Philo 1 THU2 BUGAYONGPatricia

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In the philosophy of language, meaning is a relationship between signs or signals (which may be
verbal or non-verbal) and what they intend, express or signify. Meanings of things may depend from
one person to another, since everyone has their own experiences and knowledge.

The referent or denotata is the literal meaning of a word or phrase. The role of the denotata in
meaning is that it gives a “common” or “universal” meaning to a word, phrase, symbol or action
despite the different emotions or feelings that one may associate with it.

The use of metaphors show that meaning is not just the literal meaning of a word, but also a general
idea or an expression of feeling that is generated by words that do not have the same meaning
when taken in its lexical definition.

An utterance becomes meaningless if it failed to convey a message or emotions and feelings are not
associated with it. It is also meaningless if it has no significance to anyone.

2. On the time of its usage, covfefe may not mean anything, perhaps it was only a typographical error,
but today, people associate it with something. At present, covfefe is associated with errors or
mistakes on social media by Trump or other public figures.

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