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t ee Sofety Information About Phototonsitive Seizures ‘vor sl porartage ol pore ney experience a are wea expone ‘enin vc ages cing hing gl of peters hat mer appa? Invee ganas Err people who have nasty of elarae epipny noy awe ox nciagnocd condone can Se tna hotneraiv ppc rue while watching vioo game. ‘Thee seizure may hve cvaity of pmpfoms ieuding ightheadednest ‘here von, peor fare bihing, ering orehking oro gs, {orion cotinon or momentary low swarenen, Sites ey i> ‘cum ine of cormouese or conulons teas ood tory fro ling ‘Sown orang pear cbines lexpedtely top laying and cole detor you expenance any ofthese Sraptome foes sud wats for ae at ron abba are {raptome —ciren an neaoper are more ley thon ct expenance hes sisaes ‘That photocontio epic ptrars maybe rece by sting lr ‘noth llvisionsreon, using a alr wlvsonsefon lying In wot ‘on, ands paying when Yu ery ox ogad you ce any al our tvs have ioy of sere or eee came ase bale pong (ter inporent Heath and Safety Inkormation Te Xbox ntrction Moma ‘Snting important hoot and cay norman thet you shoul ead on ‘Sulertond inlor nny sobware ‘Avoid Damage to Your Television ‘Do sot ae with cata talevslons Some wl iona eae roa ‘earproacton pes canbe detpog amy eo goes icing ox ‘Goman are ployed on them Sits Images poser cing he femal couve lgamopioy oy "burnin oth seen coining @parmaneal show st {he ta image fo appear a el tines ove when wo game re 1 ‘played. Salar damage ay ors Fom sa mazes ated win acing ‘Svadeo ge on blo ue Com our avon gra’ naa Sstersin sf vide gos con be payed soil go your st Ityou ar ste o fd tntraton nha owners mul sna your siarn dor Oh ‘anulotrer to determine i seo gomes con be plajed stl or Your xt. No More USA Pirate Time... It's Good to Have Friends... Jokers to Watch Out For.. Our Mission . Xbox Controller Map. Heads Up Display (HUD) Credits Warranty, Customer Support. 8 No More USA miss the United States. Tremember when you could drive from state to state. afore Texas seceded from ‘he Union and when the U.S. was whole, But America no longer exists She's split into regional nation-states; the rlitias that formed to defend ‘each nation haven't stopped ‘Aghting each other. As they isolate themselves from their neighbors by demolish= ‘ng roads and bridges, the airplane and the 2eppelin, hhave replaced the car and the train asthe only reliable way to ‘move passengers and cargo from one nation to another. [As the nations make war in the alt, so too have air militias and air pirates taken to the skies to seek—and steal—their fortunes. There is no federal law anymore; whoever can. protect him- or herself wins—which, looking on the bright ‘side, makes it great for me and my gang, the Fortune Hunters. ‘Newspapers and magazines write about me—they seem ‘o think some kind of hero. "Fighting for the sense of indi- ‘vidual freedom and adventure that was lost during the Great Depression and the collapse of central government” blah blah ‘lah. Idon‘t know about all that—T'ne just trying to even the Odds for the underdog and make a litle money along the way. Pirate Time Money People ike mege-millonaie Waiam Varia? have alo oft and my ar pistes need some oft We're aot reey-=we only take rom those who can afford Sure, fot an entely honest ving, but since the stock market and te Great Depression, you have to do what you cant ‘make it. and what we do bests By rings around eter pirates, uli, cops, and privat security in our souped-up Anyway, rch people jst love to tool around in those hush zeppelin, Zep along in stately procession, pro 4 great ava platform for operations, o for plundering. Ost Pandora is one of em, I's got everything ox pirate and needs: shelter sustenance, and space to plan the ner caper But stil catch myselt eying all those other aeps fying around. Mos of them look tke theyre holding some tempting oot. It’s Good to Have Friends ‘That's my if, but no pirate operates alone. To get the big payoffs, you have to have some help-which means finding’ people you can trust. These days, that can be hard todo. 'm Iucky, though. found some people who are hungry lke me, can fly straight, and won't stab me in the back. call them the Fortune Hunters, Every gang needs a leader though. That's where I come ta. My name was "Natan Zinger” before I changed it. After growing } ‘up wandering from place to place in the southwestern United States, F joined the Escadrille Lafayette (a French air war squadron in the Great War) at 16 and fought in rope under the logendary aca EB 4 Eddie Rickenbacker. My miltary 7 cceer was bref as my plane was Drought down by a lucky shot ‘Then the Germans stuck me in : ‘a POW camp to rot. While I was there, I met Dr. Fassenbiender, who Decame a dear and lating friend, 1 didn’t want to wait until the war ended to leave the place, so I escaped. The only place to go was Russia, From there, I managed to finesse my way thto Oxford, and after graduating, I retumed to the good of USA. Iput what Tiearned Into action and made a fortune on Wall Street. The crash of '29 it me hard—almost knocked me all the way down to the street. There was no way I could rejoin the legit world, so formed the gang. Together, we put the hurton some fat cats and siow/y but surely Ive been getting back the fortune I lost | | Wah Zachary | cy Veaw “Brooklyn” Betty Charles Betty is our newest member; she has @ crush on me, I'm sure oft. I1can't say Tdon't give some ‘of that backshe’s quite a looker. Betty grew up ina rough neighbor- hhood in Brooklyn, then her mother sent her to her aunt and uncle's {in Minnesota. That's where she learned how to fy her uncle's crop dusting plano. After a stint as a ‘wing walker inthe circus, Betty left to become a commercial plot, Which is when { met her. I could {ell she was longing for adventure, so offered her a position in the Fortune Hunters Big John Big John is @ natural plot, and ven better, a trustworthy fiend, He's a gentle giant, but he grew up ‘n a tough world and is nobody's ‘ool. He honed his skill fist with the Rangers in Texas; now he tends ‘to identify with the underdog in ‘ny station. He's a man of few ‘wotds: Some think that makes him ‘mysterious think he just does his talking with his lying, Dr. Fassenblender Dr. Fassenblender is a scientist who was forced to work on rocket planes for those bloody fascists in Burope during the war. His refusal t develop new technology for them eventually anded him in the German POW camp where ‘we met, We became fast friends, ‘and hooked up again ater we hhad eventually found our separate ‘ways back to North America. He resumed his work-this time on ‘new technology for the Fortune Hunters His best development is 2 ‘new fuel injection system, which promises to make our planes ‘more powerful and efficient. I can't wait to use it to soup up my Devastator Jokers to Watch Out For ‘These are just a fer folks to watch out fr. Jonathan “Genghis” Kahn ‘Kahn used to be a friend-now hoe stands inthe way of what the Fortune Hunters want. He's Chicago's kingpin, and headsup — cur rival, the Red Skull Legion He stops at nothing to get what he wants. I've heard rumors that he's hiding a huge gep right in Chicago somewhere, and his thugs are just ‘waiting to take us all ut, Thave a feeling we're not done with each other. yet. J eee Louts “Wild Card” Thibodeaux ‘Thibodeaux isa complex man guided by one force: the urge to Decome very ric, even richer than me, We're alike in that we lmow the ‘quickest way tot air piracy. That's Why he formed yet another rival air- pirate gang, the Ragin’ Cajuns. To his ‘fiends, Thibodeaux is a calculating, mastermind ofthe Big Plan. To his. enemies, he's a deadly and merciless adversary. Thibodeaux began his career as a gambler inthe Louisiana ‘bayou and has proven himself to be extraordinarily good at, even today. He's also the luckiest man I've ever met—he can draw just the Tight card at the right time, which is howy he got his call sign “Wild Card." Thibodeaux even became the leader of the Ragin’ Cajuns through shrewd gambling and complete luck. Now he's ‘busily occupied with smuggling, bootlegging, and straight-up piracy, ‘Marla “Bloody Mary” Sanchez ‘The raven-haired beauty Maria {sa complete mystery. All we now is that she owns a repair shop out inthe Arito desert. She's ‘an incurable tril seeker and not above tsing her looks to get what she wants, She's known to live a dangerous, reckless life. [ wouldn't ‘mind getting alittle recidess with hher myself But she's nobody/s fo! Td have to earn her respect-tm not ‘used to that! Heck, id probably do ‘me good, though. — Our Mission ur mission as Fortune Hunters started out pretty simple’ Got back the loot we lost But then things started geting crazy ‘and now Tm just uying to make things right. mean, a person ‘can only take so much before the need for revenge takes over. ‘This is where you come in—you can help us. Here are some ‘things you can do: @ steui planes @ Blow away vas with an antatrrat gun @ Rob some of those tasty big zeps hovering everywhere ‘Remember, everything comes with @ price. The harder we tty to capture the Joo, the more enemies show up. FY fast plane, need frequent repairs. Lose touch with comrades, and be forced to go it alone, That's why we have a home base. Rethink, Reload Pandora is what we call home, Tis is where we retreat to ‘swap planes, swap stores, take a breather. I's where 1 go fo figure out what todo next, can always count on Pandora a5 ¢ place where I can. @ Hook up with my Fortune Hunters to figure out ‘our next mission @ Ceci oat our inventory of planes @ vpgrade the planes in our arsenal Where to Find Loot ‘ir pirates know al th best paces to ind riches to take and resources to plunder. Here ate the areas where we operate, and here's what Iknow about them, Sea Haven ‘This gem is in the Nation of Hollywood. I's a beautf place to moor a boat, and a lotof rich people come and go. Take a Took at the lush landscape, and the beautifl waves lapping up ‘on the beach, 0 of course Sea Haven’s a julcy target for pirates and other ‘thugs. And look for those cargo and passenger zeps passing through, Te ths down; you've got to know afew other things ‘about Sea Haven.. Pirates ‘fm always running into some of the Ragin’ Cajuns, or other Jouts like them. They think nothing of harassing innocent busi- nessmen. Or lifting cargo that's not theirs. (Hey, it's different ‘when Ido it. Finders keepers) So keep your wits about you~ Jook for loot and who you might have to fight for it Bither you'll ‘escape with the goods, or you'll earn some cold, hard cash. = AA guns Al those pirates, all that loot. Some of that loot has 10 be” ‘rotected, some has tobe pilfered, You might find it, well, ‘advantageous, to man an anti-aircraft gun to shoot away your rivals. So look around Sea Haven for the AA gufis. (int: Some © are high in the mountains; some are down floating on the, q water) 1 Service stations Even planes need a litle RAR, If you've got the cash, stop in at your friendly local service station. You can get fted ‘up in no time, and be ready to take on the world again, You'll find the Sea Haven service station down in the basin, inside the mountains. Zeppelins Whether i's our own Pandora or some otherbehemothin | the sky, big zeps got my attention, [like to circle around them, ‘because you can always find something useful. You'll see what mean, Stationary targets ‘Those Ragin’ Cajuns area crafty bunch. They even have ‘guard towers, where they can keep an eye on intruders. Who do they think they are, anyway? ‘Wel, with @ well-placed shot or two, lean take out those targets. Whether is in Sea Haven or somewhere else, you. have to be ready for those silent, deadly structures. ‘ Volcanoes ‘What would a paradise be without some fiery volcanic action? And what do you suppose we might find underneath that hot magma? Take note, my fellow pirate. Life is ful of opportunities and challenges. Wherever you are—mountains, desert, sea, o ‘sky=Keep a lookout for your friends and enemies. How you get the job done fs up to you, and the tools you choose. ‘Arxo is the nation that used to be Arizona and New ‘Mexico, Run by the Arixo Indians, it’s ina tight spot politically ‘and literally, sandwiched between the Republic of Texas and ‘the nation of Utah. Arixo isa favorite for pirate gangs because there are ots of places to hide out. You can enjoy some peace ‘and quiet—while planning your next move, Rumor is there's ‘more in the ground than worms. Chicago, in the Industral States of America, is & ‘own, packed with skyscrapers, planes, and elevated trains. Jesmore havardous toy through the sets of Chicago than {gs to weave through the canyons of Aro Lost City Not much is known about this place, but we have leamed that i's another treacherous stretch of land. Large tunnels ‘were part of some lost ty, and they/te big enough to fy ‘through—even get lost in. ‘Seems like everyone irtNorth America flies now. With no roads and no railways, planes are the best way to get around, especially from one nation to another. Every pirate gang, mila, and nation tends to favor one ‘plane over another. The Red Skull Legion kes the Brigand, the Nation of Hollywood fies the Firebrand,,the Navajo go for the Fury and the Desert Fox. Ifyou see one of these planes in the sky, you can guess who's atthe controls. ‘There.are three types 6f aircfaft out there: dogfighters,in- terceptors, and zop-kilers. Bach type does a specifi ob really ‘well, and you've got a lot of models to choose ftom. Here's my basic advice on the planes, They/re not all here, but you get the general idea. You'l have to discover more as you fy Dogfighters ‘My Fortune Hunters prefer these planes for aerial combat, ‘They're great for mixing it up with the bad guys: Dogfighter planes are good all-purpose aircraft. As you get toe a better pirate, you'll have more dogfighting planes to fly. These are Just a taste. Devastator ‘My Devastator is a ‘fighter-bomber manufac- ee ‘tured by Hughes Aviation, ‘and itwas aradical =< design when it came out ‘in 1992. Its propeller is at the back of the plane (called a “pusher") and its elevators are located at ‘the front. It doesn’t Have @ ‘ail, sot uses rudders, located ‘under the wings instead, to hefp crank it around in turns. ‘Looks wetrd but fies great. Primary weapon: Four machine guns ‘Secondary weapon: Magnetic rockets (ese fox Esc fur Good Pat fa ast i Characteristics of Zep-Killers SS as Sake hs plane dnl be rb Bging| veh Bogen wach ot | fetioe o Interceptors ‘The fastest planes inthe sky. May lose a bit In frepower and maneuverability, but they make up for itin speed. Desert Fox The Desert Fox is both fast and heavily armed. It can skim across the dunes at tightning speed, 0 you ‘can take out opponents before they know what's nit‘em, Primary weapon: Four machine guns ‘Secondary weapon: Mini-rockets These bables are the heavy iron. They might not move ‘very fast or turn very sharp, but let me tell you, zep-killers are nearly impossible to bring down, and they/te loaded with — firepower. They realy bag those zeppelins. Brigand ‘The Brigand is very. popular because ofits relic ‘bility and nigged construc tion. It's small but heavy ‘and well-bullt, Guns in front ‘and a turet in back make chasing Brigands a bit of problem. Isyou're chasing one, just keep yourself atthe Brigand’s § o'clock position, ‘and you'll do OK. If you're fiying one, those big guns in the back give you an advantage. ‘Primary weapon: Quad cannons ‘Secondary weapon: Concussion rocket 8 Specialty Planes | Some planes dely categorization because of thelr special- ‘ned funtions Here are woof my favorites, ‘Mini-Gyro z These ite guys are more ofa threat than mos prates give them > ‘redit or. Theis firepower is weak, but they can tum on a dine. ‘They/t slow, so theyre easy to catch, but once you catch a mini-gyro is tough to {eta good alm on tI’ got greet Euper capabiltes, too, Whle you're trying io. eta bead, i ly around you in cretes,nickel-and-diming You to death But you can got your gus on oi, fas Bar alr afew goed sas We inary weapon: Twin machine guns . Secondary weapon: Sniper cannon HS ine epee a een et ee ee nee ae Snacicean aoa, | seas, But nimble enough to ee Saas et ae ty weet ead ae estar mone Tite alr But What About the Other Planes?! In the course of a quest, you'l find you can upgrade your plane, ot find other aircraft to um.. berate. t ‘Stealing a plane's prety easy. Look around for a blinking icon of an aplane parked somewhere. Fiy close enough to the plane, press the X button, and Jump into your new ride! SO Upgrading is prety easy, too. Look for the upgrade tokens (you see ‘em everywhere), or get them awarded to you for completing missions. Take those tokens and your cash tothe Pandora, and buy yoursolf an ‘upgraded plane. =p a How to Fly ‘Al of my Fortune Hunters are expert aviators~you've gotta be when you fy at high speeds through canyon gaps no wider than a doorway. But i's really instinct that makes a great plot Controlling the plane is easy: Just steer where you want to go, and you're there, You can also speed up fora short time by pressing the ¥ button, or slow it down with aiz brakes by pressing the Button, Ifbad guys are bearing down on you, try some special moves see how below. That's all there isto it You sill need the guts to sit inthe cockpit and take the big risks, for bigemoney—but that’s what being a pirate is all about ‘Showing Off with Special Moves: So, you want to fly with the Kest? Try some special moves. Pull off death-detying rolls, the famous Immelman, and other {ticks designed to get you out of trouble. Just dick the Right ‘thumbstick, then move it to one side or the other. You'l get 2 different move depending on the combination, Go ahead, give itauyl Quick Tips : ‘© Ina dogfight, pross B to make a tighter turn, But don't sit on the brakesi Tap B once or twice, and then zero in, ‘¢ Ifthe enemy is behind you, slam out an Immelman to turn around on him. (Click and move your right thumbstici.) a ‘* Don’t be afraid to roll your airplane ta.get through tight spots, like canyons, in between buildings, or around other airplanes, Use thé Right thu stick to roll your plane. {6 Boost your Healt by fying nto this icon Service station Fy to this icon to got your plane fixed or Secondary Weapons kos my lace ees aoe git up, Lidaly, Dr Fassenbiender developed something very ax: / ach plane has its own, unique secondary weapon Find out alls characteristic when you choose your plane. Don'thave enough ammo? There aze balloons suspended inoxt-of-the- == ‘way areas, with oates dangling kom them. Fy to one and your ammo increases automaticaly You can tll what a second ‘weapon does by its shape and color. Each one can only be used 2 Tow es, 90 we've leamed to use ‘em carefully.) “ Fireball cannon Burns enemy planes with a bigblast of ire. The enemy plane catches fre and burns fora fow seconds, causing damage. ‘Tesla Cannon A sneaky weapon that shoots an arc of electricity, which latches onto a plane, overloading its electrical system and causing damage. ‘Rocket Swarm A small bunch of tiny zockets that can damage several enemy planes at once (if your aim is. {good enough) Concussion Rockets Not terribly maneuverable, but they have a powerful warhead capable of damaging multiple targets in one huge explosion. Re-arm Boost your ammo by fying into this icon. AA Gun Sometimes the best weapon forthe job isnt on your plane arall. t's on the ground, in the form ofa big oY powerful anti- arcraft gun. AA guns are great for holding position and taking ‘care of enemy aiplanes. You can control some guns; other ‘guns just shoot at you when you're inthe ai. ‘let ‘in Next a af ame 4 lace Pt ow a a Xbox Live! ‘Take Crimson Skies Beyond the Bax with Xbox Live! box Live™ isa high-epeed or broadband Internet gaming community where you can create & permanent gamer identity, setup a riends List with other players, see when they're online, invite them to play, and talk to them in real-time as you play. Connecting Before you can download the latest content for Crimson ‘Skios™, you need to connect your Xbox console toa director shared high-speed/broadband Internet connection and sign up for the Xbox Live service. To determine if Xbox Live i availablo in your region and for information about connecting to Xbox Live, see and select your country. If ‘you need more help go to or call 1-800-4MY-B0X, Downloadable Crimson Skies Content ‘you are an Xbox Live subscriber, you can download the very latest content (such as new levels, missions, weapons, planes, and more) to your Xbox console. yng on your own is great, but fying with fr agent) | friends is even better. You can wreak al Kinds of havoc with | Grimson Skies: High Fond to Revenge multiplaver games! a) Three ways to go.. ‘There's nothing Uke geting into t witha bunch of other pirates—er,plots-and you can do that in afew ways: box Live! 1 or 2 payers on your Koos for a maxinum y af 16 players on 16 Xbores total. Broadband eonnection and Xbox Live account needed. ‘System link Fly with other players using a Systom Link or crossover Ethernet cable that connects 20 boxes directly to each other. a Split screen Upto four players, side by side, spit screen. Get the command from the Multiplayer menu. ‘Signing in to Xbax Live ‘When you're ready to sign intoXbox Live, select Multi- player from the Main Menu, and then selectLive. Then select ‘user profile and an Xbox Live 1D for each player signing in. ‘Atleast one player must select a valid account with Xbox Live: then, an additional player can sign in as Guest (Guests cannot use any voice capabilites) When every player has selected a profile and an account, press the A button to sign in and enter the Grimson Skies Lobby. Entering the Lobby From the Crimson Skies Lobby, you'll see a number of ‘options Note: I'you press the B btfon while in th Cron Skies Lobby, you wil quit the game. Fr players who are playing on one Yoox, pressing the Black buton removes all Players on that Xbox fom the game. Quick Match Find an opponent immediately by specifying ee a OptiMatch™ Find the perfect game by specifying the options you want to play. Greate Game Create and host a game. Priends ListView your current Friends List, see the online status ofa friend, and invite a friend to pay. Stats See statistics forthe games you've played. Download Download new content suc as new planes or maps, ‘Sign Out ‘Quit your game session and sign out of box Live, Online Options Set your player state and other options. Voice Capabilities | Using an Xbor Communicator, you can chat with other players while you ploy online, See the instructions tat came With your Xbox Communicator for more information. | | Friends List Hl You canada up to 100 other gamers to your Fiends List. t You can send and receive invitations from those friends, see if they're signed in, see which game they're playing, and more. | To add a player to your Friends List | 1. From the Main Menu, goto the Game Lobby. 2, Press the ¥ button to bring up the Player Options ment. 2, Highlight the person you want to add and press the ‘Abutton, 4, Select Send Friend Request from the lst of options ‘To mute a player 1, From the ist of players, select the player you wish to mute. 2, Press the A button for options. ©} 3. Change the Voice setting to Mute, Se apreeR e= [Ay a ena Aste ‘To invite a friend to join a game 1. Press Xto goto the Friends menu. 2, Press A to go to the Options menu. 3, Select Invite Friend to)a Game, then press A 4, Highlight the friend's name and press X to invite, 5, Select al the friends you've invited, then press A. ’ 6, Press B to return to the Friends menu. ‘1 Press B again to return to the Lobby. Picka Match... (Choose the match you like best. Shoot other planes down, steal the goods, teem up with other fyers, whatever is your cup of jo. Bogfight: Isa free-for-all battle for the skies! Il you shoot someone down, you get a point, bu if you plow into the ground, you lose a point. The player to hit the point Limit ‘stor with the most points atthe end of the time limit—wins! ‘Team Dogfight: Shoot down the enemy pilots, but be careful you don't shoot your buddies in the back! If you shoot an enemy down, you get a point for the team, but if you commit suicide or shoot down a teammate, you lose a point ‘The twam to hit the point limit first—or with more points at the end ofthe time limit—wins! = Flag Heist: Capture the enemy team's ag and return It to yur base—capturing the enemy flag is the only way to score Pst team to hit the point limit or with more points at the ena ofthe time limit wins! Keep Away: Grab the artifact you want and the clock starts ticking, but watch out-everyone else wants it too! Every second you have the artifact, you accumulate time: If your total time hits the required time lim or f you have the most time at the end of the game's time limit, you win! ‘Team Accumulate: Grab the artifact you want for your. | team and the team clock starts ticking, and this time you've got your friends to protect you! If your team's combined time hits the required time limit or if your team has accumulated the ‘ost time atthe end ofthe time limit, you win! ‘Wild Chicken: There's a wild chicken on the loose, and ‘you've got to get it! Why? Because the other team wants it too, ‘that’s why! Shoot down planes from the other team for points, ‘or capture the chicken for big points! Get that bird by running ‘nto it and returning it to your bage, The team with the most ‘points atthe end of game time wins the game! Where to Fly ‘You can‘ just fly off into the wild blue yonder without @ clue-ora map. There's a map for every nation-state you'll oy ty nants, yo an ou pall his lo ces my) Sea Haven S ry aie gt la aay le ae eee Recommended game: Wild Chicken! f \ j Pence arian aye in ios ee essen ester ecouinkided game: Dogtitog! § Lost City Fly inside the massive cavers ofthe Lost City, where you'll find giant statues, dinosaur bones, carved heads lost temples, and seoret passageways. Recommended game: Flag Heist! Chicago Fly among and through the skyscrapers; keep an eye behind you for enemies, but keep the other eye out front so you don't fy straight into a wall! Recommended game: Keep Away! Windy City 13 a dark and stormy night-and you're flying right through it, Watch out for thick fog, enemy bullets, and the freak Lightning bolt! Recommended game: Flag Heist! Take Offf Consider yourself pre-lghted and ready for takeoft. You're ‘gonna love being an ar pirate! Just keep your eyes peeled. your guns ready, and your airplane in sharp condition. Don't be shy about visiting the Pandora or the service station if you need some help or advice, The adventure is just beginning. Atom ae aver Fila weapon Indioates which kind ‘youhawe, and bow ‘ony uoos are lel etnies cnTot SET Oat | Speci! Thon: Me ee ate, Be, a he oe lo Dae Ste Fone ei, ee Sea re Ot Sc ee Mp Fist i one Hence Sra, So th Sho ern ener tee ree trie ei ‘ici seniors a “ht a Limited Warranty For Your Copy of Xbox Game Software ("Game") Required in the United States or Canada Warranty irom Cororton (Mires) waranty, ie oginal puchoee tte Gene tt ths Game wl pear bona oe does athe ‘essmpanyig ame ee pet of dys em le tet ce, ifyoudacoe a poblam yt he Game sored yaa weet wn to 80 y perio your tala wil repo ot eplare he Game ote pon S00 ‘tchngo,oosng th proces Wanied belo Tha ted waaay) ‘doesnt cpp Come aod in bias exo oma puro ‘a (noid i anya wih the Ga ead fo atch cnn ie cemmapricomn Returns within 90-day period Wraay clans shoal be mode o your tay Rar he Game to our | ‘eter aang wit 2 copy ote orignal se Yep nd co explancon of the alii yos axe arpecancing win the Game, ts pt te | Wl eter pat ropon he Come, Ary ropicman Goma rol ore rrcindar lhe agin waren pao ods tom ‘ecg whichever longer tory roann tho Gaze cnt be epee ‘repioned. you il be ene oct your ze! (bt no or amoges Ineued Inreanonclarellnee bu ony op oe cna hn rice ou phd fer the Game. The froin ep roplacamen or lied damages your eee Limitations Thi ied wrt n pce ol ber expres or tcloy werent ovine o es ent a ter of cay nature ae made oral be Bing ‘on Micros oa upper Aay sand warortan appa {9 this Goma or tn edie we ia coccinea oto’ danrbed cons, 1O THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, METTIER Pes al amsens 11 pia j + re ud eas ts cog ies ‘nmportent ndviuals ude 1 oar of ge noe pens or gu ‘erninton cll «pay persal funeral cd ong diatoms leone ‘xtekcags cy ppl hath cater’ oaponsby i hack wiht + tn Merc, call 0019667458012, ‘THY cone: 019062512621 ‘eter Xbox game ea ol ava rom 1-400 4MFBOX, You mst cal Xx Gone Tipe Atom) or Xbox Geme Tips Suppor Repco) or fps Hata codes. ‘afmere infront us on he Wah twwbon com Sie eee ogame mi as reel ee seta See rr ee eral oe ‘Seat cg pyr te rec pet ‘Tiina etn pam emmy eo | SS Tecate ot Emmy rt or tins an if ad te SS ees Sm nto meet tet et Sn ef eet a tnd ‘estamos oe

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