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Answer keys UNIT1 Staff development and training Recruitment brochure Vocabulary 1 skis 2 qualifications ability 3 course: degree 4 certficae: nowledge: experience Sdevelopinent; sing, 6 wainee; hands-on Reading Lif 2c ad fe $a 6b 3.1B 2A 3C 4B SD GC 7A 8D 98 1c Training course Listening le 2f 44 4a Sb Ge Deloitte Touche Reading 1. Sample answers Pasagsaph 1: Why U chose Deine Paragraph 2: Help and sappor with my stadios Paragreph 3 interna tesning Paragraph 4: You can choose your training metbod Paragraph 5: Passing on sls in the company Paragreph 6: felp with obtaining professional quatications 21P 2C 38 4A 52 6D Vocabulary 1x the fast ane fo promotion Zon Lie ob taining and development Shas gone out ofhis way A monitors 5 intemal taining Scoreskills 7 graduate rainees 8 appraisals. 8 peers 10fally funded "11 workload UNIT2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction Getting started 1 Chief Eeeeotve Ofcer 2 Chief information Officer 3 Personal sistant 4 Human Resources Manage: Director of Research and Devetopment 6 Publi Relations Otcer Vocabulary bib 2¢ 3a se Sg sf 74 2 poriormance 2launched 3 recruitment (ofaew staf) accountant Seasing 6 project teams 7 targets ‘Sbudgers 9 mecting éeadiines What | like about my job Listening sib 2f ac 4a The management accountant Reeding 1a Haw hard do you have to work? 1. What do you ike abt your job? 154 Answer keys aw long have you been in your present job ‘What are your ambitions forthe future? ‘What does your job consist of? ‘When weve you fis attracted by accountancy? fo2b de 4a fd False: She came to the UK to study Engl, “True: Plowing her graduation, witha first lass Re Honours degree she jotned IMT as a trainee aecountan ‘Tue: ar Scoot where was the class eeasure for fen yours 4 False: She's also involved in new product launches, system introductions ec 5 Tue: {have ewe devsionat management govountants reporting ome. 66 "True: J supply fnarciat énformation toa yee within the ‘organisation, from local management to the Board of decor 7 alse: She thinks the esta work shawl be sen as something that comes with managed postin, 1 False: Shei lke ta progress trom a local office toa job at ‘neadcquareers with responsibilty for various ofies A human resources manager Listening 11h 2g af 4e 5b 6d 7e Ba 21A 2B 3c 4C 5B 6B UNIT3 Letters of enquiry and applications Job satisfaction at EMI Reading 2 LHelen 2Deby 3Deby 4Sally SMark 6Sally 7 Mark Helen Vocabulary inhouse 2 added) Bonuses 3 aminerorive kindof person sandingover Stake over Gloss of 7 venues See level Alettor of enquiry Writing 21d 2g 3¢ Af Sc 6h 7a 3-1 would eo know whether Thave the ight qulifations. 2. Lwould be most grateful if you could send me information about what oppoctunisies exist in EMI Must, {Coal you also tell me haw T should apaly? 44 Ti elmerested to krove when the inal date for applications is. Advice on job applications Listening 1 Sample answers Attach apienre to your ete or emaflso they can see what you Took ike bb Send your application electronically so that it ges thexe aieeer Your letter of application should not be to ang, a it wl take tee long 0 real. Mean de Wings yo Uke doing i your spare ine, so hat they can get a beter dea of what sor af person you ae © Aslsameone to look at your application fore you seni. 98 snistakes will make s bad impression, 4 Alter you have seot your application, call tae company to check they have received it {8 Dental les in your application, as they may find cut Iter. 1 Include contact details for yous referees sa that the company can get in ouch with thom easily 31d 2b 3g fe Sf An email of application Wrrting 1 Lam 2inapplicstion 3 post 4 cumiewum vitae Seucren postion 6 practical expesience 7held~Sestensively Dattending attended iL Tam 12repmesect 13 seeking have ihe experience of managing regina sales 1Scurticulum vine I6availabiefor I? employers 18suppiy 12 look oewaid 2 Herc ‘As surumary of relevant work experience Detail of her aatemie background Fer avail frinterview Reasons for plying or ij References ors her employers ‘re reason for wing he eter Wher she saw the advertisement ‘The job taining she has recived UNIT4 Telephone skills Telephone language Listening 2 1Roberstein Top Right Meeting wom Job intervicws S18May _6Calfee (or ervewers ad interviewees) 3 Veanthelp. 2Thiis Sealingfom give me your Sean yentell ame 6 would you 7 won you ike le we know telephone quiz Reading 1 Band Care normal ithe call has been routed though a switchboard; D would be appropriate it vou area rece=tioniet, for ‘example. Ais ust untepful because the caller doesn’t know iT he for she has tached the sight person or company All-hroe are possible 3 © and Cave both correc, but Bis not ‘Ais que formal, Bs informal gad C is neither correct nor polite (Cis formal, Ais informal and B sounds rude ‘Acad 8 are both comrect, hough you would ony use A with semeone you know wel 5 Aand Bare tl eumrec, 10 Band Care both correct. depending on what information you are looking for Enquiring about a job Listening 110,38, 40, 108 2 Imomings (only) 2baokkceping 3 besinningof by email Grammar workshop 1 ‘Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 1 I more challenging. 2 more econamical; furthee/aniner 3 more highly longer: greater 5 felendlier / more iriendly Ssongesi; more impressive 7 mos: motivating 8 ess than; harder Present perfect and past simple 1 Lpresent perfect” 2pastsinple 3 present perfec 4 past simple 2 Lhaveworked 2 went; haven't gne/beea 3 was els hye net sen; wet a ave changed: slated shad 5 posted as been; ha ot marred na) stated Simple questions 1. Sample answers Did you have ‘Will Would working inthis ety Foow long / How many years have you worked Whardayon What wold you Complex questions 11 Gouldyoutel me how long you have Dee a product manager? 2 like know inether you have sted abroad 3 Lwonder wea you fst became inersted in this profession. 4 [dike you to tell me what yon enjoy doing in your ee time 5 Can you predict whet you wil be doing on ye” tet UNITS: Promotional activities and branding Getting started Lie 2h 30 4g Sa er 74 81 9b Promoting AXE Reading 1 Proxwtonal activities: 2 slogan, online gome, ee samples, point= of sale displays, media advertising, PR, a house party, direct malling, obline public, leaflets, advertisements in magazines, website, elevision show, fee CD 21 Goung mer’ natural inveres in prety aie... appel to ‘American nate youth cx) 2 DC. young mer tog on to the interne to playa vides game on the AXE websie. fhe player reached a cova level he tend atiery co wan a rp to the parry) (AXE foesed on the eurigue and discovery ofthe pert) 4A (Items a about getting io dhe min ofthe 20-something aw) 5B (Toour krowledse, nobody hed ever taken a constiner promotion and turned ic ato a ilevsion shew) 6 © (422% increase genera brand awareness among males aged 112024) Vocabulary Tk 21 3g 4e 5f 6h 7b 8} 9a wd ne ‘Supermarkets’ own brands Listening 21C 2A 3B Answarkeys 155 The power of brands Reading 2 TA Algowes a staigiuforeard guarantee of quay and corsisiene, 2D Olé fashioned merketesearch methods help explain such rmistakes Focus grogps, for example. are poor a! discovering the reat reasons why peapie tke broads 3... tosllaifesivleore persenaliy... + ‘Our product is personality’ he claims. “We ike comata people, but sce people are jast mare fun and nzeresring 4. Clever simple adearedreaat wp lng before the produc is produced SD they switch protects more often 6A. consumers vere, quite rattanatly, prepared to pay a premium, ?.© Asone company president says of his product, is is sense lof huruouy, rather than its tase, hat isthe reason forts BB Brands now face competition fora the mst anespestd ‘quater 9D Firms such as Cocaola and MeDowat's, complacent from pas sons, fit feu to admat that ther custoners are hanging to newer products. 10 A. Brads also helped consumers io buy efficiently + People ‘wun io sumpliy thea ves. Vocabulary Lge 2payapremium $muliply ease of ding business your lai’ responsiveness, integrity, trust ant professionalism + baving stall who are highly motvared, highly engagee # staifhave uecessary customer-service skills 1 C (wher your eusionters have a trang bond 0 08) 28 Ipexplear yous key eorpaiiveedvensag2) 3B tke enpact ua customer loyalty can hee on yaar hotom ine) 4D (htop factor values this company’s product or serice ‘having. postive impact on my business? Do Ihave a stron retura on nuestnert?) 5A (it's hand ebe diferent jr your rivals bans best practeas spread acress an industry very rapidly) 6D (enpowermont, which means thar organisations need to empower enplosees wo make devsions and take risks) Grammar workshop: Relative pronouns 1 Lvbiehythay/- 2wbich/ta/— 3 whichthat which Awho/that Swhichthay™Gwhich/hat 7 where A supermarket and customer loyalty Listening 1 service desk 2 comment ead 3 loyalty cond 4 local) schools 5 rural eas Gcomputer equipment ‘sompleshop 8 shopping experience UNIT 22 Communication with customers Getting started 1 Temail bulletin 2company neasleter 3 visting sales rep Soneratorat call centre S website 6leallet, advertisement Answer keys 165 Communicating with customers at Espresso Listening 2 1 dreephons) Helpine Zena (hulletin)_ 3 (vane) engineer Abwssiness development S subscriptions) dialogue 7 new materials) Turning complaints to your advantage Reading 3 10 2¥ So 4the Sv Gye 7 Bare 9with 1010 Uv Ror Bt Kw sw Customer communication at Not Just Food Listening 218 28 3¢ 4A SB 3-1 By gwing.a discount when i costs less to do the work than thay onginally quoted, and by swallosting the cost when it costs By being fair (see answer to previous question} and by helping, smal clsnts who initially made them ite money, hut who then grew. Vocabulary 1b 2f de de Sh Ga 7) Bd 9B Training in customer communication skills Reading 2-1 D. (forwand move companies are setting upenstamer helplines asthe quickest ond most convenient way of exabilshing easter eontacis) 2 (Wordof mouths he cheapest and most efecive way of ‘marketing your business and exterting your customer base.) 3. (yor-wit learn Row eal can be nse for effective ‘commauneasion with your customers) B (enabling a confident reer to te workplace) 5A (ou will ear... how non-verbal corameunicaron is inuerpreted by customer) © (burn tow thane awkwand customers appropriately) 7B (tueskilisw exced tha expectation) C (loadereas your customer eed, yon must he able na thine Tike them, rsponud wo whatever they teow at you) Vocabulary trapport 2noncverbal communication 3project 4amust Steontlinestat? Gworkpiace 7 word of mouth 8 people skils Sretan customers. 10 handle awkward customers UNIT 23 Corresponding with customers Aletter about a new service Reading 118 2A 3C 4D 5A 63 7D 8B 9A OD 2-1 Theleverhas a heading after Deer Mr Sloane, Note: inthe US, the heading normally comes belore Lear trSlowney in Botan comma (Is used, while inthe USaeulon (2 is used in the US, les ker, ana ds, axe writen with 2 ful stop. valet ‘ue shat be offering the sere ove of service reliability, rouble ree ontact ae personaiy Answer keys Writing 2 Sample answer Dear tar Castle, New Services rom Tope Leasing ‘Asa valued long sanding clien of TopTen, Lam sure you willbe intetestad so know that we are extending a Teasing Serces to the whole of Europe. This means we gparantee ta Geller the ‘equipment you require anywhere in Rurope within 24 hours of you placiag the order Asa, for each seven-day lease, we wil give you ‘ne foe dy, Tenslose + laos detating our service. ‘As you aleeady knw, we make sue that all the equipment we supply isin perfect eoneltion, so you can be certain to sar using ‘as soon as ti delivered, Aso, 8a premium customer, vou are nat required 10 pay a deposit an the equipment you hie fyi worl ser now more about this service, o if you would like o take advantage of it, please do not hesitate to contact me personally, ‘Yours sincerely, Aletter from a dissatisfied customer Reading 1 1 Aetetsing Following 2efwith 3 Bast Lost 4 wie whit Sotto Gamihe 74 § alhoughitowerer Dpaiing placing Deby whieh Matie/that 12v 13 more exia being been 1S over IGametiee other 1707 18% which 2-1 Yess when, where, the exaet nature ofthe problem, 2. Yes: and expecially fit caused injary, cost money, lost 4 Wes, hie is esconta, euberwise here's no point in writing he etter 4 Not unless is relate tothe pralem which occurred. 5 Pethaps, but you should he careful about not angering people by threatening tco much, and you should not make adsure. threats which you will never carry out, 6. Yes, ith istroe 7 Noi necessary 31 (paragraph 2);2 (paragraph 3): 5,6 [paragraph 4) Grammar workshop: Expressing results Sample answers 1 You delivered the weong model. As a consequence (ofthis), we had to send it back 2 Some at the goods were damaged. As aconsequence (ofthis), we lost an important order. 3 You were late sending the information, This meant that we missed ao import deadline 14 There were several mietakes inthe nvolce, Asa result, we had to spend a day sorting tout 5 You sent the components othe wrong factory. This meant that we dato stop the production ine for an hous. 6 Tap of the pieces were broken. Consequeaily, we bad toreture the entire conslgnment. Preparing a letter of complaint Listening 1Remind them 2ivedays 3the results 4 problem-tee Writing Sample answer Dear Mr Sort, Late delivery of dacuments Tam wring to you to express my dissatisfaction with your ocument elivery service Last Mouday, we asked you to liver some immporant legal documents to ou offices in Budapest in time fora meering with ‘company lawyers on Monday morning. The documents di no, in fact, each them until 4 o'clock on Pidayaltezagon, with he result ‘that we had to cance! the mecting and reschedule ifr this week, This nearly rested in us losing an important contact. J wal Ike to remind you that we are Leng standing elient of yours and that we ly or you ta provide us will touble ree service. {must emphasise that we wil ony continue to use your service if Geliveries continue tobe problem fre in the future ‘ours sincetey, UNIT 24 A business seminar Speakers at a business seminar Listening LIA 2F 36 4H sD 2 a3 v3 cS d3 el (2 gh h4 is j3 RIL m2 3 Sequencing And another thine Firs’ His new point. The fis is this Then next Introducing a surprising fact sn ctual foe Introducing your own experiences sn my experience In retrospect, lntrodueing an example Justo give you oe instance Advising You realy mast You've got fo ‘Saying somedhing is not useful sno good Wsnot worth Ashort talk Listening 1 inactuat fat, sty, and enother thing just 0 give you one instance in ray experience, i's no goad 2 plastic componens 2the Internet 3 management level 4 socialise Grammar workshop: It’s not worth, its no good, etc. 1 ing orm. 2 noun 2 Sampieanswers asking applyingto 2appyin/(rving) 2 aending/ going (o/ holding having caling 4 peperng/ puting togetber Stuying vesting in Advertisement for a business seminar Reading 1D 2B 3A 4€ 5B GA Grammar workshop 6 Relative pronouns 11 He joined the fm 15 yeas ago when Meats was the managing directo, 2 Therrepon, which was sent hy express courier two days ago, has not arived. The renort whiehthat was sent by express outier two days ago has not arrived 2 Pve visited the website where you advertise your products 4 stared working forte company fa 1998 sehen only had 25 employees. 5 Ske werks al your main oflee where your central diniuistiation is loeate 6 Gargons Lad, whose parent company is Garfield International, dnas est announced reco proits 7. He's the nw recruit whose CV inpeested us so much, 8 Mo you remember the customer wita eae lat week (and) ‘who wanted a replacement? 9 He called to say you sont a replacement which/that was faulty 2 Lwhich/that 2eehich Sueteze A whick/tat § whict/that Gwhoee Prwhick/that Swhen 9 which/that 10 which/that Wwhichfhar 12who 13 whose MM which/laat 15 What 16when Expressing causes 1 1Thereason shy 2.caused 3 resulted in / e810 4 duo to / as 2 result of / owing to / because of S leadsto / results in wil eal to 2-1 Asaresult of new technology, companies can keep large tabases avout customers 2. Companies are theoretically able wo target snavidual customers ‘owing t their ability to expiot large dalabases. / Owing to thet ability to explolt arge databases, companies ae ‘theoretically able o target individual customers, 3. Thereason why companies :hink they ean give customers personalised teatment i that fleas they have the ability target inlvidual customers 4 The inredetion of new technology ha ed ta customers expecting personalised reatment 5 Companies have more information than they can manage on ter databases, which causes them 9 be unable / which means they are unable to give personalised reatment to 65 “The inability of companies 1 meet customers” expectations results in customer dissatisfaction, Expressing results 1 meant resulted in 2 Thismeans 3 Asaresull/ Asa consequence of his / Consequently 4 ean /resultin 3 mean /resultia 5 Asaresult/Asa consequence of this / Consequently Answerkeys 167 Exam skills and Exam practice Reading Paper Part 1: Exam skills 11. Thetechniques whict are explain inthis book wil not go out offastlon. 2 Your sales ean continue thelr upuzand aaa even in a dict macs 3. Youcan read about how companies wi falling sales became successful agai. 4 Unlike other books on tis subjee, thls one makes enjoyable rexkng. 5 You will ears how to exploitsesources in your company which you were notawareo, 2 sample answers 1 The ways of doing things which ate explained in this book wil alvays be popula 2 Your sais wil continve te rise, even when is cifeult10 se, 4 You eam read about how businesses which were doing hadly sono rescued 4 Other books on this subject are horin, This one il give you pleasure 5 You wll eam haw to nse postive agpets nf your company which you did net know existed, SIA 2B 38 4058 Reading Paper Part 1: Exam practice 1D 2B 3D 46 58 6A 76 Reading Paper Part 2: Exam skills, 2A. Aboveall, they need to make te they know what they'ne {getng for their money, because whilafanehse might be the Feat sky way tose pa ines, its emanate cheapest | Earle reason, there e some evidence that sanehiss are ess They to fall than oer ultess saps © Leradvice is you shout se clea limits o how much you re prepared orig wien you setup a business ad how much Sot axe ready 10 work D Inaiher Har, uniess you havea stro concep, yout Doings i ikely ofa and you ae key to be le uot pocket Some rancises might also charge towards he costs of thee advetsing BiB 28 ap 4a 5c 41D 2B 4A 48 Reading Paper Part 2: Exam practice 85 9£ WA nD we Reading Paper Part 3: Exam skills lic 2A 3R 216 lA 3a Reading Paper Part 3: Exam practice GC WB ISD 6A 7A we Reading Paper Part 4: Exam skills 11D) 28 3e z1c 2A 38 31B 0 2A 3B Reading Paper Part 4: Exam practice WE WA NB WC IA 2D 2D 2B WD 2B 2C 308 31D 224 33D ‘Answer keys Reading Paper Pert 8: Exam skills 1 the being Sal] Ayour Stor 6yet 720 Bor 2 ithe 24 Sup Sor Sv Gnome 7H athe oF Ibe Reading Paper Part 5: Exam practice BMitsel 357 3610 37no 38which 39adout 407 Mol Aivhose ABresuhing 4v- 45 suceed Listening Paper Part 1: Exam skills, 1 1 Fueham toternatlonal 2an)Lavoice 3 never/not ordered 4s) mobile (phone) 2 L pls commission(s) 2 exhibition space 3 business events 4 new cients Listening Paper Part 1: Exarn practice actor visit advertising Sexpense claims 4 markeing iector 5 (advertising) campaign qualiy-contsol 7 (Eutopead) Tune Stask force agents abroad T0suppliers 11 new logo 12 Enverprise Board Listening Paper Part 2: Exam skills, 1A campaign, copy, target audience container, delivery, warehouse © hone, deductions, payelip 1D application, program, systems application, candidates, post, vacancy 210 28 3A Ble 2h ja 44 Sf 6g 76 aia 2h 3c Listening Paper Part 2: Exam practice 1G ME ISB 16K I7P 18D 19G 208 2F 2c Listening Paper Part 3: Exam skills rin 2c 3A Listening Paper Part 3: Exam practice 238 UC ISC 16B 27°C WC WA 38 Writing Paper Part 1: Exam skills 1a Yow haveto goto. a meeting with suppliers nest Mendes’ ‘Waite anemaltoan assistant you ko el: explaining why you wl be absent rom the otice saying when and how long vo wl be asa requesting her to dea wich customers while you are away ‘Wite 40-50 weds, 1b Register: gute informal - i's a colleague 21 2B 3A 48 SBC 3.1. Thefiet answer is move suitable 2 Infortea ester: contractions, uforsal vocabulary such a aeconpie ou of, ee, phtasl verbs such a da! with Formal tegisteno contractions, longer formal wont approxima, ation oe. fowes pasa verbs. 44a You are the human resources manager ofa company and vou have decided to change some working practices. You want to hold meeting wit staf. Write 2 memo to sath + telig them the zason forthe meeting saying who should atend «informing them sehen and wheve che mestng wil be hed 4b 1 Weshall Zhoking 2 inform

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