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Carnot Cycle (T-S-T-S)

 This is an ideal or theoretical thermodynamic cycle which is said to be the most efficient cycle for converting thermal
energy into useful work. This cycle consists of the following reversible processes:

 Illustration:

Process 1 – 2: Isentropic compression, S1 = S2

Process 2 – 3: Isothermal heat addition, T2 = T3 = TH
Process 3 – 4 : Isentropic expansion, S3 = S4
Process 4 – 1: Isothermal rejection, T4 = T1 = TL

Reversed Carnot Cycle (Basic Refrigeration Cycle)

 This follows the same processes in power producing Carnot cycle, but the cycle operates in reverse direction or
counterclockwise direction. This produces/creates temperature difference (thermal energy) by doing an amount of
work. According to 2nd law of thermodynamics or Clausius’ statement, “It is impossible for a self-acting machine,
unaided by external agency, to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature.” The transfer of heat
from a low-temperature region to a high-temperature region requires a refrigerating machine (refrigerator) or heat
engine (heat pump).

 Illustration:

Process 1 – 2: Isentropic compression, S1 = S2

Process 2 – 3: Isothermal heat rejection, T2 = T3 = TH
Process 3 – 4: Isentropic expansion, S3 = S4
Process 4 – 1: Isothermal heat absorption, T4 = T1 = TL

MERE-423 (Refrigeration Engineering)

 Formulas used in the analysis of the Reversed Carnot Cycle
o Heat added, QA

o Heat rejected, QR

o Net Work, Wnet

o The performance of a refrigerating machine is expressed by ratio of useful energy (refrigerating capacity)
to work, called energy ratio or coefficient of performance (COP) which is usually greater than 1.

o As a heat pump or heat engine, the performance is characterized by performance factor (PF).

o Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is the amount of heat removed from the material or space in BTU/hr for 1
watt of electricity that is consumed.

Sample Problems:
1. A refrigerating system operates on the reversed Carnot cycle. The minimum and maximum temperatures are minus 25°C and
plus 72°C, respectively. If the heat rejected at the condenser is 6000 kJ/min. Find:
(a) the power input required, and
(b) tons of refrigeration developed.
2. A refrigerating system working on reversed Carnot cycle has higher temperature of 120°F and the lower is 10°F. The capacity is
20 tons. Neglect losses. Determine the:
(a) COP
(b) heat rejected in BTU/min
(c) Wnet in BTU/min and hp.
3. A reversed Carnot cycle is used for refrigeration and rejects 1000 kW of heat at 340 K while receiving heat at 250 K. Determine
the COP, power required and refrigerating effect.
4. A reversed Carnot cycle has a refrigerating COP of 4.
(a) What is the ratio Tmax/Tmin?
(b) If the work input is 6 kW, what will be the maximum refrigerating effect? (Express in kJ/min and tons.)
5. The power requirement of a Carnot refrigerator in maintaining a low temperature region at 238.9 K is 1.1 kW per ton. Find
(a) COP

Reversed Carnot Engine MERE-423 – Lesson 03 Prepared by: Engr. Christian Kenneth D. Garduce
(b) TH
(c) the heat rejected.

Reversed Carnot Engine MERE-423 – Lesson 03 Prepared by: Engr. Christian Kenneth D. Garduce

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