tiles.

Follow-up guide questions:

1. How would you make a zero pair using the integer tiles? Make a picture of your work.
2. How will you solve the problem using the integer tile?
3. What is the rule of adding positive and negative integer together using integer tiles

Possible Solutions:

1. Zero pair of the integer tile can be formed by combining the positive and negative tile and crossing it out to
be equated as zero.
2. Using the integer tiles, let the orange ones represent the positive integers and the blue ones represent the
negative integers.

15 pesos gained on the first day of school

8 pesos lost on the second day

19 pesos gained on the third day

Solution: Push the positive and negative tiles from each side to be align. After aligning the positive tiles and negative
tiles, cross out the pair of positive and negative integer


By counting the number of tiles left after crossing out the pair of orange and blue tile, Anna Leah gained 26.00
pesos in 3 days as a profit.

3. If the integers have different signs, pair the positive and negative tile to make a zero pair, then count the
number of tiles left, either the positive or the negative integers. The tiles left is the sum of the positive and
negative integer when add together.

C. Development of Concepts
1. Zero is the result when you add positive and negative integer with the same quantity. Thus, if you
are going to pair the orange tile and blue tile together, it will result to zero.
2. Represent the gain and loss of Anna Leah in selling camote delight in her classmates by using
the integer tiles. The orange tile represents the gain she acquired and the blue tile represents the
loss she incurred. Align the orange tile and blue tile together. Cross out the pair of blue tile and
orange tile to form a zero pair. Then count the number of tiles left. The tiles left signifies the profit
of Anna Leah.
3. If the integers have different signs, pair the positive and negative tile to make a zero pair, then
count the number of tiles left, either the positive or the negative integers. The tiles left is the sum
of the positive and negative integer when add together.
D. Practice Exercises

Mrs. Padilla has a bank balance at DBP of 6,000 pesos at the start of the month. She then
deposits 3,000 pesos on the following month. After she withdraws 2,000 pesos, what is the new
balance? Represent the answer using the integer tile.

E. Generalization

1. A zero pair can be formed by crossing out the pair of positive and negative tile.
2. Adding integers with different signs can be solve using integer tiles.
3. In adding integers with different signs using algebra tiles, pair the positive and negative tile
to make a zero pair, then count the number of tiles left, either the positive or the negative
4. The importance of learning the rules of adding integers from working with the models.

F. Assessment

Solve the following problems using integer tiles representation.

1. In the first half of a trivia game, Pamela scored 200 points. Then, during the second half, she lost 200
points. What was her total score?
2. At sunrise, the outside temperature was 1° below zero. By lunch time, the temperature rose by 17° and
then fell by 4° by night. What was the temperature at the end of the day?

G. Assignment

Solve the following problems involving adding integers.

1. 6 + (-13) + 16=
2. 14 + (-27) + (-13) + 8=


Grade 7 Learning Module pp.18-21

Submitted by:

Secondary School Teacher I

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