1st Year Ancient Ireland Revision Sheet PDF

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Mesolithic Neolithic Bronze Age Iron Age

(middle-stone age) (new stone age) (1st metal (The Celts)

Hunter-Gatherers 1st Farmers tools/weapons)
copper and tin
Food Hunted: Continued hunting Same as Neo. Same as Neo.
animals/fish (boar, and gathering BUT
pigeon, grouse) also FARMING
Gathered: nuts, grew crops: wheat,
berries, plants barley oats
reared animals:
goat, sheep, pigs,
Housing Round shape Round and Same as Neo. Raths (ringforts)
Walls: wooden, rectangular Circular ditch, wall or
plants, animal skins Walls: wood poles, mound, sometimes add
wattle and daub, wooden fence, even some
straw/thatch stone forts, houses inside
Promontory Fort: cliff
Hill Fort: big on a hill
Tools/Weapons Stone: flint (axes, Same as Meso., Metal: Bronze Metal: Iron (harder)
scrapers, spears) plus arrow heads swords, spear heads,
Wood for handles (microliths: small axes, hammers
etc.. stones)
Tombs or Megaliths --------- Passage Graves Cist graves Ogham stones (writing in
(big stones) (Newgrange) Wedge Tombs lines)
Dolmens (Portal Standing
Tombs) stones
Court Cairns Stone row
Stone circle

Clothes Animal skins Animal skins Weave cloaks, Cloaks, tunics, trousers,
dresses, etc... dresses, sandals, shoes,
Ornaments jewelery Bone and wood Bronze and Tara Brooch (gold etc...)
ornaments, jewelery gold
Torc, Lunula
Other important 1st people in Ireland Tribe: Tuatha
information Nomadic lifestyle- King: Rí
moved from place to Judge: Brehon
place Poet: File
Priest: Druid
Skilled people: Aos Dána
Warriors, slaves,
Mount Sandel, Newgrange, Co. Celtic religion:
Co. Derry Meath Gods/Goddesses: Lug,
Céide Fields, Mayo Brigid, Dagda,
Festivals: Bealtaine,
Samhain, Lughnasa

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