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SY 2018 - 2019


TEACHER: Ms. Joramie C. Masalta DATE:

General Instructions: Strictly follow the instructions. Read each item carefully before answering. Write
legibly and avoid erasures. Wrong spelling and erasure is wrong. Use only black or blue ball pen.

Write the correct answer before each number.

Act Acting Arena Character

Conflict Costumes Empathy Lighting
Monologue Plays Proscenium Stage Scene
Set Design Sound Suspense Theme
Thrust Stage

____________ 1. The basic idea of a play; the idea, point of view, or perception that binds together a
work of art.
____________ 2. A feeling of uncertainty as to the outcome, used to build interest and excitement on the
part of the audience.
_____________3. A person portrayed in a drama, novel, or other artistic piece.
____________ 4. Everything on the stage including furniture and props, and environment in which the
action of a play occurs.
_____________5. A major division in a play

_____________6. A real or fictional episode; a division of an act in a play.

_____________7. The internal or external struggle between opposing forces, ideas, or interests that
creates dramatic tension.

_____________8. The clothing worn by the actors who play the characters. Oftentimes, these help to
establish characterizations, mood, and tone.
_____________9. The arrangement of lights to achieve particular effects in order to help create mood or
tone in a play.
_____________10. A long speech made by one actor; may be delivered alone or in the presence of others.

_____________11. Use of face, body, and voice to portray character.

_____________12. A performance space in which the audience sits in front of the stage and views as if
through a picture frame
_____________13. A stage constructed so that the audience can sit on all sides; also known as "theatre-
_____________14. a theater stage that extends out into the audience's part of a theater and has seats on
three sides.
_____________15. _______ were one of the earliest forms of entertainment.


Match the column A to Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.

A. B.

____1.It is a medieval allegorical drama

which personifies abstract qualities such
as faith and mercy as the main characters
and presents a lesson about good
conduct. A. Comedy
____2.It is characterized by its humorous
or satirical tone and its depiction of B. Morality play
amusing people or events. It is a kind of
drama in which the characters ultimately
triumph over adversity. C. Mystery play
_____3. Music that lasts all night
accompanies the performance which are
D. Shadow play
presented in social functions like
weddings, cremations, and religious
festivals. E. Tragedy
_____4. It is a popular medieval play
based on Biblical stories or the lives of
_____5.It is a play dealing with tragic
events like death, suffering,
hopelessness, and pain. It has an
unhappy ending, especially one
concerning the downfall of the main


Give the Aristotle’s Six Elements of Drama Give at least 6 Stage Directions
1. __________________________ 7. __________________________
2. __________________________ 8. __________________________
3. __________________________ 9. __________________________
4. __________________________ 10. __________________________
5. __________________________ 11. __________________________
6. __________________________ 12. __________________________

Give the three types of Tragedy (Dramatic Poetry)

13. __________________________
14. __________________________
15. __________________________

IV. Identify what types of Performance Stage are the following. (3 pts. each)
Parts of a Stage (1 pt. each)

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