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Name: Arnold Sintong Oloan Tampubolon

NIM: 29119283
My perception of Chevron’s brand based on Pak Albert’s lecture
My view about stadium general course that was taught by Pak Albert Simanjuntak is exceptional
where he is able to be a good Chevron image for society. He represented Chevron in a good way
from his incredible experience in the business and his good speaking ability to explain Chevron
image to the people and society.
After hearing his lecture, I feel that Chevron is really a big company, professional, and has spirit
to always help society. The way he thought about leadership in industry based on his experience
in Chevron is really create a very nice brand image about Chevron to society. He explained the
way Chevron had helped society since their first come to Indonesia until now on. It’s really good
to hear so many social activity that Chevron has done to society by participating for improving
education in Riau, building local infrastructure, and supporting university. Now I can see that
Chevron is like a generous and helpful personality company.
From Pak. Albert explanation, I can see that Chevron really value its people and its partners. It can
be seen from the way Chevron wants its operation to always run safely and to make sure his
employee can go home safe every day. It can be related to Chevron’s way where they have SSWA
(Self Stop Work Authority) that can be implemented by its employee to stop operation when the
job condition is not safety. And it’s proven through Chevron’s achievement to be the number one
oil and gas company with no accident occurrence.
The way he explained Chevron’s value, I can see that he has been the best example of a person
who has adopted those value on his self. I can see from his explanation that Chevron has a good
image about integrity where they will give zero tolerance to unsafety operation. Moreover, they
value trust where they will always tell something that they can fulfill and they also put trust to their
partners to do the job that they have been assigned.
Pak Albert also told why Chevron really value diversity because diversity is really needed to
continually improve in the business. Therefore, Chevron would send their employee to experience
international exposure where they would work and learn from different people who have different
language, ethnicity, and personality. He said that it is not going to be comfortable to work with
people who are different from ourselves but they have to try to be comfort in the non-comfort zone.
He said that Chevron would prefer the people who had experienced international exposure that
would fill the leadership positions. That’s because people who worked internationally has
successfully adopted diversity value.
Pak Albert is also a good example of working as a partner that also one of the chevron’s values.
He taught about his principle in partnerships where he thought that he can only be successful if the
people around him is also successful. So it needs partnership to grow and improve together as a
team. From his lecture, I can see that Chevron is the company that always deliver results with its
operational excellence culture. Chevron always improve its job process so that they can get the
best result. For the conclusion, I thought Pak Albert is a great communicator and a good example
to represent Chevron brand as a company that has strong and exceptional cultures internally but
also good, kind, generous and helpful externally.

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