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PART 1: Complete the text by choosing the correct form of these verbs to fill the gaps. They can be used
more than once.
Due to the destruction of their natural habitats, more and more animals need to be (1) ………………. by
creating nature reserves and passing laws. The laws are often designed to (2) ………………. farmers from
using land where rare species live. The idea is that humans and animals (3) ………………. coming into
conflict by not competing for the same land. Sometimes local people complain about losing farm land to nature
reserves. However, jobs are often created for game wardens, whose job is to (4) ………………… the nature
reserves to make sure everything functions correctly. Other people get jobs selling tickets to visitors, and there
are also jobs for people to (5) ……………… the tickets as the visitors pass the entrance. In nature reserves
containing dangerous animals, it may only be possible to visit them by car, and wardens need to (6)
…………….. the number of cars entering the reserve to make sure they keep within reasonable limits. There
is no possibility to construct buildings near (7) ………………. areas. This type of activity is what the wardens
have to (8) ………………… as well. On the other hand, they also need to constantly (9) ………………… the
hunting activities and take measures to (10) ………………. any kind of poaching.

[ /10p]

PART 2: Complete each of these sentences by using the correct form of the verb in brackets. In some
sentences more than one answer is possible.
1. The lions wouldn´t have attacked us if they ………………… (not be) so hungry.
2. I wish it …………… (be) summer – then we could go to the beach!
3. If my maths teacher ……………….. (be) ill at the moment, we ………………… (have) a maths test
4. If only you ……………….. (not make) so much noise! I can´t concentrate on my studies and it´s really
annoying me!
5. I wish I ………………. (live) near the city centre. It´s such a long bus ride from here.
6. Where´s Candice? I hope she ………………… (not miss) the train.
7. I wish you …………………… (speak) more clearly so I could understand you better.
8. I hope you …………………. (change) your shirt before we go out to the restaurant.
9. I know my mother wishes she ………………….. (study) harder when she was my age.
10. I think this soup ……………………… (be) nicer if I´d used a bit less salt, don´t you?
[ /11p]
PART 3: Complete the second sentence in each question so that is has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given in CAPITALS. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.
1. We are lost because we didn´t bring the map with us. LEFT
If we ………………………. the map behind, we would not be lost now.
2. My sister only did the work in our neighbour´s garden because they gave her some money for helping them.
My sister would not have done the work in our neighbour´s garden unless they ……………….. for helping
3. Even if he had worked harder, the result would have been the same. DIFFERENCE
It would not ……………………… if he had worked harder.
4. It is a pity I do not get on better with my brother. RELATIONSHIP
I wish I …………………… my brother.
5. Sasha would like Irina to help him from time to time. ONCE
Sasha wishes Irina ………………………….. a while.
[ /10p]

PART 4: You will hear a woman called Kirsty Willis who works in a zoo, giving a talk to students about
careers with animals. For questions 1-10 complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase.
Working in a zoo
You have more chance of getting a job if you have (1) …………………………… .
You will have little (2) …………………………… with the animals.
You must be good at (3) …………………………… .
It´s ideal for people who like to have daily (4) ………………………… .
Working in an aquarium
You should be able to handle a (5) …………………………….. .
You will (6) ………………………….. at the end of the day!
Working as a vet
Animals often have a (7) …………………………… attitude towards vets.
You need to be able to (8) …………………………… well.
Working as a trainer
Most opportunities are in (9) ……………………………. .
A typical day lasts (10) ………………………………. .
[ /10p]
NAME: ………………………………………………. DATE: …………………

PART 1: Complete the text by choosing the correct form of these verbs to fill the gaps. They can be used
more than once.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
[ /10p]
PART 2: Complete each of these sentences by using the correct form of the verb in brackets. In some
sentences more than one answer is possible.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

[ /10p]
PART 3: Complete the second sentence in each question so that is has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given in CAPITALS. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.




[ /10p]
PART 4: You will hear a woman called Kirsty Willis who works in a zoo, giving a talk to students about
careers with animals. For questions 1-10 complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. [ /10p]

PART 1: Complete the text by choosing the correct form of these verbs to fill the gaps. They can be used
more than once.
1. protected 2. Prevent 3. Avoid 4. Supervise 5. Check
6. Control 7. Protected 8. Control 9. Check 10. Avoid

PART 2: Complete each of these sentences by using the correct form of the verb in brackets. In some
sentences more than one answer is possible.
1. Had not /hadn´t been 2. Was/were 3. Wasn´t, would have had 4. Would not make

5. lived 6. Has not /hasn´t missed 7. Would speak 8. will change / are going

to change 9. Had studied 10. Would be

PART 3: Complete the second sentence in each question so that is has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given in CAPITALS. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.
1. Had not / hadn´t left

2. Had paid her

3. Have made a/any difference

4. Had a better relationship with

5. Would help him once in

PART 4: You will hear a woman called Kirsty Willis who works in a zoo, giving a talk to students
about careers with animals. For questions 1-10 complete the sentences with a word or a short
1. A degree 2. Contact 3. Public speaking 4. Routine(s)

5. Boat 6. Smell (of fish) 7. negative 8. Communicate

9. Films 10. Fourteen / 14

Complete First for Schools – Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 12 for exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 139 in
Student book)
Complete First for Schools Workbook – Listening part (page 51)

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