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Python Programming Language

1. Basics
a) Introduction and Writing first code
b) An Informal Introduction – Python Blog
c) Python 2.x vs Python 3.x
d) Keywords in Python – Introduction, Set 1, Set 2

2. Variables
a) Variables, Expressions & Functions
b) Maximum possible value of an integer
c) Transpose a matrix in Single line
d) Global and Local Variables
e) Partial Functions
f) Packing and Unpacking Arguments
g) end parameter
h) Type Conversion
i) Byte objects vs Strings

3. Operators
a) Logical and Bitwise Not Operators on Boolean
b) Ternary Operator
c) Increment and Decrement Operators
d) Division
e) Any & All
f) Inplace vs Standard Operators
g) Operator Functions in Python – Set 1, Set 2
h) Chaining comparison operators

4. Control Flow
a) Loops and Control Statements (continue, break and pass)
b) Iterations
c) Initialization and Updation of Counters
d) Accessing Counters
e) Iterators
f) Iterator Functins – Set 1, Set 2z
g) Generators
h) Looping using Data Structures
i) Printing Pyramid shapes
j) range() vs xrange()
5. Data Types
Introduction – Data Types – List, Tuples and Iterations
a) Strings – Set 1, Set 2
b) String Methods – Set 1 , Set 2 , Set 3
c) Logical Operators on String
d) Split a string
e) String Formatting using %
f) String Template Class
g) Regular Expressions | Set 1 (Search, Match and Find All)
h) Python Docstrings
i) Comprehension and slicing
j) List Methods in Python – Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
k) Tuples
l) Sets
m) Array in Python – Set 1, Set 2
n) Dictionary Methods – Set 1, Set 2
o) Get() method for dictionaries
p) Handling missing keys of dictionary
q) Chainmap
r) orderDict()

6. Functions
a) Function Decorators
b) Write an empty function in Python – pass statement
c) Yield instead of Return
d) Return Multiple Values
e) Precision Handling
f) *args and **kwargs
g) Python closures
h) Coroutine

7. Modules in Python
a) Introduction of Modules
b) Numeric Functions
c) Logarithmic and Power Functions
d) Trigonometric and Angular Functions
e) Inplace Operators – Set 1 Set 2
f) Calendar Functions – Set 1 Set 2
g) Complex Numbers – Introduction
h) Complex Numbers -Important Functions and Constants
i) Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
j) Time Functions in Python – Set 1, Set-2
k) Random Numbers
l) reduce() function
m) struct() module
n) WW.pprint & Eval()
o) xx. Fraction()
p) yy Pyautogui – Mouse Keyboard Automation

8. Object Oriented Concepts

a) Object Oriented Programming – Set 1
b) Set 2 – Data Hiding and Object Printing
c) Set 3 – Inheritance,object,issubclass and super
d) Class or Static Variable
e) class vs static method
f) Changing Class Members
g) First Class functions

9. Exception Handling
a) Exception Handling in Python
b) User Defined Exceptions
c) Built-in Exceptions
Django Training Course Syllabus
1. Introduction to Django
a) What is Django?
b) Django and Python
c) Django’s take on MVC: Model, View and Template
d) DRY programming: Don’t Repeat Yourself
e) How to get and install Django

2. Getting started with Django

a) About the 3 Core Files:
e) Setting up database connections
f) Managing Users & the Django admin tool
g) Installing and using ‘out of the box’ Django features

3. Django URL Patterns and Views

a) Designing a good URL scheme
b) Generic Views

4. Django Forms
a) Form classes
b) Validation
c) Authentication
d) Advanced Forms processing techniques

5. Django & REST APIs

a) Django REST framework
b) Django-piston

6. Unit Testing with Django

a) Overview / Refresher on Unit Testing and why it’s good
b) Using Python’s unittest2 library
c) Test
d) Test Databases
e) Doctests
f) Debugging Best Practices
Advance Python Syallbus
1. Libraries and Functions
a) Timit function
b) Numpy- Set 1 , Set 2
c) Get and Post
d) Regular Expressions – Set 1, Set 2
e) OS module
f) Copy module – Deep vs Shallow copy
g) Import module
h) Reload module
i) Collection module
j) DeQue
k) NamedTuple
l) Heap
m) Enum module
n) Statistical Functions – Set 1, Set 2
o) Bisect module
p) Decimal Functions – Set 1, Set 2
q) NetworkX
r) getpass() and getuser()
s) Reading and Generating QR codes
t) fnmatch
u) Unicodedata – Unicode Database
v) Textwrap – Text wrapping and filling
w) Generating Secure random numbers
x) pickle — Python object serialization
y) Understanding Python Pickling with example
z) copyreg — Register pickle support functions
aa) Python GUI – tkinter

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