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Hurdles in Our Way to Becoming a Truly Independent State

Intro: Colonial mentality

What is an independent state


Counter-perspective: Pakistan - The Independent State

What Thwarts Pakistan’s Struggle for “True Independence”?

Still wracked by the shackles of imperialism

>White supremacy
>Colourism, Elitism

Economic and financial dependency

>Western aid ; American aid
> Chinese debt diplomacy

Geopolitical Concerns – Stephen Cohen

“While history has been unkind to Pakistan, its geography has been its greatest benefit,” claimed
Stephen Cohen; a prominent expert on South Asian security

>Hegemonic Indian designs dominate foreign policy – crisis in kashmir; destability in balochistan
>Destability in Afghanistan: The rise of IS and Al-Qaeda; failure of the Afghan peace process

Domestic Troubles – Anatol Lieven

>Challenges to democracy: global rankings
>Rampant poverty & corruption: global rankings
>Issues of governance: lack of planning & foresightedness – unchecked population growth, poor health
and education; red-tapism, nepotism
>civil-military nexus

>Political instability and terrorism at home

>Weak institutions; delayed justice and a lack of accountability (police, NAB)

>Misuse of religion; sectarianism, exploitation of the blasphemy act

Way Forward
Define our own path
>Hyphenated foreign policy


Freedom means to have the privilege to choose. So what does it mean when we
don’t have a choice? In a country where politicians are neck and neck in battle,
how do we expect them to look at the bigger picture?

So then it comes down to us, the high-spirited patriots. We must not let our
spirits die today. When tomorrow dawns, live with the same sense of pride and
responsibility that you have in you today. Our optimism and belief are two of
the most important virtues, which keep us going despite numerous
tribulations that keep us down, time and again. We just need to carry this
legacy of determination, belief and hope forward, and one day we may
eventually make a difference in who we are and again emerge as a respectable

Let today be the day we promise to stand on the same platform; kindling one
heart at a time towards a better tomorrow.

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