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Ruth Beatrice V.

Phoebe Briane M. Esguerra

CA3 - Marketing Communications Report

1. What do you know about Marketing Communications?

Our understanding of the term Marketing Communications is that they use creative and
informative techniques such as advertising, promotion and branding to promote the product of
their company. Through these tools, they are able to convey a message to their audience and
target market.

2. What do you not know about Marketing Communications?

The course itself is new to us, since we are shifters coming from a different field of study. We
would say that we do not have enough knowledge or background to know what we know or not
know about Marketing Communications.

3. What are your expectations in the subject?

We expect a interactive and productive discussion since this is a major subject for our course.
We hope to gain a deeper understanding and be able to apply what we learn in the future.


We perceive Marketing Communications as a course that deals with different methods of

delivering a message to the desired audience or consumers. We do not have much knowledge
about Marketing Communications. Therefore, we hope to acquire informative learnings from this
course that would help us in our field of study in the near future.

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