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Wl natural type 1 h 12.0107 Carbon 2 Atomic weight= 19 WMO omy 9-50h of §2Cy Hons of 52940T OMY ano 9.37% of SC, y ) 3 ( with a amu. on the otic weight of Cr is @ olata + 51.9963 am ¥: 0.0434 C49.94b00mu ) 1: 08374 C51.9405 amu ) 9.0950C 50.9407 amy ) Cr 6.0237 53.9389 omu ) Aveiage atomic weight =lo 9434 649.9460) +0. ¢ 195 (.9Y 05 # 0.09500 5.9407) + 0 093 = 51.9963 amu — Questor What dees _eoch of the fur quantum fumbers _ Specity ? —____| bo\ution i= is —# | he frst quortyin number pet 3)3, : jovels of elettrons - The larger Tepreconts the electrons Shells ey energy —___| the vawe ef n the forther away from the nucleus. __¢ |e cecond _quonhim number Cangular momentum) __ = ON 2.-Cn-1) it designtos the Subchel_or tne Shape of the Third Guontirs —nymbor’s | mage hin numba , Specie: the rection of tha __orbital__ong ular | momestira oan dethon in an atom and idicatos te Grientaton oF _ eletivon is located - orbital either ¢,p.d or f | the _subshell in which eho mye -2,-'01,2 @ Fourth quantum —numbor Gein quantum number Cme), ik _describas dhe Coin of ele chon | orbital. : ms ¢ ty mse - Ya ar git wa", Bo Question © nf mne_fotienng 12° . Gwe tha _elettron _ conpigurations 46" Br” ond O° cotwtir oat 24, —ne—etectrom Cent eon — ator ve MOTE Feet me elecnan— cen guration par-an—aterd. F ete 3 Tn malay tp becntte—o— tetas SEE" ete Raa = Wang care — the —1wr— Hrs, tne —steetror tonfigaration fer onto pores 3 3d : Fe : 162.28” 2p,35 3p, 3d tye _elechon _cangiguration_fer_Fe?* iam is 18.284" 1° In oder te become an io with a plas it mut @ the tuo 4S. 4 become an iy fhic Cold 100 | 2 charge, lose__2 electrons. in this Cote + The electron _canfiguraton 1S, 2S, 29° Jn_ order _ electron lon with © puis 3 charge, i must lofe 3 el a2 EEE ———— Sop ae a Gut! The _dechan _Contipuretion cut if 16,2526 35°, 3 Bd Tn ots to become an jon with a plus me olection J in this case Hs - charge, 1+ must lose one The atomic numbar _ta° Boium is GS6ancl it Is not “a3 6, af l Clemen+ the _elect7on volta one of its Atoms sepeetee | ish 28 apf 262 ag6 ad? 42, up, 4d® 588, 63. Ty mder_to become to become an im with a plus 2 Charge it yust lose aelectors—' | his cafe 00 the 6S -Thostiare te electron configpuratin 15 18 oN Ig 252 2p, 20 apf ad 4s" Hot, Halse’, Spf Eos The electron _conguration far br ions is 1s eas 638 38, 36 30 4S pe gs One charge it mast aequre rl Ip ode 7 become an ion with a rind one electron - 1 this Cane anothe 4p = The electron Configuration ff" an tom oXygan if Ig agapt Ts order ono an Ton with a Mifug > Chorge ji Macy acquire 2 _ another +o 2p. See aeEs ae) nuntbe- of electron = s number of electron =! 7 of electron = of “dlecton = hydngen Provide wyAMmEEN chloride molecular veig rt Flowrine 7s ono o Ons oF Ane Anvece elements net can Porm aydragen bonds BS we as NitTagen amet Oxygen, HF ican bith donets and veuive A hydrogen bond and the tnit bond requires energy to Wreck before + Te molecules themselves are given enough Kwstic energy to transfer “into gas phase, Hence , HF has the Wighsst oiling pstmt compared to HBy and HCl. besides that | the “intermolecular bonding oP HCI is Van dec whale Che nydrogen bond it requives higher energy to break. Hen, HE has higher woiting pom fran HO “s_steonger tman van Ass weal,

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