A Good Citizen Story Taller

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Student: _____________________________ Date: ________

A Good Citizen (Short Story)
Yesterday Mrs Sood went to the market. She went there in the morning. She carried her umbrella
with her. There was a bench in front of a jewelry shop. She sat on it. A white car came and stopped in
front of the shop. A man got off the car. He had a cap on his head and a scarf round his face and
neck. He was tall, thin and carried a big bag. He threw a big stone at the window of the jewelry shop.
The glass pane broke. The man quickly jumped in through the hole. He put a number of gold chains
and bangles into his bag. Then he rushed towards his car. Mrs Sood saw all this. As the man came
near the bench, she pushed her umbrella in front. The man tripped and fell. 'Thief! Thief!' shouted Mrs
Sood. Just then a police van came. Two police men ran up and caught the thief red-handed.
Meanwhile the shopkeeper also came along. The policeman told him the whole story. The
shopkeeper collected his gold ornaments. Then he went up to Mrs Sood. 'Thank you, madam,' he
said. 'You're brave and clever.' He took her inside the shop. Giving her a gold ring, he said, 'This is
my way of saying "Thank you" to you.' Mrs Sood smiled, thanked the shopkeeper but she didn't take
the gold ring. 'I'm a good Citizen and a good Citizen is not paid for being one.
1. Look for the words you don’t know in the dictionary
2. Highlight the verbs in past in the story. Classify them in two groups; the ones that have similarities
and the ones that are completely difference.
3. Draw 6 scenes which you consider are the most important from the story. Keep in mind the
sequence of the story (Initial part –Conflict Part- Resolution).
1 2

3 4

5 6
English Quiz. Reading; a good citizen
Name: ___________________________ grade: _____ date: ______
1. Organize de events into the correct order. Use numbers from 1 to 11

Event Order
A white car came and stopped in front of the shop.

Then he went up to Mrs Sood. 'Thank you, madam,' he said. 'You're brave and clever.'

There was a bench in front of a jewelry shop. She sat on it

He threw a big stone at the window of the jewelry shop. The glass pane broke.

'Thief! Thief!' shouted Mrs Sood.

He put a number of gold chains and bangles into his bag.

Giving her a gold ring he said, 'This is my way of saying "Thank you" to you.

'I'm a good Citizen and a good Citizen is not paid for being one.

Yesterday Mrs Sood went to the market.


Two police men ran up and caught the thief red-handed

As the man came near the bench she pushed her umbrella in front.

2. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets
1. Carlos ___________ (Trip) with a stone yesterday
2. We ____________ (go) to the beach last Friday
3. The boy _________ (Push) the girl and she __________ (fall)
4. I play Pokémon. Yesterday I ___________ (Catch) a Pikachu
5. My mother___________ (come) form New York last month
6. When Mary _________ (see) the new toy, she ___________ (shout) because of happiness
7. Stop
8. Yesterday, the children __________(break) the window
9. Charles __________ (run) in the park yesterday.

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