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IoT Based Water Management

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Chanda Rajurkar , S R S Prabaharan , S.Muthulakshmi3
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MTech, Embedded System, VIT Chennai Campus, 600127, India School of Electronics Engineering, VIT Chennai
Campus, 600127, India.
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email: , ,
Phone: +91-909-659-1369

Abstract— Objectives: This project focuses on

monitoring of use of water, consider, by one block of house 1. INTRODUCTION
in a flat system, where at the partition of pipeline from
where the water gets diverted to various part of a block.
1.1 Background
Methods/Statistical analysis: Water places a vital role for Nearly the third quarterly portion of the earth which
living beings in their day to day lives. The earth’s 71% is estimates upto 71% portion of it is covered with water.
covered by water is a ubiquitous fact. Among which Oceans But out of which only 0.08% fresh water is available for
has approximately 96.50% and 3% is considered to be human purposes and for living beings 1. The main sources
freshwater, again out of which only 0.08% is accessible of fresh water available for living purposes and for human
direct to human use and rest is preserved in tundra regions
use is the surface water available as a result of rainfall
and in different form on and in the earth surface which is
very difficult to abstract for the human purposes. From this which also recharges the lakes, different water resources
it states that only 0.08% is available as fresh water for like aquifers. Water scarcity is the problem faced by the
human being to make use for drinking, domestic purposes, living creatures throughout the history and whose
sanitation, manufacturing, leisure, agriculture etc which gets intensity has increased during the last centenary 2. It’s
recharged by rain and snowfall 1. estimated by next decade approximately 25% of the
Findings: According to scientists and organizations as population of earth will live in perpetual scarcity of water.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), state It’s a well known fact that physical factors affect the
has come, since a long time, where water management as availability of water which is the culmination of the
such implies to maximizing use of water and minimizing the
rainfall received by that area due to number of
wastage of water and thus preventing the domino effect cycle
arises as wastage of water. The sensors will sense the flow of geographical reasons, but it is also well documented fact
water to each pipe which ultimately tells the usage of water that human intervention is also affecting this factors
at one block ideally. This water usage data would be sent to which leads to unseasonal as well as in abnormal
cloud using the IOT (Internet of things) space. This cloud proportion of water fall and as a results the priorities of
data would be sent to the concern resident’s person’s mobile the available water changes drastically.
app (application) reporting the water used and alerting the Management of water gains importance to combat the
user to limit the water use if it gets extended to the limit problem of scarcity. For sustainable use of water for
usage set by municipal government or corporation. If the present and future generations, getting a balanced solution
limit gets extended the user have to pay accordingly. This
by focusing human needs and the needs for the
will be real time operation. The objective of doing so is for
limiting and minimizing the usage of water for an average of environment is an important step 3.
per person. And secondly, the cloud data will be used as
statistic data for use of water at every seasons that is winter, 1.2 Problem Overview and Scope of Work
summer and monsoon so that measuring steps for water
management can be taken with the appropriate statistics, As per Swedish expert Falken Mark, “When water
yielding an avenue for predictive measure. availability is less than 1,000 cubic meter per person per
Improvements/Applications: To appraise the IOT based day water stress occurs. Culmination of huge and
water management, it can be ramified as diligent, frugal for increasing population and evenly increasing demands for
water management in a symbiotic parity way, which will water and uneven accessing to it is the main cause of
constrict the water resource evenly according to the in situ water scarcity." Behemoth population situated in a place
will naturally cause the usage of water in substantial
Keywords: IOT, Water resources, scarcity, Water management, amount, even though if it uses for the purpose of daily
limiting use, statistics. sustenance. Apart from agricultural purposes, the major
share in utilizing available fresh water is industries 4.
Industrialization and urbanization brought more use for
water especially at nuclear plants for cooling and also at
big factories. At this stage it is imperative, for proper
management and distribution of water, to conserve the

978-1-5090-5913-3/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 255
water resource, which will subsequently lead to not only communication, data transfer buses, interrupts, memory,
to substantial improvement in human life and condition etc. It needs 16 MHz of clock speed. Peripheral devices
but also will benefit the different organs of the biomes such as GSM, GPS can be interfaced using its serial
and ecosystems. New management strategies need to be interrupts named as serial and serial 1-3, which is used to
implemented in order to avoid setbacks and to fill up the receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. To get
lacuna which generally occurs during the distribution of communicated with peripheral devices microcontroller
water for various purposes in the allocation of water uses a synchronous serial data protocol that is SPI (serial
resources. With this thought, the project focuses, peripheral interface).
explicitly, on monitoring the usage of water. As
monitoring will help further for controlling and
2.2.1 Interfacing of flow meter to Arduino
distributing the water resource evenly according to the
region and availability of resource as per area. For this in The arduino flow works on the principle of “Hall
this project, ideally monitoring the usage of water by Effect”. The voltage difference is induced in a conductor
particular house block and sending this data to cloud transverse to the electric current and the magnetic field
through IOT (Internet of things) space. And getting the perpendicular to it. In the flow meter Hall Effect is used,
update of usage of water through cloud to the mobile it has a rotor shaped like small fan/propeller which is
application. The mobile application update helps in arranged in the path of the liquid flowing. The water flow
controlling the usage of water, as the user will understand sensor YF-S201 is shown in Figure 1.
whether he reached to the limitation of usage and if so
then how much extra charge it will need to pay. When
water will have charged according to usage and after
certain limit the usage exceed, people will start using
water carefully and will probably not over exploit water.


2.1 Methodology
The work focused in this project is using Arduino, for
measuring the water flow from the pipe which divides the
flow of water to every parts of block, will get sense using
flow meter YF S201 or using solenoid 5. This data that is
flow rate which is nothing but the usage of water rating in
hours/liter, will be sent to cloud through IOT (Internet of
things) space 6. Then in return getting this data from cloud
to mobile application, the application which can be used
by the user or the head of corporation for monitoring and Figure 1: Water flow sensor YF-S201
controlling the supply of water. In this project, 3 water
flow meter is used, one for getting the total water When the water rushes through flow sensor, the flow of
calculation in main tank and other two for the calculation water pushes the fans of the rotor resulting it to rotate.
of water usage by two houses through the main tank. The Hall Effect sensor is connected to the shaft of the rotor.
solenoid valve is also used to restrict the flow of water Connection to the shaft of the rotor is the arrangement of
when the water usage exceeds the limit. a current flowing coil and a magnet. As rotor rotates a
voltage/pulse is induced. For water flow sensor YF-S201
outputs about 4.5 pulses to each liter of liquid passing
2.2 Experimentation through it per minute. Due to magnet attached to the rotor
Getting a precise flow measurement is an essential step shaft, the variation in magnetic field is seen. Arduino
for quality distinction and for economical prospective. For measures the numbers of pulses generated. This pulse
this project main hardware used are Arduino and water reading by flow is calibrated in L/hr by simple formula.
flow sensor YF-S201. Flow meters have been verified as The flow range of this sensor is 1-30L/MIN and water
excellent device for water flow measuring; using the pressure is less than or equal to 1.75MPa 7. To the water
water flow sensor YF-S201 it is easy to construct a water flow sensor there are three wires, red wire that is for 5V
management system. To measure the amount of water Vcc, black colour wire for Gnd, and usually yellow colour
moved, pinwheel sensor is used, sensor sits within line of for the signal/pulse line. The Vcc and Gnd of the flow
water line. The development board is Arduino, which is sensor is connected to the arduino’s Vcc and Gnd pin and
build using ATmega1280 microcontroller, which is the pulse line is connected to one of arduino’s digital pin.
having a digital and analog IO pins, serial For clear understanding refer Figure 2.

256 2017 International Conference on Nextgen Electronic Technologies

Figure 2: Pin configuration

Interfacing of arduino with one water flow sensor is
shown in Figure 3 and the water flow reading for one Figure 5: Interfacing of arduino with three water flow
sensor, at arduino serial window is shown in Figure 4. sensor
Interfacing of arduino with three water flow sensor is 
shown in Figure 5 and the water flow reading for three
sensors, at arduino serial window is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 3: Interfacing of arduino with one water flow 
Figure 6: Reading on serial window of arduino for three
water flow sensors connected

2.2.2 Connecting arduino to cloud

The three water flow readings, as the water flows
through sensor taken from digital pin of arduino is
displayed on the serial window of arduino, and also the
readings are sent to cloud through thingSpeak.
ThingSpeak provides a platform an open data. The data
taken from the sensors or boards like Arduino,
BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi and many other
hardware, is taken, stored, analyzed, viewed and actioned
using API for the Internet of Things. The Internet of
Things gives access to web services and embedded
devices. At GitHub ThingSpeak API is available and
 includes the complete ThingSpeak API for processing
Figure 4: Reading on serial window of arduino for one HTTP requests, storing numeric and alphanumeric data,
water flow sensor connected numeric data processing, location tracking, and status

2017 International Conference on Nextgen Electronic Technologies 257

updates. The features of ThingSpeak are- real-time data
collection and storage, MATLAB analytics and
visualizations, alerts, scheduling, device communication,
open API, geolocation data, available on GitHub 8.
In this project, the water flow readings through arduino
is collected by thingSpeak and visualized in graphical
form. The data collection is real time data collection from
arduino. Figure 7 is the data reading of 3 flow sensor on

Figure 8: Mobile Application GUI at download of

Figure 7: Data reading of 3 flow sensor on cloud


As water flows, the usage of water is sent to cloud and
through cloud sent to mobile application, the application
will be the update for user to know how much of water
they have utilized and how much extra charge they will
pay for extra usage of water which is set value for all
users. Figure 8 shows the screen shot for mobile
application GUI (graphical user interface) after opening
the application, which shows the reading of use of water
by the houses and also the reading of the water in main
supply tank. Figure 9 shows screen display after clicking
on view chart in Mobile application and display the charts
that gives data reading of 3 flow sensors on ThingSpeak.

Figure 9: Screen display after clicking on view chart in
Mobile Application

258 2017 International Conference on Nextgen Electronic Technologies

By this project, it can be hoped that as stated in the aim
of this project that using this setup we can measure the
accurate water usage efficiently. And as living beings are
facing the problems of inefficiently the usage of water,
humans can minimize the wastage by optimizing the
usage of water in an opulent manner. The technology used
in designing has development board and the sensors,
which is sui generis and efficient. If humans succeeded in
saving at least 2 gallons of water per day per person, then
for the population of 1.252 billion of India, humans can
save 2.504 billion gallons of water per day ideally.

The authors wish to express their deep indebtedness to
the VIT University, Chennai for their support,
encouragement, and for providing facilities that made the
implementation of this project easier.

1. Fry, Carolyn. The Impact of Climate Change: The
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2. India set to become water scarce by 2025: report,
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3. Walmsly, N., & Pearce, G. Towards Sustainable
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5. Yang Ji,,“Analysis of Urban Residential Water
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