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Mohith Agadi once said, “Environment isn't asking us to conserve her for her but for our

future generations.”
Indeed, climate change is one of the greatest threats to global security. Climate change
knows no borders and it presents an existential challenge to us all.
A grateful morning to everyone. It is my pleasure to be your MC for today.
To formally start our program, may I request everyone to stand for the opening prayer to
be led by ______________. And please remain standing for the Prayer for Climate
Change to be led by ________________, to be followed by the Philippine National
Anthem, Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan, Pilar, March, Pledge of Commitment for
Climate Change and the Vision and Mission.
You may now be seated.
At this juncture, to welcome us all in this ceremony, with great pride and honor, may I
call on our very supportive, compassionate, dedicated, and selfless mother of our
beloved Town of Pilar, Honorable Mayor Carolyn “Sweet” Sy-Reyes.
Let’s give her a round of applause.
Thank you Mayor, for that heart-warming welcome speech.

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